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Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity Section 5: The Long Decline

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Post on 30-Jul-2018




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Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity

Section 5: The Long Decline

The Roman Empire Divides

• After the death of Marcus Aurelius, the political, social and economic aspects of the Roman Empire were all unstable.

• Emperor Diocletian divided the empire in two and appointed Maximian as emperor of the western provinces.

• Later, Constantine made Constantinople the grand capital of the eastern empire.

Invaders Threaten the Roman Empire

• When Huns from central Asia invaded Eastern Europe, the Germanic people there, in turn, invaded the Roman empire.

• The Huns soon followed and contributed to the loss of the western provinces.

Many Problems Cause Rome to Fall

• The invasions were only a part of the story of Rome’s decline.

• The Roman government had lost the support of many Romans; taxes and slave labor undermined the middle class and farmers; and patriotism dwindled.