sectionalism and the national economy (1816-1840)


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Sectionalism and the National Economy (1816-1840). Henry Clay's American System. Second National Bank voted by Congress in 1816. Dependence on Europe’s economy and politics have now decreased significantly. Tariff of 1816. Purpose? First protective tariff in U.S. History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Sectionalism and the National Economy (1816-1840)




Page 2: Sectionalism and the National Economy (1816-1840)

Henry Clay's American System Second National Bank voted by

Congress in 1816. Dependence on Europe’s economy and

politics have now decreased significantly.

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Tariff of 1816

Purpose? First protective tariff in U.S. History Started a protective trend in U.S. trade Calhoun vs. Webster vs. Clay

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Internal Improvements

Bonus Bill Jeffersonians opposed direct federal

support of intrastate internal improvements; saw it as a states’ rights issue

Prior to Civil War, most internal improvements (except railroads) were done at the expense of state and local governments

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Era of Good Feelings James Monroe

elected President Continued VA

Dynasty Carried out most of

the ideals Jefferson established. (Hamilton’s financial plan, expansion, loose construction in certain cases)

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Era of Good Feelings Emerging sectionalism

(east, west and south) Tariff issue (east and

south opposed; west in favor)

Internal improvements (east and south opposed; west in favor)

Bank of U.S. (BUS) (west and south opposed; eastern bankers in favor)

Sale of public lands (east opposed; west and south in favor)

Panic of 1819 resulted in western hostility toward eastern bankers.

Issue of slavery in Missouri created increased sectionalism (north vs. south)

Republican party enjoying 1-party rule began developing factions eventually leading to the 2nd Party System in the 1830s.

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Panic of 1819

Economic panic and depression Causes Results Monroe reelected in 1820 with all but

one electoral vote… Only president in history to be elected after a major panic.

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The Growing West

New states' characteristics Maintaining a sectional balance in

Congress was a supreme goal. Reasons for westward expansion Western Population and influence

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Missouri Compromise

Missouri asked Congress to enter the union in 1819

Tallmadge Amendment- The Senate refused to pass the amendment and a crisis hung over the nation.

Provisions Balance of Free and Slave states

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Missouri Compromise

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John Marshall

His decisions greatly increased power of the federal government over the states.

Fletcher v. Peck (1810) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) Gibbons v. Ogden -- 1824

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McCulloch v. Maryland

• 1819 • Second National Bank of the United

States decision upheld the power of Congress to charter a bank as a government agency

• Denied the state the power to tax that agency.

• Upheld the power of the federal government over that of the states as well

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Gibbons vs. Ogden

• 1824 • NY tried to grant a monopoly of river

commerce btwn NY/NJ to a private company.

• This case ruled that only the federal government has authority over interstate commerce.

• No state monopolies!

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Foreign Policy after the War of 1812 Rush-Bagot Treaty Treaty of 1818 U.S. gains Spanish Florida-Jackson and

First Seminole war Monroe Doctrine

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Rush Bagot Treaty

1817 Madison still in office Significantly limited naval armament on

the Great Lakes

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Treaty of 1818

Made with Britain John Quincy Adams Secretary of State American Canadian Border, Oregon


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Acquisition of Florida

First Seminole War (1816-1818) Andrew Jackson sweeps through Florida

and captures Spanish cities. (Disobeyed direct orders from Monroe)

John Q. Adams and Monroe Ultimatum Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819

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Monroe Doctrine Written by J.Q.A. Leave America Alone! U.S. would regard attempts at

European control in the Americas as a personal threat.

Europe should no longer colonize the American continents.

U.S. would not interfere in European affairs.

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Impacts of the Monroe Doctrine

Immediate impact of Monroe Doctrine was small

Long Term Impact: Monroe doctrine became cornerstone of US foreign policy during the last half of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century.

J.Q.A. becomes the most significant secretary of state.