science form 4


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Video 1Video 2Video 3

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Why do we sweat?Kenapa kita berpeluh?

Why we dodged when somebody want to hit us?Kenapa kita mengelak apabila ada orang mahu memukul kita?

Why did the heart beating raise when we were nervous?Kenapakah jantung berdegup semakin kencang apabila kita gementar?

Why we let go hot iron the moment we touched it?Kenapakah apabila tersentuh seterika panas kita terus melepaskannya?

How did we balance our body when we are playing on the field? Bagaimanakah kita menyeimbangkan badan kita semasa bermain?

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NKoordinasi Badan

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Coordination :


The ability to control our movement and reaction properly.

Kemampuan untuk mengawal pergerakan dan tindak balas dengan sempurna.

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To maintain normal body conditionTo avoid us from any inju

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Nervous SystemSistem Saraf

Endocrine SystemSistem Endokrin (Sistem Hormon)

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Nervous SystemSistem Saraf

• Control nervous coordination

Mengawal koordinasi saraf

•Consist of central nervous system (CNS)

and peripeheral nervous system (PNS)Terdiri daripada sistem saraf pusat

dan sistem saraf periferal

Endocrine SystemSistem Endocrine

• Control hormonal coordination

Mengawal koordinasi hormon

• Consist of hormonal glands (ductless)

Tediri daripada kelenjar-kelenjar hormon (tanpa duktus)

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Brain Otak

Spinal cordSaraf tunjang

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Control our body, our action.

Mengawal badan dan tindakan manusia.

Storing memory.

Menyimpan memori.

Enclosed and protected by the skull called cranium.

Dilitupi dan dilindungi oleh tengkorak, kranium.

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PNS consist of spinal nerves which connected to the spinal cord and cranial nerves which connected to the brain.

PNS terdiri daripada saraf spina yang bersambung kepada saraf tunjang dan saraf kranial yang bersambung kepada otak

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The nerves can be divided into 2:

Dua jenis saraf:

Somatic Nervous System

Sistem saraf somatic

Autonomic Nervous System

Sistem saraf autonomik

Sympathetic Nervous System

Sistem saraf simpatetik

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Sistem saraf parasimpatetik

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Neurons are cells that generate and transmit nerve impulses

Neuron adalah sel yang menghasilkan dan memindahkan impuls saraf

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Puzzle Complete the puzzle of neurons and identify what is

the type of the neuron.Selesaikan puzzle dan kenal pasti jenis neuron

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Sensory NeuronNeuron deria

Transmit nerve impulse from receptor to CNSMemindahkan impuls dari reseptor ke CNS

Motor NeuronNeuron motor

Transmit nerve impulse from CNS to effectors (muscle/glands)Memindahkan saraf dari CNS ke efektor

InterneuronNeuron perantaraan

Transmit nerve impulse between sensory and motor neuronsMemindahkan saraf impuls antara neuron deria dan neuron motor

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The narrow space between neurons

Ruang kecil antara neuron-neuron

Size = 0.00002 mm

Saiz = 0.00002 mm



Impulse can move very fastImpuls dapat bergerak dengan pantas

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Stimulus Receptor Example: step up on thorn (through sensory


Response EffectorExample: jump up and yelling (through motor neuron)

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ReseptorSpecialized cells that detect stimulus through sensory

neuronSel-sel khusus yang mengesan rangsangan melalui neuron deria

Example: eyes, skin, tongueContoh: mata, kulit, lidah

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EfektorCells or organs that produce response stimulated by

nerve impulseSel-sel atau organ yang menghasilkan tindak balas apabila dirangsang oleh impuls saraf

Example: muscle or glandContoh: otot atau kelenjar

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Reflex Action

Tindakan Refleks

Action that happen without our knowledge when stimulatedTindakan yang berlaku tanpa disedari apabila dirangsang

Example: Jump when step on thornContoh: Melompat apabila terkena duri

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Video 1Video 2

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Which of the followings are reflex action?

Yang mana satukah tindakan refleks?

Eyes blink when light strike.Mata berkelip bila disinari cahaya.

Kick a ball during a football match.Menendang bola semasa perlawanan bola sepak.

Dodge when a friend wants to punch.Mengelak apabila kawan ingin menumbuk.

Turn your head when heard somebody call you.Pusing kepala apabila terdengar seseorang memanggil nama anda.

Running in a race.Berlari dalam sebuah perlumbaan.

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Complete question no 1 (textbook page 48)

Answer the following questions:Why is synapse important ?

Kenapakah sinaps penting?

Besides skins, eyes and tongue, name 2 other receptors that human has.Selain kulit, mata dan lidah, namakan dua lagi reseptor yang terdapat pada manusia

Write a short notes about reflex arcTulis nota ringkas mengenai arka refleks