save money j. i. mcgtly, asnasas. a, 08an,

8weso3urEsw, s. s Ya Ea.!I AsnAsas. gitea4 60*6d.444M mau atier at ate •e ms eaceMaL s. IA. SATUBD4IL DEC. 8, 1898. LOCAIL DOTS. Mr. Riley Corbett gave us an appns- elated call on Thursday. Mr: L, B, Price made a trip to BbShreveport on last u8nday. tb sttle the stoueeb sad overcome the nausea of praspeetive mothers, take Simmoos Squaw Vine Wine or Taoletb. Mr T. R. McDowell, of Pollock,was a guest at the Williamson House on Tuesday. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablete }revent and cure Palpitation of heart, disaionesssck headacbeohilly sensations. Mr. Dan Kelly left for Baton Rouge last Tuesday to attend the La. State University. Mis Emma Ethridgeand Miss Cor- nieand Miss Pauline Phillips, of Vilas, were visitors to Colfax on Thursday. Chamberlain's Colicd Cholera and Di- arrhoes Remedy can always be depended npon and is pleasant and safe to take. Rold by J. H. McNeely, Coltas; Bush & eaudolph, Fairmount. Mr. W. C. Roberts says he don't know what authority thei Town Talk had for stating that be intends to move to Alexandria-these is nothing in it. The boys thought somebody must have given them away about that Sunday hunt. Anyhow, they say the preasber made a mighty close guess as to who it was. Mr. Joseph Billes, of ward six, the businas Frenchman of Grant parish, wash Copl a day or two this week, and eis decidedly of the opinion that all should "pull" for therailroad. Mr. W. L Shackelford, who attend- ed the Alraandria fair with his wife, says It was not much of a fair. We supsees the unfavorable weather had a good deal to do with the failure. Mr. 8. RabIl, of Alexandria, was in Colax o Tuesday, talking up a sug- ar m scebune, so we learn. That is the u~ght thing; the railroad is com- ig, and now is the time to "lay your '*It report was curret here last week that Mr. S. R. Lee had resigned asessor. We have a letter from him ling that there is no truth in the rport, and he is at a lose to know how I odginated. Dr. J. F. Kelly as rented his place to Mr. H. B. Faraldo for three years, and Mr. Faraldo will take charge Jaary 1st. The doctor reserves his meidence, garde., orchard, past- are, and about eight acres for track patch, etc. Pales In the chest when a perano bas a eaY indleale a temdsmaj toward poeu. mams. A piers of flannel dampened with Chamberiai't Palm Balm and bonad on to the bemt over the seat of pai will promptly ie the puas aad presemt the threstesd aattack pam. moes. This same treemet wlil oure a lameI bok ina few heoe. Sold by J. H. Molesly, Colfaz, L.; Bukb b radolph, Pairrmont, La. Mv. J. E. Donn left for lew Oresem last Sunday, takIg with him his w•ie' brother, Mr. John Wheeler, who has ben dorwn with fever several months, and lost the use of his limbs. fHe goes for medleal treatment. Mr. i.H. McKnight wenut with them as far a lexamdita. The fourth quartedy conference for the Boyce and Colan work wll meet in Boyee on Friday, Dec. 9th. Per- eaons intending to contributea for the support of chmreb istitutIons will pleasue hand In their eontributions to J. H. McNely, J. Q. Long or H. 0. Ooodwyn not later than Dee. 7th. Palns i head, nnek. aolders, beek treinhlps und limbs ate readily eumd by Semeas ISquaw Vine Winm or Tablets. W were pleased to meet Capt. C.C. Nath. oat Ricbardvle, on our street o last Tusday afternoon, just as bown prepaipg to return home, al- r a euple of days attention on his plhbeiw towa. He reported that Jrde Mamb. was steadily improv- leg, with every prospect of ently poveslag hblhehh mae. Witbthis e~eption Items ct sw were seree in Montgomery and vicity. Mr. Hmadia oarrs, clerk of thedba tire cdi 3 Shoesuser, Phrsy, Ilseap: "A a em. let or atee the esther Wemtaa ae aIdes lies Ir e '(a tabees_~ LatheL The .ubNJsll I e• o i s a nmtt toe dotow Proeedeings of Town Coaell. Coe*uA, La.. .v. a es. The Town Council of Collr set in the court houe at 7 p. m., with W.L. Richardson, mayor, presiding. A full board of the newly eected members of the council, who had re- ceived their commissions and quali- fled, were present, as follows: J. H. McNeely, H. G. Goodwyn, J. P. Lewis, L. B. Pries and J. Q. Long. The ex-mayor, secretary and treas- urar, J. Q. Long, submitted his report of the receipts and disbursements, of funds coming into his posssion dau- ring his term of office. On motion of H. G.. Goodwyn,. sec- onded by J. H. McNeely, the aport was referred to a committee of thee, consisting of H. G. Goodwyn, L. B. Price and J..Q. Long, who, are to ex- amine same and report to the council at its next regular meeting, to beheld at 7 p. m. Monday, Dec.. 5, 1898, at which time a marshal will be elected to serve for the ensuing term. The claim of W. W, Smith, as su- pervisor of election, for $7 20, was approved and ordered paid. There being no further business the council stood adjourned until 7 p m. Monday, Dec. 5, 1898. J. Q. Loxo, Secretary. Cure stomach troubles, cold feet and hands, excessive menstrual flow, with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Notice to Honmesteaders. Notices of Final Proof will be pub- lished in Tan COLrAX CHRONICLE for $1.50. The law gives homesteaders the right to select the paper in which their advertisements shall be publish- ed. Only half price ($1.50) will be charged for this advertising in this paper until further notice. We Retract and Apologise. Boro S•. Ls, Wnor. .I Mr. H. 6. Uoodwya, e;oifat. La- Sir - Having seen the sciruloes losal in the columns of your yesterday's. edi- tion, regarding "the graceful trio," mes- tioning my name in connection. I feel as though a retraction or apology throegh the same colmnms to be des ma I am not aware of any caus, why sesh article should appear or be elrulated, connectino my same thedewith. Respectully, A. B. Coo. The alleged "securrilous local" rder- red to is given below: 'Mers. A. B. Cook. Chas. Palett aad Joseph Meyer, the graceful trio that aed to hold forth at tMe Williammso Hotel, have bid Colia adieu for a while, the first two being now located at Boye, while the latter has pitched ha camp In the city of Shreveport." Now, if we had said "happy trio," or "beautiful triplet," or had used any other adjective, it would bhave been nothing but a bit, of levity, as was the above expruslon, at wheh grievance is taken. However, wears always sorry to give unnecessary of- ene, and withdraw and retract the "graceful" ebrge, and Mr. Cook ean supply any descriptive adjective that suits him better. Also, we apologise to all the gentlemen, and our readers, if any iajstiee or harm is done, me- ly remarkhgttat we can seeno wrong in the way that we truthfully stated an ordinary local item. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine serches out all the impurities in the sys- tem, and expels them harmlessly by the natural hanaels. Tetter, Salt-heum and IFcsema. The intense itching and smarting inci- dent to these duseses, is Instantly allay- ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and 8kia ointment. Many very bad eases have been permanently eared by it. It is equally etict for itching piles and a favorite remedy for oes naIpples, chaLp- ped hands, chiibhiins, freet bites and ahronie ore es. Sl tL per box. For arle by J. H. McNl, Culfas; Buh & RIardolph. FairmemPnt, WANTED-•-a every town a eal asp Sresentative, Lady or Gentleman. a rwr, good pay. ie c a rer- ed. Payment eweyr ek. Addrem for 348 Elm St., llTexas. SUCCESSION 8ALE. Fourth .oJadicial Disrict Court, Parish of Orant, staes of lanisisns, Seoeeemios of Emma nadibte. deceased. By virtue of an order of sale end com-r mismui imsed out of and from the Fourt&Judietal Distract Court, and to me directed, is the e entitled s•o- cemion, I rll oer fore al at public out- cry, at the residence of EmaS•mandilr, deceased, in ward es, Grant parish, l•a., between the haours peribd b law, on TIIURSDAY, Dee. 18, 18,. the fllowing described poprt. kaown a the prorty of the deeaed, to-wit: 1 horse wgon. 10 bbise om, meore s km. t beae aottoa, m wor le•s, miaend. 1 Armoir. 1 half dma chai•s. 2 emaIl tables. 1 wash bowl and piteher. of the apprairsmeant Tuao o. musa, Dec..t m, A iatasra. Is ceder tV latedes owr eellemt wrek we will m akeo say one s adnsu ahote aLi Blas Portrait CRace - Wate color Partut a'seef sbr~ IJI -I~rb c0l Teew.r~ Mrs. Elha Sllivah, Blghy lbok, R . writos Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi- cine is a grand remedy for la grippe, sick headache. billinumuess, tired feeling, eon- stipation, sour stomach. It keepa our children well. I think it better than Black Draught. CONSTABLE BALE. Seventh Justice Court, Parish of Grant. State of Louisiana. No. 48. T. W. Kimbrell vs. Richard Robinson. By virtue of a writ of f. fa. iond out of the seventh justice court in the above eatitled suit, and to me directed, I have seised and will offer for sale at the mag- istrate's office, in the town of Montgom- ery, i•a., at 12 in m, on SATURDAY, Dec. 17, 1898, the following, seized so the property of defendant, to-wit: 100 bushels of corn, more or less. Terms of sale-Cash, subject to ap- praisement IH. F. McMANUS, Dec. 3. Constable ward 7. Terms of Court. State of Louisiana. Parish of Grnt P Fourth Jd ice ial Distriet ('eur S The following order is made fixing the times and terms of holding court in the various parishes comprising the Fourth Judicial district. Court shall begin on the first Monday of November next, and continue for the period of ten months, except January and February, which months are hereby seleeted and set apart as two. months recess or vacation. as pro. vided for by constitution of 1898, and the court will be opened and held alter- nately in the diferent parishes on the following days, to-wit: 1st MoIndy in November in Grant 3rd Monday in November in Winn. e1st Monday in December in CaldwelL 3rd Monday in December in Jackson. 1st Monday in March in Grant. 3rd Monday in March in Winn. 1st Monday in April in Ualdwell. 3rd Monday in April in Jackson. lst Monday in May in Grant. 3rd Monday in May in Winn. e1st Monday in June in Caldwell. 3rd Monday in June in Jackson. 1st Mondsy in July in Grant. 3rd Monday in July in Winn. 1st Monday in August in Caldwell. 3rd Monday in August in Jackson. let Monday in September in Grant. 3rd Monday in September in Winn. This order is intended to designate what dates the attorneys and litigants and others interested; may expect the Judge to be present and court to be opened in the said parishes, respectively and in acoordance with At No. 163 o 1896; but it is not intended to prevent the court from being opened at any other time in either of said perishes, whenever in the opinion of the Judge the public interest so requires or of prolongingrsaid terms or sessioos beyond the terms indi- asted in said order. In case, however, that court is opened for the trial of any litigated case or cases at any other time than at those above and hbeein seciled, the attorneys, or parties lnterested there- in, shall have at least three days' notice of sid trial This shall not, however, apply to proving up or rendering judg- meent by default or gonfession, nor tO the trial of litigated cases byconn Juries will be draws in the piof Grant for the terms cosmencing o'th.e 1st Monday of March and Ist Woodily if September, in the 'parish of "Wina for' the terms.enomemnc on then 3rd r- day in March and 3rd Monday ofSp- tember; in he parish of Caldell for the terms commencing on the let Mooday of December and 1st Monday in August; in the parish of Jackson for the terms com. meneing on the 3rd Monday in April and the 3rd Monday in December. This shall not, however, prevent the drawing of additional juries for other terms, or of using the same juries for other times and terms of court. The grand juries drawn at the amine times shall serve at the same terms of court, or otherwise as the court may think proper to order their attendance; the said grand juries to serve for the period of six months, as provided by law. It is further ordered that this order be spread upon the minutes of the court for each of the parishes comprising the Fourth Judicial District of Louisiana; that the respective clerks take due notice hereof, and that it be published three times the oa.ial journals of the several parishos in the distract. Dlne and sirned in obhambers on this, the 10th day of October. 1896. M. F. MACHEN. Judge 4th District. CONSTABLE SA1LE. Seventh Justice Court, Parish of Orant, State of Louissna. T. W. Kimble vs. Jno. M. Biokman, Cases No. 150 and 1516 toesolldated. By virtue c a writ of f. fa. esued out of the seventh jstice court in the above entitled saut, and to me dircted. I have seised and will offer for sale at the ofice of R.W. Horm, magistrate, in the town of Mongotmery Le., on tSATURIAY. Dec. 14, 1808, the followi propertyed as the prop- erty of the defedat, to.wit: Two (51) ares land in Grant parish, ra, as follows, to.w: commenci•g at the sounthmet oarner of setism 18, town. ship 8 north, rangte 5 nt, and ranning one huoired and forty (IdD) yard eat, thence north seventy (lD) yad, thence west one headred and ferty (16 yards. these soubth seventy (70) yds said tract contaening two acres of land, to. gether with al buihlina and improve. Teh of el--Cash. ubject to ap- praisenunt. I. P. MoMANUS, Nov. 3]8,16. CheetaQle 7th ward. * er giagi as .. rnes a w hek eey semat me Cy ee "TINE• ARE HARD," AND roa THis SEASON A, A, 08AN, (ENEBAL MERCIANT, FAIRMOIINT - LOISIANA HRA MAYIlD DOWN WJI Mammoth Stock AT FIGURBES TO "LIVE AND LET LIVE.' IN THE LINE Of General Dry Goods His Assortment Ia Unsurpeased. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IN FULL SUPPLY. Ready Made Clothing To SUIT ALL SEASONS. HITS and CAPS and HOSIERY BOOTS AND SHO1E•i To Fit Any Head or Foot. Cotton or Country Produce Bought and Bold. AH4tiok as represented, Prices as Loa as the Lowest, no trouble to show GOnds, and a fall corps of polite clerks always on hand to wait on cas•emrs. jait Notiee to Settlers. Township map.sbowing all vacant U. S. Homestead Lands in Grant parish fur- nished for fifty (50) cents a Township. Apply to W. L. bSanxsrZOan. Clerk Dist. Court, Colfax, La. City I Hotel, NOYCE, LOUISIANA, Mrs. A. C. DEAL, Proprietress. C$NT7'RALLY LOCATED. Prices reasonable, meals the best the market aff•rds, patronage of the public solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. A Model Home. House and Lot in Aomevllte for sale.- Si.,e house, Karden, orchard, and flower yard (one acre) ready for occupancy. Apply at Tas u ansosoir Orrsl. A hig h-gcde Fwamiy Sawrn IIInrItd E[gil I1 lb l!. uuft y.. BELVIDERE,1. l. - inneea a mF0. dtea.t aoe t nt•te_ essa oa. Uw sal frre0I 0.A.8aNOW&CO. wr. p~rm armes Wasuswere. S. s. DRLOACIL,... I Variable FtFrAw l6 Sear P ~la1 *and FICT1O IsYII t wh at r .. a O W me w: .M 7 w " ca au lat er r Su.L psuwta Ha5 aso as sly s wI a s~ qWUS. inI'bsi go I. all parts ofm .sw wm m m r all. ow a~r wa Tip Drtc* Vmdb a ftm o Paw. DeLoach Mnil Mf. C&., Am . fw t. A b -- Of i FtflTWII nrb h~ll~i` pd*1 Save Money Agd w w htr yrr s ea et t mert vde for the lest out- yof your hardernd weath. E. N. EVANS. "L- Omassate0e to Sive the full worth of 7o rie y on " rdnr. BI. Fresh Groceries .... 0"-" New Goods Are being .oastanly added to his sto . oh a c as =oD thin, Fy rerieetc. 1 hftevery. thing hapthi a firt-cla store. To Cd•ederste .Bldiers. Colfax, La., Nov. 1 1 808 Iofer my services free of all charges to say Coalemdrate soldier or soldier's widow who desires to apply fr a pensioe. The amount set apart for ispe small; and the distressea dtion of a lare number of them old soldiers, and their widows, calls for every dime allow- ed them by law. Widows whba husbands died since June let, 1886, do not come auder the law. W. I. SHAOKBLEORD, Clerk Dietrict Court. and expect to get Goods at close tlfgures, but if you will save up your Money and call on Lewis Brot s, Cotfax,P LTa., ' they will sell you Goods e cheap s you can get them in the city, and save you freight. They have received a complete sea o Jlerdandis.r Coasisting of Dry Obode, (ocer' ' ies, Bomi. and Shoes, Notions, CrLs . Tinware, ete., etc. all bought for cash and to be sold At Lowest LMng Ratce. T. R. BARGER, ARC•ITECT, Contractor and Bu lder, LAKE END, IA. Will do all kinds of Cottage Building and Bridge work. Manfaturer of Bal- ustrades, Brackets, etc. mhlt.&Sm Cne New Tov #4ovid, Chtre-Waleck 6Moton Seoed as a De ty at te prer of a During the 8pnah-Ameriem n war The Thrie-a-Week World proved its great value by -the promptnes, tboroughmeus and accuracy o its reports from all the seoones of important events. It was p eful as a daily to the reader, and it will be of equal value in reporting the great and complicated quutious which are now hbefore the American peple. It prints the news if all the world. having special oorrespondence from all important news pointa on tha'globe. It has brilliant illustrations, stories by great muthoa a capital iM'or page, complete markets, departments for the bousehold and women.s work and other special departments ofd .ouual interest. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The Colf•x Chronicle tugether one year for $1 65. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2 00 Your er n. 8sw I' Ylaaes sehwss Cle C rrk.Itu kclw gsic~p J. I. McgtLY, Merchant and Dealer. (OLPAX, LA. hi Gois Ce.rst tl Retolvl -tWESAIQARtl *S FO@-- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, HARDWARE Greries, Pltation Splies AllB SEERAL MERCIANDISE. Also country produce bought and sold at ruling market rates. hOBSES FOB MALE. ItlJOGY SADDLE STOCK. NIgAQs SMITH & HICKMAN will keep ••ntansly nn bhnd a goodel ,ort meat of Kanma amnd Misonrl w II0R18ES. Any one wihbilng to pu. a Good Animal will aliu, bargain by I 1 ing to eail on then, as they propor ell Cheaper than any nae el e re • .Horse are kept in Good Pastuors both I UIaat tad Rapides pariahee. Well appointed Sale Stable is Befee -and Ilier•s and men to show them. For any intormation address H EMAN SMTHi Jy20 tryee a. I would call the ettentma. it a* sons intesated io the a Borses le tbhis ountrr to my ••ar Peroberos S allion, "B.IDON- ed registered stook bnwu ss by r for One Tbenesad Dolladm. •. 1e win be lhaad ig chaige s i tesit attendant at ay•liwer is Cdala, La. . A. I Fe.I , , ,- Scholarship Only 0 -AT TsR- Pert ibs. Iusbss Cei No bettmr sol a the land dW tSe- ine. orShorteayd eseres. Is. A. WA'Tt •eeret DspR PNrt Gibho, 4 . IMPROVED JLe

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Page 1: Save Money J. I. McgtLY, AsnAsas. A, 08AN,

8weso3urEsw, s. s Ya Ea.!I AsnAsas.

gitea4 60*6d.444M mau atier at ate•e ms eaceMaL s. IA.

SATUBD4IL DEC. 8, 1898.


Mr. Riley Corbett gave us an appns-elated call on Thursday.

Mr: L, B, Price made a trip toBbShreveport on last u8nday.

tb sttle the stoueeb sad overcomethe nausea of praspeetive mothers, takeSimmoos Squaw Vine Wine or Taoletb.

Mr T. R. McDowell, of Pollock,wasa guest at the Williamson House onTuesday.

Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablete}revent and cure Palpitation of heart,disaionesssck headacbeohilly sensations.

Mr. Dan Kelly left for Baton Rougelast Tuesday to attend the La. StateUniversity.

Mis Emma Ethridgeand Miss Cor-nieand Miss Pauline Phillips, of Vilas,were visitors to Colfax on Thursday.

Chamberlain's Colicd Cholera and Di-arrhoes Remedy can always be dependednpon and is pleasant and safe to take.Rold by J. H. McNeely, Coltas; Bush &

eaudolph, Fairmount.

Mr. W. C. Roberts says he don'tknow what authority thei Town Talkhad for stating that be intends tomove to Alexandria-these is nothingin it.

The boys thought somebody musthave given them away about thatSunday hunt. Anyhow, they say thepreasber made a mighty close guessas to who it was.

Mr. Joseph Billes, of ward six, thebusinas Frenchman of Grant parish,wash Copl a day or two this week,and e is decidedly of the opinion thatall should "pull" for therailroad.

Mr. W. L Shackelford, who attend-ed the Alraandria fair with his wife,says It was not much of a fair. Wesupsees the unfavorable weather hada good deal to do with the failure.

Mr. 8. RabIl, of Alexandria, was inColax o Tuesday, talking up a sug-ar m scebune, so we learn. That isthe u~ght thing; the railroad is com-ig, and now is the time to "lay your

'*It report was curret here lastweek that Mr. S. R. Lee had resigned

• asessor. We have a letter fromhim ling that there is no truth inthe rport, and he is at a lose to knowhow I odginated.

Dr. J. F. Kelly as rented his placeto Mr. H. B. Faraldo for three years,and Mr. Faraldo will take chargeJaary 1st. The doctor reserveshis meidence, garde., orchard, past-are, and about eight acres for trackpatch, etc.

Pales In the chest when a perano basa eaY indleale a temdsmaj toward poeu.mams. A piers of flannel dampenedwith Chamberiai't Palm Balm andbonad on to the bemt over the seat ofpai will promptly ie the puas aadpresemt the threstesd aattack pam.moes. This same treemet wlil oure alameI bok ina few heoe. Sold by J. H.Molesly, Colfaz, L.; Bukb b radolph,Pairrmont, La.

Mv. J. E. Donn left for lew Oresemlast Sunday, takIg with him hisw•ie' brother, Mr. John Wheeler, whohas ben dorwn with fever severalmonths, and lost the use of his limbs.fHe goes for medleal treatment. Mr.i.H. McKnight wenut with them asfar a lexamdita.

The fourth quartedy conference forthe Boyce and Colan work wll meetin Boyee on Friday, Dec. 9th. Per-eaons intending to contributea for thesupport of chmreb istitutIons willpleasue hand In their eontributions toJ. H. McNely, J. Q. Long or H. 0.Ooodwyn not later than Dee. 7th.

Palns i head, nnek. aolders, beektreinhlps und limbs ate readily eumd bySemeas ISquaw Vine Winm or Tablets.

W were pleased to meet Capt. C.C.Nath. oat Ricbardvle, on our streeto last Tusday afternoon, just asbown prepaipg to return home, al-

r a euple of days attention on hisplhbeiw towa. He reported thatJrde Mamb. was steadily improv-leg, with every prospect of entlypoveslag hblhehh mae. Witbthis

e~eption Items ct sw were sereein Montgomery and vicity.

Mr. Hmadia oarrs, clerk of thedbatire cdi 3 Shoesuser, Phrsy, Ilseap:

"A a em. let or atee the esther

Wemtaa ae aIdes lies Ir e'(a tabees_~ LatheL The .ubNJsll

I e• o i s a nmtt toe dotow

Proeedeings of Town Coaell.Coe*uA, La.. • .v. a es.

The Town Council of Collr set inthe court houe at 7 p. m., with W.L.Richardson, mayor, presiding.

A full board of the newly eectedmembers of the council, who had re-ceived their commissions and quali-fled, were present, as follows: J. H.McNeely, H. G. Goodwyn, J. P. Lewis,L. B. Pries and J. Q. Long.

The ex-mayor, secretary and treas-urar, J. Q. Long, submitted his reportof the receipts and disbursements, offunds coming into his posssion dau-ring his term of office.

On motion of H. G.. Goodwyn,. sec-onded by J. H. McNeely, the aportwas referred to a committee of thee,consisting of H. G. Goodwyn, L. B.Price and J..Q. Long, who, are to ex-amine same and report to the councilat its next regular meeting, to beheldat 7 p. m. Monday, Dec.. 5, 1898, atwhich time a marshal will be electedto serve for the ensuing term.

The claim of W. W, Smith, as su-pervisor of election, for $7 20, wasapproved and ordered paid.

There being no further business thecouncil stood adjourned until 7 p m.Monday, Dec. 5, 1898.

J. Q. Loxo, Secretary.

Cure stomach troubles, cold feet andhands, excessive menstrual flow, withSimmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets.

Notice to Honmesteaders.Notices of Final Proof will be pub-

lished in Tan COLrAX CHRONICLE for$1.50. The law gives homesteadersthe right to select the paper in whichtheir advertisements shall be publish-ed. Only half price ($1.50) will becharged for this advertising in thispaper until further notice.

We Retract and Apologise.Boro S•. Ls, Wnor. .I

Mr. H. 6. Uoodwya, e;oifat. La-Sir - Having seen the sciruloes losal

in the columns of your yesterday's. edi-tion, regarding "the graceful trio," mes-tioning my name in connection. I feel asthough a retraction or apology throeghthe same colmnms to be des ma

I am not aware of any caus, why sesharticle should appear or be elrulated,connectino my same thedewith.

Respectully, A. B. Coo.The alleged "securrilous local" rder-

red to is given below:'Mers. A. B. Cook. Chas. Palett aad

Joseph Meyer, the graceful trio that aedto hold forth at tMe Williammso Hotel,have bid Colia adieu for a while, thefirst two being now located at Boye,while the latter has pitched ha camp Inthe city of Shreveport."

Now, if we had said "happy trio,"or "beautiful triplet," or had usedany other adjective, it would bhavebeen nothing but a bit, of levity, aswas the above expruslon, at whehgrievance is taken. However, wearsalways sorry to give unnecessary of-

ene, and withdraw and retract the"graceful" ebrge, and Mr. Cook eansupply any descriptive adjective thatsuits him better. Also, we apologiseto all the gentlemen, and our readers,if any iajstiee or harm is done, me-ly remarkhgttat we can seeno wrongin the way that we truthfully statedan ordinary local item.

Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicineserches out all the impurities in the sys-

tem, and expels them harmlessly by thenatural hanaels.

Tetter, Salt-heum and IFcsema.The intense itching and smarting inci-

dent to these duseses, is Instantly allay-ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and8kia ointment. Many very bad easeshave been permanently eared by it. Itis equally etict for itching piles anda favorite remedy for oes naIpples, chaLp-ped hands, chiibhiins, freet bites andahronie ore es. Sl tL per box. Forarle by J. H. McNl, Culfas; Buh &RIardolph. FairmemPnt,

WANTED-•-a every town a eal aspSresentative, Lady or Gentleman.a rwr, good pay. ie c a rer-

ed. Payment eweyr ek. Addrem for

348 Elm St., llTexas.

SUCCESSION 8ALE.Fourth .oJadicial Disrict Court, Parish

of Orant, staes of lanisisns,Seoeeemios of Emma nadibte. deceased.

By virtue of an order of sale end com-rmismui imsed out of and from theFourt&Judietal Distract Court, and tome directed, is the e entitled s•o-cemion, I rll oer fore al at public out-cry, at the residence of EmaS•mandilr,deceased, in ward es, Grant parish, l•a.,between the haours peribd b law, on

TIIURSDAY, Dee. 18, 18,.the fllowing described poprt. kaowna the prorty of the deeaed, to-wit:

1 horse wgon.10 bbise om, meore s km.t beae aottoa, m wor le•s, miaend.

1 Armoir.1 half dma chai•s.2 emaIl tables.1 wash bowl and piteher.

of the apprairsmeantTuao o. musa,

Dec..t m, A iatasra.

Is ceder tV latedes owr eellemtwrek we will m akeo say one s adnsuahote aLi Blas Portrait CRace -

Wate color Partut a'seef

sbr~ IJI -I~rb c0l Teew.r~

Mrs. Elha Sllivah, Blghy lbok, R .writos Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi-cine is a grand remedy for la grippe, sickheadache. billinumuess, tired feeling, eon-stipation, sour stomach. It keepa ourchildren well. I think it better thanBlack Draught.

CONSTABLE BALE.Seventh Justice Court, Parish of Grant.

State of Louisiana. No. 48.T. W. Kimbrell vs. Richard Robinson.

By virtue of a writ of f. fa. iond outof the seventh justice court in the aboveeatitled suit, and to me directed, I haveseised and will offer for sale at the mag-istrate's office, in the town of Montgom-ery, i•a., at 12 in m, on

SATURDAY, Dec. 17, 1898,the following, seized so the property ofdefendant, to-wit:

100 bushels of corn, more or less.Terms of sale-Cash, subject to ap-

praisement IH. F. McMANUS,Dec. 3. Constable ward 7.

Terms of Court.State of Louisiana. Parish of Grnt P

Fourth Jd ice ial Distriet ('eur SThe following order is made fixing the

times and terms of holding court in thevarious parishes comprising the FourthJudicial district. Court shall begin onthe first Monday of November next, andcontinue for the period of ten months,except January and February, whichmonths are hereby seleeted and set apartas two. months recess or vacation. as pro.vided for by constitution of 1898, andthe court will be opened and held alter-nately in the diferent parishes on thefollowing days, to-wit:

1st MoIndy in November in Grant3rd Monday in November in Winn.e1st Monday in December in CaldwelL

3rd Monday in December in Jackson.1st Monday in March in Grant.3rd Monday in March in Winn.1st Monday in April in Ualdwell.3rd Monday in April in Jackson.lst Monday in May in Grant.3rd Monday in May in Winn.e1st Monday in June in Caldwell.

3rd Monday in June in Jackson.1st Mondsy in July in Grant.3rd Monday in July in Winn.1st Monday in August in Caldwell.3rd Monday in August in Jackson.let Monday in September in Grant.3rd Monday in September in Winn.This order is intended to designate

what dates the attorneys and litigantsand others interested; may expect theJudge to be present and court to beopened in the said parishes, respectivelyand in acoordance with At No. 163 o1896; but it is not intended to preventthe court from being opened at any othertime in either of said perishes, wheneverin the opinion of the Judge the publicinterest so requires or of prolongingrsaidterms or sessioos beyond the terms indi-asted in said order. In case, however,that court is opened for the trial of anylitigated case or cases at any other timethan at those above and hbeein seciled,the attorneys, or parties lnterested there-in, shall have at least three days' noticeof sid trial This shall not, however,apply to proving up or rendering judg-meent by default or gonfession, nor tOthe trial of litigated cases byconn

Juries will be draws in the piofGrant for the terms cosmencing o'th.e1st Monday of March and Ist Woodily ifSeptember, in the 'parish of "Wina for'the terms.enomemnc on then 3rd r-day in March and 3rd Monday ofSp-tember; in he parish of Caldell for theterms commencing on the let Mooday ofDecember and 1st Monday in August; inthe parish of Jackson for the terms com.meneing on the 3rd Monday in April andthe 3rd Monday in December. Thisshall not, however, prevent the drawingof additional juries for other terms, or ofusing the same juries for other times andterms of court.

The grand juries drawn at the aminetimes shall serve at the same terms ofcourt, or otherwise as the court maythink proper to order their attendance;the said grand juries to serve for theperiod of six months, as provided by law.

It is further ordered that this orderbe spread upon the minutes of the courtfor each of the parishes comprising theFourth Judicial District of Louisiana;that the respective clerks take due noticehereof, and that it be published threetimes the oa.ial journals of the severalparishos in the distract.

Dlne and sirned in obhambers on this,the 10th day of October. 1896.

M. F. MACHEN.Judge 4th District.

CONSTABLE SA1LE.Seventh Justice Court, Parish of Orant,

State of Louissna.T. W. Kimble vs. Jno. M. Biokman,Cases No. 150 and 1516 toesolldated.By virtue c a writ of f. fa. esued out

of the seventh jstice court in the aboveentitled saut, and to me dircted. I haveseised and will offer for sale at the oficeof R.W. Horm, magistrate, in the townof Mongotmery Le., on

tSATURIAY. Dec. 14, 1808,the followi propertyed as the prop-erty of the defedat, to.wit:

Two (51) ares land in Grant parish,ra, as follows, to.w: commenci•g atthe sounthmet oarner of setism 18, town.ship 8 north, rangte 5 nt, and ranningone huoired and forty (IdD) yard eat,thence north seventy (lD) yad, thencewest one headred and ferty (16 yards.these soubth seventy (70) yds saidtract contaening two acres of land, to.gether with al buihlina and improve.

Teh of el--Cash. ubject to ap-praisenunt. I. P. MoMANUS,

Nov. 3]8, 16. CheetaQle 7th ward.

* er

giagi as..rnes a w hek

eey semat me Cy ee






General Dry GoodsHis Assortment Ia Unsurpeased.


Ready Made ClothingTo SUIT ALL SEASONS.


To Fit Any Head or Foot.Cotton or Country Produce

Bought and Bold.AH4tiok as represented, Prices as Loa

as the Lowest, no trouble to show GOnds,and a fall corps of polite clerks alwayson hand to wait on cas•emrs. jait

Notiee to Settlers.Township map.sbowing all vacant U.

S. Homestead Lands in Grant parish fur-nished for fifty (50) cents a Township.

Apply to W. L. bSanxsrZOan.Clerk Dist. Court, Colfax, La.


Mrs. A. C. DEAL, Proprietress.C$NT7'RALLY LOCATED.

Prices reasonable, meals the best themarket aff•rds, patronage of the publicsolicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.

A Model Home.

House and Lot in Aomevllte for sale.-Si.,e house, Karden, orchard, and flower

yard (one acre) ready for occupancy.Apply at Tas u ansosoir Orrsl.

A hig h-gcde Fwamiy Sawrn

IIInrItd E[gil I1 lb l!.

uuft y.. BELVIDERE,1. l.

- inneea a mF0.

dtea.t aoe t nt•te_ essa

oa. Uw sal frre0I

0.A.8aNOW&CO.wr. p~rm armes Wasuswere. S. s.

DRLOACIL,... IVariable FtFrAw l6 Sear

P ~la1 *and

FICT1O IsYII twh at r .. a O W me w: .M 7 w " ca au lat er r

Su.L psuwta Ha5 aso as sly s wI a s~ qWUS.

inI'bsi go I. all parts ofm .sw wm m m r all. ow a~r wa

Tip Drtc* Vmdb a ftm o Paw.

DeLoach Mnil Mf. C&., Am .fw t. A b -- Of iFtflTWII nrb h~ll~i` pd*1

Save MoneyAgd w w htr yrr s eaet t mert vde for the lest out-yof your hardernd weath.

E. N. EVANS. "L-Omassate0e to Sive the full worth of7o rie y on " rdnr. BI.

Fresh Groceries ....0"-" New Goods

Are being .oastanly added to hissto .oh a c as =oD thin,Fy rerieetc. 1 hftevery.thing hapthi a firt-cla store.

To Cd•ederste .Bldiers.Colfax, La., Nov. 11808

Iofer my services free of all chargesto say Coalemdrate soldier or soldier'swidow who desires to apply fr a pensioe.

The amount set apart for ispesmall; and the distressea dtion of alare number of them old soldiers, andtheir widows, calls for every dime allow-ed them by law.

Widows whba husbands died sinceJune let, 1886, do not come auder thelaw. W. I. SHAOKBLEORD,

Clerk Dietrict Court.

and expect to get Goods at closetlfgures, but if you will save upyour Money and call on

Lewis Brot s,Cotfax,P LTa., '

they will sell you Goods e cheaps you can get them in the city,

and save you freight. They havereceived a complete

sea o Jlerdandis.rCoasisting of Dry Obode, (ocer' 'ies, Bomi. and Shoes, Notions,CrLs . Tinware, ete., etc. allbought for cash and to be sold

At Lowest LMng Ratce.


Contractor and Bu lder,LAKE END, IA.

Will do all kinds of Cottage Buildingand Bridge work. Manfaturer of Bal-ustrades, Brackets, etc. mhlt.&Sm


New Tov #4ovid,Chtre-Waleck 6Moton

Seoed as a De ty at te prer of a

During the 8pnah-Ameriem n war TheThrie-a-Week World proved its greatvalue by -the promptnes, tboroughmeusand accuracy o its reports from all theseoones of important events. It was p

eful as a daily to the reader, and itwill be of equal value in reporting thegreat and complicated quutious whichare now hbefore the American peple.

It prints the news if all the world.having special oorrespondence from allimportant news pointa on tha'globe. Ithas brilliant illustrations, stories bygreat muthoa a capital iM'or page,complete markets, departments for thebousehold and women.s work and otherspecial departments ofd .ouual interest.

We offer this unequalled newspaperand The Colf•x Chronicle tugetherone year for $1 65.

The regular subscription price of thetwo papers is $2 00


er n. 8sw I'

Ylaaes sehwss Cle Crrk.Itu kclw gsic~p

J. I. McgtLY,Merchant and Dealer.


hi Gois Ce.rst tl Retolvl-tWESAIQARtl *S FO@--





Greries, Pltation SpliesAllB SEERAL MERCIANDISE.

Also country produce bought and soldat ruling market rates.



SMITH & HICKMANwill keep ••ntansly nn bhnd a goodel,ort meat of Kanma amnd Misonrl w

II0R18ES. Any one wihbilng to pu.a Good Animal will aliu, bargain by I 1ing to eail on then, as they propor

ell Cheaper than any nae el e re •.Horse are kept in Good Pastuors both IUIaat tad Rapides pariahee.

Well appointed Sale Stable is Befee-and Ilier•s and men to show them.

For any intormation addressH EMAN SMTHi

Jy20 tryee • a.

I would call the ettentma. it a*sons intesated io the aBorses le tbhis ountrr to my ••arPeroberos S allion, "B.IDON-ed registered stook bnwu ssby r for One Tbenesad Dolladm. •.

1e win be lhaad ig chaige s itesit attendant at ay•liwer isCdala, La. . A. I

Fe.I , , ,-

Scholarship Only 0-AT TsR-

Pert ibs. Iusbss CeiNo bettmr sol a the land dW tSe-

ine. orShorteayd eseres.Is. A. WA'Tt •eeretary,

DspR PNrt Gibho, 4 .