sc restraining order makes ladlad feel gay

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  • 7/24/2019 SC Restraining Order Makes Ladlad Feel Gay


    SC restraining order makes Ladlad feel gay

    By Norman Bordadora

    Philippine Daily InquirerFirst Posted 010!00 01"1#"$010

    Filed %nder &udi'iary (system of )usti'e*+,le'tions+,leksyon $010

    -.NIL.+ Philippines / It may e a temporary i'tory ut it2s a good enough reason forthem to feel gay3

    4he Supreme Court on 4uesday restrained the Commission on ,le'tions (Comele'* from

    enfor'ing its resolution disqualifying the gay group Ladlad6 from the party7listele'tions in -ay3

    In an en an' session+ the 'ourt issued a temporary restraining order (489* dire'ting the

    Comele' to 'ontinue re'ogni:ing .ng Ladlad as an a''redited party7list group and

    in'lude its name on the allots+ pending a final 'ourt ruling on .ng Ladlad2s appealagainst the poll ody2s disqualifi'ation order3

    Deputy Court .dministrator &ose -idas -arque: told reporters that .ng Ladlad2s appeal

    remained pending in the high 'ourt3

    -arque: said the 'ourt ;as a;are of the time 'onstraints on the Comele' to print the

    names of eligile 'andidates and party7list groups on the allots for the pre'in't 'ountopti'al s'an system3

    5If+ later on+ the Court finds that .ng Ladlad should e qualified+ it might e diffi'ult+ if

    not impossile+ to in'lude them on the allots+6 -arque: said3

    Were unstoppable

    Danton 8emoto+ .ng Ladlad president and nominee+ hailed the Supreme Court ruling3

    57page petition for 'ertiorari filed on &an3 ?+ .ng Ladlad asked the 'ourt to nullify

    the Comele' resolution and 'ompel the 'ommission to add the name of the gay group

    ;hen allots are printed starting on &an3 $@3

    5. 'ursory perusal of the Comele' thesis reeals that the 'ommission equated .ng

    Ladlad2s toleran'e of the eliefs of those Adifferently oriented2 ;ith the petitioner7

    appli'ant2s purported a'ts or pra'ti'e of immorality+6 the group said in its petition3

    .ng Ladlad said the Comele' inoked .rti'le $01 of the 8eised Penal Code dealing

    ;ith the glorifi'ation of 'riminals+ iolen'e in sho;s+ os'ene puli'ations and lustful orpornographi' ehiitions to a'k its 'on'lusion that the group ;as espousing do'trines

    'ontrary to puli' morals3

    Carried to the extreme

    5It may not e amiss to say that homoseuality per se does not fall ;ithin the amit of

    the penal la;3 4hat one2s affe'tions to;ard people of the same se easily translate to lust

    and immorality is oiously a nonsequitur+6 the group added3
  • 7/24/2019 SC Restraining Order Makes Ladlad Feel Gay


    Carried to the etreme+ equating homoseuality ;ith immorality or 'riminality ;ould

    make 'alling another person 5ading6 or 5tio6 a ground for 'riminal a'tion+ .ng Ladlad

    told the 'ourt3

    It said the Comele' 'ommissioner ;ho said there ;ere already many homoseuals in

    Congress 5may e eposed to 'harges of slander y the offended memers of Congress;hom he for'ed Aout of the 'loset+2 e'ause simply randing them as gays ;ould then

    possily 'onstitute as a mali'ious imputation of a 'rime+ i'e or defe't36

    54hen again+ as pop 'elerities Piolo Pas'ual and Sam -ily ;ould hae proaly

    reali:ed+ had they pursued their 'omplaint against sho; i: agent Lolit Solis+ there is

    nothing depre'iatory in the term Agay2 to ;arrant a 'oni'tion for liel+6 the group said3

    5.t least for no;+ the term should e a neutral one+6 it added3

    With a report from Kristine L. Alave
