scene one

Scene One: INT, Car 1 - Day 1 1. MUSIC: Radio Music – 20 seconds JENNA: Trent, are you sure this is the right way. TRENT: I’ve been here a hundred times Jenna. I think i know where were going. Now does it say left or right on the map? BREE: Yup, were lost. SOUND: Wheels on dirt (2 – 5 Seconds) TRENT: This is it. BREE: Are you kidding me? There’s no signal out here! SOUND: Car doors opening and then closing (5 seconds) NOLAN: Stop moaning. Look around, Isn’t the wilderness beautiful? BREE: Come back to me when you aren’t high and dry.

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Post on 25-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Scene one

Scene One: INT, Car 1 - Day 1

1. MUSIC: Radio Music – 20 seconds

JENNA: Trent, are you sure this is the right way.

TRENT: I’ve been here a hundred times Jenna. I think i know where were going. Now does it say left or right

on the map?

BREE: Yup, were lost.

SOUND: Wheels on dirt (2 – 5 Seconds)

TRENT: This is it.

BREE: Are you kidding me? There’s no signal out here!

SOUND: Car doors opening and then closing (5 seconds)

NOLAN: Stop moaning. Look around, Isn’t the wilderness beautiful?

BREE: Come back to me when you aren’t high and dry.

JENNA: He has a point Bree… It is beautiful.

TRENT: Are you lot going to help me with the bags or what?

SOUND: Car Boot Shuts (2 Seconds)

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BREE: Nolan, grab my bag. I just painted my nails.

TRENT: No Nolan, she can come and grab them herself.

SOUND: Bree and Trent Bickering (5 – 7 Seconds)

JENNA: Guys, I feel like someone is watching us.

TRENT: What? Don’t be stupid. Were in the middle of nowhere. Who’s got time to be lurking behind a tree?

NOLAN: Little red riding hood.

BREE: You guys are such jerks.

JENNA: Ill see you guys inside.

SOUND: Footsteps on stairs, Creaky door opening (4 Steps, 3 Seconds)

Scene Two: INT, Cabin 2 - Day 1

TRENT: (Scares Jenna) RAHHHHHH


TRENT: (Laughs) I got you good.

JENNA: Jesus, you are so immature, Trent.,

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TRENT: What, I’m sorry Babe.

SOUND: Footsteps on stairs (4 steps, 3 seconds)

BREE: Like I said, you lot are jerks.

TRENT: Who even asked you to come?

BREE: Jenna where are you?

JENNA: I’m in the bathroom.

BREE: Can I come in? I need to freshen up...

JENNA: Yes sure, The doors open.

BREE: Thanks... is everything ok? You seem a little off?

JENNA: There’s something about this Place Bree. Its just freaky. I don’t want to tell Trent because he will brand me ‘ungrateful’

NOLAN: Is anyone in here?

BREE: Go away Nolan!

JENNA: No its ok, I’m finished here.

SOUND: Door opening (4 Seconds)


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NOLAN: Have you finished??

BREE: Urgh, Yes Nolan, Yes I have.

Scene Three: INT, Kitchen – Day 1.

TRENT: I’m sorry about earlier, Babe.

JENNA: You really scared me.

TRENT: AWW, did my little Jenna Wenna get scared.

JENNA: Trent, don’t ever call me that again...

TRENT: I love you to Jenna.

JENNA: Have you lite the fire yet?

TRENT: Yes, Nolan and Bree are out there. I’m going to go and tame the fifty-foot-high flames. Bring the marshmallows with you.

JENNA: My Hero.

SOUND: Dishes being washed, slightly humming (10 seconds)


TRENT: What??

BREE: Are you ok Jenna?

JENNA: There is something out there. It was looking at me through the window.

BREE: We was just out there…

TRENT: There was nothing out there.

Page 5: Scene one

JENNA: I know what I saw!

NOLAN: She’s been smoking this stuff, Guys.

BREE: Stop it Nolan.

JENNA: Nolan, listen to me, you can go out there and check. I know what I saw.

TRENT: It just doesn’t make sense Jenna.

JENNA: Great. None of you believe me… You all think im crazy.

TRENT: The doctor said you will start hallucinating before the medication kicks in.

JENNA: You can go to hell Trent. All of you can.

Jenna exits