secure environment for cloud

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  • 8/12/2019 secure environment for cloud


    A Secured Environment for Cloud Computing

    ServicesM.Nandhini#1, M.Thariga#2

    #1Assistant Professor,

    Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University

    Puducherry, India-14.#Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University

    Puducherry, India-14.mnandhini2!", mthariga.$%&'"

    Abstract:Cloud computing has emerged as a most

    important technological breakthrough for small to

    medium scale enterprises and software users who

    are looking for dynamic scalability at a low or zero

    initial investment. This paper offer a brief view on

    cloud services; evolution of cloud computing; and

    an outline of the opportunities cloud services bring

    to the enterprise. Also, proposing one secured

    architecture for cloud computing using M! and

    A"# algorithm in cloud data server.

    Keywords: Cloud computing, architecture, security,

    models, services.

    (. (NT)*+CT(*N

    The (nternet has e-perienced massive increase in thelast decade, and hundreds of millions of users no

    depend on it for dail nes, entertainment and

    commerce. Cloud Computing is a ne processing

    method in hich computer processing is performed in

    the internet called /Cloud0 meaning that the user need

    not concern ith the processing details. Cloud

    computing is a general term for anthing that involves

    delivering hosted services over the (nternet. Cloud is an

    environment here properl secured, highl scalale,

    and elastic services can e easil consumed over the

    (nternet on an asneeded asis. (n Cloud computing, theprivac and securit concerns ill differ eteen

    consumers using a pulic cloud application, a medium

    si3ed enterprise using a customi3ed suite of usiness

    applications on a cloud platform. The shift of each

    categor of user to cloud sstems rings a different

    pac4age of enefits and ris4s.

    According to the 5ua617 et al. Cloud Computing

    is defined as8 /a type of para!!e! and distri"uted systemconsistin of a co!!ection of interconnected and

    virtua!i$ed computer that are dynamica!!y provisioned

    and presented as one or more unified computin

    resources "ased on service-!eve! areements0.

    The Cloud Computing came into e-istence

    ith the folloing reasons8

    9o Costs

    9o 5arriers to Entr

    (mproving Securit

    (ncreased Moilit

    9imitless Scalailit

    Strong Compliance

    (n this paper e present a secured environment for

    Cloud Computing services. The paper is organi3ed as

    follos8 first, evolution of Cloud Computing: ne-t,

    descriing the services provided the Cloud: and at

    last descriing securit in architecture hich ould

    ma4e Cloud Computing in highl secured manner.

    ((. E;*9T(*N *< C9*+


    Evolution of Cloud Computing is shon in

  • 8/12/2019 secure environment for cloud


    Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing and CommunicationNCACC11, April.1, !"11

    each other through fast local area netor4s. 5ut it is

    not alas connected to the internet.

    2? Super Computin% Super Computing ill perform

    a specific tas4 ver fast nearl illions of instructions

    per second. 5ut it ill perform a single tas4 at a time.

    @? &rid Computin% >rid computing is a term

    referring to the comination of computer resources

    from multiple administrative domains to reach a

    common goal. The grid can e thought of as a

    distriuted sstem ith noninteractive or4loads that

    involve a large numer of files.

    ? Uti!ity Computin% tilit Computing is the

    pac4aging of computing resources, such as

    computation, storage and services, as a metered service

    similar to a traditional pulic utilit Bsuch as electricit,ater, natural gas, or telephone netor4?. This model

    has the advantage of a lo or no initial cost to acuire

    computer resources: instead, computational resources

    are essentiall rented turning hat as previousl a

    need to purchase products Bhardare, softare and

    netor4 andidth? into a service.

    After all these computing process, Cloud computing

    emerged and this has all these technologies or4ing

    together and it has three services such as =aaSBplatform

    as a Service?, SaaSBSoftare as a Service?,

    (aaSB(nfrastructure as a Service?.

    (((. C9*+ C*M=T(N> SE);(CES

    AN+ M*+E9S

    A. C!oud Computin Services


  • 8/12/2019 secure environment for cloud


    Ad#iparasa$t#i %ngineering College, &elmaruvat#ur

    2? Pu"!ic C!oud% (n simple terms, pulic cloud

    services are characteri3ed as eing availale to clients

    from a third part service provider via the (nternet. The

    term /pulic0 does not alas mean free, even though

    it can e free or fairl ine-pensive to use. A pulic

    cloud does not mean that a userFs data is pulicallvisile: pulic cloud vendors tpicall provide an

    access control mechanism for their users. =ulic clouds

    provide an elastic, cost effective means to deplo


    @? y"rid C!oud%A hrid cloud is a comination of

    a pulic and private cloud that interoperates. (n this

    model users tpicall outsource nonusiness critical

    information and processing to the pulic cloud, hile

    4eeping usinesscritical services and data in their


    (;. C9*+ C*M=T(N> A)CG(TECT)E

    The sstem primaril is composed of cloud

    =artners, local servers and cloud central sstem. The

  • 8/12/2019 secure environment for cloud


    Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing and CommunicationNCACC11, April.1, !"11

    to the C+S. The C+S ill encrpt the hash code in a

    high manner to response for the reuest. Hhen the

    cloud offers response information it is encrpted using

    AES algorithm and sent to the user, thus resulting ith

    secures information transfer.

    C. C!oud User

    The Cloud user ill receive the information

    securel. The (S Applications0, The niversit of Melourne,Australia,http8LL.cloudus.orgLspande
