sap hardening and patch management guide for windows server

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server Microsoft Corporation November 15, 2005 Summary

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide

for Windows Server

Microsoft Corporation

November 15, 2005


This whitepaper introduces security measures for SAP systems running on Windows Server. Two security measures are described: hardening and patch management. These security measures can help enhance security within your Windows Server-based SAP environment.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1

2 Hardening............................................................................................................................................. 5

2.1 What Is Hardening?........................................................................................................................ 5

2.2 Multi-layered Hardening.................................................................................................................. 6

2.3 Harding Implementation Steps........................................................................................................6

2.4 Implementation of Hardening..........................................................................................................7

Network Hardening........................................................................................................................... 7

Server Hardening............................................................................................................................ 23

Implement Other Hardening............................................................................................................41

2.5 Other Hardening Information........................................................................................................44

2.6 Operation Checks......................................................................................................................... 45

2.7 Final Security Check..................................................................................................................... 47

2.8 Other Methods for Checking Hardening Implementation..............................................................47

3 Patch Management............................................................................................................................ 48

3.1 What Is Patch Management?........................................................................................................48

3.2 Collecting Information................................................................................................................... 49

Collecting Information about Security Vulnerability.........................................................................49

3.3 Assessing Risks............................................................................................................................ 50

Assessing the Consequences and Urgency of the Vulnerability......................................................52

What is a Vulnerability Assessment Matrix?....................................................................................52

Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability..................................................................53

Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk.......................................................................................54

Determining the Degree of Urgency................................................................................................54

Devising a Plan for Responding to the Vulnerability........................................................................59

3.4 Applying Security Update Program...............................................................................................61

Points to Consider When Applying Security Patches......................................................................61

Testing the Security Update Program before Application................................................................62

Testing the Application in a Test Environment.................................................................................62

Updating via Management Tools.....................................................................................................62

3.5 Monitoring the Results.................................................................................................................. 63

Verifying Behavior in the Test Environment.....................................................................................63

Confirming the Steps for Roll-Back in the Test Environment...........................................................64

Confirming that the Necessary Programs have been Applied.........................................................64

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification....................................................................................65

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1.1 Verification Scenarios...................................................................................................................65

1.2 Contents of Verifications...............................................................................................................66

1.3 Verification Results....................................................................................................................... 66

1.4 Network Hardening Settings.........................................................................................................67

Network Hardening in SAP R/3 Enterprise......................................................................................67

Network Hardening in SAP ITS.......................................................................................................69

Network Hardening in SAP Enterprise Portal..................................................................................72

1.5 Service and Other Hardening Settings..........................................................................................77

Service Hardening Using Templates...............................................................................................77

Reconfigurations Made After the Application of Security Templates................................................94

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1 Introduction

Recently, there has been an increase in reports by newspapers and TV programs about computer virus damage and information leakages. Computer virus damage and information leakages may cause suspension of business and consume large amounts of company resources in taking countermeasures. In serious cases, it may pose a threat to the status and reputation of the company.

SAP systems typically handle mission-critical operations, such as finance and sensitive company information. For this reason, if information leakage or virus problems occur in an SAP system, the company may suffer enormous damage. To reduce the risk of unplanned system shutdowns, effective security measures must be taken.

This whitepaper presents hardening and patch management as security measures against such risks to Windows Server-based SAP systems.

The purpose of hardening is to achieve a system environment that is less vulnerable to unauthorized access and virus attacks. In the Hardening chapter, we describe how to define and implement hardening, as well as verify the implementation.

The purpose of patch management is to assess the specific risks to a company and to apply appropriately timed security update programs. With patch management, the minimum required security update programs can be applied to that helps to minimize the risks and costs of system changes. In the Patch Management chapter, defining patch management and operation is explained in five steps: "Collecting Information", "Assessing Risks", "Applying the Security Update Programs", and "Monitoring the Result." Throughout the chapter, risk assessment is emphasized.

Note:Hardening and patch management are complementary procedures and implementation of one without the other will be insufficient. Hardening helps to reduce a system from possible attacks (such as from computer viruses), but may not be able to handle unfamiliar attack methods. To minimize this possibility, risk assessment (as a part of patch management) should be implemented.

Purpose of This Whitepaper

Secure system environments can be maintained by applying security update programs as soon as they are released. However, it may be difficult to apply them immediately after release because of issues such as the costs associated with verifying the effect of a security update program, the interruption of services when the programs are applied to the operating environment, and the risk of altering the operating environment. This whitepaper aims at helping to alleviate these problems and attempts to help you build a more secure SAP system. By applying what is described in this whitepaper to a Windows Server-based SAP system, help with securing an SAP system (and thus addressing an aspect of high system availability) is achieved and TCO may be reduced. Note that most of the configuration-specific guidance in this paper is applicable to Windows Server 2003. Similar procedures may be found in Windows Server 2000 documentation dependent on the particular topic covered.

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Scope of Security Measures Covered in This Whitepaper

Common security measures are further classified into "technical measures" (such as installation or configuration of hardware and software) and "institutional measures" (such as creation of policies, or determination and analyses of vulnerabilities).

Error: Reference source not foundFigure 1 – Security Measures

Among the security measures illustrated in Figure 1, "Building a Secure System (Multi-layer Defense)" and "Patch Management" can be effective technical measures if implemented properly.

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Figure 2 – Multi-layer Defense

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Using a multi-layer approachIncreases risk for attackers to be detectedReduces the possibility of successful attacks




Internal NetworkInternal Network


Equipment Security

Policies, Regulationsand Awareness

ACL, Encryption

Enhancing Applications,Virus Protection

Enhancing operation systems, Security Update Management, Authentication, HIDS

Network Segment, IPSec, NIDS

Firewall, VPN isolation

User Education

Security Guard, Lock and Tracking Device

The idea is to protect the system from unexpected attacks.

It enhances protection by setting multiple defense lines.

(hardening using templates)

The idea is to protect the system from unexpected attacks.

It enhances protection by setting multiple defense lines.

(hardening using templates)

Multi-layer DefenseMulti-layer Defense

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This whitepaper covers the security measures indicated under the Category column of Error: Referencesource not found. For security issues not listed here, appropriate measures will need to be implemented as necessary.

It is also important to note that such security measures must be considered on every SAP system in your environment (regardless of the type of operating system or database used) as no platform is completely secure.

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Table 1: Common Security MeasuresCategoryMeasuresCoverageTechnical measuresSecurity breach inspectionBuilding a secure system

(multi-layer defense)DataApplicationHostYesInternal networkYesBoundariesEquipment securityPolicies, regulations, and awarenessPatch ManagementYesMonitoring viruses and unauthorized accessInstitutional measuresRisk analysisYesOperation guidelinesRisk management proceduresPolicy implementationPolicy


Table 1: Common Security MeasuresCategoryMeasuresCoverageTechnical measuresSecurity breach inspectionBuilding a secure system

(multi-layer defense)DataApplicationHostYesInternal networkYesBoundariesEquipment securityPolicies, regulations, and awarenessPatch ManagementYesMonitoring viruses and unauthorized accessInstitutional measuresRisk analysisYesOperation guidelinesRisk management proceduresPolicy implementationPolicy


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2 Hardening

This chapter defines hardening and how to implement and verify it on a Windows Server-based SAP system.

Error: Reference source not found

2.1 What Is Hardening?Hardening an SAP system is configuring your SAP system with only the minimum platform functions that are necessary for operating the system. In this way, security, availability and reduction of the operating cost of the system is addressed.

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Contents of this ChapterThis chapter defines hardening and how to implement and verify it on a Windows Server-based SAP system.

What is Hardening?

Multi-layered Hardening

Implementation of Hardening

Final Security Check


Contents of this ChapterThis chapter defines hardening and how to implement and verify it on a Windows Server-based SAP system.

What is Hardening?

Multi-layered Hardening

Implementation of Hardening

Final Security Check


Hardening Defined…Definition: Configuring SAP systems with only the minimum platform functions that are necessary for operating the system.

Effect: Enhances securityPrevent the SAP system from exposure to unnecessary vulnerability risks and block computer virus attacks to a maximum extent.

Effect: Ensures availabilityMinimize the frequency of applying security update programs that often require systems to be shutdown.

Effect: Reduces operational costMinimize the frequency of applying security update programs that may involve user-side testing.

Hardening Defined…Definition: Configuring SAP systems with only the minimum platform functions that are necessary for operating the system.

Effect: Enhances securityPrevent the SAP system from exposure to unnecessary vulnerability risks and block computer virus attacks to a maximum extent.

Effect: Ensures availabilityMinimize the frequency of applying security update programs that often require systems to be shutdown.

Effect: Reduces operational costMinimize the frequency of applying security update programs that may involve user-side testing.

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2.2 Multi-layered HardeningThis whitepaper covers three types of hardening which are especially effective on SAP systems.

2.3 Harding Implementation Steps

Hardening should be implemented in stages. For example, take one item (such as network or service) at a time, check the behavior, then move on to the next item.

Figure 3 - Hardening Implementation Steps

*1 Use ASR backup of Windows Server 2003 or a third party image backup tool.*2 Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer or other tools.

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Effective hardening methods for SAP systemsThis whitepaper covers three types of hardening can be effective on SAP systems, if implemented properly.

Network hardening (internal network layer)

Service hardening (host layer)

Other hardening (host layer)

Effective hardening methods for SAP systemsThis whitepaper covers three types of hardening can be effective on SAP systems, if implemented properly.

Network hardening (internal network layer)

Service hardening (host layer)

Other hardening (host layer)

Assure there is a means for rollback or backup the system configuration (*1)Assure there is a means for rollback or backup the system configuration (*1)

Repeat the procedure for each server and hardening(rollback when a problem arises)

Final security check (*2)Final security check (*2)

Implement server hardening

Implement server hardening

Implement network hardening

Implement network hardening

Implement other hardening

Implement other hardening

Step-by-step implementation of hardeningStep-by-step implementation of hardening

Operation checksOperation checks

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2.4 Implementation of Hardening

Before implementing high-quality hardening, some preparation is required. Some important preparation tasks are: clarifying the required security level, checking the specifications of your system, determining what might need hardening, estimating the cost and the effect of the hardening, and determining what to harden.

Network Hardening

Hardening networks on an SAP system is implementing packet filtering to block unnecessary communications. With this, the goal is to make stacks more difficult by blocking unnecessary communication.

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Preparations before implementing hardeningBefore implementing high-quality hardening, some preparation is required.

Clarifying the required security level

Determine how far security should be enhanced.

Checking the system specifications

Check the specifications of not only the SAP system but also systems other than SAP.

This includes checking required communication paths, ports, and services.

Determining what might need hardening

Determine what should be subjected to network, service, and other hardenings.

Estimating the cost and the effect of the hardening

Estimate the effect and the associated cost beforehand to ensure maximum effect with

minimum cost.

Determining what to harden

Decide which items should be subjected to hardening and how extensively it should be


Preparations before implementing hardeningBefore implementing high-quality hardening, some preparation is required.

Clarifying the required security level

Determine how far security should be enhanced.

Checking the system specifications

Check the specifications of not only the SAP system but also systems other than SAP.

This includes checking required communication paths, ports, and services.

Determining what might need hardening

Determine what should be subjected to network, service, and other hardenings.

Estimating the cost and the effect of the hardening

Estimate the effect and the associated cost beforehand to ensure maximum effect with

minimum cost.

Determining what to harden

Decide which items should be subjected to hardening and how extensively it should be


Network Hardening Defined…Definition: Implementing packet filtering on SAP systems to block unnecessary communications.

Effect: Blocks attacks that use unnecessary communicationsMaking attacks against vulnerability more difficult by closing unnecessary communications to SAP systems.

Network Hardening Defined…Definition: Implementing packet filtering on SAP systems to block unnecessary communications.

Effect: Blocks attacks that use unnecessary communicationsMaking attacks against vulnerability more difficult by closing unnecessary communications to SAP systems.

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Network hardening is important on SAP systems for the following reasons: 1) SAP systems only use specific ports that can be easily identified, 2) the ports used on SAP systems are typically less apt to be attacked by computer viruses, and 3) hardening networks to the maximum extent makes attacks more difficult for hackers.

As a first step, determine which servers are critical to deliver SAP services (which servers might be a single point of failure from a network hardening perspective?).

SAP Central Instance

SAP Database Instance

Other non-redundant servers

Such a determination will decrease the time necessary to install the applicable security patches which could lead to downtime for these servers from a standpoint of availability. Therefore, there would be implementation of port and services limits of these specific SAP application and database servers (also effective with SAP Router) while other servers may not have such strict limitations.

Overall, separate SAP servers which potentially have a single point of failure (CI, DB, etc.) from others; thus creating a “SAP server segment” via firewall, router, etc. So that security patches can be done one by one, other SAP-related servers that are “redundant” are separate (e.g. SAP dialog instance, ITS AGate/WGate, etc.).

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Importance of Network HardeningReasons why network hardening is important on all SAP systems in your environment.

Reason: SAP systems only use specific ports that can be easily identified.The ports are further limited when the functions of the SAP J2EE engine are suspended.

Reason: The ports used on SAP systems are that are typically less apt to be attacked by computer viruses.The ports are also customizable.

Reason: Therefore, hardening networks to the maximum extent makes attacks more difficult.

Importance of Network HardeningReasons why network hardening is important on all SAP systems in your environment.

Reason: SAP systems only use specific ports that can be easily identified.The ports are further limited when the functions of the SAP J2EE engine are suspended.

Reason: The ports used on SAP systems are that are typically less apt to be attacked by computer viruses.The ports are also customizable.

Reason: Therefore, hardening networks to the maximum extent makes attacks more difficult.

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Figure 4 – An Example of Network Hardening for a Corporate Network

Ports and Packet Filtering

Packet filtering should be taken into consideration to block all unnecessary network traffic on ports to SAP systems (as well as any 3rd party tools) and IPSec script policy should be leveraged.

Execute IPSec policy scripts on each Windows Server and hardware-based packet filtering to lock down specific ports can be done via a firewall, router, and layer 3 switch among network subnets. (See SAP Note #66687 (“Use of Network Security Products”) concerning SAP certification requirements for some 3rd party network security tools.)

Note that Microsoft ISA Server 2004 can provide advanced firewall protection and includes the following:

One machine can act as both Firewall and SAP Router

Application layer filtering

Can decrypt HTTPS, inspect content and redeliver it internally

Pre-authentication, form based

Attachment control

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Interface blocking

Intrusion detection

By applying the IPSec script policy to your server, you can confine the communication pathway and restrict the TCP and UDP ports used for the communication. For how to use IPSec, refer to:

The following is includes an example of the IPSec script policy:

:IPSec Policy Definition

netsh ipsec static add policy name="Packet Filters - R3" description="Server Hardening

Policy" assign=no

:IPSec Filter List Definitions

netsh ipsec static add filterlist name="ALL" description="Server Hardening"

netsh ipsec static add filterlist name="DIALOG" description="Server Hardening"

netsh ipsec static add filterlist name="MSSQL" description="Server Hardening"

:IPSec Filter Action Definitions

netsh ipsec static add filteraction name=SecPermit description="Allows Traffic to Pass"


netsh ipsec static add filteraction name=Block description="Blocks Traffic" action=block

:IPSec Filter Definitions

netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist="ALL" srcaddr=any dstaddr=me description="ALL"

protocol=any srcport=0 dstport=0

netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist="DIALOG" srcaddr=any dstaddr=me description="DIALOG"

protocol=TCP srcport=0 dstport=3200

netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist="MSSQL" srcaddr=me dstaddr=

description="MSSQL" protocol=TCP srcport=0 dstport=1433

:IPSec Rule Definitions

netsh ipsec static add rule name="ALL" policy="Packet Filters - R3" filterlist="ALL"

kerberos=yes filteraction=Block

netsh ipsec static add rule name="DIALOG" policy="Packet Filters - R3" filterlist="DIALOG"

kerberos=yes filteraction=SecPermit

netsh ipsec static add rule name="MSSQL" policy="Packet Filters - R3" filterlist="MSSQL"

kerberos=yes filteraction=SecPermit

netsh ipsec static set policy name="Packet Filters - R3" assign=y

Example: Create the sample code as a batch file and execute it on SAP R/3 Enterprise server.

1 Default communication blocked.2 Permit dialog process access from clients (between clients and SAP R/3 Enterprise via destination

port TCP 3200).3 Permit access from SAP R/3 Enterprise to DB instances (between SAP R/3 Enterprise and SQL

server via destination port TCP 1433).

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Necessary Ports for Operating SAP Systems

A list of ports used by:

SAP systems (along with other security-related documentation): Security Detail Infrastructure Security.

Windows Server System:“Service Overview and Network Port Requirements for the Windows Server System”;en-us;832017.

SQL Server: over TCP: 1433, UDP: 1434

IIS (World Wide Web Publishing Service): 80, 443

Terminal Services and Remote Desktop: 3389 (default; can be configured):“How to Change the Listening Port in the Windows Terminal Server Web Client”;en-us;326945)

Active Directory (dependent on design):“How to Configure a Firewall for Domains and Trusts” “Restricting Active Directory Replication Traffic to a Specific Port”;en-us;224196

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Table 1 – Necessary (Destination) Ports for Operating SAP Systems

Application Service Name Protocol Destination Port

SAP R/3 Enterprise sapdpNN TCP 32NNsapgwNN TCP 33NNSAPlpd TCP 515HTTP/HTTPS TCP 81NN/444NNsapmsSID TCP 36NNHTTP/HTTPS TCP 80NN/443NNSMTP TCP 25HTTP/HTTPS TCP 5NN00/5NN01IIOP Initial context /IIOP over SSL TCP 5NN02/5NN03P4/P4 over HTTP tunneling /P4 over SSL TCP 5NN04/5NN05/5NN06IIOP TCP 5NN07JMS TCP 5NN10Telnet TCP 5NN08Multiplexer TCP 4NN00Portwatcher TCP 4NN01-79HTTP TCP 4NN80-99

TCP 5NN17/5NN18/5NN19MessageServer TCP 36NNHTTP/HTTPS TCP 81NN/444NNEngue Server TCP 32NNEng. Replication TCP 33NN

SAP ITS Wgate sapvw00_<SID> TCP 39NMsapvwmm_<SID> TCP 39N9sapvw00_ADM TCP 39NMsapvwmm_ADM TCP 39N9

SAP ITS Agate HTTP/HTTPS TCP 80/443sapdpNN TCP 32NNsapgwNN TCP 33NNsapmsSID TCP 36NN

SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0 HTTP/HTTPS TCP 5NN00/5NN01IIOP Initial context /IIOP over SSL TCP 5NN02/5NN03P4/P4 over HTTP tunneling /P4 over SSL TCP 5NN04/5NN05/5NN06IIOP TCP 5NN07JMS TCP 5NN10Telnet TCP 5NN08

TCP 5NN17/5NN18/5NN19

SAP Enterprise Portal IIS Proxy HTTP/HTTPS TCP 80/443HTTP/HTTPS TCP 5NN00/5NN01

Note: The port numbers are customizable. <SID> represents an SAP system ID (such as P01) and <NN> represents an instance number (such as 00).

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Table 3 – Necessary (Destination) Ports for Operating SAP Systems (cont’d)

Application Service Name Protocol Destination Port

SAP Router SAProuter TCP 3299sapdpNN TCP 32NNsapgwNN TCP 33NNsapmsSID TCP 36NN


Active Directory See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article #179442 – “How to Configure a Firewall for Domains and Trusts" and #224196 – “256986) at

SQL Server SQL over TCP TCP 1433

Oracle TCP 1527

DB2/UDB TCP Customize

SAPDB TCP 7200/7210

Informix TCP 3800


Terminal Services TCP 3389

Windows Server NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (Used by SAP Support)

TCP 3389

File Sharing (Used in the sharing of SAP migration files and in the shipping of SQL server logs)

TCP 445UDP 445TCP 137UDP 137UDP 138TCP 139

Clustering (Central instance and DB instance multiplexing)

TCP 135UDP 3343

For details, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article #832017 – “Port Requirements for the Microsoft Windows Server System".

Note: The port numbers are customizable. <SID> represents an SAP system ID (such as P01) and <NN> represents an instance number (such as 00).

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Figure 5 – Ports Used by SAP R/3 Enterprise

Figure 6 – Ports Used by SAP ITS (Wgate and Agate)

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Figure 7 – Ports Used by SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0

Figure 8 – Ports Used by SAP Enterprise IIS Portal Proxy

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Figure 9 – Ports Used by SAP Router

Figure 10 – Ports Used by SAP Web Dispatcher

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Configuration of Ports

For configuration of ports and other steps for network hardening, use the "Microsoft Management Console (MMC)":

Click Start, and then click Run.

1. Type "mmc" in the Name field of the Select File To Run dialog box, and then click OK.

2. The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) window is displayed. Click File on the menu bar.

3. From the pull-down menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in.

4. The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box is displayed. Click the Standalone tab.

5. In the Standalone tab, click Add.

6. The Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box is displayed. Select IP Security Policy Management in

the Available Standalone Snap-ins dialog box, and then click Add.

7. The Select Computer or Domain dialog box is displayed. Select Local Computer. Click Finish.

8. Click Close on the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box.

9. Click OK on the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box.

10. IP Security Policies on Local Machine is added under the Console Root on the Microsoft

Management Console.

11. Click the added IP Security Policies on Local Machine to display the registered IP security policy

in the right pane.

Figure 11 – IP Security Policy

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12. Double-click the registered Packet Filters - R3.

Figure 12 – Packet Filter IP Security Policy

13. The Packet Filters - R3 Properties dialog box is displayed (see Figure 10). Click the Rules tab.

14. Select an IP filter that you want to verify from the IP Security Rules section on the Rules tab, and

then click Edit.

Figure 13 – Edit Rule

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15. Select the IP Filter List tab on the dialog box that is displayed.

16. Select an IP filter that you want to verify from the IP Filter List section in the IP Filter List tab, and

then click Edit.

17. The IP Filter List dialog box is displayed and you can verify the configuration of the IP filter.

Figure 14 – IP Filter List

18. When you finish verifying the IP filter, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

19. To verify the configuration of the filter action, select the Filter Action tab in the Edit Rule Properties dialog box.

Figure 15 – Filter Actions

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To un-assign network hardening, select then right-click on Packet Filters - R3 in the Microsoft Management Console. Then select Un-assign from the pop-up menu. To remove the network hardening, select Delete from the same pop-up menu.

Figure 16 – Un-assign IP Security Policy

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Network Communication Paths

Figure 17 – Communication Paths for an SAP R/3 Enterprise Environment

Figure 18 – Communication Paths for an SAP ITS Environment

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Figure 19 – Communication Paths for an SAP Enterprise Portal Environment

Figure 20 - Communication Paths for anSAP Enterprise Portal + Active Directory Environment

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Active Directory Considerations

As per SAP’s Web AS installation guide, SAP application and database servers should be implemented in either of the following ways:

Extra domain: SAP systems are embedded in their own “SAP”-specific domain and a separate domain is used for user accounts. Both domains must be incorporated in a domain tree with the user account domain as the root domain and the SAP domain as the child.

Single domain: SAP servers and user accounts are in the same domain.

Reference SAP Note #711319 (“Domain Installation using Delegation of Administration in AD”) for information regarding the situation when installation of SAP cannot be performed by a domain administrator as specified in SAP’s installation guides.

Also, for SAP Enterprise Portal, situations may arise where it may be desired to prevent local users from another domain from logging into SAP EP. See SAP Note #710032 (“Restrict Windows Authentication to Domains”) for specific configuration information to meet this need.

Server Hardening

An SAP system is under unnecessary security risks when there are services not applicable to SAP or have ineffective settings. Therefore, administrators should disable unnecessary services and strengthen security settings for others to the extent that SAP services can run without any issues. Such actions can be efficiently performed to some extent by utilizing security templates provided by Microsoft.

Hardening Using Templates

You can use the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide and the associated templates as a step towards implementation of hardening. There are three types of security templates that are differentiated according to the security environment and nine types of templates that are differentiated according to the server role. You will need to implement a hardening for each server role.

For more information on the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide, visit the Microsoft Download Center.

Three types of templates differentiated according to security environment

Legacy client (security level: low)

Enterprise client (security level: medium)

High security (security level: high)

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Nine types of templates differentiated according to server role

Domain controller

Member server

Web server

Infrastructure server (DHCP, WINS)

File server

Print server

IAS server

Certificate service server

Bastion host

Additional Information:

After applying Windows Server 2003 templates, you can make your SAP system more secure by

checking and changing the following configurations in accordance with the documents in Table 3.

- Confirm that every partition of the disk is formatted in NTFS.

- Confirm that an invulnerable password is set for the Administrator account.

- Disable or delete unnecessary accounts.

- Make sure that the old security configurations are not changed when you upgrade your system

from previous versions.

- Configure the Administrator account.

- Delete all unnecessary file sharing.

- Specify an appropriate ACL for every necessary file sharing.

- Protect your Telnet server.

- Enable IIS logging.

- Unbind NetBIOS from TCP/IP.

- Remove OS/2 and POSIX subsystems.

- Disable the automatic generation of short file names (8.3 format).

- Disable the creation of LM hashes.

- Configure NTLMSSP security.

- Disable automatic execution.

Use Microsoft Management Console to apply security templates. Before you apply a security template, you need to backup the role security policies using an administrative tool called "Local Security Policy."

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Backup Local Security Policy

1. Click Start, and then select All Programs.

2. Select Administrative Tools in the All Programs menu, and then click Local Security Policy.

3. The Local Security Policy dialog box is displayed. Select then right-click Security Settings in the

dialog box.

4. Select Export Policy from the pop-up menu.

Figure 21 – Backup Local Security Policy

5. The Export Policy To dialog box is displayed. In the File Name field, type the name of the file that

you want to export the policy to.

6. Click Save to export the local security policy to the file.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 25

Page 31: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Applying the Security Template

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type "mmc" in the Name field of the Select File To Run dialog box and click OK.

3. The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) window is displayed. Click File on the menu bar.

4. From the pull-down menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in.

5. The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box is displayed. Click the Standalone tab.

6. In the Standalone tab, click Add.

7. The Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box is displayed. Select Security Configuration and

Analysis in the Available Standalone Snap-ins dialog box, and then click Add.

8. Click Close on the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box.

9. Click OK on the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box.

10. Security Configuration and Analysis is added under the Console Root on the Microsoft

Management Console.

11. Select then right-click the added Security Configuration and Analysis.

12. Select Open Database from the pop-up menu.

Figure 22 – Security Configuration and Analysis

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 26

Page 32: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

13. The Open Database dialog box is displayed. In the File Name field, type the name of the database

that you want to open, and then click Open.

14. The Import Template dialog box is displayed. In the File Name field, select the security template

file (INF file) downloaded from Internet, and then click Open. You should select a security template

file appropriate for your server configuration.

Figure 23 – Importing Templates

15. On the Microsoft Management Console, select then right-click Security Configuration and


16. Select Analyze Computer Now from the pop-up menu.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 27

Page 33: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Figure 24 – Security Configuration and Analysis

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 28

Page 34: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

17. When you execute analysis of the computer, red X marks appear to indicate the parts where the

current settings should be changed.

18. If you want to change the template, double-click the entry.

Figure 25 – Analysis of Computer

19. If you want to change the template, change the entry.

Figure 26 – Property for Password Length

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 29

Page 35: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

20. On the Microsoft Management Console, select then right-click Security Configuration and


21. Select Configure Computer Now from the pop-up menu.

Figure 27 – Configuration of Computer


We recommend that the procedure be carried out step by step.

If you want to provide against the worst case, it is recommended that you perform a system backup

using Automatic System Recovery (ASR) or an image backup tool before applying a template.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 30

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Service Hardening

Service hardening is the process of disabling the services that are unnecessary for operating your SAP system. In this way you can block attacks that use unnecessary services and improve the performance of the system.

Error: Reference source not foundService hardening investigates Windows services that are unnecessary for the operation of the SAP system and disables their Startup options in order to prevent any attacks through usage of these unnecessary services.

There are three settings for Startup options: "Auto", "Manual", and "Disable." Set the option in accordance with the criteria described in the table below.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 31

Service Hardening Defined…Definition: Disabling services that are unnecessary for operating SAP systems.

Effect: Blocking attacks that use unnecessary servicesMakes attacks against vulnerability more difficult by disabling services unnecessary for SAP systems.

Effect: Improving performanceReduces the load on the server and improves performance by disabling services unnecessary for SAP systems.

Service Hardening Defined…Definition: Disabling services that are unnecessary for operating SAP systems.

Effect: Blocking attacks that use unnecessary servicesMakes attacks against vulnerability more difficult by disabling services unnecessary for SAP systems.

Effect: Improving performanceReduces the load on the server and improves performance by disabling services unnecessary for SAP systems.

Table 3: Setting the Startup OptionType of ServiceStartup OptionServices that are obviously unnecessary for operating the systemDisableServices that are obviously necessary for operating the systemAutoOther


Table 3: Setting the Startup OptionType of ServiceStartup OptionServices that are obviously unnecessary for operating the systemDisableServices that are obviously necessary for operating the systemAutoOther


Importance of Service HardeningReasons why service hardening is important on all SAP systems in your environment.

Reason: SAP systems only use specific Windows services that can be easily identified.

Reason: As long as you are willing to give up some functionality, many of the services can be disabled and the SAP system will still function adequately.

Importance of Service HardeningReasons why service hardening is important on all SAP systems in your environment.

Reason: SAP systems only use specific Windows services that can be easily identified.

Reason: As long as you are willing to give up some functionality, many of the services can be disabled and the SAP system will still function adequately.

Page 37: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server


This table shows Windows services installed during a standard installation. Clustering environments may have different services.

<SID> represents an SAP system ID (such as P01) and <NN> represents an instance number (such as 00). For SAP R/3 Enterprise, there are two "SAP<SID>_<NN>" services - one is for central instances and the other is for central service instances.

SAP J2EE Engine (Dispatcher and Server), SDM, and IGS of SAP R/3 Enterprise are started by central instance services.

SAP J2EE Engine Server of SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0 is started by "SAP J2EE Engine Dispatcher" service.

When you disable services not listed in this table, you should check the intended purpose of the services and test it in the appropriate system environment.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 32

Table 4: Services Necessary for SAP SystemsMinimum required services for Windows ServerEvent LogLogical Disk ManagerNetwork ConnectionsPlug and PlayProtected StorageRemote Procedure CallSecurity Account ManagerWindows Management InstrumentationWindows Management Instrumentation ExtensionsAdditionally required services for SAP R/3 EnterpriseSAPOSCOLSAP<SID>_<NN>SAP<SID>_<NN>Additionally required services for SAP ITS AgateSAP ITS Manager - <SID>SAP ITS Manager - ADMITS WatchdogSAP IACOR Manager Additionally required services for SAP Enterprise PortalSAP J2EE Engine DispatcherAdditionally required services for SQL ServerWorkstationServerMSSQLSERVERSQL Server AgentAdditionally required services for clustersRemote RegistryCluster ServiceRemoval StorageAdditionally required services for IISWorld Wide Web Publishing ServiceIIS Admin ServiceAdditionally required services for SAP ITS WgateSAP IACOR Manager Additionally required services for SAP Enterprise Portal IIS Proxynone

Table 4: Services Necessary for SAP SystemsMinimum required services for Windows ServerEvent LogLogical Disk ManagerNetwork ConnectionsPlug and PlayProtected StorageRemote Procedure CallSecurity Account ManagerWindows Management InstrumentationWindows Management Instrumentation ExtensionsAdditionally required services for SAP R/3 EnterpriseSAPOSCOLSAP<SID>_<NN>SAP<SID>_<NN>Additionally required services for SAP ITS AgateSAP ITS Manager - <SID>SAP ITS Manager - ADMITS WatchdogSAP IACOR Manager Additionally required services for SAP Enterprise PortalSAP J2EE Engine DispatcherAdditionally required services for SQL ServerWorkstationServerMSSQLSERVERSQL Server AgentAdditionally required services for clustersRemote RegistryCluster ServiceRemoval StorageAdditionally required services for IISWorld Wide Web Publishing ServiceIIS Admin ServiceAdditionally required services for SAP ITS WgateSAP IACOR Manager Additionally required services for SAP Enterprise Portal IIS Proxynone

Page 38: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

The tables below show the services that are not required for operating SAP various systems.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 33

Table 5: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required by Domain ControllerAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

DHCP Server

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDM

Portable Media Serial Number ServicePrint Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 5: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required by Domain ControllerAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

DHCP Server

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDM

Portable Media Serial Number ServicePrint Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 34

Table 6: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP R/3 EnterpriseAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 6: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP R/3 EnterpriseAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 35

Table 7: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SQL Server (for SAP R/3 Enterprise)Alerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


Microsoft Search


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDENetwork DDE DSDM

Portable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 7: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SQL Server (for SAP R/3 Enterprise)Alerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


Microsoft Search


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDENetwork DDE DSDM

Portable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 36

Table 8: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP ITS AgateAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 8: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP ITS AgateAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 37

Table 9: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP ITS WgateAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support

Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 9: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP ITS WgateAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support

Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 38

Table 10: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP Enterprise PortalAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 10: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP Enterprise PortalAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 39

Table 11: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SQL Server (SAP Enterprise Portal)Alerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


Microsoft Search


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDENetwork DDE DSDM

Portable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 11: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SQL Server (SAP Enterprise Portal)Alerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support


Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


Microsoft Search


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDENetwork DDE DSDM

Portable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 40

Table 12: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP Enterprise Portal IIS ProxyAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support

Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Table 12: Unnecessary Services for SAP Systems

Services not required for SAP Enterprise Portal IIS ProxyAlerter

Application Layer Gateway Service

Application Management


COM+ System Application

DHCP Client

Distributed File System

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Link Tracking Server

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Error Reporting Service

File Replication

Help and Support

Human Interface Device Access

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Indexing Service

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Intersite Messaging

Kerberos Key Distribution Center

License Logging


NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Network DDE

Network DDE DSDMPortable Media Serial Number Service

Print Spooler

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Remote Access Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Resultant Set of Policy Provider

Routing and Remote Access

Secondary Logon

Shell Hardware Detection

Smart Card

Special Administration Console Helper

Task Scheduler



Terminal Services Session Directory


Uninterruptible Power Supply

Upload Manager

Virtual Disk Service


Windows Audio

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service

Wireless Configuration

Page 46: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Implementing Service Hardening

Use the administrative tool called "Services" to implement service hardening.

1. Click Start, and then select All Programs.

2. Select Administrative Tools in the All Programs menu, and then click Services.

3. The Services dialog box is displayed. Select then right-click on the service that you want to harden.

4. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.

Figure 28 – Service Hardening

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 41

Page 47: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

5. The Properties dialog box is displayed. Set the Startup Type to Disable, and then click OK.

6. Repeat the above procedure for all services that you want to harden.

Figure 29 – Disabling Services

Implement Other Hardening

Internet Information Server (IIS) Hardening

If using IIS 4.0 (NT 4.0) or 5.0 (Windows 2000) for SAP ITS or SAP Enterprise Portal, use the IIS Lockdown Tool to lock down services. The tool is available for download at

The lockdown tool provides an wizard to change security settings and various templates for various scenarios are available. URLscan integration is also provided which decreases the possibility of attack by computer viruses as it analyzes HTTP requests and keeps IIS from accepting unordinary requests.

When using IIS 6.0 however, such toolkit functionality is included with Windows Server 2003. Note that usage of IIS 6.0 is only available for ITS starting with SAP ITS version 6.20 patch level 3 and IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003 is not installed or setup by default. See SAP Note #585545 for information on running SAP ITS on IIS 6.0.

For reference, other security-related tools are available at

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 42

Page 48: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

SQL Server Hardening

If SQL Server 2000 is used as the database for SAP on Windows Server, refer to sp for information on steps to secure SQL Server 2000. Information for SAP running on Windows Server 2003 will be added to this whitepaper when available.

Install most recent SQL Server Service Pack

Assess your server security with MBSA

Use Windows Authentication Mode

Isolate your server and backup it up regularly

Assign a strong SA password

Limit privilege of SQL Server Service

o One account per service

o Simple Domain User right

Disable SQL Server port on Firewall

Use the most secure file system – NTFS

Delete or secure old setup files

Audit connection to SQL Server

Specific SAP Hardening

For specific considerations for SAP applications (Basis level 4.6B and higher), refer to SAP Note #165485 (“R/3 Security under Windows NT”). In addition:

On servers without transport directory, you can restrict the directories \usr and \usr\sap to the local administrators: Administrators(Full Control).

On the transport server, generate a further local group "SAP_LocalAdmin". Insert the SAP_<SID>_GlobalAdmin groups of all SIDs involved in the transport into this group.

Assign the following authorizations to the directories \usr, \usr\sap and \usr\sap\trans: Administrators(Full Control) SAP_LocalAdmin(Full Control).

The shares "SAPLOC" and "SAPMNT" can also be provided with this authorization list.

Change password on default Users SAP*, DDIC… Client 000 and 066

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 43

Page 49: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Anti-Virus Considerations

Even further protection beyond locking down ports and services, segmenting the SAP servers onto a separate network, etc. is the protection via anti-virus software. Most Microsoft customers running SAP on Windows Server have used anti-virus software with shield activated without experiencing performance issues or problems and the following several best practices can be considered:

Exclude the database file(s)

Exclude SAP temporary files

Scan only incoming traffic or file on write operations

Do not activate self decontamination but warn SAP administrators immediately

Well known viruses can many times be detected and immediately removed without infection as anti-virus vendors typically have provided the capability to quickly scan a system and update all definition files immediately in case of critical news of widespread attack. Critical viruses are, on average, typically only “unknown” for 24 hours. Another option can also include implementation of an anti-virus gateway.

SAP Workstation Hardening

Even if an SAP client is secured through SAP security administration, a workstation (host) could be compromised through operating system, network, and other application vulnerabilities. As a result, it may not be able to run applications, it could be used as a “zombie” to run attacks and it could be used by an attacker to steal data, including usernames and passwords.

Protection of workstations includes the following considerations:

Security Configuration OS, Application, Browser, E-mail, etc. Security Patches Service Packs Host firewall Scanning, Analyzing, Remediation Deployment strategy Antivirus Software

In addition, evaluate the latest security enhancements in relation to Windows XP SP2:

Windows Firewall Internet Explorer Security Enhancements Outlook Express Security Enhancements OS Security Enhancements

o Core services reviewed and rewritteno Memory protection

Review SAP Notes #66971 and 738927 about Windows XP SP2 Identify, Assess, Test and Deploy latest security patches Deploy baseline security on new machines

Specifically, the firewall provided with Windows XP SP2 is on by default for all network interfaces, provides boot-time security and global and per-interface configurations, has an exceptions list (that can be disallowed), accounts for local subnet restrictions, supports multiple profiles and RPC, can be configured via command-line and has better group policy management.

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The firewall’s feature of “on by default” is:

Installed with new installations and upgrades Enabled when new interfaces are added Has default configuration that provides good protection against worms (e.g., Blaster) Can account for certain applications that might require special settings Manageable through Group Policy Administrative Templates, Network, Network Connections,

Windows Firewall, profile, "Windows Firewall: protect all network connections“

The firewall’s “boot time security” features:

Provides a new, static filtering policy at boot time Permits DNS, DHCP, Netlogon WF policy that is applied after logon (policy then stays in effect until after IP stack is shut down) Closes hole that existed after boot, but before policy application

The firewall’s “perimeter protection”:

Could be a distributed environment Application layer inspection Pre-authentication Protocol filtering

o HTTP content, URL, and other filtering Port blocking Intrusion detection Logging

2.5 Other Hardening InformationOther considerations that impact overall total cost of ownership (TCO) for hardening that need to be considered are aspects such as the use of Active Directory with proper Organizational Unit (OU) architecture and Group Policy Objects that can help with securing the overall computing environment.

As well, management tools such as Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), Terminal Services, HP OpenView, etc. can be used for centralized, proactive security monitoring and administration.

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2.6 Operation ChecksYou can perform an operation check of your SAP system by performing a basic operation check in accordance with the table below.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 46

Other Reference InformationMicrosoft TechNet Security Center Server 2003 Security Guide Server 2000 Security Hardening Guide

Windows XP Security Guide Blueprint to Fortress: A Guide to Securing IIS 5.0 Network and Layer Transport Security Security in Detail Infrastructure Security Network and Layer Transport Security (SAP NW ’04)SAP Security Guides Security in Detail SAP Security Guides SAP Basis / Web AS Security Guides or SAP NetWeaver ’04 Security Guide (Complete)

Other Reference InformationMicrosoft TechNet Security Center Server 2003 Security Guide Server 2000 Security Hardening Guide

Windows XP Security Guide Blueprint to Fortress: A Guide to Securing IIS 5.0 Network and Layer Transport Security Security in Detail Infrastructure Security Network and Layer Transport Security (SAP NW ’04)SAP Security Guides Security in Detail SAP Security Guides SAP Basis / Web AS Security Guides or SAP NetWeaver ’04 Security Guide (Complete)

Table 13: Basic Operation CheckEnvironmentOperations to be checkedSAP R/3 Enterprise environmentAre the services of SAP R/3 Enterprise started? Any errors in the log?

Are the services of RDBMS started? Any errors in the log?

Can you log on to SAP R/3 Enterprise?SAP ITS environmentAre the services of ITS Wgate started? Any errors in the log?

Are the services of ITS Agate started? Any errors in the log?

Can you log on using a Web browser?SAP Enterprise Portal environmentAre the services of SAP Enterprise Portal started? Any errors in the log?

Are the services of RDBMS started? Any errors in the log?

Can you log on using a Web browser?

Table 13: Basic Operation CheckEnvironmentOperations to be checkedSAP R/3 Enterprise environmentAre the services of SAP R/3 Enterprise started? Any errors in the log?

Are the services of RDBMS started? Any errors in the log?

Can you log on to SAP R/3 Enterprise?SAP ITS environmentAre the services of ITS Wgate started? Any errors in the log?

Are the services of ITS Agate started? Any errors in the log?

Can you log on using a Web browser?SAP Enterprise Portal environmentAre the services of SAP Enterprise Portal started? Any errors in the log?

Are the services of RDBMS started? Any errors in the log?

Can you log on using a Web browser?

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You can also check your system using the checklist and the transactions described in the table below. Checking these items verifies that there are no problems at the SAP basis level (note that problems in the application level are not checked).

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 47

Table 14: Operation ChecklistTaskTransactionMethodCheck that every AP server is started.SM51-SAP ServersVerify the work processes.SM50-Process OverviewCheck that every work process is in either "running" or "waiting"

status.Check if any updates have failed.SM13-Update RecordsUse "*" as the user ID and check if any "Err." have occurred for all updates in the past year.Verify the system log.SM21-System LogInvestigate peculiar

events such as "Errors", "Warnings", "Security", "messages", "Abends Database" and "problems".Check for cancelled jobs.SM37-Select Background jobsUse "*" as user ID and check that every critical job has been

successful.Check that no locks have continued for long periods of time.SM12-Lock entry list.Use "*" as user ID.Verify the user sessions.SM04-Users

AL08 - UsersCheck for unknown or suspicious user IDs.Verify that there are no problems with spooling.SP01-Spool:

Request ScreenInvestigate any processes with "in process" status lasting more than an hour.Verify the job logs.SM35-Batch input: Initial ScreenInvestigate "New jobs" and "Incorrect jobs."Analyze the dump.ST22-

ABAP Dump AnalysisAnalyze the workload statistics.ST03N-Workload:Analysis of <SID>Analyze the buffer statistics.ST02-Tune SummaryInvestigate the swaps.Investigate the error log.ST04-DB Performance

AnalysisCheck usage of the table area.DB12Verify the system log.OS06-OS MonitorInvestigate the OS log.

Table 14: Operation ChecklistTaskTransactionMethodCheck that every AP server is started.SM51-SAP ServersVerify the work processes.SM50-Process OverviewCheck that every work process is in either "running" or "waiting"

status.Check if any updates have failed.SM13-Update RecordsUse "*" as the user ID and check if any "Err." have occurred for all updates in the past year.Verify the system log.SM21-System LogInvestigate peculiar

events such as "Errors", "Warnings", "Security", "messages", "Abends Database" and "problems".Check for cancelled jobs.SM37-Select Background jobsUse "*" as user ID and check that every critical job has been

successful.Check that no locks have continued for long periods of time.SM12-Lock entry list.Use "*" as user ID.Verify the user sessions.SM04-Users

AL08 - UsersCheck for unknown or suspicious user IDs.Verify that there are no problems with spooling.SP01-Spool:

Request ScreenInvestigate any processes with "in process" status lasting more than an hour.Verify the job logs.SM35-Batch input: Initial ScreenInvestigate "New jobs" and "Incorrect jobs."Analyze the dump.ST22-

ABAP Dump AnalysisAnalyze the workload statistics.ST03N-Workload:Analysis of <SID>Analyze the buffer statistics.ST02-Tune SummaryInvestigate the swaps.Investigate the error log.ST04-DB Performance

AnalysisCheck usage of the table area.DB12Verify the system log.OS06-OS MonitorInvestigate the OS log.

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2.7 Final Security CheckAfter completing the hardening implementation, you need to check whether it has been implemented without omission. Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) to check the security of your Microsoft products. With this tool, you can make a simple security check of Windows Server 2003, IIS and SQL Server.

For the details about Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), see

Whitepaper: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer V1.2

2.8 Other Methods for Checking Hardening ImplementationYou can also check your hardening implementation by using tools such as Ping, Event Viewer and group policy resultant sets.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 48

SummaryThis chapter has explained how to implement hardening to improve your Windows Server-based SAP systems.

Hardening is a solution that brings significant benefits to SAP system

administrators.Hardening enables you to enhance security, ensure availability, and reduce the operating cost of the system.

Hardening is not a sufficient security measure in and of itself.To keep an SAP system secure, you should also include patch management in the implementation.

SummaryThis chapter has explained how to implement hardening to improve your Windows Server-based SAP systems.

Hardening is a solution that brings significant benefits to SAP system

administrators.Hardening enables you to enhance security, ensure availability, and reduce the operating cost of the system.

Hardening is not a sufficient security measure in and of itself.To keep an SAP system secure, you should also include patch management in the implementation.

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3 Patch Management

This chapter describes how to implement patch management for your Windows Server-based SAP system, from collecting information about security vulnerability to monitoring the results of security update programs. In this whitepaper, the focus is on the risk assessment used to determine whether you should apply a security update program depending on the system.

Microsoft and SAP work closely during the release cycle for service packs as Microsoft provides SAP all pending services packs prior to their release. Thorough testing occurs by SAP before Microsoft releases a particular service pack to ensure that installation will not cause a disruption of a running SAP system. See SAP Note #663621 (“Supporting Microsoft Hot Fixes with Windows Update”) for more information on SAP support of service packs.

Specific SAP support statements for Microsoft Windows Server service packs can be found at SAP Note #30478 (“Support Packs on Windows”).

3.1 What Is Patch Management?Patch management is comprehensively controlling the application of released security update programs from the perspective of the processes involved and of your team (organization). This whitepaper concentrates on the security update programs. In an environment in which you have appropriately implemented hardening as described in Chapter 2 "Hardening", you may often find after implementing a risk assessment (which is one of the patch management steps), that it is not urgent to apply the patch immediately to protect against both known and new security vulnerabilities.

Patch management can be divided into four major processes: 1) "Collecting Information", where you periodically check announcements about security vulnerability; 2) "Assessing Risks", where you analyze risks identified through the collected security vulnerability information; 3) "Applying the Security Update Program", where you test and apply the security update program; and 4) "Monitoring the Result", where you check that all the necessary security update programs have been applied. The following sections describe patch management based on these four processes.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 49

Contents of this ChapterThis chapter describes how to implement patch management for your Windows Server-based SAP system.

What Is Patch Management?

Collecting Information

Assessing Risks

Applying the Security Update Program

Monitoring the result


Contents of this ChapterThis chapter describes how to implement patch management for your Windows Server-based SAP system.

What Is Patch Management?

Collecting Information

Assessing Risks

Applying the Security Update Program

Monitoring the result


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Error: Reference source not found

Figure 30 – Example of the Patch Management Processes

3.2 Collecting InformationBefore implementing patch management, you must collect information about security vulnerability. There is a lot of information about security available from the Microsoft Web site. To effectively gather information, you should predetermine what information you are looking for and organize the latest information for easy checking and analysis.

Collecting Information about Security Vulnerability

Since October of 2003 when it revised its policy concerning the publication of security vulnerability information, Microsoft releases information about security vulnerability on the "Microsoft Security Bulletin Summaries" site the second Tuesday of every month. By using the free "Microsoft Security Notification Service", you can be notified of the latest updated information by e-mail, eliminating the need for you to periodically check the site yourself.

The "Microsoft Security Bulletin Summaries" describe in detail the nature of the vulnerability at issue, any affected software, the maximum severity rating, countermeasures, workarounds, etc. In addition, you can download any available security update programs as a countermeasure against the security vulnerability.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 50

Announcement about

Security Vulnerability

Have all update

programs been applied?

Risk Analysis

Check that the necessary update programs have all been applied

Security update programs need to be


Devise a plan to respond to the vulnerability

Test the security update program before application

Apply the security update program

Restore system through a roll-back process

Any problems after update?





Monitoring the Result


Applying the security update program



Collecting Information


Assessing Risks3.3

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Additional information:

In an urgent situation (for example, the threat of infection by a computer virus or worm), Microsoft may

release information about the security vulnerability anytime other than during the second week of the month

in order to publish it as soon as possible. But by also subscribing to the "Microsoft Security Notification

Service" (, you can receive these urgent

unscheduled release notifications by e-mail. We highly recommend use of this service.

3.3 Assessing RisksRisk Assessment means that, according to the system environment for each enterprise, you comprehensively determine your degree of urgency based on the information gathered in " "). In the environment for which you have properly implemented hardening as described in Chapter 2 "Hardening", you will often find that an "urgent application" is unnecessary because the degree of urgency is lower than that in the environment for which hardening has not been implemented.

Microsoft applies the severity rating system to each Microsoft report on security vulnerability to help you determine the urgency of applying the security update program. The following table lists the ratings and their definitions. However, this rating information is based on the assumption that you have not implemented hardening for your system. You should determine the degree of urgency for your enterprise by comprehensively assessing such aspects as the importance of your system and the state of your hardening implementation. In the environment for which you have properly implemented hardening as described in Chapter 2 "Hardening", the degree of urgency is less critical than in the environment for which hardening has not been implemented.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 51

Table 15: Sites Providing Information on Security VulnerabilitySite NameAddressMicrosoft Security Bulletin Summaries TechNet Security Center Security Notification Service

Table 15: Sites Providing Information on Security VulnerabilitySite NameAddressMicrosoft Security Bulletin Summaries TechNet Security Center Security Notification Service

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For more information, see the Microsoft Security Response Center Security Bulletin Severity Rating System (

This whitepaper uses four categories to describe the urgency of applying the security update program: "Urgent application", "Applying during regular operation", "Applying with the service pack", and "No application". Determine the appropriate emergency assessment category to suit your operation depending on your system environment and security policies.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 52

Table 16: Definitions of the Severity RatingsRatingDefinitionCriticalDescribes vulnerability that, if exploited, could allow propagation of an Internet worm without user action.ImportantDescribes vulnerability that, if exploited, could compromise user data confidentiality, integrity, or availability, as well as compromise the integrity or availability of processing resources. ModerateDescribes vulnerability for which the possibility of exploitation is significantly lessened by the existing configuration, or by the difficulty of infiltration or exploitation.LowDescribes vulnerability that is extremely difficult to exploit or the exploitation of which has minimal impact.

Table 16: Definitions of the Severity RatingsRatingDefinitionCriticalDescribes vulnerability that, if exploited, could allow propagation of an Internet worm without user action.ImportantDescribes vulnerability that, if exploited, could compromise user data confidentiality, integrity, or availability, as well as compromise the integrity or availability of processing resources. ModerateDescribes vulnerability for which the possibility of exploitation is significantly lessened by the existing configuration, or by the difficulty of infiltration or exploitation.LowDescribes vulnerability that is extremely difficult to exploit or the exploitation of which has minimal impact.

Example of the Emergency Assessment CategoriesDetermine the appropriate emergency assessment category to suit your operation depending on your system environment and security policies.

Urgent applicationApply within 1 month.

Applying during the regular course of operationAt least once every 3 to 6 months.

Applying with the service packWhen installing the next service pack.

No applicationOS, functionality, product not affected.

Example of the Emergency Assessment CategoriesDetermine the appropriate emergency assessment category to suit your operation depending on your system environment and security policies.

Urgent applicationApply within 1 month.

Applying during the regular course of operationAt least once every 3 to 6 months.

Applying with the service packWhen installing the next service pack.

No applicationOS, functionality, product not affected.

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Additional information: You can also obtain general emergency assessment from

However, this example of the emergency assessment categories was written based on actual SAP-

related consulting cases provided by Microsoft Consulting Services with some changes added. You

should consider the trade-offs among various assessment factors, such as your hardening

circumstances, risks, costs, time necessary to assess the security update program, and other

practicalities, when deciding your emergency assessment category.

Assessing the Consequences and Urgency of the Vulnerability

As described above, Microsoft releases information about security vulnerability once a month. But taking measures against all security vulnerabilities would increase costs and shutdown times for your system resulting in decreased availability. Since the consequences of the vulnerability vary depending on the environment, it is important to determine the degree of urgency for your particular situation. Even if the maximum severity rating of the security vulnerability is "Critical", if you do not use that particular vulnerable service, in many cases you can respond to the vulnerability by application during the regular course of operation (once every 3 to 6 months) or by application with the next service pack (when installing the next service pack). To reduce the operational cost involved in applying the security update program and to maintain high availability, you can create a matrix as one method for determining the consequences of the vulnerability and the degree of urgency. It will be referred to as the vulnerability assessment matrix in this whitepaper.

What is a Vulnerability Assessment Matrix?

The vulnerability assessment matrix is a matrix that can help you to determine the consequences of the vulnerability on your system and the countermeasures to take against it, even if your system environment is complex. You can create the matrix based on the information provided by Microsoft about the security vulnerability.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 53

Example of a Method for Determining the Degree of UrgencyDetermine the appropriate emergency assessment category to suit your operation depending on your system environment and security policies.

- Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Example of a Method for Determining the Degree of UrgencyDetermine the appropriate emergency assessment category to suit your operation depending on your system environment and security policies.

- Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

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Creating the Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

The vulnerability assessment matrix consists of three major parts: "Organizing the information about the security vulnerability", "Assessing the pros and cons of the risk", and "Determining the degree of urgency for applying the security update program for each enterprise" (see Error: Reference source not found. Once you organize the information about the security vulnerability, you can create the steps "Organizing the information about the security vulnerability" and "Assessing the pros and cons of the risk". The portion "Organizing the information about the security vulnerability" is taken from the monthly Security Bulletin described in section , “" (summarized from, for example), available from the Microsoft Security Bulletin Summaries at For the contents of the excerpt, see the following section, "Organizing the Information about the Security Vulnerability". The part "Assessing the pros and cons of the risk" is created based on the information organized in the "Organizing the Information about the Security Vulnerability" along with your system configuration, and provides the criteria for determining the degree of urgency. By this determination, you can decide when to apply the security update program.

To create the vulnerability assessment matrix, you must perform the following steps.

Figure 31 – Process for Creating the Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability

In this step, you organize the following information about the security vulnerability.

Consequences of the vulnerability

Maximum severity rating

Affected software

Technical details

o Technical description

o Mitigating factors


Information about the security update program

o Restart requirement

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 54

Step 1: Organizing Information about Security VulnerabilityStep 1: Organizing Information about Security Vulnerability

Step 2: Assessing Pros and Cons of RisksStep 2: Assessing Pros and Cons of Risks

Step 3: Determining Urgency for Each EnterpriseStep 3: Determining Urgency for Each Enterprise

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o Information about uninstalling the program

Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk

Assess each criterion based on the information from the step "Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability".

Are there consequences of the vulnerability?

o Is there an affected OS?

o Are there affected products or functionality?

Is it possible for someone to attack anonymously? (simply an open port makes such an attack possible)

Is it possible for someone to obtain or upgrade privileges?

There is no effective workaround.

Is it possible that the hardening implemented by each enterprise is not effective?

Determining the Degree of Urgency

The degree of urgency for each enterprise is determined by the result of the step "Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk". See below for examples. In the first example, the determination is "Urgent application" because all the criteria in "Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk" apply to the system. In the second example, tError: Reference source not foundhe determination is "Applying during regular operation" because the criterion "Your system is affected by the vulnerability" applies to the system and the maximum severity rating is "Important". The determination will vary depending on system configurations and environments.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 55

Table 17: Determining Whether to Apply the Security Update ProgramDeterminationCriteriaUrgent applicationAll the criteria in the "Assessing the Pros and Cons of

the Risk" apply to your system.Applying during regular operationThe criterion "Are there consequences of the vulnerability?" applies to your system and the maximum severity rating is "Critical" or "Important".Applying with the service packThe criterion "Are there consequences of

the vulnerability?" applies to your system and the maximum severity rating is other than "Critical" or "Important".No applicationYour system is not affected.

Table 17: Determining Whether to Apply the Security Update ProgramDeterminationCriteriaUrgent applicationAll the criteria in the "Assessing the Pros and Cons of

the Risk" apply to your system.Applying during regular operationThe criterion "Are there consequences of the vulnerability?" applies to your system and the maximum severity rating is "Critical" or "Important".Applying with the service packThe criterion "Are there consequences of

the vulnerability?" applies to your system and the maximum severity rating is other than "Critical" or "Important".No applicationYour system is not affected.

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To help in the determination of whether to apply the security update program, you may want to create a flowchart. Note that the flowchart will vary according to system configurations and environments.

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Figure 32 – Sample Flowchart for Determining Whether to Apply the Security Update Program

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 56

Urgent application

Apply during the regular course of operation

Apply with the service pack





Affected by the Pros/Cons of the


Pros and Cons of the Risk: All criteria apply

to the system.

No application


NOMaximum severity is "Critical" or "Important"


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Table 18: Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Determination Sample 1 - Hardening has not been ImplementedStep 1: Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability

Security Bulletin No.MS03-026URL for information about the vulnerability release date of the vulnerability information reportJuly 17, 2003Time elapsed between information release and occurrence of computer virus-Affected softwareMicrosoft Windows NT Server 4.0Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0Terminal Server EditionMicrosoft Windows 2000Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows Server 2003Maximum Severity RatingCriticalNature of the vulnerabilityBuffer overruns in RPC interface could allow code execution (823980) (MS03-026)CharacteristicsThere is vulnerability in a part of RPC that handles message exchange over TCP/IP. The issue stems from incorrect handling of illegal messages.Mitigating factorsIn order to exploit this vulnerability, the attacker would need to have specially altered or sent a request to port 135, 139, 445 on the remote machine, or to another port configured for RPC.Restart requiredYesThis security update program can be uninstalledYes

Step 2: Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk

Pros and Consof the RiskAre there consequences of the vulnerability?YesIs there an affected OS?YesAre there affected products or

functionality?Is it possible for someone to attack anonymously?YesIs it possible for someone to obtain privileges?YesThere is no effective workaround.YesIs it possible that the hardening implemented by each enterprise is not

effective?YesStep 3: Determining Degree of Urgency for Applying Security Update Program for each Enterprise

DeterminationUrgent application.(After hardening is implemented, the degree of urgency will be lessened.)

Table 18: Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Determination Sample 1 - Hardening has not been ImplementedStep 1: Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability

Security Bulletin No.MS03-026URL for information about the vulnerability release date of the vulnerability information reportJuly 17, 2003Time elapsed between information release and occurrence of computer virus-Affected softwareMicrosoft Windows NT Server 4.0Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0Terminal Server EditionMicrosoft Windows 2000Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows Server 2003Maximum Severity RatingCriticalNature of the vulnerabilityBuffer overruns in RPC interface could allow code execution (823980) (MS03-026)CharacteristicsThere is vulnerability in a part of RPC that handles message exchange over TCP/IP. The issue stems from incorrect handling of illegal messages.Mitigating factorsIn order to exploit this vulnerability, the attacker would need to have specially altered or sent a request to port 135, 139, 445 on the remote machine, or to another port configured for RPC.Restart requiredYesThis security update program can be uninstalledYes

Step 2: Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk

Pros and Consof the RiskAre there consequences of the vulnerability?YesIs there an affected OS?YesAre there affected products or

functionality?Is it possible for someone to attack anonymously?YesIs it possible for someone to obtain privileges?YesThere is no effective workaround.YesIs it possible that the hardening implemented by each enterprise is not

effective?YesStep 3: Determining Degree of Urgency for Applying Security Update Program for each Enterprise

DeterminationUrgent application.(After hardening is implemented, the degree of urgency will be lessened.)

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 58

Table 19: Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Determination Sample 2 - Hardening has not been ImplementedStep 1: Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability

Security Bulletin No.MS04-003URL for information about the vulnerability release date of the vulnerability information reportJanuary 14, 2004Time elapsed between information release and occurrence of computer virus-Affected softwareMicrosoft WindowsMaximum Severity RatingImportantNature of the vulnerabilityBuffer overrun in MDAC function could allow code execution (832483)CharacteristicsMicrosoft Data Access Components (MDAC) is a collection of components that provides the underlying functionality for a number of database operations, such as connecting to remote databases and returning data to a client.Mitigating factorsFor an attack to be successful, an attacker would have to simulate an SQL server that is on the same IP subnet as the target system.Restart requiredYesThis security update program can be uninstalledNo

Step 2: Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk

Pros and Consof the RiskAre there consequences of the vulnerability?YesIs there an affected OS?YesAre there affected products or

functionality?-Is it possible for someone to attack anonymously?NoIs it possible for someone to obtain privileges?YesThere is no effective workaround.NoIs it possible that the hardening implemented by each enterprise is not

effective?YesStep 3: Determining Degree of Urgency for Applying Security Update Program for each Enterprise

DeterminationApply during the regular course of operation.(After implementing hardening, the degree of urgency will be lessened.)

Table 19: Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Determination Sample 2 - Hardening has not been ImplementedStep 1: Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability

Security Bulletin No.MS04-003URL for information about the vulnerability release date of the vulnerability information reportJanuary 14, 2004Time elapsed between information release and occurrence of computer virus-Affected softwareMicrosoft WindowsMaximum Severity RatingImportantNature of the vulnerabilityBuffer overrun in MDAC function could allow code execution (832483)CharacteristicsMicrosoft Data Access Components (MDAC) is a collection of components that provides the underlying functionality for a number of database operations, such as connecting to remote databases and returning data to a client.Mitigating factorsFor an attack to be successful, an attacker would have to simulate an SQL server that is on the same IP subnet as the target system.Restart requiredYesThis security update program can be uninstalledNo

Step 2: Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk

Pros and Consof the RiskAre there consequences of the vulnerability?YesIs there an affected OS?YesAre there affected products or

functionality?-Is it possible for someone to attack anonymously?NoIs it possible for someone to obtain privileges?YesThere is no effective workaround.NoIs it possible that the hardening implemented by each enterprise is not

effective?YesStep 3: Determining Degree of Urgency for Applying Security Update Program for each Enterprise

DeterminationApply during the regular course of operation.(After implementing hardening, the degree of urgency will be lessened.)

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SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 59

Table 20: Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Determination Sample 3 - Hardening has not been ImplementedStep 1: Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability

Security Bulletin No.MS04-006URL for information about the vulnerability release date of the vulnerability information reportFebruary 11, 2004Time elapsed between information release and occurrence of computer virus-Affected softwareMicrosoft Windows NT ServerMaximum Severity RatingMicrosoft Windows 2000 ServerNature of the vulnerabilityMicrosoft Windows Server 2003CharacteristicsImportantMitigating factorsVulnerability in the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) could allow code execution (830352)Restart requiredA security vulnerability exists in the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS). This vulnerability exists because of the method that WINS uses to validate the length of specially-crafted packets.This security update program can be uninstalledThe WINS service is not installed by default.

Step 2: Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk

Pros and Consof the RiskAre there consequences of the vulnerability?NoIs there an affected OS?NoAre there affected products or functionality?NoIs it possible for someone to attack anonymously?NoIs it possible for someone to obtain privileges?

NoThere is no effective workaround.NoIs it possible that the hardening implemented by each enterprise is not effective?Yes

Step 3: Determining Degree of Urgency for Applying Security Update Program for each Enterprise

DeterminationOnly needs to be applied to the WINS server.Application to the WINS server during regular operation.(After hardening is implemented, the degree of urgency will be lessened.)

Table 20: Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Determination Sample 3 - Hardening has not been ImplementedStep 1: Organizing the Information about Security Vulnerability

Security Bulletin No.MS04-006URL for information about the vulnerability release date of the vulnerability information reportFebruary 11, 2004Time elapsed between information release and occurrence of computer virus-Affected softwareMicrosoft Windows NT ServerMaximum Severity RatingMicrosoft Windows 2000 ServerNature of the vulnerabilityMicrosoft Windows Server 2003CharacteristicsImportantMitigating factorsVulnerability in the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) could allow code execution (830352)Restart requiredA security vulnerability exists in the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS). This vulnerability exists because of the method that WINS uses to validate the length of specially-crafted packets.This security update program can be uninstalledThe WINS service is not installed by default.

Step 2: Assessing the Pros and Cons of the Risk

Pros and Consof the RiskAre there consequences of the vulnerability?NoIs there an affected OS?NoAre there affected products or functionality?NoIs it possible for someone to attack anonymously?NoIs it possible for someone to obtain privileges?

NoThere is no effective workaround.NoIs it possible that the hardening implemented by each enterprise is not effective?Yes

Step 3: Determining Degree of Urgency for Applying Security Update Program for each Enterprise

DeterminationOnly needs to be applied to the WINS server.Application to the WINS server during regular operation.(After hardening is implemented, the degree of urgency will be lessened.)

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Applying the Security Update ProgramAfter you determine that the security update program needs to be applied through the result of risk assessment of the vulnerability, you should apply it to your system. Applying the security update program is performed according to the following steps: "Devising a plan for responding to the vulnerability", "Testing the security update program before applying", "Applying the security update program", "Verifying the behavior after application", and if problems occur from the application, then "Restoring through the roll-back process".

Figure 33 – Process Flow of Applying the Security Update Program

For the details on applying security update programs, see the document listed below.

Devising a Plan for Responding to the Vulnerability

To apply the security update program, you should first devise a plan for responding to the vulnerability. It is important to clarify the required security level since it varies depending on the system environment. Before applying the security update program, you may want to create a flowchart for managing the modification. By creating the flowchart, you can implement a better quality application. When devising the plan, you should refer to SAP Notes 30478, 62988 and 664607 to check whether this security update program has ever caused problems in the SAP environment.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 60

Step 1: Devising a plan for responding to the vulnerabilityStep 1: Devising a plan for responding to the vulnerability

Step 2: Testing the security update program before applicationStep 2: Testing the security update program before application

Step 3: Applying the security update programStep 3: Applying the security update program

Step 4: Verifying the behavior after applicationStep 4: Verifying the behavior after application

Step 5: Restoring through the roll-back processStep 5: Restoring through the roll-back process

Table 21: Reference InformationHow To Implement Patch Management

Table 21: Reference InformationHow To Implement Patch Management

Page 66: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server


Reference source not found

Figure 34 – Sample Flowchart for Managing Changes

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 61


Plan the steps for change and restoration

Test the steps for change and restoration

Adjust before applying to the production environment


Apply to the production environment

Testing required?

Test quickly






Plan the steps for rapid change and restoration

Adjust before applying, then apply to the production environment

Emergency? YES


Normal process Emergency process





Page 67: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

3.4 Applying Security Update Program

Points to Consider When Applying Security Patches

Apply revision in order of registration

o Applying the Security Patch and service packs causes old program files to be overwritten with newer versions. Failure to observe the registration order will result in old modules being in the place of new modules.

Reapply revision if necessary

o When the system modules of network components and device drivers are added to Windows NT systems to which the Security Patch and Service Packs have already been applied, the manager must manually re-apply the Service Packs and Security Patch.

Re-application is also recommended for Windows 2000, XP, and 2003.

Apply only the correct update

o Security Patch and service packs vary with the version of the corresponding product.

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 62

Table 22: Security Patch ConsiderationsSystem Upgrade TypesTiming of Patch Application to SAP SystemIf SAP System is Halted

after Patch ApplicationSecurity Patch (Windows)Problem solving based on SAP Note #664607 (uninstall, etc.)Security Path

(SQL Server)Immediately after Microsoft releases the Revision Program (SAP Note #62988)Contact SAP SupportService Packs

(with strict change management process and testing)Once support is offered by SAP (SAP Notes #30478, 62988 and hardware/management tool manufacturers)

Table 22: Security Patch ConsiderationsSystem Upgrade TypesTiming of Patch Application to SAP SystemIf SAP System is Halted

after Patch ApplicationSecurity Patch (Windows)Problem solving based on SAP Note #664607 (uninstall, etc.)Security Path

(SQL Server)Immediately after Microsoft releases the Revision Program (SAP Note #62988)Contact SAP SupportService Packs

(with strict change management process and testing)Once support is offered by SAP (SAP Notes #30478, 62988 and hardware/management tool manufacturers)

Page 68: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Testing the Security Update Program before Application

There may be rare occasions when a security update program will cause problems to a monitoring tool or other programs. Therefore, you should test the security update program in a test environment before applying it to the production environment. The test involves the following steps: "Testing the application in a test environment", "Verifying the behavior in the test environment", and "Confirming the steps for a roll-back in the test environment".

Note: Before applying the security update program

Refer to the SAP Notes (especially 30478, 62988, and 664607) and check whether this security update

program has ever caused problems in the SAP environment.

Testing the Application in a Test Environment

The steps for applying the security update program can vary depending on the enterprise. Before applying the security update program to the production environment, you need to confirm the application steps in a test environment and verify the system behavior after application.

Updating via Management Tools

The cost involved in applying a security update program increases in proportion to the number of machines. To help reduce this cost, Microsoft offers the following tools: Software Update Services (SUS) which is provided free of charge, and Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS) which requires licenses.

Software Update Services (SUS)

SUS automatically provides notification of important updates to Windows computers, and delivers them to all of the Windows desktop computers and servers in your organization.

For more information about SUS, see the Microsoft Software Update Services Whitepaper (

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 63

Test StepsTest the security update program in a test environment before applying it to the production environment.

Testing the application in a test environment

Verifying the behavior in the test environment

Confirming the steps for a roll-back in the test environment

Test StepsTest the security update program in a test environment before applying it to the production environment.

Testing the application in a test environment

Verifying the behavior in the test environment

Confirming the steps for a roll-back in the test environment

Page 69: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS 2003)

Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS 2003) provides a comprehensive solution for change and configuration management for the Microsoft platform, enabling you to provide relevant software and updates quickly.

For more information about Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS 2003), see the Systems Management Server 2003 Reviewer's Guide (

Note: Points to observe when applying the security update program

Reapply as necessary

If a system module was added after application of the security update program or service pack, check the

security vulnerability information report to confirm the need for reapplying the program. Be sure to reapply

when necessary.

Apply the program that corresponds to your software

You should apply the security update program and service pack that precisely corresponds to your software

because the programs and packs are designed for specific products, versions and languages. For

example, do not apply a service pack for English-version products to Japanese-version products.

3.5 Monitoring the Results

Verifying Behavior in the Test Environment

After applying the security update program, you will need to verify proper operation of your SAP system. You should check your Windows and SAP system behavior. Verification of the SAP system behavior consists of basic operation verification, as well as operation verification using a checklist and SAP transactions. To verify your SAP system's operation, you should check the following:

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 64

Verification of Your Windows System (OS, RDBMS, IIS)You will need to verify proper operation of your SAP system by checking your Windows system behavior.

Checking event logs

Checking the logs of various products and functions

Verifying the operation of the necessary services

Verification of Your SAP SystemYou will need to verify proper operation of your SAP system by checking your SAP system behavior.

Verifying operation using the checklist

Executing test transactions to verify its operation

Verifying the operation of extracted business applications

Verification of Your Windows System (OS, RDBMS, IIS)You will need to verify proper operation of your SAP system by checking your Windows system behavior.

Checking event logs

Checking the logs of various products and functions

Verifying the operation of the necessary services

Verification of Your SAP SystemYou will need to verify proper operation of your SAP system by checking your SAP system behavior.

Verifying operation using the checklist

Executing test transactions to verify its operation

Verifying the operation of extracted business applications

Page 70: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Confirming the Steps for Roll-Back in the Test Environment

There are steps for confirming a roll-back in the event there are problems caused by the application of the security update program or by faulty implementation.

If problems are caused by faulty implementation

o Restore from a backup.

If problems are caused by the application of the security update program

o Uninstall the security update program.

Restore from a backup.

Confirming that the Necessary Programs have been Applied

After applying the security update program, you need to verify that it has been applied properly and that possible problems that might have been caused by the vulnerability have been avoided. Microsoft provides a free tool, the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), for checking whether any computers have failed to apply the security update program. Microsoft also licenses a tool, the Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS 2003), that comprehensively performs the implementation process including applying of the security update programs, to checking and managing them.

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)

For more information, see “Final Security Check”.

Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS 2003)

For more information, see "".

SAP Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server 65

SummaryThis chapter described how to keep your Windows Server 2003-based SAP system secure by implementing patch management.

Patch management (specifically, risk assessment) minimizes the cost

and risk associated with system changes.

It is important to maintain a well-balanced combination of patch

management and hardening practices.

SummaryThis chapter described how to keep your Windows Server 2003-based SAP system secure by implementing patch management.

Patch management (specifically, risk assessment) minimizes the cost

and risk associated with system changes.

It is important to maintain a well-balanced combination of patch

management and hardening practices.

Page 71: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification

This following explains the actual settings used for and the results of hardening verification of a Windows Server 2003-based SAP system.

1.1 Verification Scenarios

Verification environments were constructed for three common SAP configuration patterns: SAP R/3 Enterprise, SAP ITS, and SAP Enterprise Portal.

The versions of software systems used for the verification of these configurations are summarized below.

Table 1 – Software VersionsCategory Microsoft Products SAP Products

Directory Windows Server 2003 (Active Directory) -

SAP R/3 Enterprise Windows Server 2003 R/3 Enterprise 4.70 SR1 Ext.2.00, J2EE

Engine 6.30 SP2 (JDK1.3.1_10)

RDBMS (for R/3) Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2000

(SP3+Hotfix 844 + new collation)


SAP ITS – Agate Windows Server 2003 ITS 6.20 SP8

SAP ITS – Wgate Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0 ITS 6.20 SP8

SAP Enterprise Portal Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Portal 6.0 SP2 Patch3 + hotfix

2,J2EE Engine 6.20 SP20 (JDK1.3.1_10)

RDBMS (for EP) Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2000

(SP3+Hotfix 844 + new collation)


EP IISProxy Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0 IIS Proxy

Note: The latest security update programs as of March 1, 2004 had been applied to the respective versions of Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2000.

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification

Verification ScenariosVerification environments were constructed for three common SAP configuration patterns.

SAP R/3 Enterprise


SAP Enterprise Portal

Verification ScenariosVerification environments were constructed for three common SAP configuration patterns.

SAP R/3 Enterprise


SAP Enterprise Portal


Page 72: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

1.2 Contents of Verifications

Two types of verification were conducted: network hardening (packet filtering using the IPSec script policy)" and "service and other hardening (disabling and reconfiguring services using security templates).

Table 2 – Contents of Hardening VerificationsCategory Description

Network hardening

(packet filtering using the IPSec script policy)

Configurations were implemented such that default communications

were blocked and communication was granted only for necessary

"communication routes" and "(destination) ports."

Service and other hardening (disabling and

reconfiguring services using security templates)

Unnecessary services were disabled and proper security configurations

were implemented for each server role.

1.3 Verification Results

For each verification scenario, configurations were set according to the verification contents and confirmation was made that the SAP system ran without problems.

Verification notes: Hardening was carried out after the target system was disconnected from the network and all setup

procedures were completed. Tests were carried out on R/3 Enterprise, ITS, and Enterprise Portal in that order. For each scenario, single sign-on to an Active Directory was assumed.

Reasons- "Single sign-on to an Active Directory" is expected to become a mainstream configuration in the future.- Scenarios without single sign-on can be included.

Network hardening was carried out after configuration/rollback scripts were prepared. A backup copy of the pre-hardening settings was taken whenever a security template was applied. For operation verification, hardening checks were made using SAP security checklists, MBSA, and

simple ping commands.

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification

Contents of VerificationsTwo types of verification were conducted.

Network hardening (packet filtering using the IPSec script policy)

Service and other hardening (disabling and reconfiguring services using security


Contents of VerificationsTwo types of verification were conducted.

Network hardening (packet filtering using the IPSec script policy)

Service and other hardening (disabling and reconfiguring services using security



Page 73: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

1.4 Network Hardening Settings

Network Hardening in SAP R/3 Enterprise

Packet filtering was implemented using the IPSec script policy in the environment shown below and as summarized in Table 3 to Table 5.

Figure 1 – SAP R/3 Enterprise Environment

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 68

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Table 2 – Packet Filtering Settings (1. Domain Controller)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.



Any Any Any SAP R/3




Grant Yes All communications from SAP

R/3 Enterprise granted.

SQL Server (for


Any Any Any SQL Server

(for R/3)



Grant Yes All communications from SQL

Server (for R/3) granted.

Other Domain


Any Any Any Other





Grant Yes All communications from other

domain controllers granted.

ICMP ICMP Any Any This




Grant Yes Communication to SAP R/3


ICMP ICMP Any Any This


SQL Server

(for R/3)

Grant Yes Communication to SQL

Server (for R/3)

Table 3 – Packet Filtering Settings (2. SAP R/3 Enterprise)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.



TCP Any 3200 Any This


Grant Yes Communication from SAP


SQL Server (for

R/3) Client

TCP Any 1433 This


SQL Server

(for R/3)

Grant Yes Communication to SQL

Server (for R/3)

Domain Member Any Any Any This




Grant Yes Communication to Domain


Table 4 – Packet Filtering Settings (3. SQL Server (for R/3))Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.

SQL Server (for


TCP Any 1433 SAP R/3




Grant Yes Communication from SAP R/3




Any Any Any This




Grant Yes Communication to Domain


Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 69

Page 75: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Network Hardening in SAP ITS

Packet filtering was implemented using the IPSec script policy in the environment shown below and as summarized in the Table 6to Table 10.

Figure 2 – SAP ITS Environment

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 70

Page 76: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Table 6 – Packet Filtering Settings (1. Domain Controller)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.



Any Any Any SAP R/3




Grant Yes All communications from SAP

R/3 Enterprise granted.

SQL Server (for


Any Any Any SQL Server

(for R/3)



Grant Yes All communications from SQL

Server (for R/3) granted.

SAP ITS - Agate Any Any Any SAP ITS -




Grant Yes All communications from SAP

ITS - Agate granted

ICMP ICMP Any Any This




Grant Yes Communication to SAP R/3


ICMP ICMP Any Any This


SQL Server

(for R/3)

Grant Yes Communication to SQL

Server (for R/3)

ICMP ICMP Any Any This




Grant Yes Communication to SAP ITS -


Table 7 – Packet Filtering Settings (2. SAP R/3 Enterprise)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.



TCP Any 3200 SAP ITS -




Grant Yes Communication from SAP ITS

- Agate



TCP Any 3300 SAP ITS -




Grant Yes Communication from SAP

RFC/BAPI program

HTTP Server TCP Any 8000 Any This


Grant Yes Communication from Web


HTTPS Server TCP Any 44300 Any This


Grant Yes Communication from Web


SQL Server (for

R/3) Client

TCP Any 1433 This


SQL Server

(for R/3)

Grant Yes Communication to SQL

Server (for R/3)



Any Any Any This




Grant Yes Communication to Domain


Table 8 – Packet Filtering Settings (3. SQL Server)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.

SQL Server (for


TCP Any 1433 SAP R/3




Grant Yes Communication from SAP R/3




Any Any Any This




Grant Yes Communication to Domain


Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 71

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Table 9 – Packet Filtering Settings (4. IIS + SAP ITS WGate)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks

All traffic Any Any Any Any This computer Block Yes

HTTP Server TCP Any 80 Any This computer Grant Yes

HTTPS Server TCP Any 443 Any This computer Grant Yes

HTTP Server for mgmt TCP Any 8080 Any This computer Grant Yes For administration


SAP ITS - Agate Client1 TCP Any 3900 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate Client2 TCP Any 3910 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate Client1

(for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3918 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes For administration


SAP ITS - Agate Client2

(for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3928 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes For administration


Domain Member Any Any Any This





Grant Yes

Table 10 – Packet Filtering Settings (5. SAP ITS Agate)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks

All traffic Any Any Any Any This computer Block Yes

SAP ITS - Agate Server1 TCP Any 3900 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate Server2 TCP Any 3910 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate Server1

(for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3918 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes For administration


SAP ITS - Agate Server2

(for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3928 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes For administration


SAP DIALOG Client TCP Any 3200 This




Grant Yes

SAP RFC Client TCP Any 3300 This




Grant Yes

Domain Member Any Any Any This





Grant Yes

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 72

Page 78: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Network Hardening in SAP Enterprise Portal

Packet filtering was conducted using the IPSec script policy in the environment shown below and as summarized in the Table 11 to Table 18.

Figure 3 - SAP Enterprise Portal Environment

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 73

Page 79: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Table 11 – Packet Filtering Settings (1. Domain Controller)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.



Any Any Any SAP R/3




Grant Yes All communications from SAP

R/3 Enterprise granted.

SQL Server

(for R/3)

Any Any Any SQL Server (for




Grant Yes All communications from SQL

Server (for R/3) granted.



Any Any Any SAP ITS - Agate This


Grant Yes All communications from SAP

ITS - Agate granted.




Any Any Any SAP Enterprise




Grant Yes All communications from SAP

Enterprise Portal granted.

SQL Server

(for EP)

Any Any Any SQL Server

(for EP)



Grant Yes All communications from SQL

Server (for EP) granted.

ICMP ICMP Any Any This computer SAP R/3


Grant Yes Communication to SAP R/3


ICMP ICMP Any Any This computer SQL Server

(for R/3)

Grant Yes Communication to SQL Server

(for R/3)

ICMP ICMP Any Any This computer SAP ITS -


Grant Yes Communication to SAP ITS -


ICMP ICMP Any Any This computer SAP



Grant Yes Communication to SAP

Enterprise Portal

ICMP ICMP Any Any This computer SQL Server

(for EP)

Grant Yes Communication to SQL Server

(for EP)

Table 12 – Packet Filtering Settings (2. SAP R/3 Enterprise)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.



TCP Any 3200 SAP ITS -




Grant Yes Communication from SAP

ITS - Agate



TCP Any 3300 SAP ITS -




Grant Yes Communication from SAP

RFC/BAPI program



TCP Any 3300 SAP Enterprise




Grant Yes Communication from SAP

Enterprise Portal

HTTP Server TCP Any 8000 Any This


Grant Yes Communication from Web


HTTPS Server TCP Any 44300 Any This


Grant Yes Communication from Web


SQL Server

(for R/3) Client

TCP Any 1433 This computer SQL Server

(for R/3)

Grant Yes Communication to SQL

Server (for R/3)



Any Any Any This computer Domain


Grant Yes Communication to Domain


Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 74

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Table 13 – Packet Filtering Settings (3. SQL Server)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.

SQL Server

(for R/3)

TCP Any 1433 SAP R/3




Grant Yes Communication from

SAP R/3 Enterprise



Any Any Any This computer Domain


Grant Yes Communication to Domain


Table 14 – Packet Filtering Settings (4. SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks

All traffic Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by


SAP J2EE Dispatcher

Server (HTTP)

TCP Any 50000 Any (EP




Grant Yes

SAP J2EE Dispatcher

Server (HTTPS)

TCP Any 50001 Any (EP




Grant Yes

HTTP Client TCP Any 80 This computer SAP ITS -


Grant Yes SAP ITS - Wgate

HTTPS Client TCP Any 443 This computer SAP ITS -


Grant Yes

HTTP Client TCP Any 8000 This computer SAP R/3


Grant Yes SAP R/3 Enterprise

HTTPS Client TCP Any 44300 This computer SAP R/3


Grant Yes

RFC Client TCP Any 3300 This computer SAP R/3


Grant Yes

SQL Server (for EP)


TCP Any 1433 This computer SQL Server

(for R/3)

Grant Yes Communication to

SQL Server (for R/3)

Domain Member Any Any Any This computer Domain


Grant Yes Communication to

Domain Controller

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 75

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Table 15 – Packet Filtering Settings (5. SQL Server)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This


Block Yes All blocked by default.

SQL Server

(for EP)

TCP Any 1433 SAP Enterprise




Grant Yes Communication from SAP

Enterprise Portal



Any Any Any This computer Domain


Grant Yes Communication to Domain


Table 16 – Packet Filtering Settings (6. IIS + SAP ITS WGate)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks



Any Any Any Any This computer Block Yes

HTTP Server TCP Any 80 Any This computer Grant Yes

HTTPS Server TCP Any 443 Any This computer Grant Yes

HTTP Server for mgmt TCP Any 8080 Any This computer Grant Yes For administration


SAP ITS - Agate


TCP Any 3900 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate


TCP Any 3910 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate

Client1 (for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3918 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes For administration


SAP ITS - Agate

Client2 (for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3928 This


SAP ITS - Agate Grant Yes For administration


Domain Member Any Any Any This


Domain Controller


Grant Yes

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 76

Page 82: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Table 17 – Packet Filtering Settings (7. SAP ITS Agate)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks

All traffic Any Any Any Any This computer Block Yes

SAP ITS - Agate


TCP Any 3900 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate


TCP Any 3910 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes

SAP ITS - Agate

Server1 (for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3918 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes For administration


SAP ITS - Agate

Server2 (for Mgmt)

TCP Any 3928 SAP ITS -


This computer Grant Yes For administration


SAP DIALOG Client TCP Any 3200 This




Grant Yes

SAP RFC Client TCP Any 3300 This


SAP RFC Server Grant Yes

Domain Member Any Any Any This


Domain Controller


Grant Yes

Table 18 – Packet Filtering Settings (8. IIS + SAP Enterprise Portal IIS Proxy)Service Protocol Source








Action Mirroring Remarks

All traffic Any Any Any Any This computer Block Yes All Traffic

HTTP Server TCP Any 80 Any This computer Grant Yes HTTP Server

HTTPS Server TCP Any 443 Any This computer Grant Yes HTTPS Server

SAP Enterprise Portal

Client for HTTP

TCP Any 50000 This


SAP Enterprise


Grant Yes SAP Enterprise Portal

Client for HTTP

SAP Enterprise Portal

Client for HTTPS

TCP Any 50001 This


SAP Enterprise


Grant Yes SAP Enterprise Portal

Client for HTTPS

Domain Member Any Any Any This


Domain Controller


Grant Yes Domain Member

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 77

Page 83: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

1.5 Service and Other Hardening Settings

Service Hardening Using Templates

Security templates suitable for the respective servers (see below) were applied and services were disabled (see Table 20 to Table 27).

Table 19 – Servers and Applied Security TemplatesServers Role Applied Security Template*

Domain Controller Domain controller High Security - Domain Controller.inf

SAP R/3 Enterprise Member server High Security - Member Server Baseline.inf

SQL Server (for R/3) Member server High Security - Member Server Baseline.inf

SAP ITS - Agate Member server High Security - Member Server Baseline.inf

SAP ITS - Wgate Web server High Security - IIS Server.inf

SAP Enterprise Portal Member server High Security - Member Server Baseline.inf

SQL Server (for EP) Member server High Security - Member Server Baseline.inf

EP IISProxy Web server High Security - IIS Server.inf

* The most secure "high security" template was used as the assumed security environment.

Download security templates from:

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 78

Page 84: Sap Hardening and Patch Management Guide for Windows Server

Table 20 – Domain ControllerName Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDistributed File System Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceDNS Server Start Auto Local SystemEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemFile Replication Service Start Auto Local SystemIntersite Messaging Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemKerberos Key Distribution Center Start Auto Local SystemNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Start Auto Network ServiceRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSecurity Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer Start Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage Manual Local SystemVolume Shadow Copy Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter Manual Local SystemAlerter Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service Disable Local ServiceApplication Management Disable Local SystemClipBook Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application Disable Local SystemDHCP Client Disable Network ServiceDHCP Server Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Client Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service Disable Local SystemHelp and Support Disable Local SystemHTTP SSL Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service Disable Local System

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 79

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Indexing Service Disable Local SystemInternet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Disable Local System

License Logging Disable Network ServiceMessenger Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager Disable Local SystemResultant Set of Policy Provider Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection Disable Local SystemSmart Card Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler Disable Local SystemTelephony Disable Local SystemTelnet Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory Disable Local SystemThemes Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service Disable Local SystemWebClient Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA) Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration Disable Local System

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 80

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Table 21 – SAP R/3 EnterpriseName Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDistributed File System Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSAPOSCOL Start Auto SAPSAPServicePO1Security Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer Start Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service Start Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager   Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service   Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider   Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts   Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage   Manual Local SystemSAPP01_00 Start Manual SAPSAPServicePO1SAPP01_05 Start Manual SAPSAPServicePO1Volume Shadow Copy   Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions   Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter   Manual Local SystemAlerter   Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service   Disable Local ServiceApplication Management   Disable Local SystemClipBook   Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application   Disable Local SystemDHCP Client   Disable Network ServiceDistributed Link Tracking Client   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server   Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator   Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service   Disable Local SystemFile Replication   Disable Local SystemHelp and Support   Disable Local SystemHTTP SSL   Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access   Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service   Disable Local SystemIndexing Service   Disable Local SystemInternet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)   Disable Local System

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification 81

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Intersite Messaging   Disable Local SystemKerberos Key Distribution Center   Disable Local SystemLicense Logging   Disable Network ServiceMessenger   Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM   Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service   Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator   Disable Network ServiceResultant Set of Policy Provider   Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access   Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon   Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection   Disable Local SystemSmart Card   Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper   Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler   Disable Local SystemTelephony   Disable Local SystemTelnet   Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory   Disable Local SystemThemes   Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply   Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager   Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service   Disable Local SystemWebClient   Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio   Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)   Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service   Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration   Disable Local System

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Table 22 – SQL Server (for SAP R/3 Enterprise)Name Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemMSSQLSERVER Start Auto Local SystemNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSecurity Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSQLSERVERAGENT Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer Start Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service Start Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager   Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service   Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider   Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts   Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage   Manual Local SystemVolume Shadow Copy   Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions   Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter   Manual Local SystemAlerter   Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service   Disable Local ServiceApplication Management   Disable Local SystemClipBook   Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application   Disable Local SystemDHCP Client   Disable Network ServiceDistributed File System   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Client   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server   Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator   Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service   Disable Local SystemFile Replication   Disable Local SystemHelp and Support   Disable Local SystemHTTP SSL   Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access   Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service   Disable Local SystemIndexing Service   Disable Local SystemInternet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)   Disable Local SystemIntersite Messaging   Disable Local System

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Kerberos Key Distribution Center   Disable Local SystemLicense Logging   Disable Network ServiceMessenger   Disable Local SystemMicrosoft Search   Disable Local SystemMSSQLServerADHelper   Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM   Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service   Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator   Disable Network ServiceResultant Set of Policy Provider   Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access   Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon   Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection   Disable Local SystemSmart Card   Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper   Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler   Disable Local SystemTelephony   Disable Local SystemTelnet   Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory   Disable Local SystemThemes   Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply   Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager   Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service   Disable Local SystemWebClient   Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio   Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)   Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service   Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration   Disable Local System

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Table 23 – SAP ITS AgateName Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemITS Watchdog Start Auto Local SystemNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSAP IACOR Manager Start Auto Local SystemSAP ITS Manager - ADM Start Auto Local SystemSAP ITS Manager - P01 Start Auto Local SystemSecurity Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer   Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service   Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager   Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service   Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider   Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts   Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage   Manual Local SystemVolume Shadow Copy   Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions   Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter   Manual Local SystemAlerter   Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service   Disable Local ServiceApplication Management   Disable Local SystemClipBook   Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application   Disable Local SystemDHCP Client   Disable Network ServiceDistributed File System   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Client   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server   Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator   Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service   Disable Local SystemFile Replication   Disable Local SystemHelp and Support   Disable Local SystemHTTP SSL   Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access   Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service   Disable Local SystemIndexing Service   Disable Local System

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Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)   Disable Local SystemIntersite Messaging   Disable Local SystemKerberos Key Distribution Center   Disable Local SystemLicense Logging   Disable Network ServiceMessenger   Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM   Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service   Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator   Disable Network ServiceResultant Set of Policy Provider   Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access   Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon   Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection   Disable Local SystemSmart Card   Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper   Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler   Disable Local SystemTelephony   Disable Local SystemTelnet   Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory   Disable Local SystemThemes   Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply   Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager   Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service   Disable Local SystemWebClient   Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio   Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)   Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service   Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration   Disable Local System

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Table 24 – SAP ITS WgateName Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemHTTP SSL Start Auto Local SystemIIS Admin Service Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSAP IACOR Manager Start Auto Local SystemSecurity Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer Start Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemWorld Wide Web Publishing Service Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service Start Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager   Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service   Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider   Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts   Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage   Manual Local SystemVolume Shadow Copy   Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions   Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter   Manual Local SystemAlerter   Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service   Disable Local ServiceApplication Management   Disable Local SystemClipBook   Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application   Disable Local SystemDHCP Client   Disable Network ServiceDistributed File System   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Client   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server   Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator   Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service   Disable Local SystemFile Replication   Disable Local SystemHelp and Support   Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access   Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service   Disable Local SystemIndexing Service   Disable Local System

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Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

  Disable Local System

Intersite Messaging   Disable Local SystemKerberos Key Distribution Center   Disable Local SystemLicense Logging   Disable Network ServiceMessenger   Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM   Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service   Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator   Disable Network ServiceResultant Set of Policy Provider   Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access   Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon   Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection   Disable Local SystemSmart Card   Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper   Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler   Disable Local SystemTelephony   Disable Local SystemTelnet   Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory   Disable Local SystemThemes   Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply   Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager   Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service   Disable Local SystemWebClient   Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio   Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)   Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service   Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration   Disable Local System

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Table 25 – SAP Enterprise PortalName Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSecurity Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer Start Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service Start Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager   Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service   Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider   Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts   Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage   Manual Local SystemVolume Shadow Copy   Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions   Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter   Manual Local SystemAlerter   Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service   Disable Local ServiceApplication Management   Disable Local SystemClipBook   Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application   Disable Local SystemDHCP Client   Disable Network ServiceDistributed File System   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Client   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server   Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator   Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service   Disable Local SystemFile Replication   Disable Local SystemHelp and Support   Disable Local SystemHTTP SSL   Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access   Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service   Disable Local SystemIndexing Service   Disable Local SystemInternet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

  Disable Local System

Intersite Messaging   Disable Local SystemKerberos Key Distribution Center   Disable Local System

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License Logging   Disable Network ServiceMessenger   Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM   Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service   Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator   Disable Network ServiceResultant Set of Policy Provider   Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access   Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon   Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection   Disable Local SystemSmart Card   Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper   Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler   Disable Local SystemTelephony   Disable Local SystemTelnet   Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory   Disable Local SystemThemes   Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply   Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager   Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service   Disable Local SystemWebClient   Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio   Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)   Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service   Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration   Disable Local System

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Table 26 – SQL Server (for SAP Enterprise Portal)Name Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemMSSQLSERVER Start Auto SAPAdministratorNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSecurity Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSymentec Ghost Configuration Server Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer Start Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service   Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager   Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service   Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider   Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts   Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage   Manual Local SystemSQLSERVERAGENT   Manual SAPAdministratorVolume Shadow Copy   Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions   Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter   Manual Local SystemAlerter   Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service   Disable Local ServiceApplication Management   Disable Local SystemClipBook   Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application   Disable Local SystemDHCP Client   Disable Network ServiceDistributed File System   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Client   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server   Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator   Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service   Disable Local SystemFile Replication   Disable Local SystemHelp and Support   Disable Local SystemHTTP SSL   Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access   Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service   Disable Local SystemIndexing Service   Disable Local System

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Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

  Disable Local System

Intersite Messaging   Disable Local SystemKerberos Key Distribution Center   Disable Local SystemLicense Logging   Disable Network ServiceMessenger   Disable Local SystemMicrosoft Search   Disable Local SystemMSSQLServerADHelper   Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM   Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service   Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator   Disable Network ServiceResultant Set of Policy Provider   Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access   Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon   Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection   Disable Local SystemSmart Card   Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper   Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler   Disable Local SystemTelephony   Disable Local SystemTelnet   Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory   Disable Local SystemThemes   Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply   Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager   Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service   Disable Local SystemWebClient   Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio   Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)   Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service   Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration   Disable Local System

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Table 27 – SAP Enterprise Portal IIS ProxyName Status Startup options Log onAutomatic Updates Start Auto Local SystemComputer Browser Start Auto Local SystemCryptographic Services Start Auto Local SystemDNS Client Start Auto Network ServiceEvent Log Start Auto Local SystemHTTP SSL Start Auto Local SystemIIS Admin Service Start Auto Local SystemIPSEC Services Start Auto Local SystemNet Logon Start Auto Local SystemNT LM Security Support Provider Start Auto Local SystemPlug and Play Start Auto Local SystemProtected Storage Start Auto Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Start Auto Local SystemRemote Registry Start Auto Local ServiceSecurity Accounts Manager Start Auto Local SystemServer Start Auto Local SystemSystem Event Notification Start Auto Local SystemTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Start Auto Local ServiceTerminal Services Start Auto Local SystemWindows Installer Start Auto Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Start Auto Local SystemWindows Time Start Auto Local SystemWorkstation Start Auto Local SystemWorld Wide Web Publishing Service Start Auto Local SystemBackground Intelligent Transfer Service   Manual Local SystemCOM+ Event System Start Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager   Manual Local SystemLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service   Manual Local SystemMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider   Manual Local SystemNetwork Connections Start Manual Local SystemNetwork Location Awareness (NLA) Start Manual Local SystemPerformance Logs and Alerts   Manual Network ServiceRemovable Storage   Manual Local SystemVolume Shadow Copy   Manual Local SystemWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions   Manual Local SystemWMI Performance Adapter   Manual Local SystemAlerter   Disable Local ServiceApplication Layer Gateway Service   Disable Local ServiceApplication Management   Disable Local SystemClipBook   Disable Local SystemCOM+ System Application   Disable Local SystemDHCP Client   Disable Network ServiceDistributed File System   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Client   Disable Local SystemDistributed Link Tracking Server   Disable Local SystemDistributed Transaction Coordinator   Disable Network ServiceError Reporting Service   Disable Local SystemFile Replication   Disable Local SystemHelp and Support   Disable Local SystemHuman Interface Device Access   Disable Local SystemIMAPI CD-Burning COM Service   Disable Local SystemIndexing Service   Disable Local SystemInternet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

  Disable Local System

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Intersite Messaging   Disable Local SystemKerberos Key Distribution Center   Disable Local SystemLicense Logging   Disable Network ServiceMessenger   Disable Local SystemNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE   Disable Local SystemNetwork DDE DSDM   Disable Local SystemPortable Media Serial Number Service   Disable Local SystemPrint Spooler   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Auto Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Access Connection Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Desktop Help Session Manager   Disable Local SystemRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator   Disable Network ServiceResultant Set of Policy Provider   Disable Local SystemRouting and Remote Access   Disable Local SystemSecondary Logon   Disable Local SystemShell Hardware Detection   Disable Local SystemSmart Card   Disable Local ServiceSpecial Administration Console Helper   Disable Local SystemTask Scheduler   Disable Local SystemTelephony   Disable Local SystemTelnet   Disable Local ServiceTerminal Services Session Directory   Disable Local SystemThemes   Disable Local SystemUninterruptible Power Supply   Disable Local ServiceUpload Manager   Disable Local SystemVirtual Disk Service   Disable Local SystemWebClient   Disable Local ServiceWindows Audio   Disable Local SystemWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)   Disable Local ServiceWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service   Disable Local ServiceWireless Configuration   Disable Local System

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Reconfigurations Made After the Application of Security Templates

Impersonate a client after authentication

In SAP R/3 Enterprise and SQL Server (for R/3), Administrators, which was deleted for the high security template, was entered again for the reconfiguration to be made after the application of security templates.

Figure 4 – User Rights Assignment Policy

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Figure 5 – Settings

Note: An application that is running as if it were a user can be disguised as a client if it is assigned the [Impersonate a client after authentication] privilege. The unauthorized user's attempt to credit a client with an authorized connection with this type of disguise is checked by asking the user for a user authorization. For example, when an unauthorized user is presented as a client after connecting to a service that has been created from a remote procedure call (RPC) or a named pipe, the authority level of unauthorized users is raised to the administrator or system level. The default security group for this user authority is suitable for the legacy client and enterprise client environments. This user authority in a high security environment, however, can only be configured with Local Service and Network Service.

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification

Default Template

After High Security is Applied

Newly Applied Template Settings

After High Security is Applied



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Shutdown: Clear virtual memory page file

In SAP R/3 Enterprise, the settings that had been enabled in high security templates were disabled.

Figure 6 – Security Options

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Figure 7 – Settings

Note: The [Shutdown: Clear virtual memory page file] security option determines whether the virtual memory page file is to be cleared when the system is shut down. When this option is selected, the system page file is cleared each time the system is shut down. When this security option is activated, the hibernation file (hiberfil.sys) is also zeroed in a portable computer system if the hibernation state is disabled. The sequence of shutting down and restarting the server will then take a long time, which will be noticeable in a server with a large paging file. For this reason, this option is configured as "disabled" in legacy client and enterprise client environments although it is "enabled" in a high security environment.

Caution: There is the possibility that an attacker who is physically accessing a server could bypass this setting by disconnecting the server from the power source.

Appendix: Report on Hardening Verification

Default Template

After High Security is Applied

Newly Applied Template Settings

After High Security is Applied