sárospataki református kollégium tudományos gyűjteményei - kutatói tájékoztató kiadvány

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  • Srospataki Reformtus Kollgium Tudomnyos



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  • Gyjtemny01 Az alaptsA Kollgiumnak alaptstl (1531) volt knyvtri, levltri gyjtemnye. Mai szemmel kezdetlegesnek mondhatnnk a nyomtatvnyoknak, kziratoknak ldkban rztt ktegeit, az akkori kvetelmnyeknek azonban ezek messzemenen megfeleltek. Klnskppen gy volt ez, amikor az oktatst az akadmia szintjre emeltk (1549), s amikor Comenius ms Jnos modern kollgiumot szervezett itt (1650-1654), vagy amikor az iskolai knyvtr a Rkcziak fejedelmi gyjtemnyvel egszlt ki (1652). Az iskolai let feltteleit a fri patrnusok hatroztk meg: a luthernus Pernyiek, pr ven t a Korona, majd a reformtus Dob csald s nemzedkeken t a Rkcziak. Knyveket, tanrokat hozattak, nyomdt llttattak, tmogattk a hazai szellemi letet.

    02 TrtnelemNekik ksznheten a kollgiumi knyvtrban vegyesen gyjttt mzeumi trgyak, okmnyok, levelezsek, iratok s fleg a knyvek gyarapodsa a trk hdoltsgi terletektl fggetlen Felvidk, Krptalja, Partium s Erdly legjelentsebb magyar knyvtri gyjtemnyv avattk a srospatakit

    Az ellenreformcis kzdelmek, a Kollgium bujdossa Erdlyben s a Felvidken, azzal jrt, hogy knyv- s iratanyagnak nagy rszt nem tudta megrizni. A vallsi s politikai bke korszakaiban azonban az oktatsi reformok, nevelsi elvek jegyben gyarapodott a knyvtr, s egy-egy elktelezett tanr ldozatos szakmai munkja nyomn szaporodtak a szemlltet, ksrleti eszkzk, az egyes trgyak kln-gyjtemnyei s a szakirodalom.

    03 NapjainkigA Kollgium iskola-egyttesbl kivlt a Tantkpz, 1951-ben megszntettk a Teolgiai Fiskolt s 1952-ben llamistottk a kzpiskolt. Az immr iskola nlkli iskolai gyjtemnyek egyhzi tulajdonban maradtak s a Tiszninneni Reformtus Egyhzkerlet Tudomnyos Gyjtemnyei nevet kaptk.

    1990-tl a Srospataki Reformtus Kollgium jraindulstl a Teolgiai Akadmia, a Reformtus Gimnzium s ltalnos Iskola mellett kollgiumi intzmny a Nagyknyvtr, a Levltr, a Mzeum s az Adattr, jra a Srospataki Reformtus Kollgium Tudomnyos Gyjtemnyei elnevezssel. Ezeknek az intzmnyeinek a kialakulst tekintjk t rviden az albbiakban.

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    01 Az alaptsA knyvtr egyids a Kollgiummal. 16. szzadi mkdtetsre utalnak az 1621-bl a knyvtrosrl fennmaradt trvnyek. A knyveket ekkor a kzpkori ferences klastromban a Kollgium legrgibb pletben a legbiztonsgosabb krlmnyek kztt rzik. A 17. szzadi gyarapods s az llomnynak a fejedelmi knyvtrral trtn bvtse utn a knyveket a dogmatika, histria, grg irodalom, latin irodalom, gyakorlati teolgia, kziknyvek, filozfia, orvostudomny szakcsoportjaiba osztlyozzk. Rkczi Gyrgy pttet kln boltves knyvtrtermet a Kollgiumban a msutt mr nem raktrozhat llomnynak. Fia III. Rkczi Zsigmond klnsen kitnik azokkal a knyvrendelseivel, amelyek modern szakirodalommal tltik fel a gyjtemnyt, s a nevhez fzdik a Bibliotheca Rakocziana rtestlsa a Kollgiumra.

    1671-ben az ellenreformcis ldzs miatt a Kollgiumnak meneklnie kell Srospatakrl. A szekereken mentett kzisajt s knyvllomny nagy rszt Debrecenben vesztik el, amikor nmet zsoldosok dljk a vrost. A kollgiumi polgrok Gyulafehrvron, Marosvsrhelyen, ismt Srospatakon, majd Gncn, Kassn folytatjk tanulmnyaikat, amennyire tudjk, amg 1704-ben II. Rkczi Ferenc oltalomlevele nem biztostja a lehetsgt annak, hogy jra Srospatakon rendezkedjenek be.


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    Nagyknyvtr02 TrtneteA jezsuitkat ktelezik ugyan, hogy az elvett knyv-tr nagy rszt visszaadjk, de csaknem ellrl kell kezdeni a knyvtrptst s llomnygyaraptst. A Kollgium csupn a 18. szzad vgn rendelkezik is-mt eurpai szint knyvtrral. Az 1827-re megptett Nagykollgium klasszicista teremknyvtrba 1934 nyarn szlltjk t a knyveket.

    Az els knyvtri katalgusokban mg nagyobb szmban szerepelnek kziratok. Ez rthet, hiszen ha mkdtt is nyomda a Kollgiumban 1650-tl, a diksg szmra a sokszorosts mdja gyakran a msols maradt.

    2006-ban visszakapta a Nagyknyvtr az 1938-ban megrzs cljbl fvrosi bankok szfjeiben elhelyezett s a szovjet hadsereg ltal 1945-ben Oroszorszgba szlltott anyagnak 3/4- rszt: az 1378 nyomtatvnyt tartalmaz 173 ktetbl jrszt kolligtumokbl 146 ktetet. Mint egyhzi knyvtr, a kzpkori ritkasgok mellett dicsekedhet a reformci szzadnak szmos eredeti munkjval, az eurpai protestantizmus alapmveivel, s a Teolgiai Akadmia jraindulsa ta a legmodernebb teolgiai s filozfiai irodalommal.

    03 RitkasgokNapjainkban a teolgia, irodalom, trtnelem, fld-rajz, trsadalomtudomny, llektan, mveldstrt-net, filozfia terleteinek a mvei gyarapodnak lend-letesen, jval kisebb mrtkben pedig a mvszetek, az alkalmazott- s termszettudomnyi szakok.

    A nevezetess vlt pataki tanrok s dikok mellett egyb hressgek knyvei, unikumok, ritkasgok tallhatk itt, a klnbz korok tanknyveivel, a magyar nyelv Biblia szinte valamennyi hazai s klfldi kiadsval. Vlogathatunk a nyomdszat kzmipari korban szletett kiadvnyokbl, melyek a legnevesebb eurpai mhelyek termkei aldink, giuntk, elzevirek, a Plantin s Etienn-nyomdk, stb. munki, amelyek melll nem hinyoznak Miszttfalusi Kis Mikls remekbe metszett knyvei sem. Az jabb raktrplet a Repositorium fldszintjn lehetsg nylt egyes kln-gyjtemnyek elhelyezsre. Itt kapott helyet Szathmry Lajos, Kirly Istvn, Halmi Rbert, Cs. Szab Lszl, Bres Ferenc, Koncz Sndor s Vitz Ferenc knyvtri hagyatka.

    04 NapjainkbanA Nagyknyvtr a knyveit olvastermi hasznlatban bocstja az olvask rendelkezsre. A kutatknak kln kutatszobval tud szolglni. A hagyomnyos betrendes s ETO (Egyetemes Tizedes Osztlyozs) cdulakatalgusok mellett 20 internetes szmtgpen kereshet vissza az utbbi vtizedben gpre vitt anyaga. A hagyomnyos reprogrfia szolgltatsaihoz fnymsols, nyomtats - mr hozztartozik a szkennels, fotzs, CD-rs, DVD-msols. A knyvtrkzi klcsnzs mellett md nylik knyvtri dokumentumok elektronikus formban trtn tovbbtsra.

    A Nagyknyvtr llomnya 2013-ban 589.567 knyvtri egysgben hatrozhat meg. A Tudomnyos Gyjtemnyekben vente kb. 200 kutat vgez tudomnyos munkt. llomnya 800.000 -et meghalad gyjtemnyi egysg.

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    01 LevltrA Levltr tiszte volt a Kollgium legfontosabb iratainak az rzse. A legkorbbi anyaga nagyobb rszben sajnos - az ellenreformcis bujdoss sorn - elkalldott vagy megsemmislt. A 18. szzad eleji jrainduls azonban gyorsan megsokszorozta a levltri anyagot, olyannyira, hogy fl vszzadonknt szksgess vlt a teljes trendezse. 1813-tl levltrost tartanak, akinek az iratnyilvntarts s iratszolgltats a f feladata. A 19. szzad vgn a kollgiumi Levltrba kerl az egyhzkerleti irattr. A megnvekedett llomnyt Zsoldos (Lechner) Ben (1847-1919) tanr a Pallas Nagylexikon ksztinek munkatrsa - sorolja jelzettel elltott, idrendi gyjtemnybe, 10 ktetes alapcmtrral s 250.000 katalguscdulval. A Levltr 1951-tl iratment misszit folytatva tovbb bvti llomnyt: befogadja az automatikusan hozz kerl, hivatali iratok mellett - az ateista diktatrban pusztulsra tlt gylekezeti, egyhzmegyei, kzigazgatsi, intzmnyi irat-anyagokat, csaldi levltrakat, szemlyi letteket. Anyaga tbb mint 636 ifm terjedelm.

    Sros Nagy Patak vros levltri szekrnye az orszg s a vros cmervel. XVIII. szzad

  • Gyjtemny02 MzeumA szemlltets mr Comenius eltt sem volt idegen az oktatstl Srospatakon. Az eszkzk a 17. szzadban kezdtek szaporodni, a ksrleti eszkzk pedig a 18. szzad elejtl. A knyvtrban, osztlyteremben, szer trban gyarapod gyjtemnyt rendesen mzeumnak neveztk. Ilyen rtelemben szletett fizikai, numizmatikai, termszetrajzi, trtnelmi, rgszeti, mvszeti, nyelvszeti, nprajzi mzeum, melyek rendszerint ms gyjtemny rszeknt, ksbb kln teremben, vgl az egysges mzeumi anyagba tagoldva gyarapodtak.

    A Fizikai Mzeum tudatos gyaraptja a ksrleti fizika hazai ttrje Simndi Istvn volt. A ksrleti eszkzket nem egyszer maguk a tanrok vagy gyes kez dikok ksztettk, vagy helyi iparosokkal csinltattk meg, nha olyan sikerrel, hogy a prizsi vilgkilltsra is jutott bellk. A Numizmatikai Gyjtemny gyarapodsa az 1720-as vektl kvethet: rgi magyar, klfldi rmk, emlkpnzek gyjthelye. A Termszetrajzi Mzeumban a szemlltets trgyi anyagaiknt svnyok, nvnyek, slnytani leletek sorakoztak s nvnytani, llattani, kzettani osztlyok alakultak. Soltsz Jnos (1809-1879) orvos-tanr a gyjtemnyt kipreparlt madarakkal s egyb, kitmtt llatokkal gyaraptja, azzal a cllal, hogy Fels-magyarorszg llat- s nvnyvilgt, valamint svnyait minl teljesebben be tudja mutatni.

    03 AdattrA Gyjtemnyek legfiatalabb intzmnye az Adattr. A kt hbor kztt lendletet kapott faluszeminriumi munka hozta ltre. 1931-tl foglalkoztak szeminriumi keretben npismerettel, trsadalomtudomnnyal, nemzetnevelssel, szociogrfival, trsadalomtrtneti kutatssal, nprajzi gyjtssel, Szab Zoltn (1902-1965) s jszszy Klmn (1902-1994) tanrok vezetsvel. Amikor a faluszeminrium megsznt, a Tudomnyos Gyjtemnyek nll rszlegeknt mkdhetett tovbb az Adattr, melynek anyagai mr kln termekben nyertek elhelyezst. Mai egysgei: szakknyvtr, kzirattr, aprnyomtatvny-tr, jsgkivgat-gyjtemny, fnykptr, levelezlap-gyjtemny, npkltsi gyjtemny, npfiskolai gyjtemny, klfldi magyar reformtus gyjtemny, adalktr. Orszgos jelentsg az amerikai magyar reformtus gyjtemny. llomnya: kzel 300.000 adattri egysg.

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    A 20. szzad elejtl bonctani, szvettani, kmiai eszkzk s vegyszerek kapnak helyet benne.

    Szpszeti Mgyjtemnyknt indult a Szpszeti s Mrgszeti Mzeum. Trtnelmi arckpcsarnokot tudott bemutatni, gyjttte a kisplasztikkat, szobrokat, mvszettrtneti szakknyvtrat hozott ltre. A gyjtemny darabjai kztt megjelentek a textlik: pl. rasztali tertk, npi hmzsek, varrottasok, szttesek. A Philolgiai Gyjtemnyt Elekes Imre (1872-1951) gimnziumi tanr ksbb igazgat - hozta ltre nyelvszeti szemlltet eszkzkbl s szakknyvtrbl. A jelenlegi llomny 28.445 mzeumi trgyat tartalmaz, amit 2.817 ktetes szakknyvtr egszt ki.

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    Aranyozott ezst rasztali kehely 1626-bl

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    The township of Srospatak has occupied a very significant historical and cultural role since the establishment of Hungary. The history of its castle is connected with the lives and activities of many famous and noble people of this nation. For example, Laszlo IV, known as the Cumanian, and Saint Elizabeth of Hungary were both born here.

    From the beginning of the sixteenth century, the princes of Transylvania and nobility of Upper-Hungary owned the township. Srospatak became one of the centres of the often rekindled Hungarian national wars of independence. This is why Sndor Petfi, the national poet, wrote in his diary, This town was the lions den of the Hungarian revolutions. Here the lions of freedom dwelt.

    The Reformation in Hungary started to gain ground almost simultaneously with Martin Luthers appearance at the beginning of the 1500s. The Hungarian people, who had defended Christian Europe throughout centuries against the invading pagans, found in Calvinism a saving and renewing force for the individual, as well as for the nation as a whole. To the Hungarians Calvinism meant a possible progress in all directions of life, so that in the end they considered it the Magyar religion.

    The Reformation brought a particular school system here, making it possible to establish nationwide colleges which would train ministers for the Hungarian Reformed Church. The Srospatak College was one of these types of colleges.

    Since 1531, the college was financially sponsored by Protestant nobles, who maintained all the buildings, teachers, libraries, and the printing houses of the College. They also established the rules and regulations of the College and made it possible for needy but talented students to study here free of charge. These nobles also made it possible for all eminent students of the college to visit universities of other countries. The world famous pedagogical historian, Amos John Comenius, established his modern college during his activities here in Srospatak.

    During the Hungarian Counter-Reformation at the end of the 17th century, all Protestants in the Carpathian Basin who remained loyal to their faith were harassed and even killed or sentenced to galley slavery with the help of a foreign army. Thus, the Srospatak College went into exile for a quarter of a century. The College which had been almost totally plundered, found shelter and security in Transylvania, where the Prince of Transylvania made it possible for the college to continue its functions there. At the beginning of the 18th century, the college was once again able to function freely in Srospatak.

    On the 300th anniversary of the College, the particular spiritual characteristics of the college were expressed in the words of this sentence: I have three burning torches: faith, country and humanity.

    The College has an educational structure consisting of a low, middle and an upper level built upon each other, but varying in form from time to time. For example, at

    one time, a student could complete theological training and at the same time receive a degree in law, liberal arts, and primary education. The College produced many famous writers, poets, and scholars for the benefit of the nation. Some mention Srospatak, situated on the banks of the Bodrog River, as the Athens of the Bodrog. Since it was possible to get a diploma in the English language here, others called Srospatak the Hungarian Cambridge.

    In 1952, the Communist dictatorship closed the gates of the Theological Academy. The General Assembly of the maintainer Tiszninnen Church District protested, thus the functioning of the church district was also disallowed by the State. After the revolution and war of 1956, the church district regained its independence. The Great Library, Museum, Archives and the Database of Scholarly Collections remained under control of the church. However, among the ancient walls of the college, a state run grammar school was operated. In 1989, the Reformed College of Srospatak, with both its Theological Academy and Grammar School began functioning again as a part of the Hungarian Reformed Church. The demands of the Colleges manifold functions resulted in the establishment of the Great Library at the beginning of the colleges operations. Its materials have been documented since the end of the 16th century.

    Since 1621, contemporary writers comment on the fate of the most famous library of Hungary and Transylvania. The library consisted mainly of gifts from the Prince of Transylvania and the Rkczi family library donated

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    Srospatak , the Calvinist College and Collection

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    in 1652. A large part of this library was scattered and destroyed during the Counter-Reformation in Hungary. When the College began functioning again, the Library restarted as well. This time by the sponsorship of the Protestant lower nobilities, the librarys stock was enlarged through donations of family libraries and collections of individual scholars. It became a tradition for students visiting foreign universities to bring back books to their alma mater.

    Since the stock of the existing Library has increased during the centuries, it has demanded new rooms and buildings to accommodate its growth. The Library was scattered until 1834, when it was gathered into the present building with its original chamber in classicist style. The newest building, the Repository, solves the problem of storage. Between the two World Wars, the book stock was about 100,000 volumes. During the 70s it reached a half million volumes. Among these volumes, there are some Codex remains, some original printings and nearly a hundred unique and rare works of theological, historical, philosophical, legal and pedagogical works. The colleges institutes have cared for a significant amount of documents for almost 470 years of history. Since 1735, the number of documents has increased greatly through growing documents of the church district, other ecclesiastical and lay institutes, and by the collections of facilities and societies which now make up the District and Archival Collection, of which the oldest document originates

    from 1294. Since the 1700s, various educational departments continually established collections of physics, archaeology, numismatics and fine art items which the Museum, as a separate institution, collects. Continuing exhibitions of educational and ecclesiastical arts, as well as periodical and occasional exhibitions of various kinds are held here. Before World War II, the youth of the College, took part collectively in intensive research of rural sociology. Their experiences were useful in their practical studies of theological training, as well as in gaining some sociological knowledge. The written results of these field works, combined with collections of traditional art work, sociological pictures, historical accounts of places and work of some eminent scholars, resulted in the establishment of the Database. This Database is just one of the special collections of the Scholarly Collections of the Reformed College, which are used by hundreds of researchers and students yearly.

    The Great Library places its books at the readers disposal in the reading rooms. It serves researchers with separate research rooms. In addition to the traditional alphabetical and UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) card catalogs, data recorded electronically during the past decade can be searched online with the help of 20 computers available. Reprographics services, beside the more traditional forms of photocopying and printing, also include scanning, photography, CD burning and DVD copying. In addition to the interlibrary loan it is possible to transmit library documents electronically.

    In 2013, the book stock was specified in 589,567 units. Annually approx. 200 researchers use the Scholarly Collections. Its stock exceeds 800,000 units.

  • 01 Vek kninicaKninica je rovnako star ako Kolgium. Najstar dokument pojednvajci o kninici je kolsk poriadok z roku 1621, z oho sa d predpoklada existencia kninice u v 16. storo. V tom obdob boli knihy uchovvan v niekdajom frantiknskom kltore, kde boli pre knihy najbezpenejie podmienky. V 17. storo dolo k rozreniu kninice o Rkcziovsku zbierku knh, v dsledku oho bola kninica tvoren prcami z dogmatiky, histrie, grckej a latinskej literatry, praktickej teolgie, prruiek, filozofickch diel. Nov klenbov miestnos pre rozren kninicu dal postavi Juraj Rkczi. Jeho syn, igmund III. Rkczi obohatil zbierku o mnostvo modernej odbornej literatry a s nm sa spja aj odovzdanie zbierky Bibliotheca Rakocziana Kolgiu.

    V roku 1671 muselo Kolgium v dsledku rekatolizcie zo Srospataku ods. Zbierka knh bola vozmi prevezen do Debrecna, ale ke mesto spustoili nemeck oldnieri, vek as knh a rukopisov sa nenvratne stratila. Kolgium pokraovalo v innosti ist dobu v Karlovom Belehrade, Marosvsarhelyi, znova v Srospataku, potom op v exile v Gnci, Koiciach, a do roku 1704, ke im list Frantika II. Rkcziho znova neprinavrti budovu koly v Srospataku. Hoci boli jezuiti vyzvan, aby Kolgiu vrtili sp vek as zabratej kninice, ale v podstate sa kninica a zhromaovanie knh muselo zaa odznova. Kninicu


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    eurpskej rovne sa podarilo znova vybudova a koncom 18. storoia. Do vekej knininej sly Vekho kolgia, postavenej v roku 1827 v klasicistickom slohu, boli knihy premiestnen v lete roku 1834.

    V prvch knininch katalgoch sa vo vekom pote nachdzali rukopisy. Vysvetlenm tejto skutonosti bol fakt, e aj ke od roku 1650 fungovala v Kolgiu aj tlaiare, pre tudentov bolo lacnejie knihy prepisova.

    V roku 2006 Vek kninica zskala sp knihy uloen v sejfoch budapetianskych bnk od roku 1938, ako aj knihy, ktor boli v roku 1945 sovietskou armdou odvezen do Ruska. Kninici sa tak zo Sovietskeho zvzu zo 173 zvzkov pozostvajcich z 1378 vtlakov vrtilo sp 136 zvzkov. Ako cirkevn kninica sa mohla pochvli mnohmi stredovekmi kninmi raritami, ale aj pvodnmi dielami eurpskej protestantskej spisby a po znovuzriaden Teologickej akadmie aj najnovmi teologickmi a filozofickmi dielami. Organizcia a sprva kninice bola do vekej miery v rukch zanietench kolegilnych profesorov. Popri veobecnch zbierkach zahrujcich domcu a zahranin knin produkciu z literatry, umenia a veobecnho vzdelania, sa vytvorili aj pecilne zbierky z prvnych a lekrskych vied. V 19. storo tvorili zbierku kninice rukopisy, odborn asopisy a knihy kategorizovan do kategri: teolgie, filozofie, histrie, prrodnch vied, praktickch vied, politiky, prvnych vied, geografie, literatry.

    Okrem knh bvalch profesorov a tudentov Kolgia je kninica obohaten o zbierky mnohch vznamnch osobnost, unikty, uebnice z rznych historickch obdob, takmer vetky maarsk Biblie vydan doma a v zahrani. Meme si vybera z uniktnych knh runch tlaiarn, ale aj knh vyhotovench znmym tlaiarom Miklsom Kis Miszttfalusim. V przem najnovej budovy skladu v Repositoriu boli uloen niektor osobit zbierky, ako pozostalos Lajosa Szathmryho, Istvna Kirlya, Rberta Cs. Halmiho, Lszl Cs. Szaba, Fernca Bresa, Sndora Koncza a Ferenca Vitza.

    Vek kninica vypoiiava svoje knihy itateom prezenne. Bdateom je vylenen osobitn miestnos. Popri tradinom abecednom a predmetovom katalgu si me bdate vyhada aj knihy a materily, ktor boli za poslednch desa rokov digitalizovan. Okrem tradinch reprografickch sluieb ako koprovanie

    a tlaenie dokumentov, je samozrejme mon aj skenovanie, fotografovanie, zpis na CD a DVD. Popri medziknininej vpoike je mon aj elektronick posielanie dokumentov.

    V roku 2013 tvorilo Vek kninicu 589 567 knininch jednotiek. Vo Vedeckch zbierkach rone realizuje vedeck vskum okolo 200 bdateov. Cel zbierka m vye 800 000 jednotiek.


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  • 02 ZbierkaKolgium malo od zaiatku svojho zaloenia (1531) kninin a archvnu zbierku. Tlae a rukopisy boli vtedy uloen v debnch, a hoci z dnenho pohadu by sa takto prstup mohol zda vemi zaostal, vtedy to plne zodpovedalo poiadavkm doby. To platilo aj v dobe, kedy bolo vzdelvanie pozdvihnut na rove akadmie (1549), ke tu Jn Amos Komensk organizoval modern kolgium (1650 1654) alebo ke bola kolsk kninica doplnen o Rkcziho knieaciu zbierku (1652). kolsk ivot bol zvisl od svetskch patrnov: luternskych Pernyiovcov, niekoko rokov Korunou, neskr od reformovanej rodiny Dobovcov a niekoko generci Rkcziovcami. Zabezpeovali knihy, profesorov, zaloili tlaiare, podporovali domci kultrny ivot. Vaka ich innosti bola bohat zbierka muzelnych predmetov, listn, korepondencie a hlavne knh jednou z najvznamnejch uhorskch knininch zbierok oblasti severnch stolc nepatriacich k tureckmu zemiu, Partia a Sedmohradska.

    Protireforman zpas, obdobie exilu Kolgia v Sedmohradsku a na rznych miestach Hornho Uhorska spsobili, e mnoh knihy a listiny si nedokzala uchova. V obdobiach nboenskho a politickho mieru v znamen vzdelvacch reforiem, vchovnch princpov sa kninica rozrastala, rovnako na tom mali podiel aj samotn profesori, ktor svojimi vedeckmi prcami, vskumami a zbierkami predmetov a knh prispievali k rastu knininej zbierky koly.

    Z kolgia sa neskr vylenil Uitesk stav, v roku 1951 bola zatvoren Vysok kola teologick a v roku 1952 bola pottnen aj stredn kola. kolsk zbierka, ktor vtedy v podstate ostala bez koly ostala vo vlastnctve cirkvi a dostala nzov Vedeck zbierky Predtiskej Reformovanej superintendencie. Od roku 1990, kedy bolo Reformovan kolgium v Srospataku obnoven, popri Teologickej akadmii, Reformovanom gymnziu a Zkladnej kole zaala znova svoju innos Vek kninica, Archv, Mzeum a Databza, ktor op dostali nzov Vedeck zbierky Reformovanho kolgia v Srospataku. Niie je strun histria tchto intitci.

    03 Archvlohou archvu bolo uchovanie najdleitejch dokumentov Kolgia. Jeho najstaria as bola poas exilu v obdob rekatolizcie znien alebo sa stratila. Avak obnovenie innosti v 18. storo spsobilo rchly nrast archvneho materilu, o spsobilo, e po kadom uplynulom polstoro bola potrebn jeho reorganizcia. Od roku 1813 archvny materil spravoval a vydval archivr. V 19. storo sa do kolegilneho archvu dostal aj ditriktulny archv. Rozren zbierku chronologicky usporiadal a kad dokument oznail osobitnou signatrou profesor Ben Zsoldos (Lechner) (1847 1919) spolupracovnk Vekho Lexiknu Pallas, vaka omu vznikol 10 zvzkov inventr s 250 000 katalgovmi zznamami. Od roku 1951 vykonval archv aksi misijn, listinno-zchrann innos, pretoe svoju zbierku roziroval o dokumenty,

    ktor by v dsledku ateistickej diktatry zanikli ako listinn materil ditriktu, sprvy, rodinn archvy, listiny osobnej povahy. Jeho materil m rozsah 636 bm.

    04 MzeumNzornos bola u za ias Komenskho povaovan za dleit sas vzdelvania. Predmety zaali pribda v 17. storo a experimentlne predmety od zaiatku 18. storoia. Predmety hromadiace sa v kninici, triedach, kabinetoch nazvali ,,riadnym mzeom. V tomto ponman vzniklo mzeum fyziky, numizmatiky, prrodovedy, histrie, archeolgie, umenia, nrodopisu, ktor spravidla tvorili samostatn zbierky uloen v osobitnch priestoroch, avak nakoniec boli zjednoten do spolonej muzelnej zbierky.

    Mzeum fyziky roziroval priekopnk domcej experimentlnej fyziky tefan Simndi. Experimentlne predmety boli asto vyhotovovan samotnmi profesormi, ikovnmi tudentmi alebo miestnymi remeselnkmi, priom niekedy boli spen a dostali sa aj na svetov vstavu. Rozirovanie Numizmatickej zbierky sa zaalo od 20-tych rokov 18. storoia, priom sa skladala zo starch uhorskch, zahraninch minc, pamtnch minc. Zbierkov predmety Prrodovednho Mzea tvorili minerly, rastliny, skameneliny. Zbierku rozril o vypreparovan vtky, vypchat zvierat lekr profesor Jnos Soltsz (1809 1879), jeho cieom bolo lepie priblenie flry, fauny a minerlneho bohatstva Hornho Uhorska. Od zaiatku 20. storoia pribdali chemick ltky, pitevn a tkanivov exponty.

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  • Zo ,,zbierky peknch predmetov sa vytvorilo Umeleck a archeologick mzeum. V nej sa nachdzala zbierka historickch portrtov, mench plastk, sch, odborn kninica s literatrou o umen a dejinch umenia. Medzi zbierkami mzea sa objavil aj textil: napr. obrusy na stl Pna, udov vivky, tkan obrusy. Filologick zbierku tvoren z predmetov a vedeckch prc z filolgie zaloil gymnazilny profesor, neskr riadite Imrich Elekes (1872 1951). Sasn muzelna zbierka pozostva z 28 445 muzelnych predmetov, o dopa odborn kninica s 2 817 publikciami.

    05 DatabzaNajmladou intitciou Vedeckej zbierky je Databza. Zaala sa rozvja vskumom vidieka, ako dedinsk seminr poas dvoch svetovch vojen. Od roku 1931 pod vedenm Zoltna Szaba (1902 1965) a Kalmna jhzyho (1902 1994) sa venovala poznvaniu udovej kultry, spoloenskch vied, udovou vchovou, sociografiou, sociolgiou a zbieranm udovch artefaktov. Ke dedinsk seminr ukonil svoju innos, Databza sa stala sasou Vedeckej zbierky ako samostatn oddelenie. Dnes je jej sasou: odborn kninica, prrun kninica, zbierka drobnch tla, zbierka novinovch vstrikov, zbierka fotografi, pohadnc, zbierka udovej slovesnosti, zbierka udovej vysokej koly, zbierka zahraninch artefaktov reformovanej cirkvi. Celokrajinsk vznam m reformovan zbierka zo Spojench ttov americkch. Zbierka pozostva z mla 300 000 artefaktov.


    01 Csti gradulProtestns nekek.1602.

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  • 05 Lorntffy Zsuzsanna bejegyzse a sajt BiblijbaLorntffy Zsuzsanna fejedelemasszony sajtkez bejegyzse a Szenci Molnr Albert ltal revidelt Bibliba. Hanau, 1608. Ez eltt val kt esztendvel kezdettem volt el ezt a Biblit s az jtestamentumot negyedikszer s vgeztem el 13 mrcius Anno 1638, kirt az n Istenemnek legyen ldott a nagy neve, s ismt ma kezdtem el az jtestamentumot s egsz letemet e mell kteleztem s krem az n Istenemet aki elkezdte a jt bennem vigye vghez. Susanna Lorantfy m. pr. (manu propria = sajt kezleg)

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    02 Jan Amos Comenius (1592- 1670) teolgus, filozfus, pedaggus, a

    npek tantja

    03 Jan Amos Comenius

    (1592-1670) ltal rt illusztrcis tanknyv, az Orbis Sensualium

    Pictus. Lcse, 1685.

    04 Vizsolyi Biblia

    Szchy Mria (1610 1679) Vizsolyban nyomtatott Biblija. Az els teljes magyar bibliafordts. 1590.

  • Galria

    06 Osztlyterem Iskolatrtneti killts. 19. szzadi iskolaterem s korabeli dikltzet. (Rszlet a Srospataki Reformtus Kollgium Tudomnyos Gyjtemnyeinek Mzeumbl)

    07 AdomnylevlRkczi Gyrgy s felesge Lorntffy Zsuzsanna Fekete Jnos srospataki porkolbnak hzat adom-nyoz cserbe azon hza helyett, amelybe bekltz-tek a Srospatakra teleptett anabaptistk. Munkcs, 1646. augusztus 19.

    08 Falfests a Kollgium Gutenberg termbl(Rgen kocsma, valamint nyomda is mkdtt a helyisgben)

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  • Srospataki Reformtus Kollgium

    Tudomnyos Gyjtemnyei

    3950 Srospatak Rkczi t 1.

    T. +36.47.311.057 F. +36.47.311.057

    E. [email protected] www.patakcollege.hu


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