sbcc capacity strengthening (cs) results


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SBCC Capacity Strengthening (CS) Results. Emily Bockh, FHI 360 Regional End of Project Dissemination. Overview. Background. IR2: Strengthening and Transfer SBCC Skills and Knowledge to Developing Country Institutions. CS Approach. Multi-pronged Training – longer and builds on each other - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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SBCC Capacity Strengthening (CS)


Page 2: SBCC Capacity Strengthening (CS) Results


CS Approache

s & Results

Lessons Learned


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IR2 : Strengthening and Transfer SBCC Ski l l s and Knowledge to Deve loping

Country Ins t i tut ions


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Multi-pronged Training – longer and builds on each other Mentoring and exchange to support training Providing supporting materials and resources Technical assistance

Competency based Skills, knowledge, and values to design, implement

and evaluate SBCC programs Developed and mapped for each toolkit component

CS Approach

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Example: Core Competencies of CS Toolkit

Conduct a full analysis of the situation

Design an appropriate communication approach

Apply key steps to develop effective communication materials and activities

Develop and use implementation and monitoring plans

Evaluate programs and use data to replan

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CS Approaches & Results

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Approach Scope (as of March 2012)

SBCC CS Strategy & Toolkit for training and support

• Components used in 19 countries

• 229 organizations engaged in CS activities

Centers of Excellence for institutionalized SBCC

• South Africa, Albania, Guatemala, Nigeria

CS with governments • DRC, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Swaziland

CS with regional networks • Soul City Institute Network, SAT, ABMP, AfriComNet

Participatory materials development

• CC Toolkit, VMMC Toolkit, MARP materials, C-Bulletins

CS Approaches

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SBCC CS Strategy & Toolkit

Theoretical Framework

Capacity Assessment Tools used in 12 countries

Competency- and theory-based C-Modules Trained 2,995 people Almost 23,000 downloads

Online SBCC courses with 451 registered accounts

Courses at Centers of Excellence

Online resource center and 13 e-newsletters Over 9,000 subscribers from Africa, Latin America, and South Asia

Guidance on participatory material development 10 bulletins developed

More information during demonstration session – Day 1

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Centers of Excellence for Institutionalized SBCC

Collaborated with 5 universities South Africa, Albania, Nigeria, and Guatemala

SBCC specialty within MPH at TheUniversity of the Witwatersrand (Wits) Developed and implement 8 courses Two cohorts of students 147 participants from 25 countries

SBCC MA Curriculum at University of Tirana First students began October 2011

Under development in Guatemala and Nigeria

More information during demonstration session and panel discussion – Day 1

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Developing Strategies and Implementation Guidelines

CS with Governments

Coordinated and worked with national programs and TWGs 82 coordination strategy

documents developedDeveloped model to

provide implementation guidance of national strategy

Malawi Model

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Supporting Regional VMMC Demand Creation

Supported Kenya Male Circumcision Taskforce to develop:

• Set of VMMC materials

• Implementation guide

• Adaptation Guide

Materials used by VMMC partners in Nyanza region and beyond

More information during demonstration session – Day 2

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Utilize participatory methodologies and consultative processes Community Conversation Toolkit

Collaborated with 76 organizations for adaptation 26 organizations used the toolkit Evaluation of toolkit and effects with 4 CBOs in Malawi

and Zambia VMMC Toolkit MARP materials in Namibia and Jamaica

C-Bulletins 10 bulletins for low lit. materials development

Participatory Materials Development

More information during demonstration session – Day 2

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Working with Regional Networks

Soul City Institute Network Adapted CC Toolkit with members in 5


Southern African AIDS Trust Strengthening SBCC with 16 member

organizations in 4 countries 82% show an increase in SBCC competencies

Africa Broadcast Media Partnership SBCC training and mentoring of members in

40 countries to develop original programming Provided TA on:

9 radio and TV PSA's on PMTCT 6 PSA's on sexual and reproductive health

AfriComNet Train members to facilitate online C-Modules

More information during panel discussion – Day 2

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Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned

• Standard SBCC indicators did not exist but are now available

Use assessments &

measure results

• Those who opt into CS activity generally benefit the mostGenerate

demand for CS

• Sustainable change can happen when engaging decision-makersConduct CS

decision making levels

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Lessons Learned cont’d.

• Tailor the content and formats to the audienceConduct CS for

different skill levels

• Use relevant, real-life examples Find simple ways to

apply conceptual thinking

• Adapt and develop tools with Southern partners but make sure there is implementation funding

Connect regional tools development

with implementation