seasonal healing programme - conversatio · pdf filethis taster is based on four seasons in...


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Post on 13-Mar-2018




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I know that working with someone new or with a new concept can be a really

daunting experience. Our uncertainty or anxiety can often stop us from

taking action that could really help us in the long run.

My philosophy is to create a safe environment where you can experience me

and my products, with a ‘no strings attached’, complementary feel to your

connection. This doesn’t tie you in to paying anything or committing to a

relationship when it doesn’t feel good or right or is just simply unproven.

I follow this philosophy in my coaching, as I think it’s important that we have a

choice about how we grow and who supports us on our journey. This

Seasonal Healing Programme offers the same approach to you, right now.

So, welcome to this short Seasonal Healing Taster, which offers you a

flavour of what value the full programme could give you. I’ll introduce you to

the programme’s aims, offer you some insights into me and my journey and

then we’ll embark on this mini seasonal tour.

This Taster is based on Four Seasons in one Day, where you get a chance

to dance with the seasons, getting to know a little about the magic each one

uniquely brings with it and how it can enhance our lives.

I’m so honoured to have you along with me on this short tour and I hope

together we can create our own magic. Firstly though, turn the page to get

more insight into what the Seasonal Healing Programme hopes to achieve

and what I bring to the party – and then we can begin.

Seasonal Healing Programme

Try Before You Buy!

ythms of our seasons


The Seasonal Healing Programme is an intimate journey that embraces the

special qualities and insights held in the heart of each season. Mother

Nature’s energy has an amazing influence, yet we get trapped in the daily

pattern of our busy lives, that her invisible power silently washes over us.

Imagine if we actively tuned into her natural rhythm and woke up to the

potential that a healthier co-existence could offer. Think about how much

more harmoniously we could live if we had a new respect for this invisible flow

of nature. Our health, healing and happiness are just a whisper away.

Whilst seasonal rhythms across the world flow differently, there’s no doubt

that the transitions from one to another play a key role in the lifecycle of all

creatures. They survive by adapting their internal body clocks to the

interaction of the sun, the earth and the length of day, developing a sixth

sense of how to adjust to the season. What amazing lessons for us to learn.

This is my intention behind the Seasonal Healing Programme. I have split

the programme into four series, each one giving you an insight into that

season’s significance to our lives. This journey enables you to discover new

ways of adapting to Mother Nature’s gentle rhythms, helping you develop a

greater meaning to your health and vitality, gain a better understanding of

how to harness your well-being and generate inspirations that create

enduring change. Presented with beautiful exercises and insightful

meditations, each season challenges you gently to make subtle changes to

your life that attune with each season, enriching every moment.

Seasonal Healing Programme Introduction


I have come to appreciate Nature’s offerings most

significantly over the last couple of years, as me and

my hubby moved from the Isle of Man back to

Somerset, UK. Our dream was to search for the

good life, focusing on a more self-sustained and

natural way of being. After years of stress, poor

health and financial challenges, we needed a change. Whilst the small-

holding vision still awaits us, we have taken great strides in living our dream.

I have had twenty-five years in the training and development field; twelve

years in Financial Services and then fifteen years in my own consultancy.

Focusing on leadership and personal development as a facilitator and coach,

I knew that living my dream meant stepping away from that corporate world. If

my health and well-being were to improve, then something big had to happen.

During 2012/3, circumstances drove me to hibernate and evolve from the,

‘suited and booted’ image to a more free-spirited creature. At the same time,

our self-sufficiency efforts were improving with the purchase of a poly tunnel,

foraging books and jam jars aplenty. We were becoming more in tune with

seasonal abundance, enabling us to make the most of nature’s bounty.

Now, proud author of Awaken your Assertion, I realise that after years of

presenting to groups, a softer energy from behind the laptop can provide as

much influence and value to people; and so writing is a new way of life.

Seasonal Healing Programme About your guide - Karen Davies


By working through my own healing and thanks to the guidance of my

mentors, my new heart-centred vocation, Conversations with a Butterfly has

emerged. From within the cocoon of my hibernation, I have developed the

Butterfly Way, an inside-out approach to transformational healing that

takes us on a path to becoming the best version of ourselves. Specialising in

coaching, writing and creative inspiration, I invite you to take this journey to

the inside, where you will find the profound source of your limitless potential

and well-being, just waiting to be awoken from its slumber.

I hope this taster gives you a feel for what you could achieve with me, through

Conversations with a Butterfly and together we can take a personally

guided trip around your inner-self, emerging in a way that honours the very

essence of who you are. There is no better time to be free to be you.

Experiment with this complementary taster and delve into the four seasons,

in one go – and if you like it, then you’ll feel more like experiencing each of the

seasonal programmes as they come on line. Emerge into Spring is already

waiting for you, should you decide to fully immerse yourself.

You can also find me here:


My intention behind Four Seasons in One Day is to give you a flavour of

the journey you can take over the course of a year, by dipping playfully into

each season, teasing you with some of the inspirational content covered in

the full programme.

You can either print out this PDF so you can write in the purple spaces or

use a journal to note down your thoughts on each of the exercises. If you

prefer, you can complete the exercises on line, by using the Highlight Text

icon on the top row tool-bar of Adobe Reader and placing the text bar in

each of the purple spaces and typing your responses. The choice is yours.

Emerge into Spring is already available to purchase, although safely plunge

into this Taster to see if its style works for you. I really welcome your input

and feedback, so do get in touch once you have engaged with this Four

Seasons in One Day. And visit the Butterfly Store to purchase the

spring series that is ready and waiting for you.

Butterfly Blessings


Seasonal Healing Programme

Four Seasons in One Day


Spring heralds the end of winter, that cold season of deep contemplation,

restoration and dormancy. This is now a time of new beginnings, pushing ahead,

turning our dreams into reality and cleaning out the old to make way for the new.

This transitional season is incredibly powerful and reignites the flickering flame of

Mother Nature’s energy, signalling growth, new life and renewal. What an amazing

season for us to attune and raise our game to after the sleepiness of winter.

With that in mind, here’s a spring exercise to tickle your taste buds.

Spring Exercise – Making way for the New

Spring’s warmer weather and longer days wake up the natural world, encouraging it

to engage in a frenetic activity of nest building, nourishment and germination. For

us it symbolises the traditional spring clean and an instinctive clearing out of

unwanted stuff that we’ve accumulated. Left untouched, this stuff could soon get

in our way and become obstacles to us living happily, harmoniously and limitlessly.

So have a think about what you need to clear out, reprioritise and let go of that

could create space for new, fresh and exciting things to take their place.

Emerge into Spring


When I think about summer, images of sunshine, holidays, salads, being outdoors, fun and

vibrancy come to mind. Summer’s energy is all about flourishing after the blossoms of

spring, with nature in full swing. Plants, whilst still growing, are pretty well established now,

animals are nurturing and preparing their young and generally there is an abundance of

everything, shining in all its glory. Summer symbolises stepping out, partying, exuberance

and playfulness, throwing off the constraints created by its seasonal siblings, presenting a

real teenage feel to its joyfulness. With that summer theme of the playful spirit, let’s have

some fun with this next exercise, which is an extract from Flourish with Summer.

Releasing our Inner Child

Think about you at your best, during this vibrant summer season. Imagine releasing your

inner child to come out to play, with limitless abandon and fun. How would you like to

flourish this year? Write down what you would like to do, be and have that really engages

your playful child and connect with the feelings that this playfulness brings up for you.

Be inspired by the possibilities of your playful child.

Flourish in Summer


Autumn is another powerful season, much like its spring partner. This season

carries us abundantly into a period of productive frenzy. Like with spring, energy

in the natural world becomes a little more frenetic after the lazy, hazy days of

summer, as there is important work to do in preparation for winter. Yet, at the same

time, there is a real sense of celebration. Many animals have matured and are

ready to make their own way and plants are flaunting their fruit, blessed with the

seeds that will continue their legacy into the next year. Autumn symbolises

gathering, foraging, one more burst, taking stock and counting blessings. And so

the message is clear - no resting on our laurels, we have a call to action.

In this period of celebration, abundance and blessings, this exercise encourages

you to focus on everything you are grateful for, however small this may feel,

(whether it’s autumn or not). It’s wonderful to notice the energetic difference that

gratitudes have on us – imagine doing this each and every day – what an amazing

value this simple practice could add to our lives.

Celebrating your Bounty – What are you Grateful for?

Reap Autumn’s Bounty


As autumn transitions from its rich abundance, we enter a period of shorter, colder

days, symbolising stillness and restoration. After autumn’s frenzy, winter

completes the seasonal cycle where Mother Nature is forced to comply, buckling

beneath the force of winter’s demands for dormancy. The soil degenerates,

animals hibernate and plants die back, entrusting their future to envelope of their

bulbs. It’s a period of inactivity, passivity and contemplation.

For us too, winter sees little drive or vitality. It is the season where we seem to

manifest illness, as the body reminds us of the need to rest after our year’s

challenges and accomplishments. It’s a celebration of staying indoors and

permitting ourselves to retreat, whilst we sit out winter’s animated storms.

This final exercise in our Four Seasons in One Day tour invites you to reflect on

ways to embrace the season’s appeal for restoration and stillness. What could you

do this winter that attunes with its energy, accepting gracefully the need to

hibernate? What could you give yourself permission to do, be and have this winter?

Permissions to Hibernate

Dormancy of Winter


And so, having honoured each season and listened to their energetic lessons, I’m

sure you have some interesting insights. Albeit a dainty dance, it would be useful

to reflect on what stands out most to you from the exercises. What are you

inspired to do differently that subtly harmonises with Mother Nature’s tune?

The business world suggests that when we write down our actions we have a

greater chance of succeeding. So, I encourage you to note down your discoveries

from this Taster and commit to the promises that you wish to make. I would also

suggest that you pop those commitments into a diary or planner that reminds you,

when you enter each season, what your promises are for that period. This will help

you succeed in your natural adaptation to Mother Nature’s will.

Reflections, Insights and Discoveries

Promises and Commitments

Four Seasons in One Day

Reflections and Discoveries


So that’s all folks! Four Seasons in One Day.

I hope you have enjoyed your dance with the seasons and that it now inspires

to you learn more about how this amazing energy can influence you in more

profound ways.

Emerge into Spring is waiting for you to claim it, with just a simple transfer of

money, it will be yours. Downloaded through Dropbox technology right to

your device.

I look forward to guiding you some more on the individual programmes. If you

want to get in touch, please email me or join the Facebook community I’m

looking forward to continuing to support your on seasonal journey to find

health, vitality and happiness.

With butterfly blessings

Karen xxx