scarlet letter vocab 2

Red denotes a word you should know. Regular words <-- like that, are unchallenging, common, or unnecessary words. Italicized words are words very specific to the context of this book and therefore are not important to your further learning. Have fun. (Yeah right.) Introduction Communion (n.) – Christian sacrament/service; a feeling of emotional or spiritual closeness Genial (a.) – kind; having a good-natured manner Propriety (n.) – the quality of displaying behaviors thought to be correct or appropriate Prolix (a.) – Tiresomely wordy Prate (v.) – to talk in a silly way and at length about nothing important Dilapidated (a.) – partly ruined or decayed, especially as a result of neglect Languid (a.) – lacking vigor and energy Edifice (n.) – A building, especially a large or impressive one Portico (n.) – A covered entrance to a large building; porch Infirmity (n.) – mental or physical weakness; lack of strength and vitality Truculent (a.) – aggressively or sullenly refusing to accept something or do what is asked

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Page 1: Scarlet Letter Vocab 2

Red denotes a word you should know.

Regular words <-- like that, are unchallenging, common, or unnecessary words.

Italicized words are words very specific to the context of this book and therefore are not important to your further learning.

Have fun. (Yeah right.)


Communion (n.) – Christian sacrament/service; a feeling of emotional or spiritual closeness

Genial (a.) – kind; having a good-natured manner

Propriety (n.) – the quality of displaying behaviors thought to be correct or appropriate

Prolix (a.) – Tiresomely wordy

Prate (v.) – to talk in a silly way and at length about nothing important

Dilapidated (a.) – partly ruined or decayed, especially as a result of neglect

Languid (a.) – lacking vigor and energy

Edifice (n.) – A building, especially a large or impressive one

Portico (n.) – A covered entrance to a large building; porch

Infirmity (n.) – mental or physical weakness; lack of strength and vitality

Truculent (a.) – aggressively or sullenly refusing to accept something or do what is asked

Apt (a.) – likely to do something again; enthusiastic and quick to learn new things

Imperceptible (a.) – very slight or gradual

Inclement (a.) – unpleasant in being stormy, rainy, or snowy; showing little or no mercy

Venerable (a.) – worthy of respect, revered

Emolument (n.) - payment for work done

Progenitor (n.) – direct ancestor of somebody or something

Incur (v.) – to bring something undesirable upon oneself

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Retribution (n.) – something done or given to somebody as punishment or vengeance

Tempestuous (a.) – frequently turbulent and giving rise to many emotions

Laudable (a.) – admirable and worthy of praise

Indolent (a.) – lethargic and not showing any interest or making any effort

Vicissitude (n.) – the fact of being variable

Rheumatic (a.) – relating to or affected by rheumatism

Torpid (a.) – sluggish; lacking physical or mental energy

***Note*** This section only covered half of the Introduction. Author was too lazy to finish covering (or reading) it.

*** Note # 2*** This section was the only one covered by the key. Author was too lazy to finis-……………………….

Chapter 1

Throng (n.) – a large crowd of people or objects

Edifice – see above

Congregated (a.) – having gathered or assembled in a group

Sepulcher (n.) – a vault in which a corpse is buried

Congenial (a.) – pleasant and suited to somebody’s character or tastes; agreeable

Inauspicious (a.) – Unfavorable, unfortunate, ill-omened

Chapter 2

Physiognomies (n.) – the features of somebody’s face, especially used as indicators of that person’s character or temperament

Augur (v.) – to suggest or indicate what will happen in the future, especially from omens

Betoken (v.) – to be a sign that something exists or will happen

Indubitably (a.) – obvious or definitely true

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Magistrate (n.) – a judge in a lower court whose jurisdiction is limited to the trial of misdemeanors and the conduct of preliminary hearings on more serious charges

Malefactress (n.) - a woman who violates the law or does evil.

Heathenish (a.) – an offensive term that insults somebody who does not acknowledge the existence of God

Interpose (v.) – to interrupt by saying something

Personage (n.) – a distinguished, important, or famous person

Abash (v.) – make somebody feel ashamed, embarrassed, or uncomfortable

Sumptuary (a.) – relating to or controlling personal spending

Evanescent (a.) – disappearing after only a short time; fleeting

Ignominy (n.) – disgrace and honor

Brazen (a.) – showing or expressing boldness and a complete lack of shame

Pillory (v.) – to expose to public scorn and contempt

Flagrant (a.) - extremely or purposefully conspicuous usually because of uncommon objectionable or evil.

Contrivance (n.) – a plan intended to deceive

Mien (n.) – somebody’s facial expression or general appearance, bearing, or posture, taken as an indication of their mood or character

Contumely (n.) - rude language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt.

Disdainful (a.) – extreme contempt or disgust for something or somebody

Conspicuous (a.) – easily or clearly visible

Preternaturally (a.) – exceeding what is normal in nature

Phantasmagoric (a.) – related to bizarre images seen as if in a dream

Remonstrance (n.) - objection

Countenance (n.) – somebody’s face or expression

Visage (n.) – somebody’s face or facial expression

Chapter 3

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Heterogeneous (a.) – consisting of parts or aspects that are unrelated or unlike each other

Endeavor (v.) – to make a serious and sincere effort to achieve something

Abate (v.) – put an end to

Sojourn (n.) – a temporary stay

Betwixt (a.) - between

Hearken (v.) – to listen and pay attention

Assemblage (n.) – a gathering of things or people at one point

Sagacity (n.) – profound knowledge and understanding, coupled with foresight and good judgment

Obstinacy (a.) – fixed and unyielding

Exhortation (n.) – something said or written in order to urge somebody strongly to do something

Tremulous (a.) – shaking, trembling, from extreme fear or nervousness

Temperament (n.) – quality of mind

Lurid (a.) – sensation and shocking, with graphic details of horror, devastation, or violence

Chapter 4

Insubordination (n.) – disobedience, refusal to submit to authority

Rebuke (v.) – to criticize or reprimand

Sustenance (n.) – nourishment, food

Turmoil (n.) – state of great confusion, commotion, or disturbance

Pervade (v.) – spread through or be present throughout something

Dismal (a.) – depressing to the spirit or outlook

Sagamore (n.) – Native American leader of the Algonquian Indians of the North Atlantic coast

Amenable (a.) – willing to cooperate and responsive to suggestion

Peremptory (a.) – leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal

Inquest (n.) – inquiry, investigation

Profound (a.) – very strong, great, or intense; showing great perception, understanding, or knowledge

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Expostulation (n.) – expressing disagreement or disapproval

Paramour (n.) – an illicit lover

Chapter 5

Vigor (n.) – great physical or mental strength and energy

Annihilate (v.) – to destroy something completely so that it ceases to exist

Inscrutable (a.) – not expressing anything clearly and thus hard to interpret

Inquisitorial (a.) – resembling a formal inquiry, especially in using rigorous or relentless questioning

Plebeian (a.) – relating to the common people

Manifold (a.) – having many part or different kinds

Commiseration (n.) – a feeling of sympathy for and understanding of the troubles of somebody else

Intangible (a.) – lacking material qualities, so not able to be touched or seen; difficult to define or describe clearly

Molder (v) – to crumble or decay, rot

Subsistence (n.) – condition of being or managing to stay alive

Ascetic (a.) – choosing or reflecting austerity and self-denial as personal or religious discipline

Superfluous (a.) - in excess of what is needed

Penitence (n.) – expression or feeling of regret or sorrow for having committed sins or misdeeds

Intercourse (n.) - exchanges between people or groups, especially conversation or social activity

Repugnance (n.) - a very strong feeling of disgust about something

Imbibe (v.) – to drink something; to take in mentally

Insidious (a.) – slowly and subtly harmful or destructive

Contumacious (a.) – flagrantly disobedient or rebellious

Chapter 6

Efficacy (n.) – effective as a means of remedy

Mutability (n.) – subject to change

Epoch (n.)- A point in time marked by the beginning of anew development or state of things.

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Perpetuated (v.) – make something continue, usually for a very long time

Despondency (n.) – extreme unhappiness or discouragement

Disposition (n) – somebody’s usual mood or temperament

Prolific (a.) – producing ideas or works frequently and in large quantities

Perverse (a.) – contrary to what is regarded as normal or reasonable

Malicious (a.) – motivated by or resulting from a desire to cause harm or pain to another

Conjuration (n.) – a supposed magic or supernatural occurrence

Placidity (n.) – calmness

Anathema (n.) – something or somebody that is greatly disliked or detested and is therefore shunned

Outlandish (a.) – extremely unusual or bizarre

Caprice (n.) – tendency to sudden impulsive decisions or changes of mind

Gesticulation (n.) – movement of the arms or hands when speaking

Chapter 7

Intrinsic (a.) – belonging to something as one of the basic and essential features that make it what it is

Pallid (a.) – having an unhealthily pale complexion

Wayfarer (n.) - traveler

Dauntless (a.) – unlikely or unable to be frightened or discouraged

Pestilence (n) – epidemic of a highly contagious or infection disease

Extant (a.) – still in existence

Imperative (a.) – absolutely necessary or unavoidable

Ponderous (a.) – lumbering and laborious in movement

Burnished (a.) – polished until shiny

Eldritch (a.) – strangely ghostly and unearthly

Chapter 8

Expatiating (a.) – to speak or write about something at length; to wander or roam at will

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Antiquated (a.) – Ancient or old-fashioned, out of date, in need of updating or replacing

Transgression (n.) – a crime or any act that violates a law, command, or moral code

Benevolence (n.) - kindness

Apparition (n.) – appearance of a supposed ghost or something ghostly

Plumage (n.) – feathers of a bird

Catechism (n.) - instruction in the principles of Christianity using set questions and answers

Depravity (n.) – state of moral corruption

Indefeasible (a.) – impossible to annul, make void, or forfeit

Emaciated (a.) – Extremely thin, especially because of starvation or illness

Vehemence (n.) – expressing conviction and intense feeling

Unobtrusive (a.) – not conspicuous

Aver (v.) – assert something confidently

Chapter 9

Appellation (n.) – an identifying name or title

Contagion (n.) – the transmission of disease or emotion

Vindicate (v.) – to clear somebody or something of blame, guilt, suspicion, or doubt

Chirurgical (a.) - surgical

Deacon (n.) – an ordained person ranking below priest

Piety (n.) – strong respectful belief in a deity and strict observance of religious principles in everyday life

Acquisition (n.) – act of acquiring something; something that has been acquired

Exemplary (a.) – setting an example; serving as an illustration of something

Fervent (a.) – showing ardent or extremely passionate enthusiasm

Scrupulous (a.) – having moral integrity

Parochial (a.) – narrow-minded

Interposition (n.) – interrupting by saying something

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Parishioner (n.) – a resident of a religious or civil parish

Propound (v.) – to offer up for discussion or consideration

Tumult (n.) – violent or noisy commotion

Inarticulate (a.) – not good at choosing the right words or speaking fluently

Erudition (n.) – extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books

Commodiousness (n.) – comfortable or conveniently spacious; roomy

Chapter 10

Sexton (n.) - an official charged with maintaining church property.

Aspiration (n.) - strong desire, longing, or ambition; goal.

Inimical (a.) - having the disposition of an enemy: hostile.

Askance (a.) - with a side-glance: obliquely.

Solace (n.) - alleviation of grief or anxiety.

Propagate (v.) - publicize.

Importunate (a.) – continually asking for something, especially in a forceful, insistent, or troublesome manner

Iniquity (n.) – wickedness, extreme immorality

Abasement (n.) - to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem.

Pious (a.) – devoutly religious

Tenacious (a.) – tending to stick firmly to any decision, plan, or opinion without changing or doubting it

Adhere (v.) – to be conscientious in supporting or following somebody or something; to hold firmly to a belief, idea, or opinion

Sooth (n.) – truth; reality

Decorously (a.) - marked by propriety and good taste; correct

Mirth (n.) - gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter.

Palliate (v.) - to cover by excuses or apologies.

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Assent (v.) – to agree to something

Somniferous (a.) - hypnotic.

Vestment (n.) - an outer garment; a robe of ceremony or office.

Chapter 11

Malice (n.) – desire to see another suffer

Latent (a.) - present and capable of becoming though not now visible or active: dormant.

Balked (v.) - to stop short and refuse to proceed.

Odious (a.) - exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance.

Machination (n.) - a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end.

Etherealized (a.) - celestially.

Attestation (v.) - to be proof of: manifest.

Avowal (n.) - an open declaration or acknowledgement.

Impalpable (a.) - incapable of being felt by touch.

Veneration (n.) - commanding respect because of great age or associated dignity.

Chapter 12

Somnambulism (n.) - sleepwalking.

Expiation (v.) - to atone for; to make amends for.

Scantly (a.) - scarcely enough.

Scurrilous (a.) - grossly and offensively abusive.

Grisly (a.) - inspiring horror or intense fear.

Awry (a.) - out of right or hoped-for cause.

Firmament (n.) - the vault or arch of the sky; heavens.

Malevolence (n.) - arising from intense or vicious ill will, spite, or hatred.

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Erudite (a.) - possessing or displaying erudition; learned.

Replete (a.) - fully or abundantly provided or filled; complete.

Chapter 13

Pauper (n.) - a very poor person.

Gibe (v.) - to tease with taunting words.

Meed (n.) - a fitting return or recompense.

Foliage (n.) - a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches.

Semblance (n.) - outward and often specious appearance or show.

Obviated (v.) - to see beforehand and dispose of; making unnecessary.

Ethereal (a.) - celestial, heavenly.

Chasm (n.) - a marked division, separation, or difference.

Lunacy (n.) - wild foolishness; insanity.

Acquiescing (v.) - to accept or comply tacitly or passively.

Chapter 14

Wiry (a.) - lean and strong.

Behest (n.) – an earnest request

Rankle (v.) - to cause persistent keen irritation or bitter resentment.

Propinquity (n.) - nearness in place or time.

Usurp (v.) - to seize and hold (a position, power, etc.) by force or without legal right.

Chapter 15

Sere (a.) - withered.

Verdure (n.) - condition of health and vigor.

Sedulous (a.) - diligent in application or pursuit.

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Petulant (a.) - insolent or rude in speech or behavior.

Precocity (n.) - exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.

Acrid (a.) - deeply or violently bitter.

Enigma (n.) - something hard to understand or explain: mystery.

Propensity (n.) - an intense and often urgent natural inclination.

Beneficence (n.) - an office to which the revenue from an endowment is attached: fief.

Vivacity (n.) - being lively in temper or conduct: sprightly.

Asperity (n.) - roughness of manner or of temper: harshness.

Upbraided (v.) - criticized.

Chapter 16

Imputed (v.) – to attribute a usually undesirable action, event, or bad quality to somebody

Scintillating (a.) - to be brilliant or keen, as in talent.

Scrofula (n.) - a form of tuberculosis.

Loquacity (n.) – excessive talkativeness

Cadence (n.) - rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language.

Chapter 17

Spectre (n.) - something that haunts or perturbs the mind; specter.

Malevolent (a.) - having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred.

Contiguity (n.) - the quality or state of next or near in time or sequence.

Misanthropy (n.) - a hatred or distrust of mankind.

Invigorated (v.) - to give life and energy to; animate.

Recoil (v.) - to fall back under pressure.

Consecration (n.) - the act of making or declaring sacred.

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Satiating (v.) - to satisfy fully.

Sentinel (n.) - one that watches or guards.

Tarry (v.) - stay, sojourn.

Chapter 18

Estranged (v.) - to alienate the affections of.

Colloquy (n.) - a conversation especially formal one.

Amiss (a.) - out of proper order: wrong.

Trammeled (n.) - something that restricts activity or free movement: hindrance.

Machination (n.) - a crafty, intricate, or secret plot, usually intended to achieve an evil purpose.

Breach (n.) - a violation as of a law or obligation.

Citadel (n.) - a stronghold.

Heathen (n.) - an irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened person.

Subjugated (v.) - to bring under dominion: conquer.

Denizen (n.) - an inhabitant: resident.

Choleric (a.) - bad tempered; irritable.

Chapter 19

Accosting (n.) - address, greeting.

Prattle (v.) - to utter meaningless sounds suggestive of the chatter of children: babble.

Inured (v.) - accustomed to accept something undesirable.

Mollified (v.) - soothed in temper or disposition.

Gesticulating (v.) - making gestures especially when speaking.

Alloy (v.) - to reduce the purity of by mixing with something debasing.

Chapter 20

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Vicissitude (n.) - unexpectedly changing circumstances.

Antiquity (n.) - the quality of being ancient.

Introspection (n.) - the examination of one's own mental and emotional state.

Irrefragable (a.) - not to be disputed or contested.

Uncouth (a.) - awkward of clumsy.

Comport (v.) - to conduct or behave.

Obeisance (n.) - a bodily gesture, as a bow, expressing respect.

Devout (a.) - sincere or hearty.

Enshrined (a.) - preserved or cherished as sacred.

Aught (a.) - at all.

Pithy (a.) - having substance and point.

Gild (v.) - to give an attractive but often deceptive appearance to.

Potentate (n.) - one who wields controlling power.

Stupefied (a.) - astonished.

Malignant (a.) - disposed to cause harm deliberately.

Gratuitous (a.) - without apparent reason or justification.

Dell (n.) - a secluded hollow or small valley usually covered with trees or turf.

Requite (v.) - to make return for: repay.

Chapter 21

Betimes (a.) - at times: occasionally.

Plebeian (a.) - one of the common people.

Quaff (v.) - to drink (a beverage) deeply.

Wormwood (n.) - something bitter and grievous: bitterness.

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Effervesce (v.) - to show liveliness or exhilaration.

Scruple (n.) - an ethical consideration or principle that inhabits action.

Probity (n.) - adherence to the highest principles and ideals: uprightness.

Animadversion (n.) - adverse and typically ill-natured or unfair criticism.

Galliard (a.) - gay, lively.

Berth (n.) - safe distance.

Chapter 22

Mercenary (n.) - one that serves merely for wages.

Sobriety (n.) - the quality or state of being sober.

Morbid (a.) - abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy or unwholesome feelings.

Necromancy (n.) - magic, sorcery.

Pathos (n.) - an emotion of sympathetic pity.

Gradations (n.) - a series forming successive stages.

Indefatigable (a.) - incapable of being fatigued: untiring.

Requital (n.) - something given in return, compensation, or retaliation.

Swarthy (a.) - being of a dark color, complexion, or cast.

Smite (v.) - to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously.

Surmise (v.) - to imagine or infer on slight grounds.

Stigma (n.) - a mark of shame or discredit: stain.

Chapter 23

Oracle (n.) - a person through whom a deity is believed to speak.

Deity (n.) - Supreme Being: God.

Apotheosis (n.) - elevation to divine status.

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Intimations (n.) - the act of making known: announce.

Nether (a.) - situated down or below: lower.

Chapter 24

Conjecture (n.) - a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork.

Portent (n.) - something that foreshadows a coming event: omen.

Nugatory (a.) - having no force: inoperative.

Bequeathed (v.) - to hand down: transmit.

Recluse (a.) - marked by withdrawal from society: solitary.

Escutcheon (n.) - a protective or ornamental shield.

Sable (a.) - the color black: dark.

Gules (n.) - the heraldic color red.