scientific notation a short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros.

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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Scientific Notation

A short-hand way of writinglarge numbers without writing all of the zeros.

Page 2: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

The Distance From the Sun to the Earth


Page 3: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Step 1

Move decimal left

Leave only one number in front of decimal

Page 4: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Step 2

Write number without zeros

Page 5: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Step 3

Count how many places you moved decimal

Make that your power of ten

Page 6: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

The power often is 7 becausethe decimalmoved 7 places.

Page 7: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

93,000,000 --- Standard Form

9.3 x 107 --- Scientific Notation

Page 8: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Practice Problem

1) 98,500,000 = 9.85 x 10?

2) 64,100,000,000 = 6.41 x 10?

3) 279,000,000 = 2.79 x 10?

4) 4,200,000 = 4.2 x 10?

Write in scientific notation. Decide the power of ten.

9.85 x 107

6.41 x 1010

2.79 x 108

4.2 x 106

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More Practice Problems

1) 734,000,000 = ______ x 108

2) 870,000,000,000 = ______x 1011

3) 90,000,000,000 = _____ x 1010

On these, decide where the decimal will be moved.

1) 7.34 x 108 2) 8.7 x 1011 3) 9 x 1010

Page 10: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Complete Practice Problems

1) 50,000

2) 7,200,000

3) 802,000,000,000

Write in scientific notation.

1) 5 x 104 2) 7.2 x 106 3) 8.02 x 1011

Page 11: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Scientific Notation to Standard Form

Move the decimal to the right

3.4 x 105 in scientific notation

340,000 in standard form

3.40000 --- move the decimal

Page 12: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Write in Standard Form

6.27 x 106

9.01 x 104



Page 13: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Positive Exponents

101 = 10

102 = 10X10= 100

103 = 10X10X10 = 1000

104 = 10X10X10X10 = 10,000

Page 14: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Negative Exponents

10-1 = 1/10 = 0.1

10-2 = 1/100 = 0.01

10-3 = 1/1000 = 0.001

10-4 = 1/10000 = 0.0001

Page 15: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Scientific Notation

We use the idea of exponents to make it easier to work with large and small numbers.

10,000 = 1 X 104

250,000 = 2.5 X 105

Count places to the left until there is one number to the left of the decimal point.

230,000 = ?

35,000 = ?

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Scientific Notation Continued

0.00006 = 6 X 10-5

0.00045 = 4.5 X 10-4

Count places to the right until there is one number to the left of the decimal point

0.003 = ?

0.0000025 = ?

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Multiplying with Scientific Notation

Add the Exponents

102 X 103 = 105

100 X 1000 = 100,000

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Multiplying with Scientific Notation

(2.3 X 102)(3.3 X 103)

• 230 X 3300

• Multiply the Coefficients

• 2.3 X 3.3 = 7.59

• Add the Exponents

• 102 X 103 = 105

• 7.59 X 105

• 759,000

Page 19: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Multiplying with Scientific Notation

(4.6 X 104) X (5.5 X 103) = ?

(3.1 X 103) X (4.2 X 105) = ?

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Dividing with Scientific Notation

Subtract the Exponents

104/103 = 101

10000X 1000 = 10

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Dividing with Scientific Notation

(3.3 X 104)/ (2.3 X 102)

33000 / 230 = 143.4783

Divide the Coefficients

3.3/ 2.3 = 1.434783

Subtract the Exponents

104 / 102 = 102

1.4347823 X 102


Page 22: Scientific Notation A short-hand way of writing large numbers without writing all of the zeros

Dividing with Scientific Notation

(4.6 X 104) / (5.5 X 103) = ?

(3.1 X 103) / (4.2 X 105) = ?

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Addition and subtractionScientific Notation

1. Make exponents of 10 the same2. Add 0.2 + 3 and keep the 103 intact

The key to adding or subtracting numbers in Scientific Notation is to make sure the exponents are the same.

2.0 x 102 + 3.0 x 103

.2 x 103 + 3.0 x 103

= .2+3 x 103

= 3.2 x 103

2.0 x 107 - 6.3 x 105

2.0 x 107 -.063 x 107

= 2.0-.063 x 107

= 1.937 x 107

1. Make exponents of 10 the same2. Subtract 2.0 - .063 and keep the 107 intact