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Sathya Sai Baba Center of Atlanta Devotional Songs

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Sathya Sai Baba Center of Atlanta

Devotional Songs

Sathya Sai Baba on Bhajans Not all realize the potency and efficacy of reciting the Lord’s name. The first requisite is purity of thought, word and deed. The name that is uttered by the tongue should be meditated upon by the mind. What is uttered and dwelt upon should be hailed by clapping the hands. This three-fold concentration on the Divine Name - unity of mind, speech and action - purifies the heart and nourishes the feeling of devotion. Singing the Lord’s name should become an exercise in mutual sharing of joy and holiness. (Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol V) Have the bhajans on as many days as possible or at least once a week. Have them in a central place where all can come. (The Holy Man and the Psychiatrist, 132) Any devotional song, in any language can be sung as long as all can follow. (Sai Bhajana Mala, 29) Sing familiar bhajans, so that all can share in anand (bliss). (Sai Bhajana Mala, 29) When you sing bhajans, dwell on the meaning of the song and the message of each name and form of God. (Sai Bhajana Mala, 30) You cannot insist that in the bhajans only songs on Sathya Sai should be sung! Fanaticism of that kind I very much dislike and condemn ... You betray your ignorance of the truth when you stick to any one of my names and avoid the rest. (SSS, VIII, 75) Bhajan has to be a thrilling experience, which must leave the participants full of pure energy and elevated enthusiasm. (Sai Bhajana Mala, 29) Some persons attending bhajans do not move their lips at all. They may say that they are singing the songs mentally within themselves. This is not proper ... You must sing the names aloud, full-throated, as far as the voice can reach. Only then the Divine will respond in full measure and shower His grace. No one will go to the rescue of a drowning man if his cries are feeble. (SS, 35, April 1992, 70) Together with melody and rhythm, you have to impart feeling to your singing to make the bhajan a sacred offering to the Divine. A tune without feeling is an infliction. Giving up conceit and exhibitionism, you must sing the bhajans in a spirit of humility and devotion. That is the right way to perform bhajans. (Sai Bhajana Mala, 30) Bhajan must be a felt experience. Do not sing with one eye on the effect the song makes on the listeners and the other on the effect it makes on God. (SSS, VIII, 60) Bhajans have to be sung and offered to God in an attitude of utter humility; they are not to be taken as exercises in an exhibition of talents or as competitions for mastery of musical skill. They have to please the Lord, not your fans. (SSS, IX, 177) Pay attention to the tune, the meaning, the variety, the voice, the raga (rhythm), the tala (beat), and other fine points of the bhajans. (Sai Bhajana Mala, 30) Unless you sing Bhajans for your own joy, you cannot bring joy to others. It is only when the feeling arises in the heart that the song will appeal to the hearts of the others. I am pleased only when love is the keynote, when the feeling of unity prevails, when the melody comes from cleansed, God-loving hearts (Sai Bhajana Mala, 17)


(Sarva Dharma Prayer) Prayer Worshipping The One God As All Forms and All Names

Om Tat Sat Sri Narayana Tu, Purushottama Guru Tu Siddha Buddha Tu, Skanda Vinaayaka Savita Paavaka Tu, Savitaa Paavaka Tu Brahma Mazda Tu, Yehovah Shakti Tu, Isu Pitaa Prabhu Tu Rudra Vishnu Tu, Rama Krishna Tu Raheem Tao Tu, Raheem Tao Tu Vaasudeva Go Vishvaroopa Tu, Chidananda Hari Tu Advitiya Tu, Akaala Nirbhaya Atmalinga Shiva Tu, Atmalinga Shiva Tu, Atmalinga Shiva Tu Lord, You are the embodiment of AUM, the Primordial Sound of Creation and Narayana,

the Lord of the Universe. You are the Divine Splendour, the Supreme Preceptor as well as the Ideal for all of humanity. You are the Highest Wisdom and the Highest Grace. You represent Skanda and Vinayaka, symbolizing power and wisdom. You are like the ever-effulgent Sun who removes darkness and sheds Light on us.

You are the embodiment of all manifestations of the One God, worshipped by different

names in different religious traditions - Brahma, Ahura Mazda, Yehovah, Shakti, Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Vishnu, Raheem and Tao.

You are the Lord of the Universe. You are the embodiment of the Cosmos. You are Bliss Supreme. You are the One without the Second, Timeless and Eternal. You are Truth, Goodness and Beauty. “ Man’s foremost task is to recognize the unity that underlies the multiplicity “ - Baba

Prayer With 108 Divine Attributes Addressed to Sathya Sai Baba

(Audio) (This period can also be used for meditation)

1. Om Sri Bhagavan Sathya Sai Babaya Namaha Salutations to the Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba 2. Om Sri Sai Sathya Svaroopaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, the embodiment of Truth 3. Om Sri Sathya Dharma Paraayanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai who upholds righteousness

4. Om Sri Sai Varadaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai who bestows His boons on all 5. Om Sri Sai Sat Purushaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai who is the embodiment of the Absolute God 6. Om Sri Sai Sathya Gunaatmane Namaha Salutations to Sai who personifies the highest Truth 7. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Vardhanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai who upholds noble virtues 8. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Jana Poshanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai who fosters and protects all noble souls 9. Om Sri Sai Sarvajnaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, the Omniscient Lord 10. Om Sri Sai Sarva Jana Priyaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is loved and adored by all 11. Om Sri Sai Sarva Shakti Moortaye Namaha Salutations to Sai, the Omnipotent Lord

12. Om Sri Sai Sarveshaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, the Lord of all the worlds 13. Om Sri Sai Sarva Sanga Parityaaginey Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of supreme detachment 14. Om Sri Sai Sarva Antharyaaminey Namaha Salutations to Sai, the Omnipresent Lord

15. Om Sri Sai Mahimaatmaney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of Divine Glory 16. Om Sri Sai Maheshvara Svaroopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the Lord of the Universe 17. Om Sri Sai Parti Grama Udbhavaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who has incarnated in Puttaparthi 18. Om Sri Sai Parti Kshetra Nivaasiney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who resides in the holy town of Puttaparthi 19. Om Sri Sai Yashahkaaya Shirdi Vaasiney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who also dwells at Shirdi - his previous dwelling as Shirdi Sai

20. Om Sri Sai Jodi Aadipalli Somappaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who appeared as Shiva to rescue a distressed devotee

21. Om Sri Sai Bhaaradvaja Gotraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who was born in the lineage of the celestial sage Bharadvaja

22. Om Sri Sai Bhaktavatsalaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who showers His love on all devotees 23. Om Sri Sai Apaantaratmaney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the indwelling Atman 24. Om Sri Sai Avatara Moortaye Namaha Salutations to Sai, the incarnation of the Divine 25. Om Sri Sai Sarva Bhaya Nivaariney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who removes all fears and instills courage in us 26. Om Sri Sai Aapastambha Sootraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who has incarnated as a descendant of the Sage Aapasthambha 27. Om Sri Sai Abhaya Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who provides protection against fear and weakness 28. Om Sri Sai Ratnaakara Vamsha Udbhavaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who took birth in the Ratnakara clan and glorified it 29. Om Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Shaktyaavataaraya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is come again as Sai Baba of Shirdi with all his glory

30. Om Sri Sai Shankaraya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is ever engaged in noble actions

31. Om Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Moortaye Namaha Salutations to Sai, who has reincarnated as the Sai Baba of Shirdi 32. Om Sri Sai Dvaraka Maayi Vaasiney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who resides in the shrine of Dvaraka Mayi (as Sai Baba of Shirdi)

33. Om Sri Sai Chitraavati Tata Puttaparthi Vihaariney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who resides on the banks of the river Chitraavati (Baba’s ashram, Prashanti Nilayam is close to the river)

34. Om Sri Sai Shakti Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who endows us with His divine power and strength 35. Om Sri Sai Sharanaagata Traanaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who protects those who surrender to Him 36. Om Sri Sai Anandaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of divine Bliss 37. Om Sri Sai Ananda Daaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who gives bliss and joy to all 38. Om Sri Sai Aarta Traana Paraayanaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is ever engaged in protecting the distressed and the forlorn

39. Om Sri Sai Anaatha Naathaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the sole refuge of the distressed 40. Om Sri Sai Asahaaya Sahaayaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is ever engaged in providing helping the helpless and the needy

41. Om Sri Sai Loka Baandhavaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who proclaims His kinship with all the worlds 42. Om Sri Sai Loka Raksha Paraayanaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is ever engaged in protecting all the worlds 43. Om Sri Sai Loka Naathaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the Lord of the Universe 44. Om Sri Sai Deena Jana Poshanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the savior of the poor and the afflicted

45. Om Sri Sai Moorti Traya Svaroopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is worshipped as the embodiment of the Holy Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva 46. Om Sri Sai Mukti Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who grants liberation to all seekers 47. Om Sri Sai Kalusha Vidooraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is without blemish 48. Om Sri Sai Karunaakaraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of compassion 49. Om Sri Sai Sarvaadhaaraya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the very basis of the universe 50. Om Sri Sai Sarva Hridvaasiney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the indweller in every heart

51. Om Sri Sai Sarva Punya Phala Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who rewards with his Grace all virtuous deeds 52. Om Sri Sai Sarva Paapa Kshaya Karaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose Grace negates the effect of all sins 53. Om Sri Sai Sarva Roga Nivaariney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who alleviates all diseases and afflictions

54. Om Sri Sai Sarva Baadha Haraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who dispels all suffering 55. Om Sri Sai Anantanuta Keertanaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is worshipped with all names and forms 56. Om Sri Sai Adi Purushaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of the Eternal Absolute 57. Om Sri Sai Adi Shaktaye Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of the primordial Energy 58. Om Sri Sai Aparoopa Shaktaye Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is endowed with unique powers 59. Om Sri Sai Avyakta Roopinay Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of the Formless Absolute

60. Om Sri Sai Kama Krodha Dhvamsiney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who destroys the twin evils of desire and anger

61. Om Sri Sai Kanakaambara Dhariney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is adorned in golden vestments 62. Om Sri Sai Adbhuta Charyaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is ever engaged in wondrous acts 63. Om Sri Sai Aapad Bandhavaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the friend of the forlorn 64. Om Sri Sai Premaatmaney Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai, who is Absolute Love 65. Om Sri Sai Premamoortaye Namaha Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of Divine Love 66. Om Sri Sai Prema Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who showers Love on all 67. Om Sri Sai Priyaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is dear to all 68. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Priyaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is dear to his devotees 69. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Mandaaraya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is treasured by his devotees 70. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Jana Hridaya Vihaaraya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who resides in the hearts of his devotees 71. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Jana Hridayaalayaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who makes His abode in the hearts of His devotees

72. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Paraadheenaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who reigns as the Supreme Lord 73. Om Sri Sai Bhakti Jnaana Pradeepaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who illuminates the path to Devotion and Wisdom 74. Om Sri Sai Bhakti Jnaana Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who bestows Devotion and Wisdom to all

75. Om Sri Sai Sugnaana Maarga Darshakaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who guides his devotees towards the highest Wisdom 76. Om Sri Sai Jnaana Svaroopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of Absolute Wisdom 77. Om Sri Sai Geeta Bodhakaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the Teacher of the Bhagavad Gita 78. Om Sri Sai Jnaana Siddhidaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who bestows Wisdom and Knowledge 79. Om Sri Sai Sundara Roopaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the personification of divine beauty 80. Om Sri Sai Punya Purushaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of the highest virtues 81. Om Sri Sai Punya Phala Pradaaya Salutations to Sai, who grants the fruits of all virtuous deeds

82. Om Sri Sai Purushottamaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the Ideal Being 83. Om Sri Sai Puraana Purushaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who embodies the Eternal Absolute God 84. Om Sri Sai Ateetaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, the Absolute who transcends everything 85. Om Sri Sai Kaalateetaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, the Absolute who is beyond Time 86. Om Sri Sai Siddhi Roopaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of Divine Power 87. Om Sri Sai Siddha Sankalpaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose Will fulfils all aspirations

88. Om Sri Sai Aarogya Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who bestows health and prosperity on all 89. Om Sri Sai Anna Vastra Daaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose benevolence provides food and clothing for all

90. Om Sri Sai Samsaara Dukha Kshaya Karaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose Grace removes the misery of worldly bondage 91. Om Sri Sai Sarva Abeeshtha Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who fufills the wishes and aspirations of all 92. Om Sri Sai Kalyana Gunaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the embodiment of Auspiciousness 93. Om Sri Sai Karma Dhvamsiney Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose Grace negates the bad effects of karmic actions 94. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Maanasa Shobhitaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who illuminates the minds of the virtuous 95. Om Sri Sai Sarva Mata Sammataya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the Confluence of all religious paths 96. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Maanasa Parishodhakaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai who guides and clarifies the minds of all spiritual seekers 97. Om Sri Sai Sadhaka Anugraha Vata Vriksha Pratishthaapakaaya Namaha

Salutations to Sai, who planted the Wish-Fulfilling Tree that provides blessings to all spiritual seekers

98. Om Sri Sai Sakala Samshaya Haraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose Grace removes all doubts and dilemmas 99. Om Sri Sai Sakala Tatva Bodhakaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is the Teacher of Truth

100. Om Sri Sai Yogeshvaraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, the Object of all Yogas 101. Om Sri Sai Yogeendra Vanditaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is venerated by the highest yogis 102. Om Sri Sai Sarva Mangala Karaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who initiates all auspicious actions

103. Om Sri Sai Sarva Siddhi Pradaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose Grace confers success on all tasks 104. Om Sri Sai Aapannivariney Namaha Salutations to Sai, who protects us from all calamities

105. Om Sri Sai Aarti Haraaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, whose Grace removes all distress 106. Om Sri Sai Shaanta Moortaye Namaha Salutations to Sai, the embodiment of Supreme Peace 107. Om Sri Sai Sulabha Prasannaaya Namaha Salutations to Sai, who is easily pleased through love and devotion 108. Om Sri Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Babaaaya Namaha Salutations to the Lord, Sri Sathya Sai Baba

* * * This prayer can be used in daily worship as well. If you find the Sanskrit words difficult to pronounce, you can use an audiotape of this prayer in your worship


Sathya Sai Baba recommends light meditation as the easiest form of meditation to focus the mind on God. The following are the steps for a short meditation before devotional singing:

1. Chanting of AUM 2. Guidance: Look at the flame steadily for some time, and closing your eyes try to feel the flame inside you between your eyebrows. (pause)

Take this purifying Light inside you and let it permeate every limb in your body and make it an instrument of Love and Light. (pause) “ We meditate on the Glory of Divine Light, whose Effulgence illuminates the entire creation, embodied in the three states - Earth, Ether and Heaven. That Supreme Light, may it remove our ignorance and enlighten our intellect. May it purify our thought, word and deed. May it spread Light and Love to all of Creation.” (5-min. silence) If you are adoring God in any form now, try to visualize that form in the all-pervasive light. For Light is God; God is Light. (pause) 3. Close with the peace prayer: Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi (Peace to all beings)


1. Adi Pujya Deva Gajanana Gauri Vara Tanaya Shubhanana Adi Pujya Deva Gajanana Siddhi Vinayaka Hey Shubhadayaka Jaya Jaga Vandita Tava Charanam Worship Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the provider of boons

2. Adi Narayana Sai Narayana Jaya Hari Narayana Jaya Jaya Pandhari Vasa Hari Narayana Parti Nivasa Sai Narayana Varada Narayana Veda Narayana Jaya Hari Narayana Jaya Jaya Worship Narayana, the Supreme Lord who is now embodied as Sai Baba. 3. Akhanda Jyoti Jalavo Sai Man Mandir Mey Akhanda Jyoti Jalavo Koti Surya Sama Teja Svarupa Sai Tum Ho Divya Svarupa Akhanda Jyoti Jalavo, Akhanda Jyoti Jalavo Divya Jyoti, Jnana Jyoti, Prema Jyoti Jalavo (Akhanda Jyoti Jalavo) Sai Baba is extolled as pure divine effulgence and is adored as the Light that shines within

each one of us.

4. Alakh Niranjana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Narayan Narayan Narayan Narayan Narayan Sai Narayan Narayan Narayan Narayan Sathya Narayan Worship the Supreme Lord, Narayana who is now embodied as Sai.

5. Allah Ishvar Tu Eshu Buddha Prabhu Tu Zorastra Mahavira Tu Sai Rama Tu Sai Krishna Tu Sarva Dharma Prabhu Tu Sathya Sai Prabhu Tu Treta Yuga Mey Rama Prabhu Tu Dvapara Yuga Mey Krishna Prabhu Tu Kali Yuga Mey Sai Prabhu Tu Sarva Dharma Prabhu Tu Worship Sathya Sai, whose divine form represents all embodiments of divinity in all

religious traditions in all ages - Jesus, Allah, Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha

6. Allah Tum Ho, Ishvara Tum Ho, Tumi Ho Ram Raheem Merey Ram Merey Ram Ram Raheem (2) Yesu Tum Ho, Nanak Tum Ho Zorastra Bhi Ho, Mahavir Tuma Ho Gautam Buddha Karim Merey Ram Merey Ram Ram Raheem (2) Hindu Aye Musalman Aye Jain Parsi Sikh Bhi Aye Prema Sey Pyarey Sai Aye Mil Jaye Ab Teri Dooaye Aye Terey Samip Merey Ram Merey Ram Ram Raheem(2) O Lord! You are known by many names - Allah, Ishvara, Ram, Raheem, Jesus, Guru

Nanak, Zoraster, Mahavira, Karim, Krishna. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jains. Parsis, Sikhs, all come to your for your blessings.

7. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a soul like me I once was lost, but now I'm found, Was blind, but now I see. Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear and Grace my fear relieved, How

precious did that Grace appear the hour I first believed. When we've been through ten thousand years bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun. Through many trials, toils and snares I have already come, Twas Grace that led me through thus far and Grace will lead me on. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a soul like me I once was lost, but now I'm found, Was blind, but now I see.

8. Amba Bhavani Shiva Shambhu Kumara Sri Gana Natha Shantakara Purana Purusha Sathya Sai Natha Pranava Svarupa Saisha Worship Ganesha, the embodiment of Om, the primordial sound and the master of all virtues

9. Amba Mandahaasa Vadani Manohari Sai Jagat Janani Mata Mata Mata Jagat Janani Jaga Janani Shubha Karani Sathya Sai Jagan Mata(2) Praise in honor of Sathya Sai, who is worshipped as the divine Mother of the Universe 10. Ambika Tanaya Vinayaka Gajavadana Gananatha Vinayaka Sai Ganesha Vinayaka (2) Ambika Tanaya Vinayaka Tribhuvana Palaka Mangala Dayaka Vidya Buddhi Siddhi Pradayaka Sai Ganesha Vinayaka (2) Worship Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles and who grants all spiritual boons 11. Anandamey Sai Namamey Adbhutamey Sai Geetamey Akhandamey Jyotirmayamey Sundaramey Sai Rupamey Sai’s Name is bliss. Sai’s Song is wondrous. Sai’s Glory is effulgent. Sai’s Form is

beautiful to behold

12. Ananda Sagara Murali Dhara Mira Prabhu Radhey Shyam Venu Gopala Nanda Yashoda Ananda Yashoda Jai Jai Gokul Bala Jai Venu Gopala Worship Krishna - the Lord of the Universe and the Ocean of Bliss

13. Antaranga Sai Anatha Natha Sai Deena Bandhu Sai Karuna Sindhu Sai Rama Krishna Shiva Shakti Deva Rupa Sai Yuga Avatara Baba (Sri) Sathya Sai Prayer extolling Sai as the indwelling Lord and the refuge of the forlorn. He is all forms and

names 14. Antar Jyothi Namo Paramatma Jyothi Namo Akhanda Jyothi Namoh Mama Jeevana Jyothi Namo Antaryami Namo Jai Sadguru Sai Namo Bow to the light within, to the omnipresent light of God. Bow to the endless light, the light that is my very life. Bow to the indwelling Lord, our true Guru Sri Sathya Sai.

15. A temple in my heart A prayer in my soul A song on my lips And I sing to You. Sathya Sai Baba, Baba Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, I call to You. Joy in my heart Peace in my soul A song on my lips And I sing to You. Sathya Sai Baba, Baba Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, I call to You. 16. At moments like this - I sing out a song I sing out a Love song to Swami. At moments like this - I lift up my heart, I lift up my heart to the Lord. Singing I Love you Lord, Singing I Love you Lord. Singing I Love you Lord, I Love you. 17. Atmaabhi Rama Ananda Nama Sita Rama Sai Rama Atmaabhi Rama Ananda Nama Sundara Nama Hey Ghanashyama Radhey Shyama Sai Rama O Lord Rama, You are the Blissful Indweller of our hearts. It gives your devotees such

bliss to recite your holy Name

18. Atma Lingam Bhajare Adbhuta Lingam Bhajare Naada Lingam Navamani Lingam Naabhi Kamala Udbhava Lingam Eshvara Lingam Bhajare Partishvara Lingam Bhajare Song worshipping the Lingam as the Universal Absolute and its sacred attributes. The

Lingam is a symbol into which all forms and names merge and from which all names and forms emerge - the essence of all attributes of the Divine (Baba)

19. Atma Me Bas Jao Baba, Atma Me Bas Jao Baba Tum Bin Sub Mandir Hen Sune Atma Me Bas Jao Baba, Atma Me Bas Jao Baba Paramatma Tum Sarey Jagat Ke Ram Raheem Tum Sarey Jagat Ke Sune Man Me Vas Karo Tum Ghar Ghar Me Bas Jao Baba, Ghar Ghar Me Bas Jao Baba Prayer imploring Sai to reside within our hearts and for ever 20. Atma Rama Ananda Ramana Achyutha Keshava Hari Narayana Bhava Bhaya Harana Vandita Charana Raghukula Bhushana Rajiva Lochana Adi Narayana Ananta Shayana Satchidananda Sathya Narayana Song in praise of Lord Rama - Rama as the indwelling Lord in every heart whose name

evokes bliss in all those who worship Him. 21. Atma Rama Ananda Nama Ananda Mohana Sri Parandhama Atma Rama Ananda Nama Mayaabhi Rama Maanasa Prema Sundara Nama Sugunaabhi Rama Adoration of Lord Rama whose name and form evokes bliss and happiness in all those

who worship Him

22. At Your feet dear Lord we pray, grace us with Your Love this day Sai Baba, Sai Baba, You are Krishna, You are Rama Oh Baba, Oh Baba, You are Mother, You are Father All Names, every Form, all that was and will be born You are all Names, every Form, all that is for evermore. 23. Avo Avo Avo Avo Avo Sundara Nanda Gopala Navanitha Chora Manasa Vihaara Darshana Do Nandalala Sai Darshana Do Nandalala Song invting Krishna to dwell within devotees’ hearts and shower them with bliss 24. Avo Avo Gopala Giridhari Avo Avo Antharayami Avo Avo Ananda Sai Avo Gopala Giridhari Avo Avo Atmanivasi Avo Avo Shantinivasi Praise in honor of Krishna and invoking Him to enter and sanctify our hearts 25. Avo Avo Hey Bhagavan Sarvajivon Ka Karo Kalyan Tumaho Parama Krupa Ke Sagar Tumaho Mana Mandir Nata Nagar Tumaho Sathya Sanatan Swami Ghata Ghata vyapi Antaryami Invoking the blessings of Sai Baba to bestow goodness, grace and compassion on all devotees. Sai is the eternal, omnipresent God

26. Avo Avo Nandalala Sundara Shyama Gopala Avo Avo Nandalala Tumiho Bansi Dhari Shyama Ayodhya Pati Sita Rama Parti Baba Karuna Nidhaan Makhan Chora Yashoda Bala Adoration of Krishna as the embodiment of divine beauty and Love, and inviting Him to dwell in our hearts

27. Avo Pyarey Nayana Hamarey Sai Hamarey Avo Tum Bina Koi Nahee Rakhavaley Tum Bina Kon Saharey Tum Bina Kon Saharey Baba Hymn inviting Sathya Sai into the temple of our hearts; Sathya Sai who is the refuge of the

forlorn and the distressed

28. Avo Sai Narayana Darshana Dijo Tum Ho Jagat Vidhata (2) Tumhi Ho Brahma, Tumhi Ho Vishnu Tumhi Ho Shankara Rupa (2) Tumhi Ho Rama, Tumhi Ho Krishna Tumhi Ho Vishva Vidhata (2) Come Sai Lord Incarnate Give us your Darshan You are the Lord of Creation (2) You are Rama, You are Krishna You are our Lord and Provider (2) You are Creator, You are Protector You are destroyer of darkness (2)

29. Ayodhya Vasi Ram Ram Ram Dasaratha Nandana Ram Patita Pavana Janaki Jivana Sita Mohana Ram Ayodhya Vasi Ram Ram Ram Dasaratha Nandana Ram Patita Pavana Janaki Jeevana Sita Mohana Ram Worship Lord Rama - the embodiment of purity and divinity. 30. Baba, Avo Merey Kirtan Mey Antaryami Darsh Dikhao Naiya Hamari Paar Lagao Baba, Avo Merey Mandir Mey Antar Jyoti Jala Do Sai Jeevan Jyoti Tum Ho Sai Sai Baba who is worshipped as the indwelling Lord is invoked to bless and provide us with

His divine vision.

31. (To the melody of Choral Finale, Beethoven's "Symphony #9") Baba, hear the rising chorus as we sing all praise to Thee. Fill our hearts with Thy Love for us, Glory of Eternity! Sai, Savior, Reincarnation of every Avatar before, Spreading joy through all creation, bring us bliss forevermore. Sathya, Prema, Shanti, Dharma and Ahimsa are the keys To unlock the chains of karma binding us, Thy devotees. Help us to gain liberation from all concern of worldly pain. Bhagavan, our adoration echoes in a sweet refrain. 32. Baba, shed Your Light on me Shine a path for me to see Only You, Only You, Baba, Only You. Baba, sing Your Song to me Clear and strong so I can hear Only You, Only You, Baba, Only You. And when the world spins all around me, and I'm feeling so confused Help me always to remember, that there is only You Only You, Only You, Baba, Only You. 33. Baba we adore You Lay our lives before You How we Love You (sung in rounds) 34. Bada Chitta Chora Brindavana Sanchara Gopala Gopala Hey Murali Gopala Govardhanoddhara Gopala Bala Gopi Manohara Radhey Gopala Prayer adoring Krishna - who steals our hearts and minds with His enchanting form and name

35. Bala Gopal Jai Jai Sai Shyam Prema Bharo Dil Main Hamarey Sai Ram Hamarey Sai Ram, Bade Pyarey Sai Ram Prema Bharo Dil Main Hamarey Sai Ram Hum Bachhon Ke Tum Ek Sai Ram Tumharey Jagat Main Bada Pyara Pyara Naam Sang Raho Har Dam Hamarey Sai Ram Sang Raho Hamarey Sai Ram. Worship beloved Sathya Sai who is also adored as Rama and Krishna, the embodiments

of Divine Love

36. Baar Baar Bulao Sai Darshan Do Bhagavan Sai Darshan Do Bhagavan Nithya Nirmala Nithya Ananda Satchidananda Prabhu Darshan Do Bhagavan (2) Prayer invoking the Lord to enter our hearts and bless us with His pure, effulgent and

ever- blissful vision 37. Bhagavan Bhagavan Dil Me Aja Bhagavan Bhagavan Bhagavan Dil Me Aja Bhagavan Bhagavan Bhagavan Darshan Do Pyare Bhagavan Bhagavan Bhagavan Darshan Do Pyare Bhagavan Janam Janam Ke Saathi Ho Sang Raho Merey Sai Ram Sang Raho Sang Raho Sang Raho Merey Sai Ram. Invoking Sai Baba to come and dwell in our hearts and fill us with everlasting joy and bliss 38. Bhagavan Bhagavan Patita Pavana Ram Daya Karo Daya Karo Daya Karo Bhagavan Patita Pavana Ram (Sai) Bhagavan Bhagavan Patita Pavana Ram Deena Dayalo Parama Kripalo Raksha Karo Bhagavan (Sai) Krupa Karo Bhagavan (Sai) Prayer adoring the Lord as the embodiment of purity and divinity and asking Him to protect and foster us

39. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Bhagavan Kali Yuga Avatar Bhagavan Divine Love of my heart come to me Hey Ghaneshyam Hey Sai Ram Chant the Name of the Lord Sai Hold me in Love, lift me above, bring me home to Thee Bhagavan Sai Ram Come to me my Lord Hey Sita Ram Hey Radhey Shyam Chant the Names of the Lord Swami fill me with peace, grant me release, make me one with Thee Bhagavan Sai Ram be with me my Lord 40. (To the melody of Largo from Dvorak's "New World Symphony") Bhagavan, take our Love, let it flow to Thee, Take our hands, let them do Thy Work constantly. Take our souls, let them merge with Thy Holy Light, Take our minds, make them pure, perfect in Thy Sight. May our thoughts, born of Thee, guided from above, Make us all, Bhagavan, instruments of Love. 41. Bhaja Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma, Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma Ananda Mayi Ma Ananda Ma, Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma Sri Guru Jaya Ma Sri Guru Ma, Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma Ananda Mayi Ma Ananda Ma, Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma Song in adoration of the Divine Mother (Ma) who embodies divine bliss 42. Bhajamana Govinda Gopala Govinda Gopala, Gopala Bhajamana Govinda Gopala Govinda Bolo Hari Gopala Bolo Govinda Gopala, Gopala. Krishna is joyfully worshipped as Gopala (one who fosters all creatures)

43. Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma, Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Mayi Ma Ma, Ananda Mayi Ma Ma Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma, Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Rupa Ma Ma, Ananda Sai Ma Ma Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma, Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma Song in adoration of the Divine Mother (Ma) who embodies divine bliss

44. Bhajamana Radhey Govinda Bhajamana Radhey Radhey Radhey Radhey Radhey Govinda Bhajamana Sai Govinda Bhajamana Sai Sai Sai Sai, Sai Govinda. Song in praise of Radha -Krishna and Sai 45. Bhajamana Rama Krishna Jaya Bolo Rama Krishna Jaya Sai Krishna Jaya (Bhajamana) Rama Krishna Jaya Bolo Raghukula Bhooshana Rama Rama Ram Radha Madhava Shyama Shyama Shyam Harey Ram Harey Ram Harey Krishna Harey Ram Prayer worshipping Lord Rama and Lord Krishna 46. Bhajumana Hari Hari Om Sumiro Mana Narayana Narayana Hari Narayana Bhajumana Hari Hari Om Sumiro Mana Narayana Bhajumana Brahma Bhajumana Vishnu Bhajumana Shiva Omkara Sumiro Mana Narayana Bhajumana Vishnu Bhajumana Rama Bhajumana Krishna Narayana Sumiro Mana Narayana Bhajumana Seeta Bhajumana Lakshmi Bhajumana Saraswati Mata Sumiro Mana Narayana Bhajumana Shirdi Bhajumana Prema Bhajumana Sathya Sai Baba Sumiro Mana Narayana Bhajumana Hari Hari Om Sumiro Mana Narayana Narayana Hari Narayana Bhajumana Hari Hari Om Sumiro Mana Narayana Chant the glory of the Lord in his various forms and manifestations 47. Bhajan Karo Manuva Govinda Harey Govinda Murari Gopala Murari Mathura Natha Hey Giridhari Radha Madhava Hey Giridhari (2) O Mind! Worship Krishna who is adored as Govinda, Murari, Giridhari

48. Bhajo Ghanashyama Bhajo, Sita Rama Bhajo, Sathya Sai Ram Bhajo Ghanashyama Bhajo, Radhey Radhey Shyama Bhajo Murali Manohara Sai Ghanashyam Mata Pita Gurudeva, Brahma Vishnu Mahadeva Mata Pita Gurudeva, Sathya Sai Mahadeva Murali Manohara Sai Ghanashyam Sathya Sai is worshipped as Ghanashyama (one who embodies the infinite universe), Sita

Rama (symbolizing dominion over nature), and as the Divine mother and father 49. Bhajo Radhey Govinda Bhajo Shyam Gopal, Shyam Gopal, Bhajo Murali Gopal, Keshava Narahari Shyam Gopal Madhava Murahara Murali Gopal Worship by chanting the many names of the Lord: Radhey Govinda, Gopal, Murahara,

Shyam, Keshava and Madhava.

50. Bhajore Bhayi Sai Ram Parti Purisha Sai Ram Bhajore Bhayi Sai Ram Dwaraka Mayi Sai Ram Sada Sukha Dayi Sai Ram Shirdi Purisha Sai Ram Parti Purisha Sai Ram Calling on all to join in the adoration of Sathya Sai - the benefactor of bliss and joy

51. Bhajore Sada Bhajo Ramakrishna Govinda Bhajo Harey Deena Bandhu Krishna Rama Govinda Bhajore Anatha Natha Sai Rama Govinda Jai Sai Rama Govinda Chant the glory of Rama, Krishna and Sai, Who will protect the forlorn and shower Grace on all who seek the Lord’s Blessings

52. Bhasma Bhushitanga Sai Chandra Shekhara Bhala Netra Shoola Dhari Sai Sundara Bhasma Bhushitanga Sai Chandra Shekhara Sama Gaana Priyakara Sai Sundara Hara Hara Hara Shiv Shambho Natan Shekhara Parti Vasa Sai Deva Sai Shankara Sai Shankara Sathya Sai Shankara Adoration of Sathya Sai as the embodiment of Lord Shiva in all His divine aspects

53. Bhava Bhaya Harana Vandita Charana Jaya Radha Jaya Madhava (Sai) Mangala Charana Kalimala Dahana Narayana Keshava (Sai) Jaya Radha Jaya Madhava (Sai) Extolling the Lord as the remover of all fears and impurities, and as the embodiment of

auspiciousness 54. Bhavani Shankara Uma Maheshvara Parti Purisha Sathya Sai Harey Bhavani Shankara Uma Maheshvara Bhava Bhaya Hari Hey Tripurari Parti Purishvara Sai Harey Bhole Natha Shiva Ganga Dhari Sai Shankara Shiva Sai Harey (3) Adoration of Sathya Sai as the embodiment of Shiva, who removes all fears and evil 55. Bhola Nath Harey Jagadisha Shaileswara Hara Uma Mahesha Bhola Nath Bhola Nath, Bhola Nath Bhola Nath Bhava Bhaya Hari Hey Tripurari Shiva Ganga Dhara Sai Murari Bhola Nath Bhola Nath, Bhola Nath Bhola Nath Worship Shiva, the Lord of the universe 56. Bhola Bhandhari Baba, Shiva Shiva Shiva Sai Baba Anaatha Rakshak Deena Dayala Patita Pavana Sai Baba Yogeshvar Sai Murari, Yogeshvar Hey Tripurari Nitya Nanda Brahma Nanda Prema Nanda Sai Baba. Song praising Sathya Sai as Lord Shiva - the source and sustenance for all who seek

refuge in Him and the embodiment of ever-lasting bliss

57. Bolo Bolo Sub Mil Bolo Om Namah Shivaaya Om Namah Shivaaya, Om Namah Shivaaya Bolo Bolo Sub Mil Bolo Om Namah Shivaaya Juta Jatamey Ganga Dhari Trishula Dhari Damaru Bajavey Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Baja Goonj Uthao Namah Shivaaya Om Namah Shivaaya Om Namah Shivaaya Om Namah Shivaaya Worship and praise the name of Shiva 58. Bolo Deena Dayal Baba, Deena Dayal Parama Dayal Baba, Parama Dayal. Sathya Sai - the embodiment of supreme Love and compassion 59. Bolo JaiJaikar Bolo JaiJaikar Bolo JaiJaikar Bolo Sai Baba Ki Patita Pavana Hey Ghana Shyama Sai Gopala Hey Ghana Shyama Prema Bhagavan Sai Bhagavan Sai Ram, Sai Ram Song adoring Sathya Sai as the embodiment of Love . 60. Bolo Narayana Jai Jai Vithala Sai Narayana Ranga Ranga Vithala Bolo Narayana Jai Jai Vithala Govinda Vithala Rakhumayi Vithala Gopala Vithala Panduranga Vithala Sri Ranga Vithala Sai Ranga Vithala Chant the various names of the Lord - Narayana Vithala, Govinda, Gopala, Panduranga,

and Sai Baba.

61. Bolo Ram Sai Ram, Sathya Sai Ram Sathya Nam, Sai Nam, Hari Ka Nam Sri Hari Hari Om, Hari Narayana Bhaja Manuva Tu Sathya Narayana Merey Ram, Hey Ghanashyam, Sathya Sai Ram Sathya Nam, Sai Nam, Hari Ka Nam Worship Sathya Sai - the embodiment of Rama, Krishna and all other forms of the divine.

62. Bow to the Light within, to the Omnipresent Light of God Bow to the Endless Light, the Light that is my very life Bow to the indwelling Lord, our true Guru, Sri Sathya Sai. 63. Calling God by any name Every prayer's heard just the same All are equal in His eyes Who are we to criticize Unity must be our aim Loving God by any name God is here within us all And we only have to call We must listen carefully He will give us what we need Each of us he hears the same Calling God by any name Sai Baba, Jesus Christ, Sai Ram, Alleluia He hears however called, Rama, Krishna, Buddha. 64. Chandra Shekharaya Namah Om Ganga Dharaaya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Namah Om Hara Hara Haraya Namah Om Shiva Shiva Shivaaya Namah Om Sayeeshvaraya Namah Om Sathya Sayeeshvaraya Namah Om Prayer in obeisance to Shiva and Sathya Sai Baba 65. Chandra Vadana Kamala Nayana Narayana Sai Narayana Anantha Shayana Deena Sharanya Narayana Sai Narayana Adoration in praise of the pure and effulgent form of Sathya Sai Baba 66. Chant the name of Lord Ganesha, Sai Ganesh, we pray to Thee Chant the name of Lord Ganesha, Sai Ganesh, we pray to Thee Give us wisdom, give us grace, remove the obstacles we face.

67. Charana Kamala Bandho Sai Natha Ke Charana Kamala Bandho Charana Kamala Bandho Sai Natha Ke, Charana Kamala Bandho Jo Trishavantha Piyo Charanaamrita, Jivan Mey Paave Anando (2) Prayer in adoration of Sai - asking man to attach Himself to the Lotus Feet of the Lord and

imbibe the nectar of divine bliss

68. Chitta Chora Murali Vala Nandalal Nanda Gopala Nandalala Nandalala Brindavana Shyama Gopala Mathura Vraja Gokula Bala Mana Mohana Madana Gopala Nandalala Nandalala Mana Mohana Madana Gopala Nandalala Nanda Gopala Nandalala Nandalala Song praising Krishna. Krishna possesses our hearts and minds through His divinity and

immerses in divine bliss all those who worship Him with love and devotion 69. Chitta Chora Yashoda Ke Bal, Navanita Chora Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal Govardhana Dhara Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal, Govardhana Dhara Gopal Calling on Krishna, as Gopala (the One who fosters all of creation) 70. Come Sai Lord Incarnate, give us Your darshan You are the Lord of Creation (2) You are Rama, You are Krishna You are our Lord and Provider (2) You are Creator, You are Protector You are Destroyer of darkness (2)

71. Dame Un Nuevo Corazon, Senor Un Corazon Para Alabarte Un Corazon Para Servirte Yo Quiero Un Nuevo Corazon, Senor Limpio Como El Cristal, Dulce Como La Miel Un Corazon Que Sea Como El Tuyo, Senor Give me a heart, Lord to praise you A heart to serve you, I want a new heart, Lord Clean like crystal, sweet like honey, A heart that is like yours, Lord

72. Danava Bhanjana Rama Sai Shyamala Komala Ram Hey Rama Rama Jaya Rama Sai Rama Rama Ram Dasaratha Nandana Rama Sai Daya Sagara Ram Deenonke Prabhu Rama Sai Rama Rama Ram. Chant the name of Lord Rama - the embodiment of compassion; the refuge of the

distressed and the destroyer of evil.

73. Darash Dikhao Merey Sai Nandalala Daya Karo Mujhe Sai Gopala Daya Karo Mujhe Krishna Gopala Devaki Nandana Deena Dayala Mathura Natha Madana Gopala Sai Narayana Sada Kripala Daya Karo Mujhe Sai Gopala Daya Karo Mujhe Krishna Gopala O Lord Sai Gopala, grant us your divine vision and bless us with your divine compassion and grace 74. Dasharathey Rama Jaya Jaya Rama Raghu Kula Bhushana Raja Rama Dasharathey Rama Jaya Jaya Rama Sita Vallabha Sundara Rama Sri Rama Jaya Rama Sathya Sai Rama Song extolling the glory of Lord Rama, His divine name and form.

75. Daya Karo Bhagavan, Kripa Karo Bhagavan Daya Karo Bhagavan, Kripa Karo Bhagavan Bhagavan Bhagavan Hey Sai Natha Bhagavan Hey Krupa Nidhe Bhagavan. Prayer invoking Sai Baba to bless us with His infinite grace and compassion. 76. Daya Karo Hey Karuna Nidhan Sai Tum Ho Data Daya Karo Tum Ho Sai Kripa Karo Prabhu Tum Sai Antaryami Partipuri Bhagavan Tum Ho Data Daya Karo Tum Ho Sai Kripa Karo Prayer to Sathya Sai to bless us with His grace and compassion

77. Daya Karo Shiva Ganga Dhari Krupa Karo Shiva Hey Tripurari Nam Madhura Shubha Mangala Kari Alakha Niranjana Trishula Dhari Daya Karo, Daya Karo, Daya Karo Bhola Bhandari Daya Karo, Krupa Karo, Raksha Karo Bhola Bhandari Adoring Shiva and invoking His sweet name to bless us with grace and compassion 78. Daya Sagara Karunakara Jagadeeshvara Sayeeshvara Bhuvaneshvara Akhileshvara Guna Gambhira Sayeeshvara Worship Sai, the ocean of compassion and the master of the universe 79. Deen Dukhiyon Se Prem Karo, Mera Sai Prasanna Hoga Prem Karo, Prem Karo, Mera Sai Prasanna Hoga Sai Mera, Me Tera, Ye Prem Ki Bahati Bhara Prem Ki Bahati Dhara Prem Karo, Prem Karo, Mera Sai Prasanna Hoga Mera Sai Prasanna Hoga Let us please Sai with our selfless Love for the poor and the forlorn

80. Deena Bandhu Vithala Jai Karuna Sindhu Vithala Jai Vithala Vithala Vithala Jai Panduranga Vithala Jai Aapadbandhava Vithala Jai Anatha Rakshaka Vithala Jai Vithala Vithala Vithala Jai Panduranga Vithala Jai May Lord Krishna, adored as Vitthala, the kinsman of all protect and foster us. 81. Deena Dayala Hari Parama Dayala Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Gopala Madhura Manohara Krishna Gopala Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Gopala Meera Ke Prabhu Giridhara Bala Brindavana Ghana Madana Gopala Worship and praise Krishna who is also Hari, Govinda, Gopala (various attributes of


82. Devaki Tanaya Daya Nidhey Daya Nidhey Krupa Nidhey Devaki Tanaya Daya Nidhey Darshan Dijo Dev Deva Darshan Dijo Dev Deva Dina Natha Sai Natha Worship Krishna - the son of Devaki, and invoke His divine vision and blessings 83. Devi Bhavani Maa Sai Bhavani Maa Daya Karo Sai Maa Kripa Karo Sai Maa Jaya Maa Jaya Maa Jaya Sai Bhavani Maa Jaya Parti Nivaasini Maa Jaya Sai Bhavani Maa Praise Sathya Sai, the embodiment of the Divine Mother and invoke His grace and

compassion on all

84. Devi Sai Maa, Devi Saraswati Maa Durga Bhavani Maa, Kali Kapalini Maa Jagadoddharini Maa Sai Daya Karo Maa Adoration of Sathya Sai as the Divine Mother 85. Dhanya, Dhanya Mera Jivan Prabhuji Tera Darshan Paya Meine Teri Sharan Me Aya Prabhuji Teri Leela Sabse Nyari Teri Mahima Jivan Dhatri Hymn extolling the good fortune of our lives in having found Sai and having experienced His divinity 86. Dhimita Dhimita Dhim, Dhimita Dhimita Dhim, Nachey Bholanath

Nachey Bholanath (4x) Mridanga Bole Shiva Shiva Shiva Om Damaru Bole Hara Hara Hara Om Veena Bole Sai Ram Sai Ram Nachey Bholanath (4x) Shiva who is extolled in the scriptures as the master of the five elements that make up the

universe is worshipped here as being engaged in a divine dance involving the cosmos

87. Don't worry, be happy, our Baba Loves us so. Illusions are many, but underneath them all There's one reality, that you and I are one That God is Love and Love is God and God and man are one. 88. Door of my heart, open wide I keep for Thee Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come, just for once come to me Will my days fly away without seeing Thee, my Lord Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. 89. Dum Dum Dum Dum Damaru Bhaje Hara Bhola Natha Shiva Shambho Bhaje Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghanta Baje Hara Gauri Natha Shiva Shambho Bhaje Hara Sai Natha Shiva Shambho Bhaje Hara Sathya Sai Shiva Shambho Bhaje A joyful hymn worshipping Shiva - the Cosmic Dancer.

90. Durga Bhavani Maa Jaya Jaya Sai Maa Kali Kapalini Maa Jaya Jaya Sai Maa Parama Shivaani Maa Jaya Jaya Sai Maa Jagadoddharini Maa Jaya Jaya Sai Maa Song in praise of the Divine Mother as Durga, Kali, Shivani, Sai 91. Durgey Durgey Durgey Jaya Jaya Maa Karuna Sagari Maa Kali Kapaalini Maa Jagadoddharini Maa Durgey Jaya Jaya Maa Song in praise of the Divine Mother - the embodiment of compassion whose grace fosters

the universe 92. Each new dawn of morning raises Hymns ringing Baba's praises, Sathya Sai Ram! O, Lord God of all Creation, You are Loved in every nation, Heralding a new day for all of mankind. Never before such a Teacher, Proving God in every creature. Never before such a Deva, Calling all to practice Seva, Showing us the true way to Love all mankind. 93. Ek Bar Kshama Karo Sai, Merey Baba Sri Sathya Sai Kshama Murthi Sai Baba, Prema Murthi Sathya Sai Ek Bar Kshama Karo Sai, Merey Baba Sri Sathya Sai Shirdi Ke Sai Teri Dvarakamayi Parti Ke Sai Teri Yaad Mujhe Aayi Kshama Murthi Sai Baba, Prema Murthi Sathya Sai. Prayer asking Sathya Sai to forgive our weaknesses. He is worshipped as the

embodiment of supreme forgiveness and love..

94. Every moment of my life please be with me In every single act of mine be Thou my Guide Baba, Sai Baba When I slip, when I fall, lend me a hand When I stray, far away, bring me back again Baba, Sai Baba From the darkness into Light, lead me farther From the unreal, to the Real Baba, Sai Baba (2)

95. Everyone is my brother when I say Sai Ram Sai Ram, Sai Ram No more difference between us when I say Sai Ram Sai Ram, Sai Ram Sai Ram (Sai Ram), Sai Ram (Sai Ram) Sai Ram, Sai Ram No more darkness around me when I say Sai Ram Sai Ram, Sai Ram Sai Ram (Sai Ram), Sai Ram (Sai Ram) Baba help me always say Sai Ram Sai Ram (Sai Ram), Sai Ram (Sai Ram) Everyday please help me say Sai Ram 96. Gajanana Hey Shubhanana Gauri Manohara Priya Nandana Pashupati Tanaya Gajanana Parama Niranjana Shubhanana (Hey) Hail to Lord Ganesha who embodies auspiciousness and is the remover of all obstacles 97. Gajavadana Gananatha Gauri Tanaya Dayamaya Gajavadana Gananatha Bhuvana Dhara Pranava Svarupa Paalaya Paalaya Parti Purisha Praise be to Ganesha, who removes all obstacles and bestows bliss on all 98. Gajavadana Gananatha Natha Gauri Vara Tanaya Gunalaya Gajavadana Gananatha Natha Vidya Dayaka Buddhi Pradayaka Siddhi Vinayaka Hey Shubha Dayaka Praise be to Ganesha, who bestows intelligence and wisdom on all who pray to Him 99. Gajavadana Gana Natha Gajavadana Vinayaka Siddhi Daata Shiva Tanaya Buddhi Pradayaka Gajanana Parvati Nandana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Yuga Yuga Vandita Jaya Sri Ganesha Adoration of Ganesha, the son of Shiva. Ganesha bestows wisdom and grace on all.

100. Ganapati Deva, Ganapati Deva, Ganapati Deva Shambhu Kumara, Pahi Ganesha Ganapati Deva, Ganapati Deva, Ganapati Deva Siddhi Vinayaka, Hey Subha Data Ashtha Vinayaka, Mangal Data Buddhi Pradata, Sai Ganesha O Lord Ganesha, Son of Shiva, You are the provider of all the success and happiness.

101. Ganesha Sharanam...Ganesha Sharanam You're always protecting me...You're always guiding me Om...Om...Om Saieesha Sharanam...Saieesha Sharanam You're always protecting're always guiding me Om...Om...Om... 102. Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha (4) Saiesha Sharanam Sharanam Saiesha (4) Surrender to Lord Ganesha. Surrender to Lord Sai. 103. Ganesha Sharanam Parama Pavanam Sathyasainam Gajananam Nitya Smaranam Parama Pavanam Sathyasainam Gajananam Sadguru Charanam Parama Pavanam Sathyasainam Gajananam Bhava Bhaya Haranam Parama Pavanam Sathyasainam Gajananam Song in praise of Ganesha who bestows prosperity and wisdom. Surrender to Sathya Sai,

the embodiment of all forms of the divine 104. Ganga Jataadhara Gauri Shankara Girija Mana Ramana Mrutyunjaya Mahadeva Maheshvara Mangala Shubha Charana Nandi Vaahana Naga Bhushana Nirupama Guna Sadana Natana Manohara Neelakantha Sai Neeraja Dala Nayana Hymn extolling the divine attributes of Lord Shiva - the embodiment of purity, divinity and

ever-lasting bliss

105. Garuda Vahana Narayana Hey Shesha Shayana Narayana Sri Lakshmi Ramana Narayana Hari Om, Hari Om Narayana Worship Narayana - the supreme Lord 106. Gauri Ganesh, Uma Ganesh Parvati Nandana Sri Ganesh Sharanam Ganesh, Sharanam Ganesh Parvati Nandana Sri Ganesh Surrender to Lord Ganesha, the son of Shiva and Parvati 107. Gauri Nandana Gajanana Girija Nandana Niranjana Gauri Nandana Gajanana Parvathi Nandana Shubhanana Pahi Prabho Mam Pahi Prasanna Adore Ganesha, the God of wisdom and grace to all who surrender to Him 108. Gentle hands are shaping me I yield to their will Shape me, Lord shape me And with Love I will be still It's painful and I resist Lord, shape me, I must insist Shape me, Sai, shape me Into Your loving masterpiece 109. Gentle Lord, we crave the bliss of Your darshan Swami come, let Your radiance surround us, touching everyone You are the Path and the Goal Teach us to follow You faithfully You give life to the soul May we be blessed with the Grace of Sai, fully immersed in Him May we be blessed with the Love of Sai, fully immersed in Him.

110. Ghana Ghana Neela Vadana Ati Sundara Megha Shyamala Madhava Murahara (2) Ghana Ghana Neela Vadana Ati Sundara Manda Smita Mukha Sai Manohara Govinda Gopala Natavara Giridhara Megha Shyamala Madhava Murahara Adore the infinite, beautiful form of the divine Lord Krishna. He is the embodiment of purity and love 111. Giridhar Gopala Murali Dhara Harey Govinda Gopala Damodara Harey Govinda Gopala Damodara Chant the many names of Lord Krishna - Giridhara, Gopala, Muralidhara, Hari, Govinda,


112. Giridhar Gopala, Gopala Sai Gopala, Sai Gopala Giridhar Gopala, Gopala Partipurishvara Sai Shankara Shirdipurishvara Sai Shankara Sai Shankara, Sai Shankara. Sathya Sai is worshipped as Krishna, Gopala, Shankara, Shirdi Sai Baba, etc. 113. Giridhari Hey Nandalala Yashoda Key Bala Tribhuvana Pala Jagat Uddhara Gokula Bala Murali Lola Munijana Pala Parti Vihara Sai Gopala Extolling the virtues of Krishna, who fosters all of creation and who has now come again

as Sathya Sai Baba.

114. Giridhari Lal Shyama Gopal Natavara Lal Madana Gopal Mathura Natha Krishna Gopal Sri Madhusudana Murali Gopal Yashoda Ke Bal Nanda Gopal Eashvaramba Priya Sai Gopal Praising Sathya Sai as various forms of Lord Krishna

115. Giridhari Merey Gopala Radhey Gopala Radhey Gopala Giridhari Merey Gopala Nanda Kishora Maakhana Chora Yashoda Bala Gopala Radhey Gopala Radhey Gopala The Lord who owns our hearts and our Love - Krishna, is worshipped here 116. Giridhari Murari Govinda Ghanshyama Murari Gopala Radhey Krishna Murari Govinda Ghanashyama Murari Gopala Sathya Sai Murari Gopala Chant the many names of the Lord: Giridhari, Murari, Govinda, Sathya Sai and

Radhey-Krishna. 117. Giving and forgiving Loving all the living Helping all the helpless Never with a selfish heart Giving and forgiving, giving only Love Loving all the living, living only Love Giving and forgiving, giving only Love Loving all the living, living only Love. 118. God is all, God is all, God is all there is God is all there is God is all there is, Jai! Ram is all, Ram is all, Ram is all there is Ram is all there is Ram is all there is, Jai! Sai is all, Sai is all, Sai is all there is Sai is all there is Sai is all there is, Jai! Love is all, Love is all, Love is all there is Love is all there is Love is all there is, Jai!

119. (Sung in Unison) God of Love, God of Love, fill my heart with Your treasure Let me share, let me care, let me Love without measure Father of Love let me be like You, Kind and True forever God of Love, God of Love, Love me now and forever God of Light, God of Light, hold my life in Your keeping Let me find peace of mind, guard me in waking or sleeping Father of Light guide me every day, All the way forever God of Light, God of Light, lead me onward forever. 120. Gopala Giridhara Bala Gopilola Gokula Bala Goparipala Narayana (2) Narayana, Narayana Govinda Govinda Narayana Adoration of the many names of Lord Krishna - Govinda, Gopala, Narayana 121. Gopala Gopala Gopala Sai Gopala Krishna Krishna Radhey Krishna Krishna Sai Gopala Gopala Gopala Gopala Sai Gopala Nandalala Nandalala Nandalala Gopala Adoration of the many names of Lord Krishna - Govinda, Gopala, Nandalala

122. Gopala Gopala Nacho Gopala Nacho Nacho Sai Nandalala Rhuma Jhuma Rhuma Jhuma Nacho Gopala (Hey Nacho Gopala) Nacho Nacho Sai Nandalala Worship in joy Lord Krishna, and Sai who is the embodiment of Krishna. 123. Gopala Govinda, Govinda Harey Murarey Mayur Mukuta Pitambara Dhari, Brindavana Sanchari Sai Brindavana Sanchari Shankha Chakra Gada Padma Dhari Krishna Mukunda Murari Sai Krishna Mukunda Murari Song in praise of Krishna who is the very embodiment of divine glory

124. Govinda Jai Jai Gopala Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jai Hari Hari Gopala Radhey Govinda Gopala Radhey Radhey Govinda Hari Hari Gopala Radhey Govinda Praising the Lord as Govinda, Hari, Gopala - all forms of Krishna 125. Gopala Radha Lola Murali Lola Nandalala Gopala Radha Lola Keshava Madhava Janardana Vanamala Brindavana Bala Murali Lola Nandalala Worship Krishna - the enchanting form of divinity that fills our hearts with bliss and joy. 126. Gopal Radhey Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal Radhey Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopal Govinda Govinda Gopala Radhey Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala Sai Krishna (Sai) Govinda Govinda Gopal Sai Govinda Govinda Gopal Celebrate the glory of Govinda, Gopala - divine forms of Krishna 127. Govinda Bolo, Gopala Bolo Ram Ram Bolo, Hari Naam Bolo Allah Malik Eshu Nanak Zorashtra Mahavir Buddha Naam Bolo Chant the many Names of the Lord - Krishna, Rama, Allah, Jesus, Buddha 128. Govinda Gopala Murali Manohara Shyam Govinda Gopala Madhura Manohara Shyam (Govinda) Goparipala Yashoda Bala Nanda Nanda Gopala Govardhano Dhara Gokula Bala Nanda Nanda Gopala Makhana Chora Murali Manohara Gopala (Govinda). Adore the form of Govinda (Krishna)

129. Govinda Gopal Bolo Radhey Shyam Bolo Radhey Shyam Bolo Sai Ghanshyam Worship Lord Krishna as Govinda, Gopala, and Sai 130. Govinda Govinda Bhajamana Radhey Govinda Radha Lola Govinda, Rasa Vilola Govinda Govinda Govinda Bhajamana Radhey Govinda Krishna Keshava, Harey Madhava, Govinda Jai Govinda Harey Murari, Sai Murari, Govinda Jai Govinda. Worship Lord Krishna as Govinda, Gopala, Keshava, Madhava and Sai 131. Govinda Govinda Gayiye Rey, Bhajo Radhey Gopal Krishna Gayiye, Murli Manohar Gayiye Rey, Bhajo Nanda Key Lal Prabhu Gayiye, Giridhari Giridhari Gayiye Rey, Mayi Mira Key Natha Prabhu Gayiye Rey Sing the glory of the Lord addressed as Govinda, Giridhari - divine forms of Krishna 132. Govinda Gopala Prabhu Giridhari Govinda Gopala Hridaya Vihari Govinda Gopala Prabhu Giridhari Nandakumara Navaneeta cChora Hridaya Vihara Bada Chitta Chora Chant the glory of Lord Krishna - the indweller of every heart 133. Govinda Govinda Govinda Sai Govinda Gopala Gopala Gopala Sai Gopala Murali Manohara Govinda Murali Manohara Gopala Gopala Gopala Gopala Sai Gopala Shirdi Sai Govinda Parti Sai Gopala Gopala Gopala Gopala Sai Gopala Chant the many names of Krishna, the Lord of all beings 134. Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Murali Gana Lola Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Radha Ramana Lola Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Nanda Gopa Bala Celebrate the glory of Krishna who is worshipped as Govinda and Gopala

135. Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Muralidhar Hey Ghanashyama Harey Meera Ke Prabhu Giridhar Naagar Giridhar Naagar (3) Charana Kamal Balihari Rey Praise to Krishna - the embodiment of divinity, we surrender at your lotus feet 136. Govinda Jai Govinda Gokula Nandana Govinda Ghana Ghana Lila Govinda Bala Mukunda Govinda Sai Mukunda Govinda Hey Ghana Shyama Govinda Gokula Nanda Govinda Chant the many names of the Lord: Govinda, Gokul Nandana, Mukunda, Ghana Shyama

137. Govinda Jai Jai Gopala Jai Jai Radha Madhava Hari Govinda Jai Jai Mukunda Jai Jai Murari Jai Jai Madhusudana Murali Mohana Jai Jai Keshava Jai Jai Yaadava Jai Jai Narayana Hari Shri Krishna Jai Jai Adoration of Lord Krishna who is described as Govinda, Keshava, Narayana.

138. Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya Shirdi Ki Jaya Jaya, Baba Ki Jaya Jaya Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya Worship Govinda who has incarnated now as Sathya Sai Baba. 139. Govinda Jai Jai Gopala Jai Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jai (3) Celebrating the glory of Krishna as Govinda, Gopala

140. Govinda Krishna Jai, Gopala Krishna Jai, Gopala Bala Bala Radha Krishna Jai Krishna Jai Krishna Jai Krishna Jai, Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Jai Govinda Krishna Jai Gopala Krishna Jai Gopala Bala Bala Radha Krishna Jai Gopika Mala Haari Pyari, Mayi Mira Mana Vihari, Madana Mohana Murali

Dhari Krishna Jai Krishna Jai, Krishna Jai, Krishna Jai, Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Jai Krishna Jai, Rama-Krishna Jai, Radha-Krishna Jai Bala-Krishna Krishna, Krishna, Krishna Jai Krishna - the beloved of the Gopis and the enchanting Lord who is adored and worshipped

by all.

141. Govind Krishna Jai, Gopal Krishna Jai Govinda, Govinda, Govinda, Gopal Jai Krishna, Krishna, Sai Krishna Govinda Krishna, Gopala Krishna Govinda Krishna Jai Gopal Krishna Jai Govinda Govinda Govinda Gopal Jai Keshava Madhava Sai Narayana Govinda Govinda Narayana Nandalal, Brijbala, Hey Sai Narayana Krishna Krishna Glory to Krishna, Govinda, Gopala, Keshava, Madhava, Sai Narayana.

142. Govinda Krishna Vithaley Venu Gopala Krishna Vithaley Ranga Ranga Vithaley Sri Panduranga Vithale (Sai) Chant the glory of Krishna who is also worshipped as Vithala 143. Govinda Krishna Vitthala Venu Gopala Krishna Vitthala Govinda Vitthala Gopala Vitthala Govinda Krishna Vitthala Jai Gopala Krishna Vitthala Panduranga Vitthala Jai Pandhari Natha Vithala Govinda Vitthala Jai Gopala Vitthala Chant victory to Lord Krishna who is worshipped as Govinda Gopala, Panduranga, Vitthala

144. Govinda Madhava Gopala Keshava Jaya Nanda Mukunda Nanda Govinda Radhey Gopala Govinda Madhava Gopala Keshava Giridhari Giridhari Jaya Radhey Gopala Ghanashyama Shyama Shyama Jaya Jaya Radhey Gopala Jaya Nanda Mukunda Nanda Govinda Radhey Gopala Chant the many names of the Lord: Govinda, Madhava, Gopala Keshava, Radhey

Gopala, Nanda Mukunda, Giridhari, Ghana Shyama, Sai Gopala.

145. Govinda Narayana Gopala Narayana Govinda Govinda Narayana Govinda Gopala Narayana Govinda Govinda Narayana Govinda Ananda Narayana (Sa) Govinda Ananda Narayana Worship the Supreme Lord Narayana as Govinda, Gopala 146. Govinda Narayana Panduranga Vithalay Pandari Nivasa Hari Purandara Vithalay Panduranga Vithalay Purandara Vithalay Govinda Narayana Panduranga Vithalay Panduranga Jaya Vithalay Vithalay Vithalay Hari Narayana Narayana Om Hari Narayana Narayana Om Jaya Narayana Narayana Om Panduranga Jaya Vithalay Vithalay Vithalay

Worship the Supreme Lord as Govinda, Narayana, Panduranga – all different manifestations of the Lord

147. Govinda Radhey Govinda Radhey Govinda Govinda Gopala Radhey Pandari Natha, Panduranga, Govinda Govinda Gopala Radhey Govinda Radhey Radhey, Govinda Radhey Radhey, Govinda Govinda Gopala Radhey Nanda Mukunda, Navanitha Chora, Govinda Govinda Gopala Radhe Worshipping Radhey Govinda (Krishna) in joy and exaltation

148. Govinda Rama Jai Jai Gopala Rama Madhava Rama Jai Jai Keshava Rama Govinda Rama Jai Jai Gopala Rama Durlabha Rama Jai Jai Sulabha Rama Ek Tu Rama Jai Jai Anek Tu Rama Adore the One God who incarnated as Rama and again as Krishna - the One that is

manifested as many, arduous to be attained, yet within the grasp of ardent devotees

149. Govinda Sadguru Krishna Govinda (3) Vahe Guru Sathya Nam Sai Govinda Krishna Krishna Hari Hari Radhey Govinda (3) Lord Krishna is worshipped as the Divine Teacher and as the embodiment of Truth. 150. Guru Baba Guru Baba Charana Namostutey Guru Baba Sai Baba Bala Baba Sathya Baba Prema Baba Guru Vara Guru Vara Guru Baba (2x) Vidya Dayaka Guru Baba Shanti Svarupa Guru Baba Guru Vara Guru Vara Guru Baba (2x) Hymn worshipping the Supreme Teacher Sai Baba, who is the embodiment of Love and

Peace, and who bestows bliss and wisdom 151. Guru Deva Guru Deva Deva Shri Sathya Sai Mahadeva Purnavatar Deva Deva Paramatma Sai Deva Guru Deva Guru Deva Deva Shri Sathya Sai Mahadeva Karuna Nidhey Deva Deva Premavatar Sai Devaa Sharanagata Deva Deva Daya Karo Sai Deva

Surrender to the divine teacher Sathya Sai who is the embodiment of Love and compassion

152. Guru Deva Guru Govinda Mangala Giridhara, Shirdi Puriswara Jaya Partiswar Sai Shiva Mangala Rupa Sri Sai Deva (2) Vaidehi Mohana Narayana (2) Salutations to our divine Teacher - Sathya Sai

153. Guru Deva Priya Deva Sai Deva Daya Maya Vibhuti Sundara Shashankha Shekhara Sai Shankara Daya Karo Guru Deva Priya Deva Sai Deva Dayamaya Gokula Nandana Sai Gopala Raghukula Bhushana Sai Rama Hey Madanantaka Daya Karo Worship the Sadguru, Sathya Sai, the embodiment of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. His

grace removes all evil attributes and bestows bliss on all.

154. Guru Deva Sharanam Deva Pahi Prabho Sharanam Deva Guru Deva Sharanam Deva Sundara Rupa Sri Sai Deva Sharanam Sharanam Sadguru Deva Surrender to the divine form of our Sadguru - Sathya Sai 155. Guru Devaya Namoh Namoh Hey Parameshvara Namoh Namoh Guru Devaya Namoh Namoh Omkaraya Namoh Namoh Partipurishvara Namoh Namoh Jagadishvaraya Namoh Namoh Prashanthi Ishvara Namoh Namoh Salutations to the Divine Preceptor - the embodiment of the Supreme Lord of the

Universe, Sathya Sai

156. Guru Dev Guru Dev Guru Dev Guru Dev Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Sub Ko Deejo Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Svarup Aap Hai Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Jeevan Ka Marma Hai Worship the Sadguru - the embodiment of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love and who bestows these supreme qualities on all

157. Guru Mahimaa Gavo (2) Sadguru Sai Ananda Guru Brahmananda Ananda Guru Sarva Dharma Sathya Sai Guru Sai Guru, Sathya Sai Guru Sarva Dharma Sathya Sai Guru Guru Ke Vani Gavo Guru Mahimaa Gavo Sing the praises of the Guru, Sathya Sai who represents the essence of all religons and

who bestows bliss on all 158. Guru Nanakji Ki Jai Jai Kar Jo Boley So Hovey Nihal Allah Sai Ley Lo Salam Maula Sai Ley Lo Salam Salam Salam Lakho Salam Salam Salam Mera Salam Yesu Pita Prabhu Sai Ram Buddha Zorashtra Mahavir Ram Praise the divine teacher, Guru Nanak. Salutations to the One God manifest as Allah,

Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Rama, Sai 159. Guruvaayurpura Sri Hari Krishna Narayan Gopal Mukunda Madhava Murlidhari Narayana Gopal Narayana Gopal Sri Hari Narayana Gopal (2) Govardhana Giridhari Murari Narayana Gopal Mukunda Madhava Murlidhari Narayana Gopal Narayana Gopal Sai Narayana Gopal (2) Krishna who is seated in the heart of every devotee is worshipped as Govinda, Gopala, Madhava, Mukunda - representing all attributes of His divinity

160. Humko Tumse Pyar Kitna Sai Tum Hi Janate Dilon Ki Dhadkan Tum Ho Sai Tum Hamare Pran Ho Humko Tumse Pyar Hai We Love You, Merey Sai, We Love You Tumse Mil Hai, Prabhu Ye Jeevan Dedo Humko Bhakti Mangalam Hum Tumharey Charano Me Aakar Karlen Puran Apne Karam

Sai, You only know how much we Love You. You are our very heart and You are our very life. We Love You. Lord, You gave us this life and so bless us with devotion to you, and fulfil our lives

161. Hara Hara Gangey, Hara Hara Gangey Hey Nataraja, Hey Shiva Raja, Hara Hara Hara Hara Gangey Natana Shekhara, Hey Shiva Sundara Partipurishvara, Jaya Gangadhara Shankara Shiva Shankara, Shiva Shankara Shankara Sai. Worship Shiva - the benefactor of sustenance and life (river Ganga). Worship Sathya Sai,

the incarnation of the ever auspicious form of Shiva 162. Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Sada Shiva Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya Brahma Vishnu Sada Shivaaya Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya Uma Ganesha Sharavana Sevita Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya Sing the praises of Mahadeva, Shiva whose worship blesses us with divine bliss. 163. Hara Hara Hara Hara Samba Shiva Vibhuthi Sundara Sai Shiva Gangadhara Hara Gauri Shiva Trishula Dhari Trinethra Shiva Parti Puri Paramesha Shiva Vibhuthi Sundara Sai Shiva Worship the divine form of Sathya Sai, the dweller of Parti and who embodies the divine

effulgence of Shiva

164. Hara Shiva Shankara Shashankha Shekhara Hara Bam Hara Bam Bam Bam Bolo Bhava Bhayankara Girija Shankara Dhimi Dhimi Dhimi Taka Nartana Khelo Hara Shiva Shankara Shashankha Shekhara Hara Bam Hara Bam Bam Bam Bolo Bhava Bhayankara Girija Shankara Dhimi Dhimi Dhimi Taka Nartana Khelo Shiva is invoked to perform the Thandava, the Cosmic Dance which destroys ignorance

and removes evil in us

165. Harey Krishna Harey Krishna Krishna Krishna Harey Harey Harey Rama Harey Rama Rama Rama Harey Harey Salutations to Lord Krishna and Lord Rama. 166. Harey Murare Sai Ram, Harey Murare Ram Parama Sumangala Sai Ram, Parama Sumangala Ram Ishvara Allah Terey Nam Sub Tum Ho Bhagavan Parama Sumangala Sai Ram, Parama Sumangala Ram. Worship Sathya Sai whose name and form symbolize auspiciousness. He is verily the

embodiment of all names and all forms 167. Hari Anandamaya Jaya Narayana Sai Anandamaya Jaya Narayana Vasudeva Nandana Radha Jivana Paramananda Madhava (Sai) Prayer extolling the glory of the supreme Lord, Narayana - the benefactor of bliss and joy 168. Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Hari Bol Mukunda Madhava Govinda Bol Rama Rama Bol, Rama Rama Bol Raghukula Bhushana Rama Rama Bol Krishna Bol Krishna Bol, Krishna Krishna Bol Radha Madhava Sri Krishna Bol Shiva Bol Shiva Bol Shiva Shiva Bol Sai Shankara Shiva Shiva Bol Chant the holy name of Hari, Krishna, Rama, Shiva - all embodied in Sai

169. Hari Hara Bol Hari Hara Bol Mukunda Madhava Govinda Bol Keshava Bol Madhava Bol Mukunda Madhava Govinda Bol Chant the name of Hari who is the embodiment of all forms of divinity 170. Hari Hari Bhajomana Sai Ram Bhajore Sai Rama Bhajomana Sai Krishna Bhajore Hari Hari Bhajomana Sai Ram Bhajore Mukunda Madhava Vithala Bhajore Govinda Govinda Madhava Bhajore Let your mind sing in worship of God in the form of Rama, Krishna, and Sai. Sing the

Names of Mukunda, Madhava, Vithala, Govinda (all Names of Krishna). 171. Hari Hari Hari Hari Smarana Karo Hari Charana Kamala Dhyana Karo Hari Hari Hari Hari Smarana Karo Murali Madhava Seva Karo Murahara Giridhari Bhajana Karo (Sai) Meditate on the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, Hari and celebrate His glory by serving

Him and chanting His divine name 172. Hari Hari Narayana Hari Govinda Narayana Hari Gopala Narayana, Hari Hari Narayana Hrishikesha Narayana Parteesha Narayana Chant the name of the Supreme Lord Hari, Narayana

173. Hari Hari Om Shiva Shankara Om Narayana Hari Om Sai Narayana Hari Om Keshava Hey Shiva Madhava Hey Narayana Hari Om Sai Narayana Hari Om Paramatma Antarayami Narayana Hari Om Narayana Hari Om Sai Narayana Hari Om. Adore and worship the supreme Lord Narayana who has now incarnated as Sathya Sai

174. Hari Nam Gatey Chalo, Sai Nam Gatey Chalo Madhava Govinda, Govinda Madhava Nam Gatey Chalo Govinda Vitthala, Gopal Vitthala Jai Parti Vitthala, Jai Sai Vitthala Madhava Govinda, Govinda Madhava Nam Gatey Chalo Chant the name of the supreme Lord Hari who is also worshipped as Krishna, Govinda, Madhava, and Sai

175. Hari Nam Sumira, Hari Nam Sumira, Hari Nama Sumira Bhajore Tribhuvana Nayaka Sub Sukha Dayaka Vinathi Sahayaka Nam Japorey. Chant the name of Lord Hari, who sustains and fosters the universe; bestows bliss on all

and protects the helpless and forlorn 176. Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om (4) Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram (4) Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam (4) Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om (4) Chant the Names of Hari, Sita Rama, Radhey Shyama and Sai 177. Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om Sai Om Sai Narayana Jaya Hari Om Sathya Narayana Jaya Hari Om Paramatma Shiva Sai Hari Om Parabrahma Shiva Sai Hari Om Sai Narayana Jaya Hari Om Sathya Narayana Jaya Hari Om Worship the supreme Lord who has incarnated as Sathya Sai, embodying the Universal


178. Hari Om Narayana, Sai Om Narayana Sri Lakshmi Narayana, Sri Sathya Narayana Hari Om Narayana, Sai Om Narayana Sri Shirdi Narayana, Sri Parti Narayana Hari Om Narayana, Sai Om Narayana. Praise be to Narayana, the supreme Lord who is also worshipped as Hari, Shirdi Sai and

Sathya Sai 179. Hari Om Namah Shivaaya Shiva Shiva Shankara Hara Parameshvara Saishvaraya Namah Om Shiva Shiva Shankara Hara Parameshvara Saishvaraya Namah Om Prayer addressed to the glory of Lord Shiva 180. Hari Om Namoh Shiva Shakti Namoh Sadguru Sri Sathya Sai Namoh Hari Om Namoh Sita Rama Namoh Sadguru Sri Sathya Sai Namoh Hari Om Namoh Radhey Shyam Namoh Sadguru Sri Sathya Sai Namoh Worship in devotion the divine Sadguru, Sathya Sai who is the incarnation of all forms of divinity 181. Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat Hari Om Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Jai Radha Krishna Govinda Govinda Bhajo Radhey Govinda Gopala Gopala Bhajo Krishna Gopala Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om Hari Om Om Om, Hari Om Om Om, Hari Om Om Om, Hari Om. Praise That which is Eternal, the Divine Principle. Sing the glory of the divine name

182. Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaaya Sai Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaaya Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaaya Shiva Shiva Shivaaya Namah Shivaaya Sai Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaaya (2) Salutations to Lord Shiva 183. He is Love, so learn to Love He is Truth, so be ye True He is Peace, so work for Peace He is Good, so be ye Good He is Lord, His name is Sai Sai Ram, Sai Ram Sai Ram, Sai Ram Sai Ram, say Sai Ram 184. Hey Anaatha Natha Deena Bandhu Sadguru Sai Ram Hey Sadguru Sai Ram Harey Ram, Harey Ram, Harey Ram, Harey Ram Harey Ram, Harey Ram Hey Partipurisha Prasanthi Vasa Sadguru Sai Ram Hey Sadguru Sai Ram Harey Ram, Harey Ram, Harey Ram, Harey Ram Harey Ram, Harey Ram. Prayer to Lord Sai Baba, who is the refuge of the distressed and the helpless 185. Hey Atma Nivasini Maa, Hey Amba Bhavani Maa Hey Adi Shakti Devi Maa, Ananda Dayini Maa Hey Amrutha Varshini Maa, Hey Ambuja Lochani Maa Hey Adi Parashakti Maa, Adi Shankari Maa. Divine Mother, who is the indweller in each heart and is the embodiment of divine energy

and supreme bliss - May she bless us all with her grace

186. Hey Brahma Hey Vishnu Dayamaya Hey Maheshvara Sathya Sai Parameswara Mahashakti Shiva Sai Shankara Purna Teja Sai Avatara Song in adoration of Sathya Sai who also represents the holy Hindu trinity of Brahma,

Vishnu and Shiva

187. Hey Deena Dayalo Sai Rama Ram Parama Krupalo Sai Rama Ram Sai Rama Rama Rama Ram (2) Hey Patita Pavana Sai Rama Ram Bhaktha Vatsala Sai Rama Ram Sai Rama Rama Rama Ram (2) Prayer imploring Sai Ram (Sathya Sai) to shower His grace and blessings on all those

who seek refuge in Him 188. Hey Gananatha Gajanana Heramba Gajanana Hey Gananatha Gajanana Gauri Nandana Gajanana Gajanana, Hey Gajanana Siddhi Vinayaka Gajanana Prayer addressed to Ganesha, who removes all obstacles and bestows grace on all 189. Hey Govinda Hey Ananda Nanda Gopala Mohana Muralidhara Shyama Gopala Hey Govinda Hey Ananda Nanda Gopala Sundara Giridhari Harey Natavaralala Madhava Keshava Madana Gopala Worship the divine form of Lord Krishna who is also addressed as Govinda, Gopala.

190. Hey Ram Hey Guna Dhaam Raghava Sundara Ram Janaki Jivana Ram (Hey Ram) Kausalya Tanaya Raghukula Ram Ayodhya Shiromani Dasaratha Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram Adoration of Rama, the indwelling Lord and the embodiment of the highest virtues 191. Hey Indu Shekhara Raja Shiva Raja Shankara Hey Shambho Shekhara Raja Shiva Raja Shankara Om Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Pinaka Vaibhava Raja Shankara Shiva Raja Shankara Prayer addressed to Lord Shiva who is adorned with the crescent moon, symbolizing His

power to reduce man’s desires and passions

192. Hey Madhava Hey Madhusudana Damodara Hey Muralidhara Hey Madhava Hey Madhusudana Mana Mohana Hey Yadu Nandana Deenaavana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Krishna is worshipped here as Madhava, the embodiment of divine sweetness and beauty, and as the protector of the distressed 193. Hey Prashanti Nilaya Ram Hey Partipuri Bhagavan Ahalyo Dharaka Ram Dasharathey Raghu Ram Sri Ram Jaya Ram Sri Ram Ram Ram Jaya Ram (Sai) Adoration of Sathya Sai as the embodiment of Rama 194. Hey Ram Bhagavan Hey Karuna Sindhu Ram Hey Deena Bandhu Sai Ram Bhaktha Premi Ko Karuna Karo Daya Karo Raghu Ram (Hey) Mujhe Kripa Karo Sai Ram Hey Janaki Jivana Ram Hey Partipurishvara Ram Hey Deena Bandhu Sai Ram Prayer glorifying Lord Rama - the ocean of compassion and asking Him to bless us with

His grace. Sai is also worshipped here as the embodiment of Rama 195. Hey Sai Jagannatha Hey Sai Jagannatha Hey Sai Jagannatha Deena Bandhu Sai Natha Karuna Sindhu Jagannatha Hey Sai Jagannatha Hey Parti Jagannatha Hey Sai Jaganatha Hey Shirdi Jaganatha Hey Parti Jagannatha. Prayer in exaltation of Sathya Sai who is worshipped as the Lord of the Universe

196. Hey Shiva Shankara Namami Shankara Shiva Shankara Shambo Hey Girijapati Bhavani Shankara Shiva Shankara Shambho Shiva Shankara Shambho Shiva Shankara Shambho Sing the Glory of Shiva in His various manifestations.

197. Hey Vishvanatha Hey Gauri Natha, Hey Sai Natha Bhagavan Daya Karo Daya Karo Daya Karo Bhagavan Hey Vishvanatha Hey Gauri Natha Hey Sai Natha Bhagavan Deena Dayala Sai Ghanashyama Patita Pavana Hey Sai Rama Daya Karo Kripa Karo Raksha Karo Bhagavan Prayer addressed to Sathya Sai as the supreme Lord of the universe and asking Him to

shower grace on all seekers 198. I am one with the heart of the Mother (sing in rounds) I am one with the heart of God I am one with the heart of the Father I am one with Love Ave Maria Kyrie Eleison 199. I bow down at the feet of Ganesha Ganesha, Ganesha I bow down at the feet of Ganesha Ganesha I pray You will clear my way (3x) Ganesha, Ganesha I bow down at the feet of Ganesha Jai Ganesha, Sai Ganesha, clear my way to Baba (3x) Ganesha Ganesha 200. I found my Lord, He first found me My Love for Him flows naturally I share with all with each human face What He first gave me with His Love and Grace. He cares for us both you and me His Love has been, and e'er will be A thousand times He broke our fall Our Love and trust we give Him all. 201. I keep feeling Your Love in me, over and over again And it's sweeter and sweeter as the days go by O what a Love between my Lord and I O what a Love between my Sai and I My Sai and I, my Sai and I O what a Love between my Sai and I

202. I know, I know, I know that Baba is my Savior I know, I know, I know that Baba is within me I know, I know, I know that Baba will protect me I know, I know, I know that Baba will direct me. 203. I Love You Lord, I Love You, You and I are One Shirdi Baba, Sri Sathya Sai, Narayana Sai Baba Let us sing the name of Sai, Let us praise the Lord He has come on earth for us, He is our joy I Love You Lord, I Love You, You and I are One Shirdi Baba, Sri Sathya Sai, Narayana Sai Baba Let's rejoice and follow Him, Listen to His Word Do not ever cry for Me, I am in your heart. 204. I offer myself to Thee That Thy Will be done I give myself to You, to find a Love so True I offer myself to Thee 205. (sing in unison) I have decided to follow Baba (3) No turning back, no turning back Though none go with me, I still will follow (3) No turning back, no turning back The world behind me, the Lord beside me (3) No turning back, no turning back 206. I will never disappoint you I will never let you go (2X) What's bad today is good tomorrow No sense in shedding tears of sorrow Just believe what Baba promised you I will never disappoint you I will never let you go (2X) 207. In the stillness of the morning In the stillness of the morning, I listen to your call Bhagavan Your touch upon my shoulder, your presence in my soul, Sai But when I turn to greet you, Sai No other do I see, Bhagavan For all my endless searching, Sai I am the one I seek Bhagavan

208. Ishvara Allah Terey Nam Sai Terey Nam Sarvadharma Priya Sai Ram Sathya Sai Ram Allah Sai Maula Sai Eshu Buddha Sai Hey Mahavir Sai Govinda Sai Gopala Sai Nanak Sai Sarvadharma Priya Sai Ram Sathya Sai Ram. Sathya Sai represents the essence of all names and forms from all religious traditions. 209. I surrender to You, Baba, I surrender to You With each passing day I Love You more, I surrender to You Sri Ram Jaya Ram Bolo Sai Baba, Jai Jai Jai Jai Ram Sri Sai Baba Vithala, Sharanam Baba O Sai Avatara Bhagavan, Sharanam Baba Sri Ram Jaya Ram Bolo Sai Baba, Jai Jai Jai Jai Ram . 210. Jagat Odharini Mata Durga Jagadoddharini Maa Jago Jago Maa Jago Jago Maa Jago Jago Maa Janani Hey Gauri Devi Ranachandi Devi, Jaya Shiva Ramana Jago Maa Hey Shiv Ramana Jago Maa Jaya Jagadoddharini Maa Prayer invoking the blessings of the Divine Mother, Durga

211. Jai Durga Lakshmi Sarasvathi Sai Jagan Mata Sai Jagan Mata Maam Pahi Jagan Mata Sai Jagan Mata Maam Pahi Jagan Mata (Sathya) Prayer in adulation of the Divine Mother who is worshipped as Durga, Lakshmi, Sarasvati

and Sathya Sai.

212. Jai Ganaraya Sri Ganaraya Jai Ganaraya Sri Ganaraya Mangala Murati Moriya Siddhi Vinayaka Mangala Daata Ashtha Vinayaka Mangala Dayaka Mangala Moorti Moriya Sindhura Vadana Pankaja Nayana Sindhur Vadana Pankaja Nayana Ganapati Bappa Moriya Victory to Lord Ganesha, the embodiment of auspiciousness. He bestows success and

happiness, and destroys all obstacles.

213. Jai Hari Bol Jai Sita Ram Gopi Gopala Bhajo Radhey Shyam Harey Ram Ram Ram Ghana Shyam Shyam Shyam Sri Raghunandana Sri Rama Dasharathe Jaya Raghurama Nanda Kishora Navanita Chora Brindavana Govindalala Harey Ram Ram Ram Ghana Shyam Shyam Shyam Prayer celebrating the glory of Rama and Krishna and extolling the divine beauty of the

Lord’s various forms 214. Jai Hari Krishna Jai Hari Krishna Govardhana Giridhari Radha Mohana Radha Jivana Manjula Kunja Vihari Worship Krishna who dwells in the hearts of devotees, full of pure love and devotion 215. Jai Jai Bhavani Maa Ambey Bhavani Maa Ambey Bhavani Maa Sai Bhavani Maa Jai Jai Bhavani Maa Ambey Bhavani Maa Shirdi Bhavani Maa Parti Bhavani Maa Atma Nivasini Maa Sai Bhavani Maa Prayer extolling Sathya Sai as the Divine Mother 216. Jai Jai Gopala Radhey Gopala Sai Gopala Jai Jai Gopala Hey Nandalala Gopi Lola Gokula Bala Brindavana Sanchara Song in praise of Krishna, the enchanting divine child who enraptures the hearts of His

devotees 217. Jai Jai Guru Deva Sri Sai Mahadeva (3x) Brahma Vishnu Maheshvara Sai Mahadeva Mata Pita Guru Deva Sathya Sai Mahadeva Celebrate the glory of Sathya Sai, the divine Sadguru and the embodiment of all forms of

divinity 218. Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka Jai Jai Vighna Vinashaka Jai Shubha Mangala Dayaka Vidya Buddhi Pradayaka Gajavadana Gauri Nandana (2) Ganga Dhara Shiva Shambho Nandana Worship of Ganesha who symoblizes auspiciousness and goodness. Ganesha removes

all obstacles and confers wisdom and intelligence

219. Jai Jai Jai Jai Ganapati Deva Gajanana Gajanana Gajanana Hey Ganapati Deva Mata Parvati Pita Mahadeva (2) Jai Jai Jai Jai Ganapati Deva Gajanana Gajanana Gajanana Hey Ganapati Deva Hymn to Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the God of wisdom 220. Jai Jai Jai Jai Maa Sathya Sai Bhavani Maa Partipurishvari Maa, Sai Maheshvari Maa Jai Jai Jai Jai Maa Sathya Sai Bhavani Maa Sai Maa Sai Maa Sai Maa Jai Jai Jai Jai Maa Sathya Sai Bhavani Maa Trishula Dharini Maa Triloka Palini Maa Sai Maa Sai Maa Sai Maa Worship Sai as the embodiment of the Divine Mother 221. Jai Jai Jai Mana Mohana Jai Jai Jai Madhusudhana Madhava Keshava, Keshava Madhava Gopala Gopalana (Sai) Sing the glory of Krishna, who enchants us with His Divine Play. 222. Jai Jai Maa, Jai Jai Maa, Jai Jagadishvari Sai Maa Vishvadharini Sai Maa, Vishvatarini Sai Maa Jai Jai Maa, Jai Sai Maa Jaya Jagadishvari Sai Maa Adi Shakti Shiva Sai Maa, Parashakti Shiva Sai Maa Jai Jai Maa, Jai Sai Maa Parti Purishwari Sai Maa. Worship joyfully the Divine Mother who is embodied as Sathya Sai. Her Grace will help us overcome worldliness and grant us liberation 223. Jai Jai Prabhu Giridhari Natavara Nandalala Natavara Nandalala Hey Giridhara Gopala Hey Giridhara Gopala Hey Giridhara Gopala Hey Giridhara Gopala. A joyful hymn to Lord Krishna

224. Jai Jai Ram Jai Sai Ram Ananda Hey Sai Ram Jai Jai Ram Jai Sai Ram Sai Nama Hey Sundara Nama Bhakti Mukti Sukha Ka Dham Chanting Sai’s divine name will confer upon us bliss and liberation. 225. Jai Jai Shiva Shambo, Jai Jai Shiva Shambo Mahadeva Shambo, Sai Mahadeva Shambo Celebrate the glory of Lord Shiva. 226. Jaya Jaya Vaishnavi Devi Maa Jaya Jaya Vaishnavi Devi Maa Jaya Maa Jaya Maa Jaya Maa Sai Maa Jaya Jaya Maa Jaya Jaya Maa Sai Maa Jaya Jaya Vaishnavi Devi Maa Jaya Jaya Vaishnavi Devi Maa Shera Vali Ma Jyota Vali Maa Pahada Vali Maa Jaya Jagajanani Sai Maa Jaya Maa Jaya Maa Jaya Ma Sai Maa Praise in honor of the Divine Mother who is worshipped as Durga, Vaishnavi, etc.

227. Jaya Maa Jaya Maa Jagadishwari Sai Maa Jagadishwari Maheshwari Saiswari Sai Maa Victory to the Mother of the Universe who is also adored as Sai 228. Jaya Radha Madhava, Jaya Kunj Vihari Jaya Gopijana Vallabha Jaya Girivara Dhari Jaya Radha Madhava, Jaya Kunj Vihari Yashoda Nandana Brijajana Ranjan, Yamuna Teera Vanachari Jaya Radha Madhava, Jaya Kunj Vihari Harey Krishna Harey Krishna, Krishna Krishna Harey Harey Harey Rama Harey Rama, Rama Rama Harey Harey Extol the glorious form of Krishna - the Lord of the Gopis who is the embodiment of

supreme bliss and Love

229. Jaya Sai Ram Jaya Sai Ram Jaya Sai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Bolo Jaya Sai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Anatha Rakshaka Sai Ram Apadbandhava Sai Ram PremaSvarupa Sai Ram Prema Avatara Sai Ram Praise be to Lord Sai, Protector, Savior, the Embodiment of Love. 230. Jaya Shiva Shankara Jaya Parameshvara Jaya Shiva Shankara Sai Shiva Jaya Shirdishvara Jaya Sai Shankara Jaya Partishvara Sai Shiva Worship the benevolent Lord, Shiva who has come now as Sai 231. Jaya Sai Shankara Jaya Abhayankara Samba Sadashiva Shiva Hararey Shiva Hararey Jaya Gangadhara Jaya Bimbadhara Vyaghrambara Dhara Shiva Hararey Shiva Hararey Song worshipping Lord Shiva - the Lord who removes all fears and bestows grace on all

who worship Him 232. Janani Janani, Sathya Sai Shubha Janani Jagat Dharini Paripurani Saishvari Janani Sathya Svarupini Janani Dharma Samvardhini Janani Shanta Svarupini Janani Prema Pradayini Janani (Sai) Sathya Sai is adored and worshipped as the Divine Mother - she upholds righteousness

and embodies the divine qualities of Truth, Peace and Love

233. Janani Ma Sai Janani Ma Prema Vahini Ma Gyana Vahini Ma Dharma Vahini Ma Dhyana Vahini Ma Prashanti Vahini Ma Chira Sukha Dayini Jai Jai Sai Ma Worship Sai as the Divine Mother and as the embodiment of Truth, Righteousness,

Peace, Love and Bliss

234. Jaya Devi Bhavani Maa Jaya Sai Bhavani Maa Jagadishvari Sai Maa Parameshvari Sai Maa Jaya Sai Bhavani Maa Jaya Parti Nivasini Maa. Victory to the Divine Mother. Mother of the world, O Divine Mother Sai, the resident of

holy Puttaparti

235. Jaya Krishna Mukunda Murari Jaya Sai Mukunda Murari Jaya Nanda Mukunda Murari Govardhana Dhari Murari Jaya Parti Vihari Murari Celebrate the glory of Lord Krishna and His divine attributes 236. Jaya Gopala Jaya Gopala Jaya Sai Govinda Gopala Jaya Gopala Jaya Gopala Chinmayananda Hey Sai Gopala Nityananda Rupa Sai Gopala Jaya Sai Govinda Gopala Praise extolling the glory of Sai who is verily Krishna Himself, the embodiment of

everlasting bliss 237. Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Sai Ram Jagath Guru Sathya Sai Ram Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Sai Ram Brahma Vishnu Shiva Sai Ram Parama Brahma Rupa Sai Ram Mata Pita Guru Sai Ram Jagadguru Sathya Sai Ram. Sathya Sai is the eternal Sadguru come to teach man on the path to liberation. He is the

Holy Trinity and he is the Divine mother and father to all 238. Jaya Guru Omkara Jaya Jaya Sadguru Omkara (Om) Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva (Om) The divine teacher is extolled as the embodiment of Om and as the universal spirit

239. Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Gopalana Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Narayana Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Janardhana Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Niranjana Celebrating the glory of Lord Krishna, the personification of divinity and purity. 240. Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Lingeshvara Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Saieshvara Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Mruthyunjaya Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Saieshvara Sathya Sai is adored as the embodiment of the Formless Cosmic Being (Lingam) 241. Jaya Ho Sai Ram, Jaya Ho Sai Ram Karuna Sindhu Ram, Sai Parti Purishvara Ram Treta Yuga Mey Ram, Sai Dwapara Yuga Mey Shyam Ram Tuhi Rehman, Sai Sub Ka Hey Bhagavan Kaliyuga Ke Avatar, Sai Parti Purishvara Ram. Glory be to Sathya Sai - the divine Lord who has incarnated throughout the ages to bless

mankind with His compassion and grace 242. Jaya Jagadeesha Harey, Jaya Govinda Harey Nithyananda Brahmananda, Jaya Gopala Harey Arunachala Shiva Om, Trishula Dhari Shiva Om Hari Narayana Om, Sai Narayana Om Jaya Devi Bharati, Vidya Dayini, Annapurna Mata Om Praise to the Lord who is the master of the universe and the embodiment of eternal bliss -

Shiva, Narayana, Sai, Durga 243. Jaya Jaya Deva Jagadeesha Deva Daya Sagara Sai Deva Neeraja Nayana Ksheerabdhi Shayana Neela Megha Shyama Samagana Priya Sarva Dharma Priya Satya Sai Mahadeva Worship Sai as the Supreme God. Devotees behold in joy Sai’s divine form. Sai is the

essence of all religions and all knowledge

244. Jaya Jaya Devi Girija Mata Jaya Jagadambey Pranava Svarupini Ashta Bhujankita Akhiladharini Jaya Yogeeshvara Hridaya Viharini The Divine Mother is worshipped as Girija and as the embodiment of Om, sustaining and

fostering the entire universe with her compassion and grace. 245. Jaya Jaya Hey Jagadisha Mahesha Jaya Jaya Hey Kailasa Vasa Jaya Jaya Hey Jagadisha Mahesha Jaya Jaya Shiva Sai Mahesha Jaya Hey Shambho Sai Natha Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Anatha Natha Celebrate the glory of Shiva, the Lord of the Universe. Sai as the embodiment of Shiva is our protector and the refuge of the distressed 246. Jaya Jaya Mangala Sai Namo Jaya Partishvara Sai Namo Jaya Jaya Mangala Sai Namo Shiva Shaktishvara Sai Namo Sri Shaileshvara Sai Namo Salutations to Sathya Sai, the embodiment of Shiva and Shakti (God and Nature) 247. Jaya Jaya Mohana Murali Gopala Jaya Giridhara Brindavana Pala Jaya Jaya Mohana Murali Gopala Jaya Hey Madhava Ghana Ghana Nila Jaya Meera Prabhu Radhey Gopala Worship and adore Krishna - the Lord of all hearts and the embodiment of the infinite

divine spirit

248. Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Sai Ram (Bolo) Jaya Raghunandana Jaya Ram Jaya Sundara Nayanabhi Ram Jaya Dasaratha Nandana Ram Jaua Maruthi Sevita Ram Jaya Bhakta Jeevana Dhana Ram Jaya Sundara Nayanabhi Ram Hymn extolling the glory of Lord Rama whose enchanting form and noble virtues are

treasured by his devotees. 249. Jaya Jaya Sadguru Sai Sada Shiva Hara Hara Shankara Shambho Mahadeva Jaya Jaya Sadguru Sai Sada Shiva Neelakantha Sai Bhasma Vibhushita Hara Hara Shankara Shambho Mahadeva Parti Purishvara Sai Maheshvara Hara Hara Shankara Shambho Mahadeva Worship Lord Shiva as the Divine Teacher now come as the Lord of Parti - Sai 250. Jaya Lambodara Pahimam Jagadamba Suta Rakshamam Jaya Lambodara Pahimam Sharanagata Rakshamam Hey Karuna Nidhey Pahimam Sri Gananatha Sam Rakshamam Nija Bhakti Mudam Dehi Maam Jaya Lambodara Pahimam Prayer asking Lord Ganesha to bless us with pure devotion and bliss. Ganesha fosters

and protects those who surrender to Him. 251. Jaya Nandalala Jaya Jaya Gopala Rasavilola Radhey Gopala Jaya Nandalala Jaya Jaya Gopala Murali Lola Muni Jana Pala Gopi Lola Gopala Bala Adoration of Lord Krishna who bestows bliss on all and who fosters all those seek refuge

in Him.

252. Jaya Panduranga Jaya Vitthala Jagadodhara Hari Vitthala Pandari Natha Jaya Hari Vitthala Purandara Vitthala Parama Dayala Worship the divine form of Krishna who is worshipped as Panduranga - the Lord of Pandharapur (temple town in central India)

253. Jaya Raghu Nandana Jaya Sai Ram Devaki Nandana Radhey Shyam Parti Purishvara Sai Ram Sita Ram Radhey Shyam Celebrating the divine glory of Rama, Krishna and Sai 254. Joole Merey Sai Joole Merey Baba Joolana Joolai Merey Sai Joolana Joolai Merey Baba Joolana Merey Sai Joole Merey Baba Resham Ke Dhori, Sone Ka Palana Joolana Joolai Merey Sai (2) Shirdi Ke Sai Parti Ke Baba Joolana Joolai Merey Sai (2) Adoration of the sweet form of Sai, as he swings back and forth in Divine Bliss (in our hearts) and showers bliss and joy on all 255. Joolana Joolave Brijabala Joole Nandalala, Joole Sai Baba Resham Ki Dhori, Sone Ka Palana Aarti Utaru Brijabala Ki (Mai To) Joole Nandalala, Joole Sai Baba. Sathya Sai who is the indweller of our hearts is worshipped seated on a swing (our hearts)

and bestowing bliss on all 256. Just when life seems so hard, it's hard to care I see Your face and suddenly the answer's there Just when things seem too hard for me to face I hear Your voice and all my worries fade away (Refrain) You make it easy, You make it easy, You make it easy, Baba, with Your Love.

257. Kalateetaya Siddhirupaya Yogishvaraya Namo Jagad Hithaya Vishvarupaya Sayeeshvaraya Namo (Sathya) Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om (5x) Sathya Sai represents the infinite universal spirit ever engaged in the welfare of mankind.

To Him, we surrender and offer our salutations 258. Kalyana Rama, Ananda Rama Rama Sri Rama, Jaya Rama Kalyana Rama, Ananda Rama Avatar Sai, Avatar Rama Poorna Avatar Sathya Sai Rama Hymn to Lord Rama, God of auspiciousness and bliss. O Lord Sai! You are the

incarnation of the Supreme Lord 259. Kamala Nayana Bhagavan (Hey) Sathya Sai Bhagavan Hey Deena Janon Ke Pran Patita Pavana Sita Ram Parti Purishvara Sri Sai Ram Sri Sai Ram, Jaya Sai Ram Parti Purishvara Sri Sai Ram Hey Deena Janon Ke Pran. Praise Sathya Sai, whose divine form enchants all who worship Him. He, the resident of

holy Parti, is the refuge of all spritual seekers 260. Kamala Netra Saishvara Kaivalya Teja Sureshvara Megha Shyama Ghana Gagana Shareera Shanta Brahmamaya Abhaya Kara (2) Prayer extolling the divine effulgence of Sai who represents the infinite universal spirit 261. Karuna Samudra Sri Rama Kausalya Tanaya Sri Rama Sharanagatha Priya Sai Rama Sharanam Sharanam Sai Rama Rama is the ocean of compassion and to those who surrender in devotion to Him, Rama confers bliss and joy

262. Kasturi Tilakam Narayanam Kamala Nayanam Narayanam Guruvayurpura Narayanam Kaliyuga Avatara Narayanam Govinda Govinda Narayanam (2) Narayana, the Supreme Lord is worshipped as the Avatar of the Age - Sathya Sai 263. Kausalya Nandana Vaidehi Mohana Rajiva Lochana Rama Yuga Avatara Parameshvara Rama Asura Nikhandana Kodanda Rama Bharatha Arpita Sri Rama Partipurishvara Ram Celebrating the glory of Lord Rama who is now embodied as Sai, the resident of Parti 264. Keep my eyes ever on Your Face Keep me, Baba, keep me Keep my thoughts ever on Your Grace Keep me, Baba, keep me I am Yours and You are mine Keep me in Your Love Divine Keep my mind ever on Your Feet Keep me, Baba, keep me Keep my words ever soft and sweet Keep me, Baba, keep me 265. Keshava Madhava Jaya Deva Madhusudana Nethra Kamala Dala Atita Manohara Antharayami Prabhu Parameshvara Maya Manusha Vesha Lila Dhara (2) Praise extolling the divine form of Krishna - the indwelling God in every heart

266. Keshava Madhava Govinda Gopala Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Hari Bol Keshava Madhava Govinda Bol Govinda Gopala Chant the divine name of Krishna - Hari, Govinda, Gopala

267. Know that the Lord is Sweetness Itself Everything is a sign of His Grace He is the nearest, He is the dearest Born in the world now as Sri Sathya Sai Hold onto Him as close as you can Knowing Him as an intimate friend Loving Him as an intimate friend 268. Koti Pranam Shatha Koti Pranam Deena Natha Sai Ram (3) Koti Pranam Shatha Koti Pranam Tum Ho Bhakton Ke Yugavatar Tum Ho Nanda Nanda Ke Lal Parti Puri Ke Sai Gopal Deena Natha Sai Ram (3) Salutations to Sathya Sai, the Avatar of the Age and the indweller in every heart 269. Krishna Gopal Krishna Gopal Darshan Do Merey Sai Nandalal Meera Ke Prabhu Giridhara Baal Radha Madhava Krishna Gopal Parti Puri Ke Sai Gopal Darshan Do Merey Sai Nandalal

Prayer celebrating the glory of Lord Krishna and asking Him for the boon of His divine vision

270. Krishna in Mathura, Krishna in Dvaraka Sri Hari Krishna I call your name Far away in Mathura, Far away in Dvaraka Sri Hari Krishna I call your name Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Why don’t you come to me, why don’t you answer me Why don't you rescue me and ease my pain Jai Jai Krishna, Jai Madhava Here in my heart, Hridaya Krishna (Far away in Mathura) 271. Krishna Krishna Mana Mohana Chitta Chora Radha Jivana Megha Shyama Madhusudhana Radha Kanta Yadu Nandana Adoring Krishna who steals our hearts with His enchanting divine form.

272. Krishna Rama Govinda Narayana Keshava Madhava Hari Narayana Krishna Rama Govinda Narayana Sri Venu Gopala Krishna Madhava Madhusudana Narayana Chant the many names of Lord: Krishna, Rama, Govinda, Narayana, Keshava, Madhava

273. Kshirabdhi Shayana Narayana Sri Lakshmi Ramana Narayana Narayana Hari Narayana Narahari Rupa Narayana Vaikuntha Vasa Narayana Vaidehi Mohana Narayana Narayana Hari Narayana Natajana Pari Pala Narayana Worship the Supreme Lord, Narayana who has assumed all forms of the Divine and has promised to protect and foster all those who seek refuge in Him (sung in unison) 274. Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya (3) O Lord, Kumbaya Someone's crying Lord, Kumbaya (3) O Lord, Kumbaya Someone's singing Lord, Kumbaya (3) O Lord, Kumbaya Someone's Praying Lord, Kumbaya (3) O Lord, Kumbaya Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya (3) O Lord, Kumbaya. 275. Lambodara Hey Vighnesvara Shambhu Kumara Siddheshvara (Shiva) Ambika Tanaya Omkareshvara Herambha Pahi Sayeeshvara Worship the Lord of Wisdom and Intelligence - Ganesha, who removes all obstacles

276. Lambodara Jaya Gajanana Parvati Nandana Parama Dayaghana Lambodara Jaya Gajanana Bandha Vimochana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Pranava Svarupa Hey Shiva Nandana Pahi Prabho Maam Pahi Gajanana Worship Ganesha, the sustainer and protector of the universe and who gives liberation to

all who seek refuge in Him 277. Lambodara Jaya Hey Gananatha, Lambodara Gananatha Mushika Vahana Vighna Vinasha, Lambodara Gananatha Siddhi Vinayaka Vidya Data, Hey Shiva Nandana Buddhi Pradata Jaya Ganapati Gananatha, Jaya Jaya Hey Shubha Daata Mangala Dayaka Mukti Pradata, Lambodara Gananatha

Worship Ganesha whose grace removes all obstacles and fulfils all aspirations. He confers wisdom and intelligence and grants auspiciousness

278. Lead kindly light, lead me on Through the dark night to a bright dawn Lead kindly light, lead me on. Lead me from unreal, unto the real Lead me from darkness to Divine light Lead me from death to life eternal Lead me kindly O Lord Divine 279. Let my heart reflect thy light Lord As the moon reflects the light of the sun In Love always in Love Hu Allah Allah Hu Allah Allah Hu Allah Allah Hu (2)

280. Let me touch Your Feet, let me touch your Feet, Swami, my Swami Padnamaskar, Padnamaskar, my beloved Lord, my beloved Lord Let me touch Your Feet, let me touch your Feet, Swami, my Swami You are everything, with Your Breath I sing, my beloved Lord, my beloved Lord Let me touch Your Feet, let me touch your Feet, Swami, my Swami You are every part, you’re this beating heart, my beloved Lord, my beloved Lord Let me touch Your Feet, let me touch your Feet, Swami, my Swami It’s for you I long as I sing this song, my beloved Lord, my beloved Lord Let me touch Your Feet, let me touch your Feet, Swami, my Swami Grant my highest goal, please receive my soul, my beloved Lord, my beloved Lord Let me touch Your Feet, let me touch your Feet, Swami, my Swami Padnamaskar, from near or far, my beloved Lord, my beloved Lord Padnamaskar, for everywhere you are, my beloved Lord, my beloved Lord (To the Melody of Harey Krishna Harey Krishna)

281. Like the sunlight, like the moon bright, always always I am with You Like the ocean, like the river, always I am flowing toward You. Like the sky above, so is Divine Love, always always surrounding You Like the earth so fair, like the birds of the air, always I am caring for You.

282. Light in me a flame, to Love You, my Lord To find You in each heart Where Your Love is poured Light in me a flame. Light in me a flame, to know You, my Lord To hear Your Voice within To know that we're akin Light in me a flame. Light in me a flame, to trust You, my Lord To give to You my life With all of its strife Light in me a flame. Light in me a flame, to serve You, my Lord To give to fellow friends The kindness that You send Light in me a flame. Light in me a flame, to worship You, my Lord To sing Your wondrous praise Through all of my days Light in me a flame. 283. Lingodbhavakara Lingeshvara Partishvara Maam Pahi Prabho Pahi Prabho Maam Dehi Vibho Celebrate the glory of Sathya Sai who is worshipped as the embodiment of the Universal

Absolute God (Lingam). 284. Love is My Form, Truth is My Breath, Bliss is My Food My Life is My Message, Expansion is My Life No reason for Love, no season for Love, no birth, no death Prema, Sathya, Ananda, Dharma, Shanti, Ahimsa Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai, Prema Sai, Jaya Jaya Shirdi Baba, Sathya Baba, Prema Baba, Jaya Jaya

285. Madhava Gopala Mana Mohana Gopala Sai Mohana Gopala Yashoda Ke Bala, Yadu Nandana Gopala Bala Gopala, Hey Giridhara Gopala Bala Gopala Giridhara Gopala Sai Mohana Gopala. Chant the glory of Krishna who is also worshipped as Madhava, Gopala, Sai. 286. Madhava Jaya Keshava Jaya Govinda Sai Narayana Govinda Sai Narayana Jaya Gopala Sai Narayana Kalimala Hari Sai Murari Jaya Baba Jaya Narayana Partipurisha Pavana Purusha Jaya Baba Jaya Narayana

Celebrate the glory of Krishna and Sathya Sai, the incarnations of the Supreme Lord. 287. Madhava Murahara Madana Gopala Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopala Parti Purishvara Parama Dayala Deena Daya Ghana Sai Gopala Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopala Worship Sai Krishna, the embodiment of Lord Krishna 288. Madhura Madhura Murali Ghana Shyama Mathuradhipathey Radhey Shyama Suradasa Prabhu Hey Giridhari, Hey Giridhari Mira Ke Prabhu Hrudaya Vihari Chant the melodious name of the Lord, Krishna adored by saints and sages 289. Madhusudana Harey Maadhava Sri Vasudeva Janardhana Hari Keshava Narayana Sri Hari Govinda Manamohana Deenavana Dukha Bhanjana Aravinda Lochana Anandana Sri Vasudeva Janardhana (2) Sing the glory of Krishna, the embodiment of divine attributes and the embodiment of bliss

and joy to all

290. Madhuvana Ke Murali Vala Nacho Nacho Nacho Nandalala Nandalala Nandalala Gopi Manohara Gopala Bala Parti Purishvara Hey Sai Lala Nacho Nacho Nacho Nandalala Krishna is the dweller of the Madhu garden (man’s heart). He is adored and worshipped as

the eternal indwelling Lord in all of us 291. Madhuvana Sanchari Shyama Murari Hey Madhusudana Murali Dhari Madhuvana Sanchari Shyama Murari Madhava Mohana Mayura Mukuta Dhara Mathura Natha Sai Giridhari Worship Krishna who traverses man’s heart and dwells with us, providing eternal joy 292. Mana Bangaru Parti Baba Mana Shringara Vadana Sai Mana Bangaru Parti Baba Antaryami Baba (Mana) Sarvantaryami Sai Sai is adored as our beloved Lord. Our omnipresent Lord’s enchanting form brings bliss

to all His devotees

293. Man Ek Bar Hari Bol Hari Hari Bol Hari Bol Man Eka Bar Hari Bol Hari Hari Hari Bolo Hari Bol (2) Man Ek Bar Hari Bol Hari Pita Hari Mata Hari Guru Jnana Data Nityananda Rupa Hari Patita Pavana Hari Ek Bar Hari Bolo Prayer asking the mind to chant the holy name of the Lord who is the embodiment of

everlasting bliss and joy. He is the Mother, Father and Teacher to all of mankind

294. Mana Mohana Krishna Murali Dhari Mathura Natha Hey Giridhari Mana Mohana Krishna Murali Dhari Mangala Kara Hey Kunja Vihari Madhuvana Murali Harey Murare Song extolling the glory of Krishna, the embodiment of bliss and joy 295. Manamohana Nandalal Manamohana Madhusudana Brindavana Nandalal Manamohana Nandalal Manamohana Nandalal Brindavana Nandalal Manamohana Madhusudana Brindavana Nandalal Chant with joy the name of Krishna, the enchanting Divine Child of Brindavan 296. Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam Dustara Bhavasagara Taranam Guru Maharaj Guru Jai Jai Sai Natha Sadguru Jai Jai Om Namah Shivaaya, Om Namah Shivaaya, Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva Aruna Shiva Om Omkaram Baba, Omkaram Baba, Omkaram Baba Om Namo Baba Worship at the Feet of the Guru, for the grace of the Guru will help us cross the ocean of this material world. Sing the glory of Sai as the Supreme Preceptor and the embodiment of Shiva and Aum. (The first bhajan taught by Sai Baba in 1940). 297. Mandir Mey Aavo Madhava Madhava Keshava Mandir Mey Aavo Madhava Aadi Narayana Ananta Sai Aavo Aavo Atma Nivasi Radha Lola Rakhumayi Vitthala Ranga Panduranga Vitthala Prayer invoking the Lord to be enshrined in our hearts for He is the eternal, timeless

Universal Consciousness embodied as Krishna, Narayana, Vitthala.

298. Mandir Mey Tum Ram Ho Sai Masjid Mey Noor Muhammad Masjid Mey Allah Ho Akbar Guru Dvarey Mey Tu Guru Nanak Mana Mandir Mey Sai Sai Bolo Ram Ek Hi Naam (2) Sub Mil Bolo Sai Ram Sathya Sai who represents the essence of all religions is glorified as Rama, Mohammad,

Guru Nanak and all forms of divinity 299. Manuva Bolo Radhey Radhey Radhey Radhey Shyam Nam Rama Rama Rama Bolo Rama Sita Rama Nam Manuva Bolo Radhey Radhey Radhey Radhey Shyam Nam Ranga Ranga Ranga Bolo Panduranga Baba Nam Parti Vasa Sai Deva Panduranga Baba Nam Tukaram Namadeva Bhakta Sakha Baba Nam Panduranga Panduranga Panduranga Baba Nam Imploring the mind to meditate on the holy name of the Lord - Rama, Krishna, Ranga, Sai

Baba - the Name that is adored and worshipped by saints and sages 300. Matanga Vadana Mam Palaya Maulishvara Shiva Gauri Nandana Mangala Dayaka Siddhi Vinayaka Hymn to Ganesha, who symbolizes auspiciousness and embodies Wisdom 301. Mata Pita Hari Bandhu Sakha Hari (Sai) Narayana Sai Narayana (2) Allah Tum Ho Eshu Tum Ho Buddha Zorashtra Mahavir Tum Ho Sab Ka Maallik Ek Hai Bhagavan Narayana Sai Narayana (2) The Lord is Mother, Father and Friend. Lord, You are Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Zorashtra

and Mahavir. You are the Master of the entire universe. 302. Mita Smita Sundara Mukharavinda Nacho Nandalala Nandalala Nacho Nandalala Nandalala (3x higher each time) Meera Ke Prabhulala Nandalala (3x higher each time) Exaltation of the glorious and blissful form of Lord Krishna

303. More Love, more power more of You in my life (2) And I will Worship You with all of my heart And I will worship You with all of my mind And I will worship You with all of my strength For You are my Lord, for You are my Lord (2nd verse - And I will seek Your Face with all...) (3rd verse - And I will Pray to You with all...) 304. Mother O Mother Sai Maa, You mean the whole world to me Sai Maa Mother O Mother Sai Maa, You are the Light of my life Sai Maa Maa Sai Maa, Maa Sai Maa In times of troubles and despair, I call Your name You are always there How can we thank You O Dear Sai Maa, for all Your patience and Love, Sai Maa Maa Sai Maa, Maa Sai Maa 305. Mruthyunjayaya Namah Om Trayambakaya Namah Om Lingeshvaraya Namah Om Sayeeshvaraya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Namah Om Worship Sathya Sai as the embodiment of the Universal Spirit. Sai represents the form

and the formless aspects of the Divine

306. Mukunda Murari Murari Gopal Hey Gopala Sai Hey Sai Nandalal Prasanthi Nivasi Nivasi Nandalal (Hey) Antharatma Jyothi Hey Jyothi Nandalal Sathyam Shivam Shivam Sundaram (Hey) Sundara Rupa Hey Sai Nandalal . Celebrating the glory of Sai as Krishna, Mukunda, Gopala. Sai is the eternal indwelling Lord and Light of all mankind, embodying Truth, Goodness and Beauty 307. Murali Dhara Gopal Madhura Megha Rupa Hari Manasa Chora Radha Madhava Kunja Vihara Anand Ghana Rupa Nama Madhura Praise be to Krishna - the infinite God who is the embodiment of bliss and joy

308. Murali Gana Lola Nanda Gopa Bala Ravo Ravo Radha Lola Radha Lola Treta Yugamuna Sita Ramudai Dwapara Yugamuna Radha Loludai Githanu Thrapina Taraka Namudai Yuga Yuga Manduna Thagu Rupa Dhariai. Hymn praising Lord Krishna who incarnates from age to age to teach mankind the path to

the Divine 309. Murali Krishna Mukunda Krishna Mohana Krishna Krishna Krishna Gopi Krishna Gopala Krishna Govardhana Dhara Krishna Krishna Radha Krishna Bala Krishna Rasavilola Krishna Krishna Shirdi Krishna Parti Krishna Sri Sathya Sai Krishna Krishna Adoration of Krishna as Gopala, Mohana, Radha Krishna, Sai. 310. My eyes are forever seeing Your Form My ears are forever hearing Sai Ram My voice is forever singing your Glory, my Lord. Sai Natha, Sai Natha, Jaya Jaya, Hey Sai Natha Make my body Your Puttaparti Make my heart Your Prasanthi Fill my life with Love, Peace and Joy, and the music of Your Glory, Sai Natha Sai Natha, Sai Natha, Jaya Jaya Hey Sai Natha 311. Nama Bhajo Hari Nama Bhajo Narayana Hari Narayana Nanda Ananda Mukunda Harey Brindavana Sai Baba Harey Baba Harey Sai Baba Harey (3x) Sing the glory of the Lord who is embodied as Sai Baba 312. Namah Parvathi Pathaye Hara Hara Hara Hara Shankara Mahadeva Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Sadashiva Mahadeva Sadashiva Sadashiva Mahadeva Prayer to Lord Shiva, the Lord of the Universe

313. Namami Shankara Uma Maheshvara Bhavani Shankara Shivani Shankara Parvathi Shankara Pashupathi Shankara Maulishvara Sai Gauri Shankara Prayer to Lord Shiva, extolling His divine attributes

314. The Name of God is flowing within me I hear it always singing within me Allah Allah Shivaaya Sathya Sai Baba Rama Rama Jehovah Buddha Lord Jesus The Name of God is flowing within me Filling my mind with joy And my heart with Love 315. Namo Namo Narayana Namo Namo Saishvara Namo Namo Narayana Namo Namo Partiswara Namoh Namoh Narayana Namo Namo Saishvara Shirdi Sai Parti Sai, Prema Sai Parameshvara Tum Ho Merey Pyare Baba, Tum Ho Merey Sai Ram Salutations to Sathya Sai, the divine incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Narayana 316. Nanda Ke Lal, Murali Gopal Giridhari Govinda Radhey Gopal Nanda Mukunda Radhey Gopal Radhey Jaya Radhey Jaya Radhey Gopal Radhey Radhey Radhey Gopal Radhey Radhey Murali Gopal Radhey Radhey Sai Gopal. Song celebrating the divine glory of Lord Krishna 317. Nandalala Nandalala Nacho Nacho Nacho Nandalala Navanita Chora Hey Bala Gopala Gopi Manohara Gopalabala Krishna is worshipped as Nandalala, the captivating divine form of the Lord

318. Nandalala Nandalala Daya Karo Bhagavan Bhav Sagar Sey Paar Utaro Daya Karo Bhagavan Kripa Karo Bhagavan Tumharey Sharan Bina Anaath Hai Ham (2) Daya Karo Bhagavan Krupa Karo Bhagavan Prayer invoking the blessings of Krishna upon those who have surrendered to Him with

pure love and devotion 319. Nandalal Nandalal Nandalal Yadu Nandalal Nandalala Navanitha Chora Radha Pyare Nandalal Mayi Meera Manasa Chora Partivihari Nandalal Chant the glory of the Lord who steals our hearts and minds with His enchanting form. 320. Nandalala Navanita Chora Natavarlala Gopala Devaki Vasudeva Kumara (Sai) Dev Deva Gopala - Nandalala Mohan Murali Gaan Vilola (Sai) Mohana Jaya Gopala Chant the glory of the Lord who steals our hearts and minds with His enchanting form 321. Nandalala Yadu Nandalala Brindavana Govindalala Radha Lola Nandalala Radha Madhava Nandalala Celebrate the glory of the Lord of the Gopis, Krishna 322. Nanda Nanda Gopala Ananda Nanda Gopala (Hey) Nanda Nanda Gopala Ananda Nanda Gopala (Hey) Nanda Nanda Ananda Nanda Yadunanda Nanda Gopala (Hey) Joyful exaltation of the glory of Lord Krishna

323. Nanda Nandana Hari Govinda Gopala Ghana Shyama Mana Mohana Gopi Lola Gopala Gokula Bala Gopala Hey Nandalala Gopala Ghanashyama Mana Mohana Chant the many names of the Lord: Hari, Gopala, Govinda, Ghanashyama, the Lord who captivates the hearts of His devotees 324. Nanda Nandana Navaneeta Chora Brindavana Murari Shyama Sundara Madana Mohana Brindavana Murari Karuna Saagara Kamala Nayana Brindavana Murari Exaltation of the glory of Krishna and his divine form 325. Narayana Hari Nama Bhajore Narayana Veda Parayana Karuna Bharana Bhava Bhaya Harana Pavana Charana Patita Janavana Narayana Hari Narayana Narayana Sathya Narayana Narayana Sai Narayana Worship the Supreme Lord Narayana, the embodiment of the Vedas. His compassion and

mercy on us is worthy of the highest praise 326. Narayana Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om (Sai) Narayana Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om Shantakaara Bhujanga Shayana Padma Nabha Hari Om Narayana Hari Om (Sai) Salutations to Lord Narayana, the Supreme Lord 327. Narayan Narayan Bhaja Mana Narayan Sri Hari Madhava Narayan Bhaja Mana Narayan Murali Shyam Mohana Shyam Murali Mohana Shyam Merey Ram Hey Ghana Shyam Sai Sadguru Nath Chant the name of the Supreme Lord manifestations as Narayana, Hari, Madhava

328. Narayana Sathya Sai, Narayana Sathya Sai We sing our songs at the Feet of Bhagavan And we sing of Bhagavan, Sweet Bhagavan Now our days will be brighter and our burdens will be lighter PremaSvarupa Sathya Sai, PremaSvarupa Sathya Sai We sing our Love at the Feet of Bhagavan And we sing of Bhagavan, Sweet Sathya Sai. 329. Nataraja Hey Tripurari Jaya Hey Jaya Hey Shambho Nataraja Hey Tripurari Nandi Vaahana Naaga Bharana Bhaala Lochana Parama Shiva Paavana Charana Pahi Mahesha Worship the lord of the Universe - Shiva/Nataraja. 330. Nataraja Nataraja Nartana Sundara Nataraja Shivaraja Shivaraja Shivakami Priya Shivaraja Chidambaresha Nataraja Partipureesha Nataraja Worship in praise of Nataraja - the cosmic energy aspect of the Divine 331. Natavara Nagar Nanda Bhajo Re Man Govinda Aap Hi Natavar Aap Hi Balaji Aap Hi Bal Mukunda Bhajo Re Man Govinda Sab Devon Mey Krishna Ji Bade Hain Jaise Taron Mey Chanda Bhajo Re Man Govinda Sab Sakhiyon Mey Radha Ji Badi Hain Jaise Nadiyon Mey Ganga Bhajo Re Man Govinda Prayer celebrating the glory of Krishna as the highest and glorious manifestation of the Divine

332. Natavara Krishna Natavara Krishna Radhey Nandalala Harey Harey Madhava Harey Gopika Lola Natavara Krishna Natavara Krishna Radhey Nandalala Krishna Gokula Bala, Krishna Ghana Ghana Neela Harey Harey Madhava Harey Gopika Lola Song extolling the glory of the Lord Krishna, the Lord of the Gopis (devotees of the highest

order that were with Krishna, those who had mastered their five senses).

333. Navanita Chora Bala Gopala Yashoda Nandana Krishna Gopala Rasa Vilola Radhey Gopala Parti Puri Ke Sai Gopala Sai Gopala Sai Gopala Gopala, another name for Krishna is worshipped here. Baba refers to Gopala as the

master of all the senses. Worship Krishna as the Lord of all the senses 334. Nayana Mey Avo Narayana Narayana Sai Narayana Nayana Mey Avo Narayana Narahari Rupa Narayana Nayana Mey Avo Narayana Mana Mandira Mey Deep Jalavo Invoke the divine vision of the Lord in all your thoughts, words and deeds 335. Nityananda Satchidananda Hari Hari Hari Om Narayana Narayana Hari Narayana Hari Hari Hari Om Narayana Prema Svarupa Premananda Hari Hari Hari Om Narayana Narayana Sai Narayana Hari Hari Hari Om Narayana Hari, the supreme Lord is the embodiment of eternal and absolute bliss. Glorify Him by

chanting His divine name. 336. O Bhagavan, O Bhagavan, Araj Suno Merey Sai Bhagavan Partipuri Ke Tum Ho Data Brindavan Ke Tum Ho Data Sab Bhakton Ke Mana Ko Bhata Paar Utaro Naiya Mori Sai Ghanashyama, Sai Ghanashyama (Sathya) Prayer to the Lord of Puttaparti, Sri Sathya Sai beseeching Him to listen to our fervent

prayers for His grace and compassion, and to lead us on to liberation 337. O Bhagavan, O Bhagavan, Bhagavan Sai Baba Bhagavan O Bhagavan, O Bhagavan, Bhagavan Sathya Sai Bhagavan Chant the name of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

338. O Holy Father, Sai Baba O Lord Divine Hallowed be Thy name Make us Your children deserve Thy Grace Lead us to Thy Feet Baba, O Lord (O Holy Father, Sai Baba) O Sweet Sai gentle and so loving O Sweet Sai so understanding Lead us kindly, lead us gently, lead us to Thy Wonderland of Love (2) 339. O Lord purify me, and make my heart worth stealing A precious possession that is full of loving feeling Take every good thought and take every action Soaked in the Sweetness of Love and Compassion. 340. O Loving Lord of all the worlds, Let me be Your devotee Your Divine Light is all I am, all I can ever be God above me in and of me, all I love is Yours Lord above me in and of me, all I see is Yours Let me come into Your heart and stay forever more (Baba). 341. O Sai Baba, O Sai Baba, O Sai Baba Meri Raksha Karo O Sai Rama, Prabhu Sai Rama O Sai Baba, Meri Raksha Karo Karuna Nidhan Tum Karuna Karo Kripa Nidhan Tum Kripa Karo O Parti Baba, O Shirdi Baba O Sai Baba Meri Raksha Karo Chant the holy name of Sai - the ocean of compassion and grace 342. O Sathya Sai Baba is our Lord Our Saviour’s come at last, To put us on the path once more Sairam, Listen to the voice within you calling Sairam, Sairam O! Sathya Sai Baba is our Lord He’s come to take us home, We’ll never be alone again Sairam, Listen to the voice within you calling Sairam, Sairam 343. O Make me Like You, Lord Make me Like You You are a servant; Make me one too O Lord I am willing Please do what You must do To make me like You, Lord Make me like You

344. Om Namah Shivaaya Om Namah Shivaaya Om Namah Shivaaya Shiva Om Namah (4) Chant the sacred mantra worshipping Lord Shiva 345. Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om Hara Hara Mahadeva, Hara Hara Mahadeva Hara Hara Hara Hara Haraya Namah Om, Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaayah Namah Om Dum Dum Dum Dum Damaru Bhajey Dhimitaka Dhimitaka Mridanga Baajey Hara Hara Mahadeva, Hara Hara Mahadeva. Worship Shiva, Mahadeva, the Lord of all the worlds and recite the sacred chant saluting Shiva

346. Om Namo Bhagavathey Vasu Devaaya Om Namo Bhagavathey Vasu Devaaya (Hari) Om Namah Shivaaya Om Namo Narayanaaya Om Namo Bhagavathey Vasu Devaaya Salutations to the Supreme Lord who is worshipped as Narayana, Shiva

347. Om Namo Narayana Om Namo Narayana (2) Shankara Harey Shankara Harey Shankara Harey Shankara Om Namo Narayana Om Namoh Narayana Govinda Harey Govinda Harey Govinda Harey Govinda Om Namo Narayana Om Namo Narayana Sai Ram Harey Sai Ram Harey Sai Ram Harey Sairam Om Namo Narayana Om Namo Narayana Adoration of the Supreme Lord and His different forms - Narayana, Shankara, Govinda, Sai 348. Om Om Om Om Narayana (3) Narayana Hari Narayana Om Om Om Om Narayana Narayana Hari, Narayana Namo, Narayana Sai Narayana. Sing the glory of Lord Narayana, the Supreme Lord

349. Om Sai, Om Narayana, Om my sweet Lord Due to some good karma Sai, I have come to Thee Let the Vibuthi of Love flow Sai, between You and me Om Sai, Om Narayana, Om my sweet Lord. We try to be what You want us to be, so guide us Merciful Lord. Work on us, be kind to us, show us the right path. 350. Om Shivaaya Om Shivaaya Shambho Shankara Om Shivaaya (2) Om Shivaaya Om Shivaaya Shambho Shankara Om Shivaaya (3) Chant the names of Lord Shiva who is also worshipped as the God who showers

goodness and auspiciousness on all those who surrender to Him 351. Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Chant addressing the divine glory of Rama and Krishna 352. O Sai, Mera Sai (2) Mera Sai Pyare Sai Sai Baba, Sai Baba Sai Baba Tumhe Pranam Tumhe Pranam Baba, Tumhe Pranam (3) Sai Baba Tumhe Pranam. Salutations to the beloved form of Sai to whome we surrender with love and devotion 353. Paar Karo Uddhar Karo Prabhu Partipuri Bhagavan Harey Ram Ram Ram Ghanashyam Shyam Shyam Hey Sai Natha Bhagavan Deena Daya Maya Karuna Murthe Kaliyuga Avatar Sai Bhagavan Allah Sai Buddha Zorashtra Yesu Krista Bhagavan Prayer invoking Sathya Sai - the embodiment of all divine forms to rescue us from our suffering and shower His grace and compassion on us

354. Parti Puri Gurudev, Puttaparti Puri Gurudev Prasanthi Nilaya, Prasanthi Niketana Sathya Sai Gurudev, Puttaparti Puri Gurudev Paramabrahma Gurudev, Parama Jyoti Gurudev Shirdi Purisha, Parti Purisha Prema Sai Gurudev, Puttaparti Puri Gurudev. Celebrating the glory of the divine teacher, Sathya Sai, the resident of holy Puttaparti and

the embodiment of the Universal Spirit

355. Parvathi Nandana Gajanana Pashupathi Nandana Niranjana Parvathi Nandana Gajanana Pahi Prabho Mam Pahi Prasanna Girija Nandana Niranjana Girija Nandana Shubhanana Salutations to Ganesha, who confers wisdom and intelligence. Ganesha removes all obstacles and all ignorance 356. Patita Pavana Ram Parti Purishvara Ram (Putta) Pavana Naam, Tharaka Naam, Papa Vimochana Ram Danava Bhanjana Ram, Dasaratha Nandana Ram Pavana Naam, Tharaka Naam, Papa Vimochana Ram Exaltation to Lord Rama who has now come as the Lord of Parti, Sai Ram. Meditating on

His holy name liberates us from sin and weakness

357. Praathah Smaranam Sri Guru Charanam Saisha Sharanam Sri Guru Charanam Prathah Smaranam Sri Guru Charanam Brahmananda Pradayaka Charanam Sharanam Sharanam Saisha Charanam At dawn, worship at the sacred feet of Lord Sai. Take refuge and surrender at the Lotus

Feet of Sai who bestows supreme bliss. 358. Prathama Bhajo Mey Ganapati Sai Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Sai Mukti Pradayaka Hey Gananayaka Ganapati Sai Hey Sukha Dayi Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Sai Invocation of Ganesha, who removes all obstacles and confers wisdom and success

359. Prathama Vandana Gauri Nandana Hey Shiva Nandana Sai Gajanana (Prathama) Ekadanta Gunavanta Vinayaka Vighna Harana Shubha Mangala Charana Pranava Svarupa Sai Gajanana Obeisance to Lord Ganesha whose worship brings success and rewards to all who

surrender to Him. Ganesha bestows wisdom and dispels darkness 360. Prema Ishvar Hai Ishvar Prema Hai Har Dharkan Mey Sai Samaye Ishvar Prem Hai Prema Ishvar Hai Ishvar Prema Hai Ram Raheem Krishna Karim Zorashtra Ishu Nanak Koi Bhi Naam Japo Rey Manuva Ishvar Prem Hai Celebrate the indwelling Lord Sai - the embodiment of Divine Love. Love is God and God is Love. Sai represents all forms of divinity - Rama, Raheem, Krishna, Jesus 361. Prema Mayi Sai Ma Gyana Mayi Sai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Sai Ma (2) Shiva Shakti Roopini Sai Ma Moksha Pradayini Sai Ma (2) Praise be to Sai who is the embodiment of Pure Love and Knowledge. May He bestow liberation on all.

362. Prema is the ocean, Prema is the ocean, and I am one with Thee. Once a tiny lake and now a mighty sea, O Love, I am one with Thee. Ananda is the ocean, Ananda is the ocean, and I am one with Thee. Once a tiny lake and now a mighty sea, O Bliss, I am one with Thee. Shanti is the ocean, Shanti is the ocean, and I am one with Thee. Once a tiny lake and now a mighty sea, O Peace, I am one with Thee. Mukthi is the ocean, Mukthi is the ocean, and I am one with Thee. Once a tiny lake and now a mighty sea, O Freedom, I am one with Thee. Sai Baba is the ocean, Sai Baba is the ocean, and I am one with Thee. Once a tiny lake and now a mighty sea, O Lord, I am one with Thee.

363. Prema Mudita Manase Kaho Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Sri Rama Rama Ram Papa Kate Dukha Mite Leke Rama Nam Bhava Samudra Sukhada Nava Ek Rama Nam Parama Shanthi Sukha Nidhana Divya Rama Nam Niradhar Ko Adhar Ek Rama Nam Parama Gopya Parama Divya Manthra Rama Nam Sant Hridaya Sada Basat Ek Rama Nam Mata Pita Bandhu Sakha Sabahi Rama Nam Bhakta Jana Jivan Dhan Ek Rama Nam Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Sri Rama Rama Ram With a heart filled with Love, chant the glorious name of Rama. The sanctity and the

power of the Lord’s name burns away all our sins and brings us bliss and joy. Rama is the mother, father and the kin of all beings and His holy name is the very breath of all devotees

364. Prema Sey Gavo Mangal Nam Govinda Gopal Bolo Harey Ram Prema Key Sindhu Deena Ke Bandhu Karuna Maya Sai Nayanabhi Ram Govinda Gopal Bolo Harey Ram Harey Krishna Harey Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Harey Krishna Harey Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Chant the name of the Lord with a heart filled with love and devotion 365. Prema Svarupa Namo Namo Mangala Rupa Namo Namo Dharma Svarupa Namo Namo Sai Svarupa Namo Namo (Sathya) Namo Namo Namo Namo (2) Sundara Rupa Namo Namo Sai Svarupa Namo Namo Salutations to the beautiful form of Sai, the embodiment of divine love and righteousness

366. Purandara Ranga Harey Vitthala Pandhari Ranga Harey Vitthala Narahari Ranga Harey Vitthala Murahara Ranga Harey Vitthala Krishna is extolled as Ranga Vitthala, another manifestation of the divine principle. The Lord destroys evil and bestows goodness on all

367. Pyare Nanda Lal Darshan Deejo Yashoda Ke Bal Darshan Deejo Pyare Nanda Lal Darshan Deejo Natavara Lal Darshan Deejo Giridhara Bal Darshan Deejo Praise to Krishna, the embodiment of divinity. The sweetness of His divine form fills us

with bliss and joy

368. Radha Krishna Govinda Muraare Muralidhara Govardhana Dhaare Shreekara Shubhakara Shanta Muraare Munijana Vandita Sadguna Shouray Worship Krishna, the God of auspiciousness, goodness and wealth. He is adored and

worshipped by saints and sages as the repository of the highest virtues

369. Radha Krishna Karuna Lola Radhey Govinda Radhey Govinda Murali Govinda Radhey Radhey Govinda Murali Govinda Celebrate with joy the wondrous form of Krishna, benefactor of compassion and bliss. 370. Radhey Govinda Harey Murari Shyama Mukunda Harey Murari Radhey Govinda Harey Murari Krishna Mukunda Harey Murari Sai Mukunda Harey Murari Chant the many names of Lord Krishna - Radhey Govinda, Murari, Shyam, Mukunda, Sai.

371. Radhey Govinda Jaya Jaya, Radhey Gopala Dina Natha Govinda Rasavilola Gopala Radhey Govinda Jaya Jaya, Radhey Gopala Anatha Natha Govinda, Rasavilola Gopala Govinda Jaya Govinda, Gopala Jaya Gopala Radhey Govinda Jaya Jaya, Radhey Gopala Radha Lola Govinda, Rasavilola Gopala Govinda Jaya Govinda, Gopala Jaya Gopala. Song celebrating the glory of Lord Krishna 372. Radhey Govinda Gopala Jaya Govinda Radhey Gopala Govinda Govinda Govinda Sai Govinda Govinda Gopala Radhey Govinda Gopala Jaya Govinda Radhey Gopala Krishna Madhusudana Madhusudana Krishna Sai Gopala, Gopala Gopala Adoration of Krishna, worshipped as Radhey Govinda. Radha symbolizes Nature which is

another form of the Lord Himself. Radha is ‘Dhara’ - one who worships in a never-ending, continuous stream of devotion (Baba)

373. Radhey Mukunda Murari Govinda Govinda Govinda Ananda (3) Radhey Mukunda Murari Govinda Giridhari Giridhari Ananda (3) Radhey Mukunda Murari Govinda Chant the name of Krishna as Mukunda, Murari, Govinda and Giridhari. 374. Radhey Mukunda Murari Govinda Govinda Govinda Ananda Govinda Giridhari Giridhari Ananda Ananda (3) Radhey Mukund Murari Govinda Govinda Govinda Ananda Govinda Murali Manohar Sai Gopala (3) Chant the name of Krishna as Mukunda, Murari, Govinda and Giridhari.

375. Radhey Radhey Govinda Radhey, Radhey Radhey Govinda Radhey Radhey Govinda Radhey Radhey Govinda Radhey, Radhey Radhey Govinda Radhey Brindavana Ke Shyama Sundara, Shyam Bolo Radhey Radhey Jaya Radhey Radhey Radhey, Jaya Jaya Jaya Sri Radhey. Chant with joy the name of Krishna, also addressed as Radhey Govinda. Krishna is the

Lord, Radha is Nature. 376. Radhey Shyam Panduranga Vithale Rakhumai Panduranga Purandara Vithale Rakhumai Radhey Shyam Panduranga Vithale Rakhumai Panduranga Purandara Vithale Rakhumai Chant the name of Krishna, the beloved Lord of Radha (Nature). He is also worshipped

as Shyam, Panduranga 377. Radhey Shyam, Radhey Shyam, Radhey Gopala Jaya Madhava Jaya Keshava Jaya Murali Gana Lola Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Radhey Gopala Pandari Natha Parama Dayala Parti Purisha Sai Deva (Putta) Jaya Madhava Jaya Keshava Jaya Murali Gana Lola. Adoration of Krishna as the divine Master. Krishna is the Lord of Radha who symbolizes

Nature. Radha - Krishna symbolize the love of mankind for God 378. Radhika Manohara Madana Gopala Deena Vatsala Hey Raja Gopala Bhakta Jana Mandaara Venu Gopala Muralidhara Hey Gaana Vilola Glorify the divine name of Krishna - the refuge of the distressed and the object of the highest worship by His devotees

379. Raghunandana Hey Raghunandana (2) Pyarey Merey Nandana Raghunandana Raghunandana Hey Raghunandana Rajiv Lochan Raghunandana Dasharatha Tanaya Raghunandana Dasha Mukha Mardana Raghunandana Janaki Jeevana Raghunandana Raghunanda Hey Raghunandana Praise in honor of Lord Rama, the beloved scion of the Raghu lineage

380. Raghu Nandana Raghava Rama Harey Hey Janaki Jivana Rama Harey Hey Rajiva Lochana Rama Harey Sita Rama Harey Sai Harey Hey Rajiva Lochana Rama Harey Worship the divine and enchanting form of Lord Rama 381. Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram Patita Pavana Sai Ram Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram Patita Pavana Sai Ram Rama Rama Jaya Raja Ram Rama Rama Jaya Sai Ram. Prayer invoking the blessings of Lord Rama - the epitome of purity and sacredness 382. Raghupathe Raghava Raja Rama O Raja Rama O Sita Rama Raghupathe Raghava Dasaratha Nandana Raja Rama Kausalyatmaja Sundara Rama Rama Rama Jaya Raja Rama Raghava Mohana Megha Shyama Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Rama Rama Sita Ram Patita Pavana Sita Pathey Rama O Raja Rama, O Sita Rama Chant the glory of Lord Rama 384. Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram Patita Pavana Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Bhaja Pyare Tu Sita Ram Ishvar Allah Tere Nam Sab Ko Sanmati Dey Bhagavan Hey Bhagavan Hey Bhagavan Sabako Sanmati Dey Bhagavan Prayer invoking the divine Lord Rama to grant us wisdom and grace. All forms of the

divine are attributed to Rama.

385. Raghupathey Sri Ramachandra Raghava Daya Nidhe (2) Madhava Sri Radhikesha Govinda Harey Krishna (2) Pashupathey Sri Parvateesha Shankara Sada Shiva (2) Sai Rama Sai Krishna Sathya Sai Maheshvara (2) Rama, the embodiment of compassion; Krishna, the embodiment of divine love; Shiva, the

embodiment of auspiciousness and Sai, the embodiment of all forms of divinity is adored and worshipped.

385. Raghuvira Ranadhira Rama Rama Ram Rakhumai Vitthala Shyam Shyam Shyam Sukumara Sundara Rama Rama Ram Shirdisha Saisha Rama Rama Ram Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna and Sai 386. Ram Bhajo Re, Shyam Bhajo Re Parti Gopal, Sai Ram Bhajo Re Ram Bhajo Re, Shyam Bhajo Rd Ram Hai Sai Tu, Shyam Hai Sai Jag Paripalak, Pavan Sai Nand Ke Dulare, Yashoda Ke Pyare Ram Bhajo, Ram Bhajo, Ram Bhajo Re Chant the name of Rama, Krishna, and Sai. Sai is adored as Rama, Krishna and as symbolizing divinity in its all forms 387. Ram Raheem Ko Bhajane Vale Tere Pujari Baba Tera Naam Ek Sahara (3) Tumhi Ho Geeta Tumhi Ramayan Tumhi Ho Veda Puran Tera Naam Ek Sahara (3) Sathya Dharma Ki Jyot Jalane Aye Parti Vihari O Dekho Aye Kunja Vihari Tera Naam Ek Sahara (3) Exaltation to Sathya Sai who is worshipped as Rama and Raheem! Sai’s holy name is our

salvation. Sai is the essence of all scriptures and He has come to light the lamp of Love and righteousness in our hearts.

388. Ram Ram Bhajomana Harey Harey (3) Raghupathi Raja Rama Ram Patita Pavana Sita Ram Sai Ram Bhajomana Harey Harey (3) Let our minds be always filled with the sacred name of the Lord as Rama, Sai

389. Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Naama Taarakam Rama Krishna Vasudeva Bhukti Mukti Daayakam Jaanaki Manoharam Sarva Loka Naayakam Shankaraadi Sevyamaana Punya Naama Keertanam Chant the name of Lord Rama, whose name is a powerful mantra that grants salvation to

us. Rama Is the object of worship in all the worlds and he is the embodiment of Dharma

390. Rama Bhagavan, Rama Bhagavan, Rama Bhagavan Sita Rama Bhagavan Krishna Bhagavan, Krishna Bhagavan, Krishna Bhagavan, Radhey Krishna Bhagavan Prema Bhagavan, Prema Bhagavan, Prema Bhagavan, Sai Prema Bhagavan Hari Bhagavan, Hari Bhagavan, Hari Bhagavan, Hari Hara Bhagavan Atma Rupa Bhagavan, Paramatma Rupa Bhagavan Shirdi Svarupa, Sathya Svarupa, Prema Rupa Bhagavan. Celebrating all forms of divinity - Rama, Krishna, Hari, Sai as the embodiments of Love

and the Eternal Spirit 391. Rama came, Krishna came, our Lord has come, His name is Sai Give us peace and grant us release Baba Baba Sai Baba, Baba Baba Sai Baba. One of Mercy, Wisdom and Truth, Give us Your Blessing, Lord of Light You are Mother, Father and friend Baba Baba Sai Baba, Baba Baba Sai Baba. 392. Rama Harey Sai Krishna Harey Sarva Dharma Priya Sai Harey Allah Ishvar Sai Harey Nanak Yesu Buddha Harey Zorashtra Mahavira Sai Harey Sarva Dharma Priya Sai Harey Worship Sai, Who is the embodiment of all religions 393. Rama Krishna Prabhu Tu Jaya Ram Jaya Ram Sai Krishna Prabhu Tu Sai Ram Sai Ram Yesu Pita Prabhu Tu Hey Ram Hey Ram Allah Ishvara Tu Allah Ho Akbar Shirdi Sai Prabhu Tu Sai Ram Sai Ram You are Lord of all. We chant Your glory in many names and forms

394. Rama Lakshman Janaki, Jaya Bolo Hanuman Ki (4) Celebrating the glory of Rama, Lakshman, Sita and Hanuman 395. Rama Rama Ram, Raghunandana Hey Ghana Shyam Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram (Bolo) (2) Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram Patita Pavana Sita Ram Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram (Bolo) (2) Chant the glory of Lord Rama 396. Rama Rama Sai Rama Partipurisha Sai Ram Rama Rama Sai Rama Madhura Manohara Sundara Nam Shyamala Komala Nayanabhi Ram Ravikula Mandana Raja Lalama Parama Pavana Mangala Naam Worship Rama, the embodiment of divine glory. Sai, addressed as Sai Ram delights the

hearts of devotees who behold his glorious form

397. Rama Rama Sai Ram, Sita Rama Radhey Shyam (2) Parti Purishvara Sai Ram Rama Rama Sai Ram, Sita Rama Radhey Shyam Dasharatha Nandana Sita Ram, Vasudeva Nandana Radhey Shyam Easwaramba Nandana Parti Purishvara Sai Ram. Chant the name of Lord Rama and Lord Sai Rama. (Rama is the son of King Dasharatha, Krishna is the son of Vasudeva and Sai is the son of Eshvaramma)

398. Rasa Vilola Nandalala Radha Madhava Nandalala Rasa Vilola Nandalala Nanda Kishora Nandalala Navanitha Chora Nandalala Nandalala Sai Nandalala (3) Krishna is portrayed as engaged in a divine dance with His devotees, symbolizing man’s relationship with God. Song glorifies Lord Krishna and His divine qualities

399. Rejoice in the Lord Sai always and again I say Rejoice Rejoice, Rejoice, and again I say Rejoice. 400. Repeat His Name, Sai Ram Sai Ram Say It with Love, Sai Ram Sai Ram Picture His Form, Sai Ram Sai Ram He's Everywhere, feel Him shining within you Rama Rama Ram Ram Sai, Rama Rama Ram Ram. 401. Rhuma Jhuma Nacho Nanda Gopal Madhava Murahara Madana Gopal Rhuma Jhuma Nacho Nanda Gopal Radha Manohara Natavara Lal Govinda Giridhara Murali Gopal Adoration of the glory of Lord Krishna in His various manifestations 402. Sadguru Brahma Sanatana Hey Parama Dayaghana Pavana Hey Janmaja Dukha Vinashaka Hey Jagadoddharana Karana Hey Sai Krishna Janardhana Hey Bhava Bhaya Jaladhi Tarana Hey Prayer to Sathya Sai, the Divine Teacher to remove our worldly suffering and bestow upon

us His compassion and blessings 403. Sahara Do Bhagavan Mujhe Daya Karo Mujhe Kripa Karo Sanmati Do Bhagavan Sahara Do Bhagavan Sada Saath Raho Hey Bhagavan Sada Raksha Karo Hey Bhagavan Shanti Bhakti Prema Do Bhagavan Invoking Sathya Sai to protect and foster us. May Sai be ever with us and bless us with

His peace, devotion and love

404. Sai Avatara Yuga Avatara Deena Dayala Sankata Haara Sai Avatara Yuga Avatara Sai Brahma Sai Vishnu Sai Maheshvara (Sathya) Sai Avatara Yuga Avatara Sathya Sai Prema Sai Sab Dharmonke Baba Sai Sai Parameshvara (Sathya) Adoration of the Avatar of this age - Sathya Sai, the embodiment of Truth, Righteousness,

Peace and Love 405. Sai Baba Narayana, Sathya Sai Baba Narayana Omkaram Baba, Omkaram Baba Sathya Sai Narayana Hari Hari Hari Narayana, Hari Sathya Narayana Sing the glory of Sathya Sai, the embodiment of the Supreme Lord, Narayana and the

primordial sound Aum

406. Sai Baba Pranam Shirdi Baba Pranam O Merey Atma Ram Lelo Merey Pranam (Sai) Ishvara Allah Ram Sub Ke Ghar Sai Ram Puran Karo Merey Kaam Parama Shanthi Priya Ram Salutations to Sai Baba. Prayer invoking Baba to accept our prayers. Sai, the essence of

all forms of divinity, is the eternal indweller in our hearts and He fulfils all our aspirations 407. Sai Baba Sai Baba Tum Ho Merey Sai Baba Tum Ho Merey Pran Baba Sai Baba Sai Baba Sath Raho Merey Sai Baba Tum Bina Koi Nahi Sai Hamarey Prayer invoking Sai Baba to be our companion as he is our very essence

408. Sai Baba, Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Avatar of the Lord Rama Krishna Jesus Mohammed, Buddha Zorashtra Sai Ram Every name is Your holy name Sai, every form is Your form divine Sai Baba, Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Avatar of the Lord Let me reach You, dear Sai, let me reach You, let me reach You inside of my heart Let me serve You, dear Lord with my service, let me serve You dear Lord, with my Love I surrrender to You, I surrender to You, Lord Sri Sai Ram 409. Sai Baba's coming to fill up our hearts Fill up our hearts from His ocean of Love Sai Baba's coming to fill up our hearts, Fill up our hearts, and quench the thirst for Love Share it with others, it's the miracle of Love Fill up our hearts, fill up our hearts, fill up our hearts from His ocean of Love Baba fill up my heart, fill up my heart from Your ocean of Love. 410. Sai Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi Hari Nama Bina Ananda Nahi Prema Bhakthi Bina Uddhara Nahi Guru Seva Bina Nirvana Nahi Sai Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi Japa Dhyana Bina Samyoga Nahi Prabhu Darash Bina Pragnana Nahi Daya Dharma Bina Sat Karma Nahi Bhagavan Bina Koi Apna Nahi Sai Nath Bina Paramatma Nahi Without singing to the Lord, there's no peace or happiness Without praising His Name, there's no feeling of bliss Without Love and devotion, we never will be free Without service to Him, no salvation can there be Without singing to the Lord, there's no peace or happiness We find union with Him when our minds are at rest The best wisdom is seeing the Lord everywhere The most righteous of deeds shows compassion and care There is no one as near and dear as the Lord He is present in all and in all can be adored

411. Sai Bhavani Sai Bhavani Sai Bhavani Maa (2x) Shubhankari Abhayankari Jaya Sai Bhavani Maa Sai Bhavani Sai Bhavani Sai Bhavani Maa Durga Lakshmi Sarasvati Jaya Sai Bhavani Maa Gayatri Shiva Gauri Maheshwari Sai Bhavani Maa Salutations to the Divine Mother embodied as Sathya Sai. Sai is Durga, Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Gayatri, Bhavani, Gauri and all forms of the Divine Mother . 412. Sai Govinda Sai Gopala Sai Ram Bansi Dhara Bansi Dhara Hey Chitta Chora Sai Govinda Sai Gopala Sai Ram Hey Natavara, Hey Natavara Nanda Kishora Ghana Shyama Sundara, Megha Shyama Sundara Sai Ram Song in praise of Sai as Govinda, Gopala and all forms and names of Krishna. 413. Sai Hai Jivan Jivan Sathya Sai Sai Mera Jivan Sahara Sai Hai Jivan, Jivan Sathya Sai Tere Bina Sai Sub Hai Andhera Paar Karo Merey Jivan Naiya Charan Lagalo Mujhe Sai Kanhaiya Adoration of Sai as the very essence of our lives. He is the Light that will lead us to liberation

414. Sai Hamarey, Hum Sai Ke, Aisa Pyar Hamara Sai Ram Hamara, Sai Ram Hamara Hindu Muslim, Sikh, Isahi, Sab Ka Palan Hara Sai Ram Hamara, Sai Ram Hamara Sathya Sai Hey Nam Tumhara, Shirdi Sai Avatara Sai Ram Hamara, Sai Ram Hamara Prayer in adoration of Sai as our beloved Lord. Devotees from all paths - Hindu, Muslim,

Christian, Sikh, etc. are accepted and welcomed by Sai (sung in unison) 415. Sai Harey Sathya Sai Harey Sathya Sai Harey Sathya Sai Harey Baba Harey Jaya Baba Harey Jaya Baba Harey Jaya Baba Harey Sing the Glory of Sathya Sai

416. Sai Maha Deva Sathya Sai Maha Deva Parti Purishvara Hey Sai Baba Maheshvara Hey Nirupama Guna Sadana Sai Neeraja Dala Nayana Vibhuti Sundara Hey Sai Baba Maheshvara Hey Celebrate the glory of Sathya Sai, the Lord of Puttaparti. Sai is the epitome of divine effulgence and purity, and the Lord of the universe 417. Sai Mata Pita Deena Bandhu Sakha Tere Charano Mey Sai Mera Koti Pranam Mujhe Shakti Do Merey Sai Shiva Mujhe Bhakti Do Merey Sai Shiva Mujhe Mukti Do Merey Sai Shiva Sai is our Mother, Father, Brother and Friend. I salute at Your Lotus Feet. O! Lord Give

us strength, devotion and liberation

418. Sai Narayana Narayana Sathya Narayana Narayana Gana Lola Prabhu Narayana Deena Pala Jaya Narayana Sathya Sai is worshipped as the form of the Supreme Lord, Narayana

419. Sai Natha Bhagavan Sai Natha Bhagavan Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Sai Natha Bhagavan Buddham, Sharanam Gachhami Dharmam Sharanam Gachhami Sathyam Sharanam Gachhami Saisha Sharanam Gachhami Dedicate yourself to the highest Enlightenment (Buddha), the highest righteousness (Dharma) and the highest Truth (Sathya). In doing so, you reach Sai who is the embodiment of all three principles

420. Sai Ram Bhagavan O compassionate loving God O Stream of Mercy Divine Hear the cry of Humanity, O Great One Save us from Darkness Sai Ram Protector, Sustainer of Life In You we take refuge from strife O Stream of Mercy Divine 421. Sai Ram Bolo, Bhagavan Nam Bolo Sita Ram Bolo, Jaya Radhey Shyam Bolo Ishu Nam Bolo, Guru Nanak Nam Bolo Allah Nam Bolo, Hey Shirdi Shyam Bolo Chant the name of Sai who is all forms and all names 422. Sai Ram Ghana Shyam Bhagavan Tumhara Nam Tuma Bina Koi Nahi Rakhavale Tuma Bina Koi Aapath Samharey Tuma Bina Prema Koyi Nahi Denevalay Tum Ho Merey Atma Ram Baba Bhagavan, Tumhara Nam Sai Ram Tumhara Nam Sathya Sai represents the infinite eternal Atman. Without the Lord’s Grace, nothing is

attainable. He is verily our true essence and our savior

423. Sai Ram hear my call to you, Sai Ram hear my call Sai Ram my Lord, You must hear my call In my heart is a burning yearning for You I am waiting, I am praying, I am calling to You

424. Sai Ram Jaya Sai Ram Pyare Sai Sai Ram Tum Hamarey Sai Ram Hum Tumharey Sai Ram Sai Ram Jaya Sai Ram Pyare Sai Sai Ram Paramatma Tum Sai Ram Antaryami Merey Ram Smarana Karo Sub Sai Ram Sai Ram Jaya Sai Ram Sai Ram you are my beloved Sai. I am Yours and You are mine. You are the Indweller of

my heart. Let us always chant the name of Sai Ram.

425. Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram Sathya Sai Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram Sathya Sai Bhagavan Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram Sathya Sai Prema Pradata Ram Parti Puri Bhagavan Mukti Pradata Ram Daya Karo Bhagavan Daya Karo Bhagavan Mujhe Kripa Karo Sai Ram Sai is the Lord who showers Love and gives liberation. Let us pray to Him to bestow His

mercy and grace on us

426. Sai Ram Sai Ram, Sai Ram Jaya Sai Ram Partipurishvara Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram Patitapavana Sita Ram Ishvar Allah Terey Naam Sub Ko Sanmati Dey Bhagavan Worship of Lord Sai - the embodiment of all names and forms and asking for His Grace

427. Sai Ram Sai Krishna Kaliyuga Avatara (2) Narayana Avatara Kaliyuga Avatara Puttaparti Vasa Hey Bhagavan Prashanti Vasa Hey Bhagavan Kaliyuga Avatara (Sai) Narayana Avatara Kaliyuga Avatara Shirdi Sai Sathya Sai Prema Sai Avatara Kaliyuga Avatara (Sai) Narayana Avatara Kaliyuga Avatara Worshipping Sai as the avatar of the age and as the embodiment of all forms and names

428. Sai Ram Sai Shyam Merey Sai Ram Merey Sai Merey Baba Merey Pran Nath Ram Sai Ram Sai Shyam Merey Sai Ram Terey Dvar Pe Mey Aaoon Mujhey Shanti Do Bhagavan Mujhey Shanti Do Bhagavan Merey Jeevan Mey Saath Raho Sai Nath Merey Worship of Sai as Rama and Krishna incarnated. Prayer invoking Sai to grant us peace and to be always with us

429. Sai Rama Harey Sai Krishna Harey Raghupathi Raghava Rama Harey Rajiva Lochana Rama Harey Sai Rama Harey Sai Krishna Harey Parti Purishvara Sai Harey Chant the Name of Lord Sai Rama, Who removes miseries and sins. Worship the most

pleasing divine form of the Lord - Rama, Krishna and Sai

430. Sai Sai Smarana Karo Guru Charana Kamala Dhyana Karo Keshava Madhava Bhajana Karo Sadguru Sai Seva Karo (Sri) Contemplate on the name of the divine Teacher Sai and worship His lotus feet 431. Sai Sai Sai sings my heart every day Let us never forget Thee, Let us never forget Thee (Sai) Baba You are able to touch my life You have made it worthwhile, You have made it worthwhile (Sai) We see Your amazing Grace everywhere You are my Guiding Light Baba, You are my Guiding Light. 432. Sai Shankara Narayana Bhagavan Tum Ho Merey Pran (Baba) (2) Deejo Merey Prabhu Shanti Moorthi Sikhao Prabhu Mujhe Prema Aur Bhakti Shirdi Rupa Baba Hey Bhagavan Partipurishvara Hey Bhagavan Tum Ho Merey Pran (Baba) Praiise be to Sathya Sai, the embodiment of Shiva. Sai who is our very essence, may He

grant us peace, love and devotion (sung in unison)

433. Sai You are more precious than silver Sai You are more valued than gold Sai You are more beautiful than diamonds Nothing I desire compares with You Sai You are Lord Rama and Krishna Sai You are the sun and the moon Sai You are the cause of all creation All the universe depends on you. 434. Sankata Harana Govinda Pankaja Charana Govinda Sathya Sai Deva Govinda Sapta Giri Vasa Govinda Govinda Harey Govinda (2) Govinda Sai Govinda Prayer to Govinda (Krishna) to remove our suffering and allow us to worship His Lotus

Feet. 435. Satabar Kahorey Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Hey Mangala Nayana Ram, Hey Gopi Jivana Shyam Hey Shirdi Ke Bhagavan, Hey Prasanthi Nilaya Ram Shata Koti Namana Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram. Chant the glorious name of Sai Ram. Sai is the very essence of our lives. He is the Lord

of Shirdi and the Lord of Parti.

436. Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Svarupa Prasanthi Nilaya Deva Rama Ho, Krishna Ho, Sai Ram Deva (2) Shiva Shakti Svarupa Baba, He Dina Palana Baba Hey Prashanti Nilaya Baba, Hey Purna Avatara Baba Allah Ho, Moula Ho, Sai Ram Deva (2) Worship Sathya Sai, the embodiment of Truth, Righteousness, Love and Peace. The resident of holy Puttaparti embodies all forms and all names of divinity

437. Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma (3) Satyam Brahma Jnanam Brahma Anantam Brahma Hymn to the Eternal One who embodies Truth, Knowledge and the Infinite Atman (to the same melody) True Knowing Boundless God (3) True God Knowing God Boundless God 438. Sathya Narayana Govinda Madhava Sai Narayana Govinda Keshava (2) Harey Krishna Harey Krishna Harey Krishna Harey Harey (2) Harey Rama Harey Rama Harey Rama Harey Harey (2) Worship and sing the glory of God as Narayana, Govinda, Sai 439. Sathya Sai Baba Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba Sathya Sai Baba My Lord You taught me how to pray, Oh my Lord in a way That makes me one with the world when I pray Brahma Vishnu Shiva Lord, Buddha Nanak Christ the Lord Allah is great so we pray Mahavira Zorashtra, Omnipresent Jehovah Many names we call when we pray God is only One. He is there for everyone Let us sing the song that God is One God is great and He is One, He is there for everyone Let us sing the song that God is One. (Sung in rounds) 440. Sathya Sai Thy Name so sweet, Name so sweet Keep us always at Thy Feet, at Thy Feet Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram

441. Sathya Sai Rama, Hey Ghana Shyama Prema Sudha Baraso, Shanti Sudha Baraso Sathya Sai Rama, Hey Ghana Shyama Kali Yuga Mey Tum, Yuga Avataari Sathya Sai Rama, Hey Ghana Shyama Prayer invoking Sathya Sai, the incarnation of Rama to bless us with His Love and Peace 442. Sathya Svarupini Maa, Sai Prema Svarupini Maa Ananda Dayini Hrudaya Viharini, Parti Nivasini Maa (Param) Vighna Vinashini Bhava Bhaya Harini, Kali Kapalini Maa (Hey) Tribhuvana Dharini Mangala Dayini, Moksha Pradayini Maa (Hey) Ananda Dayini Hrudaya Viharini, Parti Nivasini Maa (Param) Sathya Sai is worshipped as the Divine Mother - the embodiment of Truth, Love, Bliss and

Peace. The Divine Mother’s grace can liberate us from bondage and grant us bliss

443. Save your food for those who need, everything is Divine Save your money for a selfless deed, everything is Divine For Swami advises ceiling on desires Daily remember everything is Divine Food is God and money is God, everything is Divine Energy is God and time is God, Everything is Divine For Swami advises ceiling on desires Daily remember everything is Divine Desires take your life at speed, everything is Divine Sacrifice will set you free, everything is Divine For Swami advises ceiling on desires Daily remember everything is Divine 444. Shaila Girishvara Uma Maheshvara Kashi Vishweshvara Sada Shiva Sada Shiva Sada Shiva Sada Shiva Shambho Sada Shiva Song in adoration of Lord Shiva

445. Shambho Shankara Deva Bholey Baba Mahadeva Pahi Prabho Sharanam Deva (2) Bholey Baba Mahadeva Har Har Gange Mahadeva Bholey Baba Mahadeva Exaltation of Lord Shiva worshipped as the Lord of the universe 446. Shambho Shiva Shankara Gangadhara Hara Gauri Shiva Shambho Shiva Shankara Hara Hara Maha Deva Kailasa Vasa Paramesha Partisha Pahi Prabho May Sathya Sai as tje embodiment of Lord Shiva protect us and foster us. 447. Shankara Nama Bhajo Shankara Shankara Nama Bhajo Shankara Nama Bhajo Peetambara Dhara Sai Shankara Chandra Kalaa Dhara Gowri Manohara Let us join in adoration of Shankara (Shiva). He who bestows goodness is Shankara

448. Shankaram Bhaje Shankaram Bhaje Parti Vaasa Sai Deva Shankaram Bhaje Sadgurum Bhaje Sadgurum Bhaje Satchidananda Guru Sadgurum Bhaje Adoration of Sai, the resident of Parti who is the Sadguru embodying Absolute Bliss 449. Shanmuga Shanmuga Sai Sundara Shiva Sharavana Bhava Om Guru Sharavana Bhava Om Mangala Gauri Shankara Nandana Shiva Sharavana Bhava Om Guru Sharavana Bhava Om Parti Vihari Pranava Kaari Shiva Sharavana Bhava Om Guru Sharavana Bhava Om Prayer worshipping Lord Subrahmanya, the son of Shiva. Subrahmanya is he who tends

to the spiritual growth of all aspirants

450. Sharanam Gurudeva, Sharanam Sai Deva Jaya Jaya Gurudeva, Jaya Jaya Sai Deva Pandarinatha Mahadeva, Parambrahma Hey Gurudeva Deenabandho Karunasindho, Sai Deva Satya Sai Deva Jaya Jaya Gurudeva, Jaya Jaya Sai Deva Surrender to the Divine Teacher, Sathya Sai, who shows infinite compassion to all who have surrendered to Him 451. Shirdi Sai Dvaraka Mai Prasanthi Vasa Sai Ram Sai Ram, Sai Ram Ekahi Nam Sundara Nam Allah Ishvar Sai Ram, Partipurike Hey Bhagavan Daya Nidhe Kripa Nidhe Prema Svarupa Sai Ram Sai Ram, Sai Ram Ekahi Nam Sundara Nam. Hymn extolling the divine incarnations of Sai. He embodies all forms of the Divine and is

the ocean of Compassion and Love

452. Shirdi Sai Parti Sai Hum Ko Deejo, Premaamrita Dhara, Premaamrita Dhara Tav Sevaki Avasar Deejo Sathya Sai Mahadev

Gaanaamritha Mey, Bhav Bhi Deejo Prema Sai Bhagavan Prema Sai Bhagavan

Prayer invoking the Lord Sathya Sai to shower us with His infinite Grace and Love. May

we serve Him and sing His glory with love and devotion

453. Shirdi Sai Shankara, Partivihari Shankara Shankara, Abhayankara, Bhava Bhaya Haari Shankara Paramatma Shiva Shankara, Pavana Purusha Shankara Parti Vihari Shankara, Sathya Sai Shankara (Sathya Svarupa) Adoration of Sai as the manifestation of Shiva. Sai is the essence of all forms and names attributed to divinity.

454. Shri Ramachandra, Jaya Ramachandra, Raghuvira Ranadhira Raghukula Rama Dasaratha Nandana Dayaabhi Rama Daanava Bhanjana Kodanda Rama Kalyana Rama, Kamaneeya Rama Raghuvira Ranadhira Raghukula Rama Worship the divine form of Lord Rama who destroys evil and promotes auspiciousness

455. Shiva Maheshvara, Shiva Maheshvara, Shiva Maheshvara Sai Ram Shiva Maheshvara, Shiva Shankara, Shiva Mahadeva Sai Ram Kailasa Vasa

Mahadeva Jagadeeshvara Baba Mahadeva Tribhuvana Paala Baba Sai Deva (Om) Chant the glory of Maheshvara, Sai - the Lord of the universe 456. Shiva Om Hari Bhagavan, Hari Om Sai Bhagavan Shankara Shankara Sai, Shiva Shankara Sathya Sai Shiva Om Hari Bhagavan, Hari Om Sai Bhagavan Prema Pradaata Baba, Dil Mey Aaja Baba. Shiva represents the primordial sound of creation - Om. Let us offer obeisance to Sai who is Shiva Himself 457. Shiva Shambho Hara Hara Shambho Bhava Nasha Kailasa Nivasa Parvathi Patey Harey Pashupatey Gangadhara Shiva Gauri Patey (Hara) Prayer to Shiva, embodiment of goodness and auspicousness. May He bless us all 458. Shiva Shambho Shambho Shiva Shambho Mahadeva Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva Shiva Shambho Mahadeva Haala Hara Dhara Shambho Anatha Natha Shambho Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om Namah Shivaaya Hari Om Om Om Hari Om Om Om Hari Om Namah Shivaaya. Chant the sacred name of Shiva, Hari 459. Shiva Shankara Parvathi Ramana Gangadhara Bhuvana Bharana Sharanagatha Vandita Charana Karuna Kara Bhava Bhaya Harana Prayer celebrating the power of Shiva to protect those who surrender to Him and His

compassion and grace.

460. Shiva Shankara, Shiva Shankara, Shiva Shankara Rupa Maheshvara Sai Shiva Shankara Shankara Shankara Sai Omkara Priya Shiva Shankara Sai Kailasa Priya Shiva Shankara Sai Nata Jana Priya Shiva Shankara Sai Shiva Shankara Shankara Shankara Sai Prayer addressed to Lord Shiva as the embodiment of Om and as the protector of His

devotees. 461. Shiva Shiva Shambho Tandava Priya Kara Bhava Bhava Bhairava Bhavani Shankara Shiva Shiva Shambho Tandava Priya Kara Hara Hara Bam Bam Bhola Maheshvara Dama Dama Damaru Natana Manohara Sathyam Shivam Sai Sundara Worship Shiva as Sai - embodying Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Shiva is also portrayed as performing the Tandava (Cosmic Dance) signifying the battle of good and evil 462. Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaaya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaaya Namah Om Hara Hara Hara Hara Haraya Namah Om Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om Chant the sacred name of Lord Shiva. 463. Shivaaya Namah Shiva, Shivaaya Namah Shiva, Shivaaya Namah Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Shiva, Shivaaya Namah Shiva (Om) Shivaaya Namah Om, Namah Shivaaya A joyful hymn to Lord Shiva 464. Shivaaya Parameshvaraya Shashishekharaya Namah Om Bhavaya Guna Sambhavaya Shiva Thandavaya Namah Om Shivaaya Parameshvaraya Chandra Shekharaya Namah Om Bhavaya Guna Sambhavaya Shiva Thandavaya Namah Om Worship the Lord of the universe, Shiva and all His divine attributes and qualities

465 Shuklambara Dhara Ganapati Mantram Nityam Nityam Japo Japo Vighna Vinashaka Vidya Dayaka Veera Ganapati Bhajo Bhajo Sing the glory of Ganesha, chanting whose name removes all obstacles and bestows

wisdom on us 466. Shyama Sundara Madana Mohana Mora Mukuta Dhari Madhava Hari Madhava Hari Madhava Giridhari Song in praise of Krishna. The divine beauty of His form captivates our hearts and minds.. 467. Sita Ram Nama Bhajo Madhura Madhura Sai Nama Bhajo Radhey Shyam Nama Bhajo Madhura Madhura Sai Nama Bhajo Om Sai Ram Nama Bhajo Madhura Madhura Sai Nama Bhajo Song celebrating the sweetness of chanting the divine name of the Lord - Rama, Krishna,

and Sai 468. Sohum Sohum Dhyan Karo Sadguru Sai Smaran Karo Sohum Brahma, Sohum Vishnu Sadguru Sai Naman Karo Sohum Sohum Dhyan Karo Sohum Atma Shiva Parmatma Sadguru Sai Charan Pado Sohum Sohum Dhyan Karo ‘So Hum “ is the inhalation and exhalation of our breath. ‘So’ means God and ‘Hum’

means I. “ I am God “ - Baba wants us to make that our spiritual practice emphasizing the Unity principle of God and Man. Sohum is all names and forms of God

469. Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me Melt me, mold me, fill Me and use me Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me

470. Sri Ganesha, Sri Ganesha, Sri Ganesha Pahi Maam Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha Raksha Maam Sri Ganesha Pahi Maam, Jaya Ganesha Raksha Maam Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha Raksha Maam Sri Ganesha Pahi Maam Adoration of Ganesha, the God of Wisdom who confers success on all 471. Sri Guru Sharanam, Sadguru Sharanam, Charana Sharana Hey, Sri Sai Sharanam Sadgati Dayakam, Sri Guru Sharanam, Sadbuddhi Pradayakam, Sri Guru Sharanam Sri Guru Sharanam, Sri Guru Sharanam Charana Sharana Hey, Sri Sai Sharanam (2) Hymn to the Divine Teacher, Sathya Sai. Obtain His Grace by surrendering at His lotus

feet 472. Sri Krishna Govinda Harey Murari Hey Natha Narayana Vasudeva Sri Krishna Govinda Harey Murari Hey Natha Narayana Vasudeva Worship the Lord as Krishna, Govinda, Murari, Narayana and Vasudeva. 473. Sri Krishna Sharanam Mama (3) Jaya Sri Krishna Sharanam Mama Surrender at the Feet of the Lord.

474. Sri Mata Jagan Mata, Sai Mata Shashi Gauri Mata Dharani Mata Pari Purani Mata Jagadodharani Mata Bhava Harini Mata Worship the Mother of the Universe - Eternal and Timeless

475. Sri Radhey Radhey Radhey Shyam Govinda Radhey Govinda Radhey Radhey Shyam Gopala Radhey Radhey Shyam Lakshmi Narayana Jai Jai Vithalay Jai Jai Jai Jai Vithaley Jai Jai Vithaley Hari Narayana Hari Narayana Om Namo Bhagavathay Vasudevaaya Vasudevaaya Vasudevaaya Vasudevaaya (Bolo) Adoration of Radha Krishna, Lakshmi Narayana and all forms of the Lord

476. Srinivasa Govinda, Sri Venkatesha Govinda Purana Purusha Govinda, Pundarikaaksha Govinda Dasha Vidha Rupa Govinda, Krishna Rama Govinda Krishna Rama Govinda, Rama Krishna Govinda Chant the Name of Govinda who is worshipped as Srinivasa (the repository of all wealth) and as Venkateshvara, extolled in the scriptures as bearing all names and all forms of the Lord 477. Sri Raghu Nandana Dasharatha Nandana Bhadra Dheeshvara Rama Vaidehi Priya Vaikuntha Rama Sada Smarami Rameti Rama Worship Lord Rama of the Raghu lineage. Rama is our protector and our constant remembrance of His holy name will give us bliss

478. Sri Raghu Nandana Janaki Jivana Ram Ram Ram Sai Alaka Niranjana Asura Nikhandana Rajiva Lochana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Ram Ram Ram Sai Prayer in adoration of Lord Rama and His divine attributes 479. Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram (4) Meditative chant on the glorious name of Rama 480. Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Om (4) Meditative chant on the glorious name of Rama 481. Sri Ram Sri Raghu Rama Sri Ram Sita Rama Sri Ram Sri Raghu Rama Sri Ram Megha Shyama Sri Ram Sai Rama Adoration of Lord Rama

482. Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam, Shanmukhanatha Subrahmanyam (2) Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Hara Hara Hara Hara Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Subrahmanyam Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Shiva Sharavana Bhava Subrahmanyam Guru Sharavana Bhava Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Subrahmanyam Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Names of Shiva and Subrahmanya are chanted. Subrahmanya is he who tends to the

spiritual growth of all aspirants 483. Sundar Sundar Nachey Sundar Sai Ghanashyam Nachey Re Sai Sundar Shyam Jhumak Jhumak Jhum Ghungroo Baaje Nachey Ghanashyam Nachey Natavar Sai Sundar Merey Sai Ram Nachey Nachey Man Mandir Mey Merey Sai Ram Nachey Re Sai Sundar Shyam Adoration of the beautiful form of the divine Lord Krishna 484. Sundara Sundara Vinayaka Shubha Mangala Dayaka Vinayaka Vighna Kotihara Vijaya Gajanana Sakala Vighnahara Sai Gajanana Eshwari Nandana Parti Gajanana Ganesha, the benefactor of boons is extolled as the remover of obstacles and the God of


485. Sundara Vadana Sarasija Nayana Partipuri Bhagavan Jagat Paripala Prashanti Nilaya, Tum Ho Merey Bhagavan Daya Karo Bhagavan, Kripa Karo Bhagavan Partipureesha Hey Paramesha Raksha Karo Bhagavan Hymn to Lord Sathya Sai asking for His compassion and Grace

486. (To the melody: Ganesha Sharanam) Surrender joyfully to the Lord Ganesha His strength will clear away obstacles before us Surrender to the Feet of Divine Sai Baba His Love will light the way to our liberation 487. Svaagatham Svaagatham Sri Sathya Sai Svaagatham Prashanti Nilayam Paramatma Roopam Parti Pureesham Susvaagatham Sathya Svaroopam Sadguru Natham Dharma Svaroopam Susvaagatham Prayer welcoming Sathya Sai - the embodiment of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love 488. Swami of Love, Swami of Mercy I pray to you come to me Swami of Love, Swami of Mercy I pray to you set me free Free from the ups and downs of life, Free from sorrow and pain. Free from the bondage of my soul that causes birth and pain Swami of Love, Swami of Mercy, I pray to you come to me Swami of Love, Swami of Mercy, I pray to you set me free Make my heart an ocean of Love that makes me one with all Let mercy be the flower of Love that blooms in one and all (sung in rounds) 489. Swami, O Swami Breathe through us Thy Sacred Breath Sing through us Thy Sacred Song Love is All 490. Swami take my hand, Jesus take my hand, dear Lord take my hand, take my hand and lead the way I'll never forget You, You'll always be with me Dear Lord take my hand, take my hand and lead the way You're Guide and Protector, Mother and Father Dear Lord take my hand, take my hand and lead the way Teach me loving service, peace and contentment Dear Lord take my hand, take my hand and lead the way (to the same melody)

491. Swami Sharanam Ayyan Sharanam Ayyappa Sharanam Sharanam Pon Ayyappa Shabari Girisha Sadguru Natha Swamiye Sharanam Sharanam Pon Ayyappa Mohinee Suthaney Mohana Roopa Swamiye Sharanam Sharanam Pon Ayyappa Partipurisha Prashanti Nilaya Swamiye Sharanam Sharanam Pon Ayyappa

Surrender to the Lord who has incarnated as the deity Ayyappan (worshipped in South India). Sai is worshipped as the essence of all forms and all names of the divine 492. Take my hand in your own Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Never leave me alone Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Let me be where you are whether near Lord or far as I Follow my star Sathya Sai Show me how, tell me when Sathya Sai Sathya Sai And I’ll be there again Sathya Sai Sathya Sai I just want to obey and learn the loving way all in faith Come what may Sathya Sai I will go where I must Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Ever sure in my trust Sathya Sai Sathya Sai I will kneel at your feet at one my life complete in your Presence warm and sweet Sathya Sai I’ll be strong through this strife Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Ever reverent of life Sathya Sai Sathya Sai And I’ll always recall although I’m only small You’ll be With me through it all Sathya Sai

493. Tandava Priya Kara Uma Patey Dam Dam Dam Dam Damaru Baje Hara Bam Hara Bam Bhola Maheshvara Bhola Maheshvara Hara Bam Hara Bam Bhola Maheshvara Dama Dama Damaru Shiva Tandava Dam Dam Dam Dam Damaru Baje Chidambaresha Sai Nataraja Vibhuti Sundara Shiva Shankara Dam Dam Dam Dam Damaru Baje A joyful praise to Lord Shiva and His divine attributes. 494. Te Aradezco Senor, Por Esta Presencia Humana Te Alabamos Senor, Sathya Sai Narayana Apartanos Senor, De Toda Vida Mundana Danos Tu Darshan Senor, Sathya Sai Narayana I am grateful Dear Lord for your presence among us. We praise you Oh Lord, Sathya Sai Narayana Deliver us Oh Lord from the chaos of this world Give us your darshan, Oh Lord Sathya Sai Narayana 495. Temple bells are ringing now in Parti Calling us to come and see our Lord Temple bells are ringing now ... Calling us.... Let's rejoice and sing His Divine Glory Blest are we to have His Love and Grace x2 Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Sai All are but the Soul that shines within Let's rejoice and sine His Divine Glory Blessed are we to have His Love and grace (x2) (Sai Baba Birthday Song)

496. Terey Janam Deen Mey Sai Tujhey Koti Pranam Karege Tujhey Koti Pranam Karege (2) Terey Janam Bhoomi Mey Sai Aaye Bhichhade Bahan Bhai Teri Puja Karane Baba Teri Prashanti Mey Aayege Dhanya Hai Eashwaramba Mere Sai Ko Tumane Janma Tevis November Ko Baba Terey Bhajano Ka Gaan Karege Terey Janam Deen Mye Sai Tujhey Koti Pranam Karege Happy Birthday to You Sai Rama, Happy Birthday to You Sai Rama (3) O Sai! Salutations to the Lord on His Advent this sacred day. 497. The Father and I are One, The Father and I are One We're One, We're One, We're One, We're One, the Father and I are One. I'm in His Holy Light, I'm in His Holy Light I'm in His Light, I'm in His Light, I'm in His Holy Light. Sai Baba and I are One, Sai Baba and I are One We're One, We're One, We're One, We're One, Sai Baba and I are One 498. The Lord gave the world such a beautiful sound Om Om Om Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om Om Om Om Om Hari Om From the silence of nothing the Lord gave a word Om Om Om Hari Om From the sound of God came this beautiful world Om Om Om Hari Om 499. There is no birth, there is no death, there is no you or I There is only Sathya Sai, Beloved Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Sathya Sai, Beloved Sathya Sai. There is no sun, there is no moon, there is no earth or sky There is only Sathya Sai, Beloved Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Sathya Sai, Beloved Sathya Sai.

500. Tum Ho Hamarey Sai Rakhavale Darshan Do Bhagavan, Darshan Do Bhagavan (Mujhe) Tum Ho Mata Pita Tumhiho Tum Ho Deena Dayal (Baba) Darshan Do Bhagavan, Darshan Do Bhagavan (Mujhe) Dukhi Janonke Bhakta Janonke Tum Ho Karuna Ne Dan (Baba) Darshan Do Bhagavan, Darshan Do Bhagavan. Prayer invoking the divine vision of Sathya Sai. Sai is the Mother, Father and Kinsman of

all mankind and He is the sole refuge for the poor and the forlorn

501. Tum Ho Merey Bhagavan Baba Partipurisha Sri Sai Natha Shirdi Purisha Hey Jagannatha Tum Ho Merey Bhagavan Baba Prashanti Vasa Sri Sai Natha Purana Purusha Hey Jagannatha Sathya Sai is the Lord of the universe. He is the Eternal Lord dwelling in every heart 502. Tumhe Namaskar Sai Baba (2) Pranam Mera Sveekaro Bhagavan Parti Puri Sai Deva Hey Shivalinga Dhari Baba, Hey Anand Dayee Baba Pranam Mera Sveekaro Bhagavan Parti Puri Sai Deva Hey Vibuthi Sundar Baba Tum Ati Sundar Sai Baba Prem Dakshina Sveekaro Bhagavan Parti Puri Sai Deva Salutations to Sathya Sai, the embodiment of Pure Love and the Infinite Spirit. Prayer invoking Baba to accept our devotion and reverence

503. Un Solo Dios Eres Tu Eres Tu Mi Senor Jesu Cristo Mahavira Un Solo Dios Y Nada Mas Jehova O Allah Brahma Vishnu Shiva Sai Zoroastra Guru Nanak Mazda Buddha Narayana Sathya Sai Baba Nos Unira En Una Sola Humanidad Un Solo Dios Reinara, Un Solo Dios Amara You are the only one One God My Lord, Jesus Christ, Mahavir, You are Jehovah, or Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Sai, Zorastra, Guru Nanak, Mazda, Buddha, Narayana, Sathya Sai Baba will unite us in one community, With One God who will Love us and rule humanity.

504. Vahe Guru, Vahe Guru, Vahe Guru Ji Bolo Sathya Nam, Sathya Nam, Sathya Nam Ji Bolo Nitya Nitya Japiye Terey Nam Ji Bolo Sathya Nam Sathya Nam Sathya Nam Ji Bolo Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ji Bolo (2) Sathya Nam Sathya Nam Sathya Nam Ji Bolo Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Ji Bolo Nitya Nitya Japiye Krishna Nam Ji Bolo Hari Hari Hari Hari Hari Hari Ji Bolo Sathya Nam Sathya Nam Sathya Nam Ji Bolo (add) Govinda Jai Jai Gopala Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jai (4) Chant the name of the Divine Guru who is the embodiment of the Supreme Truth. The

Sadguru is worshipped as Rama, Krishna, Hari and Sai 505. Vaishnavi Maa, Varaahi Maa Vishveshwari Maa, Sai Maa Vaishnavi Maa, Varaahi Maa Sathya Svaroopini, Sai Maa (Pra) Shanti Pradaayini Santoshi Maa Hymn to the Divine Mother who has now incarnated as Sathya Sai granting peace and bliss to all

506. Vighna Vinashaka Gana Natha Gajanana Hey Gajavadana Gananatha Gananatha Pranava Svarupa Gananatha Partipurishvara Gananatha Gajanana Hey Gajavadana Prayer to Ganesha to remove all obstacles and seeking His blessings in all our endeavo 507. Vinayaka Vinayaka Vishvadhara Vinayaka Vinayaka Vinayaka Siddhi Vinayaka Bhava Bhaya Nasha Suramuni Vandita Sri Ganesha Vishvadhara Vinayaka Prayer to Ganesha, addressed as Vinayaka (the master of all knowledge), asking Him to

bestow knowledge and wisdom on us 508. Vinati Suno Merey Sai Bhagavan Dayo Karo Mujhe Sai Bhagavan Bhakta Janon Ke Tum Ho Pran Deena Dayala Karuna Nidhan Tribhuvana Pala Sadhu Parithran Prayer invoking the Lord to listen to the plea of devotees for His compassion and grace. 509. Vithala Bhajo Sai Vithala Bhajo (2) Pandhari Natha Panduranga Vithala Bhajo Parti Vasa Sai Deva Vithala Bhajo (Jaya) Shirdi Baba Sai Deva Vithala Bhajo (Jaya) Adoration of Lord Vitthala (Krishna) who has now incarnated as Sai 510. Vithala Hari Vithala (3) Panduranga Vithale Hari Narayana Purandara Vithale Hari Narayana Hari Narayana Jaya Narayana Sai Narayana Sathya Narayana Chant the Names of Vithala, Hari, Panduranga. Sai - all forms of divinity

511. We are Blessed, We are Blessed, We are Blessed Sai Baba is watching over us We are here to sing Your sweet Name Let the Light of Your Glory shine on us Bless us all with Your Presence Gurudev We are Blessed, We are Blessed, We are Blessed No more Tears, No more Sorrow, No more Death Banish the Darkness with Your Love (O Sai) We are born in the Golden Age of Sai We are Blessed, We are Blessed, We are Blessed 512. We are One in the Spirit, we are One in the Lord And we pray that our unity may one day be restored And we'll know we're God's Children by our Love, by our Love Yes we'll know we're God's Children by our Love. We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand And together we'll spread the word that God is in our land (Chorus) We will work with each other, we will work side by side And we'll pray to God in our hearts Who is our Loving Guide. 513. We gather at Your Feet, Lord To sing Your praises, Sweet Lord We bring our joys and sorrows And strive for new tomorrows Help us with Your Grace, Lord Show us Your Loving Face, Lord Keep us near and gently guide us On the lonely path Home. 514. We sanctify the day the Lord is born within us Glorifying God we pray to Him this day We sanctify the day the Lord is born within us No other day Lord, this is Your new birth No other way Lord, this is our true birth Living a life of loving service Glorifying God we pray to Him this day.

515. What is the day but for loving You, my Lord (3) Sathya Sai Baba, my Lord, Sathya Sai Baba, my Lord. What is the night but for falling into You (3) Sathya Sai Baba, my Lord, Sathya Sai Baba, my Lord. What is my heart but an offering to You (3) Sathya Sai Baba, my Lord, Sathya Sai Baba, my Lord. 516. When dark clouds fill your skies, hiding sunshine from your eyes, Say His Name, see His Form, hold on Hold on, hold on, say His Name, see His Form, hold on. When things are getting rough and you feel enough's enough Say His Name, see His Form, hold on Hold on, hold on, say His Name, see His Form, hold on. When life seems so unfair and no one seems to care Say His Name, see His Form, hold on Hold on, hold on, say His Name, see His Form, hold on. Keep a smile and say "I can", Love and serve your fellow man Say His Name, see His Form, hold on Hold on, hold on, say His Name, see His Form, hold on. 517. White starry jasmine 'round the Lotus Feet Pleasing the Lord with fragrance sweet If I were a bee, how quickly I would fly To sip the nectar from the Feet of Sai. 518. Who is the Lord of the universe He is the Lord of the Self Open your eyes and realize the Lord is residing within You Dive deeper and deeper inside Fill your heart with His Love's pure light Master your senses, give up defenses Know that forever, the Lord and you are one Know that forever, the Lord and I are one

519. Without singing to the Lord, there's no peace or happiness Without praising His Name, there's no feeling of bliss Without Love and devotion, we never will be free Without service to Him, no salvation can there be Without singing to the Lord, there's no peace or happiness We find union with Him when our minds are at rest The best wisdom is seeing the Lord everywhere The most righteous of deeds shows compassion and care There is no one as near and dear as the Lord He is present in all and in all can be adored 520. Why fear when I am here So says Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba my Lord Why fear when I am here All I want is your Love, My Child, all I want is your faith All I want is your Love in God, no matter what your faith So says Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba my Lord Why fear when I am here Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Allah, all came through this land All of Them brought the message of Love, Love your fellow man So says Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba my Lord Why fear when I am here The Light you see in the dark of night, is that of God in man Find the Light that is in your heart, and reach the promised land So says Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba my Lord Why fear when I am here 521. Yadu Nandana Gopala Jaya Brindavana Pala Jaya Murali Gana Vilola Gopala Gopala Sai Gopala Worship in adoration Lord Krishna who enchants His devotees with His divinity

522. Yadunandana Yashoda Bala Madhava Keshava Yadunandana Yashoda Bala Mathura Natha Mama Sai Natha Mandara Giridhara Madhusudana Hey Celebrating the glory of Krishna, the scion of the Yadu clan. Sai is the very embodiment of that divine Krishna and all His sacred attributes

523. Yamuna Teera Vihaari Brindaavana Sanchaari Govardhano Dhaari Gopala Krishna Murari Prayer in adoraton of Krishna 524. Yamuna Teera Vihaari Brindaavana Sanchaari Govardhana Giri Dhaari Gopala Krishna Murari Chitravati Teera Vaasi Chinni Krishnama Sai Govardhana Giri Dhaari Gopala Krishna Murari Prema Hridaya Sanchari Parti Puri Shri Sai Govardhana Giri Dhaari Gopala Krishna Murari Adoration of Krishna and Sai who dwell in hearts full of love and sweetness

525. Yo Quiero Cantar a Shirdi Sai Baba Yo Quiero Cantar a Sathya Sai Baba Yo Quiero Cantar a Prema Sai Baba Te Amo Senor, Te Amo Senor. Porque Eres Amor Que Ha Llegado a Mi Vida Porque Eres La Paz Que Colma Mi Alma Porque Eres Bondad Que Llena Mis Dias Te Amo Senor, Te Amo Senor... I want to sing to Shirdi Sai Baba I want to sing to Sathya Sai Baba I want to sing to Prema Sai Baba I Love you my Lord, I Love you my Lord Because you are Love that has come to my life Because you are the peace that fills my soul Because you are the mercy that sweetens my days I Love you my Lord, I Love you my Lord.

526. You are Lord of the Universe, Lord of the Universe, reside in my heart Sai Baba Sai Baba, Sai Baba, reside in my heart Sai Baba Cause of all Creation, Preserver and Destroyer, Satchitananda Sai Baba Sai Baba, Sai Baba, reside in my heart Sai Baba Mother of the Universe, Father of the Universe, Light of mankind Sai Baba Sai Baba, Sai Baba, reside in my heart Sai Baba. 527. You are the Lord of my Heart and my Soul Lord of my life, it's beyond my control Open my heart to Your Love Swami, open my heart to Your Love Once I have seen You, Lord, heard You and touched You How can I live in this world without You Open my eyes to Your Light Swami, open my eyes to Your Light Sai Ram, let me see You Everywhere, let me hear You In everyone, let me serve You Sai Ram, Bhagavan. 529. You take all the obstacles away O Lord Gananatha You bring us happiness You bring us auspiciousness You take all the sorrows away O Lord Gananatha You take all the obstacles away O Lord Gananatha There is no emptiness there is no loneliness When we start off the day with Your Name, O Lord Gananatha 528. Your Love keeps falling down upon me. I feel the very essence of what Love is all about. Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelujah, Jai Sai Ram. I want to show You that I Love You By doing the things that You want us all to do. Allelujah, Allelujah, Allelujah, Jai Sai Ram.

529. Yuga Avatara, Sai Rama (Sai) Ram, Ram, Ram Ram, Ram, Ram, Raghupatey Shri Ram (2) Yuga Avataara, Sai Rama (Sai) Ram, Ram, Ram Parama Niranjana, Prashanti Rama Shri Raghurama, Sai Rama (Sai) Ram, Ram, Ram Extolling the glory of the Avatar of the Age, Sathya Sai who is verily the incarnation of Rama and the embodiment of Love and Peace 530. Yuga Yuga Ke Avatara, Sai Rama, Sai Krishna, Sai Baba Baba Sai Baba, Baba Sai Baba Yuga Yuga Ke Avatara, Sai Rama, Sai Krishna, Sai Baba Allah Ishu Nanaka Sai Buddha Zorastra Mahavira Sai Ram Raheem Jai Ram Raheem Jai Ram Raheem Jai Ram (2) Sai Baba, who is the Avatar of our Age and who is also Rama, Krishna. Allah, Jesus, Guru

Nanak, Buddha and all forms of the Divine * * *

“ If there is righteousness in the heart

There is beauty in the character If there is beauty in the character

There is harmony at home If there is harmony at home There is order in the nation If there is order in the nation There is peace in the world “

- Baba

“ I have come to light the lamp of love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added luster.......I have not come on any mission of publicity for any sect or creed or

cause; nor have I come to collect followers for any doctrine. I have come to tell you of this universal principle, this path of love, this dharma of prema (divine love), this duty of

love, this obligation of love “ - Baba



P1. Om Jaya Jagadisha Harey Swami Sathya Sai Harey Bhakta Jana Samrakshaka Bhaktha Jana Samrakshaka Parti Maheshvara Om Jaya Jagadisha Harey Shashivadana Shrikara Sarva Pranapatey, Swami Sarva Pranapatey Ashrita Kalpalatika, Ashrita Kalpalatika, Aapadbandhava Om Jaya Jagadisha Harey Mata Pita Guru Daivamu Mari Antayu Neeve, Swami Mari Antayu Neeve Naadabrahma Jagannatha, Naadabrahma Jagannatha, Naagendra Shayana Om Jaya Jagadisha Harey Omkara Rupa Ojasvi O Sai Mahadeva, Sathya Sai Mahadeva Mangala Arathi Anduko, Mangala Arathi Anduko, Mandara Giridhari Om Jaya Jagadisha Harey Narayana Narayana Om Sathya Narayana Narayana Narayana Om Narayana Narayana Om Sathya Narayana Narayana Om Sathya Narayana Narayana Om - Om Jaya Sadguru Deva (Narayana Part Sung 3 Times - Slow, Medium and Fast) Om Shantih... Shantih... Shanthi! Let us sing the glory of the Lord of the entire Cosmos - Sathya Sai, the Resident of holy Puttaparthi, who protects all who seek shelter in Him Sathya Sai, You are the very embodiment of Peace, Bliss and Beauty. You are the very essence of our lives. Like the tree that nourishes the vine that clings to it, Your Grace protects all those who surrender and seek refuge in You - Victory to You, Lord Sathya Sai! Sathya Sai , You are mother, father, teacher, God and everything to us. You are the very embodiment of all names and forms - Victory to You, Lord Sathya Sai! Sathya Sai, the embodiment of AUM and Divine Effulgence, You are the Lord of the entire universe. May You accept our salutations and prayers, and grant us your blessings - Victory to You, Lord Sathya Sai Peace ! Peace! Peace!

P2. Vibhuti song Paramam Pavitram Baba Vibhutim Paramam Vichitram Leela Vibhutim Paramaartha Ishtaartha Moksha Pradaatam Baba Vibhutim Idamashrayaami Sacred, Holy and Supreme is Baba's Vibhuti. Pouring forth in endless stream this play of Vibhuti. So auspicious is Its might It grants liberation. Baba's Vibhuti, Its Power protects me.

P3. Gayatri Mantra (Universal prayer invoking Divine Grace and Intelligence) Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dheeyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat We meditate on The Glory of Divine Light, Gayatri, Whose Effulgence illuminates the entire creation, embodied in the three states - Earth, Ether and Heaven. That Supreme Light, may It remove our ignorance and enlighten our intellect. P4. Asatoma (Universal Prayer for Truth, Light and Immortality) Asato Maa Sad Gamaya Tamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya Om..Shantih..Shantih..Shantihi Lead Us From Untruth to Truth Lead Us From Darkness to Light Lead Us From Death to Immortality Om Peace... Peace... Peace!


P5. Lokaa Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu (3) Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi Let all beings in all the worlds be happy always. Peace! Peace! Peace! (Peace of the body, the mind and the soul - our thoughts, words and deeds have to be in harmony and peace)


1. Adi Pujya Deva 49. Bhajo Radhey 2. Adi Narayana 50. Bhajore Bhayi 3. Akhanda Jyoti Jalavo 51. Bhajore Sada 4. Alakh Niranjana 52. Bhasma Bhushtanga 5. Allah Ishvar Tu 53. Bhava Bhaya 6. Allah Tum Ho 54. Bhavani Shankara 7. Amazing Grace 55. Bhola Nath Harey 8. Amba Bhavani 56. Bhola Bhandari Baba 9. Amba Mandahaasa 57. Bolo Bolo Bolo Sub 10. Ambika Tanaya 58. Bolo Deena Dayal 11. Anandamey 59. Bolo Jai Jaikar 12. Ananda Sagara 60. Bolo Narayana 13. Antaranga Sai 61. Bolo Ram Sai Ram 14. Antar Jyoti Namoh 62. Bow to the Light 15. A temple in my heart 63. Calling God 16. At moments like this 64. Chandra Shekharaya 17. Atmabhi Rama 65. Chandra Vadana 18. Atma Lingam 66. Chant the name 19. Atma Me Bas 67. Charana Kamala 20. Atma Rama 68. Chitta Chora Murali 21. Atma Rama Ananda 69 Chitta Chora Yashoda 22. At Your Feet 70. Come Sai Lord 23. Avo Avo Avo 71. Dame Un Nuevo 24. Avo Avo Gopala 72. Danava Bhanjana 25. Avo Avo Hey 73. Darsh Dikhao 26. Avo Avo Nandalal 74. Dasharathey Rama 27. Avo Pyarey 75. Daya Karo Bhagavan 28. Avo Sai Narayana 76. Daya Karo Hey 29. Ayodhya Vasi 77. Daya Karo Shiva Ganga 30. Baba Avo Merey 78. Daya Sagara 31. Baba, hear the rising 79. Deen Dukhiyon 32. Baba shed your light 80. Deena Bandhu 33. Baba We Adore 81. Deena Dayala Hari 34. Bada Chitta Chora 82. Devaki Tanaya 35. Bala Gopal Jai 83. Devi Bhavani Maa 36. Baar Baar Bulao 84. Devi Sai Maa 37. Bhagavan Bhagavan Dil 85. Dhanya Dhanya 38. Bhagavan Bhagavan 86. Dhimita Dhimita 39. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai 87. Don’t worry Be Happy 40. Bhagavan take our love 88. Door of my heart 41. Bhaja Ma Ma 89. Dum Dum 42. Bhajamana Govinda 90. Durga Bhavani Maa 43. Bhajamana Ma Ma 91. Durgey Durgey 44. Bhajamana Radhey 92. Each new dawn 45. Bhajamana Rama 94. Every moment of my life 46. Bhajumana Hari 95. Everyone is my brother 47. Bhajan Karo 96. Gajanana Hey 48. Bhajo Ghanashyam 97. Gajavadana Gananatha 98. Gajavadana Gananatha Hey 150. Guru Baba

99. Gajavadana 151. Guru Deva Guru Deva 100. Ganapati Deva 152. Guru Deva Guru Govinda 101. Ganesha Sharanam (English) 153. Guru Deva Priya 102. Ganesha Sharanam 154. Guru Deva Sharanam 103. Ganesha Sharanam Parama 155. Guru Devaya Namoh 104. Ganga Jatadhara 156. Guru Dev Guru Dev 105. Garuda Vahana 157. Guru Mahima Gavo 106. Gauri Ganesh 158. Guru Nanakji Ki 107. Gauri Nandana 159. Guruvaayurpura Sri 108. Gentle hands are shaping 160. Humko Tumse 109. Gentle Lord, we crave the bliss 161. Hara Hara Hara Gangey 110. Ghana Ghana Neela 162. Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva 111. Giridhar Gopala Murali 163. Hara Hara Hara Samba 112. Giridhar Gopala Gopala 164. Hara Shiva Shankara 113. Giridhari Hey 165. Harey Krishna Harey Krishna 114. Giridhari Lal 166. Harey Murare Sai Ram 115. Giridhari Merey 167. Hari Anandamaya Jaya 116. Giridhari Murari Govinda 168. Hari Bol Hari Bol 117. Giving and Forgiving 169. Hari Hara Bol 118. God is all 170. Hari Hari Bhajomana 119. God of Love 171. Hari Hari Hari Smarana 120. Gopala Giridhara Bala 172. Hari Hari Narayana 121. Gopala Gopala Gopala 173. Hari Hari Om Shiva Shankara 122. Gopala Gopala Nacho 174. Hari Nam Gatey Chalo 123. Gopala Govinda Govinda 175. Hari Nam Sumira 124. Govinda Jai Jai Gopala 176. Hari Om Hari Om 125. Gopala Radha Lola 177. Hari Om Hari Om Sai Om 126. Gopala Radhey Krishna 178. Hari Om Narayana 127. Govinda Bolo 179. Hari Om Namah 128. Govinda Gopala Murali 180. Hari Om Namoh Shiva Shakti 129. Govinda Gopal Bolo 181. Haro Om Tat Sat 130. Govinda Govinda Bhajamana 182. Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya 131. Govinda Govinda Gayiye 183. He is Love 132. Govinda Gopala Prabhu 184. Hey Anaatha Natha Deena 133. Govinda Govinda Govinda Sai 185. Hey Atma Nivasini Maa 134. Govinda Harey Gopala 186. Hey Brahma Hey Vishnu 135. Govinda Harey Gopala Harey 187. Hey Deena Dayalo Sai 136. Govinda Jai Govinda 188. Hey Gananatha Gajanana 137. Govinda Jai Jai 189. Hey Govinda Hey Ananda 138. Govinda Jaya Jaya 190. Hey Ram Hey Gunadham 139. Govinda Jai Jai Gopala Jai 191. Hey Indushekhara Raja 140. Govinda Krishna Jai Gopala Krishna Jai 192. Hey Madhava Hey 141. Govinda Krishna Gopala 193. Hey Prashanti Nilaya 142. Govinda Krishna Vithaley 194. Hey Ram Bhagavan 143. Govinda Krishna Vitthala 195. Hey Sai Jagannatha 144. Govinda Madhava 196. Hey Shiva Shankara Namami 145. Govinda Narayana Gopala Narayana 197. Hey Vishvanatha Hey 146. Govinda Narayana Panduranga 198. I am one with the heart 147. Govinda Radhey Govinda 199. I bow down at the feet of Ganesha 148. Govinda Rama Jai Jai 200. I found my Lord, He first 149. Govinda Sadguru 201. I keep feeling your Love 202. I know I know 255. Joolana Joolave 203. I Love You Lord 256. Just when life

204. I offer myself to Thee 257. Kalateetaya Siddhirupaya 205. I have decided to follow Baba 258. Kalyana Rama 206. I will never disappoint You 259. Kamala Nayana Bhagavan 207. In the stillness of the morning 260. Kamala Netra 208. Ishvara Allah Terey Nam 261. Karuna Samudra 209. I surrender to You 262. Kasturi Tilakam 210. Jagat Odharini Mata Durga 263. Kausalya Nandana Dasharatha 211. Jai Durga Lakshmi Sarasvati 264. Keep my eyes ever on Your Face 212. Jai Ganaraya 265. Keshava Madhava Jaya Deva 213. Jai Hari Bol Jaya 266. Keshava Madhava 214. Jai Hari Krishna 267. Know that the Lord 215. Jai Jai Bhavani Maa 268. Koti Pranam Shata Koti 216. Jai Jai Guru Deva 269. Krishna Gopal 218. Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka 270. Krishna in Mathura 219. Jai Jai Jai Ganapati Deva 271. Krishna Krishna Mana 220. Jai Jai Jai Jai Maa 272. Krishna Rama Govinda 221. Jai Jai Jai MaNamohhana 273. Kshirabdhi Shayana 222. Jai Jai Maa Jai Jai Maa 274. Kumbaya my Lord 223. Jai Jai Prabhu Giridhari 275. Lambodara Hey 224. Jai Jai Ram 276. Lambodara Jay Gajanana 225. Jai Jai Shiva Shambho 277. Lamodara Jaya Hey Gana 226. Jaya Jaya Vaishnavi Devi Ma 278. Lead Kindly Light 227. Jaya Maa Jaya Maa 279. Let my heart reflect Thy Light 228. Jaya Radha Madhava Jaya 280. Let me touch Your Feet 229. Jaya Sai Ram Jaya Sai Ram 281. Like the sunlight 230. Jaya Shiva Shankara 282. Light in me a flame 231. Jaya Sai Shankara Jaya 283. Lingodbhavakara 232. Janani Janani 284. Love is My Form 233. Janani Ma Sai 285. Madhava Gopala 234. Jaya Devi Bhavani 286. Madhava Jaya Keshava 235. Jaya Krishna Mukunda 287. Madhava Murahara 236. Jaya Gopala Jaya Gopala 288. Madhura Madhura Murali 237. Jaya Guru Jaya Guru 289. Madhusudana Harey Madhava 238. Jaya Guru Omkara 290. Madhuvana Ke Murali 239. Jaya Ho Jaya Ho 291. Madhuvana Sanchari 240. Jaya Ho Lingeshvara 292. Mana Bangaru Parti Baba 241. Jaya Ho Sai Ram 293. Man Ek Bar Hari Bol 242. Jaya Jagadeesha Harey 294. Mana Mohana Krishna 243. Jaya Jaya Deva Jagadeesha 295. MaNamohhana Nandalal 244. Jaya Jaya Devi Girija 296. Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam 245. Jaya Jaya Hey 297. Mandir Mey Avo 246. Jaya Jaya Mangala Sai 298. Mandir Mey Tum 247. Jaya Jaya Mohana Murali 299. Manuva Bolo Radhey Radhey 248. Jaya Jaya Ram 300. Matanga Vadana Mam 249. Jaya Jaya Sadguru 301. Mata Pita Hari Bandhu 250. Jaya Lambodara Pahimam 302. Mita Smita Sundara 251. Jaya Nandalala Jaya 303. More love, More power 252. Jaya Panduranga Jaya 304. Mother O Mother 253. Jaya Raghu Nandana 305. Mruthyanjayaya Nama Om 254. Jooley Merey Sai 306. Mukunda Murari 307. Murali Dhara Mukunda 357. Praathah Smaranam 308. Murali Gana Lola 358. Prathama Bhajo Mey 309. Murali Krishna Mukunda 359. Prathama Vandana

310. My eyes are forever 360. Prema Ishvar Hai 311. Nama Bhajo Hari Nama 361. Prema Mayee Sai 312. Namah Parvati Pataye 362. Prema is the ocean 313. Namami Shankara 363. Prema Mudita Manase 314. The Name of God Is Flowing 364. Prema Sey Gavo 315. Namoh Namoh Narayana 365. Prema Svarupa Namoh 316. Nanda Ke Lal 366. Purandara Ranga 317. Nandalala Nandalala 367. Pyare Nanda Lal 318. Nandalala Nandalala Daya Karo 368. Radha Krishna Govinda 319. Nandalal Nandalal Yadu 369. Radha Krishna Karuna Lola 320. Nandalala Navanita 370. Radhey Govinda Harey 321. Nandalala Yadu 371. Radhey Govinda Jaya Jaya 322. Nanda Nanda Gopala 372. Radhey Govinda Gopala 323. Nanda Nandana Hari Govinda 373. Radhey Mukunda 324. Nanda Nandana Navaneeta Chora 374. Radhey Mukunda Murari 325. Narayana Hari Nama Bhajore 375. Radhey Radhey Govinda Radhey 326. Narayana Hari Om 376. Radhey Shyam Panduranga 327. Narayan Narayan Bhaja Mana 377. Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam 328. Narayana Sathya Sai 378. Radhika Manohara 329. Nataraja Hey Tripurari 379. Raghunananda Hey 330. Nataraja Nataraja 380. Raghu Nandana Raghava 331. Natavara Nagara Nanda 381. Raghupati Raghava Raja 332. Natavara Krishna 382. Raghupathe Raghava 333. Navanita Chora Bala 383. Raghupati Raghava 334. Nayana Mey Avo 384. Raghupathey Sri Ramachandra 335. Nityananda Satchidananda 385. Raghuvira Randadhira 336. O Bhagavan O Bhagavan Araj Suno 386. Ram Bhajo Re 337. O Bhagavan O Bhagavan 387. Ram Raheem Ko 338. O Holy Father 388. Ram Ram Bhajomana 339. O Lord purify me 389. Rama Rama Ram Naama 340. O Loving Lord of all the worlds 390. Rama Bhagavan Rama Bhagavan 341. O Sai Baba O Sai Baba 391. Rama came, Krishna came 342. O Sathya Sai Baba is our Lord 392. Rama Harey Sai Krishna Harey 343. O Make me like You Lord 393. Rama Krishna Prabhu Tu 344. Om Namah Shivaya Om 394. Rama Lakshman Janaki 345. Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah 395. Rama Rama Ram Raghunandana 346. Om Namoh Bhagavatey Vasudevaya 396. Rama Rama Sai Rama 347. Om Namoh Narayana Om Namoh 397. Rama Rama Sai Sita Ram 348. Om Om Om Om Narayana 398. Rasa Vilola Nandalala 349. Om Sai Om Narayana 399. Rejoice in the Lord 350. Om Shivaaya Om Shivaaya 400. Repeat His Name 351. Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram 401. Rhuma Jhuma Nacho 352. O Sai Mera Sai 402. Sadguru Brahma 353. Paar Karo Uddhar Karo 403. Sahara Do Bhagavan 354. Parti Puri Gurudev 404. Sai Avatara Yug Avatara 355. Parvathi Nandana Gajanana 405. Sai Baba Narayana 356. Patita Pavana Ram 406. Sai Baba Pranam 407. Sai Baba Sai Baba 459. Shiva Shankara Parvathi 408. Sai Baba Sai Baba Sathya Sai Avatar 460. Shiva Shankara Shiva Shankara 409. Sai Baba’s coming 461. Shiva Shiva Shambho 410. Sai Bhajana Bina Sukha 462. Shiva Shiva Shiva 411. Sai Bhavani Sai Bhavani 463. Shivaaya Namah Shiva 412. Sai Govinda Sai Gopala 464. Shivaaya Parameshvaraya

413. Sai Hai Jivan 465. Shuklambara Dhara 414. Sai Hamarey Hum Sai Ke 466. Shyama Sundara Madana 415. Sai Harey Sai 467. Sita Ram Nama Bhajo 416. Sai Maha Deva 468. Sohum Sohum 417. Sai Mata Pita Hari 469. Spirit of the Living God 418. Sai Narayana Narayana 470. Sri Ganesha Sri Ganesha 419. Sai Natha Bhagavan 471. Sri Guru Sharanam 420. Sai Ram Bhagavan 472. Sri Krishna Govinda 421. Sai Ram Bolo 473. Sri Krishna Sharanam 422. Sai Ram Ghana Shyam 474. Sri Mata Jagan Mata 423. Sai Ram, Hear my call to you 475. Sri Radhey Radhey 424. Sai Ram, Jaya Sai Ram Pyare Sai 476. Srinivasa Govinda 425. Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sathya Sai 477. Sri Raghu Nandana 426. Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Jaya 478. Sri Raghu Nandana Janaki 427. Sai Ram Sai Krishna 479. Sri Ram Jaya Ram 428. Sai Ram Sai Shyam 480 Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Rama Om 429. Sai Rama Harey Sai Krishna 481. Sri Ram Sri Raghu Rama 430. Sai Sai Smarana Karo 482. Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam 431. Sai Sai Sai sings my heart 483. Sundar Sundar Nachey 432. Sai Shankara Narayana 484. Sundara Sundara Vinayaka 433. Sai You are more precious 485. Sundara Vadana 434. Sankata Harana Govinda 486. Surrender joyfully 435. Satabar Kahorey Sai Ram 487. Svaagatham 436. Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema 488. Swami of Love 437. Satyam Jnaanam Anantam 489. Swami O Swami 438. Sathya Narayana Govinda 490. Swami Take My Hand 439. Sathya Sai Baba 491. Swami Sharanam Ayyappa 440. Sathya Sai Thy Name So Sweet 492. Take my hand in your own 441. Sathya Sai Rama Hey 493. Tandava Priya Kara 442. Sathya Svarupini Ma 494. Te Aradezco Senor 443. Save your food for those who need 495. Temple Bells are ringing 444. Shaila Girishvara Uma 496. Terey Janam Din Me Sai 445. Shambho Shankara Deva 497. The Father and I are one 446. Shambho Shiva Shankara 498. The Lord gave the world 447. Shankara Nama Bhajo 499. There is no birth, no death 448. Shankaram Bhaje 500. Tum Ho Hamarey Sai 449. Shanmuga Shanmuga 501. Tum Ho Hamarey 450. Sharanam Gurudeva 502. Tumhe Namaskar Sai Baba 451. Shirdi Sai Dvaraka 503. Un Solo Dios Eres Tu 452. Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai Hum Ko 504. Vahe Guru Vahe Guru 453. Shirdi Sai Shankara 505. Vaishnavi Maa Varaahi Maa 454. Shri Ramachandra Jaya 506. Vighna Vinashaka 455. Shiva Maheshvara Shiva 507. Vinayaka Vinayaka 456. Shiva Om Hari Bhagavan 508. Vinati Suno Mere Sai 457. Shiva Shambho Hara 509. Vitthala Bhajo Sai 458. Shiva Shambho Shambho 510. Vitthala Hari Vitthala 511. We are Blessed We are 512. We are one in the Spirit 513. We gather at Your Feet 514. We sanctify the day 515. What is the day but for Loving You 516. When dark clouds fill your skies 517. White Starry Jasmine

518. Who is the Lord of the Universe 519. Without singing to the Lord 520. Why fear when I am here 521. Yadu Nandana Gopala 522. Yadunandana Yashoda 523. Yamuna Teera Vihari 524. Yamuna Teera Vihaari Brindavana 525. Yo Quiero Cantar 526. You are Lord of the Universe 527. You are the Lord of my Heart 528. You take all the obstacles away 529. Your Love keeps falling down upon me 529. Yuga Avatara Sai Rama 530. Yuga Yuga Ke Avatara Closing Prayers (Aarati) P1. Aarati Song... Om Jaya Jagadeesha Harey P2. Vibhuti Song ....Paramam Pavitram P3. Gayatri Chant P4. Asato Ma Sadgamaya (prayer for truth, light and immortality P5. Lokaa Samasta (prayer for universal welfare)


Based on Sathya Sai Baba’s explanation of worship names and descriptions in the songs

Sai Ram - Name addressed to Sai Baba and often used by devotees to greet each other. Baba explains that “ Rama “ means he who delights and that ‘Sai Ram’ means Sai is one who delights the hearts of devotees. Sai Ram is used in the context of Baba’s teaching that we should see Him in all hearts. Sai Baba - The name Sai Baba as explained by Baba stands for Divine Mother and Father (Sa - Divine; Ayee- Mother and Baba - Father) Bhagavan - Baba says the term refers to the glory of God expressed as Wisdom, Strength, Potency, Lordship, Valor and Splendor. ‘Bha’ refers to the Divine and ‘Ga’ refers to Effulgence. One who possesses divine splendor is Bhagavan. Avatar - Avatar means the descent of the Supreme Principle of God into a human form in order to re-establish righteousness again and again. Baba says that the various avatars symbolize the gradual evolution of consciousness from the fish to the animal and then upwards to self-conscious man. To his devotees, Sai Baba represents the manifestation of God Himself, come to re-establish righteousness on earth. Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai, Prema Sai - The holy trinity of divine incarnations spanning three centuries. Shirdi Sai Baba (1835-1918) lived in the western Indian town of Shirdi; Sathya Sai Baba (1926-) lives at Prashanti Nilayam Ashram in south India and Prema Sai, the yet unmanifested incarnation of Sai. Baba says: “ The bodies are different. The first advent was for revealing Divinity. The second advent is to awaken the Divinity in human beings. The next advent is for propagating Divinity. These vestures are assumed only for the sake of devotees. Unless the Divine comes in a form, no one can develop faith in the Formless. The Divine in human form is preparation for comprehending the formless Absolute God. “ “ Baba compares various deities (addressed in the songbook) as different functional departments of One God. Deities are different aspects of God who is only one, pertaining to the different functions. As the human body and the universe are similar, there is only one aspect of God for one particular function of all bodies “ Ganesha - In the Hindu tradition, all activities begin with the worship and invocation of Ganesha. Ganesha is the deity that removes all obstacles and promotes auspiciousness. Ganesha is addressed in the songs as Lambodara, Ganaraya, Ganapati, Gajaanana, etc. Baba says that the concept of “Ganesha” has a deep inner meaning. Ganesha is portrayed with an elephant head, indicating that the grace of the Lord can cut through any difficulty, just as an elephant can cut through the thickest jungle. The syllables Ga and Na that make up the name Ganesha stand for: ‘Ga’ for Buddhi or Intellect and “Na’ for Vijnana or Wisdom. So Ganesha is the Lord of Wisdom and Intellect. Ganesha is also the master of all Gunas or Virtues. Ganesha is sometimes worshipped as riding on a mouse. Baba says that the mouse represents the darkness of ignorance. Ganesha signfies the effulgence of Wisdom that dispels the darkness of ignorance. Baba says that deities worshipped in all religious traditions lay down regulations for observance by the world in respect of their specific functions. These regulations are like the traffic signs and guideposts that indicate to people using the roads how they should behave. For instance: Brahma/Vishnu/Maheshvara - The Hindu trinity - Baba explains the inner significance of this importnat concept: “ Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesvara are not entities with forms. The trinity represents the deified expressions of three qualities (gunas). Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution are the three attributes based on the three qualities - Satva, Rajas, Tamas (Purity, Passion and Inertia). These very attributes refer to the Trident, the Trinity and the three worlds..... We should harmonize these three qualities and offer it to Shiva.

What do you mean by Shiva? It is a state of auspiciousness. Once you unify the trinity, auspiciousness manifests in man. He is same as Allah, God, Jehovah, etc..” Shiva - Baba says the term ‘Shiva’ means goodness or auspiciousness, unlike the general description of him as an angry, destructive deity. Baba says that Shiva is the God of Love who drinks the poison of man’s desires and passions when the devotee surrenders to Him with love. The crescent moon frequently referred to Shiva when worshipping Him means that Shiva cools down the heat of all these desires that He has accepted from us. The river Ganges portrayed as flowing down His matter hair refers to the nourishing and sustaining Love that pours down from Shiva to all who worship Him. The animal skin that Shiva wears around Himself is indicative of Shiva’s control over our lower passions and desires Rama - In the songbook, Rama is often addressed as Ramachandra, Raghu, Sita Rama, Raghava - all referring to the divine incarnation of the Lord that took birth in the Raghu dynasty in Northern India ages ago. Baba says that the inner meaning of Rama is that ‘He who delights’. Nothing delights more than one’s innate Self, so Rama is also called Atma Rama. Rama is the name for bliss inherent in every heart; recite the name, let the bliss respond and upsurge. Rama is also worshipped as the Ideal Human Being - the embodiment of total righteousness. Baba says that when we sing about Rama, we sing about this principle - the principle of righteousness and bliss that incarnated as Lord Rama. Krishna - Krishna is worshipped in the songbook through various names - Krishna, Gopala, Govinda, Madhusudana, Hari, Keshava, Madhava, Mohana, Nandalala. Baba says that the real meaning of Krishna is ‘ he who attracts.’ The Krishna principle refers to the power of God to attract the heart of man through pure and unblemished Love. These other names describe the different aspects of Krishna, both from a historical perspective as well as spiritual. Baba has clarified that the name Gopala does not mean a cowherd, but rather the one that protects and fosters all creatures (the Sanskrit word ‘Go” meaning cow or creature). Mohan refers to the principle of Love that is untouched by desire, that enchants all with its purity and bliss. “ Rama, Krishna, and Sai Baba appear different because of the dress each has donned, but it is the self-same entity, believe Me. Do not be misled into error and loss “ (Baba, SS Speaks, Vol 2, pp 101) Jesus - Jesus Christ is addressed as Jesus, Yesu, Ishu, Isa in the songbook. Baba says that the name ‘Jesus’ is derived from the word Isa. Isa is Sai when the sound is reversed. Both words mean God, Ishvara, the Repository of Glory, Majesty, Love and Sath-Chit-Ananda (Existence, Intelligence and Bliss) itself. Allah - The principle of Allah refers to the all-powerful, all wise and all merciful God. It also refers to the principle of divine Love that is beyond all forms and attributes. The same principle is also worshipped as Raheem, Kareem, Maula, etc. Buddha - Baba says that Buddha was christened as ‘Siddhartha’ (one who achieves success) and he later came to be known as Buddha because he developed Buddhi (Intellect) and Discrimination. Purity in thought, word and deed is the essence of Buddha’s teachings. Baba says that Buddha preached five principles - Right Vision; Right Feeling; Right Listening; Right Speech and Right Action Guru Nanak - Founder of the Sikh religious path. Nanak advocates a spiritual path based on the synthesis of Hinduism and Islam, emphasizing devotion and love of God. Baba says that Guru Nanak was the first one to initiate community singing programs (bhajans or keerthans) Zoroaster - Founder of Zoroastrianism who believed that man should ever have the Fire of Wisdom blazing in his consciousness so that evil thoughts and tendencies might be reduced to ashes. It has to infuse all thoughts, words and deeds with the illumination of virtue and vigor. AUM - Also known as OM. Baba refers to Aum as the symbol of the unchanging, eternal, universal supreme God. When the elements originated and Creation started, the sound Om was produced. That sound is the primeval one. Om/Aum is a composite of three sounds - A (aa); U (oo) and M (mm) .....Om is the origin of creation and it provides the basis, the core of all religious teachings.

Atma - The eternal, all pervading Universal Spirit that is the essence of everything. Variously addressed as God, Absolute, Soul, Sat-Chit-Ananda, Divinity. The Atma in the individual is the same Atma in all - ageless, attributeless, timeless and beyond description. Guru - In the songbook, Sai Baba is addressed as the Sadguru or the Divine Teacher. Baba explains the word ‘ Guru’ this way: The letter “Gur” signifies one who transcends all attributes and the letter “Ru” signifies one who has no form. Only God can be regarded as one who is beyond attributes. So God is the real Guru. In another sense, the term ‘Guru’ means one who dispels ignorance. Lingam - Baba says that just as AUM is the ‘sound symbol ‘ of God, the Lingam is the ‘ form symbol ‘ of God - the most meaningful, the least endowed with appendages of attributes. Lingam means, that in which this world of change attains mergence or dissolution. All forms merge in the Formless at last... So the Lingam is the simplest sign of emergence and mergence. In the songbook, Baba is worshipped as the concretized symbol of this principle - Lingeshvara, Atma-lingam, etc. Lotus Feet/Paadnamaskar - Baba explains the significance of worshipping the Lord’s Feet by saying that there is the devotee’s yearning to touch the Lord and the easiest way is to touch the feet of the Lord. God is positive and man is negative. If contact is made, the divine current flows from positive to negative. The touch of the Lord frees one from the consequences of one’s actions. When one comes in contact with Baba’s feet, the sacred impulses from Him flow to the devotee. This implies that we should keep contact with only pure objects and keep away from impure ones. This contact with divine energy reduces all bad thoughts and bad actions to ashes. This is the sanctity attached to the performance of ‘padnamaskar’ or prostrating to the Lord’s Feet Gayatri Mantra - The Gayatri Mantra (chant) is the most powerful chant according to Baba, bestowing peace, prosperity and protection on all who understand it and chant it with sincerity. Briefly, the Gayatri is an adoration, a meditation, a description and a prayer - all rolled into one single chant. Baba says that the mantra (chant) is a prayer to God to confer upon us all powers and talents by awakening the latent Divinity in us and to ‘divinise’ our thoughts, words and deeds. Aarati Song - Prayer addressed at the end of a program to bring it to a close by offering our salutations to the Lord. We offer all our impure thoughts and impulses to the Lord and come out with pure thoughts. Maa / Mata - Refers to the Divine Mother addressed as Durga, Kali, Ma, Sai Maa, Janani, Devi, Bhavani, Lakshmi, Sarasvati, etc. God is worshipped as the embodiment of the Universal Mother who sustains, nourishes and protects the world. Various attributes of God are thus subscribed to the Divine Mother. Baba says that Durga, Lakshmi and Sarasvati (commonly used names for the Divine Mother) represent three kinds of potencies in man - Durga is present in man in the form of dynamism (power of action); Lakshmi is manifest as Will power and Sarasvati is manifest as the power of speech and discrimination. Further Baba explains that “ Humans are prone to exhibit rajasic qualities like anger and hatred. These are the menacing manifestations of Durga. The extolling of the Divine in song and poetry and the pleasing vibrations produced by them indicate the power of Sarasvati. The pure qualities that arise in man like compassion, forbearance and sympathy are derived from Lakshmi. When people worship Durga, Lakshmi, Sarasvati and other forms externally in pictures and icons, they are giving physical forms to subtle potencies that are within them. “ Prashanti Nilayam - “ The Abode of Supreme Peace “ is Baba’s main residence or Ashram in India where devotees gather to have his ‘Darshan.’ It is located in the village of Puttaparti (referred as Parti or Puttaparti in the songbook) in south India. Baba is addressed as Partipurishvara - the Lord of Puttaparti

Darshan - The vision of a divine being - referring to both outer and inner vision of the Divine. The sight of a holy being results in the blessings of divine energy and Baba’s darshan is treasured as His blessing that vitalizes and transforms us. Baba warns us to never understimate the power of Darshan because it is a Gift from Him to us and transmits strong spiritual energy to us.

Jyoti - The light of Wisdom as explained by Sai Baba. He says: “ Only by the Light of the Divine lamp inside that you can blossom as a worthwhile person. Inner purity is the greatest wealth that one can acquire. The inner purity is the wick in the container of the heart. Devotion is the oil and Divine Grace is the fire with which the lamp of wisdom can be lit. “ Sat-Chit-Ananda or Satchidananda - Baba calls this the ‘reality’ behind the ‘unreal.’ In the songbook, the Lord is addressed as the embodiment of Sat-Chit-Ananda. Baba explains it as: “ Everything in the universe is Sat (existence), Chit - (Intelligence) and Ananda (Bliss). These three are attributes of Divinity, which is our dormant, but dominant force.” Gopikas/Gopis - According to Baba, the Gopis, who were devotee-contemporaries of Lord Krishna, were really the sages and saints who had come back again to seek the company of the Lord. ‘Gopi’ means a person who has subdued the senses and the Gopis were the highest class of devotees who had no consciousness of anything other than the Lord and were firmly attached to the principle of Krishna resident in their body. Gopala - Krishna is frequently addressed as Gopala - the master of the senses and also the Lord who fosters all of creation Radha - Radha was Lord Krishna’s foremost devotee, a perfect embodiment of total and pure devotion. Baba explains that Radha represents nature, which is another form of the Lord Himself. Her devotion to Krishna was as pure and steadfast as an ever-flowing stream. Seva - Community service programs conducted in a spirit of selflessness, love and unity. Baba says that service is the quickest way to eliminate the ego and win the Grace of God Namo / Namaskar - a salutation to the Lord and to the divinity present in each heart Vibhuti - According to Baba: “ Vibhuti is symbolic of the cosmic, immortal and infinite nature of all forms of God, Atma or the spirit - that is, what is left when everything worldly, transient and changeable has been burnt away....Vibhuti or Ash represents the burning of desires that agitate the mind and cause confusion. “ Prema - Love is one without a second. When this love is directed towards the world, it is called attachment, and when directed towards God, it is called Prema (devotional love). Sathya - Love as Thought is Truth Dharma - Love as action is Right Conduct Shanti - Love as Understanding is Peace. Ahimsa - Love as Feeling is Non-Violence Baba on Himself: Sathya is what I teach Dharma is the way I live Shanti is the mark of My personality Prema is my very Nature Sources: 1. Discourses of Sathya Sai Baba as published in the magazine Sanatana Sarathi 2. Sathya Sai Speaks - published discourses of Sathya Sai Baba

More Information on Sathya Sai Baba and Bhajans

Literature about Sathya Sai Baba & His teachings can be obtained from: 1. Sathya Sai Book Center of America 305 West First Street Tustin, CA 92680 714-669-0522 2. Sathya Sai Baba Center of Atlanta Book Store 3. Sathya Sai Newsletter (USA) - Magazine Subscription of $10.00 per year for this quarterly can be obtained from: Sathya Sai Newsletter 1800 East Garvey Street West Covina, California 91791 4. Sanatana Sarathi Magazine (Eternal Charioteer) published in Prashanti Nilayam, India. This monthly magazine provides the latest discourses from Baba and activities in the Ashram there. Subscription of $11.00 per year can be obtained from: The Convenor Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust Prashanti Nilayam P.O Anantapur Dist. A.P. India 515134, 5. Information on the Internet can be obtained from: 1. and 2. (Both are official sites of the Sathya Sai organization) 6. Bhajan learning tapes can be obtained from the Book Center in Tustin or from local devotees 7. The Center has a video lending library that lends videos to members only. These videos are about the life and message of Sathya Sai Baba; festivals and talks about Baba, and can be borrowed for one week only 8. If you are planning to visit Sai Baba in India, you may wish to confirm details regarding Baba’s whereabouts, accomodations and other travel related information with the Center members.