secrets to spiritual protection

Spiritual and Energetic Protection by Sarah Astarii Everything has an energy, a particular vibration that dwells within its molecular structure but also flows without. When we place our attention onto something we heighten our link with that object, person, plant, animal, on an energetic level. This is good because it leads to a way we can give and receive healing energy to all we encounter but also we have to protect ourselves from less developed, less positive energies which may be present.

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Page 1: Secrets to Spiritual Protection

Spiritual and Energetic Protection

by Sarah Astarii

Everything has an energy, a particular vibration that dwells within its molecular structure but also flows without. When we place our attention onto something we heighten our link with that object, person, plant, animal, on an energetic level.

This is good because it leads to a way we can give and receive healing energy to all we encounter but also we have to protect ourselves from less developed, less positive energies which may be present.

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Every person has the ability to physically, psychically and spiritually protect themselves. Somehow though, the only time we realise it might be necessary is the time we most need to be firmly and safely immersed in our own true source of protection. The following piece provides simple guidelines for correctly energizing, sealing and protection the aura.

The first thing to understand is that you are the sole proprietor of your soul body. No other being is created with the right or the power to posses or attack you or your auric field; it is individual and is designed to be completely secure.

We also need to understand that everything is energy and energy, in its nearest truth to form is completely obeying of thought and mind. It means that what we hold in our mind LITERALLY effects the world around us and within us, on subtle energetic levels. When a person thinks harsh or unloving thoughts about another, those thoughts are transferred to the person who is the focus of the thinker and such intentions cause harm to the auric field of the person – if the person is not aware, or already in tune with their highest potential. Likewise, if a person holds loving, supportive, even celebrant thoughts about another, praising and honouring them, then those thoughts are transferred to the person and add to their light (which is by its very nature accepting of all benevolence). So it is that thoughts can be used to harm or heal other beings and entities and so it is that such things are reflected into us at our own energetic and subatomic levels.

Another way that we can be affected energetically is through the environment. Toxic energies, just like toxic thoughts, can damage or improve our subtle energy bodies. Energetic waste, smog, pollution, even electromagnetic stress and disharmonised earth energy frequencies can both physically and spiritually disrupt and damage our subtle energy bodies. When we are very sensitive we are able to perceive such frequencies and in some cases do something to alleviate the problem, but at all times having a strong, clear energetic system is of benefit; warding off spiritual blows and neutralizing harmful energetic rays on contact.


We can activate our potential to self heal and live in protected, light filled ways through meditation and awakening our divine inner-potential inside ourselves. Visualization is a powerful tool for this, and as mentioned, the mind and thought processes are of paramount importance in affecting the world on energetic levels.

No matter who you are, no matter what your walk in life, you have the power to gain mastery over your energetic system, it is yours to protect and perfect, as can be learned through meditation, spiritual healing and other awakening techniques.

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The simplest way to start visualizing protection is to understand the basics of spiritual Law and spiritual strength that is benevolent.

Three keys:

1. The circle2. Power of direction

3. Working from the heart


Everything in creation works in a circle, as Black Elk once said, “Everything tries to be round...” The cycle of life runs in a circle, the earth, the sky, the planets and stars are in a circle and they move in circles. Nature has an innate way of turning into circles, especially those subtle things such as water, and air… If you think about it, everything in existence is made up of lines and circles.

So what is the mystery of the line and circle? What is their importance and their significance? What is their power?

A circle is a form of totality and completion. With no beginning, no end – it is a complete unified form. A circle is itself, of itself and all itself as one. IN TERMS OF SPIRITUAL PROTECTION< NOTHING CAN PENETRATE A CIRCLE> IF YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF IN SPIRITUAL COMBAT OF ANY SORT< THE FIRST THING TO DO IS TO SURROUND YOURSELF WITH A PERFECT CIRCLE>. SO IT IS GOOD TO PRACTISE drawing a circle around you that is perfect and true because if you first begin you may notice there are areas around you where it is easier or more difficult to visualize, particularly in the place known as the blind spot so it is good to get strong with your visualization and to get it clear in your mind.

In the old prophecy in the bible the apostle john saw a chariot which can be likened to a visualization that is good for protection “QUOTE” so it is that a circle around you length ways and width ways becomes a spinning chariot completely impenetrable by any other thing.

Children can be very affected by spiritual energies especially in places where the electromagnetic energies are high or if for example their homes are built upon ley lines. I have before advised children visualize a circle of daisies around them, with quite miraculous results. The latin name for daisy is bellis pereins - full circle - all year round circle - and it is so pure that no evil can ever come close, even the devil is unable to enter beyond a circle of daisies. I have seen children go from nights on end of wakefulness and nightmares to complete peace and restfulness on the instant of visualising a ring of daisies around them.

For adults it is good to use whatever feels appropriate - even daisies - yet the thought manifestation of precious materials is very beneficial - including gold, silver, diamond and white crytstal – all of which have powerful healing and protective qualities.

Another particularly good remedy is the invocation of pure brilliant light and

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blue light - blue like fire - like gas fire - blue light is very protective and I have seen malevolent spirits literally carried away in blue light before my eyes. The goddess Danu gives the blue flame as a gift of protection and pure connection to truth. I repeat that such things might be difficult or easy yo visualize I recommend regular practise to perfect vision and the invocation of such forces. When invoking WHITE for example, it can help to begin with a white wall to focus upon or a white piece of paper, this strengthens the visualizations and helps you to develop a real relationship with the frequency you are working with.

Invoking the pyramid of light

Every morning after you wake take a stance; preferably on ground level, with your feet bare or flat and at shoulder distance apart. Closing the eyes, allow the arms to rest straight downwards with the hands cupped loosely in front of you. Take a moment to feel that you are in your body. That this is your tool for this life and how perfectly it does serve you; be thankful to your body. Feel how you are grounded to the energy of Earth and strong like a tree. You are here!

Now, with one arm relaxed, sweep the other a full 180 degrees to above the top your head, the hand pointing straight upwards. Do this with conviction and awareness and truth. From here imagine that a great energy in the form of a brightest spark has manifested above your head. Draw this energy into yourself. Start to bring your raised hand downwards, again with good attention that as you do this so is a great pyramid of light cascading upon and around you. This iridescent wall of crystallized power has now taken its form about your being for pure protection.

Spend a moment in your pyramid if you can. You can invite your guardian angel in, your spirit guides, loved ones, animal guides and teachers. Also your family and friends can be invited into loving protection or positive energy. See who else comes in as well. Trust that your angel will deal with any unwanted company and enjoy relationship with those spirits who are made welcome for good.

Now you are set for your day. Remember you can send endless love from this place of safety.

End the ceremony with a declaration that is positive for you. Amen! So be it! So it is! All our relations! Choose something that pleases you.


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Once you have mastered the CIRCLE and HEALNG VISUALISATION you are pretty much set for spiritual protection. The next step with the circle itself is the line [will]. Using force of Will from a centred a position LOVE is an infallible force in healing and protection. In cases where other energies or even entities are involved in the matter you are needing protection against, the use of the circle and will become very powerful. You are able to understand that this is your right, to be safe and whole and not bothered by other forces that may seem to wish you harm or want something you may not want to deliver or whatever the case may be. In all cases I would say that no matter how scary or unnerving such encounters may rightly seem the entities involved are ALWAYS seeking their own power and always looking to retrieve it from outside themselves, i.e. from yourself (which they acheive by trying to cause you some kind of problem or unrest. You may feel you are under attack but really they are desperately seeking their own light and looking to get it in the only way their consciousness knows how. In such instances it is important to be both loving and certain. To notice fear but not be shaken by it. To know your rights. So that you can look at the being or talk out to them in the air and say words such as these, in a clear and definite manner:

This is my light. You must find your own light now. In you there exists a piece of god, just the same as all the beings in this universe. Now you go, return to your source right now. This is my own space.”

And at such a point visualize a golden door or light and you just affirm that they go to their own light. They will have to follow that direction - it is clear and true - and because they do not possess all the power they appear to have, they can only follow that direction and it is of service to their soul and to your own.

A Story

I had the experience of encountering a very old extremely angry spirit being of huge stature. He was, as I perceived it, of archaic origin ad perhaps of the ancient Kahuna, Maui or Peublo People. Mighty in stature and very forceful. I was so afraid the air fell deathly cold and I was numb with fear. From deep inside the echoing caverns of my mind I spoke to that being, just the same as is described above. I did not mind the fear and did not mind the very real perceived danger, but instead I looked at him like a person to a person and I showed him that he had his own power and in that moment I was resolute and powerful and clear. I looked at him with compassion. Well, that one did not want to find his own power, he did not much want to receive my blessing or be pointed to his own inner light. But, because my intention was pure and clear, and from the heart, he could not be maintained in his manifestation before me and that one disappeared in a light of BLUE flame instantaneously. Aho!

So one can understand that spiritual things have to obey spiritual laws, and not because they are obliged to, but because that is simply the only choice, the only way it can be, and when loving direction (Will-Power), is given through a clear heart, only peace can be the outcome.

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If you ever find yourself in a situation where clearing an energy is not as peaceful as it could be then apply one of these methods; it is simply that your own heart is acting through the resonance of fear so do not worry! Now you have the tools to activate real Spiritual and Energetic Protection. But do trust that life is an experience, and such times teach you in the most profound ways, you will learn very fast and have ultimate success in your quest for balance, should you seek it.

“A clear heart and a clear mind equals peace, on all levels, in all things. And such wisdom of peace you shall achive.”

Remember these two Most important phrases:

“All is Well.”

“This too shall pass.”

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