section iv: genesis 4, 5 all verses from the nkjv unless noted. “the redemption of man from sin”...

Theme Of The Bible Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

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Page 1: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Theme Of The Bible

Section IV: Genesis 4, 5

All verses from the NKJV unless noted.

“The Redemption Of Man From Sin”


Page 2: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

What door did God warn Cain about? Where did Cain kill Abel? Was early man competent and skillful or

an unintelligent cave man? Who is the first person in the Bible to

take two wives? How old was Methusaleh when he died?


Page 3: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

1.Sin separates man from God

(3:23, 24; 4:14, 16)2.Sin separates man from his

fellow man (4:8)3.Sin brings forth death (5:5, 8,

11, 14, 17, 20, 27, 31)

Three Consequences of Sin

Page 4: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)


Conflict regarding worship Road of faith versus the road of sin

(Heb. 11:4; 1 Jn. 3:12) Abel and his sacrifice respected Cain and his sacrifice not respected

Conflict of Genesis 3:15 Begins To Unfold

Page 5: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)


Why was Abel’s sacrifice respected and Cain’s rejected? Abel “by faith” (Heb. 11:4)

“Faith” comes by hearing the word of the God (Rom. 10:17)

God must have spoken as to what He wanted in worship

Cain could have been respected if he would heed and obey (Gen. 4:7; 1 Sam. 15:22)

Conflict of Genesis 3:15 Begins To Unfold

Page 6: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)


Why do you think Abel was in the field when he did not till the ground (Gen. 4:8)?

See Luke 11:50, 51

Conflict of Genesis 3:15 Begins To Unfold

Page 7: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

1. Worship matters (Jn. 4:24)2. Cain may have labored harder for his sacrifice

than Abel but he was still wrong3. The truth makes some angry (4:5)4. Cain was not made to sin – had freewill to obey

(4:7)5. Cain could have ruled over sin6. The killing of Abel foreshadows a long conflict

which follows Genesis 4 and culminates in the killing of Jesus (note similar conflict in Jn. 8:31-59)

7. Sin has a way of affecting not only the guilty, but also the innocent


Page 8: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)


Hardness of heart (4:9) God knows when the innocent are killed

(4:10) Punishment

Cursed from the earth (4:11) Retributive - ground will not yield

strength (4:12) A wanderer - a life of being a fugitive and

vagabond (4:12)

Judgment On Cain

Page 9: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)


Built a city with son Polygamy began through descendants

(4:19) Deviation from the Genesis 2:24 pattern

Worldly success Jabal – inventor of tents and managing

cattle (4:20) Jubal – inventor of musical instrument

(4:21) Tubal-Cain – craftsman in bronze and iron


Cain’s Descendants

Page 10: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)


Seth “compensation” (4:25) Physical accomplishments are not

mentioned Spiritual – connected to when men called

on the name of the Lord (4:26) Though there were many sons and

daughters, Jesus came through Seth (Lk. 3:38)


Page 11: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

5:5-5:32 (cf. 3:19)

Everyone dies with the exception of Enoch (5:21-24)

Enoch “walked with God” (5:22, 24) What does this mean and how might it

relate to us?

Magnification of the Curse

Page 12: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Faith Walks with God

Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

Not By Sight!“We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Page 13: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Description of True Faith

“Now faith is the

substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

Page 14: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Requirements Of Faith

“he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6)

Enoch lived his life ruled by a God he could not see… …In hope of a reward beyond this life!

Page 15: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Th is i s how Enoch “wa l ked w i t h God”Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. Heb. 11:5 By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

Walking With God = Pleasing God

Page 16: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Walking with God requires agreeing

with Him.

Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? (Amos 3:3)

Page 17: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to

fear Your name” (Ps. 86:11)

“Your Way”“Your Truth”“Your Name”

“Teach me”“I will walk in”

“Unite my heart to fear”


Page 18: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

5:5-5:32 (cf. 3:19)

Named his son, “Methusaleh” Hebrew “man of the dart” Greek “when he dies there will be an

emission/judgment” (Lk. 3:37) Died in the year of the flood Longest living man (969) – longsuffering

of God!

Magnification of the Curse

Page 19: Section IV: Genesis 4, 5 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Wickedness)

Noah 5:28-32

Noah “rest” Anticipating a rest from the toil

associated with the cursed ground (cf. 3:17, 18)

Becomes the main character in the global judgment upon a wicked world

Righteous despite living in a wicked world

The Comfort Bringer