securing underwater wireless communication networks report

Securing Underwater Wireless Communication Networks 2012-13 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................... 1 1.1 Overview of Underwater Wireless Communication Networks........1 1.2 Characteristics and Vulnerabilities of UWCNs..................3 2. ATTACKS ON UWCNS AND COUNTERMEASURES............................4 2.1 Overview of DoS attacks.......................................4 2.2 Jamming.......................................................5 2.3 Wormhole attack...............................................6 2.4 Sinkhole Attack...............................................9 2.5 HELLO Flood Attack............................................9 2.6 Acknowledgement Spoofing.....................................10 2.7 Selective Forwarding.........................................10 2.8 Sybil Attack.................................................10 3. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS..........................................12 4. RESEARCH CHALLENGES............................................13 4.1 Secure Time Synchronization..................................13 4.2 Secure Localization..........................................15 4.3 Secure Routing...............................................16 5. SUMMARY........................................................ 18 6. APPLICATIONS................................................... 19 7. CONCLUSION..................................................... 20 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................... 21 Dept. of ECE, YDIT [v]

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Securing Underwater wireless communication networks


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Securing Underwater Wireless Communication Networks2012-13


1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Overview of Underwater Wireless Communication Networks.......................................................1

1.2 Characteristics and Vulnerabilities of UWCNs...............................................................................3

2. ATTACKS ON UWCNS AND COUNTERMEASURES...................................................................4

2.1 Overview of DoS attacks.................................................................................................................4

2.2 Jamming..........................................................................................................................................5

2.3 Wormhole attack.............................................................................................................................6

2.4 Sinkhole Attack...............................................................................................................................9

2.5 HELLO Flood Attack......................................................................................................................9

2.6 Acknowledgement Spoofing.........................................................................................................10

2.7 Selective Forwarding.....................................................................................................................10

2.8 Sybil Attack...................................................................................................................................10

3. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................12

4. RESEARCH CHALLENGES.............................................................................................................13

4.1 Secure Time Synchronization.......................................................................................................13

4.2 Secure Localization.......................................................................................................................15

4.3 Secure Routing..............................................................................................................................16

5. SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................18

6. APPLICATIONS................................................................................................................................19

7. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................20

8. BIBLIOGRAPHY...............................................................................................................................21

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1.1 Overview of Underwater Wireless Communication Networks While wireless communication technology today has become part of our daily life, the idea of

wireless undersea communications may still seem far-fetched. However, research has been active for

over a decade on designing the methods for wireless information transmission underwater. Human

knowledge and understanding of the world’s oceans, which constitute the major part of our planet,

rests on our ability to collect information from remote undersea locations. The major discoveries of the

past decades, such as the remains of Titanic, or the hydro-thermal vents at bottom of deep ocean, were

made using cabled submersibles. Although such systems remain indispensable if high-speed

communication link is to exist between the remote end and the surface, it is natural to wonder what

one could accomplish without the burden (and cost) of heavy cables. Hence the motivation and our

interest in wireless underwater communications. Together with sensor technology and vehicular

technology, wireless communications will enable new applications ranging from environmental

monitoring to gathering of oceanographic data, marine archaeology, and search and rescue missions.

Underwater wireless communication networks (UWCNs) are constituted by sensors and

autonomous underwater vehicle (AUVs). The former (Fig 1.1) is composed of many sensor nodes,

where each node is a small, energy constrained device that has the ability to sense the surrounding

environment. These are mostly used for a monitoring purpose. The nodes are usually without or with

limited capacity to move. The latter (Fig 1.2) is composed of autonomous or unmanned vehicles with

high mobility, deployed for applications that need mobility, for example, exploration. Although certain

nodes in underwater applications are anchored to the bottom of the ocean, other applications require

sensors to be suspended at certain depths or to move freely in the underwater medium. The sink, also

called base station, is a more powerful node which behaves as an interface between the sensor nodes

and the clients.

An UWCN consists of a variable number of sensors and AUVs that are deployed to perform

collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area. To achieve this objective, sensors and vehicles self-

organize in an autonomous network which can adapt to the characteristics of the ocean environment.

These sensors and vehicles interact, coordinate and share information with each other to carry out

sensing and monitoring functions. A pictorial representation of the same is shown in Fig. 1.3.

The signals that are used to carry digital information through an underwater channel are not radio

signals, as electro-magnetic waves propagate only over extremely short distances. Instead, acoustic

waves are used, which can propagate over long distances. However, an underwater acoustic channelDept. of ECE, YDIT 1

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presents a communication system designer with many difficulties. The three distinguishing

characteristics of this channel are frequency-dependent propagation loss, severe multipath, and low

speed of sound propagation. None of these characteristics are nearly as pronounced in land-based radio

channels, the fact that makes underwater wireless communication extremely difficult, and necessitates

dedicated system design.

Fig. 1.1: Underwater sensor Fig. 1.2: Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)

Fig. 1.3: Underwater sensor network with AUVs

Some common terminology used here is defined as follows:

Attack: Attempt to gain unauthorized access to a service, resource, or information, or the

attempt to compromise integrity, availability, or confidentiality.

Attacker, Intruder, Adversary: The originator of an attack.

Vulnerability: Weakness in system security design, implementation, or limitations that could

be exploited.

Threat: Any circumstance or event (such as the existence of an attacker and vulnerabilities)

with the potential to adversely impact a system through a security breach.

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Defence: An idea or system or model that counters an attack.

1.2 Characteristics and Vulnerabilities of UWCNs Underwater sensor networks have some similarities with the ground-based counterparts such as

their structure, function, computation and energy limitations. However, they also have differences,

which can be summarized as follows:

Radio waves do not propagate well underwater due to high energy absorption of water.

Therefore, underwater communications are based on acoustic links characterized by large

propagation delays. The propagation speed of acoustic signals in water (typically 1500 m/s) is

five orders of the magnitude lower than the radio wave propagation speed in free space.

Acoustic channels have low bandwidth. The link quality in underwater communication is

severely affected by multipath, fading, and the refractive properties of the sound channel. As a

result, the bit error rates of acoustic links are often high, and losses of connectivity arise.

Since underwater hardware is more expensive, underwater sensors are sparsely deployed.

Underwater communication systems have more stringent power requirements than terrestrial

systems because acoustic communications are more power-hungry , and typical transmission

distances in UWCNs are greater; hence, higher transmit power is required to ensure coverage.

The above mentioned characteristics of UWCNs have several security implications. UWCNs suffer

from the following vulnerabilities.

High bit error rates cause packet errors. Consequently, critical security packets can be lost.

Wireless underwater channels can be eavesdropped on, i.e., attackers may intercept the

information transmitted and attempt to modify or drop packets.

Malicious nodes can create out-of-band connections via fast radio (above the water surface)

and wired links, which as referred to as wormholes. Since the sensors are mobile, their relative

distances vary with time. The dynamic topology of underwater sensor network not only

facilitates the creation of wormholes but it also complicates their detection.

Since power consumption in underwater communications is higher than in terrestrial radio

communications, and underwater sensors are sparsely deployed, energy exhaustion attacks to

drain the batteries of the nodes pose a serious threat for the network lifetime.

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2.1 Overview of DoS attacks Classically, the definition of denial-of-service (DoS) comprises three components: authorized users,

a shared service, and a maximum waiting time. Authorized users are said to deny service to other

authorized users when they prevent access to or use of a shared service for longer than

some maximum waiting time. Broadly it can be defined as the result of any action that prevents any

part of a wireless sensor networks (WSNs) from functioning correctly or in a timely manner. A DoS

attack usually has the following properties:

Malicious: The act is performed intentionally, not accidentally. Accidental failures are the

domain of fault-tolerance and reliability engineering. Since such failures can potentially

produce equally disruptive results as DoS attacks, these fields have important contributions to

make to the robustness of WSNs. They are not considered DoS, however, due to the lack of


Disruptive: A successful DoS attack degrades or disrupts some capability or service in the

WSN. If the effect is not measurable, for example if it is prevented altogether, we may still say

that an attack has occurred, but DoS has not.

Asymmetric: Often the effect of an attack is much greater than the effort required to mount it.

Both inter-vehicle and sensor-AUV communications can be affected by denial-of-service (DoS)

attacks. Typical DoS attacks, their dangers, and possible defences to muffle these attacks are

summarized below.

The different attacks possible are:

1. Jamming

2. Wormhole Attack

3. Sinkhole Attack

4. HELLO Flood Attack

5. Acknowledgement Spoofing

6. Selective Forwarding

7. Sybil Attacks

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2.2 Jamming Jamming is deliberate interference with radio reception to deny the target's use of a communication

channel. For single-frequency networks, it is simple and effective, rendering the jammed node unable

to communicate or coordinate with others in the network.

A jamming attack consists of interfering with the physical channel by putting up carriers on the

frequencies used by nodes to communicate. Since it requires a lot of energy, attackers usually attack in

sporadic bursts. Since underwater acoustic frequency bands are narrow (from a few to hundreds of

kilohertz), UWCNs are vulnerable to narrowband jamming. Localization is affected by the replay

attack (Fig 2.1) when the attacker jams the communication between a sender and a receiver, and later

replays the same message with stale information (an incorrect reference) posing as the sender.

Fig. 2.1: Replay Attack

Since jamming is a common attack in wireless networks, some of the solutions proposed for

traditional wireless networks can be applied. Spread spectrum is the most common defence against

jamming. Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) and direct hopping spread spectrum (DHSS) in

underwater communications are drawing attention for their good performance under noise and

multipath interference. These schemes are resistant to interference from attackers, although not


In frequency hopping, a device transmits a signal on a frequency for a short period of time, changes

to a different frequency and repeats. Frequency-hopping schemes are somewhat resistant to

interference from an attacker who does not know the hopping sequence. However, the attacker may be

able to jam a wide band of the spectrum, or even follow the hopping sequence by scanning for the next

transmission and quickly tuning the transmitter. The transmitter and receiver must be coordinated.

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In DSSS modulation, a narrow band waveform of bandwidth W is spread to a large bandwidth

B before transmission, using a pseudo-random bit stream. This is achieved by multiplying each symbol

with a spreading code of length B=W, and transmitting the resulting sequence at a high rate as allowed

by bandwidth B. Multiple arrivals at the receiver side can be separated via the de-spreading operation

which suppresses the time-spreading induced interference. A receiver must know the spreading code to

distinguish the signal from noise. A high power wideband jamming signal can be used to attack a

DHSS scheme.

Underwater sensors under a jamming attack should try to preserve their power. When the jamming

is continuous, sensors can switch to sleep mode and wake up periodically to check if the attack is over.

When jamming is intermittent, sensors can buffer data packets and only send high power, high priority

messages to report the attack when a gap in jamming occurs.

In ground-based sensor networks, other sensors located along the edge of the area under the attack

can detect the jamming signal as higher than normal background noise and report intrusion to outside

nodes. That will cause any further traffic to be rerouted around the jammed region. This concept can

be extended to UWCNs. In-network knowledge of the extent of the jammed region may also allow for

automatic routing avoidance or mobile jammer tracking. A sensor device with important data may

temporarily overcome localized jamming by sending a high-power transmission to an unaffected node.

This node can then relay the message on behalf of the jammed node. Such a scheme must be used

sparingly, since a high-power transmission will prematurely drain the device's energy. However, these

other channels may be jammed as well by a determined attacker.

Other possible ways to counter jamming are:

If jamming cannot be prevented, it may instead be detected and mapped by surrounding nodes.

A description of the region may then be reported back to network monitors, who can use

conventional means to remove the attacker.

Alternative technologies for communication such as infrared or optical can be used. However,

this solution cannot be applied, since optical and infrared waves are severely attenuated under


2.3 Wormhole attack A wormhole is an out-of-band connection created by the adversary between two physical locations

in a network with lower delay and higher bandwidth than ordinary connections. This connection uses

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fast radio (above the sea surface) or wired links (Fig. 2.2) to significantly decrease the propagation

delay. In a wormhole attack, the malicious node transfers some selected packets received at one end of

the wormhole to the other end using the out-of-band connection, and re-injects them into the network.

The effect is that false neighbour relationships are created, because two nodes out of each other’s

range can erroneously conclude that they are in proximity of one another due to wormhole’s presence.

The attack is devastating. Routing protocols choose routes that contain wormhole links because they

appear to be shorter; thus, the adversary can monitor network traffic and delay or drop packets sent

through the wormhole. Localization protocols can be also affected by these attacks when malicious

nodes claim wrong locations and mislead other nodes.

Fig. 2.2: Underwater network with a wormhole link

One proposed method for wormhole detection in ground-based sensors networks consists of

estimating the real physical distance between two nodes to check their neighbour relationship. If the

measured distance is longer than the nodes’ communication range, it is assumed that the nodes are

connected through a wormhole. However, accurate distance estimation depends of precise localization

(geographical packet leashes, wormhole detection using position information of anchors), tight clock

synchronization (temporal packet leashes), or use of specific hardware (directional antennas). In

underwater communications accurate localization and secure synchronization are still challenging.

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A distributed mechanism named Distributed Visualization of Wormhole (Dis-VoW) can be used to

detect wormhole attacks in three-dimensional underwater sensor networks. In Dis-VoW, every sensor

collects the distance estimations to its neighbours using the round-trip time of acoustic signals; after

these distances are broadcast by each sensor to its neighbours, every node is able to construct the local

network topology (virtual layout) within two hops using multidimensional scaling (MDS). Every

sensor will examine the reconstructed network. If the distortions are discovered, the wormhole

detection method will be activated so that the fake neighbour connections can be located.

A normalised variable wormhole indicator is defined based on these distortions to identify fake

neighbour connections.


θM can be calculated based on the measured distances,

θR can be acquired from the reconstructed network,

i, j and k are neighbours, and

q is the degree of connectivity of sensor i.

Every sensor will calculate wormhole indicator value of it and exchanges it with the neighbours to

locate the fake neighbour connections. The detected wormholes will be avoided during

routing discovery and packet forwarding so that network safety and performance are preserved.

The advantages of Dis-VoW are as follows:

The proposed mechanism does not depend on any special hardware and the unit cost of sensors

will not be impacted.

Since every sensor reconstructs the network topology and detects the wormholes in a localised

manner, the computation and storage overhead is affordable for a weak node such as a sensor.

Therefore, distributed detection can be conducted when the network topology changes.

Techniques from social science and scientific visualisation are integrated to solve

network security problems. The simulation results show that Dis-VoW can detect most of the

fake neighbour connections without introducing many false alarms.

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Fig. 2.3: Distortions in localized reconstruction: (a) sensor S and its neighbours;

(b) sensor U and its neighbours and (c) localized reconstruction

A suite of protocols, based on the direction of arrival (DoA) estimation of acoustic signals that

depends on the relative locations of signal transmitters and receivers, and cannot be manipulated, can

be used to enable wormhole-resilient secure neighbour discovery with high probability in underwater

sensor networks.

2.4 Sinkhole Attack In a sinkhole attack, a malicious node attempts to attract traffic from a particular area towards it; for

example, the malicious node can announce a high quality route. Geographic routing and authentication

of nodes exchanging routing information are possible defences against this attack, but geographic

routing is still an open research topic in UWCNs.

2.5 HELLO Flood Attack A node receiving a HELLO packet from a malicious node may interpret that the adversary is a

neighbour; this assumption is false if the adversary uses high power for transmission. Bidirectional

link verification can help protect against this attack, although it is not accurate due to node mobility

and the high propagation delays of UWCNs. Authentication is also a possible defence.

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2.6 Acknowledgement Spoofing A malicious node overhearing packets sent to neighbour nodes can use this information to spoof

link layer acknowledgments with the objective of reinforcing the weak link or a link located in a

shadow zone. Shadow zones are formed when the acoustic rays are bent and sound waves cannot

penetrate. They cause high bit error rates and loss of connectivity. This way, the routing scheme is

manipulated. A solution to this attack would be encryption of all packets sent through the network.

2.7 Selective Forwarding Malicious nodes drop certain messages instead of forwarding them to hinder routing. In UWCNs it

should be verified that the receiver is not getting this information due to the attack and not because it is

located in a shadow zone. Multipath routing and authentication can be used to counter this attack, but

multipath routing increases communication overhead.

2.8 Sybil Attack An attacker with multiple identities can pretend to be in many places at once. Geographic routing

protocols are also misled because an adversary with multiple identities can claim to be in multiple

places at once (Fig. 2.4).

Since identity fraud is central to the Sybil attack, proper authentication is a key defence. A trusted key

server or base station may be used to authenticate nodes to each other and bootstrap a shared session

key for encrypted communications. This requires that every node share a secret key with the key

server. If a single network key is used, compromise of any node in the UWCN would defeat all

authentications. Another defence is location verification.

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Fig. 2.4: Sybil attack

3. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS In UWCNs the following security requirements should be considered.

1. Authentication

2. Confidentiality

3. Integrity

4. Availability

Authentication is the proof that the data received was sent by a legitimate sender. It is essential in

military and safety-critical applications of UWCNs. Authentication and key establishment are strongly

related because once two or more entities verify each other’s authenticity, they can establish one or

more secret keys over the open acoustic channel to exchange information securely; conversely, an

already established key can be used to perform authentication. Traditional solutions for key generation

and update (renewal) algorithms should be adapted to better address the characteristics of the

underwater channel. In a key generation system proposed that required only a threshold detector,

lightweight computation, and communication costs. It exploits reciprocity, deep fades (strong

destructive interference), randomness extractor and robust secure fuzzy information reconciliators.

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This way, the key is generated using the characteristics of underwater channel and is secure against

adversaries who know the number of deep fades but not their locations.

Confidentiality means that information is not accessible to unauthorized third parties. It needs to

be guaranteed in critical applications such as maritime.

 Integrity ensures that information has not been altered by any adversary. Many underwater sensor

applications for environmental preservation, such as water quality monitoring, rely on the integrity of


 Availability means that the data should be available when needed by an authorized user. Lack of

availability due to denial-of-service attacks would especially affect time-critical aquatic exploration

applications such as prediction of seaquakes.

4. RESEARCH CHALLENGES The security issues and open challenges for secure time synchronization, localization and routing

are summarized in the following sections.

4.1 Secure Time Synchronization Time synchronization is essential in many underwater applications such as synchronized sensing

tasks. Also, scheduling algorithms such as time division multiple access (TDMA) require precise

timing between nodes to adjust their sleep-wake up schedules for power saving. For example, in water

quality monitoring, sensors are deployed at different depths because the chemical characteristics of

water vary at each level. The design of the delay tolerant time synchronization mechanism is very

important to accurately locate the water contaminant source, set up the sleep-wake up schedules

among neighbouring nodes approximately, and the water quality data correctly timing information.

Achieving precise time synchronization is especially difficult in underwater environments due to

characteristics of UWCNs. For this reason, the time synchronization mechanisms proposed for ground-

based sensor networks cannot be applied, and new mechanisms have been proposed.

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Tri-message is a time synchronization protocol designed for high-latency networks with a

synchronization precision that increases with distance. A multilateration algorithm is proposed for

localization and synchronization in three-dimensional underwater acoustic networks. It is assumed that

a set of anchors, several buoys on ocean surface, already know their locations and time without error.

A group of nearby sensors receives synchronization packets containing the coordinates and packet

transfer times from at least five anchor nodes and performs multilateration to obtain their own

locations. The sensors learn the time difference between themselves and each anchor node by

comparing their local times at which they received the time synchronization packet with the transmit

time plus propagation delays; these nodes subsequently become new anchor nodes and thereafter

broadcast new synchronization packets to a larger range, and so on.

MU-Sync is a cluster-based synchronization protocol that estimates the clock skew by performing

the linear regression twice over a set of local time information gathered through message exchanges.

The first linear regression enables the cluster head to offset the effect of long and varying propagation

delay; the second regression enables the cluster head to obtain the final estimated skew and offset.

The above mentioned time synchronization schemes do not consider security, although it is critical

in underwater environment. Time synchronization disruption due to masquerade, replay and message

manipulation attacks can be addressed using cryptographic techniques. However, countering other

possible attacks such as delays and DoS attacks require the use of other strategies.

A correlation-based security model can be used to detect outliers (malicious time offsets)

timestamps (a timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain

event occurred, usually giving date and time of day) due to insider attacks. The acoustic propagation

delays between two sensors in neighbouring depth levels fit an approximately normal distribution,

which means that the timestamps between them should correlate. However, this correlation is lost if a

captured inside node is sending falsified timestamps. With proper design of a timestamp sliding

window scheme, insider attacks are detected. Each sensor should obtain timestamp readings from

multiple sensors can calculate the correlation coefficient for each neighbour’s timestamp, obtaining a

window of coefficients. If a coefficient of a window of a data is below a threshold, it is an outlier

value. If the abnormal percentage of data in one window (outlier percentage) is consistently (10

consecutive windows) higher than a predetermined threshold, corresponding neighbour is flagged as

malicious node generating insider attacks.

The disadvantages of this scheme are:

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Identifying a neighbouring node as malicious is difficult, because sometimes timestamps can

be corrupted due to propagation delay variations caused by the channel rather than deliberately.

Because of wave motion, the signal multipath components undergo time-varying propagation


Node mobility due to water currents also modifies the propagation delays.

This proposed scheme can be improved by using statistical reputation and trust model to detect

outlier timestamps, and identify nodes generating insider attacks as a second step. It is based on

quantitative measurements on the assumption that identifying an inside attacker requires long-

term behaviour observations.

The following open research issues for secure time synchronization need to be addressed:

Because of high and variable propagation delays of UWCNs, the time required to synchronize

nodes should be investigated.

Efficient and secure time synchronization schemes with small computation and communication

costs need to be designed to defend against delay and wormhole attacks.

4.2 Secure Localization Localization is a very important issue for data tagging. Sensor tasks such as reporting the

occurrence of an event or monitoring require localization information. Localization can also help in

making routing decisions.

Localization approaches proposed for ground-based sensor networks do not work well

underwater because long propagation delays, Doppler Effect, multipath, and fading

cause disparities in the acoustic channel. Bandwidth limitations, node mobility, and sparse

deployment of underwater nodes also disturb localization estimation.

Localization schemes can be classified into:

1. Range-based schemes

2. Range-free schemes

Range-based schemes use range and/or bearing information. The location of the nodes in the

network is estimated through precise distance or angle measurements. Some of these schemes are:

Anchor-based schemes: Anchor nodes are deployed at the seabed or sea surface at locations

determined by GPS. The propagation delay of sound signals between the sensor and the AUV

and the anchors is used to compute the distance to multiple anchor nodes.Dept. of ECE, YDIT 14

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Distributed positioning schemes: Positioning infrastructure is not available, and nodes

communicate only with one-hop neighbours and compute their locations using multilateration.

Underwater sensor positioning (USP) has been proposed as a distributed localization scheme

for sparse 3D networks, transforming the 3D underwater positioning problem in to a 2D

problem using a distributed non-degenerative projection technique. Using sensor depth

information, the neighbouring reference nodes are mapped to the horizontal plane containing

the sensor to be localized. After projecting the reference nodes, localization methods for 2D

networks such as bilateration or trilateration can be used to locate the sensor.

Schemes that use mobile beacons/anchors: They use mobile beacons whose locations are

always known. Scalable localization with mobility prediction (SLMP) has been proposed as a

hierarchical localization scheme. At the beginning, only surface nodes know their locations,

and anchor nodes can be localized by these surface buoys. Anchor nodes are selected as

reference nodes because of their known locations; with the advance of the location process

more ordinary nodes are localized and become reference nodes. During this process, every

node predict its future mobility pattern according to its past known location information. The

future location is estimated based on this prediction.

Range-free schemes do not use range and/or bearing information. They have been designed as

simple schemes to compute only coarse position estimates.

The above mentioned localization schemes were not designed with security in mind. Some of the

localization specific attacks are replay attack, Sybil attack and wormhole attack.

The open research issues for secure localization are:

Effective cryptographic techniques are required to prevent injection of false information in


Algorithms able to determine the location of sensors even in the presence of Sybil and

wormhole attacks have to be developed.

Techniques to identify malicious or compromised anchor nodes and to avoid false

detection of these nodes are required.

Secure localization mechanisms able to handle node mobility in UWCNs need to be devised.

4.3 Secure Routing Routing is vital for packet delivery in UWCNs. For example, the Distributed Underwater Clustering

Scheme (DUCS) does not use flooding and minimizes the proactive routing message exchange. Dept. of ECE, YDIT 15

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Routing is specially challenging in UWCNs due to the large propagation delays, the low bandwidth,

the effort of battery refills of underwater sensors, and the dynamic topologies. Therefore, routing

protocols should be designed to be energy-aware, robust, scalable and adaptive.

Many routing protocols have been proposed for underwater wireless sensor networks. However,

none of them has been designated with security as a goal. Routing attacks such as selective forwarding,

sinkhole attack, wormhole attack, HELLO flood attack, acknowledgement spoofing can disable the

entire network’s operation. Spoofing, replaying or altering the routing information affects routing.

Although the attacks against the routing in UWCNs are the same as in ground-based sensor networks,

the same counter measures are not directly applicable to UWCNs due to difference in characteristics.

The open research issues for secure routing are:

There is a need to develop reputation-based schemes that analyse the behaviour of neighbours

and reject routing paths containing nodes that do not cooperate in routing.

Quick and powerful encryption and authentication mechanisms against outside intruders should

be devised for UWCNs because time required for intruder detection is high due to long and

variable propagation delays, and routing paths containing undetected malicious nodes can be

selected in the meantime for packet forwarding.

Sophisticated mechanisms should be developed against insider attacks such as selective

forwarding, Sybil attacks and HELLO flood attacks.

There is a need to develop new techniques against wormholes and sinkholes, and improve

existing ones. With Dis-VoW a wormhole attack can still be concealed by manipulating the

buffering times of distance estimation packets. The wormhole resilient neighbour discovery is

affected by the orientation error between sensors.

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5. SUMMARY Securing the UWCNs is advantageous due to following reasons:

1. It avoids data spoofing.

2. It avoids privacy leakage.

3. It minimizes communication and computational cost.

4. Maximizes the battery power by preserving the power of the sensors.

The drawbacks are:

1. Routing is specially challenging in UWCNs due to the large propagation delays, the low

bandwidth, the effort of battery refills of underwater sensors, and the dynamic topologies.

2. Schemes are challenging as they do not work well in mobile environments.

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6. APPLICATIONS In last several years, underwater communication network (UWCN) has found an increasing use in a

widespread range of applications, such as

Coastal surveillance systems

Environmental research to gather oceanographic data

Search and rescue operations

Oil-rig maintenance

Linking submarines to land

Marine Archaeology

By deploying a distributed and scalable sensor network in a 3-dimensional underwater space, each

underwater sensor can monitor and detect environmental parameters and events locally. Hence,

compared with remote sensing, UWCNs provide a better sensing and surveillance technology to

acquire better data to understand the spatial and temporal complexities of underwater environments.

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7. CONCLUSION As UWCNs have huge scope of applications in sensitive military and intelligence fields, security of

t h e n e t w o r k i s o f p a r a m o u n t i m p o r t a n c e . T h i s r e p o r t g i v e s a n o v e r a l l v i e w o f

t h e u n i q u e characteristics of UWCNs, how they differ from terrestrial wireless networks, some of

the common threats and attacks faced by such a network and some solutions to overcome these

problems. The main research challenges related to secure time synchronization, localization and

routing have also been surveyed. The further research possibilities in this area are infinite. As

technology advances, attackers also can c a u s e m o r e d a m a g e w i t h t h e h e l p o f m o r e

s o p h i s t i c a t e d t o o l s a n d m e t h o d s . T h u s t h e r e i s a requirement of continuous increase in

the level of security implemented.

Since the deployment of the proposed system is in its development stage, an account of actual

implementation has not been provided in this paper.

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