second world war dogfights

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  • 8/3/2019 Second World War Dogfights


    Second World War Dogfights

    German Luftwaffe

    Messerschmitt BF 109F/G Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    2cm Cannonx1

    Front 1 -2 -1 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the BF 109F/G may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may reroll

    once. Past the Edge. When piloted by Aces and Double-Aces the BF 109F/Gcounts as having Manoeuvre: Very High.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack


    Front 2 -3 -2 3+ 2 Ground Attack

    The Luftwaffes primary fighter during the entire war, the 109 was a well knownfighter to all allied pilots. While outdated towards the end of the war, the Fritz

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    (1941-43) and Gustav (1942-45) are rated as the best balanced and the most

    produced versions in that order. Both types served with distinction until the end

    of the war and it is worth noting that most German aces preferred this craft over

    the FW 190. Indeed, the 109 has the honor of being the most produced fighter in

    world history. Ironically, a Czech built 109-K version formed the backbone of the

    fledgling Israeli states air force.

    Focke Wolf FW 190A/C Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 22+4


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 6

    2cm Cannonx2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Durable. If FW 190A/C takes a second hit then it may roll ad6. On a 6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit stillremaining. Ground Attacker. FW 190A/C may equip two additionalweaponries. You can only choose each additional weapon once.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

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    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack andBombers only

    3,7cmCannon Front 2 -3 -2 3+ 2 Ground Attack

    The FW 190 A/C came as a shock to the allies, being far more advanced in 1941

    than anything they had. The A/C versions were also built to fill the dedicated

    JABO role within the Luftwaffe. The 190s quickly established themselves as some

    of the best fighter bombers in the world.

    Focke Wolf FW 190D Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 24 +4


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    MG 15mmx2

    Front 3 -3 -1 5+ 3

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    2cm Cannonx2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 3

    Special Rules: Durable. If FW190D takes a second hit then it may roll a d6.On a 6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit stillremaining. Booster. Once during the game, the FW 190D may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may rerollonce.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack andBombers only

    The 190D versions started appearing in late 42 and again proved to be one of the

    most advanced fighters in the air and even later Allied fighters such as the P-51

    Mustang and La-7 respected the 190D as a potent adversary. Unlike the A/C

    versions, the Ds were dedicated and excellent fighters.

    Junker JU 87 B/C Type: Bomber Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 12 +2


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 3

    MG 7.62mm




    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Dive Bomber. JU 87 B/C may bomb from an altitude of 2,requiring 2+ to hit from this height, but do not cause bomb creep if it doesso. It may also add an additional 1 to any altitude loss.Additional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack


    Front 2 -3 -2 3+ 2 Ground Attack

    The JU 87 Stuka was developed as the armys close support unit. From the

    outbreak of the war and until the end of it, the B/C versions were the most

    numerous. They were called the air artillery by their own troops as a sign of

    affection. Sadly for their crew the JU 87s had little chance of survival if left

    vulnerable by their escorts or if they came under heavy attack.

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    Junker JU 88 C/D Type: Bomber Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16 +3


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx2


    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.62mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 8 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Ground Attacker. JU 88 C/D may equip two additional

    weaponries. You can only choose each additional weapon onceAdditional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    Gun tray7.62mm x8

    Front 6 -4 -0 5+ 4 Ground Attack andBombers only

    Rockets Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack and

    Bombers only

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    The JU 88 is probably one of the best medium bombers of the Second World War.

    The aircraft was also one of the most adaptable craft to serve with any nation

    during the war, some being converted into torpedo bombers, reconnaissance,

    electronic warfare carriers and even night fighters.

    Heinkel He 111 B/C Type: Bomber Hits: 4 Transport: 0/5* Point Cost: 18

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx1

    Front 2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.62mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.62mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 12 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Transport. You may choose if the He 111 carriesFalschirmjaegers or Internal Bombs at the beginning of the game. If it carriesFalschirmjaegers it cannot choose an additional weapon load.Additional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

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    The Heinkel He 111 became the standard German bomber throughout the war

    because of its ease of production and greater carrying capacity than its

    competitors. While a quite adequate bomber when Germany held air superiority,

    it proved ill equipped without escort. At the end of the war, the craft was both

    obsolete and under-armed compared to allied bombers. It also saw widespread

    service as a transport plane.

    Messerschmitt BF 110B/C Type: Fighter Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 20

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mm


    Front 5 -3 -0 5+ 6

    2cm Cannonx2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4

    MG 7.62mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    Special Rules: Heavy Fighter. The BF 110B/C may use the Manoeuvre card 5 High G-turn High even though it got low maneuverability.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack



    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,

    Ground Attack3,7cm Front 2 -3 -2 3+ 2 Ground Attack

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    Nose Radar Front n/a n/a n/a Fighter can shoottargets in front arc asif it was day duringnight or low visibility


    While not a true dogfighter, the heavy BF 110B/C found a niche in interception

    and night fighting due to its good speed and robust body. It was also widely used

    in the JABO role since it could effectively defend itself and carry a convincing

    bomb load. It was no match for advanced fighter designs in a straight fight.

    Messerschmitt Me 262A/B Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 26

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 9 - Min Speed: 3 Max Altitude: 9 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    2cm Cannonx4

    Front 3 -4 -3 4+ 6

    Special Rules: Jet Craft. Because of the Jet Stream caused by its engines,enemy fighters cannot use Advanced Tailing against the Me 262A/B.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack



    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,

    Ground AttackRockets Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack and

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    Bombers only

    The Me 262A/B was a complete surprise to the allies when it was first

    encountered during February of 1944. Beginning production in 1943 with

    operational status that December, it was far more advanced than any other craftin existence, both aerodynamically and technically. The 262 proved to the world

    that Luftwaffe was far from defeated and can possibly have helped prolong the

    war. It was superb in any role given to it and has the honor of being the worlds

    first operational jet fighter.

    British RAF

    Hawker Hurricane Mk I/II Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon Fire




    Damage Amm



    .303 MG x6 Front 5 -4 - 0 5+ 4

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    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Hurricane may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may rerollonce.Additional Weaponry


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.


    Front 2 -3 -3 3+ 2 Ground Attack

    The Hawker Hurricane was Britains first modern monoplane fighter, followed

    shortly by the Spitfire. While the later craft often claim the glory, it was the

    trustworthy Hurricane that won the Battle of Britain, destroying more enemy

    aircraft than the rest of the British defenses combined. As the war dragged on,the craft was upgraded and used in the ground attack role, not ending its

    production run until 1944. While not as fast as more advanced craft, it was quite


    Supermarine Spitfire Mk V Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 20

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Very High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


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    .303 MG x8 Front 6 -4 -0 5+ 4Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Spitfire Mk V may injectan engine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the enginestalls from overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces mayreroll once.

    Additional Weaponry250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

    Ground Attack125kgbombs

    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The Spitfire Mk V was the most numerous of the Spitfires during the Battle of

    Britain and served until the end of the war, though its production was halted in

    early 1942. It was rated as the best fighter in the war until it came up against FW190s. Even so, it got a reputation for being able to outmaneuver any other craft

    in existence. The pilots that flew the MK V claim that even later Spitfires where

    not as well-balanced and delightful to fly.

    Supermarine Spitfire Mk XII Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost:24 +4 points/W.U.

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    Manoeuvre: Very High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303 MG x4 Front 5 -3 -0 5+ 420mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Spitfire Mk XII may injectan engine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the enginestalls from overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces mayreroll once.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    Encountering the Focke Wulf fighter left the RAF reeling and the Defense Ministry

    desperately searched for a solution. The answer came in the form of the

    formidable Spitfire Mk XII of 1942, aerodynamically cleaned up and with a much

    stronger engine and armament, this aircraft could again outperform any enemy


  • 8/3/2019 Second World War Dogfights


    Hawker Typhoon Mk IB Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 20 +4


    Manoeuvre: High/Low Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    20mmCannon x4

    Front 3 -4 -3 4+ 5

    Special Rules: Durable. If Typhoon Mk IB takes a second hit then it may roll ad6. On a 6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit stillremaining. Low Altitude Fighter. The Typhoon has High maneuverability ataltitude 5- and Low maneuverability at altitude 6+.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 3 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 5 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The Hawker Typhoon was primarily developed as a next-gen fighter, but proved

    disappointing as it not only suffered from engine problems during the first year of

    its career, but had poor performance at high altitudes. It would prove itself first

    as a low-level interceptor and later as a dedicated ground attack fighter. In this

    second role it gained its fame flying Cab duty for ground forces in the days

    directly after D-Day. It was a rugged aircraft which with time earned the respect

    of its crew.

  • 8/3/2019 Second World War Dogfights


    De Havilland 98 Mosquito Type: Fighter Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 22

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303 MG x2 Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 420mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Heavy Fighter. The Mosquito may use the Manoeuvre card 5 High G-turn High even though it got low maneuverability.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The Mosquito is one of the great RAF success stories. It started out as a simple,

    wooden-structured, fast two-seat bomber, with no defensive armament, and

    ended up as one of the most successful fighter bombers of the Second World

    War. Adaptable into any role the Air Ministry could think of, the Mosquito proveditself over every British theatre.

  • 8/3/2019 Second World War Dogfights


    Avro 683 Lancaster Type: Bomber Hits: 5 Transport: 0/6* Point Cost: 20 +4


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 9 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303 MG x2 Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .303 MG x2 Rear 3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .303 MG x2 Up, AllRound

    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 16 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Transport. You may choose if the Lancaster carriesParatroopers or Internal Bombs at the beginning of the game. If it carriesParatroopers it cannot choose an additional weapon load.Additional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    250kg bomb Rear 6 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    The Avro Lancaster replaced the failed Avro Manchester in service in 1941 and

    quickly became the primary heavy bomber of the RAF. Capable of carrying a

    greater bomb load than anything but the Short Stirling, the Lancaster proved to

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    be a tool of industrial destruction and area devastation, as well as a good craft

    for airborne insertion. Because of limitations to its defense, it mostly flew night

    time missions during the latter half of the war. Like most British craft, the

    Lancaster was highly adaptable.

    Handley Page Hampden Type: Bomber Hits: 4 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303 MG x1 Front 2 -2 -0 5+ 4 May not strafe

    .303 MG x2 Rear,


    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .303 MG x2 Rear,Down

    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 8-0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Hampden may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may rerollonce.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

    Ground Attack125kg Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,

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    bombs Ground Attack

    Gun tray.303x8

    Front 6 -4 -0 5+ 4 Ground Attack


    Entering service in 1938, the Hampden was one of the few pre-war bombers inBritain that would fly throughout the war. Being one of the RAFs most numerous

    bomber assets in 1939 it was very busy during 39-40. It sustained so heavy

    casualties though, that it was put on night bombing runs. Its production ended in

    1942, but the craft served well bombing northern France and coastal Germany.

    Douglas DB-7 Boston Type: Bomber Hits: 4 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18 +4


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303 MG x4 Front 5 -3 -0 5+ 4 Ground Attack

    .303 MG x2 Rear,Up

    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .303 MG x2 Rear,Down

    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe



    Rear 10-0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,

    Ground AttackSpecial Rules: Ground Attacker. Boston may equip two additional

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    weaponries. You can only choose each additional weapon once.

    Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,

    Ground Attack.Gun tray.303x8

    Front 6 -4 -0 5+ 4 Ground Attack

    Originally an American design, the Douglas Boston started its deliveries to the

    RAF in 1942. It filled the gap in the British forces for a day-time heavy attack

    warplane, while it could also fill the role as a medium bomber. As fast as some

    fighter craft and able to carry effective payloads against any kind of target, this

    aircraft found itself flying interdictor and hard target missions.


    Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .30cal MG x2 Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 3

    .50cal MG x4 Front 4 -4 -1 5+ 5

    Special Rules: Production. If you take 4 P-40s you get 1 for free. AdditionalWeaponry will cost 4 points as normal.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

    Ground Attack125kg Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,

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    bombs Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    Starting out as the mediocre, but nimble, P-36 Mohawk, the evolution into the P-40 Tomahawk, Kittyhawk and then Warhawk saw the plane change from a fighter

    craft to a dedicated ground attacker capable of carrying a payload of bombs and

    rockets. While never able to challenge the best fighters the enemy had, the

    Tomahawk was a strong attack fighter which fought and flew for all the major

    Allies. When USA entered the war, this was the US Army Air Forces most

    common fighter.

    Lockheed P-38 Lightning Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18

    +3 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High/Low Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x4 Front 4 -4 -1 5+ 520mmCannon x1

    Front 1 -2 -1 4+ 4

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    Special Rules: Low Altitude Fighter. The Lightning has High maneuverabilityat altitude 5- and Low maneuverability at altitude 6+. Ground Attacker. TheLightning may equip two additional weaponries. You can only choose eachadditional weapon once.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.


    Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack.

    Guntray.50cal x4

    Front 4 -4 -1 5+ 4

    The Lightning started as an interceptor and long-range escort fighter, developed

    by Lockheed who had never before designed a purely military aircraft. The designwas innovative and surprisingly powerful, creating a craft that could be used in a

    wide variety of roles including recon and ground attack. The Lightning was

    perhaps the best US fighter upon their entry to the war.

    Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 22

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x8 Front 6 -6 -2 5+ 6Special Rules: Durable. If Thunderbolt takes a second hit then it may roll ad6. On a 6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still

    remaining. Ground Attacker. Thunderbolt may equip two additionalweaponries. You can only choose each additional weapon once.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.


    Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack.

    The Thunderbolt had three great advantages. It was robust, it had long range

    endurance and it could pack a powerful punch. The fighter was affectionately

    known as the jug to its pilots, both because it looked like a flying jug, but also

    because it was an aerial juggernaut. It was an excellent machine.

    North American P-51 Mustang Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost:

    26 +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Very High Max Speed: 8 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x6 Front 5 -5 -2 5+ 6Special Rules: Production. If you take 4 P-51s you get 1 for free. AdditionalWeaponry will cost 4 points as normal. Climber: Whenever P-51 climbs, it

    may climb an additional 1 for no extra loss of speed.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.


    Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack.

    The Mustang is by many rated as the best fighter of the Second World War. It

    certainly was the fastest combustion-engine fighter and one of the most agile. It

    played a major role in gaining air supremacy over Europe, as well as being

    capable of ground attacks. This aircraft spearheaded the way into Europe and

    became the aircraft of most European US aces. It served well into the late 50s.

    Martin B-26 Marauder Type: Bomber Hits: 4 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18 +4


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x8 Front 6 -6 -2 5+ 4 Ground Attack

    .50cal MG x1 Front 2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x2 Rear 3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x2 Up, AllRound 3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 12-0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Marauder may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may rerollonce.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack.

    Not a subtle craft, neither in name or purpose, the Marauder functioned as the

    tactical strike craft of the US Army. It was a powerful and fast bomber, well

    capable of flattening anything from Airbases to mobile formations. The Marauder

    held the lowest loss rate of any US bomber in Europe.

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    Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Type: Bomber Hits: 4 Transport: 0 Point Cost:

    22 +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon Fire Arc Firepower

    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x4 Front 4 -4 -1 5+ 4 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x1 RightSide

    2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x1 LeftSide

    2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x4 Rear 4 -4 -1 5+ 4 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x2 Up, AllRound

    3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x2 Down,All


    3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 15-0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Durable. If Flying Fortress takes a fourth hit then it may roll ad6. On a 6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit stillremaining.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    An amazing aircraft, the B-17 Flying Fortress was originally built for servicewithin the coastguard, with anti-ship capability and search and rescue as its

    primary roles. From this modest concept came what became the wars most

    prominent and heavily armed bomber. It dropped more bombs and took part in

    more air offensives than any other bombing aircraft on all sides.

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    ConsolidatedVulteeB-24Liberator Type: Bomber Hits: 5 Transport: 0 Point


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 1

    Weapon Fire Arc Firepower

    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x2 Front 3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x1 RightSide

    2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x1 LeftSide

    2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x2 Rear 3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x2 Up, AllRound

    3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .50cal MG x2 Down,AllRound

    3 -2 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 18-0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Bomb Load: If the B-24 Liberator buys additional weaponry, itforfeits its internal bombs* to carry the larger 250kg bombs instead.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 12 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

    Ground Attack

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    The Liberator was built five years after the Flying Fortress as one of the most

    advanced, most expensive bombers to yet fly. While the B-17 actually

    outperformed it in terms of stability and air-speed, the Lib was fully electric,

    with electric landing gear, electrical turrets and electrical systems. It was a

    heavy bomber, while the Fortress was a medium one.

    Dakota DC3 Skytrain Type: Bomber Hits: 3 Transport: 8 Point Cost: 12


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 1

    Weapon Fire Arc Firepow


    Damage Amm



    .30cal MG x1 RightSide

    2 -1 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    .30cal MG x1 LeftSide

    2 -1 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    Special Rules: Logistics. The DC3 contains a platoon of Airborne troops orairdropped supplies with a transport value of 8.Additional Weaponry

    .30cal MG x2 Rear,Up

    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    The DC3 was developed as a civilian aircraft, but quickly found itself as the most

    widely produced and used military transport in the world. It served with all three

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    major Allied powers, doing both transport and airborne missions. It built a

    reputation as one of the most reliable transport- and passenger planes in the

    world. After the war it was used extensively throughout the world as a

    commercial airliner and is still in use in some areas of the world even today.

    Japanese Sentai

    Mitsubishi A6M Zeke Zero Type: Fighter Hits: 1 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16


    Manoeuvre: Very High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    7.7mm MGx2 Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    20mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 3

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Zero may inject an enginebooster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stalls fromoverheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may reroll onceAdditional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack



    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,

    Ground AttackRockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

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    Without doubt the most numerous of all Japanese fighters, the Zero had a

    profound impact on the war. It was also the very first carrier-based fighter to be

    on par with or outperform its contemporary land-based opponents. For some time

    it enjoyed total air supremacy, coming as a nasty shock to the Allies. It couldoutrange any other fighter, could outmaneuver any other aircraft and it existed in

    alarming numbers. But after a year of air superiority better fighter designs

    entered the war on the Allied side and the Zero was forced to serve into

    obsoleteness. If it had any major drawback, it was its light airframe and

    aluminum-skin, the pilot having no armor to protect him. Even so, this fighter was

    widely deployed by both the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army.

    Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien Tony Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 20


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    7.7mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    20mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Tony may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stalls

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    from overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may rerollonceAdditional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Tony was developed from license-bought German Daimler-Benz engines,

    being tested against both captured P-40s and BF-109s sent by submarine! It

    proved the better fighter and soon entered service with the Japanese army in

    early 1943. It had the privilege of being the only Japanese fighter with a liquid-

    cooled engine. It had a metal body and a good ceiling, enjoying parity with the

    Americans for a few months. Yet it was, like most other Japanese craft, soon

    eclipsed. In 1945 a new version called Ki-100, with a different engine, entered

    service and performed above all expectations. A flight of Ki-100s shot down 16Hellcats for no loss during a single mission.

    Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate Frank Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost:

    24 +4points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Very High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    20mmCannon x4

    Front 3 -4 -3 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Unpredictable. When the game starts roll a d6 for the Frank.

    On a 3+ it uses its standard statistics. On 2 or less it has Max Speed: 6 andMax Altitude: 7.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Frank was probably Japans best fighter during the Second World War. It is

    reported to have outperformed Mustangs and Thunderbolts under top conditions,

    yet they were so advanced they deteriorated and suffered in the field, theirperformance being unpredictable. They had an extremely advanced direct-

    injection engine, high-strength steel and advanced gearing. This, of course, also

    required expert maintenance. This rather excellent aircraft entered service in late

    1944 and less than one thousand were produced.

    Aichi D3A Val Type: Bomber Hits: 1 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 10


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 1

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    7.7mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    7.7mm MG




    2 -1 -0 5+ 4 May not strafe


    Rear 4 -0 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Dive Bomber. Val may bomb from an altitude of 2, requiring2+ to hit from this height, but do not cause bomb creep if it does so. It mayalso add an additional 1 to any altitude loss.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The D3A Val is best remembered as the dive bomber that attacked Pearl Harbor.

    From this infamy the dive bomber received widespread acclaim after the war.

    The craft itself was almost as maneuverable as a Zero with a reasonable turn of

    speed and good payload. It is also worth mentioning that the early Val crews held

    the best precision in the world, hitting their targets 9 out of 10 times. As the war

    progressed the inexperienced replacements could not keep this up.

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    Aichi B7A Ryusei Grace Type: Bomber Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 14


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    20mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4

    13mm MGx1


    2 -1 -1 5+ 4 May not strafe


    Rear 4 -0 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Dive Bomber. Grace may bomb from an altitude of 2, requiring2+ to hit from this height, but do not cause bomb creep if it does so. It mayalso add an additional 1 to any altitude loss.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Grace was designed as a replacement for the fleet of older ground-attack

    aircraft, entering service in 1944. It could never replace them completely, since

    production did not meet demand. The aircraft was an excellent dive and torpedo

    bomber by any standards, made with agility and offensive firepower in mind. In a

    pinch the Grace could operate as a fighter, though with lacking performance.

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    Nakajima Ki-49 Donryu Helen Type: Bomber Hits:4 Transport:0/5 Point

    Cost:18 +4points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 1

    Weapon Fire Arc Firepower

    Damage Ammo


    13mm MGx1

    Front 2 -1 -1 5+ 4 May not strafe

    20mmCannon x1


    1 -2 -1 4+ 4 May not strafe

    13mm MG




    2 -1 -1 5+ 4 May not strafe

    13mm MGx1

    Rear 2 -1 -1 5+ 4 May not strafe

    7.7mm MGx1


    2 -1 -0 5+ 4 May not strafe

    7.7mm MGx1


    2 -1 -0 5+ 4 May not strafe


    Rear 10 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Transport. You may choose if the Helen carries orInternal Bombs at the beginning of the game. If it carries it cannotchoose an additional weapon load.

    Additional Weaponry

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    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    While an overall indifferent bomber, the Donryu was the best defended type the

    Japanese got, with moderate armor, multiple weapons and good range. Theaircraft was also used in the transport role.

    Mitsubishi J2M Raiden Jack Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 24


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 9 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    13mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -1 5+ 5

    20mm 99-IICannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 3 Extra damage 6

    Special Rules: Durable. If Jack takes a second hit then it may roll a d6. On a 6the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still remaining.Climber: Whenever Jack climbs, it may climb an additional 1 for no extra lossof speed.

    Additional Weaponry250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

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    Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Raiden Jack was developed by the same team that made the Zero, but unlikethe Zero it was robust, powerful and made for speed, not agility. Initially it was

    unpopular with Japanese pilots. After the war the Allies spoke in glowing terms of

    its performance and handling, praising it as an interceptor. The Raiden climbed

    20.000ft in 6 minutes. By comparison the Mustang did this in 7, though many

    consider it to be the best climber of the war.

    Mitsubishi Ki-46 Shitei Dinah Type: Bomber Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point Cost:

    14 +4points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 9 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    7.7mm MGx1


    2 -1 -0 5+ 6

    Special Rules: Recon. In a Recon scenario, a Dinah only needs 6 turns on thetable to gain the 50 bonus victory points.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

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    In a situation where the Japanese aircraft faced destruction upon entering Allied

    airspace, the Shitei Dinah was one of the few which usually came back. It was

    capable of flying high and fast enough to make it very hard to intercept, despite

    radar detection. The aircraft could fly just as high as an American B-22. Itcontained advanced camera and photography gear, scouting Pearl Harbor before

    the attack, as well as flights over US coastal cities. Because of advanced camera

    gear, developed in Japan, it could photograph precisely and sharply from most

    altitudes. It could also receive an external fuel tank or a small bomb load, though

    it was rarely used in the latter role.

    Soviet VVS

    Polikarpov I-16 Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 6 Thrust: 1

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    7.62mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5


    Cannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the I-16 may inject an enginebooster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stalls fromoverheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may reroll onceAdditional Weaponry


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The I-16 has the honor of being the first truly modern monoplane fighter, having

    fully retractable landing gear, more than two guns and metal skin. It was the best

    fighter in the world when it entered service in 1934, reaching 360 and later489km/h. In 1940 a new engine were given it, bringing it up to 525km/h. Despite

    these upgrades, as well as upgrades to armament, the aircraft was overall an

    inferior fighter by 1941. Its production was halted in 1942 and by 1943 the 2000

    survivors were replaced in frontline duty. Note that many Soviet aces started

    their career in this craft.

    Mikoyan MiG-3 - Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16+4points/W.U.

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    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 9 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    20mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 3

    Special Rules: Climber: Whenever Mig-3 climbs, it may climb an additional 1for no extra loss of speed.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    Entering service in 1940 as the MiG-1, with MiG-3s coming in 41, this aircraftmay have been the best Soviet fighter when Germany attacked. While it was at a

    disadvantage against advanced German fighters, it did a decent job as an

    interceptor, as well as being a capable ground attack aircraft. The production was

    ended in 43, but the MiGs continued flying, not being withdrawn until 1947.

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    Yakolev Yak-3/7 - Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 20


    Manoeuvre: Very High/High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7

    Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 6

    2cm Cannonx1

    Front 1 -2 -1 4+ 3

    Special Rules: Low Altitude Fighter. The Yak-3/7 has Very Highmaneuverability at altitude 5- and High maneuverability at altitude 6+.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The Yak series was without a doubt the most numerous air superiority fighters

    the Soviets built during World War 2. Entering service in 1942 the Yaks quickly

    established themselves as an aircraft that challenged the Luftwaffe. From 1944

    the Germans issued an edict to their pilots that they were not to engage Yaks at

    altitudes below 6000 feet as they excelled at these levels. The first Russian jet

    was a Yak-15 which was a Yak-3 given a jet engine in a nose installment, the

    exhaust under the nose.

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    Lavochkin La-5/7 - Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 24


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    12.7mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -1 5+ 5

    20mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 5

    Special Rules: Durable. La-5/7 takes a second hit then it may roll a d6. On a6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still remaining.Booster. Once during the game, the

    La-5/7 may inject an engine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. Ona 1 the engine stalls from overheating and the fighter crash. Aces andDouble-Aces may reroll once.Additional Weaponry


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The La-5s and 7s evolved in 1942-43 from the pre-invasion Lavochkin LaGG-3, a

    mediocre fighter that formed a good portion of the Soviet fighter strength. TheLaGG-3 was a sturdy fighter outclassed in every other aspect. The La-5 was

  • 8/3/2019 Second World War Dogfights


    basically the same aircraft with a revised aerodynamic design and a much more

    powerful armament and engine. Because of the amounts of modifications, it

    became a fighter family of its own, the most unimpressive fighter in the Soviet

    arsenal becoming the best Soviet fighter of the war. The highest-scoring Soviet

    ace of all time flew a La-7, as did many others.

    Lavochkin LaGG-3 - Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    7.62mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 4+ 5

    20mmCannon x1

    Front 1 -2 -1 3+ 5

    Special Rules: Durable. LaGG-3 takes a second hit then it may roll a d6. On a6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still remaining.Booster. Once during the game, theLaGG-3 may inject an engine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. Ona 1 the engine stalls from overheating and the fighter crash. Aces andDouble-Aces may reroll once.Additional Weaponry


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

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    The LaGG-1s entered service in 1940, intended as a stop-gap fighter and

    replacement for the aging fleet of I-15s and I-16s. It was shortly followed by the

    slightly improved LaGG-3. The aircraft had indifferent performance, slow

    acceleration and only average handling. Its armament, like that of most USSRcraft, was limited to 3 guns. It was though a durable fighter which had a

    reputation of flying home with severe damage. Of all Soviet fighters, this one was

    the least popular with its pilots, removed from production in 1942. It remained in

    effective service until winter of 1944.

    Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik - Type: Bomber Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 14


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.62mmx4

    Front 4 -3 -0 5+ 3

    MG 7.62mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe



    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

    Ground AttackSpecial Rules: Durable. If Il-2 takes a second hit then it may roll a d6. On a 6the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still remaining.

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    Heavy Fighter. The Il-2 may use the Manoeuvre card 5 High G-turn Higheven though it got low maneuverability.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.


    Front 2 -3 -2 3+ 2 Ground Attack

    The Il-2 Sturmovik entered service prior to the invasion as a single-seat low-

    altitude interceptor, but it was too slow and ungainly. Instead, its stability and

    armor gave a radical ground crew the idea that it could be used as a ground

    attacker, and from this spawned the entire series of two-seat bombers. To the

    Axis forces it gained the name Black Death. It is also the most produced

    warplane ever.

    Petlyakev Pe-2 - Type: Bomber Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 14


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon Fire




    Damage Amm



    MG 7.62mmx4

    Front 4 -3 -0 5+ 3 Ground Attack

    MG 7.62mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.62mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 8 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Production. If you take 4 Pe-2s you get 1 for free. AdditionalWeaponry will cost 4 points as normal.Additional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, Ground

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    250kg bomb Rear 3 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 5 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The Petlyakev Pe-2 was introduced in 1940 as a part of the VVS modernization

    effort and was produced in great numbers as the war broke out. While in many

    ways an indifferent bomber, Pe-2s where rugged and could make good speed,

    known to outpace their escorts. Its production ending in 44, this medium bomber

    was Soviets most important in terms of numbers and versatility. It is by some

    compared to the German Ju 88 and British Mosquito for pure usefulness.

    Tupolev SB-2 - Type: Bomber Hits: 4 Transport: 0/5 Point Cost: 16


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc Firepower Damage Ammo Special

    MG 7.62mmx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 3 May not strafe

    MG 7.62mmx2

    Up, Allround

    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.62mmx2


    3 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 12 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Transport. You may choose if the SB-2 carries + or Internal Bombs at the beginning of the

    game. If it carries it cannot choose an additional weapon load.

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    Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 6 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The SB-2 was created in the same 1930s program that saw the I-15 biplane and I-

    16 monoplane fighters enter service. Flying in 1935, the SB-2 was perhaps the

    worlds best medium bomber at that time. When the war broke out it was

    technically obsolete, yet it proved to have great success in its missions. In 1941 it

    re-entered production and stayed in it until 1943, the newer versions had better

    aerodynamics, slightly better engines, as well as a longer, cone-shaped nose.

    Total production of old and new versions was close to 7000, several also seeing

    service as transports for the Red Armys Air Guards.

    Regio Aeronautica

    Fiat G.50 Freccia Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16+4


    Maneuver: High/Very High Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7

    Thrust: 2

    Weapon Fire Firepowe Damage Amm Special

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    Arc r o12.7mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -1 5+ 5

    Special Rules: Low Altitude Fighter. The G.50 has Very High maneuverabilityat altitude 5- and High maneuverability at altitude 6+.

    Additional Weaponry125kgbombs

    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Fiat G.50 was the answer to an Italian order for an all metal skin monoplane

    fighter, the first in the Italian air force. It entered service in 1938, proving to be

    highly agile and with an acceptable climb rate. Entering mass production it

    became Italys primary fighter for the entire war. Compared to other modern

    fighters at the time it had lousy armaments, a weak engine and poor protection,

    something that became woefully apparent after the beginning of the African

    campaign and combat over the British Channel. Some G.50s also served with theItalian forces in Russia, where they did better, though they soon proved

    inadequate as newer Russian models entered service.

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    Macchi C.202 Folgore Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18+4


    Maneuver: High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo



    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    12.7mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -1 5+ 4

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the C.202 may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may rerollonce.Additional Weaponry


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Macchi C.202 Folgore was essentially a redesign of the inadequate C.200

    Saetta, with a more powerful wing construction and a much more powerful

    engine. This new aircraft began to arrive at the squadrons in the winter of 1940

    and fully entered service in 1941, becoming Italys second most important

    fighter. In truth, it was the only Italian fighter at the time that had parity with the

    contemporary Allied designs.

    Fiat G.55 Centauro Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 24+4


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    Maneuver: High/Very High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8

    Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    12.7mm MGx2 Front 3 -2 -1 5+ 4

    2cm Cannonx3

    Front 3 -3 -2 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Low Altitude Fighter. The G.55 has Very High maneuverabilityat altitude 5- and High maneuverability at altitude 6+.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Fiat G.55 started life as a re-engined G.50. Then its wings and upper body

    was redesigned and its armament heavily upgraded. Entering service in the early

    spring of 1943, it was the best fighter the Italians possessed during the conflict, a

    potent and very agile fighter. The G.55 could challenge the best Allied fighters

    and in many ways were superior to most contemporary Axis fighters. Scheduled

    to become the new primary fighter of Italy, production never met demand. Had it

    reached more effective production levels and entered service earlier in the war

    the Fiat G.55 might have had a serious impact on the outcome for air supremacy

    over Italy.

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    Breda Ba.65 Type: Bomber Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 12 +2


    Maneuver: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    12.7mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -1 5+ 3

    MG 7.7mmx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 3

    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 4 May not strafe

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Dive Bomber. Ba.65 may bomb from an altitude of 2, requiring2+ to hit from this height, but do not cause bomb creep if it does so. It mayalso add an additional 1 to any altitude loss.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Breda Ba.65 entered production in 1936 and its production lasted until the

    autumn of 1939. First seeing service in the Spanish Civil War, the Ba.65 scored anumber of successes and was even compared favorably with early JU 87 Stuka.

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    By 1941 these aircraft were virtually obsolete and suffered heavy losses, being

    withdrawn from service before the end of 1942. The craft was also exported to

    Iraq, Spain, Chile, Portugal and the Soviet Union.

    Breda Ba.88 Lince Type: Bomber(Night-Fighter) Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point

    Cost:14 +4points/W.U.

    Maneuver: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    12.7mm MGx3

    Front 3 -3 -1 5+ 3

    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 4 May not strafe

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

    Ground AttackSpecial Rules: Ground Attacker. Ba.88 may equip two additional weaponries.

    You can only choose each additional weapon once. Heavy Fighter. Ba.88 mayuse the Maneuver card 5 High G-turn High even though it got lowmaneuverabilityAdditional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 1 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

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    Entering service in 1939 the Breda Ba.88 Lince was a new, dedicated ground

    attacker, designed to take over for the Ba.65s then in service. In its prototype

    form the aircraft had set a number of records in 1938. During the desert

    campaigns of 1941 and 42 the Ba.88s took heavy casualties, yet was relegatedto other challenging roles instead, such as acting as fighter decoys and night

    fighter duties. Some were also converted into dive bombers, a role in which they

    had somewhat better success. By the summer of 1943, most Ba.88s had been

    either lost or taken out of service.

    SM.79 Sparviero Type: Bomber Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 16 +4


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon Fire Arc Firepower

    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.7mmx1

    Front 2 -2 -0 5+ 5 Ground Attack

    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

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    Rear 8 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Durable. If SM.79 takes a third hit then it may roll a d6. On a 6the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still remaining.Additional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 6 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 was perhaps the finest combined torpedo and level

    bomber of World War Two. It was certainly one of the best designs Italy had.

    While not particularly fast, the craft was both sturdy and well enough defended. Itwas one of the few Italian craft also serving after the war.

    Fiat BR.20 Cicogna Type: Bomber Hits: 3 Transport: 0/5* Point Cost: 16 +4


    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 1

    Weapon Fire




    Damage Amm



    MG 7.7mmx1

    Front 2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

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    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 12.7mmx1


    2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe



    Rear 12 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,

    Ground AttackSpecial Rules: Transport. You may choose if the BR.20 carries Paracadudistaor Internal Bombs at the beginning of the game. If it carries Paracadudista itcannot choose an additional weapon load.Additional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    250kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    The BR.20 entered service in late 1936 and was one of the most advanced

    prewar bombers. Intended for both service and export, several were sold to

    Spain, Japan and Venezuela. Once Italy entered the war the BR.20 fought on all

    fronts, over England, Russia and in the Mediterranean. By 1940 the craft had

    been bypassed by more modern versions and of more than 600 built only some

    81 craft survived the war. The bomber was still popular with its crew and also

    served as a troop and cargo transport.

    CANT Z.1007 Alcione Type: Bomber Hits: 4 Transport: 0/5* Point Cost: 18+4 points/W.U.

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    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 1

    Weapon Fire Arc Firepower

    Damage Ammo


    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 7.7mmx1


    2 -2 -0 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 12.7mmx1

    Up, AllRound

    2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe

    MG 12.7mmx1


    2 -1 -1 5+ 5 May not strafe


    Rear 12 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Z.1007 may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 2 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may reroll

    once.Additional Weaponry

    500kg bomb Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+, d3extra damage, GroundAttack

    The Z.1007 entered service in late 1938 and became the most important medium

    bomber of the Italian air force. They were powerful, relatively fast and had decent

    defensive armaments. More important, they were produced in large numbers.

    With its adequate defensive armament and solid airframe the Z.1007 served well

    in both the Mediterranean and over Russia. Even though they took heavy losses

    many of the remaining aircraft were forced into German service after 1943.

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    Grumman F6F Hellcat Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 18+4points/W.U.

    Maneuver: High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x6 Front 5 -5 -2 5+ 6Special Rules: Durable. If Hellcat takes a second hit then it may roll a d6. Ona 6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still remaining.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.


    Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack.

    The Hellcat was developed as the next generation of the rugged Wildcat. Indeed

    it was mostly just a larger and more powerful version of the same aircraft. Havinggood all-round performance and a very tough build, it was more than a match for

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    most Japanese planes. The Hellcat shot down more Japanese aircraft than any

    other and was widely considered the best carrier fighter in existence.

    Vought F4U Corsair Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 22+4points/W.U.

    Maneuver: High Max Speed: 7 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .50cal MG x8 Front 6 -6 -2 5+ 6Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Corsair may inject anengine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 the engine stallsfrom overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Aces may rerollonce.

    Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 3 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 6 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.


    Front 4 -3 -0 4+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack.

    The Corsair was designed as a high-performance carrier fighter, but was in thebeginning deemed unsuited for carrier operations. This lead to only a few

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    hundred originally deployed to land-based marine squadrons in February of 1943.

    The aircraft quickly proved itself as one of the best fighters in the Pacific and it

    was redeemed for carrier operation as well, many also being exported to the

    British. The Corsair was so successful that it was still in service throughout the

    Korean War, well deserved considering it gained a kill ratio of 16-1 against the

    Japanese, the best kill ratio of World War Two.

    Douglas SBD Dauntless Type: Bomber Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 12


    Maneuver: Low Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo

    Special MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    .30,cal MGx2


    3 -2 -0 5+ 3 May not Strafe


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Dive Bomber. Dauntless may bomb from an altitude of 2,requiring 2+ to hit from this height, but does not cause bomb creep if it doesso. It may also add an additional 1 to any altitude loss.Additional Weaponry

    250kg Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,

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    bombs Ground Attack

    The Dauntless was the first dive bomber replacement to reach the US Carriers,

    replacing the older versions from pre-Pearl Harbor. In many ways its performance

    was satisfactory, but far from good, a reason why other Dive Bombers weredeveloped quickly. The Dauntless did come at a time when the need to strike at

    Japan was crucial, gaining fame when the type sunk 4 Japanese carriers during

    the Battle of Midway. Entering service in 1942, the type was also exported to the

    Free French and to Mexico, the latter which used the craft well into the 1950s.

    The US replaced the Dauntless completely in 1944.

    Vought OS2U Kingfisher Type: Bomber Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 8


    Maneuver: Low Max Speed: 3 - Min Speed: 1 Max Altitude: 6 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .30 Cal MGx1

    Front 2 -1 -0 5+ 5

    .30 Cal MGx1


    2 -1 -0 5+ 3 May not Strafe

    Special Rules: Recon. In a Recon scenario, a Kingfisher only needs 6 turns onthe table to gain the 50 bonus victory points.Additional Weaponry


    Rear 3 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage4+,Ground Attack

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    The Kingfisher served from before the attack on Pearl Harbor and until the war

    ended on the decks of the Missouri. Never meant as a front-line warplane, it was

    an observer and scout for the battleships and cruisers of the US Navy. It could

    accurately map down enemy positions, and during battle, act as a very accurate

    fire director for the main guns of the warships. It had the capability to carry a

    light bomb load, but this was rarely done. The most notable thing about theaircraft was its apparent ruggedness against weather and its capability to act as

    an air/sea rescue plane. They were also exported to the British Royal Navy, the

    Royal Australian Air Force, and many South American countries, including Chile,

    Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, and the Dominican Republic, some who used them

    far into the 60s as coast guard planes.

    Australian RAAF

    Commonwealth Boomerang Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost:

    16 +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 5 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


  • 8/3/2019 Second World War Dogfights


    .303 MG x2 Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 520mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 3

    Special Rules: Durable. If Boomerang takes a second hit then it may roll ad6. On a 6 the hit is ignored and the aircraft continues with one hit still

    remaining.Additional Weaponry


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,Ground Attack.

    The Boomerang was developed early in 1942 when Australia realized they might

    well get cut off from resupply and import. It had to consist of parts readily

    available in Australia, it needed to be developed fast and it had to have good

    performance. The entire program lasted only 3 months and gave the RAAF asturdy fighter able to challenge the Japanese. In many ways it was greater than

    the sum of its parts. As the conflict raged on, Boomerangs were moved from

    superiority to suppression.

    Supermarine Spitfire Mk VI/IX Type: Fighter Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost:

    22+4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Very High Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 7 Thrust: 2

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    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303 MG x4 Front 5 -3 -0 5+ 420mmCannon x2

    Front 2 -3 -2 4+ 4

    Special Rules: Booster. Once during the game, the Spitfire Mk VI/IX mayinject an engine booster for Thrust: 3 for that turn. Roll a d6. On a 1 theengine stalls from overheating and the fighter crash. Aces and Double-Acesmay reroll once. Dive Bomber. Spitfire Mk VI/IX may bomb from an altitude of2, requiring 2+ to hit from this height, but do not cause bomb creep if it doesso. It may also add an additional 1 to any altitude loss.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack


    Rear 3 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    The Spitfire Mk VI was a development of the Mk V, the biggest differences being a

    different armament, a change of canopy, and most importantly, reinforcing the

    structure for the rigors of dive bombing. The Spitfire was a stable platform with

    broad wings, well suited to ground attack, though most were used as fighters.

    The later Mk IX was a re-engined Mk VI. These aircraft were well suited for the

    multirole demand of the pacific campaign, several squadrons worth being sent to

    the RAAF.

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    Commonwealth Wirraway Type: Bomber Hits: 2 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 12


    Manoeuvre: High Max Speed: 4 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 6 Thrust: 1

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303mm MGx2

    Front 3 -2 -0 5+ 5

    .303mm MGx1


    2 -1 -0 5+ 3 May not Strafe


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Dive Bomber. Wirraway may bomb from an altitude of 2,requiring 2+ to hit from this height, but do not cause bomb creep if it doesso. It may also add an additional 1 to any altitude loss.Additional Weaponry


    Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    The Wirraway was developed as an armaments trainer for Australia, and was also

    the first military aircraft they developed. It consisted mostly of indigenous parts,with all-round good performance. When the war broke out they were pressed into

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    operational service as a support aircraft. They even acted as interceptors once in

    a heroic, but-ultimately doomed effort as a single squadron of 10 scrambled to

    intercept some 110 Japanese aircraft. This desperate action became Australian


    Bristol Beaufighter Mk21 Type: Fighter Hits: 3 Transport: 0 Point Cost: 26

    +4 points/W.U.

    Manoeuvre: Low Max Speed: 6 - Min Speed: 2 Max Altitude: 8 Thrust: 2

    Weapon FireArc


    Damage Ammo


    .303 MG x4 Front 5 -3 -0 5+ 420mm

    Cannon x4

    Front 3 -4 -3 4+ 4

    .303 MG x1 Rear,Up

    2 -1 -0 5+ 4 May not strafe


    Rear 4 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 5+,Ground Attack

    Special Rules: Heavy Fighter. The Beaufighter may use the Manoeuvre card5 High G-turn High even though it got low maneuverability.Additional Weaponry

    250kg bomb Rear 2 -0 -0 2+ 1 Extra damage 4+,Ground Attack

    Rockets Front 5 -3 -0 4+ 2 Extra damage 6,

    Ground Attack.

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    The Beaufighter was developed as a heavy fighter and is arguably the heaviest

    fighter to have flown. The first model had four cannons and six machineguns

    facing forward. It was very quickly developed into a ground attack warplane, a

    role in which it excelled. Australia had interest from the very beginning because

    of its range and ruggedness. The Mk21 was a version developed specifically for

    the RAAF in 44, a mixture of the Mk V and Mk X, with the added feature of anearly Sperry autopilot.

    German Flak

    - 20mm Flakvierling 38 Hits: 1 Firepower: 5 -3 -0 Damage: 5+

    Altitude +3 Cost: 6pts

    - 37mm Flak 43 Hits: 2 Firepower: 4 -3 -2 Damage: 4+ Altitude +4

    Cost: 10pts

    - 88mm Flak 18 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -3 -4 Damage: 3+ Altitude +6 Cost: 14pts

    British/Australian Flak

    - Polsten 20mm Hits: 1 Firepower: 4 -3 -0 Damage: 5+ Altitude +2

    Cost: 6pts

    - 40mm Bofors L/60 Hits: 2 Firepower: 3 -3 -2 Damage: 4+ Altitude

    +4 Cost: 10pts

    - 75mm Bofors M/29 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -3 -3 Damage: 4+ Altitude

    +6 Cost: 14pts

    - 3.7in QF Gun Mk 1 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -2 -4 Damage: 3+ Altitude

    +7 Cost: 16pts

    US Flak/USN Flak

    - 50.Cal Quad M21 Hits: 1 Firepower: 4 -3 -0 Damage: 5+ Altitude +2

    Cost: 4pts

    - Oerlikon 20mm Hits: 1 Firepower: 3 -4 -0 Damage: 4+ Altitude +3

    Cost: 6pts

    - 37mm M1A2 Hits: 2 Firepower: 4 -4 -1 Damage: 4+ Altitude +4

    Cost: 10pts

    - 90mm M1 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -3 -4 Damage: 3+ Altitude +6 Cost:


    Japanese Flak

    - 13mm Battery Hits: 1 Firepower: 4 -3 -0 Damage: 5+ Altitude +2

    Cost: 4pts

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    - 40mm Bofors L/60 Hits: 2 Firepower: 3 -3 -2 Damage: 4+ Altitude

    +4 Cost: 10pts

    - 75mm Type 88 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -3 -3 Damage: 4+ Altitude +6

    Cost: 14pts

    USSR Flak

    - 14,5mm Dual Battery Hits: 1 Firepower: 4 -3 -0 Damage: 5+

    Altitude +2 Cost: 4pts

    - 40mm Bofors L/60 Hits: 2 Firepower: 3 -3 -2 Damage: 4+ Altitude

    +4 Cost: 10pts

    - 75mm Bofors M/29 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -3 -3 Damage: 4+ Altitude

    +6 Cost: 14pts

    - 85mm M39 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -2 -4 Damage: 3+ Altitude +7 Cost: 16pts

    Italian Flak

    - 12.7mm Dual Breda Hits: 1 Firepower: 3 -2 -0 Damage: 5+ Altitude

    +2 Cost: 4pts

    - 20mm Breda Hits: 1 Firepower: 4 -3 -0 Damage: 5+ Altitude +3

    Cost: 6pts

    - 40mm Bofors L/60 Hits: 2 Firepower: 3 -3 -2 Damage: 4+ Altitude+4 Cost: 10pts

    - 90mm 90/53 Hits: 2 Firepower: 1 -2 -4 Damage: 3+ Altitude +7

    Cost: 16pts

    Special Rules:

    - Double-Aces gain +1 to hit when firing at other aircraft.

    - In Epic Campaigns Double-Aces are replaced by Top Aces and any special

    rule applying to Double-Aces apply to Top Aces instead. A pilot becomes a

    Top Ace at 20 kills instead of 10.

    - Bomber Crews no longer becomes Aces and Double-Aces, since kills

    doesnt directly relate to their skill. Instead they become Veteran Crews

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    after surviving 8 missions. Bomber Crews can no longer gain skill level

    comparable to Double-Aces.

    - Fighters shot at by the defensive emplacements of a Bomber with a

    Veteran Crew receive -1 to hit that Bomber during their next turn, even if

    the defensive fire did not hit them directly.

    - A Bomber with a Veteran Crew can reroll missed attacks against ground

    targets. The second roll stands.

    - Air Defense Batteries can be upgraded with Veteran Crews similar to

    Bombers, for +4 pts. A Veteran Air Defense Battery applies a -1 to hit

    against ground targets to the Aircraft they shot at, during its next turn.

    - All German, British, American, Japanese and Australian pilots have a basic

    skill of 3 (4+). Russian pilots have a basic skill of 2 (5+). Italian Fighter

    pilots have a skill of 3 (4+) while Italian Bomber pilots have a skill of 2(5+).

    - Pilot skill now relates directly to the basic chance of hitting an enemy

    aircraft. A pilot or gunner with a skill of 2 will only hit on a 5+, and if there

    is altitude difference a 6.

    - Russian Aces gain +1 to hit when firing at aircraft. This is cumulative with

    the Double-Ace to hit bonus. (Russian Aces and Double-Aces will hit on a

    4+ and 3+ like those of other nations.)

    - Critical Hits; A craft that rolls a 6 to hit and a 6 to damage may roll anotherdie. On a further 6 it destroys its target outright, either having killed its

    pilot, set its fuel tank on fire, shot a wing off or caused its munitions to

    explode or any other such disastrous hits you can think of. A pilot shot

    down with a critical hit suffers -1 for the pilot skill test to escape.


    - 240 km/h = 2 - 0 Aircraft

    - 240 -360km/h = 3 - 2 Aircraft

    - 360 -480km/h = 4 - 9 Aircraft

    - 480 -580km/h = 5 -15 Aircraft

    - 580 -650km/h = 6 -14 Aircraft

    - 650 -710km/h = 7 -12 Aircraft

    - 720 -790km/h = 8 - 1 Aircraft

    - 790 km/h = 9 - 1 Aircraft

    For a nation to be considered it must have been:

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    - A major airpower either globally or regionally

    - It must have been an active power during 1942 or later

    - At least 50% of its aircraft must have been indigenous in origin

    A nation which fails to fulfill any of the three terms above does not qualify.

    This adaption of the Aeronautica Imperialis have been made without permission.

    All copyrights to the main rule set belongs to Forgeworld and as such no

    description of game mechanics or main rules have been incorporated into this


    This adaption has been made by Tor Bjarte Kolshus

    Contact Information: [email protected]