sdt safety poster presentation

Self- Determination Theory Approach to Workplace Safety A Story of Preventing Injuries- Reducing Costs and Saving Lives

Upload: tomwojick

Post on 12-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine

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The presentation is about how a manufacturing organization moved from a command and control model of management that was subduing employee morale, engagement and intrinsic motivation to a culture of collaboration and empowerment. This change effort had a dramatic impact on the organizations’ safety record. The mythical story of Zeus and Prometheus was used to help management and employees gain perspective and insight into how the current model was working against what each group wanted and that by developing a common purpose and goals, which clearly served both group’s wants and needs they were able to produce the results they wanted.


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Self-Determination Theory Approach to Workplace Safety

A Story of Preventing Injuries-Reducing Costs and Saving Lives

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A significant number of accidents and injuries are directly or

indirectly related to employee disengagement, which deceases

commitment to follow safety rules and policies and to personally

practice safety hygiene.


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OSHA Recordable Incidents 2011

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Employees are not intrinsically motivated to practice safety hygiene and to adopt

safety policies and rules as structures and mechanism of the organizational social

interest, but rather as devices of management’s control and self-interest.

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To develop and increase employee engagement and commitment to adopt and embrace personal safety hygiene above all other behavior by:

•Creating a Common and Mutual Purpose•Providing Employees with Increasing Autonomy •Building and Strengthening Relationships Between Employees and Management•Build Employee Safety Competence


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Employee Focus Groups

“What interferes with you and your co-workers from putting safety first in everything you do?”

• Safety is pushed down from the top

• We are not part of the program and we don’t have a say in safety matters

• Some employees just don’t care

• The company only cares about safety to stay out of trouble; they don’t care about the employees

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The Mythical Story of Zeus and Prometheus servedas a metaphorical analogy of a command and control model of management and how it subdues employee intrinsic motivation and engagement

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Zeus Father of gods and Men

• Ruler of the Olympian gods

• His weapon is the thunderbolt

• He is known to punish those who lie and break oaths

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Prometheusgod of Fire

• Stole fire from Zeus to give to Mankind

• Prometheus was punished for his love of mortals

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Organizational Mistaken and Self-Defeating


• don’t care about safety

• are not capable of self-management

• are not motivated

• need external controls to obey rules


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Organizational Zeus

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Zeus Model of Safety

Control Blame

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SDT - Prometheus

• Purpose

• Autonomy

• Relationships

• Competence

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SDT Approach

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What Employees Want

• Management to be clear that safety is more important than production

• We want face to face communications: not emails, slogans & banners

• Supervisors to care about us as people

• Our leaders to be personally involved in the safety program

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SDT Implementation

Why“We Care About Safety Because

We Care About Each Other”



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SDT ImplementationSR.Leaders Supervisors

What Do We Want

Orientation and training in

change and motivation

SDT training


What Do We Want

Orientation and training in

change and motivation

SDT and EQ Training





•Safety Engagements•Monthly Safety Mtg

•TAN Cards•Stop Production


•Risk assessments•Respect and Appreciation Practice

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Employee Commitment Rates for 2010 - 2012

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Thomas Wojick11 Hall PlaceCranston, RI

[email protected]

“Dedicated to awakening, inspiring and empowering human potential”