satya bharti school, koharar

Satya Bharti School, Koharar Rewari, Haryana Bharti Foundation Design for Giving Contest “To Stop Dowry System”

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Page 1: Satya bharti school,  koharar

Satya Bharti School, Koharar

Rewari, Haryana

Bharti Foundation

Design for Giving Contest

“To Stop Dowry System”

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Introduction: Bharti Foundation–

• Philanthropic arm of Bharti Group Companies.• Set up to help underprivileged children and young people of our country to

realize their potential.

Satya Bharti School Program–

• Flagship program of Bharti Foundation.• It aims to deliver free quality education to underprivileged children, with

special focus on the girl child across rural India.• Goal to establish 500 Primary and 50 Senior Schools reaching out to over

200,000 students.

Present Operational Status–

• Number of Schools Operational:250• States of Operation: Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu &

West Bengal • Number of Students Enrolled: Over 36,000

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Geographical Location:

Koharar village, Situated at 45 km north from Rewari

Plain area

04 kms inside Jhajjhar – Mohindergarh state highway.

Socio- Economic Background:

Major casts are : Yadav, Harijan, Brahman, Valmiki, Badhai, etc.

Dominating castes : Yadav

Main source of earning is agriculture, labor, serving army, etc.

Population : 3393

About the Community:

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•In Koharar village, Dowry is very common in community. Almost all family indulge in this social evil.

•Female member badly treated for dowry.

•Break-up of marriages due to lack of dowry.

•Due to less dowry marriage does not take place.

We felt:

Lot of cases are filing daily in the court due to dowry, which ultimately results in disturbance in the family, loss of money, adversely effected life of the child.

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•Village will be dowry free-

neither taken nor given by any

family of village.

•Bride/girls of the village will

never pressurize for dowry.

•All family of the village will be


We Imagine:

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We Did:

A drama was played by students on hazardous of dowry during Parents- Teachers meeting at

school. Parents of the students

appreciated students effort & committed that they will also try

to get rid out from this social evil.

•Rally by students against Dowry.

•Posters, Banners displayed by

students against social evil of Dowry.

•Covered almost all ways/streets of


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We Did:

•Negative effects of dowry were shared

in the community.

•Counseling of senior female members

of the families for treated their

daughter-in-law as a daughter.

Counseling of senior members of the

village and got written oath from them

for not taken/given dowry in the


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Impact on Community:

•Community member get aware

about the social evil of dowry.

•Commitment by ERs of the Gram


Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat appreciated the effort of

students. He take oath that “he never accept or give dowry in

the future”.

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•Brain mapping of students on dowry system.

•Interface with community on social evil.

•Students encourage for stopping more social evil.

•Appreciation/motivation by community members for taking such

kind of issue.

Impact on Us:

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•Community realize that Dowry system is not a good practice.

•Pledge by community members & ERS for not giving/accepting


•Community members take initiative for simple marriage(only in

chunari), minimizing extravagancy on fooding, electricity etc.

Experience of Community members & Teachers:

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•Observe those community members who are pledged/committed against dowry.

•Quarterly rally in the village.

•Poster display on common places in the village from Oct. –March 2012.

•Prepare list of household where there will be marriage in next 6 months.

•Counseling of parents of girl/boy for not giving/accepting dowry.

The Road Ahead….(for next 6 months):

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Students participating in the contest:

S. No. State District Name of the school No. of Student participating Name of the Students Class

1. Haryana Rewari Satya Bharti School- Babroli

7 Mahima V2. Arti V3. Amisha V4. Sushma V5. Rajni V6. Ravina V7. Deepak V

Name of Mentor Teacher: Anil

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Thanks !!!