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Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Baile Buadáin Naomh Éanna Cruinniú Bhliantiúl 2006 Ballyboden St Endas GAA Club Annual General Meeting 2006

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Page 1: Secretary’s Report 2006 - Ballyboden St. Enda's GAA AGM/Secretary... · Web viewA word of thanks to Mick Maher, last year’s manager, for his assistance when work arrangements

Cumann Lúthchleas Gael

Baile Buadáin Naomh Éanna

Cruinniú Bhliantiúl 2006

Ballyboden St Endas GAA Club

Annual General Meeting 2006

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Ballyboden St Enda’s GAA, Camogie & Ladies Football Club

37th Annual General Meeting

Thursday 30 November 2006 at 8.30 pm


1. Adoption of Standing Orders2. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 20053. Chairman’s Address4. Hon. Secretary’s Report5. Hon. Treasurer’s Report6. Appointment of Tellers7. Elections

(a) President(b) Vice-Presidents(c) Chairman(d) Vice-Chairman(e) Hon. Secretary(f) Assistant Secretary/Registrar(g) Hon. Treasurer(h) Executive Committee Members (6)(i) Board Delegates

8. Appointment of Auditors9. Motions and Recommendations

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Bunordaithe (Standing Orders)

1. The proposer of a motion or amendment thereto may speak for 5 minutes but no longer.

2. A member speaking to a motion, or an amendment, shall not exceed 3 minutes.

3. The proposer of a motion may speak a second time for 3 minutes before a vote is taken but no other member may speak a second time to the same motion.

4. The Chairman shall, at any time he considers a matter has been sufficiently discussed, call on the proposer to reply and when that has been given, a vote must be taken.

5. A member may, with the consent of the Chairman, move “that the motion be now put” after which, when the proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken.

6. No interruption shall be allowed except on a point of order or information.

7. Members must address their remarks to the presiding Chairman and shall put questions or make replies through him.

8. The meeting shall not be entitled to consider any matter not on the agenda, except with the consent of a majority comprising two-thirds of the votes of those present voting and entitled to vote.

9. No motion for invalidation of proceedings at any meeting of the Club on any grounds shall succeed, unless such a motion be put at the time and in the place where the grounds arise.

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Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Baile Buadáin Naomh Éanna

Minutes of Annual General Meeting 24 November 2005

The 36th Annual General Meeting of Ballyboden St Endas GAA Camogie and Ladies Football Club was held at the Clubhouse on Thursday 24 November 2005 at 8.30 pm.

Adoption of Standing Orders

Proposed by: Sean FlynnSeconded by: John O’Neill

Minutes of AGM 2004

Proposed by: Tommy O’BrienSeconded by: Sean Flynn

Chairman’s Address

The Chairman thanked all Club members who contributed to the success of the Club in the course of the previous 12 months, including players, coaches, managers, mentors, referees, board delegates, sponsors, those involved in fundraising and all others too numerous to mention. He also thanked the General Manager for his work over the past 12 months.

In listing the achievements of the Club over the 12 months he mentioned the success of the Senior Ladies Football team in reaching the All-Ireland final again and he hoped that they could repeat last year’s feat by winning two in a row and all other teams for representing the Club in competition; those players who represented their counties, and finally he wished every success to all those teams still involved in competition.

The Chairman spoke of the ongoing difficulties with legal and planning issues regarding Sancta Maria and Ballycullen and hoped for more progress with the facilities at these venues in the coming year. With the financial side of things still being an issue, he implored that the members support all the fund raising events that will take place next year in an effort to turn around the financial problems facing the Club; he mentioned in particular the Lotto, Gaelic Telecom, Monster Draw and a race day to be held in Punchestown.

As the chairman was stepping down after three years in the chair he thanked his fellow officers and those on the executive for all their hard work. He also thanked his family and all those in the club who had put the effort in and encouraged as many as possible to put a little effort in, as this would help those already there! He wished the incoming chairman the very best for the coming year.

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Secretary’s report

As the members had sufficient time to read through the Secretary’s report before the meeting commenced, the Secretary went through the report page by page.

Proposed by: Pat ConwaySeconded by: Liam Carter

Treasurer’s report

The Treasurer went through her report in detail and answered all questions posed. It was argued that the Oldcourt money should not have been included as a profit in the accounts. A question was posed as to whether the Auditors had made any comment on the current deficit of the Club; the Treasurer indicated that the Auditor had recommended that tighter controls should be introduced; that revenue should be increased; that someone should be employed to maintain the records of the Club, i.e. that due to the size of the Club it is not possible for one person to do all the work on a voluntary basis.

There was much discussion on the current account deficit and it was emphasised that it would have to be tackled by the incoming Executive Committee

Proposed by: Tony ShieldsSeconded by: Donie Kerin


The following were elected as tellers: John Archbold, Liam Carter, Conor Doolan, Brendan Timbs, Conor Sheehan.

President – Daithi Scolard being the only nominee was declared elected.

Vice-Presidents – Stephen Riney, Kathleen O’Sullivan and Liam Coffey were elected.

Chairman – Paddy Walsh being the only nominee was declared elected.

Vice Chairman – Malachy Daly being the only nominee was declared elected.

Secretary – Niomh Madigan being the only nominee was declared elected.

Treasurer – Sinead McNeela being the only nominee was declared elected.

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Asst. Secretary/Registrar – Niall Kelly being the only nominee was declared elected.

Executive Committee – There were only 3 nominations for 6 positions - Pat Walsh, Danny Griffin and Paul Carroll. They were declared elected

Board delegates – As nominated by the Football, Hurling, Camogie, Ladies Football and Juvenile Committees.

Appointment of Auditors – Noel Leonard and Co were appointed.


1. That the membership subscriptions be increased as follows: Adult (full and social): from €60 to €200

      Student, Juvenile and OAP: from €36 to €100      Spouse:         from €12 to €20

Proposed: Malachy DalySeconded: Sinead McNeela

The motion was withdrawn.

2. That the membership subscriptions be increased as follows: Adult (full and social): from €60 to €80

      Student, Juvenile and OAP: from €36 to €40      Spouse:         from €12 to €20

Proposed: Tommy O’BrienSeconded: Tommy Clinton

The motion was carried.

3. That approval be given for the spending of €1,189,886, plus professional fees, plus any approved extras, on the construction of dressing rooms in Ballycullen.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was carried.

4. That approval be given to develop a synthetic pitch, including floodlights, opposite the convent house in Sancta Maria at a cost of up to €1,200,000, plus professional fees, plus any approved extras.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was carried.

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5. That approval be given to develop a Prunty-type pitch (without floodlights) on the raised area in Sancta Maria at a cost of up to €450,000, plus professional fees, plus any approved extras.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was carried.

6. That approval be given to spend up to €4,000,000, plus professional fees, plus any approved extras, on the construction of a sports hall in Sancta Maria.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was withdrawn

7. That approval be given to spend up to €250,000 plus professional fees, plus any approved extras, on the development of the entrance, roadway and car park in Sancta Maria.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was carried.

8. That approval be given to purchase 5.5 acres of land in Coláiste Éanna at a cost of €900,000 plus professional fees, plus additional cost of fencing off the relevant area.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was carried.

9. That approval be given to develop a Prunty-type pitch in Coláiste Éanna at a cost of up to €450,000, plus professional fees, plus any approved extras.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was withdrawn.

10. That approval be given to build a skills wall in the corner of Páirc Úí Mhurchú at a cost of €50,000, plus professional fees, plus any approved extras.

Proposed: Ronan HoreSeconded: Paddy Walsh

The motion was carried.

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11. That approval be given to contribute €80,000 towards the development of a Gaelic games pitch by Knocklyon Community School on their grounds, subject to a formal agreement being drawn up to guarantee the Club’s future use of the pitch. .

Proposed: Paddy WalshSeconded: Ronan Hore

The motion was carried.

12. That Article 39 of the Club Constitution be amended to read as follows: “One fifth of the registered full members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum for an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.”

Proposed: Paddy WalshSeconded: Ronan Hore

The motion was carried.

13. That in future the Club’s Bar trading and profit and loss account be presented to the members along with the Club accounts at Annual general Meetings.

Proposed: Seán Ó CiardubháinSeconded: John Galvin

It was agreed to put this forward as a recommendation instead of a motion. It was carried as a recommendation.

14. That each year the Club’s Accounts (including the Bar trading and profit and loss accounts) be circulated to the members of the Club at least seven days before the Club’s Annual General Meetings.

Proposed: Seán Ó CiardubháinSeconded: John Galvin

It was agreed to put this forward as a recommendation instead of a motion. It was carried as a recommendation.

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Tuarascáil an Rúnaí – 2005 – Secretary’s ReportIs mór an onóir domsa an tuarascáil seo a chur os bhur gcomhar. It is a great honour, as Club Secretary, to be presenting this Secretary’s Report on the activities of the Club over the past 12 months. In the first part of the report, I outline the activities of each playing section during the year. Those reports have already been presented to the AGMs of the relevant sections.



Chairman: Sean FitzmauriceVice Chairman: Brendan TimbsSecretary: Mick GarveyCommittee: Richie Connell, Donagh O’Farrell

Work of the CommitteeThe Committee met on 16 occasions in the course of the year. The work of the Committee included:

Registration, regrading and transfers of players Networking with managers on team panels, playing arrangements, kit

requirements, other needs Monitoring injury scheme and Membership Approval of Expenses Fundraising liaison with Executive and teams Preparation for AGM

Performance of teamsWe fielded a senior team, intermediate team and three junior teams, as well as a minor and two under 21 teams. It is disappointing that a club as big as ours could only put out one minor team and is something we need to deliberate on further. On the positive side it was good to see the Junior C team fulfil so many fixtures as we had struggled hugely the previous year to put out a team.

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In the championship the seniors performed well and lost by the narrowest of margins, going down by 1 point, to outgoing champions Kilmacud, having beaten Garda and Erins Isle in earlier rounds. They are in a comfortable mid table position in the league. After 4 seasons battling against relegation, the Intermediates performed well in Division 3 and are mid table with an outside chance of a play-off position. To date 2 out of 3 cup matches have been won. In the championship they got knocked out in the quarter finals. The Junior As competed strongly in Division 6 and got knocked out of the Championship by Man o War in the quarterfinals. The team had finalised 2005 on a high note getting promotion to Division 6 and winning the Stacey Cup on the following week. Congrats to all. The Junior B's reached the quarter final of the championship before being beaten by a very strong St. Vincents Team. They competed in Adult Division 8 and the Parson Cup. The Cs played in Division 12 and got knocked out in the first round of the championship by Pats of Donabate.

The Minors were knocked out in the championship by Thomas Davis and in the league they are mid table with 3 games remaining, having won 4 and lost 4 matches. Congrats to the team for retaining the Christy Reardon Cup in the Thomas Davis tournament.

The under 21A team had a fine win by three goals and seven points to 2 goals and eight points in the first round of the championship against St Sylvesters in a highly entertaining performance. However, they were well beaten by Kilmacud Crokes in the next round. The under 21B team got knocked out in the first round of the championship by St Marks. Players’ ForumAt the 2005 AGM the idea of organising a players’ forum was discussed. Individual Committee members took soundings from a number of players early in 2006. There appeared to be a very lukewarm reaction to the proposed forum. Accordingly it was decided that the Committee would not proceed with the forum as the amount of work and organisation entailed would not be merited in the absence of the general support of the players.

Team ManagementIn the previous year the Committee had reflected on the selection method for managers currently in play and in particular whether there might be a better way in the future of selecting managers and mentors. This was discussed at the 2005 AGM and a decision was taken to give the Football Committee the responsibility for selecting managers. In this context the Committee has sought nominations from interested parties for various team management positions and the incoming Committee will review the options and recommend managers to the Executive.

Representative honoursCongrats to Conal Keaney, Colin Moran and Declan O’ Mahoney who represented the club on the Dublin senior football team. Colin captained the team. Also to Conal and Colin who represented Leinster in the Railway Cup. In addition David Curtin captained the Dublin hurling team and Ger Flaherty and Ken Murray represented the club on the Dublin Masters football team.

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Congrats to other sections The Football section would like to extend our congratulations to other sections in the club on their achievements and particularly to the Ladies Footballers who once again did us all so proud by winning their second All Ireland in the course of the year.

Club MembershipMembership for all is due for renewal on 1st January. Players are again reminded of the importance of having their membership paid in timely fashion. In general most players, with a few exceptions, paid in good time in 2006.Remember the policy of the Executive is that players who do not pay membership should not be played.

FundraisingThank you for your continued support of club fundraisers including the Lotto. Such fundraising is vital to help bring the club back to break-even and in order to ensure that best facilities and equipment can be made available to the various sections. An important innovation during the year was the setting up of a sub committee with Donie Kerin, Sean Dolan and Tony Shiels who very successfully, sought out sponsorship for individual matches played by the seniors. All monies collected in this venture are credited to the football section.

KitThe Committee had asked for inventories of gear in hand of various management teams. This was not provided to us.

Usage of PlayersThe Committee had sought the submission by various teams of player utilisation in matches and attendance at training sessions. The purpose was to monitor that all players were being utilised to the fullest. This exercise did not proceed as the lists were not supplied. Nevertheless it appears that in general team managers worked well together and cooperated in the best interests of the club and that there was little incidence of dispute between managers in the year.

ThanksOn behalf of the Football Committee I would like to thank all who contributed towards the Adult Football Section in the year:

to the players for the sacrifices they made during the year and the enjoyment they gave;

the managers and mentors for the time they put into preparing the teams

Senior Team:Managed by: Dan O’Sullivan Assisted by: Vincent Harrington, Liam O’Dwyer, Bobby O’Sullivan, Sean Dolan, Eugene Kenny, Tony Shiels, Brian McCarthy

Intermediate Team:Managed by: Peter ShovlinAssisted by: Niall Brennan, Eddie O’Sullivan

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Junior A team:Managed by: Conor HandAssisted by: Tommy Flynn

Junior B team:Managed by: Cormac O’FarrellAssisted by: Eamonn McConnell, Michael Ryan and Brendan Sheehan

Junior C team:Managed by: Aidan KennedyAssisted by: Niall Kelly

Minor A team:Managed by: Liam CarterAssisted by: Conor Doolan, Matt Fletcher and Helen McGuinness

Under 21A team:Managed by: Peter Shovlin and Conor DoolinAssisted by: Liam Carter

Under 21 B team:Managed by: Aidan Kennedy and Eddie O’Sullivan

all those who helped with jobs including putting up and taking down nets, preparing the fields for matches, scoreboard keeping, gate duty, giving lifts to matches etc.

general manager, Noel Sheridan the Executive under Paddy Walsh, for their support our sponsors and particularly our main sponsor, Maplewood. Also thanks to

GPK Properties who sponsored the Inters, Pat Keane, John O’Regan of Supervalue Firhouse, and Aaron O’Reilly for sponsorship of the Junior As; to the Carmelite Order for sponsoring the Junior Cs; Dermot Byrne of Spring Grove Services for his sponsorship of the minors. Also thanks to sponsors of matches etc George King, Buglers, Champion Sports, Roadstone, Rathfarnham Orchard, T.McCann & Co. Three donors who wish to remain anonymous also provided a total of €4,550 towards adult football. Approximately €15,000 over and above the main Maplewood sponsorship was received in total for credit of adult football. GK Hire provided training lights for use by the senior footballers for c. 6 weeks.

thanks to Paddy Brady for catering for teams when needed our Board delegates: John O’Neill, County Board delegate and Donie Kerin,

Football Board delegate the football financing committee of Donie Kerin, Sean Dolan and Tony

Shields for the great work they did in attracting sponsors for matches Apologies to anyone I may have inadvertently omitted

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Chairman: Ultan MacMathúnaVice Chairman: Jimmy GalavanSecretary: Richard Condron

CHAIRMAN’S ADDRESSThis year has seen a great deal of commitment from many players, managers, mentors, officials and members of our club. This commitment should be acknowledged and appreciated by all.

As Chairman of our Hurling Committee I would like to thank all those who served on the committee this year for their hard work and dedication to the hurling section in our club.

The work of the Committee included:

Obtaining approval of Executive for various post holders Registration, regrading and transfers of players Networking with managers on team panels, playing arrangements, kit

requirements, other needs Monitoring injury scheme and Membership Attendance by the Board Delegate at monthly hurling Committee meetings of

County Board in Parnell Park Attendance by Chairman and Vice-Chairman at Hurling Development meetings in

Parnell Park Approval of Expenses including seeking approval of Executive. Contact with other sections

SupportMany thanks to all of those players and managers who took part in the Mountain Run to raise funds for the Hurling Section (€2,193). Thanks also to Danny Griffin, Robert Lambert and Gerry O Sullivan for organising the Hurling Yearbook (€ 6,185).Appreciation is due to the many generous sponsors of the yearbook and many other events throughout the hurling calendar. Great credit is also due to Danny Griffin who works tirelessly on our behalf in gaining sponsorship for teams. These ventures brought in much-needed funds for the section. When teams came to us during the year there was never a problem with money as the executive were able to sign off on monies raised through the aforementioned fund-raisers.

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I would like to also thank all the players and organisers for the very special St Stephen’s day last year where we had a memorial trophy for Declan Maguire. What made this so special was the fact that the players sponsored this trophy. We look forward to the crack and the fun we will get from that again this year.

To be able to keep the hurling section running successfully we have to have a constant supply of people willing to give their of their time and I would encourage and urge you all to consider putting your names forward to help in what ever way is required. There is plenty of work for anyone who is prepared to help. The lack of competition for positions of management and on our Hurling Committee is a matter of grave concern for the future of our club and hurling in our community.

It is important that those who have benefited from the club consider putting something back into the club and this pertains in particular to adult players, whose experience and skills are invaluable to help run and support our juvenile and adult teams. Many of our adult players already help out with juvenile teams and they are an advertisement as to how players should conduct themselves.

Successful clubs on the field have a successful network of people off the field and a strong ethos of sacrificing time and effort for the good of the club. If we wish to win championships we need to develop a club atmosphere where we rid ourselves of the “somebody should” or “the club should” mentality. We are the club. If we want something done we must do it ourselves. We must commit to the change we demand.

HonoursI would like to congratulate players that represented Dublin in various grades:

Senior: Gary Maguire, David Sweeney, and David Curtin

Under 21: Michael Mc Garry and Chris Nagle

Minor: Simon Lambert, Brendan Treacy, Martin O’ Sullivan, Peter Buckeridge, Paul Ryan, Finn Mc Garry, Liam Mc Carthy.

Dublin Colleges: Simon Lambert, Brendan Treacy, Martin O’ Sullivan, Peter Buckeridge, Paul Ryan, Finn Mc Garry, James Doody, Dermot Manley, Daragh O Gorman

Dublin Over 40’s: Brian Kelleher and Tomás Ó Riordáin


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The work of the committee would not be possible without the help of many people and we extend our thanks to.

Paddy Walsh/ Niomh Madigan and their Executive Committee for their supportNoel Sheridan/Sinead Mc Neela on their speedy payment of cheques and arrangement of all things financial for our teams. Ned Slattery and all of the bar staffYvonne Murphy and Rita Curtis on their work in the shop. Paddy Walsh for his support in all injuries claims They have made the work of this committee a lot easier.All adult Mentors and selectorsGerry Maher for looking after the sale and supply of hurleys. Hurley repairs - John Cummins.


The club fielded - 4 adult teams- 2 minor teams- 1 under 21 team for 2006- 2 under 21 teams in 2005 competitions

I will outline the competitions that hurling teams participated in for 2006 under individual team reports.

FixturesOur adult, minor and under 21 teams participated in 85 competitive games in Dublin during 2006 and a further 14 challenge games around the Country. The league/championship offered good quality competition to our teams. The championships for our 4 adult teams were played on a round robin system. The senior team had 5 teams in their group and the Senior B, Junior A and Junior B teams had 6 teams in each of their groups. Players who were eligible to play Senior B, Junior A and Junior B at the start of the season were not allowed to step back down if they played even one game at a higher grade during the year. This change in rule from 2005 stretched team resources to the limit Great credit is due to the team managements for maximizing player resources. Our hurling committee made representation to the GAC to spread out fixtures over the hurling week. This was carried out where possible. Other clubs are also making representation with their own agenda.

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I wish to thank players, mentors, fellow officers for their co-operation during the year.

SENIOR A TEAMMentors: Liam Hogan, Tomás Ó Riordáin, Robert Lambert, Jim Kilty and

Stephen HineyPhysical Fitness Jim Kilty and Martina McCartyAssisted By: Mick O’Regan, Denis Nagle and Brendan Swords.

Jimmy Galavan and Hugh O’ NeillMedical Staff: Nuala Kennedy and Dr Cliona O’ Rourke.Match Video: John Galvin

This team reached the County Final and were beaten by 2 points by Craobh Chiaráin

ChampionshipPlayed Won Drew Lost Points

S Ballyboden St Enda's 4 3 0 1 6 Craobh Chiaran 4 3 0 1 6 Win 2-16 1-11Cuala 4 2 1 1 5 Lost 1-13 1-14Faughs 4 1 1 2 3 Win 2-11 1-08Lucan Sarsfields 4 0 0 4 0 Win 1-16 0-06 ST Vincent’s S/Final Win 2-14 1-14 Craobh Chiaran Final Lost 2-08 2-10

LeaguePlayed Won Drew Lost Points

St Vincent’s 8 7 0 1 14 Win 3-10 2-12 Cuala 10 6 1 3 13 Lost 1-13 1-14O’Toole’s 7 5 1 1 11 Lost 3-13 3-14 Ballyboden St Enda’s 9 5 0 3 12 - – Craobh Chiaran 8 5 0 3 10 . Kilmacud Crokes 10 4 1 5 9 Win 0-19 0-10 Naomh Mearnog 9 4 0 5 8 Win 1-16 0-09 Faughs 9 3 1 5 7 Win 2-18 0-05 Lucan Sarsfields 8 3 0 5 6 Lost 0 -11 1-14 St Brigids 8 2 0 6 4 Win W/O – Commercials 7 0 0 7 0 Win 3-20 0-10

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Challenge games with BBSE 1 - 12 Killenaule 0 - 14BBSE 1 – 09 Graigue/Ballycallan 2 - 16BBSE 2 – 08 Oulart The Ballagh 2 - 11BBSE 3 – 13 Rathnure 1 - 12BBSE 3 – 17 Coolderry 3 – 18BBSE 2 – 15 Toomevara 2 - 16BBSE 6 – 20 Dunamaggin 1 - 06BBSE 1 – 15 Dromaninch 1- 15BBSE 1 – 13 Buffers Alley 2 -12

INTERMEDIATEMentors: Emmet Pullan, Michael Fletcher

This team competed in the Senior B championship, league and the Senior A Boland cup. We were promoted to Senior B along with 5 other teams fromthe 2005 Intermediate league/championship based on our position in this competition.


Played Won Drew Lost Points

Crumlin 5 4 0 1 8 Lost 0-11 1-13 St Mark’s 4 3 0 1 6 Win 0-14 1-10 Balinteer St John’s 5 2 1 2 5 Draw 1-14 2-11Erin’s Isle 5 2 0 3 4 Lost 0-14 1-16St Patricks 4 2 0 2 4 Lost 0-05 0-06 Ballyboden St Endas 5 1 1 3 3 - -


Played Won Drew Lost PointsErins Isle 11 9 2 0 20 Lost 0-13 2-10St Judes 10 8 0 2 16 Lost 1-08 0-13Crumlin 8 7 0 1 14 Lost 0-6 2-13 St Oliver Pl/E Ruadh 11 5 2 4 12 Lost 1-08 2-15 Naomh Olaf 10 4 1 5 9 Lost 0-14 2-13 Balinteer St Johns 9 4 0 5 8 Lost 0-07 0-11 St Patricks 8 3 0 5 6Na Fianna 8 3 0 5 6 Win 0-13 0-11 Nh Fionbarra 7 2 1 4 5 - - St Marks 8 2 0 6 4 Win 3-15 1-11 Ballyboden St Enda’s 8 2 0 6 4 - - Trinity Gaels 7 1 0 6 2

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Boland CupPlayed Won Drew Lost Points

Lucan Sarsfields 4 4 0 0 8 Lost 0-08 1-11Ballyboden St Endas 5 3 0 2 6Kilmacud Crokes 3 2 0 1 4 Lost 0-11 4-08Cuala 4 1 0 3 2 Win 2-11 0-14Faughs 3 1 0 2 2 Win 0-11 0-08Commercials 2 0 0 0 0 Win 0-11 1-07Castleknock 0 0 0 0 0

Challenge Game BBSE 0-10 Ballygunner 1-10


Mentors: Philip Larkin, Mick Kennedy, Brendan Wall, Ultan Mac Mathúna, John Healy

Junior Hurling Championship A

  Played Won Drew Lost Points - Ballyboden St Enda's 4 4 0 0 8 - - St Judes 5 2 1 2 5 Win 1-11 1-10St Finians 4 2 0 2 4 Win 4-11 2-5Whitehall C.C 4 2 0 2 4 Win 2-06 1-07Faughs 4 1 1 2 3 Win 3-11 4-07Civil Service 5 1 0 4 2 Win 3-10 1-11

Semi Final Lost 1-07 0-11 - -League - -St Brigids 6 6 0 0 12Ballyboden St Enda’s 7 5 0 2 10St Vincent’s 7 4 0 3 8 Lost 0-08 1-09St Finian’s 8 4 0 4 8Whitehall Colmcille 6 4 0 2 8Castleknock 7 3 1 3 7 Win 2-15 1-11O’ Toole’s 6 3 0 3 6 - -Nh Barrog 7 3 0 4 6 Win 4-15 2-11Faughs 6 3 0 3 6 Win 2-09 1-11Lucan Sarsfields 8 2 0 6 4 Win 1-10 0-8 Civil Service 6 2 0 4 4 Win 3-19 2-9Crumlin 8 1 1 6 3

Corn Ceitinn

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BBSE 2 – 11 Round Towers 1 - 05 BBSE 3 - 10 Thomas Davis 2 - 03 BBSE 1 – 07 Kilmacud Crokes 1 -07


Mentors: John Mc Cormack; Michael Maher

This championship was played on a league basis with six teams in each group. The top team from each section qualified for the semi finals and the next two teams qualified for the quarter finals.

The cup was a single round.

Junior Hurling Championship B

  Played Won Drew Lost PointsNh Mearnog 4 4 0 0 8Kilmacud Crokes 2 2 0 0 4Nh Fionbarra 2 1 0 1 2Trinity Gaels 4 1 0 3 2Ballyboden St Enda’s 5 0 0 5 0St Vincents 2 0 0 2 0

Semi Final LeagueNh Mearnog 6 6 0 0 12St Judes 7 5 0 2 10Cuala 5 5 0 0 10Scoil Ui Chonaill 6 4 0 2 8Nh Fionbarr 6 4 0 2 8Erins Isle 9 3 0 6 6Kevins 7 3 0 4 6Kilmacud Crokes 6 3 0 3 6St Vincents 5 2 0 3 4Faughs 6 1 0 5 2Ballyboden St Endas 7 1 0 6 2Trinity Gaels 4 0 0 4 0


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Management Team: Eamonn Treacy, Frank O’Connor, Gerry Aherne, P.J.Breen

This team competed in the Minor A league and championship and combined with the minor B team for the Summer cup. The team are joint top in the league. The team has qualified for the County Final to be played next weekend.


A Championship

  Played Won Drew Lost Points Ballyboden St Enda’s 4 4 0 0 8 Kilmacud Crokes 3 2 0 1 4 Win 3-17 0-14Cuala 3 1 0 2 2 Win 3-12 0-12Kevins 3 0 0 0 0 Win 3-13 1-08

Crumlin S/Final Win 4-14 0-4


A League

  Played Won Drew Lost Points Cuala 6 6 0 0 12 Win 1-15 1-12Lucan Sarsfields 6 5 0 1 10 Lost 0-12 2-08Ballyboden St Enda’s 7 6 0 1 12Crumlin 5 3 0 2 6 Win 4-09 2-11Craobh Chiarain 7 3 0 4 6 Win 3-13 2-10Kilmacud Crokes 6 3 0 3 6 Win 3-10 0-08St Vincents 5 2 0 3 4Kevins 6 2 0 4 4Na Fianna 6 1 0 5 2 Win 0-18 0-09St Judes 6 0 0 6 0 Win 4-18 0-2

Challenges Shelmaliers Win 2 – 14 0 – 11Blackrock Win 2 – 15 3 – 14Moycarkey Win 2 – 15 2 – 14Dicksboro Win 2 -08 0 – 07

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Minor B

Manager:  Gerry O'Sullivan with Malachy Buckeridge, Eithne McGarry As in previous years, the season has suffered from an infrequent match programme resulting in insufficient matches and far too many gaps between fixtures.  The problem was exacerbated when the first four League matches of the year were postponed due to unplayable pitches in March and April. League                                    For                              Against Kilmacud Crokes                     2 - 6                             4 - 7Na Fianna                                4 - 8                             3 - 6Fingallians                               0 - 5                             3 - 5 There are league fixtures outstanding against Scoil Ui Chonaill, St. Monica’s, St. Vincents. The side combined with the Minor A team to participate in the Summer League during the Leaving Certificate.  The team performed very well against teams drawn from the A division.  The regularity of a game almost every Tuesday for a month was an example of how to run competitions and one wonders why this cannot be a more regular occurrence. Summer League                    For                              Against Crumlin                                    4 – 9                            4 – 9Kilmacud Crokes                     2 – 7                            1 – 14Cuala                                       2 – 10                          3 – 11Clanna Gael-Fontenoy  w/o                              scrKevins                          1 – 11                          1  - 17 A one point defeat in the opening match proved a major set back and in the second match with Na Fianna the game was in the balance until the final minute when their goalkeeper brought off a great save when there was only a goal between the teams. Championship            For                              Against St. Monicas                             1 – 6                            2 – 4Na Fianna                                1 – 9                            1 – 14Scoil Ui Chonaill                     0 – 5                            3 – 5 Sincere appreciation to Minor A manager Eamonn Treacy, Gerry Aherne, Frank O’Connor, P. J. Breen for their co-operation and assistance; to Under 16 managers Paul Daly and Mick Fletcher for their support and to MUTEC for the sponsorship and to Richard Condron for his assistance. 


Mentors: Emmet Pullan, Mick Fletcher, Brian O Reagan and Phillip Larkin.

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The club has entered 1 team in this years championship.

Ballyboden St. Enda’s 5 - 12 St. John’s Ballinteer 0 - 14Ballyboden St. Enda’s 1 – 11 O’ Toole’s 2 – 07

This team is now in the semi – final of the championship.

Messages from the Managers

Senior A team – Liam HoganMost people, even dedicated club members, don’t realise the huge amount of effort that has to be put in by a lot of people behind the scene if a team is to be competitive, not to mention successful. This year, Ballyboden St. Endas had a team of organisers working behind the scenes who were both dedicated and committed. They are ‘can do’ people.

I would like to thank them for the huge amount of unselfish work they did this year on behalf of Ballyboden St. Endas Senior hurling team. Their efforts were very much appreciated.

Jim Kilty, for his unwavering enthusiasm and belief in the team and the invaluable expertise he brings to the preparation of the team in terms of physical fitness.

Martina McCarthy, for her expert supervision of the gym work in Santry and the preparation of the Hypertrophy Training Programme.

Robert Lambert, Thomás O’Riordan and Stephen Hiney, my fellow selectors, for their ruthless honesty and dedication to a club that they are obviously passionate about. I sincerely thank them, and Jim, for the huge effort and commitment they made to the cause this year.

I would also like to thank our dedicated first aid team of Dr. Cliona O’Rourke and Nuala Kennedy, who were there every time we needed them.The three people who did more work than anyone else for this team were Mick O’Regan, Denis Nagle and Brendan Swords who were kit men, statistics men and training session organisers all in one.

I would like to thank John Galvin for the invaluable video he provided, Jimmy Galavan for all the invaluable help he gave without question throughout the year and John Cummins for really keeping the show on the road by repairing hurleys for the lads. He, above all people is probably the most valuable member of the club.

I also want to thank Richie Condron, Ultan McMathuna, Noel Sheridan, Paddy Walsh, Danny Griffin and Hugh O’Neill for all the help they gave us throughout the year. Their help was greatly appreciated.

Last, but by no means least, I want to thank the players. They gave a huge, and I mean huge, effort this year and they still came up short. The fact that we reserved the worst performance of the year, is head wrecking but it was the players who made the greatest sacrifices of all in an effort to win the championship. They deserve great praise and their tremendous effort deserved better.

Senior B Team - Emmet PullanThis year the team competed in the Senior B Championship and League and the Senior A Boland Cup.  Due to the reshuffle of teams in the Senior A Championship, we were promoted to Senior B

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based on our quarterfinal appearance in the 2005 Intermediate Championship.   We attempted to prepare for the huge increase in standard by playing the Senior A Boland Cup and the team acquitted itself quite well here, winning 3 out of 5 games.  The League was of little significance as we were never able to field anything near our full strength side but despite this, we have ended up mid table and hopefully secured  Senior B league status for 2007.

The Championship Group proved to be extremely difficult and we found it tough to get any results despite very good performances.   A superb draw away to Ballinteer playing with 14 men and a massive one point win away to eventual champions St Marks was unfortunately not enough to maintain Senior B Status and the team  was relegated on the final day against Crumlin. 

We would like to play tribute to the small core of players that gave a huge effort and commitment this year.  Without them it would have been an even more disappointing season.  

We would like to thank sincerely Shane Kenny and Massy Bros Funeral Home, Templeogue for their very generous sponsorship of our weekend trip to Waterford.We also appreciate the help of the minor management, the hurling section, Gerry  for his great job with the hurlies, Ned and the Bar Staff, Noel and Pat for their help with Pitches etc. and the many people who helped us both behind the scenes and on  match days. 

Junior B Hurling Team - John Mc CormackSeason 2006 in respect of the Junior B hurling team proved very difficult and challenging. In terms of results, 1 win and 12 losses in 13 games played, it was nothing short of disastrous. Measured in terms of providing a group of players with the opportunity to play hurling it was very successful. Of the 22 people currently playing and training, 2 are minor B players and 9 are players who have returned to playing with the club after periods of absence ranging from 1 to 6 years. These players were encouraged to return to hurling by the team management, the players and other club members interested in ensuring the Junior B team was in a position to field a team.

I became involved with this team a week before the start of the competitive season. There was no preseason training undertaken as this team was effectively ignored by the club. The list of players provided at the beginning of the season proved quite useless as less than 50% of the names provided trained or played. This made fielding a team particularly in the early part of the season very difficult. Indeed fielding a team for most games was challenging due to lack of commitment on behalf of some players. These issues were crucial if influencing the team’s results.

As there was no assistance from teams graded above the Junior B team, in respect of use of players, we became very reliant on assistance from the Minor A and B teams. I offer my thanks to the management of the Minor A team, Eamon Tracey, Frank O’Connor and Gerry Aherne and also of the Minor b team Gerry O’Sullivan for their assistance during the year.

A special work of thanks is due to the minor players who turned out regularly for the team, Finn McGarry, Danny Scully and Cian O’Neill.

A word of thanks to Mick Maher, last year’s manager, for his assistance when work arrangements permitted.

Most thanks must go to the unnamed core group of players (they know who they are) who trained and played regularly throughout the season. It was your efforts which made it possible for the junior B hurling team to fulfil its fixtures.

Minor A Team - Eamonn Treacy

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The Minor A hurlers have had a very long year which is now reaching a very important stage. We are awaiting the final stages of the championship. It is worth noting that the finals were originally fixed for October 1st. I would like to thank all the players for their wonderful commitment all year. Training started last February in Sancta Maria and continues at present as we await the closing stages of the championship. We started the year training in the dark and will finish it training in the dark!! It is unlikely that the League will be completed as we have still at least three games to play. We have enjoyed a fine run in the championship to date and hope to crown the year with championship success. A highlight of the year to date was our wonderful run in the James Stephen’s Tournament where an under strength team was narrowly beaten by the Antrim Minor Team.

The following players played for the Dublin Minors this year – Simon Lambert, Brendan Treacy, Martin O’ Sullivan, Peter Buckeridge, Liam McCarthy and Paul Ryan. They represented their county and club with distinction.

Simon Lambert, Brendan Treacy, Martin O’ Sullivan, Peter Buckeridge, Paul Ryan and Finn McGarry were members of the successful Dublin Colleges Team which brought All-Ireland glory to Dublin.

Special thanks to the management team of Frank O’ Connor, P.J. Breen and Gerry Aherne. Their dedication to this group of players is commendable. I am also grateful to the Minor B Management team of Gerry O’ Sullivan and Malachy Buckeridge for all their help and support. The co-operation of the Minor Football Manager, Liam Carter, was also appreciated. We are also thankful to John Cummins for his help with hurleys.

It has been a pleasure to be part of the Management Team which worked with these fine young men.

Minor B Team - Gearóid Ó SúilleabháinAs in previous years, the season has suffered from an infrequent match programme resulting in insufficient matches and far too many gaps between fixtures.  The problem was exacerbated when the first four League matches of the year were postponed due to unplayable pitches in March and April.  There are league fixtures outstanding against Scoil Ui Chonaill, St. Monica’s, St. Vincents.The side combined with the Minor A team to participate in the Summer League during the Leaving Certificate.  The team performed very well against teams drawn from the A division.  The regularity of a game almost every Tuesday for a month was an example of how to run competitions and one wonders why this cannot be a more regular occurrence.A one point defeat in the opening match of the Summer League proved a major set back and in the second match with Na Fianna the game was in the balance until the final minute when their goalkeeper brought off a great save when there was only a goal between the teams.Sincere appreciation to Minor A manager Eamonn Treacy, Gerry Aherne, Frank O’Connor, P. J. Breen for their co-operation and assistance; to Under 16 managers Paul Daly and Mick Fletcher for their support and to MUTEC for the sponsorship and to Richard Condron for his assistance.


Chairperson: Vacant

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Vice Chairperson: Anne ScallanSecretary: Mona Uí Shúilleabháin

Vice Chairpersons Address

I would like to welcome everyone to our AGM tonight.

Firstly I would like to thank all who served on the committee this year for their hard work and dedication to camogie in the club and in particular Mona who does a huge amount of work on behalf of the camogie section here in Ballyboden St Endas.

I am here tonight to chair this meeting because we failed to elect a chairperson this time last year. In the absence of a chairperson I am not willing to offer my services as vice chair for the coming year. Therefore I would encourage you all to consider putting your name forward to assist in the running of the camogie section.

Adult players who have benefited from the club have a lot to offer in terms of experience and skills and could pass a lot on to younger players. Their involvement in all aspects of camogie is essential for the future of the code within the club. Any player who feels they could give some time to the section would be more than welcome to get involved.

I would like to thank the Executive Committee for their support to the camogie section throughout the year.

This brings me to the managers coaches and mentors, whom I wish to thank, as without these people a club cannot exist. Thanks also to the parents and supporters, for their attendance at matches, and to the grounds people here at the club and to Ned and his bar staff.

In my opinion the highlight of the camogie year was the hosting on the Leinster Senior Club Championship Final on the 22nd October and this was made possible because our Senior A team qualified for the final against St Lachtains Freshford. It was a wonderful occasion. Thanks to all who contributed in any way to its success, those who manned the car park, the gate, dressing rooms, ladies who made sandwiches and served teas to all and sundry.Finally I would like to single out two teams:

U16A team that won League and Championship in their last year as Juveniles. I hope all of these girls will continue to play adult camogie next year Senior A team who reached the Leinster Final and with a bit of luck on the day could have been Leinster champions now.

Lastly would like to wish PJ Donohue the best of luck in his retirement and thank him for all his hard work and dedication over the past three years

Secretary's Report

The camogie season 2006 was again a very successful year in the club. The following achievements were recorded

The Senior A team won the Championship and were narrowly beaten in the Leinster Final.

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The Senior B team reached the Final of the Open Cup, quarter final of the Championship and the semi final in the St. Judes floodlit Tournament

The U16A team won the Championship and the League.

The U14 team reached the Final of the Dublin Féile Division 1 and the semi finals in both League and Championship.

The U13 team reached the Final of the Championship and are in the final of the League.

The U12B team won the Bray Emmets Tourament and were runners up in the League

The U11B team won the Championship and the League.

Many players from the club represented their county this year :-

Dublin Seniors/Juniors : Ciara Lucey, Anne Griffin, Sile Nic Choitir who were on the Junior team that retained the Junior All Ireland.

Dublin U18 : Cliodhna McNamara, Sharon Glynn

Dublin Minor : Sharon Glynn, Sarah Noonan, Aoife O’Leary, Dearbhla Brennan

Dublin U14:  Ciara Donovan, Sarah Marie Feighan.

Many girls are also members of county development squads and will play for their county in the future.

A reception was organised by the camogie committee for the Dublin Team which won the Junior All Ireland. Presentations were made to all the players and management of the team. A special presentation of a piece of Dublin Crystal was made to the girls from the club who were on the winning team and the manager Peter Lucey, a former juvenile mentor in the club.Once again the All Ireland Mini Blitz took place in June with 150 girls under 12 taking part.Appreciation to Danny and Josephine Griffin for sponsorship support and assistance with refreshments for the Senior A team.

I would like to thank all the coaches/mentors with teams and also coaches in Cherryfield and Hermitage nurseries who give so much of their time to ensure that camogie continues to be successful in the club. Thank you also to the mentors who are stepping down this year after being with teams for many years.

TEAM REPORTSU10 HermitageCoaches: Eimear Ring, Marie Shanahan, Grace Maher and Donal ReganNumbers continued to increase during the past year thanks to the good work being done by Brian O’Regan and Paul McLoughlin during camogie training sessions in Loreto Primary School. As a result of the increase in numbers there are twenty seven players available for a new U11 team for

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the 2007 season. We have two coaches less this year. We need extra coaches to cope with the growing numbers.

U10 Cherryfield Coaches: Sorcha Farrelly, Aoife Scallan, Róisín Ní Shúilleabháin, Dearbhla Brennan, Paula McGrath, Sarah Cummins, Sharon Glynn, Fiona Nea, Ashling O’LearyThe Camogie Nursery returned in September and has had an average of eighty plus girls attending each Saturday morning. The voluntary time given by coaches is the most important factor in the successful running of the nursery. I would like to thank our coaches Fiona, Aoife, Róisín, Paula, Dearbhla, Sarah, and Sharon & Ashling without whom the nursery could not be a success. Particular thanks to Aoife Clarke, Ruairi Farrelly, Róisín Walsh, Laura Murphy and Noelle Brogan who gave fantastic commitment over the last year and have currently taken a sabbatical for their demanding studies. A sincere thank you to Mick Glynn for all his help. Thank you to the Camogie Committee for your support.

The input from Brian O’Regan and Paul McLaughlin has been crucial in making the Nursery enjoyable and effective for the girls in leaning the basic skills of camogie. Next years under eleven’s team are currently being prepared for action by Terry O’Neill and Gerry White.

Under 11A TeamMentors: Mary Kiely, Gerry O’DriscollWe thought that we had prepared well for the coming season and went to our first match with a lot of optimism. The optimism vanished fast and we realised that we had a lot to do. After the first match the team improve greatly. Of the ten matches, that we played, we won one and drew twice. In the other games, we held our own until the last ten minutes when we invariably let in a goal or two.

The problem was that the team as a whole lacked a competitive spirit and relied too much on 4 players. Coaching was inadequate as it depended on one person.

To improve any junior team, a minimum of two coaches is required, as one person on their own will not achieve a team’s full potential.

Still, we had a great time. Matches and training were well attended. Players and mentors had some great laughs. We sincerely hope that the players enjoyed themselves as they are a fantastic group of people. We would like to thank the parents for lifts and support especially sisters and brothers.

Under 11B TeamMentors: Emma Seery, Robbie Lambert. Also, greatly assisted by: Pat McGrath, Noel Maguire, Caitríona O’Leary, Maireád O’Halloran  The team consists on 21 players who have had a great year and trained well with such enthusiasm on free Saturdays only. We played 8 league matches, 4 home and 4 away and we were unbeaten in all. We beat Naomh Mearnóg in the league semi- final at home and went on to beat Ballinteer St.Johns in the final in Marley Park.

We beat Ballinteer St.Johns in the 1st round of the championship, defeated Lucan B in the semi final  and went on to win the championship beating Naomh Mearnóg. All the players participated in every game.

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We would like to say a big congratulation to Maria McGrath who received U11 “Player of the Year” from the County Board.

On behalf of mentors and players we would like to say a huge thanks to all the parents for lifts to every match, for helping with phone calls, umpiring and linesman duties and washing the jerseys. They were a great help throughout the year. Well done girls on a fantastic year and we look forward to next year.Under 12A Team Mentors: Ciara Lucey, Yvonne Murphy, Elaine HickeyThe U/12 camogie team took part in the A division this year and were faced with really tough opposition for every encounter. They trained hard and were a pleasure to coach. There was a significant improvement in both their skills and determination throughout the year. The league results did not do them justice and they battled hard for every game. They put up a great fight in the championship going down to St. Oliver Plunketts in the semi-final by a narrow margin. These girls have great character and team spirit and are a credit to themselves.

Under 12B Team Gerry O’Sullivan, Angela O’ConnorThe Under 12B team made considerable progress over the year finishing as runners-up in the league and winners of the inaugural Mini All-Ireland at Bray Emmets.

The team trained indoors in St. Colmcilles Community School during the winter and moved to the Hermitage for outdoor training. The side enjoyed six victories, two draws and four defeats in the league – and the only side whom we failed to beat or secure a draw against was Round Tower who eventually won the league and championship.

After a period of inaction due to the Summer Holidays, the side exited the championship at Naomh Mearnóg.

The team was invited to take part in the inaugural mini All-Ireland at Bray Emmets and successfully overcame Glenealy, Cuala and Bray Emmets to take the title.

Sarah Gallen was nominated as player of the year.

Many thanks to Under 11 Manager Robert Lambert for his assistance and to all the parents for their support.

UNDER 13 TEAMMentors: Sinead McNeela, Jane Hogan, Ceara Nic Coitir, Trisha CantwellAt the start of the year, we were re-graded to Division. We started the season with 26 players, lost 4, but gained 5 new members finishing 27 players. During the winter season, we trained in Santa Maria on the all weather pitch, and heading into the league season we saw the fruits of the winter season training.

The management team was strengthened this year, with Ceara Nic Coitir coming on board in Dec 05.

We won all our league matches, and progress to the league semi final to meet Naomh Fionnbarra. This was a very exciting game, where the girls showed, great heart, commitment and skill, and the game finished all even at 1-5 to 2-2. The reply, was fixed for the 1st Oct, the day after the Senior A Championship victory, each of the girls were keen to settle the score. This game again was a closely

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fought contest, with the Boden Girls finishing strong to win by 7.1 to 5.2 and progress to the league final to meet Raheny, a match which has yet to be played.

Similarly, we progress to the Championship final to meet are old rivals Naomh Fionnbarra. This was another exciting game, with another terrific performance by the Boden Girls, but unfortunately we were beaten by the narrowest of margins.

Following our tremendous display, the county board have promoted us to Division 1 for 2006/2007 season. Many thanks to all the girls for their commitment to training and the individual training that they do away from the pitch. This group of players are very committed, and have progressed hugely through out the season. Also, we are very grateful to the U12 management who allowed girls to sub up to assist us on a few occasions.

During the year we secured sponsorship with Granby, with the help of Ann Doyle.

Our much appreciation is also shown to the parents of the team who provided transport and that all important encouragement on the slide lines. To Gerry Cantwell, thanks for the post match reports.

Finally many thanks to Trisha Cantwell for arranging the phone calls, washing the jerseys etc, with out her services, we could not have kept the team ticking over!

The management and girls wish Ceara and Paul all the best as they tie the knot in December.

2005/2006 has been a terrific year and we are looking forward to the U14 season.

U14 TeamDeirdre O’Reilly, Geraldine O’Carroll & Mick Kennedy.This was a very eventful year for our U14 camogie team. Top billing must go to the Féile competition in which the team battled their way to the final before being overcome by St. Judes. While losing the final was disappointing the overall experience was very positive and rewarding. It was particularly heartening to have had the support of a sizeable Ballyboden St. Endas contingent over the course of the Féile weekend.

Elsewhere the team were semi-finalists in both the League and the Championship but were knocked out by St. Judes and St. Vincents respectively. Overall the team proved very competitive with silverware just beyond their reach.

Many of the girls remain involved in a range of activities which in turn reduces the training opportunities available for camogie. This is considered to be one of the significant factors holding the team back but doubtless the competing interests of hockey, scouts, choir, football etc. are all factors other Ballyboden St Endas teams have also had to deal with. To be able to be a member of the panel, to face the challenges presented and to experience the highs and lows of competition represents an achievement.

On the social scene the Féile disco, organised as a fundraiser, proved a great success. We also wish to express our appreciation to Motion Picture (clothing store) for their very generous sponsorship of a set of club jerseys.

Our thanks also to the club’s camogie committee for their assistance, advice and general helpfulness throughout the year. In this regard, as ever, we are particularly indebted to the bottomless resource

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that Mona O’Sullivan has been for us. We would also like to thank the magic hands operating behind the revolving door that is the Cummins household. Hurleys in various states of disrepair were dumped there only to be transformed into works of art and always ready in time for our next big game.

We would also like to thank Fiona Ní Shúilleabháin and Eimear Ring for their coaching assistance during the course of the year. They brought variety and freshness to our training.

Under 15 TeamMentors: Catherine Cummins, Fiona Ní Shúilleabháin, Mona O’SullivanAt the start of the year the two U14 teams combined and it took time for the team to gel. The players on this team have shown great commitment to training with some of them also training and subbing up to both U16 teams. We finished in third place in the league. Hopefully all the girls will continue to play in this their last year at juvenile level.

Congratulations to Jane Nolan who was named Dublin U15 Development Panel Player of the Year.

Thanks to all the parents who attended the matches and provided transport.

Under 16A TeamMentors: Mick Glynn, Sheila O'Shea, Clarinda NoonanThe format of our league changed again this year and the Under 15 league was reinstated unexpectedly. Consequently our team plans had to change much to the disappointment of Managers and players. We did what we thought was best at the time but circumstances changed and we had a stressful season which happily turned to success eventually for the Under 16 Camogie team.  With a small panel, dedicated training and help from the new under 15 team we had our best season in years.

We kicked off with a bonding trip to the Pan Celtic Tournament in Donegal at Easter. It was a brilliant weekend - enough said!

By the summer break we had only played two league matches both won. This left us under pressure in August/early September to complete the league - this was when the fun started.We managed to get into the play-offs by playing three matches in the one week. We had a thrilling semi-final against Na Fianna and an even more thrilling Final against our old rivals St.Vincents and the Cup was ours.

Coinciding with this our Championship had got off the ground and we ended up in a breathtaking final in the Phoenix Park in October against yet again - St. Vincents. We won by a goal and a point. This was to be our year - two Cups to take home to Boden a satisfying way to complete our Juvenile career (under 11 to under 16).At this point we would like to say thanks to all those players who started out with us at the age of 10 and to those who joined us along the way. Throughout those years we have many happy memories and enjoyed being with the girls through the good and disappointing times. This is a point at which we may have to divide but we would urge all our young camogie players to advance to the next stage with enthusiasm and confidence.

Also, the parents must get a mention here for the numerous lifts across the city in rush hour. You were great and made our job easier! Your support was greatly appreciated - thank you!  Finally, I would like to say to Tricia Higgins and Padraig O Duibhir who worked along side us throughout the year a big thank you for all their help.

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Under 16B TeamMentors: Patricia Higgins and Pádraig Ó Duibhir.

The decision to form an under 16B team was made early in 2006 when the Dublin County Board decided at the last minute to have an under 15 competition. The panel of players was comprised of nine under 16 players and a number of under 15 players. The team played three league matches and performed well losing the first by a point and drawing the second one. The third match was very disappointing for the mentors and under 16 players as the stronger under 15 players were not available and the team comprised many players that had never played together previously. The under 16 girls felt demoralised after that match and not surprisingly all bar one didn’t return to the team after the summer. The team was unable to complete its league matches. Two players subsequently returned to join the under 16A panel for the championship. It was most disappointing that girls that had played with the club since under 11 should leave in this way. Serious consideration should be given in future to forming teams in this manner where there is not a clearly defined panel of players.

One of the highlights of the year was the trip to the Pan-Celtic festival in Donegal where the girls participated in a camogie blitz. Great fun was had by all who participated.

We would like to thank the parents for their support and enthusiasm at matches, and with ‘lifts’ over the six years that the girls played with the club.

Senior B Mona O’Sullivan, Martin Donohue

It was decided this year that we would have only two adult teams Senior A and Senior B due to the problems encountered every year during the summer months when players are away trying to field three adult teams. Looking back on the year I feel that while this decision may have meant that we did not struggle to field a Senior B team, it threw up another few issues. In particular many players were playing adult camogie for the first time against adults who had been playing at this level for years. Some felt under severe pressure and were disheartened with the result of matches. During the League every player was given a chance to play getting a least half a match but if we had a third team they would have played more. I think that a Junior team should be entered in 2007 to give the girls coming up from U16 a chance to get used to adult camogie and also some girls who played Senior B this year would be under less pressure and enjoy the matches more at Junior level.

The team started training in January in Sancta Maria at 9.00 pm on Monday nights. At that time I was on my own with the team and would like to extend my thanks to Mick Glynn, Gerry O’Sullivan and Gerry Hogan who helped out on numerous occasions at training and at matches.

We were in Div 1 of the Senior B league and most teams that we played were the top team in their club. The girls put in a great effort in their matches and eventually were rewarded with our first win against Thomas Davis. This put great heart into the team. Martin Donohue joined the team as coach after this and we fulfilled all our league fixtures. We progressed to the Final of the Open Cup but with many of the team away at that time the opposition was too strong for us.

In Championship we made it to the quarter-final and reached the semi-finals of the Naomh Jude Floodlit Tournament.

The highlight of the year was our trip to Brussels on 20-22 October 2006. 24 players made this trip and the effort that was put into the fundraising was the most enthusiastic I have seen in a long time.

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The organisation of a Table Quiz, a match against the hurlers, sponsorship – Legal and General and Cathal MacCarthy and especially “De Weddin” plus a personal contribution of €150 per player/mentor helped raise the funds to cover the cost of the trip. We won our match in Brussels and the rest of the weekend was spent celebrating (both before, during and after the match)!!

I hope that the entire panel will continue to play in the coming year. I want to thank Revels in Rathfarnham for their sponsorship during the year.

Senior A

Management Team:  PJ Donoghue, Ciara Hayes, Sinead Caulfield, Brian O' Regan

As I write this report I cannot but feel how near we were to being Leinster Champions. On the other hand we must be proud to have taken camogie to such a height in the club. What a great year we had and I have no doubt that with the goodwill of everybody the dream will come true.  

We started training on January 14th and reached 100 sessions between training and matches. In all my time training teams I never thought it was possible to get so much from players. The girls deserve to get full credit for what they have achieved and the club should be very proud of them.  

I would like to thank the following people: 

Dermot Hughes, Sylvie Keaney, Donal Regan and Cathal Regan, for all their help throughout the year. Enda Hughes, Marlene McCormack and Nancy Donoghue, for all their help on match days. Also to Hammi who came in at such a late date as team physio.

To Sinead, Ciara and Brian, my sincere thanks for everything over the year.

Sinead and Brian will forgive me for giving Ciara a special mention for all her hard work throughout the season.

To Danny Griffin for all the sponsorship he got for us during the year.

To Paddy Walsh and Noel Sheridan for all their great support and help.

To the Camogie Committee – Thanks

Last but not least I would like to thank the Club Treasurer Sinead McNeela who was always willing to aid the team in whatever way she could.  

To finish I would hope that with the help of everybody, the team would continue to succeed and retain the Dublin Championship and win a Leinster title. It is the least they deserve.  


Chairperson: Lebby GalvinVice Chairperson: Marie DenvirSecretary: Caroline Glennon

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P.R.O: Niomh MadiganBoard Delegates: Caroline Glennon, Sarah Denvir, Sile Nic Coitir, Claire Butterly .

I would like to welcome you all here this evening to our 14th Annual General Meeting.

It was proposed that Team Managers/Mentors remain as so many were still involved in competition. Managers and Mentors to be elected at a later date.


SENIOR A MANAGER: Paul CoffeyMENTORS: Mick Maher, Martin Masterson

This team is still involved in the Leinster Championship with a final against Senchelstown, the Meath champions, on Sunday 29th of October in Clane, Co Kildare at 3pm.

We have already successfully defended the treble of Dublin Championship, League and Cup, remaining unbeaten to date.

We have a management team of Paul Coffey, Mick Maher and Martin Masterson .Bobby O Sullivan and Eamon Clancy were added to this team after the Dublin Championship to assist in the Leinster campaign and I would like to thank all for their expert contributions so far. Phelim McCabe stepped into the breach as a goalkeeping coach and has stayed on with us also. I would also like to thank the club physiotherapist Hammy for going beyond the call of duty on more than one occasion.

This team has a history of success, and great contributors to that success are far too numerous to mention here. i.e. ladies football committee, past management, executive, Liam Delaney, Sean Flynn, John Galvin, other team managers, etc., etc and I would like to take this opportunity to very sincerely thank each and everyone of you. You know who you are!

No operation can be successfully run at this level nowadays without finance and I would like to thank SERTUS INSURANCE (Derek Coffey) and Fergal Gaughran for sponsoring our efforts so far. Hopefully other sponsors can be found to keep the momentum going.


PLAYED 24 WON 22 LOST 2 challenge matches.

PANEL: 26 Players

I would like to offer our congratulations to all the other teams that have been successful and am convinced that their hard work will ensure a continuous supply of top quality players for future senior A teams. Competition for places has never been fiercer, with players threatening to break through from underage and the Denvir Babes, and long may it continue.

To the incoming committee, we wish you an enjoyable and rewarding year and a special THANK YOU to the outgoing committee for your tireless help and support and that includes Niomh as well! Not everyone knows what goes on behind the scenes, I do and therefore I thank you.

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SENIOR B MANAGER Marie DenvirMENTORS Kevin Cahill, Robbie Murphy,

Mick Hunt.TEAM ASSISTANT Madeline McAuliffe

We started back training on the 1st of February initially training twice a week and then three times a week nearing Championship. Robbie Murphy joined us this year adding greatly to our set-up so much so that it seemed like he was there all along. We had a couple of challenge games at first before playing our first of 14 competitive games on the 5th of April away to Thomas Davis. We competed in three competitions Championship, League and League Cup.

I am happy to say that during a lot of comings and going over the summer, everyone got some football and the pleasing thing about it was that there was never a drop in our standards. July was without doubt our best month as we reached the Championship Semi-Final at home to Thomas Davis on the 17th of July, in sweltering conditions, we had to play extra time, before we ran out convincing winners, on a score of 5-7 to 2-10.The Junior A Championship Final awaited us no less than five days later against St Peregrines in Portmarnock on the 22nd of July.

Never was the phrase “Our finest hour” so appropriate. We took to the field on another hot Summer’s evening to do battle, and we fought to reign in a six point second half lead to St.Peregrines. We had a belief about us all year, and pulled off a sensational win to lift the Championship on a score of 3-4 to 1-8. It was an extraordinary week, full of emotions that will live long in the memory, and is all the more special because of that.

As a result of that win we qualified to play in Leinster, and did so on the 20th of August in Ballyboden. We played the Offaly Senior Champions Rhode and despite not playing our best football, we still managed to score 4-7 however, Rhode ran out deserved winners on the day. The Senior B Team earned everything they got this year and were in my eyes the “complete” team. It was a privilege to manage them and they did themselves and the club proud and will rightly take their place in the Intermediate Championship in 2007.

A word of thanks to the Club’s Executive for their help, to Lebby Galvin of the Ladies Section for her help too. To Noel Sheridan for his assistance over the year and of course to Sean Flynn & Liam Delaney for doing the gate during our Leinster match.In particular, a big thank you to John Galvin from all involved with the Senior B Team. Of course, Paul Coffey for his support and help this year, it went along way in helping us win the Championship and credit goes to Fearghal Brennan for his support and assistance as well.

To Con Denvir of CMC Uk Ltd, for his constant sponsorship over the last three years it was really appreciated.To Liam Monaghan for sponsoring our Championship Final night, we had a great time.To Danny Griffin in securing the sponsorship of P Donaghy Solicitors for our Leinster meal.

To those players who have suffered illness and injury this year, your contributions will never be forgotten and best wishes to you all for a speedy return to football.

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Finally, this is my last year of a three-year term, in managing the Senior B Team. In that time we won silverware every year, winning back to back seven- a -side titles in 2004 & 2005 the first Senior team to secure a “Sevens” Ladies football title for the club. We were unable to compete in the same 7’s tournament this year as it was played the day before our Leinster match. Those years were however, the springboard to our ultimate goal of winning a Championship with this team. In 2006 we finished with the best trophy of them all the Junior A Championship.

It just remains to be said a special word of thanks to my mentors Kevin, Robbie, Mick and Madeline for their efforts and support over the years I am sure you enjoyed it, as much as I did. It was worth it all.

MINOR MENTORS: Fearghal Brennan,

Charlie Kennedy, John Clarke

N.B. The 2005 season finished in February of this year and our girls lost thechampionship final to Fingallians

This years season started in April and we got off to a flier with a win overThomas Davis away from home and a draw against a very good Castleknock teamat home.Summer break and exams meant we had no matches fixed for three and a half months, what followed then was a great disappointment for our girls as we were giving fivestraight walkovers which meant we were league champions.

Our championship started in late September with a win against Round Towers ofClondalkin and two weeks ago we ran-out winners against St Brigid’s.We now have to play Castleknock in the semi-final in two weeks time.

The minor management would like to thank the ladies football committee forall its help during the year and wish the new incoming committee the verybest of luck for the new season ahead.

A very special thanks to the senior A manager Paul Coffey and senior Bmanager Marie Denver for their understanding in regard to training andmatches, and also to Pat McGrath the U/16 manager for the use of some of hisplayers, without them we may have no minor team at all.

We would like to wish the best of luck to our Senior A team in theirLeinster final on Sunday and to any other teams with their season still tofinish. 

UNDER 16 MENTORS: Pat McGrath, Finnian Hyland, Jimmy Walsh.

Our league campaign started in Round Towers, who could only field 11 players.We won three games, losing narrowly to Foxrock/Cabinteely in the deciding game to finish runners up.

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In the championship we lost our first game against Castleknock by a goal, it was unfortunate that nine of our panel were involved in a Camogie match earlier in the day.

The competition is on a round robin basis so we still have three matches to play. Thanks to Finnian and Jimmy for their help throughout the year and to the girls who have shown great commitment and dedication at training and matches.

UNDER 16B MENTORS: Ger Basquel, Angela Fleming

We have had a mixed year in terms of numbers. As with all teams of this age, several girls have had to decide to focus on one sport given all the other demands on their time. However, we have got some really good players joining the team, including Fiona Byrne and Jackie Hennessy.

We had some good performances in the early part of the League playing well against Anne’s and Marks but got well beaten by Jude’s who probably should be in a higher league.

Through the good co-operation of Finnian and Pat , the As and Bs have been combined for training since August.. This has been a huge success (and given me some extra time!!) with the players improving significantly. All credit goes to the excellent training (by Finnian & Pat –even if I find it difficult to admit) and the competitive edge from this approach. It has now resulted in several B players challenging for inclusion in the A panel.

This approach would benefit all teams and help improve the standard of the B teams.

Through the competitive training outlined above and the great support from Barry Coll and Gerry McGirr in releasing players the championship has been a great success. As of now, we have played 3 games, winning 2 games and losing to Jude’s by 2 points, having been well beaten in the League.

I have no doubt that several of these players will go on to represent Ballyboden at senior level given the excellent attitude and enjoyment they get in playing football.

UNDER 14A MENTORS: Barry Coll, Gerry Keane, Gerry McGirr, Emer Donovan

A bit of an up-and-down season for this talented team, 3 of whom were members of the Dublin U14 squad who went all the way to the All-Ireland final.We had a good league campaign losing 2 of 6 matches while playing some great football. Due to Dublin’s success the league was much interrupted and, as all teams have lost matches, it is still not clear what the final positions are.Winning the Dublin Feile—ably assisted by members of the U14B team—was undoubtedly the highlight of the year. The girls played some of their best ever football on that memorable Saturday in Blanchardstown. In fact that final against St.Brigids was as good a game as I’ve seen.Our subsequent trip to the All-Ireland Feile in Wicklow in June was thoroughly enjoyed by all the girls even though we were eliminated in the group stages by eventual beaten finalists Corofin. I have no doubt the experience gained will stand greatly to them in the years to come.The much-delayed championship has only just begun (round-robin stage) and unfortunately we have lost our first game. However a win next time out will qualify us for a knock-out semi-final so here’s hoping!As I indicated at the start of the season I will not be going forward with the team but my co-mentors, Gerry Keane, Ger McGirr and Emer Donovan (who have been towers of strength and are

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very committed) will stay on next season. My grateful thanks to each of them and to parents who helped out with transport, laundry, setting-up pitches, first aid, etc. Particular thanks to those parents who trojanly bore the burden of planning, fund-raising, kitting-out, feeding and all the cares that went hand-in-hand with the trip to Feile. Finally where would we have been without our generous sponsor McGlynn Motors…thanks again Paddy.

UNDER 14B MENTORS: Derek Ward/Seamie O’Neill

The girls are all U14 again next year. They have won all their matches in this league and 2 championship matches to date. Many gained valuable experience by being involved in Feile this year and a number the Dublin U13 and U14 squads. Alice Gillen and Elaine McGrath were involved in the All-Ireland U14 final in August. Their progress in skill levels and teamwork is excellent. It is regrettable that they were not challenged in this league despite the fact that all the other teams are fielding their first team at under 14. Thanks to the Committee for all your help and support.

UNDER 13 MENTOR: John Archbold

The past season was disrupted by weather in the early part of the year, and by the inability of some other clubs to field teams.

Nonetheless, the girls worked hard all year and held their own in all league matches, the team narrowly lost the championship semi-final, suffering injuries to key players on the day.

Many of the players were happy to get the chance to participate in the Feile this year, and all are looking forward eagerly to next year's event.

The mentors wish to use this opportunity to express thanks to the Ladies Football Committee for all the help, support and encouragement during the year.

And, from the mentors and players, Best Wishes for success to Paul Coffey and his co-mentors and players in the forthcoming matches.

UNDER 12A MENTORS: Eugene Duffy & Robbie Murphy

In February 2006 we finished off the previous year by defeating Cuala dramatic replayed Championship Final. We continued on and won all our games in a very competitive league. Currently we are awaiting a date for the final of the championship.

We would like to thank all the panel for their dedication to training and extra bit they do themselves. TThanks to the parents who encourage their children and help out on the match days.Thanks especially to Pat Fox from Johnston Mooney and O’Brien, who sponsored our new gear.More than anything else, we hope everybody is enjoying the training and the games.

UNDER12B MENTORS : Muriel Falconer Bernard Curtis, Rita Curtis,

Philip Brady

The U12B won all of their 6 league games to win the U12 Division 3 South League. The girls played in the Championship final against Lucan on 22 October and put on a tremendous display of football, winning comfortably. This team has excelled at this level as only four girls will not be

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under12 next year. It has been a pleasure being involved with this team for all involved. We would like to thank Niall Brady and Paul O’Byrne for all their help during the year.

A big thank you Orla & Fergal Brennan and Mary & Hugh Cummins for their generous sponsorship. The girls enjoyed their meal after they won the league.

We would like to thank all of the Ladies Football Committee & Executive Committee for all their work and help during the year.

UNDER 10 MENTORS: Barry Coll, Michael Alymer, Mick GillenThis team has improved out of all recognition during the season.They won their league at a canter with a run of 5 wins on the trot. They followed this by winning all their games in the round-robin stage of the championship thus qualifying for the final…all this before the end of June!We then had to endure a wait of over 3 months to play that final and we did our best to maintain sharpness and match fitness by playing challenges. However the `long wait` was not in our favour and we lost the final to a much-improved and powerful Kilmacud team on Oct 7th. In all the team played 14 matches losing only 2 (the other was against our U12B team by the narrowest of margins), and they have much to be proud of and to look forward to for next season.My co-mentors Michael Aylmer and Michael Gillen were wonderful colleagues over the season and I am glad to say that they will both be going forward with the team to new battles! Our grateful thanks to all the Mums and Dads who helped with transport, laundry, dressing-room attendance and soothing the scars of battle!Great year!

NURSERY MANAGER: Barry Coll The Saturday morning nursery continues to thrive with approx 90 girls from age 6 to 10 attending each week.Two particular developments are especially encouraging:Firstly, more parents are volunteering and getting involved in coaching on Saturdays and this is a great help to the U16 and Minor team girls Aisling, Laura and Paula. It also means that not only have we a conveyor belt of up-and-coming players but hopefully coaches and mentors as well!Secondly, a number of other clubs are developing their nurseries and are seeking to play blitzes and matches at U8 and U9 ages. We have had 2 such outings already this year with another planned for next month. It’s all good!My thanks to all the mentors who help out and particularly Aisling Madigan, Laura Murphy and Paula McGrath and others who attend when they can--Roisin, Shauna and Natalia.I am also delighted to report that 2 of our girls have also qualified as referees this year and have taken charge of a number of league and championship matches--well done Laura Murphy and Sharon Fleming.

The nursery is very important and regardless of cost-cutting elsewhere there should be no cheeseparing of resources here….we need more footballs!My thanks also to Brian and Paul for all their support during the year…don’t forget the Coaching Course for new coaches and mentors, lads!I have indicated to our Chairperson, Lebby, that 2007 will be my last year looking after the nursery so hopefully it will be a good one.

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Finally …………..

This has been another very successful year for Ladies Football and Ballyboden St. Endas, with the Senior Ladies bringing home a second All Ireland Title and the Senior B winning a Junior Championship Title. Also continued success throughout the section. We would like to thank all the Managers and Mentors who give up their time to run teams and encourage players to participate in the game. We thank all those who have been friends of the Ladies Section by contributing to our fundraising events and those of you who give their time freely when required. We thank the parents for their financial support when called upon and to those who washed the jerseys, made the sandwiches and travelled the highways and byways to support the teams.


Chairman: Liam CarterVice Chairman: Ciaran MaguireSecretary: John ArchboldRegistrar: Helen McGuinness School Liaison: Joe Phillips and Vivian Ruddy Board Delegates: 9-12 Football Pat Drohan

13-16 Football John Lennon9-16 Hurling Ciarán Maguire

Committee Members: Tony Lennon, Helen McGuinness, Paul Waters, Jim Keane, John Ryan.Childrens Officer: Therese Keville

Secretary’s Report Y.2006

Nursery (Football & Hurling) BOYS 2000 / 1999 / 1998 Club Coaches: Brian O Regan, Paul Mc Loughlin

Nursery activities take place in Pairc Ui Mhurchu, Cherryfield and Hermitage. Across the board, Boy’s Gaelic Football and Hurling is progressing well. The beginners group born in 2000 has over 110 children involved. There has been a great response from the parents of this age-group and the nursery directors are pleased with the present amount of coaches. The 1999 group have 70-80 children registered and similarly there is excellent support from parents and the amount of coaches is very pleasing. The 1998 groups have approx 80 attending on the Cherryfield pitch. They are progressing very well.

With the help and guidance of all coaches the coaching concentrates on the improvement of movement skills and the development of weaker side (leg / Hand / turning etc.).The groups are small (6 to 8).The equipment is easily accessible and adds to the enjoyment for all.

Thanks to the juvenile committee under Liam Carter for their support and encouragement in 2006.

The mentors night was a great success, enjoyed by all and is an invaluable date in the club calendar for introducing new mentors in the club. Thanks to all involved in its organization.

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Team Reports Y.2006


Under-9 to Under-16 Hurling Teams 2006.

Under 9 Mentors; Ultan Mac Mathúna, Mick Garry, Alyn Deane, Mark Mellet

The Under 9 Hurling team had a great year in their first year in a competitive league. We hosted many teams in Cherryfield throughout the year winning most of our home fixtures. We hosted the Under 9 Féile in September at Páirc Uí Mhurchú as part of the club’s Juvenille Féile. This was a very successful Féile and we were very unlucky to be beaten in the Final by two points to Naas. All the boys got plenty of hurling and enjoyed their prizes and treats.A Fortnight later we hosted the County Board Blitz for Ballyboden St. Enda’s, St Vincents and Kilmacud Crokes. This was very much part of a learning curve for our boys!!We train every Thursday in Sancta Maria 6.00 – 700p.m. and hope to arrange several challenge matches between now and starting as Under 10’s next year.Many thanks to all of the parents who helped at the various matches and blitzes throughout the year.

Under 10 Mentors; John Crowley, Peter Lyons, Paddy McNamee, James Murray

The under 10 hurlers continued to make strong progress under the Go-Game regime. League participation had two teams mentored by John Crowley, Peter Lyons, Paddy McNamee and James Murray participating in a Dublin South league; while Gerry Mahon and Tom McDonnell travelled far and wide in a cross city division for single teams. The best team performances were at the regional blitzes in the Autumn when the two Boden teams finished in first and third places. Other highlights of the year on the pitch were centred on the David Maycock tournament, the annual Club Feile Iomana, and a strong showing in a series of tournament matches hosted by Faugh’s. A visit from Ferns on the weekend of the All Ireland semi-final was a great success. The availability of the all weather facility had a major impact on the winter schedule allowing the children to train in comfort for a much longer period than in other years. A strong sense of team spirit is obvious among this group of players and attendance at training and matches is very good.

Under 11Mentors: Brendan Ryan, Seamie O’Neill, Ciaran Maguire

At U-11, the club fielded three teams of equal ability (though it was noted that Seamie O Neill’s team was perhaps more equal than others). Two of the teams played in the Division 1 two-team league, in which they were unbeaten, thus winning the league. The other team played in the South Dublin one-team league, in which they came third.

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Throughout the year, a development squad, made up of players from the three teams was also fielded. This development squad made trips to some of the hurling strongholds of Ireland; Tipperary, where the team beat the Moycarkey Borris U12 team; and to Waterford, for a draw with  Ballygunner; and to Kilkenny, where a lot was learned from a very good Dicksboro team. During the summer, the U11 division one Camant title was brought back to Ballyboden after a great victory against Kilmacud Crokes in Parnell Park. Many thanks to the parents of the hurlers, without whose help and support, nothing would have been achieved.

Under 12 Mentors: Liam Phelan, Ray McKenna

This team competed in the under 12 hurling league two team section (2 x 11 a side). In total only 6 league matches were played over the course of the year (Na Fianna x 2, St. Judes x 2, St. Vincents x 1 and Kilmacud Crokes x 1) and only one of these games was played as a 2 x 11-a-side game. All teams struggled at times to field 2 x 11 a side teams and all other games were 15-a-side. The team won 4 of the 6 matches, St. Judes reversed the defeats of the previous season to Ballyboden and won the league unbeaten.

The team competed in the James Stephens under 12 tournament where they played O’ Loughlin Gaels (Kilkenny) and Ballygunner (Waterford). The team also participated in the Ballyboden Tournament reaching the final before losing to St. Johns Belfast.

There is quite a small panel of players, at most 22 if everyone was to attend, which occurred only once. The team suffered from a lack of games within Dublin and the very small panel of players. While the skill level among the players is quite high, the team lacks physical strength with some exceptions.

Under 14Mentors: John Ryan, Ciaran Maguire, Mick Garry, John Small

The highlight of the U14 hurling year was undoubtedly the Feile competition.  From a relatively poor start against Na Fianna on the Saturday morning, the team improved in every game, beating Vincents in the semi-final and St. Judes by a golden point in an unforgettable second period of extra time in Parnell Park.  Preparation for the Feile included a tournament in Durlas Og and challenge games against Ballygunner, Mount Sion, Dicksboro and O'Loughlin Gaels.  Our hosts in the national Feile, Douglas, were superb in every way, even forgiving a questionable umpiring decision against them!  The team was strengthened by players from the U13 squad for both the Dublin and National Feile, and we are grateful to both the players and the U13 mentors for their support.  We qualified from our group beating Douglas, and Midleton and going down narrowly to Shelmaliers of Wexford.  The semi-final game against Na Piarsaigh was epic, and the entire squad fought with everything they had right down to the final whistle.  Unfortunately, we were just short at full time and went out to the eventual tournament winners.We reached the final of the U14 championship where we lost out to Judes and at present are in contention for the U14 league.  It has been a long year, and the squad has learned and developed and are looking forward to a successful 2007.No review of the year would be complete without mention of the incredible work done by the parents' support committee chaired by Kevin Geoghegan.  The committee took on all non-playing related responsibilities and raised significant funding for the U14 footballers and hurlers, which facilitated both teams to prepare in a very professional way.  Heartfelt thanks to all who worked so hard on that committee.

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Under 15Mentors: Liam O’Connor, Liam Cannon, Mick Keville, Marian Moriarty

This year has been a good year for the u 15 hurlers despite injuries and illness to a number of players. This team showed great spirit and sportsmanship especially in their final two league games which they won thereby retaining Division 1 status next season. This team has a very small squad of players. A special thanks is due to the players from the U-14’s who helped out throughout the season.

Under 16A MENTORS:  Paul Daly, Aiden Kennedy, Francis Sharkey, Robert Woodcock  This team enjoyed a very good year, though unfortunately beaten in the county final by Kilmacud Crokes by 1 point.  The team showed great grit in that match. Having been 7 points down at half time, they came back to lead by 2 points with 5 minutes to go and then lost by 1 point.  The League is not over yet, with a fixture to come against Kilmacud again in the league final match which should be in a couple of weeks. Finally, the mentors would like to thank the players for their effort all year, parents for their help and Liam Carter, on the Juvenile Committee, for his help as well during the year.

Team Reports Y.2006


Under-9 to Under-16 Football Teams 2006.U9 FootballU9 team 1 is run by Martin Murphy, Jim Dalton and Tadhg Cashman.U9 team 2 is run by Don Carolan, Martin Durkin, Diarmaid Cahalane and Ron Leddy.U9 team 3 is run by Donal Monahan, Dermot O'Reilly, Con Cremin and Brian Stafford.

The mentors currently operate with approximately 74 players even though on occasion they would have more than that for training on the AstroTurf !!!They field three teams in 2-team groups in the U9 GoGames and have fulfilled all fixtures to date.

The Ballyboden teams are mixed ability, and their performances have generally been quite good against other "suspect" mixed ability opposition.

Things went reasonably well. The biggest problem is BBSE 3 and the other teams in the group. On many occasions the opposition were unable to field two teams - Good Counsel, Round Towers Clondalkin, St. Marks also struggle. We would prefer to be in a group that can routinely field 2 two teams.

In a recent blitz Team 1 led by Martin Murphy recorded a spectacular four-win sequence against Kilmacud opposition.

The Astro Turf pitch has been an outstanding success attracting many new players.However the provision of additional GoGames pitches possibly at Ballycullen should be a priority as we are under pressure for space every Saturday morning for home games.

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Our present set-up is fairly poor as regards pitches and goal posts. The U10shave Elkwood, the only purpose-built Go Games pitches, for Saturday morninggames. Is it a priority to organise another pair of pitches for Go Games

Under 10 Go Games 2006

Mentors: Siobhán Early (communications ) Liam Deane, Gerry Mahon, Paul Manning, Brendan Gillesbie,Donal Murphy,Chey Bowes,Paul Bealin,Tom MacDonnell, Barry Murray, Noel Basquel, Brian O’Mahony, Vincent Carney and Derek Ward.

We have a total group of about 60 players for Football at Under 10 age, split into 3 x 20 groups. Facilities were a problem earlier in the year. Once we got the "Goalpost" issue resolved and moved to Elkwood during the summer things have improved.

The other major issue is timing of Games as there are only Two pitches available and we often have two under 10 Home games at same time, which means four matches.!! Not to mention crossing with Under 11 teams, waiting to play as well!!! Recently, we entertained a group of 40 players from Lurgan, which went very well, other than the weather. There is some concern about the issue of free weekends during dual season with hurling. Some parents cannot understand why we are not continuous with football.

The group at U-10 have progressed very well. Their skills levels especially use of weak side is very good with many able to kick points with weak foot and more than willing to use weak side when turning on that side. We have continued with our policy of mixed ability and changing the teams and groups. All train together and we have noticed a huge improvement in what were weak players last year. We have managed to do this and still win most of our games while losing others narrowly. This year we suffered the tragic loss of one of our players Glenn Keegan his mother Mary and his brother Andrew ar dheis Dé go raibh a nanam. Thanks to all who supported us during that difficult time mentors, club officials and especially our parents.

Under 11A Go Games 2006Mentors: Joe Brennan, Dominic Leonard, Joe Mernagh (new), Greg Edwards (new) Frank Harrington (new).

Gained 3 new mentors on the team this year - thanks to them for coming on boardPlayed 13 matches so far this year - won 4 of them. Team scoring well. Average score of 39 points in matches, which we won. Average score of 15 points in the matches, which we lost. Good consistency in fixtures - only 4 matches deferred since start of year. Good turnout and spirit at training throughout the year. All weather pitch a big plus in this regard. Referee and All Weather pitch fees collected from parents without any issues.

There are some issues with numbers. There are 27 players on the squad but the group were still significantly short in turnout for 3 fixtures. There is a big concern with the way matches are being scheduled - several teams scheduled for same pitch at same time and then it is left up to mentors to sort out the mess locally. This is NOT acceptable and can cause considerable unnecessary stress for mentors.

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Finally this group needs to know NOW what the logistics will be for U12 competition next year so that plans can be made for team splits & sizes while it is still practical to do so. It is too late to find this out a few weeks before matches restart next year.

Under 11B Go Games 2006

Mentors: Donal McCarthy; Michael Clancy.

Have done very well in the B league, winning most matches. Whenleagues were amalgamated, the boys found the going a bit more challengingbut won 3 and lost 3 up to the summer break. Since September and soccer, this grouphas suffered drastically. From a panel of 32, they have lost four permanentlyto soccer and three to other sports. Of the remaining 25, eleven of those playsoccer on a Saturday morning. The group had not won a match since September norhad it been able to field 22 players. As a result, they decided toenter the one-team group cup competition (using only the Gaelic players - switchedfrom the two team competition before commencement). They played the firstmatch under the new arrangements against Cuala on Saturday 21st October, and won.

Switching start times to accommodate soccer players is not going to helpthis team. They have been doing that since September without success.

Under 12AMentors: Jimmy Walsh, Ger Flaherty, Tony McKeown, John Keegan (retired)

Team has progressed very well this year. They reached the final of the cup in May and were unlucky to lose to Kilmacud, having dominated for much of the game and played some great football. Unfortunately, they found it difficult to take scores and this cost them in the end.

In the League, they were unable to finish in the Top 4, having lost valuable points in June due to players being away. Since September, they were unable to field full strength teams due to key players opting to play soccer.

Looking forward to 2007 at U13. The plan is (i) to assess which players are available (ii) agree with other managers whether two or three teams should be entered next year. The team is likely to be playing Division 2 next year. The priority will be to get promotion to Division 1 for Feile in Y.2008.

Under 12B Mentors : Neil Buckingham, Aidan Byrne, Seamus De Frein

The Cup Competition early in the year went well for this group but unfortunately they went out narrowly to Kilmacud Crokes B in a replay of the semi-final. The League which followed has been fantastic with 7 wins out of 7 and they have just won the first match of the play-offs (Crokes again by 14 points).  The clash with other sports at this age level has a major impact on the turn out for

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matches and it's only through the co-operation of other teams' Mentors, who like Ballyboden are in a similar position and are willing to move match times, that the mentors are able to field teams. They look forward to the afternoon throw-in times at U-13 to relieve this pressure. The only gripe the group has is the lack of matches - it's hard to keep momentum and team spirit going with the irregular scheduling of games e.g. a six week gap between the last League match and the start of the play-offs!  Well done to all the players for their hard work and efforts during the year. 

Under 12C (Division 3) Mentors: Mary Byrne, Mary Costello, Sean O’Reilly, Martin Dunne, Brian Byrne, John McCormack.

U12C's have had another good year all round, seeing great turn out to training and matches. Lads making great improvement and looking forward to next year.

Under 13 A FootballMentors: Ned Flood, Pat Murphy, Don McMahon, Paul Waters, Tom Mulanny

The highlight of the year so far for Under 13 Football was the run in the championship. This team competed against strong opposition all the way through the championship reaching the Semi Final and beaten by eventual winners Raheny.

League still in progress at present and team going well.

Under 13B Divison 6Mentors: Pat Drohan, Seamus O’Flaherty, Conor Farrelly, Sean O’Connor, Denis Malony, Joseph Johnston, Noel Maguire

The under 13B and 13C’s amalgamated in 2006 due to shortage of players on both teams to become under 13B. Lost most matches in the Spring League as it took some time for the team to come together. After the Spring League the two teams began to gel together. They have now won all matches bar one, which was drawn. So, they are now in the Top 4. Well done to all the players for their commitment and hard work during the year. They are now looking forward to 2007! Many thanks to all the team coaches and parents for their help and support during the year.

Under 14A Mentors: Noel Basquel, Sean Crowley

Last April, this team won the Feile group (of five teams) that contained the Top 4 in the U-14 age-group. They won their group, but fatigue and injuries caught up with them in the semi-final, where their opponents were from the group of 4 on the other side of the draw and were notably fresher. Compounding matters, this team’s second outing after Feile was Championship in August, and lack of match practice put paid to their chances. The club is disappointed that our players were treated this way.

The players and mentors express thanks to Brian O’Regan, who helped greatly with team preparation, and to Kevin Geoghegan and his team of fund-raisers, who did fantastic work in providing the finance.

Under 14B Mentors: Tom Mullen, John O'Toole

The team has struggled in Division 4 this year and it’s only points are from

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walkovers! The panel lost several players for various reasons and are struggling to field 15 players on a regular basis with only 12 available for training. Other clubs are experiencing the same difficulties and a lot of back matches remain unplayed.

This group competed in Division 5 of Feile and got to the final game of it’s qualifying group, which it lost narrowly in a hard fought match.

A recurring problem for this team has been the flood lights in Sancta Maria being managed poorly. They were not available for 3 weeks with no contact from the club to mentors. Recently, the lights broke down again and were unavailable for a quarter of training.


Mentors: Vincent Carney, Shay Devlin, Tony Seery , Bob Sheehan and Ger Mahon.

This team currently stands mid-table in League Div. 1. Lately, owing to a super effort by a small panel, recently supplemented by players from Under 14A’s, the U-15A’s have reached their first ever Championship final as a result of a very close and sporting semi-final win over Raheny on Sunday, 5th November. The final will be next Sunday at 1.30 pm against All Ireland Feile Champions Sylvester's. ALL SUPPORT will be very welcome.

*** Since this report was printed the U15s won the Championship Final beating St. Sylvester’s in a thrilling final. Congratulations to all involved, as this is the first time our club won this competition. Once again congratulations and well done to all. ****

Seven players from this group are also members on the Dublin South Development Squad Under 15 Football. This definitely contributed to the players’ successful improvement this season.A big thank you to Moriarty & Co Solicitors, Deale Morton Office/Furniture Supplies and Bord na Mona for their generous sponsorships. Also, thanks to the parents who encourage the players and help out on match days. And, the whole team is grateful to U-14 Hurling management who released a player from a crucial U-14 hurling match, to play in the U-15 Quarter-final. They also received great help and support from our Juvenile Chairman Liam Carter throughout the year.

U-16 AMentors: Vivian Ruddy, John Mulligan; Jim Keane; Declan O’Reilly; Kevin Maguire

This has been a very mixed year for this team. They were knocked out early on in championship, but the team are at present joint top of the league. It is doubtful that all matches will be played before end of year. Four of the team (Darragh Nelson, Sean Gibbons, Donal Ahearn and Seamus Keane) are on the Dublin U-16 team, Leinster Football champions.

U-16 B Football.Mentors: Tony Wallace, Larry Quinn

Having reached the dizzy heights of Division 2 in the previous year it was back to Division 3 for this team this year. It has been a very difficult one with very few games & big gaps between games such that it was very difficult at times to field a team. And, remember, this difficulty arises for a team that has been a successful team up to this year. 

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Player defections to other codes etc was a contributing factor. In the League this team has only 4 points (walkovers) and has lost all other games so far. It did slightly better in the Championship, winning 1 & losing 2 games. All this points to the club needing to implement a coherent strategy to hang on to U-16 players at Minor level, if it's not too late already. 


Restructuring of Juvenile Games at County Level

The 2006 season has been the third full season under the new juvenile structure in Dublin. Comhairle na nÓg was established to administer juvenile football and hurling in Dublin. The Board has a full-time secretary, Kathleen McPoland, who is based in Parnell Park and this has added greatly to the profile of juvenile games. The introduction of championships at U-13 and U-14 levels has provided more games for the players. It is a matter of regret that the Dublin County Board has refused to sanction the purchase of trophies for these championships. We would like to thank all of the officers of the Board for their courtesy and efficiency during the year.


We have changed the format of juvenile presentations to smaller events for individual teams or particular age groups. We feel that this gives the event more meaning for all those involved: parents, mentors and, especially, the players. A sincere word of thanks to all our adult players who have assisted with these presentations.


Thankfully, we can report that there have been very few referees’ reports citing our players or mentors for unsporting behaviour at matches during the season. I would ask you all to be especially vigilant in this area and continue to maintain the very high standards of behaviour in the coming season.

Board Delegates.

Our Board Delegates are our contact between the teams, the Club and the Boards. They perform one of the most important tasks on behalf of the club. It is essential that they are kept fully informed at all times of results of matches and any other incidents that may occur. It is essential that we respect the role of Board Officers who run the leagues to the best of their abilities and for the good of the players and the games in general. At the insistence of the Boards, contact between the club and the Boards should only happen through the Board delegates; otherwise, it can prove very difficult for the Boards or the club to know what exactly is happening in any particular situation. I would like to thank most sincerely our Board delegates: Pat Drohan (G.A.C.1 Football Board), John Lennon (G.A.C.2 Football Board) and Ciaran Maguire (G.A.C.1 and 2 Hurling Boards) for their attendance at the Board meetings during the past 12 months and for their representation of the interests of the club at those meetings.

Children’s Officer.

In September 2003, we were delighted that Therese Keville agreed to become Childrens Officer for the club. Therese has had a long interest and involvement in Juvenile matters in the club. It is important that all mentors are aware of the importance of this role in the club.


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The work of the Juvenile Committee would not be possible without the help of many people and we extend our thanks to:Paddy Walsh and the Executive Committee for their superb support, Brian O’Regan, Paul McLoughlin and P.J. Donohoe, Noel Sheridan,Fintan Walsh,All juvenile mentors, Ned Slattery and the bar staff, Paddy Brady, Board delegates, All our referees, Our club coaches, Our many sponsors.

Our thanks is also extended to Scoil Treasa, St. Mary’s BNS, Colaiste Eanna and St. Colmcille’s Community School for providing the use of their pitches and to all our local schools and their teachers for promoting and fostering our national games and for their assistance in the running of our club.

Ballyroan Boys School, St. Mary’s BNS, St. Colmcille’s NS, Knocklyon, Scoil Treasa, Scoil Carmel, Gaelscoil Chnoc Liamhna, Rathfarnham Church of Ireland National School, Colaiste Eanna, St. Colmcille’s Community School, Knocklyon, Firhouse Community College.


Executive Committee

NameChairman Paddy WalshVice Chairman Malachy Daly

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Secretary Niomh MadiganTreasurer Sinead McNeelaRegistrar/Asst. Sec Niall KellyMembers Paul Carroll

Danny GriffinPat WalshVacantVacantVacant

The Executive Committee met on 20 occasions during the past year. The Committee had three vacancies and this resulted in number of proposed meetings having to be abandoned as we did not have a quorum. There were many other meetings involving members of the Committee in the performance of their other responsibilities.

We rejoice in the success of the Ladies Football Senior team in winning its second All-Ireland title but unfortunately they were beaten in the All-Ireland semi-final in its march to a 3-in-a-row.

General Manager/Development Committee Report

In addition to his work on the development front, Noel also performs a myriad of other tasks for the Club such as compiling the fixtures lists each week, allocated pitches as needed, assisted Ned Slattery and Sinead McNeela in the Bar area. He was also a tower of strength and wisdom when needed in all other areas of the Club when difficulties arise. His courtesy, availability and helpfulness were commented on at each of the section AGMs. Thanks Noel.


At last year’s AGM the advisability of spending over €1,000,000 on the dressing rooms in Ballycullen was raised. The incoming Committee decided to review the position. We entered discussions with South Dublin County Council and they have now agreed to provide the car parking in Ballycullen for the use of the general public who will also use the Park (and can also be used by the Club) and assist, where possible, with the landscaping requirements. We have also decided to reduce the size of the building by removing the meeting room, open yard area and storage area. This will considerably reduce the cost of the building. Unfortunately, it also means that we have to apply for planning permission again but it is hoped that, as we are reducing the size of the building, there should be no major delays.

The Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism has been kept informed of the delays that prevented the commencement of work on the dressing rooms and we expect that the Lottery Grant of €250,000, which was awarded in 2002, is still secure.

Sancta Maria.The new all-weather hockey pitch is now in use with very favourable comments from players and parents of juveniles alike. Unfortunately, there is vandalism in the area with youths gaining access to the pitch by climbing over the security fence. It will be necessary to spend additional money in an attempt to raise the fence to secure the pitch.The access from the Green Route, the car park and the Prunty-type pitch near to the Templeroan area are currently being built. The pitch will be at least 135 x 83 metres and further work will need to be carried out in early 2007. The pitch will be bigger than Páirc Úí Mhurchú.

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We are still awaiting planning permission for the full-size all-weather pitch. The Council has requested additional information and clarification of the additional information in relation to spillage of light from the new pitch and also in relation to some trees that need to be removed if we are to have a full-size pitch.

Convent HouseThe roof has been repaired and a fire exit installed. Some windows also need to be repaired and this will probably be done in 2007. Gas heating has been installed.

Sports CentreThe terms of the contract for the purchase of Sancta Maria required the Club to build a Sports Centre for School use during the day and Club use during the evenings and week-ends. We have completed negotiations with Sancta Maria for the release of the Club from this obligation in return for payment to Sancta Maria of €800,000. There is a motion before the meeting to approve this payment.

Other buildings in the Sancta Maria complexThere are two buildings, near the statue, which, when Sancta Maria completes its rebuilding programme, will not be needed by the school. These have been offered to the Club and negotiations are in progress relating to them.

St. Patricks National SchoolThe work has been completed on developing the pitch behind the school. The pitch will not be owned by the Club but we will have rights to use it.

St. Colmcille's Community SchoolThe Club has paid €80,000, as agreed at last year’s AGM, for the development of a pitch at this school. The Club will have the right to use the pitch.

Skills WallWork on the skills wall is expected to commence before the end of the year and will be completed early in the new year. The Leinster Council provides grant aid for such projects and, hopefully, we will be successful when we apply.

Firhouse Road and OldcourtThanks to the efforts of our groundsman, P.J. Donohue, the pitches at Páirc Úí Murchú and Old Court are in good condition. This has enabled many teams from Juvenile to Adult to play Championship games on our main pitch.

Coláiste ÉannaA difficulty has arisen in relation to the terms of the contract for the purchase of the Coláiste Éanna lands. There are discussions taking place between Dublin County Board and Croke Park, on a similar issue in relation to another Club, and until those are completed, there will be no progress in relation to Coláiste Éanna.

Allocation of pitches – Pat Walsh/Noel SheridanOnce again the arrangements for the allocation of pitches worked very well with very few disagreements between sections or teams. Noel organised a weekly list showing all the matches due to be played each week so that members knew at a glance where all teams were playing. Pat drew up the schedule for the use of the all-weather hockey pitch.


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Tommy O’Brien has overseen the ceilithe over the last 12 months. This was a very good year for the ceilis and with big crowds at all of them. The ceilis are held on the first Saturdays of the month and the set dancing classes is every Wednesday, except for the summer months. Many thanks to Ann O’Donnell for calling the sets at the classes. The club is very lucky to have Ann as she has done this for the last twenty years. Many thanks to all our team who helped during the year – Joe Purcell, Barry Hynes, Gerry Hogan and Dan Browne. Also the ladies who helped out in the kitchen with the teas Eileen O’Brien, Anne Hogan Alice Burke and Bridget O’Connor. Thank you also to Ned and Paul and all the bar staff who helped out in the hall on nights.

Senior Citizens Christmas Party Tommy Clinton is the organiser of the annual Senior Citizens Christmas Party that was held in December 2005 and as with previous years the attendance was up. This party is for the Club members and the Senior citizens from the surrounding areas of Knocklyon, Firhouse, Rathfarnham and Ballyboden. This event is self-supporting by way of a Golf Classic and Ballad Night and various donations. Many thanks to Dan Browne and John Fair for their help and expertise in organising these events. The party day was superb, the food, cooked and served by Paddy Brady and his staff, is to be highly commended. Thank you Paddy. A big thank you to all those who served the food, helped with the preparations for the day. Many thanks to all who supported us for this special club occasion.

MusicPat Garrett is booked for the last Saturday of each month for 2006. An informal music session takes place every Wednesday night. It is extremely popular. Thanks to John Doyle, his colleagues in Mulligan, Mary Cleary and all the other musicians and singers who joined in to make this an event to be looked forward to each week.

South Dublin County CouncilWe thank Dr Christy Boylan and his staff in South Dublin County Council for the use of their pitches again over the last 12 months. I emphasise again the need to comply with Council directives relating to the unplayability of pitches.

Pool and Darts – Dave CoffeyThe Pool team re-entered the Dublin Superleague this year, winning some and losing some! A club championship and Plate competition, for first round losers, was also run during the year with Donal Moody winning the competition with David Coffey runner-up. Well done to all who participated. The Darts section play in the club on Friday nights. Anyone interested please come along.

This section continues to be a major social outlet for many members and commands a good following any night of the week in the club. All members are welcome to participate, just pop in and put your name down for a game.

Finally many thanks to the committee Tony Seery, Iomair Treacy, Warren Esdale and Hughie Cummins for all their support during the year and we all look forward to a good year ahead.

CardsThe cards continue each Friday night and are organised by Betty O’Neill. The numbers are dwindling and if you are interested in joining, just turn up on Friday night. Please also spread the word to your friends.


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The main organ of communication is now becoming the Club’s website ( Sincere thanks to Gerry O’Sullivan for his work in keeping the website up-to-date and interesting. However, the information on the site is only as good as the information given to Gerry by members. Please continue to give him information on your team, including photographs.

Gerry also keeps members informed through the Club Notes in the Evening Herald and the Echo and, again, it is up to yourselves to keep him informed. Similarly with the Club Newsletter; if you do not supply information about your team or section to Gerry, do not complain when other teams or sections get coverage.

The Club Directory was published again this year and is proving to be a very valuable document.

Player Injury Scheme The GAA Player Injury Scheme is there to assist football and hurling players who may get injured in the course of a game or training. It is administered by Coyle Hamilton Ltd. (The Camogie and Ladies Footballers have a separate scheme.) It does not cover all medical expenses and, accordingly, since 1997 a Supplementary Player Injury Scheme has been in operation. The level of support for the scheme among players is less than satisfactory. As a result, the cost of the scheme is increasing each year and, having regard to the overall level of current spending over the last two years, this is an area of expenditure that will need to be closely looked at. The losers, if the scheme is discontinued, will be the players.

Premier Physiotherapy and Paulette Kilkenny continue to provide physiotherapy services to our players. Players may attend either one and are not required to pay directly for the service if they are members of the Supplementary Injury Scheme. The Club covers the cost in those cases. Some players also use other physiotherapists and this is their right.

Due to the increasing costs, it will be necessary to increase the subscriptions for the coming year. Also, it will be necessary to make the scheme compulsory for all players. If there is resistance to this, the scheme will have to be discontinued.

Coaching – Niomh Madigan

The coaching committee met several times during the year The members of the Committee are: Paudie O’Neill, Ciaran Maguire, Mick Glynn, Seamie O’Neill, Peter Shovlin, Bobby O’Sullivan, Paul McLaughlin and Brian O’Regan. I would like to thank the committee members for their time and input as I feel this is very much a working committee with the club’s coaching needs being looked after.

The role of this committee is firstly to be supportive to our club coaches. Secondly to evaluate and implement any proposals put forward by the members of the club that would enhance our coaching structure.

The Coaching Committee has already put in place many programmes, which will be of benefit to teams, mentors and schools alike. An Annual Operating Plan is now in progress, which runs from September to June incorporating local schools with coaching of all codes being implemented. School Staff are encouraged to become involved and to follow through with the skills they have learnt from our coaches. This is finished off at the end of the year with a blitz and teams from the local schools taking part. Also included in the plan is a Transition Year Coaching Programme for students in Knocklyon Community School of which some of our own young club members are participating therefore putting their skills back into their club.

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The sub projects being worked on at the moment with great progress being reported are:Hurling Review – Following a parents meeting held in February some issues were voiced, that no player should be on 2 panels, encourage protection of players at 13 – 14 age group as some players are out 8 times a week between school and club! Promote identity of club and encourage teams to travel to the country at least 3 times a year to play challenge matches. We are hoping for similar reviews to take place in football and Ladies Football. Player Burnout: This project came to the fore during the year and a meeting was held with mentors of the Juvenile Section on this issue. Following on from the meeting, a letter was sent to all Chairpersons of Juvenile Sections in Dublin regarding player burnout. The letter was well received with positive reactions coming from other clubs. The recommendations when in place will be passed on to all codes in our club. A calendar of fixtures is to be put together and schools to be contacted re busy times of year for both club and county panels. Communication needs to be enhanced within our own Club. Hurling and football dual players especially need to be taken into consideration with matches and training. Brian O’ Regan and Paul McLoughlin continue to do tremendous work with all codes and age groups within our club, especially the Nursery where over 400 children attend every Saturday morning! Any requests for coaching assistance or issues regarding player welfare should be addressed to the Coaching Committee in the first instance.


Kevin Geoghegan took over from Iomair Treacey as Chairman of the Lotto Committee. I want to thank Iomair for his assistance over the years. The Lotto is a valuable source of revenue for the Club. We ask all members to support it. If the Lotto and other fund-raising events are not supported, the incoming Executive Committee will have no option but to reduce spending further.

Gaelic Telecom

This is another fund-raising opportunity that will help generate funds for the Club. By transferring your telephone service to Gaelic Telecom, 15% of your call charges will be paid to the Club on an ongoing basis and at the same time you will achieve considerable savings for yourself. We urge you to consider this seriously. You may contact Ciarán Doyle – 1890 929 422 or Pat Walsh at 087/2373202 for further information.

Monster Draw

In an effort to raise funds for the Club, a Fundraising Sub-Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Malachy Daly. A Monster Draw was organised and after a slow start it ended up raising in the region of €22,000.


John Archbold agreed to act as Chairman of the Sub-Committee that organised a very successful day in Punchestown during the festival in April 2006. As well as being financially successful, as will be seen from the Treasurer’s Report, is was also a great social occasion with many special guests, including Niall Quinn, Jimmy Barry Murphy and others. Micheál Ó Muircheartaing was compere.

Tickets for All-Ireland Championship matches

Dublin played a number of games in this year’s All-Ireland championship series. Demand for tickets exceeded supply in all cases, especially Hill 16 tickets. Rationing was difficult but I think our decisions were fair in trying to ensure that all members got at least one ticket. Again, there were no queues which was much appreciated by members.

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In his capacity as General Manager, Noel Sheridan worked closely with Bar Manager Ned Slattery and Treasurer Sinead McNeela to ensure that the Bar is run in a smooth and efficient manner.

Golf Society

The Captain was Tony Seery and the Committee comprised Ned Slattery (Treasurer), Gerry Keane, Pat McGrath, Tom O’Mahony, Mick Glynn (handicap secretary) and John Cummins. Paddy Walsh, in his capacity of Club Chairman, was President of the Society.

The Society had 38 members this year and they took part in 6 outings. For the first time, there was an outing for the Presidents Prize The Society had a wonderful year with an average of 34 players for each outing. They are already looking forward to next year. The AGM will be held in January 2007.We thank the Committee for all its hard work during the year. New members are welcome for the new year.

Registrars Report 2006 – Niall Kelly

Adult Membership 2006 2005Full 444 568Full OAP 19 -OAP 23 -Minor 35 84Student 168 -Social 126 150Spouse 255 267Juvenile 800 -Total 1870 1069

Insurance 629 (319 Juv) 312 As a Club we are required to have a member on door duty during opening times. As a member you have a responsibility to ensure that the Club complies with the law. During the past year difficulties were experienced in having the door manned. In the coming year it will be expected that anyone who is asked to do door duty will co-operate. Indeed, it would be appreciated if members volunteered by giving their names to the Registrar. The more members who volunteer, preferably those who are not otherwise active in the Club, the less often each one will have to do it.

Shop Report There are many people who I would like to acknowledge for all their hard work and involvement with the Club shop. First and foremost it must be said that the time given to this is voluntary and therefore a BIG THANK YOU to Yvonne Murphy, Amy Murphy, the Curtis Family –Rita, Lorna, Angelina, Craig and Bernard, Gerry Maher (hurleys) Brian O’Regan and Noel Sheridan and Sinead McNeela, I would like to thank all the club members for their patience and support as it not always

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easy to have everything to hand! For the coming year we are hoping to introduce on line shopping so watch this space.

The current opening hours for the shop are Thursdays 7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. and Saturdays 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

If you are interested in becoming involved please let us know.

First Aid

In recent years 1st Aid courses have been held with little response from mentors. In recent times there has been a lot of talk about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. There is ongoing pressure being brought to bear on sports club’s to have a defibrillator available in the event of the sudden collapse of a player or indeed a supporter. In our case, there would be little advantage in having a defibrillator at the clubhouse, if a player or supporter collapsed in Oldcourt or Ballycullen or indeed at an away match where there was not a defibrillator available. Our approach to this problem is to provide the necessary to our mentors in order that they may be in a position to respond properly in the event that they are faced with the nightmare position of a player or supporter collapsing. Accordingly, we have organised 1st Aid courses that will have a large element of CPR in them in addition to advice on how to deal with the routine injuries that are likely to occur on our playing fields. Already over 40 mentors have volunteered to attend the courses. Our thanks to Sinead Ryan and Loiuse O’Regan for organising the courses and for convincing the mentors of the value of attending.

Health and Safety

The Club has a comprehensive Safety Statement covering all aspects of Club activities to ensure that members, staff, players, visitors, etc., can use our facilities without risk of injury. Paul Carroll has been overseeing the implementation of the safety provisions of the Statement and ensuring that everything is in order.

Na Mairbh

Seven Club members passed away during the year. We extend our sincere sympathies to the families of Mary Keegan, Andrew Keegan, Glenn Keegan, Keith Gray, Betty Moran, Des O’Gorman and John O’Hara.


I want to thank all the officers, especially Paddy Walsh and Sinead McNeela and the other members of the Executive Committee for their help in making my job a lot easier.

Page 56: Secretary’s Report 2006 - Ballyboden St. Enda's GAA AGM/Secretary... · Web viewA word of thanks to Mick Maher, last year’s manager, for his assistance when work arrangements

Noel Sheridan, as General Manager, who is always on hand to help in the performance of my duties. Thank you, Noel.

To all those who assisted in fund-raising, Kevin Geoghegan and the Lotto Committee, Malachy Daly and the Monster Draw Committee, John Archbold and the Punchestown Committee and all other members who organised fund-raising events.

The schools that continue to work closely with our Club for the benefit of our catchment area and our Gaelic Games.

Ned Slattery and his staff for making the bar a friendly place to visit, for members and visitors.

Our coaches, P J Donohue, Brian O’Regan and Paul McLoughlin. All our referees. Paddy Brady for his catering skills. South Dublin County Council, Duchas (OPW), the Christian Fellowship and our local

schools for the use of pitches. All our volunteer workers, especially Bill Daly, Donal Regan, Robert Lambert and Fintan

Walsh who have helped in the maintenance and lining of the pitches. To all our sponsors, too numerous to mention, your contributions are greatly appreciated. Those members who assisted in door duty. Board delegates who perform a valuable service in representing the Club at Board level. Dublin County Board Chairman, Gerry Harrington, Secretary John Costello and his staff and

the members of the GAC. All managers, mentors, coaches, First Aid personnel and those who supplied the water,

those who put up nets and flagged pitches, all jersey washers, sandwich makers and all other voluntary workers for your invaluable contribution to the smooth running of the Club during the last 12 months.

To all our players, for whom without them, the Club would not exist. Accordingly, I want to thank all players who represented the Club with pride during the year, at whatever level. To those players who were lucky enough to represent their county and indeed their province, I say, we are proud of you.

Finally, to anyone who has been left out from the list above, my apologies, as members who gives of their time voluntarily and without complaint should say well done and pat themselves on the back as Our Club would not exist without the army of voluntary workers who give freely of their time day in day out.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.

________________Niomh Úí MhadagáinRúnaí

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President: Daithí Scollard

Vice Presidents: Kathleen O’SullivanStephen RineyLiam Coffey

Chairman Paddy WalshVice Chairman Malachy DalySecretaryTreasurer Tony WallaceRegistrar/Asst Sec Pat McNamaraCommittee

Liam DelaneyDanny GriffinDermot HughesJoseph MoranPat Walsh

Page 58: Secretary’s Report 2006 - Ballyboden St. Enda's GAA AGM/Secretary... · Web viewA word of thanks to Mick Maher, last year’s manager, for his assistance when work arrangements

Motions for AGM 2006

1. That the membership subscriptions be increased as follows: Adult (full): from €80 to €100

      Student Full Member: from €40 to €60Student, Juvenile: from €40 to €50AOP to remain at €40Social: to remain at €80Spouse:        to remain at €20

Proposed: Sinead McNeelaSeconded: Malachy Daly

2. That this Annual General Meeting approves the revised Club constitution. (Copies of the revised Constitution may be obtained from the Club Secretary or the General Manager.)

Proposed by: Malachy DalySeconded by: Sinead McNeela

3. That this Annual General Meeting approves the revised Club Bye Laws and Rules. (Copies of the revised Bye Laws and Rules may be obtained from the Club Secretary or the General Manager.)

Proposed by: Malachy DalySeconded by: Sinead McNeela

4. That this Annual General Meeting approves the payment of €800,000 to the Sisters of Mercy, Sancta Maria in return for releasing the Club from the requirement to build a sports hall as provided in the contract for the purchase of the lands at Sancta Maria.

Proposed by: Sinead McNeelaSeconded by: Malachy Daly

5. That the Executive Committee presents an annual operating and capital expenditure budget for approval by the members at the AGM .

Proposed by: Terry O'Neill Seconded by: Donagh O'Farrell