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[Science] Mobile Tower Radiation and Steps taken by Government

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What is Mobile tower radiation Why is it in news? Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on EMF Radiation. Timeline ICNIRP guidelines What is SAR? How and why does Mobile Radiation affect humans? Animals and Mobile Radiation? Steps taken by Environment Ministry

What is Mobile tower radiation Mobile phone towers hold antennas and other communications equipment. They flood the area for miles around with powerful high frequency radio waves to support the use of cell phones. This radiation allegedly causes health problem. Im using the word allegedly because our Government said in parliament that mobile tower radiation doesnt cause health problems.

Why is it in news? Because an MP asked in parliament whether radiation emitted from base stations are hazardous?, the Government replied,

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From all evidence accumulated so far, no adverse short or long term health effects have been shown to occur from the RF signals produced by Mobile tower base stations. But (just to be safe) well bring down the exposure limit of radio frequency fields (mobile tower base station emissions) to one-tenth of the existing level from September 1, 2012.

Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on EMF Radiation. EMF=electromagnetic field. Government had setup this Committee in 2011 to study the hazards of Mobile radiation. The Committees findings

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most of the laboratory studies were unable to find a direct link between exposure to radio frequency radiation from mobile towers and health; scientific studies as yet have not been able to confirm a cause-and-effect relationship between radio frequency radiation and health. The effect of emission from cell phone towers is not known yet with certainty. However, as a precautionary measure, the IMC recommended reduction of mobile

tower base station emissions to one-tenth of the present limit.

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It suggested stricter SAR limits (1.6 watt per kg) for mobile handsets. Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 should be amended so that only mobile handsets satisfying radiation standards (SAR) should be permitted for import / manufacture or sold in the country.

Timeline 2008 DoT has decided to adopt the International Commission on Non-Iodizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)* guidelines in the telcom sector. Government sets up Interministerial Committee on Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) radiation and its effects on health. Committee submits report. DoT made rules to mandate to all mobile phone manufacturers to comply with the specific and absorption rate (SAR)*.

2010 2011 2012

ICNIRP guidelines In short, they suggest that based on scientific research, if mobile radiation is below xyz level then there is no harm to humans or animals. So all the Governments across the world should make laws and rules to keep mobile radiation below xyz level. What is SAR?

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specific and absorption rate it is a measure of the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the human body while using a mobile phone) so that radiation does not affect human health. Presently, Indias SAR limit is 2 watt per kg The Inter-ministerial Committee wants SAR to be 1.6 watts per kg. and that all the mobile manufacturers gives specific information about SAR on their product packages. This new SAR limit would not affect the mobile manufacturer because almost all of them already adhere to the US standard. However, itd increase the production cost for cheap mobile phone manufacturers (Chinese type) because theyll have to use better quality material to comply to the new SAR limits.

By the way, if mobile radiation doesnt affect health then why is all the hue and cry by activists and PILs in Highcourts etc.? So, How and why does Mobile Radiation affect humans?

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Human body is itself is electromagnetic (very low around 10 hertz frequency). Each of our cell has its own electromagnetic field when we exposed to the cellular tower frequency which is very high our bodys EMF (electromagnetic field) disturbed and thus caused very serious types of damages to our cells, brains etc human body consists of 70% liquid. It is similar to that of cooking in the microwave oven where the water in the food content is heated first. Microwave absorption effect is much more significant by the body parts which contain more fluid (water, blood, etc.), like the brain which consists of about 90% water.

Animals and Mobile Radiation?

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You have ever seen a bee, sparrow, pigeon, or any bird flying and staying near the cell tower?. I think No. The reason is surface area of a bird which is larger than human body, so they absorb more radiation. Since fluid content is small due to less weight, it gets heated up very fast and also the magnetic field disturbs their navigational skills.

Steps taken by Environment Ministry The Ministry of Environment Telecommunications (DoT) : and Forest (MoEF) asked the Department of

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Not to allow new mobile towers to be constructed within a one-kilometer radius of the existing towers. New towers should not be permitted within a radius of one kilometer of the existing towers. Any new towers do not obstruct the flight path of birds, or increase the combined radiation of all towers in the area. Put in GIS mapping to help monitor the population of birds and bees or the welfare of animals in protected wildlife areas. Do not install any towers near zoos or any wildlife protected zones without consulting Forest Dept.

[Science] Bio disadvantages








For GS (Mains) Paper II.



* * *Green Manure

Examples of BioFertilizers: Pros and Cons

* * * *Biofertilizers

Examples of Green Manure Pros and Cons of Green Manure? Advantages Disadvantage


a substance which contains living microorganisms


when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, it promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients (nitrogen, Phosphorous etc.) to the host plant.

Examples of BioFertilizers:

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Rhizobium, Azotobacter, blue green algae (BGA) Azospirillum

Pros and Cons Advantages Disadvantages

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It increases crop yield by 20-30%,

replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%, and stimulates plant growth.

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Their effects are is slower compared to chemical fertilizer. Difficulty to store: theyre sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. much lower nutrient density requires large amounts to get enough for most crops requires a different type of machine to apply than chemical fertilizers sometimes hard to locate/purchase in faraway rural areas

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It can also provide protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases. Bio-fertilizers are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilizers. They have lower manufacturing costs, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus use.


environmentally friendly also helps to some extent cleanse the plant from precipitated chemical fertilizers.

Green Manure

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green manure is a type of cover crop grown primarily to add nutrients and organic matter to the soil. Typically, a green manure crop is grown for a specific period of time, and then ploughed under and incorporated into the soil while it is green or shortly after flowering. Government of India provides subsidy Subsidy on the purchased of seeds & cost on production of seeds for green manure plants.

Examples of Green Manure plants Leguminous plants Example Why are they used? Cowpeas, soybeans for their nitrogen fixing abilities Non-leguminous plants sudangrass, millet, sorghum, and buckwheat. for weed suppression and addition of biomass to the soil.

Pros and Cons of Green Manure? Advantages

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soil improvement and soil protection. provides forage for pollinating insects. Root systems of many green manure crops to efficiently penetrate compact soils

thus increasing the aeration of the soil.

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The deep rooting properties of many green manure crops make them efficient at suppressing weeds They fix nitrogen in soil, thus Less chemical fertilizers are required. provide habitat for predatory beneficial insects, they kill and eat the pests / harmful insects thus less pesticides are required.


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Leguminous plants require good amount of irrigation. The time factor: you cannot plant the primary marketable crop during green manuring phase.

[Science] Genetically Modified Crops, Bt-Brinjal, Cartagena & Nagoya Protocol: Meaning, Issues A guest article by Manikandan Soundararajan

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What are DNA and Gene? What do we need here? What is the necessity for GM technology? Current issue: Recommendations of the committee: What is this GEAC: Procedure to accord approval: Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)

What are DNA and Gene? Always a human gives birth to humans, and a baby is said to inherit his/her parents characters. This is made possible only because of the so called genes. Genes are the books where all your personal, family characters are coded passed on to you from your parents. DNA is a polymer of nucleic acid specifically deoxyribonucleic acid which is in turn is comprised of sugar component and nitrogenous base.there are 4 type of nitrogenous base that is adenine , guanine, cytosine and thiamine. It is the sequence of theses nitogenous bases that determine our genetic charecter. [courtsey- Ritesh's comment] DNA aids in protein synthesis.



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Their expression gives you characters.

What do we need here? Scientists have now mapped, analyzed these genes of various plants and animals. i.e., understood the ABC of gene make up Here now they are capable of manually rearranging these genes, inserting a part, deleting one changing the way one behaves, like stunted coconut trees giving coconuts at your arms stretch. Such organisms are called TRANSGENICS, transformed genetic make-up.

What is the necessity for GM technology? Already a population of 7 billion and growing energetically. 3% increase in agri production needed to ensure food security to this population, while current growth rate is only 2%. Stress on land resource already huge- use of insecticides, pesticides. 27% of worlds undernourished people proudly are Indians- Urgent need to feed those hungry mouths. Else National shame will be the result- as our PM remarked on the HUNGAMA report.

To address above problems GM aids the development of specific traits in crops like:

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Herbicide resistance Pest resistance Viral resistance slow-ripening Fungal and bacterial resistance Quality improvement (protein and oil) Value addition (Vitamins, micro-and macro-elements)

Ok then let us move quick into this akshayapaatra Hold on, every coin has one more side:

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Biosafety first concern Direct health effects (toxicity) The stability of the inserted gene Nutritional effect associated with genetic modification Any unintended effects which could result from the gene Insertion. Autonomy of farmers affected because the seeds of these tech crops are monopolized and are marketed by big private firms. If he is unable/does not provide us the requisite seeds, we have a problem. Genetic erosion of our local varieties.

Bt Brijnal Current issue:

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In India it all started with Bt cotton and Bt Brinjal, regarding control, regulation, marketing production, safety of such crops. Here the Bt refers to Bacillus thuringenesis soil bacterium from which the genes are introduced in to the native cotton and brinjal varieties. The gene gave an expression in cotton which produced a protein in the cotton crop that was toxic to the boll worms and stem borers (pests) i.e., pest resistant variety. Now the issue with us already with many political parties, farmers complaining introduction such GM cotton, Brinjal(stopped after initial intro) as the cause for increasing farmer suicides in Karnataka, Vidharbha region. High input cost of seeds, genetic erosion of local varieties, farmers dependence on private seed cos are said to be the reasons.

In this scenario our parliamentary committee on Agriculture has submitted a report on CULTIVATION OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD CROPS PROSPECTS AND EFFECTS Recommendations of the committee:

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No GM food trials, till a stronger regulatory system is established. Current regulation by GEAC (Genetic Engineering appraisal committee) flawed, GEAC under dept. of Biotech which has one of its aims to spread modern biotech. One cannot regulate his own product is the reports view. Farmers of cotton already under strain, new Bt cotton seeds are expensive, input costs high, yet farmers are left with zero choice. Strict labeling giving choice for consumers to know what they buy is must. Especially imported foods are now a concern.

What is this GEAC:

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Established under MoEF, GEAC is the apex body to accord approval of activities involving large scale use of

hazardous microorganisms and recombinants production from the environmental angle.





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GEAC is also responsible for granting approvals relating to release of genetically engineered organisms and products into the environment including experimental field trials. The GEAC also has the powers to prohibit, revoke, supervise and take punitive action in case of non-compliance, furnishing of wrong information or in case of any damage to the environment.

Procedure to accord approval: laboratory and greenhouse experiment, open field trials for generation of biosafety data, commercialization and market approval Large scale production. International conventions related to this: The committee report passes references to all these conventions. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

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CBD is a legally binding agreement adopted during Rio Earth Summit in 1992. India signed the CBD and ratified it. USA is not a party to this Convention. While reaffirming sovereign rights of nations over their natural resources, this Convention establishes three goals: conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components, and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. India is hosting CoP-11 to the CBD to be held in Hyderabad in October 2012, which is the year of 20th anniversary of Rio Earth Summit is an added information.


Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB)

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The CPB, the first international regulatory framework for safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs(living modified organisms) signed on 2000. India has acceded to this Biosafety Protocol. Difference between LMO and GMO is that GMO is a broader term including LMOs within it, all organisms live, dead whose genes are modified are GMOs but LMO as the name suggests are living organisms which are genetically modified. The objective of the Protocol is to contribute to ensuring an adequate level of protection in the field of the safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human health, and specifically focusing on trans-boundary movements. As a Party to the Protocol, the first and foremost requirement is the setting up of a National Biosafety Regulatory Framework India has introduced the national biosafety rules even before the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was adopted at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Even though the text of the Protocol has been adopted, several critical issues such as risk assessment, liability and redress, documentation and identification of LMOS for Food Feed and Processing etc., are still under discussion.



Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)


The CoP-10 to the CBD held in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010 adopted the Nagoya

Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing .India is a megadiverse country rich in biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge. Hence, implementation of the ABS provisions of CBD is of special interest to us.


The objective of Nagoya Protocol is the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources. The Protocol establishes a clear framework on how researchers and companies can obtain access to genetic resources and to associated traditional knowledge, and how benefits arising from the use of such material or knowledge will be shared with locals. The ABS Protocol is expected to address the concerns of biodiversity rich countries such as India relating to misappropriation of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.


EnB] Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Guest article by Mr.Manikandan, For Environment and Biodiversity topic in CSAT GS paper. (Preliminary exam)

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What is GIAHS? What is FAO? What are the objectives of GIAHS? Why is it done? How is a GIAHS site chosen? GIAHS Sites in India: Koraput, Odisha State Kashmir Valley, Pampore region Kuttanad What will GIAHS do in Indian Sites? Other Potential sites: Ladakh: Raikas: Korangadu: Catamaran Fishing, Tamilnadu: Soppina bettas systems, Western Ghats:

What is GIAHS? Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Purpose of GIAHS is to create public awareness, safeguard world agricultural heritage site s. It was started in 2002 by FAO (Food and agricultural organization).

What is FAO? FAO an intergovernmental organization, headquartered at Rome with 191 member nations. Aims at helping world population get ensured food security, eliminate

hunger, poverty. What are the objectives of GIAHS?

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To understand and appreciate the nature friendly agricultural practices of local and tribal populations around the world. To document indigenous knowledge. To conserve and promote these knowledge at global scale to promote food security, sustainable development. Providing incentives for local population by measures like eco-labeling, ecotourism.

Why is it done?

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Globalization, increasing population pressure, environment degradation putting food production under stress. Loss of Biodiversity, loss of livelihood and economic returns for marginalized and poor- major impacts. To overcome all these, combat climate change, move towards MDGs, eradicate poverty this initiative undertaken.

How is a GIAHS site chosen?

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The provision of local food security High levels of agricultural biodiversity and associated biological diversity, Store of indigenous knowledge and Ingenuity of management systems.

-A site with all the above characteristics, if under stress or threat of degradation is chosen. Various sites across the world from china, srilanka, argentina, peru etc. have been recognized under GIAHs. Now our focus: two sites recognized in India and 6 more recognized as potential sites: GIAHS Sites in India: Koraput, Odisha State

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This region has rich biodiversity, growing several varieties of paddy, millets, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables. Region primarily a tribal district inhabited by khonds, bonda tribes practicing poddhu (shifting) cultivation. Shifting cultivation loss of forest cover = hurting the biodiversity. Soil erosion, Soil degradation, habitat loss. Illiteracy, large family, small farm holding size. The socio-economic indicators are very poor here nearly 84% living in abject poverty.

Kashmir Valley, Pampore region Saffron Heritage Site of Kashmir in India


Grains such as maize, rice, rajmah/lentils, fruit and vegetable crops and pulses .

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A set of unique low-tillage traditional agricultural practices are carried During the fallow period, growth of fruit, fodder and mulberry trees along the farm boundaries (Agro-forestry) is practiced, thereby maintaining traditional agrobiodiversity.


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Loss of productivity due to the lack of agricultural management practices Climate change vulnerabilities, water scarcity and weather vagaries Efforts from the younger generation to appreciate and conserve heritage systems absent.


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Kuttanad is a delta region of about 900 sq. km situated in the west coast of Kerala State, India. Unique feature: Below sea level rice cultivation site, only such system in India. Farmers of Kuttanad have developed and mastered the spectacular technique of below sea level cultivation over 150 year ago. They made this system unique as it contributes remarkably well to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services including several livelihood services for local communities.

What will GIAHS do in Indian Sites?

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Contribute to awareness-raising promote use of modern technologies to conserve the heritage systems. Documenting the traditional knowledge. Provide capacity building training for farmers to increase productivity and marketing practices. Modernization, commercialization strategies establishing standards, eco labeling. Establishing sustainable practices amongst the tribals utilizing their knowledge, modern technologies.

Other Potential sites: Ladakh:

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Ladakh is located on the high Tibetan plateau between India and the Himalayan Mountains to the south, China and the Karakoram Mountains to the north, and Indian Kashmir to the west. Four types of land are cultivated: Zhing (cultivated land), Zhing Zhang (well fertilized land), Rizhing (stony land), Thang Zhing (pasture land). Apricots, apples and walnuts are cultivated in deep valleys. Organic composting is said to be an indigenous technique here Western cultural intrusion, urban consumerism are said to be threatening factors. Promoting its uniqueness especially amidst harsh terrains is essential.


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The Raikas are a pastoral caste Camel herding is their heritage. They live in groups of 4-20 families on the outskirts of villages and combine crop production during the summer rains with pastoralism during the autumn-spring dry season. The Raikas face several threats: Camel herding is no longer profitable, Droughts, Decrease in common pasture lands, disease and fodder scarcity, privatization of land Government support, help to withstand climate change, drought conditions need to be provided to preserve this heritage group.


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The Korangadu silvo-pastoral system exists in the semiarid tract of the Erode, Coimbatore, Karur, Dindigul districts of Tamil Nadu. Innovative fencing mechanism of land by live mullukiluvai (Commiphora berryi), a thorny drought resistant shrub. No fertilizer or nutrients, use of natural animal droppings, use of Phaseolus trilobus, a crop which provides a very nutritious feed. The leaves and pods of Albizia amara serve as a natural hair conditioner. Now monocropping, horticulture, tube wells haunt the natural heritage of this area. Deficient monsoon, water scarcity have also changed the cultivation patterns. The Korangadu pastureland shows people how to live with nature, while conserving it , utilizing it and this needs to be preserved, propagated.

Catamaran Fishing, Tamilnadu:

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Catamaran- Two words in Tamil: Kattu-to tie, Maram- Tree; The Bay of Bengal waters source of unique resources, marine biodiversity. People of coastal tamilnadu have shown a sustainable way of exploiting the marine resources which is very important as India is the worlds fourth largest fishing nation. Modern fishing problems: pollution, stress over exploitation. Also problems of mechanization in this area and 2004 Tsunami effects still threatening the livelihoods of these people. It thus represents a set of Agricultural Biodiversity of Global Significance (ABGS), associated knowledge systems and cultural practices which are endangered and needs international recognition.

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Soppina bettas systems, Western Ghats:

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Western Ghats of Karnataka- 16 varieties of rice grown Compost made from foliage and leaf litter (Soppina Bettas) used as fertilizer-local innovation. Soppina Bettas provide manure, botanical pesticides, fuel wood, fodder, medicine and timber to the communities. The existence of this unique self-sustaining system is threatened due to over exploitation, conversion of land and lack of awareness.

[Environment] Landslides in Himalayas: Reasons, Solutions

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Three main geological divisions of India. Classification of Himalayas Hazards in the Himalayan Eco-System Regions and disasters Landslides: Reasons Landslides: Damage Suggestions to fix problem

Three main geological divisions of India. Himalayas, also known as the Extra-Peninsula Indo-Gangetic Plains Peninsula

Classification of Himalayas Method #1

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Himalayas are classified, from west to east, into four regions: Punjab Himalaya area between Indus and Sutlej rivers. Kumaon Himalaya area between Sutlej and Kali rivers Nepal Himalaya- area between Kali and Tista rivers. Assam Himalaya- area between Tista and Brahamputra rivers.


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three regions: the Western, Central and Eastern Himalaya Nepal Himalaya constitutes the Central Himalaya and the mountainous area to its west and east are known as Western and Eastern Himalaya respectively

Hazards in the Himalayan Eco-System

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All major types of disasters, prominently earthquakes, landslides,

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avalanches, flash floods forest fires soil erosion

Regions and disasters Altitude Over 3500m 500 to 3500 m Landslides: Reasons Type of disaster snow avalanches and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) flash floods; landslides and mudflows

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indiscriminate chopping down of trees. slash and burn cultivation technique called JHUM, Road construction and mining. Every increasing population, grazing, urbanization etc. has destroyed the dense natural evergreen forest cover.

Such activities have disrupted the ecological balance, thereby resulting in loosening of the soil. During the heavy rain, this leads to soil erosion and frequent landslides Landslides: Damage

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Every year, landslides in the region kill dozens of people and cause widespread damage to several villages such that they have now become almost unfit for habitation. They create blockades in the road network and river system, which in turn, cause floods. The terraced farm fields have been destroyed that cannot be easily renovated or made productive again. The road network remains closed for long periods causing indescribable hardship to the villagers who get their basic supplies and provisions from the neighbouring areas. Water source is also disrupted due to landslides as they are breached from several places and are choked by the debris. The sediment load of rivers has also increased considerably, causing problems like irregular courses and frequent breaching of the banks, which create uncertainty regarding the river course and unexpected floods. The water channels are affected from the up hillside due to which the villagers are devoid of water for irrigation purposes. This adversely affects agriculture production in the region.

Suggestions to fix problem

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Excess water should be stored in the catchments areas, which will reduce the fury of flash floods, recharge the ground water and improve the environment. Runoff collection ponds in the catchments, though they might get silted up in a few years, will be more useful than the measures in the lower reaches.

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To prevent rapid siltation of tanks, the contributing catchments (even if they are not cultivated but used for grazing or forestry purposes) need to be well managed so that soil erosion is prevented. All common lands should be put under fuel/fodder trees. Planting of barren areas, especially on slopes, with grass cover is an important component of integrated watershed management programme. Grazing should be completely restricted. After the area is completely protected from grazing, better grasses can be planted. The grasses of industrial importance should also be planted so that there is some economic return to the farmers as well. The surface vegetative cover will not only protect the land from the beating action of rain drops and bind the soil particles but would also decrease the velocity of flowing water and cause less of soil erosion .

[Biodiversity] National Aqatic Animal This is shared by Varoon Bakshi.

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The River Dolphin is found in the River Ganges. In 2009, The Ganga River Dolphin was declared the National Aquatic Animal of India by the National Ganga River Basin Authority which is chaired by the Prime Minister. The Ganga River Dolphin is basically found in the Ganga and Brahmaputra river systems. Around 1500-2000 River Dolphins are found in the aforementioned two river systems. The scientific name of the Ganga River Dolphin is Platanista Gangetica.

Problems faced by River Dolphins The habitats of the Ganga River Dolphins are shrinking as smaller rivers are drying up and bigger rivers do not have uninterrupted flow of water in various parts. Thus the Ganga River Dolphins are perhaps one of the few creatures which face extinction due to the destruction of their habitat instead of being hunted or poached. Although, these river dolphins are hunted for their oil and sometimes they get stuck in the nets of the fishermen and die. By declaring the Ganga River Dolphin as the National Aquatic Animal of India there will be some focus on the plight of these animals.

[EnB] National Seabuckthorn Initiative


What is Seabuckthorn?

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What are the uses of Seabuckthron? What is National Seabuckthorn Initiative? What will they do? CSAT 2012 Actual Question Mock Questions for GS Mains (Paper I) Previous Articles under EnB

What is Seabuckthorn? Seabuckthorn (Leh berry) is a shrub It grows in the dry temperate and cold desert of the Himalayas. Found extensively in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttatrakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.

What are the uses of Seabuckthron?


Has multi-purpose medicinal and nutritional properties, besides being useful for soil conservation and nitrogen fixation. Since this is the only plant that can grow in high altitude regions it can be easily used for water and soil conservation. Can aid in climate change mitigation and provide livelihoods support thereby reducing pressures on the ecosystem.



* Ideal plant for desertification control.Every part of the plant viz. Fruit, leaf, twig, root and thorn has been traditionally used as medicine, nutritional supplement, fuel and fence, and therefore, seabuckthorn is popularly known as

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Wonder Plant, Ladakh Gold, Golden Bush or Gold Mine.

What is National Seabuckthorn Initiative?

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Indias National Action Plan on Climate Change It has a key Mission called Green India Mission Under this Green India Mission, there is a Sub-Mission on Cold Desert Ecosystems This Sub-Mission will include the National Seabuckthorn Initiative. In 2010, Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) and the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) have jointly launched a major new national initiative for seabuckthorn cultivation in the high altitude, cold desert ecosystems of the country.

What will they do?

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Under this initiative, Eco Task Force Battalions and Womens Self-help groups will be mobilised for plantation of seabuckthorn in remote areas. Research and Development (R&D) for cultivation and commercial processing in collaboration with China, Russia, Pakistan, Germany etc nations where this plant is found.