saria school library project information

Project information: Library and community centre for Saria School Life Uplifted by Change in Africa - Charity No. 1112674

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Project information for the Saria school library


Page 1: Saria school library project information

Project information: Library and community centre for Saria School

Life Uplifted by Change in Africa - Charity No. 1112674

Page 2: Saria school library project information

Table of Contents

Project details 1

Profile: Life Uplifted by Change in Africa 4

Profile: Developing Families Together (DFT) 6

Project area description 8

Contact Information 9

A1: Operational plan of project 10

A2: Budget summary 11

A3: Library and staff room cost summary 12

A4: Library facility construction estimated engineering cost 13

A5: Saria school photo (1) 15

A6: Saria school photo (2) 16

A7: Saria school photo (3) 17

Name of report i

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Project details

OverviewLife Uplifted by Change in Africa (LUCIA) would like to raise funds to build and equip a library for Saria School in

Ethiopia. This will provide access to books and information for 465 pupils, aged 5-15, at the school which they

don't currently have. It is hoped that the wider community will also benefit from using this facility at weekends.

Saria school only has 4 classrooms for 465 pupils. At present the Saria region has no access to information

providing knowledge and enlightenment, and this is something LUCIA would like to address as the charity

believes education is the answer to lifting people out of poverty.

A library will provide additional teaching and resources not at present available to the children. It will maximise

the education opportunity for all members of the community, providing access not only to children at the school

but also to the rest of the community who wish to broaden their knowledge. Books on a wide range of relevant

subjects will be provided and the focus will not only be on academic achievement but also education on wider

social issues.

LUCIA will work in partnership with Developing Families Together (DFT), an Ethiopian Non-Governmental

Organisation (NGO). DFT built the existing Saria school classrooms and provided chairs and tables. They will be

responsible for managing and monitoring the library project.


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The estimated cost of the construction of the library and purchase of furniture and books is £19,062.

Library and staff room construction £ 8903.00

Furniture and equipment £ 2135.00

Books £ 1424.00

Monitoring/supervision and evaluation £ 890.00


Programme cost £ 13352.00

Administrative costs 10% £ 1335.00


Project total £14687.00

Two LUCIA field trips and administration £1000.00

Contingency (10% of programme cost) £1335.00


Project grand total £17022.00

Local community labour contribution* £2,040.00


*In kind contribution. The construction company and contributed labour organised by the DFT is estimated at

12% (£2,040) of the total budget for the equipment build.


Monitoring expenditure Developing Families Together (DFT) will manage the project by deploying a project officer at the site. Monthly

meetings will be held at head office in Addis Ababa where the project officer will report and monitor the project’s

progress and finances. Quarterly reports will be submitted to the government sector and also to LUCIA. Upon

completion of the project an evaluation will be undertaken by an external auditor appointed by LUCIA.

A LUCIA officer will make two visits to Ethiopia, one mid-way through the project and one when the library

building is completed. They will undertake site visits to monitor and evaluate progress, and will submit full

reports back to donors. Interim monitoring will take place by email and telephone contact with DFT.


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SustainabilityThe financial cost of building the library is finite. Funding will not be required for salaries or any running costs

after completion. DFT already has an agreement with the Ethiopian government to employ teachers.

When a community works and gets involved in the building, running and management of a project the activity

becomes their personal property. They take ownership of the project and this goes a long way towards

ensuring its sustainability. DFT, along with the Saria community, have already proven that they can sustain and

commit to the running and improvement of the school and education within their region. Together they have

already built four new classrooms (photographs attached) and secured a pump for the school.

When the library is completed, an agreement between DFT and the Woreda Education Office will be signed to

follow-up, monitor and evaluate the project. LUCIA will continue its fundraising partnership with DFT, supporting

and seeking to improve the facilities in the school and the library (e.g. installing solar panels and IT, updating

library stock and other school equipment). Maintenance and development of the school will continually be

monitored and evaluated.

Evaluating the impact of the project The following will be monitored before commencement of the project:

Number of students

Students per class/teacher

Gender ratio of students

After completion of the project the following will be monitored:

Usage of the library by students and community. It is anticipated that as the library will provide better access to

a broader range of information than is currently available, it will be used by both students and members of the

community providing knowledge and enlightenment.

Although Saria Woreda of North Shoa Zone Amhara region is on the National Grid the school has no electricity,

meaning that the library is an important source of information and knowledge. Twelve months after completion

LUCIA will assess through statistics the use of the library and the impact of information gained by staff, students

and the community.

Independent check on the quality of construction The Ethiopia Government Education Office will check the quality of construction regularly throughout the

building work and upon completion. One of the DFT board members is an architect who will be checking the

quality and construction of the school while work is in progress and on completion.

A retention fee will be withheld for the period of one year. Should any cracks or faulty work appear the

contractor will be required to make good the work, before the retention fee is paid. After the contractor has

finished the construction he will be contractually required to issue a safety certificate.


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Profi le: Life Uplifted by Change in Africa

IntroductionLife Uplifted by Change in Africa (LUCIA) is a small volunteer-run charity whose goal is to improve the lives of

women and children in Ethiopia through local projects encouraging long term growth and development. The

charity focuses on projects that will make lasting improvements, and primarily works with women and street

children in Ethiopia. LUCIA helps to provide women, both as individuals and as community groups, with the

support they need to begin generating their own incomes. This improves their lives and that of their families, and

they become motivated and less reliant on international aid. The charity also supports orphan and street children

with education, shelter and health care.

Trustees/Governing Body Sylvia Gardiner Trustee and Chair

Jill Russell Trustee and Secretary

Louise Gessey Trustee and Treasurer

Rebecca Shales Trustee and IT Manager

Advisory Committee Emeritus Professor Roy May Director of the African Studies Centre, Coventry University

Dr John Coleman Retired register of Coventry University

Mr B Stokes (B.A) Retired Headmaster

Mr Iain Gardiner (MSc) Programme Manager ‘Partnership for Child Development’, Imperial College London

Dr J Clarke G.P, advisor on health issues

Ms. B McMahon (M.A. Ed) 2 years working in the field with NGOs in Ethiopia

Demisse Mamo Demoz Ethiopian translator and fixer, employed on a casual basis


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Volunteers Fundraising steering committee - 6 members

Approximately 30 regular supporters/fundraising volunteers

As all the trustees are library staff at the University of Birmingham, a wealth of informal support is available from

professional colleagues throughout the University

LUCIA is University of Birmingham Library Services’ chosen charity

Current projectsEducation programmes : sexual and reproductive health, family planning, women’s rights and re-education to

combat harmful traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Women’s self help groups : promoting sustainable development programmes such as community savings

schemes, small business training and start-up support

Orphan girls and street children projects : providing shelter, food, clothing, sanitary products, counselling

and education/schooling

NGO partners in EthiopiaZertihun Tefera - SIQQEE Women’s Development Association (SWDA)

Present projects : supporting orphan girls and women with HIV/AIDS

Kidest Belete - Developing Families Together (DFT)

Proposals ongoing : self help groups, including literacy education

Maliku Hailu - WCDO (Women and Children Development Organisation)

Present projects: Women’s self help groups

Jenna Hoyt - Little Voice

Yearly financial support towards running costs: Street children in Addis Ababa

UK partners supporting fundraisingKing Edwards School (boys), Edgbaston

Fairtrade Birmingham

Flower Fayre Shop, Shirley

2 West Midlands Methodist churches

Paul Birch (Revolver Records/Fairtrade coffee)

Mr Bridge - Mr Bridge magazine


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Profi le: Developing Famil ies Together (DFT)

IntroductionDeveloping Families Together (DFT) is an Ethiopian charity, formed in 2002, that works towards poverty

reduction, HIV/AIDS prevention, and care and support for needy people in Ethiopia. The mission of the

organisation is to improve the quality of the lives of families, with a special focus on women and children,

through a family based and integrated community development approach.

Contact detailsMs Kidist Belete - Executive Director

Niger Street, Holy Trinity Cathedral Building

Addis Ababa,

State/County: Region 14

Postal Code/ZIP: 81233


Tel: 011 124 57 26, 011 655 2976

Email: [email protected]

AchievementsSince its establishment DFT has performed diverse development activities and social services for women and

other disadvantaged segments of the community.

DFT major achievements in Debre Birhan and Shoa Robbit areas:

•Several hundred rural women trained in reproductive health/HIV/AIDS with women’s information centres


•650 rural women and 45 older orphan children organised into self help groups. Installed six grinding mills to

economically empower 150 women living with HIV/AIDS in Addis Ababa

•Involvement and promotion of urban agriculture geared towards food security

•Distributed agricultural materials and seeds to grow vegetables and fruit


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•Constructed the Saria school - one block with four classrooms - that benefits 465 children in Saria Kebele and

the nearby areas

•Constructed 80m deep bore water point to enable the school community and nearby dwellers access to

potable water

•Purchased chairs and tables for the school in Saria Kebele

•Raised the awareness of community members on family planning, HIV/AIDS and currently provide family

planning, HIV/AIDS testing and counselling


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Project area description

The intended project area, Saria Kebele, is one of the 22 kebeles in Basona Worana, North Shoa Zone of the

Amhara National Regional State. Basona Worana is one of the twenty Woredas of the North Shoa Zone that, in

turn, is one of the ten administrative zones of the Amhara National Regional State. The Woreda is located in the

middle part of North Shoa Zone. The capital of Basona Worana Woreda, Debre Birhan, is 130 Kilometers from

Addis Ababa. Saria Kebele is located 10 km from Debre Birhan town in the north direction.

Major physical features

Saria Kebele is a very rugged area that is dissected by scores of streams. The altitude of the kebele is one of the

highest above sea level. Geographically, the zone has two distinct agro-climatic zones. These are Kolla (tropical)

and Woina Dega (Subtropical)

Saria Woreda is located 140 km from Addis Ababa. The proposed project area is one of the least developed

areas of Amhra Region where food security situation has deteriorated gradually.

Population and economy of Saria Kebele

The population is approximately 4110, of which 2104 are male, 41% are below the age of 15, 56% form the

working population and 3% are 64 years old or above.

1. Women have a very low socio-economic status with difficult access to education leaving them with a

very low income even though they labour more than other household members. Without education the

women fight against poverty and discrimination, and are exposed to harmful traditional practices such

as abduction, early marriage, rape, FGM and others.

One health centre and a few private clinics serve a population of 100,000 people in the Woreda.

The main source of income in Saria is farming.

Similar to other kebeles in Ethiopia, the principal source of livelihood for the majority of the population of Saria

Kebele is traditional mixed farming, which is production of crops and raising of livestock.


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Contact Information

Life Uplifted by Change in Africa (LUCIA)

22 Binton Road Shirley


West Midlands

B90 2QH

Tel: 0121 745 6463

Email: [email protected]



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A1: Operational plan of project

Activities MonthMonthMonthMonthMonthMonthMonthMonthMonthMonthMonthMonth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Organise the co-ordinating

project office at the site for

close supervision

Conduct project launch


Collect community

contribution, like labour and

other in kind donations

Prepare bid and open for


Collect competitive bid offers

Award task to the winner

bidder and sign contract

Assign plot of land for the

construction and make site


Collect proformas to purchase

industrial materials

Conduct acquisition of

industrial materials and deploy

items at the site

Follow up completion of

construction work

Complete construction work

and hand over to school


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A2: Budget summary

Item category/description Total budget


Project cost (Birr) Counterpart

contribution (Birr)

Total budget


Library and staff room construction 8903 250,000.00 50,000.00 300,000.00

Library furniture and equipment 2135 60,000.00 60,000.00

Books 1424 40,000.00 40,000.00

Monitoring/supervision and evaluation 890 25,000.00 25,000.00

Total program cost 13352 375,000 50,000 425,000

Administrative cost (10%) 1335 37,500.00 37,500.00

Grand project cost 14687 412,500.00 50,000.00 462,500.00


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A3: Library and staff room cost summary

Substructure Cost (Birr)

Excavation and earth work 13,003.05

Concrete work 16,859.00

Masonry work 20,125.00

Subtotal 49,987.05


Hollow blocks wall 113,603.10

Roofing 38,810.20

Metal work 13,413.60

Finishing work 16,346.10

Painting 9,232.20

Glazing 3835.25

Electrical installation 4772.50

Subtotal 200,012.95

Grand total 250,000


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A4: Library facil ity construction estimated engineering cost

Item Unit Price per

unit (birr)

Quantity Total price


Cement 100 kg 450.00 200 90,000.00

Stone truck 1,200.00 6 7,200.00

Sand m cubed 255.00 30 7,650.00

Gravel m cubed 279.99 10 2,799.90

Rebar 14 pieces 243.00 11 2,673.00

Rebar 12 pieces 188.00 16 3,008.00

Rebar 10 pieces 137.00 4 548.00

Rebar 8 pieces 103.00 6 618.00

Metal wire kilo 437.00 3 1,311.00

Wood - big pieces 35.00 25 875.00

Wood - long pieces 20.00 14 280.00

Wood - medium pieces 15.00 20 300.00

Wood - small pieces 14.00 40 560.00

4m lumber pieces 40.00 5 200.00

Nail 6 kilo 20.25 5 101.25

Nail 8 kilo 20.25 5 101.25

Nail 10 kilo 20.25 5 101.25

Nail 12 kilo 20.25 5 101.25

Hollow concrete block 15 block 5.75 5,000 28,750.00

Hollow concrete block block 7.00 5,000 35,000.00

Roof nails kilo 40.19 5 200.95

Staffa kilo 24.40 30 732.00

Wire kilo 29.70 4 118.80

Corrugated sheets sheet 150.20 200 30,040.00

String kilo 20.00 8 160.00

Paint gallon 192.05 10 1,920.50

Brush one 40.25 10 402.50


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Item Unit Price per

unit (birr)

Quantity Total price


Doors pieces 850.00 8 6,800.00

Hook and eye bolts set 20.00 8 160.00

Light pieces 281.75 8 2,254.00

Electric wire metres 4.59 100 459.00

Elbow joints pieces 5.80 20 116.00

Nipples pieces 4.99 24 119.76

Union pieces 12.65 4 50.60

Tee pieces 5.99 12 71.88

Sctola pieces 1.04 8 8.32

Switch pieces 24.15 2 48.30

Nastro pieces 6.90 2 13.80

Braker pieces 80.50 1 80.50

Robinato pieces 48.90 8 391.20

Conduit pieces 7.94 8 63.52

ContingencyContingencyContingency 23,000

Grand TotalGrand TotalGrand Total 249,390.00


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A5: Saria school photo (1)


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A6: Saria school photo (2)


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A7: Saria school photo (3)