save our planet jewelry : a touch of elegance and compassion

Save Our Planet Jewelry a touch of elegance and compassion The Save Our Planet movement was launched in 2010 by AseanAffairs media, the voice of Southeast Asia with 5 international conferences organized so far in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. Over 2000 delegates and 100 speakers from 15 countries participated in the conferences with hi level key note speakers such as the Governor of Bangkok, Dr. Michael Nobel of the Nobel Foundation, the German and European Union embassies, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), Fortune 500 companies such as Bayer, Siemens, Emerson, PTT and media names such as CNN supporting the conferences. The Save Our Planet line of Jewelry is designed to bring together the connoisseurs of elegance to provide them an opportunity to participate in the SOP movement by investing in exquisite and unique designs of Jewelry at special prices made for the SOP Trust. The Save Our Planet Trust will receive a percentage of the sale proceeds to continue building the SOP movement through conferences, social media, partnering with environmental institutions in Asean and beyond to help build awareness and consensus among the citizens, businesses and governments for sustainable and eco policies and practices to Save Our Planet. For further inquiries please email us at [email protected] The exquisite catalogue of jewelry with special prices starts on the next pages.

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Save our planet jewelry : a touch of elegance and compassion

Save Our Planet Jewelry a touch of elegance and compassion

The Save Our Planet movement was launched in 2010 by AseanAffairs media, the voice of Southeast Asia with 5 international conferences organized so far in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.

Over 2000 delegates and 100 speakers from 15 countries participated in the conferences with hi level key note speakers such as the Governor of Bangkok, Dr. Michael Nobel of the Nobel

Foundation, the German and European Union embassies, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), Fortune 500 companies such as Bayer, Siemens, Emerson, PTT and media

names such as CNN supporting the conferences. The Save Our Planet line of Jewelry is designed to bring together the connoisseurs of elegance

to provide them an opportunity to participate in the SOP movement by investing in exquisite and unique designs of Jewelry at special prices made for the SOP Trust.

The Save Our Planet Trust will receive a percentage of the sale proceeds to continue building the SOP movement through conferences, social media, partnering with environmental institutions in

Asean and beyond to help build awareness and consensus among the citizens, businesses and governments for sustainable and eco policies and practices to Save Our Planet.

For further inquiries please email us at [email protected]

The exquisite catalogue of jewelry with special prices starts on the next pages.

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Save Our Planet Products

SAVE OUR PLANET JEWELRY A special collection Made for Save Our Planet. With special discounts. The First Piece was Donated to the

BMA (Bangkok Metro Authority) Governor At the SOP5 conference.

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Save Our Planet 5 : 05 Jan,2012, IMPACT, Thailand

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Bangkok 18th March 2011 4


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AIR WATER EARTH We have poisoned all 3 elements


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THE TOUCH OF ELEGANCE & LUXURY Exclusive Collection of Antique Jewelry

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African Ruby Necklace set in 18K yellow gold

Ruby 13pcs Oval 12.65ct

Diamond 1.63ct

Gold 33.8Grams

Retail price 1.5million Baht/ US$48,000

Speical offer 650,000 Baht/ US$21,000

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Thailand Green Sapphire necklace set in 18K yellow gold

Green Sapphire 30pcs Oval 28.74ct

Diamond 0.98ct

Gold 30Grams

Retail price 1.9million Baht/ US$61,000

Special offer 700,000 Baht/ US$22,000


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Thailand Yellow Sapphire necklace set in 18K yellow gold

Yellow Sapphire 74pcs Oval 35.22ct

Diamond 4.47ct

Gold 44.12Grams

Retail price 1.9million Baht/ US$61,000

Special offer 700,000 Baht/ US$22,000

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Burmese/Myanmar Ruby necklace set in 18K yellow gold

Ruby 24pcs Oval 6x4mm 18.74ct

Diamond 0.43ct

Gold 31.12Grams

Retail price 2.2million Baht/ US$70,000

Special offer 800,000 Baht/ US$25,000

Very rare NATURAL RUBY from Myanmar

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Thailand Yellow Sapphire ring & bracelet set in 18K yellow gold Ring

Yellow Sapphire Oval 3.5ct Diamond 4.21ct Gold 6.38Grams Retail price B500,000/ US$16,000 Special offer B220,000/ US$7,000

Bracelet Yellow Sapphire Oval 9pcs 15.24ct Diamond 2.94ct 14.58Grams Retail price B700,000/ US$22,000 Special offer B330,000/ US$10,500

Special offer for the set of ring and bracelet together B500,000/ US$16,000

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Ruby Gemstone meaning

The fiery and captivating Ruby is a stone of nobility, considered the most magnificent of all gems, the queen of stones and the stone of kings. Ancients believed it surpassed all other precious stones in virtue, and its value exceeded even that of the Diamond. The Chinese Emperor Kublai Khan was said to have offered an entire city in exchange for a sizable Ruby. To own a ruby is said to have contentment and peace. Placed under a pillow the ruby may ward off bad dreams. Ruby rings should be worn on the left hand so as to receive the life force and have protection. Given as a gift, the ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. The ruby is also the symbol of vitality and royalty.

Love stone Ruby is filled with love. It also helps love to be more passionate. Persons lacking in self-love should have and mediate on the Ruby. It also gives the courage to be best potential that a person has.

Healing properties Ruby works with the flow of blood as an aid to circulation. It aids the cleansing and removal of infection or germs in the blood.

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Green Sapphire Gemstone meaning

Green Sapphire brings the wisdom of fidelity and integrity to one’s life, honoring loyalty and trust. It stimulates the Heart Chakra, stirring compassion and an understanding of the frailties and unique qualities of others. It engenders tolerance and respect for others’ beliefs. Green Sapphire is soothing to the eyes and is known as a stone of tranquility, encouraging vivid dream recall and enhancing one’s spiritual vision.

Green Sapphire Healing Therapies Green Sapphire soothes eyestrain and is considered useful in improving vision, it opens the heart to compassion. It helps in understanding others’ needs and encourages respect for differences. It also provides the personal drive needed to improve conditions of one’s own life, it stimulates the Heart Chakra located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist, giving us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. Green Sapphire is a “growth crystal” - a powerful conduit of the earth’s Life Force of birth, development, and creation, and of the power of nature’s constant renewal. It is a potent aid in nurturing, whether of fledgling family relationships or a new business venture. Green Sapphire is perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and life on track. Lighter Green crystals promote spiritual growth and renewed commitment to a higher purpose. Those of a darker hue are talismans of physical growth and strength, and safety in travel.

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Yellow Sapphire Gemstone meaning Yellow Sapphire gives the wearer a magnificent halo unmatched to any other luster in the universe. It is known to increase your financial status, empowering you with more ways of earning an extra buck to your otherwise routine paycheck. On the power of healing, this stone is famous for treating mild mental disorders, typically concentration deficiencies and improving your balance of mind. People in high profiled jobs and even politicians are not far behind when it comes to adorning these either in the form of rings or pendants. Yellow Sapphire though flexible in its effects needs to necessarily be worn only on the right hand index finger. It is known to provide the wearer with enormous wealth, good health, fame, name, honour and success. Yellow Sapphire represents the planet Jupiter. And Jupiter is known to be the largest planet that has its comparison with Saturn. Because of the magnanimity of its size, Jupiter belongs to the category of excesses. It is also known to empower one with the capacity of single handedly being the master of the one’s desires. It is also said that if you seek to sort all marital problems, then Yellow Sapphire is the solution for you. The Power of this gem is such that the girl that you desire will be yours forever and if a girl will wear this gem then she will get married early.

Yellow Sapphire Healing Therapies Yellow Sapphire is ideal for boosting physical energy and vitality, and is an excellent support for exercise. As an elixir, Yellow Sapphire is useful in eliminating toxins from the body. It is known for restoring balance in the spleen, and has been useful in treatments of the digestive system, gall bladder, and liver. Sapphire is beneficial in treating blood disorders and alleviates excessive bleeding; it strengthens the veins and improves their elasticity. Yellow Sapphire is a vivacious stone, re-energizing the emotional system. It helps one feel more excited and joyful about the possibilities life has to offer, and encourages the expression of one’s ideas and feelings with more confidence. It aids in overcoming fear and procrastination, and lends the courage to take the risks needed for great creations to come about. Yellow Sapphire activates the Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems. Yellow Sapphire aids in the development and alignment of one’s personal will with Divine Will, expanding the consciousness to accept an overall view and see where one’s plan or vision fits in the bigger picture. It lends the perseverance needed to overcome obstacles, and the understanding that not all blocks to success are counter to Divine Will. Whether it is an issue with Divine timing or one needs to learn a lesson by overcoming the obstacle, Yellow Sapphire helps discern the difference from being called upon to overcome a problem from being asked to go in a different direction.

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