search criteria tasks

Upload: siddique-shahid

Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 Search Criteria Tasks


    Query task Q3 class 9All tasks are to be performed in the DVD Database

    (Type Answers into Text Boxes

    Task !• "ow many titles in our collection Actor Bruce #ee$

    Task %• "ow many titles in our collection were made in !999$

    Task 3• "ow many titles of the action &enre were made after %''!$

    Task • "ow many titles were made in %''' or %''$

    Task )• "ow many titles of the action &enre starred Bruce *illis and were

    rated less than $







  • 8/17/2019 Search Criteria Tasks


    Task +• "ow many titles in our collection are in the .ci/0i or 1omedy &enre 

    and are rated more than or e2ual to 3$

    Task • "ow many titles in our collection cost less or e2ual to 4+$

    ,ote- 5ou don6t need to enter the 4 si&n when enterin& the price

    Task 7• "ow many titles contain the word 8The6 and were released in the

    year %''% or later$

    Task 9• "ow many titles are of the horror or thriller &enre and cost

    between 4 and 4!$

    Task !'• "ow many titles star Brad itt or :el ;ibson< were rated between

    % and  and ha=e a len&th of more than !%' minutes$