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1 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

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1 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

2 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Table of Contents

1. List of Abbreviations

2. Board of Directors & G.Body Members

3. SDF Structure

4. Organogram

5. Pictures of various activities

6. Comparison pictures of CPI schemes

7. Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI)

8. Health Program

9. Social Organization

10. Earth Quake Relief Activities

11. Auditor’s Reports

12. Financial Statement

3 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

List of Abbreviation 1. SDF Salik Development Foundation

2. PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

3. CPI Community Physical Infrastructure

4. PHC Primary Health Care

5. MMR Maternal Morbidity Rate

6. IMR Infant Mortality Rate

7. CBA Child Bearing Age

8. BBCM Broad Based Community Meeting

9. TMA Tehsil Municipal Administration

10. TVO Trust for Voluntary Organization

11. CO Community Organization

12. PAC Project Approval Committee

13. SDCC Social Development Coordination Council

14. M.S.O Male Social Organizer

15. F.S.O Female Social Organizer

16. NUDP NWFP Urban Development Project

4 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

SDF Structure General Body Members Board of Directors President Secretary Executive Director Staff members. SDF Goal TO WORK FOR THE ESTABLISHMENTOF A PEACEFUL, PROSPEROUS AND DEVELOPED SOCIETY SDF Objectives • Provision of educational facilities and awareness raising in back ward communities. • Efforts for the provision of basic health facilities, health education and awareness raising

about prevention and control of diseases. • To alleviate poverty and efforts for availability of basic needs of life i.e employment, skill

trainings, safe drinking water, sanitation and community physical infrastructure to deprived and backward communities.

• To improve natural resources for the protection of Environment through awareness raising and capacity building trainings.

• Capacity building of farmers, information sharing and provision of facilities for agricultural development.

• Advocacy for peace, equality and human rights (esp. women and children). • Coordination and linkage development, Information sharing and capacity building of CSOs

/ CBOs for participatory development and human resource development. • Relief and Rehabilitation efforts in case of natural disasters and accidents.

Vision An equal, developed and prosperous society where every one without gender discrimination, have equal rights on resources in a peaceful environment. And where people have easily approach towards justice.

Mission Our mission is to ensure community participation and organization in the whole process of development through social mobilization, proper planning and make able the people for the sustainable solution of their problems within the limits of available resources.

5 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

SDF’s Organizat n Structure

General Body

Board o Pres Secr

Ex Director


Office Finance Purchasing Planning Monitoring and


Administration Unit

Evergreen Nursery Farm.

Evergreen Nursery Hotel.

Evergreen Concrete Factory.

Agriculture Development and information Sharing.

Agriculture & Environment





Education Unit

Salik Health Center

MCH Center Salik Health

Forum Health Education

Trainings /

Health Unit

Flood Protection

Irrigation Link Road Sanitation Water Supply

CPI Unit

Sanitation Water Supply Women Skill

Center Health

Earth Quake Rehabilitation


SDCC Peshawar. SDCC Mardan. Political Edu;n SNI NATPOW TVO Net Work M & E SPCS NGOs

Network and


Women skill Centers

Computer Training Centers

CO capacity Building

Staff Capacity Building

H.R.D Unit


n y



f Director ident etary

6 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI) Program Introduction. CPI program launched in District Mardan, Swabi and Peshawar in 2002. Salik Development (SDF) signed an agreement for CPI Phase I with PPAF. The CPI schemes begun properly in November, 2002. Three phases of CPI have been completed successfully during the year. While the 4th phase agreement has been signed.

The main schemes and activities of CPI are construction of link roads, street pavement, construction of main drains and street drains, Installation of communal afridio hand pumps, irrigation water stoppers (nakkas), and construction of culverts, small bridges and capacity building of COs. SDF has implemented total 24 schemes in 24 backward communities of district Mardan and Tehsil Takht Bhai. The details are as follow.

Methodology The project staff consists of one CPI coordinator, one social organizer, one engineer and an accountant. The CPI Coordinator is responsible for all project implementation activities, planning and management with the assistance of social organizer. Social organizer attends community meetings and gatherings. He is especially responsible for social mobilization and in fact he is the person of the community. The job description of engineer is to analyze COs proposals, project area survey and preparation of estimated budget for schemes. Accountant maintain all project accounts and he also facilitate COs for accounts maintenance. Social organizer is the match stick and burn the fire of sensitization. He goes to the community and meets with project stake holders i.e community leader, teachers, social workers, religious leaders, Imam Masjid, youth and farmers for choosing an activist. He meets individually and collectively with community members of project area for social mobilization and organization purposes. Social organizer and CPI coordinator prepare community for 20 % shares against 80 % grant from SDF. This process usually takes 3 months. After the period of 3 months the CO becomes well equipped for project implementation. The COs pass a resolution in a BBCM for a prioritized scheme. The they send the resolution to SDF head office and the CPI project staff analyze the proposal and finally project approval Committee (PAC) approve the proposal. The project work begins under supervision of CPI project staff and concerned CO. In case of hand pump installation schemes, volunteers are trained from the community for hand pumps repairs and maintenance in case of fault in hand pumps.

7 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

SDF Criteria for CPI schemes

• Formation of CO • Bank Account • Need based and justified schemes • Maintained official records of COs • Saving • 20 % share of total cost of the project • Community Resolution by the CO • 3 % from community for maintenance and repair work

8 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

A flow of CPI Procedure Scheme

Completion certificate by SDF


COs Formation

Monitoring by the F.E or other member of SDF


Capacity Building of COs at least for 3 months

Scheme Implementation by the COs

Water supply link roads, sanitation, irrigation & flood protection

Social / Village Profile

Resolution By COs for Schemes

Proposal By the COs

MOU b/w SDF and CO

Maintenance 3 %

from community before implementation of Scheme

Joint Bank Account

Meetings with COs (at least 3)

Social Mobilization

Audit Project &Maintenance Committees

Donor Aid 80 % &Community Share 20 %

9 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Detail of CPI Interventions (From July 06 to June 07) Community Meetings In order to keep active old community organizations, the social organizers of Salik Foundation hold community meetings with concerned cos and newly formed cos also. In these meetings the methodology of CPI was highlighted. These were total 85 meetings in the project area along with 30 meetings with old COs.

Salik Foundation has selected backward communities for CPI phase five on the basis of merit and criteria described by PPAF. The criterion is poobackward com

r and munities.

Social Development Coordination Council (SDCC) SDCC is a network of civil societies based on district Mardan. Its monthly meeting is held every 2nd date of the month at SDF office. All COs members participate in the meeting. The aim and objectives of SDCC is to strengthen developmental activities in district Mardan, Information sharing and sustainable coordination. Specific Objectives of SDCC

• Strengthening Coordination between COs and SDF • Experience Sharing to facilitate each other • Capacity Building of COs • Future Planning for CPI schemes • Group discussion on issues and finding sustainable solution

Meeting Methodology The reminder for meeting is given to all COs before a few days and they are asked for agenda, the COs members give points for agenda and finally the CPI staff prepare agenda for SDCC monthly meeting. In the meeting all COs members describe their progress, saving status and constraints faced during implementation. The problems are discussed and valuable suggestions are given by participants. On this occasion the CPI staff members facilitate all members of COs for the solution of the problem and future planning. Total strength of the SDCC Community organization is more than 60.

10 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Social Mobilization and Organization The CPI social organizer and Coordinator visit the community before schemes. They meet

community leaders and common people. The main problems and issues of the community are discussed with the facilitation of SO & CPI Coordinator. The community members are sensitized by the CPI staff for the solution of their problems. And finally a community organization is formed after the period of at least three months. Generally the methodology for social organization is adopted by the CPI staff is as follow.

Procedure of Social Organization

Step-1: First Contact Step-2: Identification of contact person Step-3: Situation Analysis {Transit walk, social mapping, Base line information collection, etc) Step-4: Identify the entry point/common interest Step-5: Series of dialogues and completion of base lines data Step-6: Organize the community (CO, VO, interest group etc.) Step-7: Identification of activist Step-8: Develop objectives of organization by community Step-9: Elect office bearers or representatives of organization Step-10: Decide meeting dates, time, venue and bank for organizational account. Step-11: Identify priority needs of community Step-12: Prepared community action plans /list of activities at :

a. Village level b. Household level c. Individual Level

Step-13: Monitor and evaluate the progress of community organization on monthly, quarterly and annual basis. Tools will be CO meeting, activist workshops, special review meetings, record of CO etc

11 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Mr. Muzaffar Aziz IQBAL ( Management Executive CPI PPAF) Visit

During phase IV, Mr.Muzaffar Aziz, Management Executive visited Salik Foundation Takht

Bhai. He met with all project staff and SDF officials. Salik

Foundation’s CPI staff presented about field interventions and


Then Mr. Muzaffar Aziz visitied Community Organizations

(COs) formed by Salik Foundation and their CPI projects.

Which were satisfactory and appreciated by him. The COs

and villages visited by Mr. Muzaffar Aziz are as follow;

1. SDU Qandaro Kaley, Village Qandaro Kaley, Tehsil Takht Bhai.

2. SDU Kopar Kaley, Village Kopar Kaley, Tehsil Takht Bhai.

3. Falahi Tanzeem, Kamran Kaley, Village Kamran Kaley Tehsil Takht Bhai.

4. Kher Khegara Tanzeem, Pati Kalan Kaley, Tehsil Takht Bhai.

5. SDU Shagai Kaley, Village Shagai, Tehsil Takht Bhai.

Mr. Muzaffar Aziz Inspecting CPI work

12 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

13 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Health Program SDF has initiated its health program in the light of SDF goal. A peaceful, prosperous and developed society is possible when individuals have good health. And according to the Almata

declaration in 1960, health is defined as by WHO that “Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. In this connection all of SDF services improve the health status of a lay man.

Primary Health Care (PHC) (Sub-Program) Salik Health Center established for the purpose of PHC services to poor people of Tehsil Takht Bhai and low cost quality laboratory test facility on 70 percent discount rates. The main facilities of Salik Health Center are as follow

• Medical Treatment (Male & Female) • First Aid • Maternal Health Care • Child Health Care • Referrals • EPI • Laboratory Test • Free Medical Camps • Counseling and • Health Education

Staff Detail of Salik Health Center

• Medical Doctor 1 • Lady Doctor 1 • Lab Technician 1 • EPI Technician 1 • Mid wife 1 • OPD Clerk 1

14 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Progress Report of Salik Health Center (July 1st ,2006 to June 30th, 2007

Males Females S # Total OPD

Kids < 5 Adolescent > 18 CBAs

15-49 Aged > 50

2126 1 Diseases 1.1 Hepatitis A 14 48 62 50 4 1.2 Hepatitis B 2 5 7 8 2 1.3 Hepatitis C 2 3 17 10 8 1.4 Malaria


1.5 Malaria (Vivax) 49 219 93 207 20 1.6 Malaria (Other) 1.7 Typhoid 38 60 51 187 8 1.8 Diarrhea /

Dysentery 24 45 19 38 12

1.9 Maternal Health 10 1.10 Infection 2 3 1.11 RTI 53 45 18 64 9 1.12 Scabies 4 12 37 11 3 1.13 STDs 1.14 UTI 25 103 97 78 31 1.15 Anemia 5 37 66 81 16 1.16 Sugar 1 211 81 75 1.17 Tuberculosis 1.18 Arthritis 2 4 11 1.19 Mal Nutrition 1.20 Minor Injuries 2 First Aid 2 1 3 Counseling 4 Health


5 Referrals 9 5 45 20 3 Total

15 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Progress report of N.W.F.P Urban Development Project (NUDP) From 1st July, 2006 to 30th , June 2007. Project Name: N.W.F.P urban development Project

Sub Component: Community Development & Participation (CD & P)

Phase: 1

Zone: 2

Towns: Takht Bhai & Temargara

Towns under supervision of SDF : Takht Bahi

Duration: 29 Months

Staff: 1 Male social Organizer & 1 Female Social organizer

Under supervision: Deputy Director of Project Implementation Team

Basic aim of the project: To ensure community participation on TMA level

for all kinds of developmental activities.

Office establishment: • An office was established and its opening ceremony was held on 1st October

2005. Mr. Muhammad Akber (TMO Takht Bahi) & Muhammad Imran Deputy Director NUDP for Takht Bahi Town were the Chief Guest of the Ceremony.

Staff Trainings:

• Received two training by M.S.O and F.S.O arranged by CDA/ NUDP.(dated 19.09.0205 & 01.10.2005) Trainings were

1. Project Orientation training 2. Role of CCBs,LG,NGO and TMA in NUDP

Survey was conducted:

• A Survey of butchers of the town area was conducted to know their needs and present situation.

List of Existing CCBs & CBOs:

• Prepared a list of existing CBOs/CCBs their structure, nature, composition., aims & objectives were studied.There are total existing 16 CCBs and 6 CBOs in the town area(10 CCBs & 2 CBOs are in U/C Daman-e-Koh , 6 CCBs & 4 CBOs are in U/C of Patbaba of the Town area)

16 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Formation of New CCBs:

So far two new CCBs are in formation stages.

1. Women Development Council ( female CCB) U/C Dama-e-Koh 2. Itehad welfare organization Abdur Rehman Kallay U/C Patbaba Awareness Campaign:

• Various meetings were held with elected representatives (male & female) of the Town area. They were sensitized about NUDP its basic aims & their role.

• Meetings were arranged in Govt & Private schools to introduce NUDP its basic aims. Students & teachers were sensitized about

1. Health Hygiene & sanitation 2. Healthy Practices 3. payment of water connection bills 4. importance of Community participation 5. importance of Latrine 6. disadvantages of open latrine 7. Concept of Communal septic Tank 8. importance of Community based organization Meetings/Training:

• Some Meetings were arranged with female and male social workers for the formation of new CCBs.

• Various meetings were held with DD, PIT & TMA Staff to know the existing Channels of communication and nature of community participation at TMA level.

• An Orientation training workshop was arranged for new & existing CCBs Printing Material:

• A broucher has been developed for the awareness of the people (health hygiene & sanitation education)

• Various training materials have been developed for the capacity building of CCBs and TMA staff.

Project interventions during the year 2006-07. TMA, Takht Bhai launched some projects of drainage and sanitation under NUDP funds in the territory of TMA. Before beginning of work community participation is an essential component of the project. The male and female social organizers conducted broad based community meetings in the concerned project areas which detail is as follow. In these meetings community was socially mobilized for active participation in such projects.

17 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Detail of BBCMs

1. Abdullah Jan Kaley, UC Daman-e-Koh, Tehsil Takht Bhai = 02 (meetings) 2. Nehar Kinara, UC Pat Baba, Tehsil Takht Bhai = 03 (meetings) 3. Afzal Imam Colony, UC Pat Baba, Tehsil Takht Bhai = 03 (meetings) 4. Mohallah Muhammad Ali Khan, Teh Takht Bhai = 02 (meetings) 5. Pirano Daag, UC Daman-e-Koh, Tehsil Takht Bhai = 01 (meetings) 6. Sharif Abad, UC Pat Baba, Tehsil Takht Bhai = 01 (meetings)

18 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Earth Quake (Oct,2005) Rehabilitation Projects & Activities NAME OF PROJECT: water supply, sanitation and Hygiene Education in schools Location 1: District Muzaffarabad: Project Name: water supply, sanitation and Hygiene Education in schools Targeted area: 5 UCS (Bhari, Machyara, Saidpur, Heer Kutli and Talgran) Donor: WES UNICEF Scope: Provision of safe drinking water to school children and to create awareness about Hygiene to prevent them from diseases. Details of schools, students and health Units: Total number of Schools: 110 Total Health Units 12 Total no of Students: 9270 Boys: 5555 Girls 3715 Objectives of the Project:

1. Provision of latrines and safe drinking water to 110 schools & 12 BHUs

2. Health Education Campaign about prevention & control of diseases for the establishment of healthy and prosperous society.

3. Through teachers training workshop, competition ceremony, community meetings and printing materials awareness will be created about water sanitation and health hygiene promotion among the students/PTA members and other communities’ members.

4. To facilitate the students/communities members for information and experience sharing about water sanitation and health hygiene promotion

5. Raised awareness about water born diseases, and its prevention by the use of safe drinking water and protected sanitary methods.

19 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Project Starting Month: July 2006 Project Completion month: August 2007.


Project area survey

Concern schools visits

Social mobilization meetings with community

Capacity building and awareness raising about health and hygiene


Formation of school Environment committee.

Meeting with school Environment committee.

Session with students and teachers.

Distribution of Hygiene kits among students

Trainings Child to child (CTC) and School

sanitation and hygiene education (SSHE).

Latrine Installation in schools

Hygiene promotion activity in schools


Water supply schemes. Latrine installation in schools Dust bins installation in schools Hygiene education for school children


Teachers training on Hygiene education SEC (school environmental committees) formation in schools Hygiene sessions in schools Competition ceremonies among school students Distribution of hygiene kits, Hygiene Packs, soap and jerry canes among


20 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

1.3 INTRODUCTION: There are 5 UCs and 12 Health Units in District Muzaffarbad. The details are: Name of Union Councils.

1. Said Pur

2. Heer Kutli

3. Tilgran

4. Bhari

5. Machyara BACKGROUND: WES UNICEF with the support of partner organization is functional in AJK and working

on water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion in schools. To achieve and sustain

the objectives agreed upon with the respective government UNICEF is focusing on

various activities with room for the incorporation of creative ideas supported by

rationale and measurable tangible indicators.

In this connection Salik Development Foundation signed an agreement with UNICEF,

AJK for the provision of water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion in 5 union

councils of district Muzaffarabad, AJK and three union councils while one town area in

District Neelum. The main activities are installation of latrines in each school and a

pipeline connection and very vital component hygiene promotion.

This project has been designed for the continuation of hygiene promotion and water

supply in the said project areas.

21 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07


a. Hygiene situation analysis:

In this phase of implementation, first we are collecting some necessary

information from the targeted area. The following activities are carried out to

mobilize the students and collect information:

• Social Mapping to establish the number of schools, population, water points.

• Hygiene Baseline KAP study to know the knowledge aptitude and practices

on hygiene. Defecation site visits to observe the current situation with

regards to feaces dispersal in and around the schools .

b. Approach:

Approach to targeted audience is one phase of implementation period. In hygiene

education we have different approaches, which are used for different targeted

audience. Approach depends on social status, religious, traditions, cultures and


We have multiple approaches like:

• Interpersonal communication,

• Group communication,

• Discussion

• Question and answers


After the agreement for the project “water supply, sanitation and Hygiene

Education” with UNICEF we started implementation and took the following steps.

i. concerned school visits and prepared


22 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

ii. Hygiene situational analysis through Pre-Kap


iii. Social Mobilization for digging latrines pits.

iv. Installed latrines

v. Training to school teachers on SSHE (School sanitation and Hygine education)

through CTC (child to child approach)

vi. Testing of nearby springs for the provision of safe drinking water to


vii. Provision of water to schools and Basic health units

viii. Fixing of dustbins

ix. Monitoring and evaluation.


i. Land sliding, heavy rain fall and snow fall created problems and slow down our work.

ii. Usually schools were shifting from temporary to original place which created

the problem of shifting latrines and water tanks from one place to another.

iii. Springs went dry which created the problems of changing pipeline connection

to other springs.

iv. Did’nt received supply from UNICEF on time.


Some achievements are: Trainings for staff capacity building = 3

Latrine installed = 284

Total Environmental committees formed in schools = 105

Session Hygiene promotion = 660

Teacher trained on SSHE through CTC=108

Distribution of Hygiene kits among students = 71 schools

Distribution of Hygiene booklets = 105 schools

Distribution of Jerry Cans and soap = 21 schools

23 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

24 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07


From 5th to 10th March 2007 Collaboration With: UNICEF and Implementing Partners Acknowledgement I pay my cardiac thanks to Municipal Corporation Muzaffarabad, Govt of AJK, all implementing

Partners, Print and Electronic Media, UNICEF and all Staff members of UNICEF AJK especially

Mehboob Ahmad Bajwa and Mr. Victor Kinyanjui as they took part in sanitation week activity.

The aim of Sanitation Week celebration was to raise awareness among citizens about sanitation. This

cleanliness campaign was not only a one-time activity but now the community will sustain it and spread

awareness among other community members.

This may prevent them from several diseases and may lead a prosperous nation.

Before the sanitation Week it was beyond the shadow of possibility to achieve the objective, but

the Sanitation dynamic activities stirred the people in such a way, which awakened their

spontaneities towards healthy practices, and now there would be no obstacles to achieve the

objective of Hygienic atmosphere.

Jehanzeb President Salik Foundation

25 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Background of Sanitation Week

Sanitation and human health are closely linked. Poor management of human wastes can lead to direct or indirect disease transmission. Sanitation related diseases affect mostly the young and children. This clearly suggests the importance of providing adequate sanitation and the need for preventive measures. Sanitation is the primary barrier for preventing the entry of many human pathogens into the environment.

Freshwater resources and especially high quality freshwater resources are becoming increasingly scarce, driven by factors including population growth, urbanization and probably global climate change. Wastes are often discharged into surface water bodies, untreated or partially treated, potentially impacting the health of all downstream users of the water.

Drinking water should be safe and clean. Water that is safe from contamination at the source sometimes becomes contaminated during transport or storage. Again, improved sanitation through effective disposal of feces by latrines is very important.

After the devastating earthquake, Environmental pollution and sanitation related diseases spread. The WES UNICEF involved in rehabilitation of water supply, sanitation and Hygiene education in schools in District Muzaffarabad, Bagh and now in District Neelum. A lot of preventive work has been done in this regard, but still need a lot of work to be done, to reduce pollution and to promote cleanliness & proper sanitation.

In this regard, UNICEF along with National, International NGO’S & Govt. of AJK proposed a series of activities to promote water sanitation and Hygiene Education. One of these activities was sanitation week, which was from 5th March to 10th March 2007.

A meeting of all WES IPs and WES UNICEF was held in Muzaffarabad on dated 6th February 2007. They all talk about sanitation week. It was decided that sanitation week would start from “5th March to 10th March 2007. Mahboob Ahmad Bajwa (UNICEF) chaired the meeting and almost all the IPs representatives participated in this meeting. Various activities planned for sanitation week celebration. These were: Major Activities of Sanitation week:

Press Conference Inauguration ceremony and Walk Cleanliness expedition Debate Competition Talk Show on FM Radio Poster competition Closing ceremony

Sanitation week activities began from March 5, with an inauguration ceremony and ended on March 10,2007. Following table shows a clear picture of different activities performed by different organizations.

26 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07


Activity Participants Guests Responsible Organization

Date /Day Venue

1 Press Conference

UNICEF & Partners

SDF 3rd March Saturday

Press Club

2 Inauguration Ceremony

UNICEF & Partners

President (AJK)

SSD 6th March Monday

Municipal Corporation office

3 Walk UNICEF & Partners

President (AJK)

SSD 6th March Monday

Starting from Municipal Corporation to Neelum Public School

4 Debate Competition

UNICEF & Partners

T .F, JADE 7th March Wednesday

Neelam View Hotel

5 Poster Competition

UNICEF & Partners

Zahid Amin (chairman MDA)

IDSP 8th March Thursday

Model science college Chattar

6 Cleanliness Campaign

Arshad Abasi Adminstratrator

ADN 5th to 10th March

7 Talk Show on FM Radio

4 Participants (From all Partners)

SDF 9th March Friday

FM Radio Station (Near Jamia Masjid Sharif Nalochi MZD)

In this connection UNICEF held several meetings for mutual consultation and coordination among the partners for the celebration of Sanitation Week and its activities. Purpose of Sanitation week

Awareness rising about the basic problems of sanitation among masses especially school

going children. To create mutual understanding between NGOs and Government to solve the problems

effectively. To create the self-help spirit in the people of the area for the protection of environment.

27 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07


To share views and ideas of community and partner organizations. To promote effective and sustainable advocacy on water, sanitation and Hygiene at all

levels e.g. Professional Bodies, political leaders, religious leaders and non-govt organizations.

To mark achievements in the field of water and sanitation during time after earthquake. Press Conference about Sanitation Week Date: 03-03-2007 Organized by: Salik Development Foundation Venue: Press Club MZD. Time: 11:00 am Press Briefing by: Jehan Zeb Salik and Khwaja Nisar Attendance: UNICEF, Salik Foundation, SS D, ACTED, JADE, ADN, Arche NaVo, Diakoni, IDSP & Taraqi Foundation. Details: Press Conference began at 11:00 am at Press Club Muzaffarabad. Unicef along with implementing partners attended this conference. Mr. Jehan Zeb delivered the starting speech and explained the purpose of the conference. He informed the media concerns about the basic aim of ‘’Sanitation Week’’ and its incoming events. He requested Media to cooperate Unicef, Salik Foundation and other partner NGOs, to make this event successful by providing media coverage. Then Mr. Khwaja Nisar from UNICEF briefed them about UNICEF WES activities and requested them to promote this activity, as it is essential for the well being of people of the city. He also explained the events and Programs being provided by UNICEF and other partner organizations in earthquake-affected areas of Kashmir and NWFP. Purpose of the Press conference;

To reveal the efforts of UNICEF, and partner organizations in earthquake disaster response for water, sanitation and hygiene promotion.

To aware press about the activities of coming event of Sanitation week. Awareness rising in people through media about hygiene education and cleanliness.


Mr.Jehna Zeb Salik (SDF) & Khwaja Nis

K TV telecasted this event in News on 3rd most all National & local newspapers publi

ar (UNICEF) in press conference

March at evening. shed press conference report on 4th March 2007.

28 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Inauguration Ceremony and walk

Date: 06-03-2007 Organized by: MCM, SSD Venue: Municipal Corporation Hall Chief Guest: Mir Murtza Gilani (Forest Minister) Shama Malik (Minister of Social Welfare and Women Development) & Sardar Arshad Abasi (Administrator Municipal Corporation) Participants: UNICEF, Salik Foundation, SSD, ACTED, JADE, A D N, Arche NaVo, IDSP & Taraqi Foundation. Details: Inauguration ceremony and walk was the first event of Sanitation week. Society for sustainable Development (SSD) and Municipal Corporation of Muzaffarabad (MCM) were responsible for hosting and organizing the Inauguration ceremony for the sanitation week. Due to Strike in City this ceremony was delayed for one day and was held on 6th of March 2007. The inauguration Ceremony, held in Municipal Corporation Hall Muzaffarabad at 10:00 AM. The ceremony started with recitation of Holy Quran. Municipal Corporation Muzaffarabad then appraised the performance of UNICEF team working in close coordination with various NGOs and Govt-departments after the earthquake. Views of Mr Zahoor Gillani (Deputy Commissioner)

Mr. Zahoor Gilani highlighted the importance of Hygiene education and sanitation for children. He added that sanitation is closely link with health. He told that poor sanitation system and poor management of

human waste lead to many diseases. He also invited the citizens to participate in sanitation week.

Zahoor Gillani Addressing in Innauguration

29 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Views of Syed Murtaza Gilani (Minister) The Minister for Forestry Mr. Syed Murtaza Gilani highlighted the need for the awareness of Hygiene

education and sanitation especially in children. He told to the citizens of Muzaffarabad to fully participate in sanitation week and to make success thcampaign lunched by different organizations collaboratio


n with UNICEF.

Murataza Gillani Addressing in Innauguration ceremony cermony

Views of Mr. Victor Kinyanjui (UNICEF) The head of WES UNICEF shared his views and thoughts with participants. He explained the

purpose of sanitation week. He added that almost all scientists and doctors are agree on this point that sanitation is one of the important intervention of diseases especially Diarrhea, Malaria and respiratory diseases. He said that every year 1.6 million children die due to diarrhea one million due to malaria and one million due to respiratory diseases.

Victor Kinyanjui Addressing in Innauguration ceremony cermony

The last activity of inauguration ceremony was cleanliness walk, which started from the office of MCM and ended at Alama Iqbal Bridge. UNICEF, Salik Foundation and other partner

organizations participated in this walk. Children from different schools also participated who were at the front carrying banners portraying hygiene and sanitation s

Cleanliness walk


30 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

As Salik foundation was given the responsibility of media coverage of all activities of Sanitation Week, so Salik Foundation invited all print and electronic media reporters to cover all ongoing activities of inauguration ceremony. The inauguration ceremony was covered by

• AJK Television • National and local news papers • Radio Pakistan

Coverage Details

• Reports on walk and Inauguration ceremony were broad coasted from Radio Pakistan. • Report was telecasted in news from AJK TV on 6th March 2007. • National and local newspapers published the news with photos on 6th March 2007.

Debate Competition Organized by: Taraqi Foundation & JADE Dated: 7th March 2007 Venue: Neelum View Hotel MZD Chief Guests: Mehboob Ahmad Bajwa (UNICEF) Sardar Arshad Abbassi (A.M.C Muzaffarabad) Details: Taraqi Foundation & JADE arranged jointly debate competition in which the children from different schools of all organizations participated in the event. Mr Raffat Kahan of Taraqee Foundation welcomed the guests and encouraged the children who were in competition. The program started with recitation of the Holy Quran by Miss Nazish from Govt School Batang, followed by Naat by Siraj from Govt primary school Nagni Mujahidabad. The competition consisted of two portions. One was English language debate and other was Urdu language debate competition. The Urdu language debate was further sub categorized into two portions i.e.

Between Govt schools Between private schools.

Chief Judges for the competition were:

Prof Dr. Iftikhar Mughal (PhD in Urdu literature) Mrs. Jamshed Naqvi (DEO Elementary education)

All the students performed nicely and it was hard for the judges to decide who was the winner, but the judges made decisions and prizes were given to the following students.

31 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Winners in Urdu Debate competition (Govt Schools)

1st Prize Muhammad Kabir Boys Middle School Sarrai Representative organization: IDSP 2nd Prize Saeed Naseer Govt Middle School Lamian Patian Representative organization: SSD 3rd Prize Amir Faroqi GBMS Lower Muckent Representative organization: Arch Nova

First Prize Urdu Debate Competition

2nd Prize Urdu Debate Competition

3rd Prize Urdu Debate Competition

Winners in Urdu Debate Competition (private Schools) 1st Prize Fahad Binaras Agha Public school 2nd Prize Faizan Akbar Eagle Public School 3rd Prize Ahsan Rasheed Al- Sadeeq Model School

1st Prize Urdu Debate competition

2nd Prize Urdu Debate competition

3rd Prize Urdu Debate competition

32 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Winners in English Debate Competition 1st Prize Syed Mehzooz GBMS Dhanni Shadra Representative organization: IDSP 2nd Prize Poshma Khurshid Agha Public School (Private school) 3rd Prize Tayaba Sayeda GMS Batibanni Representative organization: Archnova

1st prize Eng Debate Competition

2nd prize Eng Debate Competition

3rd prize Eng Debate Competition

Skit Performance arranged by Salik Foundation: Children from G.G.M.S Batmang performed skit, which was appreciated by the participants. Mr.Jehan Zeb awarded Rs.3000 on the occasion to the children for their excellent performance.

Mr.Mehbob Ahmad Bajwa & others looking skit performance by students

Jehan Zeb giving prize to students

33 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Address UNICEF Representative Mr. Mehboob Ahmad Bajwa addressed to participants. He highlighted the importance of sanitation week. He said that international law for human rights have accepted that sanitation is also one of human right. So access to safe drinking water and better sanitation is the right of every one without any discrimination. He added that nearly one-lac children die in world every year on diseases related to poor sanitation and hygiene. He said that UNICEF is providing safe drinking water. He stressed that people themselves should realize their needs and come up with solutions. He appreciated the efforts made by partner organizations to conduct sanitation week activities.

Salik Foundation was responsible for media coverage of this event and for this purpose all concerned of electronic and print media were invited.

The Debate Competition was covered by • AJK Television • National and local news papers • Radio Pakistan

Media coverage details:

• A report on debate competition was broad coasted from Radio Pakistan in Local News. • Report was telecasted in Local News from AJK TV on 7th March 2007. • National news & local Newspapers published the news with photos on 8th March 2007.

Poster Competition

Organized by: IDSP Dated: 8th March 2007 Venue: Model Science College, Upper Chatter MZD Chief Guest: Murtza Gilani Minister for Forest

IDSP arranged a poster competition in Model Science College Upper Chatter. All partner organizations participated in poster competition. From each organization ten posters in poster competition in which only two posters were short-listed by the expert of Art and Design from University of AJK. Theme of competition was to highlight the importance of sanitation and cleanliness. Faculty members of Arts and Design from University of AJK were invited to judge the efforts of the children.

Participants in Poster Competition

34 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Address by Syeed Murtaza Gillani

He addressed to participants that for good health cleanliness is necessary. He said that cleanliness is an integral part of our religion and it is the duty of every citizen to make this city clean and to

prevent themselves from many diseases. He Further stressed that activity like sanitation week should be on regular basis to promote the awareness of hygiene and sanitation.

Address by Mehboob Ahmad Bajwa Mehboob Ahmad Bajwa from UNICEF Addressed to participants in poster competition. He said that UNICEF along with its implementing partners is committed to improve the quality of life and to provide

basic necessacities of life for school children’s of the effected area. Now people themselves should realized their own needs and should come of the solutions of their problems and to bring positive changes in lives.

Murtaza Gillani addressing in poster competition

Mehboob Ahmad Bajwa addressing in poster competition

35 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Winners in poster competition 1st Prize Sadaf Shaheen GMS Nogran Representative organization: IDSP 2nd Prize Haleema GGPS Dahini Mahajran Representative organization: SSD 3rd Prize Abd-ur-Rashid Representative organization: Arch-Nova



1st Prize in Poster Competition

rint and electronic media also covered the Pos

2nd Prize in Poster Competitio

ter Competition.

36 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Media coverage details

• A report on Poster competition was broadcasted on Radio Pakistan in local News. A report was telecasted in Local News from AJK TV on 8th March 2007.

• National newspapers published the news with photos on 9th March 2007. Talk Show on FM Power Radio 99: Date: 09-03-2007 Organized by: Salik Development Foundation Venue: FM Radio Nalochi Muzaffarabad. Time: 10:00 am Participants: Sardar Arshad Abasi (Administrator Municipal Corporation), Fiaz Ahmed (Salik Foundation), Rafaat,

Altaf (Taraqi Foundation)& Yar Muhammad (IDSP). Basic aim of Talk Show:

To aware people about hygiene issues and cleanliness campaign. To mobilize the people for the cleanliness campaign. To aware the people about the efforts of UNICEF, its Partner Organizations and Municipal

Corporation regarding Sanitation Week. Details; Salik Foundation arranged a talk show on FM Radio at Nalochi in Muzaffarabad. Representatives

from three partner organizations and administrator Municipal Corporation Muzafarffarabad participated in the Talk Show.


Participants in Talk show on FM 99 Muzaffaraba

37 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Interview with Arshad Abbasi (Administrator Municipal Corporation)

Mr.Arshad Mehmood Abbasi briefed the audience on the activities of MCM after the earthquake. He thanked UNICEF for taking the initiative to organize & implement this campaign. After the earthquake diseases outbreak in this area, thus initiatives such as the Sanitation week are essential for this region as to raise the level of awareness amongst the masses.

Interview with Atif Gillani (TF)

The representative from Taraqee Foundation informed the audience regarding the activities undertaken by this particular NGO in the fields of Water & Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion. He talked about the importance of the Sanitation week and stressed that such campaign is necessary to create awareness among the masses. He also gave a summary of the activities performed by Taraqee Foundation collaboration with UNICEF.

Interview With Yar Muhammad Bangulzai (IDSP) Yar Muhammad From IDSP appraised the role of MCM Sanitation week. He said that The Sanitation week was an initiative taken by UNICEF and the Government agencies actively facilitated UNICEF and all of its Implementing Partners. He added that IDSP is working on water & Environmental sanitation in Primary schools located in remote Union Councils & therefore played a prominent role in mobilizing schools children for this particular campaign. The representative of IDSP stressed upon the need for the awareness of local people regarding Hygiene and Sanitation. Interview With Fiaz Ahmed Mir (SDF) The final interview was of a representative from Salik Development Foundation (SDF). The representative of SDF highlighted the different problems faced in Hygiene & Water & Sanitation sector faced by the people of this region especially after the earthquake. He then described how SDF was working to alleviate these problems with the aid of UNICEF and Government agencies. He also gave a summary of the activities performed by Salik Foundation Collaboration with UNICEF.

Public Service Announcement on FM Power Radio: A public service announcement (PSA) of one minute, made by Salik Foundation consisting of a message regarding ‘’Sanitation week’’ was broad coasted from FM Radio almost 8 to 10 times a day during Sanitation Week.

38 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Closing Ceremony

Organized by: A D N, MCM (collaboration all WES partners) Dated: 14th March 2007 Venue: University Ground MZD Chief Guest: Sardar Ateeq Ahmed Khan Prime Minister AJK

In Closing Ceremony of Sanitation week almost all UNICEF WES Implementing Partner organizations participated. Prime Minister AJK Sardar Ateeq Ahmed Khan was Chief Guest in the Closing Ceremony. All print media and electronic media reporters were present on the occasion.

Participants in Closing Ceremony

The closing ceremony was covered by • AJK Television • Several Private TV Channels • National and local news papers • Radio Pakistan

39 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Mediaguages from Radio

It was also telecasted in the News from AJK TV on the same day. All Print media gave coverage to this event along with photos on 15th March 2007.

coverage details: • The event broad coasted in the evening news in different lan

Pakistan. ••

Documentary on AJK TV: A Documentary of 25 minutes on AJK TV was a vital activity of Salik Foundation regarding media coverage for ‘’Sanitation Week’’.So the said activity was done accordance with the action plan of

anitation week activities and almost all activities were documented by AJK TV. After its editing and scripting completion AJK TV telecast it on 22nd of March 2007 at 6:20 PM. S

Announcement of Honor Shields: Salik Foundation announced Honor Shields on the behalf of all WES Group Partners to Mr. Victor

Kinyanjui & Mr.Mehboob Ahmad Bajwa (UNICEF) on their great devotion and hard work regarding‘’Sanitation Week ‘’.

Mr. Victor Kinyanjui Receiving Honor Shield From President Salik Foundation

40 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Establishment of Women Skill Center in Ghari Habibullah

tablished a women industrial home and skill

Ghari Habibullah (Teh: Balakot) with

financial assistance of Pompeir de urgence and

secure populair organization from France. The

member of the said organizations came after

earthquake (0ct, 2005) and collaborated with

Salik Foundation for the provision of Food and

other necessary domestic items. After th

successful comp

Salik Development Foundation has es


letion of the said activity both

organizations from France offered Salik

n for developmental activities for women.

The project “Women Skill Training Center” has been designed with local community


training and basic education.

’s a one-year project and divided into four quarters each quarter is of three months. During the three

onths trainees are getting trainings from the female teachers.

center for earthquake effected women of


participation and is need based.

Here are some activity reports in

PROJECT BACKGROUND: Salik Foundation is working on a project titled, “ Women Skill training Centre” in

four union councils of Garhi Habibullah Tehsil Balakot District Mansehra collaboration

with Secours Populaire Français (SPF). The women situation is even worth

because there are no development projects led toward women development in this

region. Project is to support women by providing them



41 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07


ng centre includes:


d sizing.

o .

The main activities in women skill traini

Training for staff capacity b

Cutting, sewing an

Making decoration pieces.

Stitching clothes.

Literacy classes for illiterate women.

Knitting, sewing, embroidery, fruit & food preservation, literacy lessons, health & nutriti n

42 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Exhibition, course completion certificate & sewing machine distribution ceremony. INTRODUCTION OF CEREMONY:

On completion of the first quarter of Women Skill Training Centre Salik Foundation

has arranged an exhibition, course completio

n certificate and sewing machine

istribution ceremony. The details are as under:

enue: Women Skill Training center near jump, Garhi Habibullah.


The schedule was as under:



entre. Refreshment


th 07Date: 26 June 20Day: Tuesday ime: 10AM T


Tilavat Naat Well Come Address Speech on Women rights & technical education

jrann Garhi Habibullah Address of Chairman Anjamun-e- Ta Address of Nazam Jehangeer Naseem Khan, Garhi Habibullah. Address of Naib Nazam Mr. Naeem Address of Chief guest Mr. Khalid Mehmood Project Manager ILO Ma

tion Address of President Salik Founda Distribution of course completion certificates and sewing

y Mulana. Yousaf. Dua (Prayer) b Exhibition of materials made by Women in the C

43 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Community influential /Social Worker also participated in the Ceremony.

hey are:

Sardar Saeed (General Secreta

bulah), Abdul Waheed (Community), Aurangzeb

(Councilor Garhi Habibulah),

w verses from the Holy Quran. Then Ms. Sadia was called for the honour of NAAT.

chaired it. She welcomed the participants

sional skills. They

urce of inspiration for all

ome participants addressed the ceremony and their addresses are as follow:


ry Ajamun-e-Tajeran Garhi Habibulah), Changaiz

Fiaz (President Anjamun-e- Tajerann Garhi

Habibulah), Jehangeer Naseem Khan (Nazam

Garhi Habibulah), Muhammad Naeem Khan

(Naib Nazam Garhi Habibulah), Khalid Mehmood

(Project Manager ILO, Mansehra), Haji Saeen

(Community), Mulana M. Yousaf sb, Saifi Khan

(Press Reporter Garhi Habibulah), Syed Zakar

(Press Reporter Garhi Habibulah), Rustam Khan

(Press reporter Garhi Habi

DETAILS: Ceremony was started at 10AM with the name of Almighty Allah. Ms. Rozina recited a


Ms. Parsa Sabbahat (Admin Officer SDF)

and highlighted the purpose of ceremony.

She explained that current project is to support women for economical and social

boost, which can be achieved by education and learning of profes

were also briefed about the other activities related to this project.

As the ceremony was based on the women struggle for betterment of society hence

Ms. Sadia delivered a speech on the topic, “Women rights & Technical

Education.” She was appreciated by audience and was so

those who were present in the ceremony especially women.


44 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07


S of Anjamun Tajrann Garhi Habibulah said in his

address that women are the crucial part of this

society and we should make emphasis on their

betterment by providing them trainings and the

opportunities so that they may start from their own

home. This is Salik Foundation’s plateform that

enabled us and our families after the huge and long

lasting disaster to work hard for our livelihood.

Moreover he showed his

Mr. Sardar Muhammad Saeed G.

cordial thanks for Salik

oundation’s appreciable efforts for Garhi Habibulah.

Then Mr. Jehangeer Khan (Nazim

r to polish their talent and using in the right



It’s good for them to take start

rom their homes.



of Garhi Habibulah) addressed.

d there should be such opportunities foHe saiomenw



Muhammad Naeem Khan addressed that I hope

women will utilize what they learnt in this centre and

will take initiative.


45 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

ADDRESS OF CHIEF GUEST Mr. Khalid Mehmood PM (Project Manager) ILO


He told that women populatio

arketing of all the material that you are preparing.


ntatives, community members and all

uzaffarabad and

have learnt in Women Skill Training Centre so that they may take part in


M Mr. Khalid Mehmood said that this is good that work for social betterment is continue.

n is greater than men. Hence need is to encourage

women in every field of life. So in this connection the

present centre is link for women to peep what skills

they have and use their skills by using proper

trainings. In this connection the vocational training

center may give you the opportunity. There should be


President Salik foundation Mr. Jehan Zeb first paid his

cordial thanks to honourable chief guest, guests,

media represe

the audience.

He briefly described the services provided by Salik

Foundation in Garhi Habibullah and in other areas of

Azad Kashmir and NWFP. This includes water supply,

sanitation, Hygiene Promotion, material distribution, health facilities etc. There are

some current projects of Salik Foundation running in District M

District Neelum on water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion.

He also announced that in coming time period a mobile ambulance service and MH

centre will start in Garhi Habibullah with Collaboration of SPF. It was good news for

the people of Garhi Habibullah. Moreover he advised women to utilize those skills,

which they


46 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

DISTRIBUTION OF SEWING MACHINES AND COURSE COMPLETION CERTIDIFCATES: Mr. President Salik Foundation invited the honourable chief guest and guests to

distribute sewing machines and course completion certificates among trained women.

Distribution of Sewing machines and Course Completion certificates

A Sample of Course completion certificate:




Govt of NWFP

Reg: No DSW/NWFP/845Social Welfare Department

IslamabadOf Youth Affairs

This is to certify that Miss/Mrs/Mr.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

S/O, D/O, W/O ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- has completed Women Skill Training Course

In the Cutting/Sewing/Hand Embriodery/Tilla silma work/Cooking/Hand and Machine Knitting From the Salik Women

InchargeSalik Women Skill Training Center(Regd)

Regional Office: Near Jump Balakot Road MainBazar Garhi Habibullah

Phone: 0997-235135


Salik Development Foundation

Head office: Baz Plaza, Malakand

Phone: 0937-551244 Fax: 0937-552166

47 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

DUA (Pray) Mulana M. Yousaf came for DUA (Pray)

EXHIBITION There was an exhibition of material made by women in the centre. The material included decoration pieces,

stitched clothes, preserved foods i.e., jams, pickles, drinks etc.


The ceremony was ended with good wishes and refreshment.

48 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

SALIK VOCATIONAL CENTRE PESHAWAR Under Supervision: Salik Development Foundation Regional Office Peshawar.

Salik Vocational Centre is established for vocational training of computer. The training courses are

as follow.

1. Office Automation

2. Computer Hardware

3. Internet

4. Networking

5. Graphic Designing

6. In page

7. Web Developer

8. Access Project (Data Base)

During the financial year i.e. 2006-07 __45___ students admitted for various

courses out of which __17__ students have complete their full courses. The details are shown as

per appendix A (see below). The records of accounts are available in the office and can be

audited as and when required.

49 Salik Development Foundation, Annual Report 2006-07

Annexure A.

Admission in Courses S.No

Month Office Automation

Hardware Internet English Language





1. July 2006 04 -- -- 03 07 01

2. August 2006

05 03 -- 02 10 06

3. September 2006

02 -- 01 -- 03 02

4. October 2006

01 -- -- -- 01 01

5. November 2006

05 01 02 -- 08 03

6. December 2006

04 -- -- -- 04 02

7. January 2007

04 -- 01 -- 05 01

8. February 2007

01 -- --- --- 01 ---

9. March 2007

01 -- -- -- 01 --

10. April 2007 01 -- -- -- 01 --

11. May 2007 -- -- 01 -- 01 01

12. June 2007 03 -- -- -- 03 --