security awareness part i

While t 16, 20 Verma recomm disrobi indeed so calle Justice Woman 2012”. harass the Ind house on 23 A As alw toward fact, fo environ Verma reactio The m amend Harass penaliz commit and su compla Howev false a Various can trig false a wastag the entire n 12, one th Committ mendation ng, stalkin is a welco ed “not so e Verma C n against S This bill sment at th dian Parlia of the Ind April 2013 ways and s safety a orced corp nment for Committ ons from co most con dment of sment Bill, ze a woma ttee howe uggests no aint is later ver, not ma allegations s nuances gger such allegations, ge of time Se nation still hing that e ee Repor s for stre ng, voyeur ome sugge serious” c Committee Sexual Ha is a leg heir place ment) on ian Parliam more so, and securit porates to women. H tee to b orporates. ntroversial Section 2012. Se an for filing ever favors o action ag r found to b any HR he is necess s to corpor accusatio , the perso and resou By: Capt SB ecurity Wo reeled und every India rt. Justice engthening rism and h estion as it rime. has also arassment gislative a of work. 3 Septem ment) on 2 in the cu ty of empl o relook H However, ill, there suggest 14 of ection 14 a a false co s removing gainst a w be false. eads would sary. There rate dynam n. If the co on may be rces but w B Tyagi, CO y Awa omen der the sho an applau e Verma g laws to has sugge t will force recomme at Workpl act in Ind It was p mber 2012. 26 Februar rrent scen loyees, pa HR policie with refer are mix ion is t the Sexu advocates omplaint. T g the clau woman, if t d appreciat e could be mics – jea omplainan e encourag will also lea OAS’CC*, FIS arenes Secur ock of hein uded was Committee curb sex ested vario the culpri ended som ace (Preve ia that se passed by It was pa ry 2013. T nario, busi articularly w es & guid rence to t xed the ual to The se the te this clau e various r alousy, per t is assure ged to take ad to unne M, CSC, CSP s - Pa rity nous crime the timely e took ju ual offenc demandin rapists a the com penalty increasin panel ha sexual o limited t ous jail ter ts to think me amendm ention, Pro eeks to p the Lok S assed by t he Bill got ness orga women. Th elines on he sugges use. A mec reasons fo rsonal riva ed that she e this step ecessary ta P rt I e against a y submissio ust 30 da ces. Those ng capita are clearly mmittee r but ins g the sen as widene offenses i to touch, rms for su twice befo ments to ohibition an protect wo Sabha (the the Rajya t the assen anizations he shamef safe and stions sub chanism to or such a m lry, denial e will not f p. This will arnishing o young girl on of Just ays to su e who ha l punishm y disappoi ruled out stead ad ntence ter ed the sc ncluding advance uch offense ore commi the “Prote nd Redres omen from e lower h Sabha (th nt of the P increasing ful inciden d secure bmitted by o keep a c malafide in of promo face action l result not of the imag l on Dec tice J S bmit its ad been ment for nted as t death dvocates rm. The cope of but not es, and es. This tting the ection of ssal) Bill, m sexual ouse of e upper President gly keen nt has in working Justice check on ntention. tion etc. n for her t only in ge of the

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Tips for women secruity


Page 1: Security Awareness Part I

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Page 2: Security Awareness Part I


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By: Capt SB

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Page 3: Security Awareness Part I

By: Capt SB Tyagi, COAS’CC*, FISM, CSC, CSP

distributed regularly.

Companies across the country have taken stock of the situation and the risks that their female employees can be subject to. The first step has been to collate data on areas the women workforce come from. Many are also looking at drawing up a policy for seasonal tasks that require late hours from women. They could be account staff during annual audits, HR professionals during appraisals, the marketing managers during product launches and the payroll team during tax filing etc. says Kamal Karanth of Kelly Services India.

At Hyundai Construction Equipment India Pvt. Ltd, which has 5% women on the rolls, a woman has been included in its ethics committee to ensure that other women are comfortable sharing their problems. “We have made sure that none of the chartered buses ferrying our employees has tinted glasses. The company has also decided not to continue with the practice of calling women staff over the weekend for audit work. They will now attend office only during regular hours from 8.15am to 5.45pm. Also, the employee to be dropped last will be a male and not a female,” says Dixon Jose|, head, HR and administration, adding that women employees have also been given a single-digit emergency number in their mobiles to seek help in case of emergency.

Dell India, where employees work 24x7, already has a policy in place to ensure that women travelling from home to office and back, and those travelling on business outside of their usual locations are mandatorily provided a secure form of transportation at night.