section 3 new nations in africa after world war ii, african leaders throw off colonial rule and...

Section 3 New Nations in Africa After World War II, African leaders throw off colonial rule and create independent countries. NEXT

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Section 3

New Nations in Africa After World War II, African leaders throw off colonial rule and create independent countries.


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Achieving Independence

Growing Unrest • Negritude movement—pre-World War II celebration

of African culture• War effort emboldens Africans; Europeans question

colonial policy too• Colonies take different paths to freedom; some

peaceful, some violent• Many African colonies become new nations in years

after World War II • Most new African nations struggle to become stable

and strong


3 New Nations in Africa


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Ghana Leads the Way

The First Independent Nation• British colony, Gold Coast, is first to gain

independence in 1957 • Kwame Nkrumah—leader ousts Britain from

Gold Coast• Nkrumah serves as first president, attempts to

modernize country• His policies hurt economy; he is eventually

ousted from power • Army begins long rule in 1966; first free elections

held in 2000




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Kwame Nkrumah

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Fighting for Freedom

Kenya Claims Independence• Jomo Kenyatta—leader of Kenyan

independence movement• Mau Mau—secret society of Kenyans who fight

against British rule• Kenya wins independence in 1963; Kenyatta

becomes president• Daniel arap Moi follows Kenyatta, ruling harshly,

corruptly• Moi resigns in 2002; new party gains power

through free elections



Continued . . .

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Algeria Struggles with Independence• Algeria wins independence from France in 1962

after armed struggle• Ahmed Ben Bella—first leader of Algeria,

overthrown in 1965• Nation faces many problems; causes

dissatisfaction among citizens• Spurs rise of Islamic fundamentalists; group wins

elections in 1991• Government does not cede power, prompts

continual civil war

continued Fighting for Freedom




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Page 8: Section 3 New Nations in Africa After World War II, African leaders throw off colonial rule and create independent countries. NEXT


Civil War in Congo and Angola

Freedom and Turmoil for Congo• Congo wins independence from Belgium in 1960• Army leader Mobutu Sese Seko rules from 1965

to 1997• Rule is repressive and corrupt; overthrown by

rebel forces• Rebel leader takes control; rival groups continue

to fight for power



War Tears at Angola• Angolans fight for and win independence from

Portugal in 1975• Two rival groups battle for power; civil war finally ends

in 2002

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The Challenge of Democracy in Africa

Section 2

As the recent histories of Nigeria and South Africa show, ethnic and racial conflicts can hinder democracy.

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Short-Lived Democracies• Post-independence governments fragile, vulnerable

to military coups

European Policies Cause Problems• Borders of colonies in Africa ignore ethnic, cultural

divisions• As a result, national identity is slow to develop in

Africa • Colonial rule produces economic problems • Colonial rule also disrupts family, community life

Colonial Rule Limits Democracy

The Challenge of Democracyin Africa

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A Land of Many Peoples• Nigeria has people from three ethnic groups, each

with own state• Country adopts federal system—state, central

governments share power

Civil War in Nigeria

War with Biafra• In 1960s, country torn by ethnic fighting• Military imposes martial law—temporary military

rule—in 1966• In 1967, eastern region leaves Nigeria, forms new

country of Biafra• War ends in 1970 with Biafra defeated, Nigeria


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Nigeria’s Nation-Building

Federal Government Restored• In 1970s and 1980s military tries to create stable

federal system

A Return to Civilian Rule• General Sani Abacha overturns election results of

1993, takes power• He punishes dissidents—government opponents• In 1999, civilian government finally gains power

President Obasanjo• Obasanjo tries to build strong, unified Nigeria by

ending corruption• Promotes idea of forgiveness of Nigeria’s debt to

rebuild country

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South Africa Under Apartheid

Minority Rule• South Africa gains independence in 1931; white

minority rules Apartheid Segregates Society• In 1948, National Party enacts apartheid—

separation of races• Government sets up reserves, called homelands, for

blacks in 1959

Blacks Protest• In 1912, blacks form African National Congress

(ANC) to protest• Nelson Mandela—ANC leader imprisoned for 27

years• Protests rise in 1970s and 1980s, sometimes

resulting in violence

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Struggle for Democracy

Pressure for Change• Religious leader Desmond Tutu urges economic

pressure on government• He asks other countries not to trade with South


The First Steps• In 1990, F. W. de Klerk legalizes ANC, frees

Mandela from prison• Parliament repeals apartheid laws, grants rights to

blacks• De Klerk agrees to elections open to all races to be

held in 1994

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Page 16: Section 3 New Nations in Africa After World War II, African leaders throw off colonial rule and create independent countries. NEXT

continued Struggle for Democracy

Majority Rule• In 1994, ANC wins majority of Parliament;

Mandela elected president

A New Constitution• In 1996, new constitution adopted giving equal rights

to all

South Africa Today• In 1999, Thabo Mbeki elected president• He faces challenges: high crime, unemployment,

rampant poverty• He hopes to increase trade with other countries• Major problem facing South Africa is high number of

people with AIDS

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