sbg prospectus

Practical Knowle lK ca ca i ct ct Pr Pr P Kn K edge, Applied Wisdom i W ed d m m do do d Wis Wi pl pl Ap A A ge e d ed ed l ow w prospectus

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We are education and training specialists with a reputation for providing high quality programmes that are taught in a way that is innovative and engages students in the learning process. NZSBG is considered as a leading provider of face-to-face and online training courses on foundation-level knowledge, public policy, financial management, economic analysis, and performance management. Our reputation as an innovative and progressive educator nationally and internationally is one we intend to keep and grow throughout the world.


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haere mai welcome to sbg

practical knowledge,

applied wisdom

kia oraWe are glad you are considering NZSBG as your study

option. We specialise in providing students with individual

support and guidance as they participate in our programmes.

Our internationally recognised courses will enhance both

your personal life and professional career opportunities.

NZSBG has provided face-to-face, online, and blended

courses of study to thousands of students since 1987.

We are education and training specialists with a reputation

for providing high quality programmes that are taught in a

way that is innovative and engages students in the learning

process. NZSBG is considered as a leading provider of

face-to-face and online training courses on foundation-level

knowledge, public policy, fi nancial management, economic

analysis, and performance management. Our reputation

as an innovative and progressive educator nationally and

internationally is one we intend to keep and grow throughout

the world.

NZSBG takes pride in keeping pace with employment and

relevant industry developments ensuring that our courses

are up to date with current trends. You will benefi t from

personal guidance to help fi nd work opportunities that

relate to your career interests.

NZSBG is registered as a Private Training Establishment with

the NZ Qualifi cations Authority, and is accredited to deliver

New Zealand’s most popular business qualifi cations – the

NZ Diploma in Business, the NZIM Diploma in Management

(1 year full-time) and the NZIM Diploma in Management

(Advanced) Level 6 (1 year full-time) as well as a wide range

of courses for people working in government.

Our school provides an educational experience that

means you get a valuable and internationally recognised

qualifi cation, while becoming fl uent in the language and

values of a modern market economy.

Grant Hodgson



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right place, right timeSome of the benefi ts of studying with NZSBG are:

• a safe and secure learning environment, with individual attention, support and pastoral care

• assistance to fi nd part-time jobs while you’re studying and once you’ve successfully completed the diploma

and additional help to fi nd full-time employment

• extra help with career planning, job approach skills, CV preparation, and interview skills

• the ability to arrange your on campus hours around your part-time work commitments.

have a choice of campus>>

AucklandAs New Zealand’s largest city with a population of over 1.4 million residents, Auckland is the preferred study destination for over 20,000 international students. Auckland is the centre of commerce and is a vibrant and bustling city made up of a mixture of cultures and nationalities from all over the world. Known as the ‘City of Sails’, Auckland is surrounded by harbours, bays, beaches and islands. Auckland is situated near the top of the North Island and is the perfect location for exploring surrounding New Zealand destinations like Rotorua, the Bay of Islands and the Coromandel. The SBG Auckland Campus is located in the heart of Auckland City.

WellingtonThe capital city of New Zealand, with over 400,000 residents, Wellington is a unique city and a popular study destination for international students. Located at the bottom of the North Island, Wellington is a compact city with excellent public transport that. Wellington is also the home to the New Zealand Parliament and most embassies and high commissions. Wellington is known as the political and creative capital of New Zealand and is also renowned for arts, sports and culture. A city full of festivity with numerous museums, restaurants, cafes and theatres to explore. From Wellington’s harbour you can cross the Cook Strait to visit the South Island. The SBG Wellington Campus is located in the Wellington CBD.

ChristchurchLocated on the east coast of the South Island, Christchurch is a city of contrasts. It is a placewhere its residents continue to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle amidst a natural environment world-renowned for its beauty. A growing cosmopolitan ambience also adds a touch of excitment without over fl ashiness.There is nowhere else in the world where within two hours of an international airport you can ski at a world class alpine resort, play golf, bungy jump, go rafting, mountain biking, hot-air ballooning, wind surfi ng, whale watching and visit world class wineries and gardens. The city centre is comfortably compact and most delightful central feature is the gently winding Avon River.

Bay of PlentyKatikati CampusThe Bay of Plenty on the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island is the perfect place to work and holiday with its beautiful harbours, long white surf beaches, friendly people and an easy going lifestyle. With a population of 150,000, the Bay of Plenty is a fast growing and exciting region to work and live in. With high growth opportunities in fi shing, forestry, horticulture and agriculture.Katikati is a very pleasant rural community located North West of Tauranga. It has excellent year round employment and management development opportunities based on local horticulture and agriculture industries.

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facts about New ZealandlifestyleLife in New Zealand is casual and relaxed.

In the main centres it is cosmopolitan

with an emphasis on sport and the arts.

Restaurants and cafés feature national

and international cuisine accompanied

by excellent New Zealand wines.

New Zealanders are friendly people,

keen to explore the world and

welcome visitors to experience their

country. Tourism and hospitality are

growing industries.

While high-rise apartment living is

increasing in the main cities, single

houses on separate plots of land

are more common. New Zealand

is a parliamentary democracy with

government elections every three

years, the most recent in 2008. A

proportional system of representation

is used.

The dollar is the currency in New

Zealand. The rate of exchange with

other currencies is variable. The

metric system is used for weights

and measures.

Shopping hours are 9am-5pm

Monday to Friday. In the weekend,

shopping hours are 10am-5pm.

Banks are open 9am-4.30pm

Monday to Friday.

Christianity is the main religion but

migrants have brought their own

faiths and practising groups can be

found throughout the country.

geographyNew Zealand lies in the far southwest of the Pacifi c

Ocean, nearly 2,000 kilometres from its nearest

neighbour, Australia. Similar in size to Japan or the

British Isles, New Zealand occupies a land area of

some 270,500 square kilometres. Three quarters

of the population lives in the North Island. New

Zealand has two offi cial languages, English and

Maori. English is the main language.

New Zealand’s landscape is dominated by

mountain ranges and countryside. Cook Strait

separates the two main islands of New Zealand,

the North Island and the South Island. Both islands

have large, fertile coastal plains divided by hills

and mountain ranges. To add to the variety of the

South Island scenery, there are fi ords, glaciers

and lakes, and coastal plains of Canterbury and

Southland, and of course, the beautiful Southern

Alps. In the North Island, there is New Zealand’s

largest lake, Lake Taupo, and most of the country’s

active volcanoes - Ruapehu, Ngaurahoe, Tongariro

and Taranaki. These are all usually quiet, although

Mount Ruapehu erupted in 1995 and 1996. Hot

springs, geysers and mud pools are found in Taupo

and Rotorua.

There are spectacular mountainous regions for some

of the best skiing in the world, miles of coastlines

with incredible beaches for surfi ng and swimming,

and tramping trails throughout the country.

climateNew Zealand enjoys a temperate climate with four

distinct seasons. The north of the North Island is

subtropical and mild most of the year; the South

Island is cold in winter (June – September) but

mild in summer (December – March).The average

temperature ranges from 9-25 Celsius with more

than 2,000 hours of sunshine in a year. Rainfall can

occur any time of the year but tends to be higher

in winter. Snow regularly falls in the mountains but

seldom in the populated areas around the coast.

The New Zealand climate is variable all year being

neither very cold nor very hot. Most New Zealand

homes do not have central heating so you will need

to bring some warmer clothes to wear at home.

Jackets, coats and layered clothing are common.

Even indoors a warm jersey may be needed.

population New Zealand is lightly populated with approximately 4.25 million

people. 80% are of European ancestry - mostly from Britain, and

other European countries. Many Chinese and Indians have also

lived in New Zealand for generations. Most live in the North Island.

Auckland is the largest city with over 1 million people. Wellington is

the capital city and the next largest centre of population. In the South

Island, Christchurch and Dunedin are the main cities.

good livingStudents coming to SBG quickly learn new skills, like cooking,

swimming, beach volleyball, barbecuing. The new students are

greeted by the more advanced students, and are shown how to

get the best deals on food, accommodation, and other essential


good learningStudents work on their programmes in roomy, comfortable open-

plan offi ce spaces and classrooms. The fl exible learning, and

individualised teaching programmes mean that students can fi t their

part-time work in around their study. Experienced tutors help all

students make steady progress through the programme.

good jobsStudents at SBG have found a variety of jobs in retail outlets, on

the railways, in fast-food outlets, service stations, and commission

sales. The minimum wage has recently been raised to $NZ 12.75/

hr (more than $10.00 in the hand), by working in weekends and

public holidays, the effective wage can be as high as $30/hr. Most

SBG students have found a job within 2-6 weeks of arriving in New


great outcomesRitesh, who came to SBG through Oasis Consultants, has now

completed his qualifi cation in Auckland, and has secured a promotion

and full-time employment in Dunedin as an SSC (Supervising

Sales Contractor). He gets a car and assistance with travel and

accommodation in Dunedin. As Ritesh had become the top sales

person for Vodafone in Auckland, his boss was very keen for him to

take on additional responsibilities so offered him a great package to

shift to Dunedin. We are all very proud of the achievements, and the

example Ritesh has set to all our other students through his hard

work and positive attitude.

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SBG pathway to success

SurePath 661Study your fi rst 3 papers in your home country and either complete your qualifi cation

at home or in New Zealand.

• study online at home or at one of our authorised study centres in your country

• come to New Zealand to complete your qualifi cation - Studying at one of NZSBG’s

NZ campuses

• apply for your Graduate Job Search Work Visa to stay and work in New Zealand.

IELTS entry level

Students don’t require an IELTS score to start study in their home country but require

an IELTS of 5.5 to continue their study in New Zealand.

key features of the Sure Path 661 option:

• New Zealand Tutor-led instruction - for the full 12 months of study, (blended, face-

to-face and online)

• students in any country follow the same programme as students in New Zealand

• less funds to show required for Student Visa (6 months vs 1 year)

• faster process - students complete half of requirements for qualifi cation while

waiting for Student Visa application to be approved

• higher likelihood of Student Visa application success

• students can work 20 hours part time in New Zealand

• graduates still qualify for 1 year Graduate Job Search Work visa, and 50 points

for PR.

study options:

NZIM CertLanguage, Culture

& Management

NZIM CertPractice

Management L4

NZIM DipManagement








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NZIM DipManagement (advanced) L6

NZ DipBusiness


Degrees at any New Zealand University L7

NZIM DipPractice

Management L5


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The Certifi cate in Language, Culture and Management integrates English language and

culture with management skills. The course is specifi cally designed to meet the language

and cultural needs of people with English as a second language seeking work in New

Zealand or students wishing to move to diploma study. The programme consolidates

and contextualises the language skills students generally require for entry to study in

New Zealand.

The Certifi cate provides a six-month enriched environment of language and culture,

with a focus on work processes and management. Students will be able to recognise

and adapt to the culture (including legislation) of the New Zealand workplace and to use

language associated with New Zealand management practices.

course description

Students complete four papers from the NZIM Certifi cate in Management, which are

integrated with elements of the language and culture module. Each 10 credit paper involves

around 100 hours of student learning, and the 20 credit language and culture module

means that the whole course will take the equivalent of three months full-time study.

entry to the course

The recognised entry to this course will be IELTS Level 5. It is designed for people who

have not studied management before.

course modules

802 Introduction to Marketing

803 Human Resources I: People at Work

805 Introduction to Management

812 Workplace Communication

The following module consists of 20 credits at Level 4 equivalent.

880 Language and Culture

credit into diploma programmes

Student completing the NZIM Certifi cate in Language, Culture and Management can

apply for credit for the NZ Diploma in Business paper 469 Academic Skills for Business

Studies plus 20 unspecifi ed credits at level 4 towards the NZ Diploma in Business.

These credits are also available to be applied towards the Level 5 NZIM Diploma in


NZIM Certifi cate in Language, Culture and Management (level 4) overview:

The Certifi cate in Management is an NZQA approved 80 credit Level 4 qualifi cation.

Students complete 8 10-credit papers.

The NZIM Certifi cate in Management consists of 8 papers.

The NZIM Certifi cate in Management is the major foundation management course in

New Zealand. It also forms the basis for management training in many companies.

Certifi cate graduates may obtain credit into the NZ Diploma in Business and the NZIM

Diploma in Management, as well as other qualifi cations.

course structure: list A papers

802 Introduction to Marketing 803 Human Resources I: People at Work

805 Introduction to Management 812 Workplace Communication.

list B papers (select four)

807 Introduction to Financial Services 808 Introduction to Accounting

809 Human Resources II: Personnel Practice 810 Introduction to Law

811 Introduction to Computing 816 Business Computing

819 Problem Solving and Decision Making.

entry requirements

You must have an IELTS score of 5.0 (academic). There are no prerequisites for this course.

It is a fi rst level course for if you have not studied management before or have basic

experience in management and now wish to update your knowledge and skills.


Certifi cate graduates may be eligible for exemption from up to two papers into the NZ

Diploma in Business and the NZIM Diploma in Management.

NZIM Certifi cate in Management – 1 yearLevel 4

8 papers80 creditsLevel 4

5 papers60 credits

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The SuperKombo is specifi cally designed to meet the language and cultural needs of

people with English as a second language.

The programme pathways from the Certifi cate Level 4 programme through to the

Diploma Level 5. The programme consists of 5 certifi cate papers and a further 4 papers

at diploma level.

After the successful completion of this double qualifi cation, students qualify for a 1 year

work visa with New Zealand immigration.

course structure

certifi cate papers

880 Language and Culture 802 Introduction to Marketing

803 Human Resources 1: People at work 805 Introduction to Management

812 Workplace Communication

Diploma Papers

499 Unspecifi ed (Cross credit 469 Academic Skills (Cross credit

from Certifi cate) from Certifi cate)

560 Business Communication 530 Organisation and Management

630 Leadership 636 Applied Management

A workplace English study course is an integrated component of this Business


entry to the course

You must have an IELTS score of 5.0 (academic). There are no prerequisites for this

course. It is a fi rst level course for if you have not studied management before or have a

basic experience in management and now wish to update your knowledge and skills.

benefi ts

• pathway to New Zealand for IELTS 5.0

• opportunity to improve Business English skills

• better employment skills

• unique opportunity - SBG is the only school in New Zealand offering this



Graduates may go out to work on a 1 year visa or continue their studies onto the NZIM

Diploma in Management (Advanced) Level 6.

WorkPath SuperKombo - 15 monthsNZIM Certifi cate in Language, Culture and Management L4 & NZIM Diploma in Management L5 overview

The NZIM Diploma in Management (NZIM Dip Mgt) is an NZQA approved 120 credit

Level 5 qualifi cation. Students complete six 20 credit papers.

It provides a thorough grounding in business and management practice appropriate for

people wishing to enter and progress in business. It also provides a platform for students

wishing to transition to degree programmes or advanced management qualifi cations.

why study the NZIM Diploma Management?

The NZIM Dip Mgt is widely recognised by employer and professional groups. It is

approved by the New Zealand Qualifi cations Authority. The Diploma is ideal for career-

minded people seeking a practical, fl exible, high-quality business qualifi cation.

Course Structure: Core papers

530 Organisation and Management 560 Business Communication

630 Leadership 636 Applied Management.

optional papers (select two)

400 Accounting Principles or 520 The Economic Environment

510 Introduction to Commercial Law 435 Fundamentals of Small Business

541 Fundamentals of Marketing 550 Business Computing

430 Quantitative Business Methods 633 Human Resource Management

501 Accounting Practices 632 Operations Management.

» See our website for more info on individual Papers

entry requirements

You must have an IELTS score of 5.5 (academic).


You can gain certifi cation in both the NZIM Diploma in Management and the New

Zealand Diploma in Business at the same time. But you must satisfy all course and

individual requirements for both qualifi cations.

NZIM Diploma in Management – 1 YearLevel 5

6 papers120 credits



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The NZIM Diploma in Management (Advanced) is an NZQA approved 160 credit Level 6

qualifi cation. Students complete eight 20 credit papers.

This qualifi cation consists of 8 papers most of which may be credited from the NZ

Diploma in Business. The NZIM Diploma in Management (Advanced) builds on the skills

of the Diploma in Management (Dip Mgt) for those who wish to pursue a professional

management career.

This qualifi cation is designed for people who specialise or wish to specialise in

management as a professional option. The programme has a focus on generic skills for

professional managers. It serves as a link between management theory and practice

for both students with little management experience and managers with little academic


course structure: core papers

630 Leadership 636 Applied Management

Plus one of:

992 Project Management 994 Strategic Management

995 Management process topic

optional papers (Select 5)

602 Management Accounting 633 Human Resource Management

635 Employment Relations 642 Marketing Research

990 Special topic OR 996 Management of Health Practices

entry requirements

You must have an IELTS score of 6.0 (academic).

For students without considerable management experience the minimum entry

requirement is the NZIM Dip Mgt, or an equivalent course of study.


Any of the listed core or optional papers already completed for the NZ Dip Bus may be

credited to the Dip Mgt (Advanced). The qualifi cation also provides an exit point from the

NZ Diploma in Business for those students who wish to have a basic understanding of

management practice but do not wish to specialise in business studies.

NZIM Diploma in Management (Advanced) – 1 Year


The Diploma in Practice Management (Health) is an NZQA approved 140 credit, Level 5

qualifi cation. Students complete six, 20-credit papers from the New Zealand Diploma in

Business, as well as a specialist course Management of Health Practice.

It provides a more in-depth examination of the processes of managing businesses with a

focus on human relations, fi nancial and communications strategies, knowledge of legal

requirements and other compliance issues, and an understanding of health policy and

processes. It is designed to equip you with the skills necessary to manage a medium to

large health practice.

course structure


400 Accounting Principles

501 Accounting Practices or 602 Management Accounting

530 Organisation and Management

560 Business Communication

633 Human Resources Management

996 The Management of Health Practices

entry requirements

You must have an IELTS score of 5.5 (academic).

The programme has been designed specifi cally for competent or experienced managers

currently working in medical or health practices, and some of the assessments require

access to medical or health practices. Where managers have little experience or

knowledge relating to the management of health practices they might consider fi rst

completing the Certifi cate in Practice Management (Health).


If participants wish to improve their general management understanding, they can

complete the NZIM Diploma in Management by undertaking a further two papers taken

from the List A papers for that qualifi cation.

NZIM Diploma in Practice Management (Health) – 1 Year

Level 57 papers

140 credits

Level 68 papers

160 credits


her two papers takher two papers taken


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The NZ Diploma in Business (NZIM Dip Bus) is an NZQA approved 240 credit Level 6

qualifi cation. Students complete twelve 20 credit papers.

This qualifi cation consists of twelve papers. You need to complete six of the seven core

business papers plus six optional papers (at least 80 credits at 600 level, and no more

than 60 credits at the 400 level) to complete the qualifi cation.

It is a nationally recognised qualifi cation that allows students to gain a broad range

of general business skills and knowledge where you can gain a sound understanding

of economics, commercial law, accounting, fi nance, management and marketing. You

can also develop your communication, problem solving and decision making skills, and

learn to work independently and as part of a team.

course structure: core papers

400 – Accounting Principles 510 – Introduction to Commercial Law

520 – The Economic Environment 530 – Organisation and Management

560 – Business Communication 541 – Fundamentals of Marketing

550 – Business Computing.


430 – Quantitative Business Methods 435 – Fundamentals of Small Business

469 – Academic Skills for Business Studies 501 – Accounting Practices

602 – Management Accounting 630 – Leadership

633 – Human Resource Management 632 – Operations Management

636 – Applied Management 635 – Employment Relations

642 – Marketing Research 644 – Buyer Behaviour and

Communication Strategies

620 – Managerial Economics 631 – Strategic Planning for Small


652 – Systems Development Project 650 – Applied Computing

655 – Information Systems Management

entry requirements

You must have an IELTS score of 6.0 (academic)


A number of providers offer exemptions from the initial stage(s) of a business degree to

the holder of a NZDipBus.

NZIM Diploma in Business – 2 YearsLevel 6

12 papers240 credits

on arrival

We’ll meet you at the airport when you arrive in New Zealand (Auckland

or Wellington) and take you to your accommodation. Flight details and

a photo must be provided 72 hours before arrival. You’ll take part in

orientation activities with other international students before you start

your study.


SBG undertakes to comply with the accommodation provisions set out

in Part 6 of the Ministry of Education Code of Practice for the Pastoral

Care of International Students.

SBG, does not require students to stay in a particular form of

accommodation (e.g. hostel, backpacker, homestay, fl at), while they are

studying. However, we will offer you a range of accommodation options

from budget to more luxurious, and book you into the place of your choice

for your fi rst four weeks in New Zealand*. This should give you time

to look around and choose a more long-term accommodation option.

Alternatively, you may prefer to arrange your own accommodation from


* This cost is not included in fees quoted and will be additional.

part-time work

We’ll help you with CV preparation and interview skills to apply for

part-time jobs. Students can work up to 20 hours per week. The New

Zealand minimum wage is $12.75 per hour.

living costs

It is important to bring enough money for living when you come to

New Zealand. Some things are very expensive, like a haircut, but other

things, like a game of golf, are very cheap. We recommend that you

allow around NZ$200.00 per week for living costs.

Students are allowed to work up to 20

hours a week if they are enrolled in a full

time, full year course that requires them to

attend classes at least 20 hours per week.

The table below provides an estimate of

living costs in NZ dollars

Description Cost NZ$

Rent Shared accommodation 120/week

Weekly expenses: food and personal items 80/week

Utilities: gas electricity, telephone, internet 40/week

Public transport 20/week

Entertainment 20/week

TOTAL 280/week

Note: this does not include possible one-

off establishment costs such as bond: (2-4

weeks rent) rent in advance (2 weeks), or

household effects and personal clothing.

when you come to

a haircut, but other

ry cheap. We recomm

or living costs.



ance (2 weeks), or

ersonal clothing.

support services

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medical and travel insurance

Under the rules of the Code, International students must have

appropriate current medical and travel insurance while studying

in New Zealand. This is because medical costs in New Zealand

are very high and SBG does not cover students individually.

Medical and travel insurance covers the cost of staying in

hospital, visits to the doctor, urgent medical treatment and

medicine, and sometimes emergency dental treatment. For

treatment of a cold, fl u or other common health problems, you

will usually visit the local doctor (sometimes called a general

practitioner or GP).

If you need assistance after hours, you can visit a local emergency

clinic or hospital.

Average Medical Insurance Costs: 12 Months NZ$456. SBG can

arrange this for you.

Graduate Job Search Work Visa/Permit

If you are a student who has completed a qualifi cation in New

Zealand, but you do not have a job offer, you are eligible for a

Graduate Job Search Work Visa and/or Permit for a maximum

of 12 months. Then, when you have found a job, you can apply

for a further permit for up to two or three years under Study to

Work Policy.

to be eligible for a Graduate Job Search Visa Work

you must:

• have successfully completed a qualifi cation in New Zealand

that would qualify for points under the Skilled Migrant Category

(such as the NZIM Diploma in Management)

• apply no later than 3 months after the end date of the student

visa/permit for that qualifi cation

• provide fi nancial evidence that you are able to maintain

yourself during your 12-month stay in New Zealand.




Bay of Plenty

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Practical K

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WellingtonLevel 8, Grand Plimmer Tower2~6 Gilmer TerracePO Box 12 524Wellington 6144, New ZealandPhone +64 4 472 0567Fax +64 4 472

“After fi nishing my Bachelors in Information Technology from India, I planned to enter in the Corporate World. Though I was graduated in IT, I did not have knowledge about any business and any organisation structure. I realised that just getting theoretical knowledge is not enough to prove best amongst all but one needs to know about what an organisation is within which he/she will work and what are various marketing tactics in order to utilise your talents for maximum productivity for that organisation. Then I heard about SBG (School of Business and Government) and got impressed by the courses offered by the organisation. I thought whatever our profession is, in every case we have to work within an organisation and deal with the market.

So I decided to join this prestigious institute. I did 661 Diploma in Management (6 months in India & 6 months in New Zealand) from SBG. Though I was in India, but I got full assistance of the tutors from SBG which helped me in fi nishing my course early and then got my visa in just 15 days. After coming to New Zealand, I got to know about its true beauty. The profi ciency of the tutors especially Mr Mike Fermanis and the

“I am Harsimran Singh, student of 661 Diploma in Management at SBG (School of Business and Government). When I made plan for my further studies, I went through each and every aspect of all the colleges’ website in New Zealand. Somehow I saw the details and courses which SBG College was offering. I went through every detail of all the courses of the college and in the end I found the most suitable and outstanding offer, the 661 option course. This option is to study 6 months in India and 6 months in New Zealand. I felt it to be the best because in this the student has to complete half of the study in their own country, by living with their own people. Same as in my case, being at my home country, I got full assistance from the staff of SBG and I fi nished my study of India without any problem. At SBG, I had the privilege to be taught by tutors, who really cared about my academic progress, and I’ve benefi tted from this immensely.

SBG members like Mr. Grant Hodgson and Mrs. Christine Roberts and everyone else helped me achieve well results in my studies. After completing my course I truly realised what was missing in me before. I was more confi dent and ready to face all the challenges with best of my talents.

SBG gave me support and knowledge to adapt to life in a new country. People of New Zealand are so cooperative and helpful and it adds more beauty to the country. After completing my course, I felt that I have got the understanding of market and an organisation and now I am totally ready to enter in business world. And now I work as an IT support with an organisation in Auckland, New Zealand. I thank SBG to make me learn how to work smarter with being a hard worker.

SBG provides a happy, caring and supportive environment that allows each student to reach the pinnacle of their capabilities. If you have the will, SBG has the way!”


Moreover, after coming to New Zealand, I did not have to work part time for a long period of time as I fi nished my studies in just 6 months and started doing Full time work in my own profession. Now I earn double money than I used to earn during the period of studies.

After doing Hotel Management from India, I did Management course from SBG, which really refi ned my skills and talents and all this has helped me getting a job which is really a good start for my career.

Studying in SBG I have cultivated good study habits and also further enriched my attitudes towards academic achievement which compel me towards attaining higher goals and taught me to use the best of my talents in everything I do.”


Bay of PlentyKatikati Campus2 Wedgewood StreetKatikatiPhone +64 7 549

AucklandLevel 8115 Queen StreetAuckland 1010New ZealandPhone +64 9 379

ChristchurchLevel 3134 Manchester StreetChristchurch 8011Phone + 64 3 653 001Fax +64 3 653