science rocks video project

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  • 8/3/2019 Science Rocks Video Project


    Science Rocks ProjectINTRODUCTIONCreate a 2-10 min video surrounding a geological rock formation explaining:- It's anthropological significance- It's geological relevance in the landscape- How that structure came to be- Background info explaining unique characteristics of that rock type

    The Video must present and showcase your art strand in the delivery of the aboveinformation. The Video can not be longer than 10 minutes, and must be presentedin class on Tuesday Oct 25th & Wednesday Oct. 26th. The inspiring rock formatio

    n can be from anywhere around the world, though be advised that all 4 bullets above need to be addressed. If you can not find any of the above details considera different rock formation.

    You can work alone or in a Team containing up to 3 students. Each student must be from a Different Strand, and there can not be any repetition. The A&M Strandsare as follows

    Creative Writing - Dance - Chorus - Photography - Band - Orchestra - Guitar - Theater

    POINT BREAKDOWN100 points - Brainstorming Sheet Due - Friday Oct. 14thEach student will turn in a brainstorming sheet, though teams will staple theirbrainstorming sheets together. The brainstorming sheet must contain the following:- group members along with their strands- unique geological rock formation name & location.- preliminary background information surrounding unique geological formation.- 10 listed concepts and ideas for presentation.I will be looking for your Video Vision. I want to get an idea of what is to com

    e. Where will you be filming this? Who's going to be in it? What will each character do? When will the story take place?

    100 points - Peer Review Reflection Grade Due at time of Video Presentation along with graded Brainstorming Sheet.

    Here is your opportunity to assess your partner. Respond to the various questions, and give your experience testimony.

    100 points - Presentation Grade Given at end of Presentation-

    You will be judged on:

    - comprehension completion of each of the 4 bullets above (60%)- How has this unique rock structure impacted man?- Is this structure unique to that area, or are there others like it? Ex

    plain the surrounding terrain & landscape to give value to the significance of your formation.

    - Was the structure man made, or naturally formed? If man made, who, when, & why? If natural how did that happen? Tectonic, Erosion, or weathering I'm looking for details.

    - What type of rock makes up that structure? What does that rock type mean? Explain the geologic relevance of that rock type.- Inclusion of art strands. Make sure to explain the connection to the rock formation in the video. (30%)

    - Dancer will Dance (research and consider various rituals or dance styl

    es done in connection to this rock formation)- Artists will sketch, paint, draw, etcetera (think beyond the impressio

    nist recreation of that rock structure. Go big, go out there, reinvent and show

  • 8/3/2019 Science Rocks Video Project


    a side never seen before)- Thespians will perform characters dramatically (consider the cultural

    or ceremonial scenes played out in conjunction with this unique formation)- Musicians will play (connect period music, or songs written in honor o

    f this Rock Formation)- Audience Reaction (10%)

    - Was the video engaging and exciting? Were your classmates Dancing, Sin

    ging, or Tapping along? Or did they have their heads down, drooling on the desktop?