selectie european digital innovation hubs · digital europe: support to the facilities and...

Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs INFOMOMENT KANDIDAAT INDIENERS

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Page 1: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs


Page 2: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse


• Procedure, kalender, criteria en aandachtspunten

• Q&A

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie EDIH


• The Beacon

• Limburg / Energie

Q&A Voorbeelden kandidaten (15 min)

• Rol van EDIH binnen DEP, subsidie, Europese procedure

• Q&A

DEEL II Europese Selectie EDIH

Page 3: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse



Page 4: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

1. Selectieprocedures Vlaamse EDIH-kandidaat

2. Kalender Vlaamse EDIH-kandidaat

3. Vlaamse preselectieproces-inhoudelijke criteria (5)-praktische afspraken-beoordelingscommissie-bekendmaking geselecteerden

4. Aandachtspunten

5. Q&A

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie EDIH

Page 5: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

1. Selectieprocedure voor Vlaamse kandidaten:

2) Selectie door de Europese Commissie

Ontvankelijkheidsbeoordeling op EU niveau;

Gesloten oproep voor ontvankelijke kandidaten;▪ Onderscheid eerste en tweede jaar

Open oproep (mits onvoldoende dekking – vanaf 3de jaar)

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie EDIH

1) Preselectie per lidstaatIn België uitgevoerd door de gewesten, later worden gewestelijke lijsten samengevoegd tot 1 Belgische lijst

Page 6: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

31 augustus 2020

Deadline invulformulieren Vlaamse EDIH’s.

30 september

2020: bekendmaking geselecteerde

Vlaamse kandidaat-EDIH’s.

Oktober 2020:


November 2020:

Digitaal Netwerkevent



Gesloten Oproep van de Europese


Deel I Vlaamse Preselectie EDIH

2. Kalender Vlaamse EDIH

Vlaams Gewest Europese Commissie

Page 7: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie

3. Vlaamse preselectieproces

3.1. inhoudelijke criteria→ 1) relevantie

→ 2) competenties (4 functies)Test before invest;Vaardigheden en training;Financiële ondersteuning;Innovatie-ecosysteem uitbouwen en netwerken.

→ 3) management capaciteit en infrastructuur

Page 8: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEEL II Vlaamse Preselectie

→ 4) Samenwerking met Digital Experience Lab (DEL)

=laagdrempelig kmo’s experimenteren met data en digitaliseringstechnologieën

1. begeleiding/advies bij test- en experimenteren2. matchmaking

Meer info:

Contactpersoon: [email protected]

→ 5) Aansluiting bij de Vlaamse beleidsprioriteiten en specialisaties

Page 9: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie

→Wat niet?

- provinciale spreiding;

- thematische beperking;

- beperking in aantal participaties aan EDIH’s.

Page 10: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie

3.2. Praktische afspraken

AANVRAAGFORMULIER (deel II van de Handleiding)

→ Hoofdactiviteit in Vlaams Gewest→ deadline: 31 augustus 17 uur [email protected]

→ volledig aanvraagformulier indienen→ In Nederlands


LEES ZEKER de HANDLEIDING en de DRAFT van Europese Commissie !

Page 11: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie

3.3. Beoordelingscommissie

→ werking

→ 4 prioritaire criteria:x Europese dimensie én ambitie kandidaat-EDIH;x 4 functies van een EDIH vervullen;x Samenwerking met actoren in Vlaamse

innovatielandschap;x Aansluiting bij Vlaams digitaliseringsbeleid en


3.4 Bekendmaking beslissingx 30-9-2020

x projectfiche met feedback

Page 12: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie


1) FOCUS op Europese ambitie en dimensie !→ Houd nu al rekening met Europese selectiecriteria,


2) BUDGETTAIRE plaatje moet kloppen.→ Belangrijke drempel als kandidaat-EDIH

3) SAMENWERKING met partners in Vlaanderen/België én Europa zal kandidatuur versterken.

→ BEGIN SNEL aan de vorming van jullie consortium!

Page 13: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEEL I Vlaamse Preselectie

Page 14: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Q&A ingediende presentaties kandidaturen


The Beacon

Limburg / Energie

Page 15: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Deel IIDigital Innovation Hubs in Digital Europe

Programme – Current status

Anne-Marie Sassen, Deputy Head of Unit

DG CNECT A2 - Technologies and

Systems for Digitising Industry

[email protected]

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are for further discussion with the MS. The EC cannot be held liable for any of the views expressed in this document.

Page 16: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Countries Size

of Danish companies

of Greek companies

of computing companies

of construction companies

of SMEs

of large enterprises

Highly digitised companies across Europe (2019)








European companies are not making the most of all the opportunities digital has to offer

Where do we stand today?

In Belgium: 40% of SMEs vs 83% of large enterprises

In Belgium: 100% in Repair of computers and telecom equipment vs 16% in metal products companies

In Belgium: 42% of companies{"indicator-group":"ebusiness","indicator":"e_di_hivhi","breakdown-group":"byentsize","unit-measure":"pc_ent","time-period":"2019","ref-area":["BE","EU"]}

Page 17: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Enterprises with high level of Digital Intensity

Page 18: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

European Digital Innovation Hubs provide technological expertise and experimentation facilities

to enable the digital transformation of the industry and the public sector

• Typical participants:

• Research and Technology

Organisations, Technical Universities

• In collaboration with:

• Industry associations

• Clusters

• Enterprise Europe Network

• Accelerators/Incubators

• Innovation agencies

• Vocational training institutes

• A geographically spread network of up to

240 EDIHs

Page 19: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse



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Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to

build capacity in Europe to diffuse digital innovations across SMEs and administrations.

European Regional Development Fund: Investments allocated by the Member States to build-up

or strengthen the Digital Innovation Hubs infrastructures in their territories and reduce the

digital divide. ERDF can be used by Member States to co-invest on EDIHs in Digital Europe.

InvestEU: Incentives and risk reduction programmes to help companies find follow-up

investment to further complete their digital transformation. The work of the digital innovation

hubs will diminish the knowledge gap that exists.

Horizon Europe: Support to SMEs and mid-caps to experiment with highly innovative digital

technologies in a cross-border setting. European Digital Innovation Hubs and others may apply for

these grants, and cascade a large part of the funding to SMEs



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European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development: Investments allocated by Member States to foster knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas. EAFRD can be used by Member States to co-invest on EDIHs in Digital Europe.

Funding programmes in the next MFF (2021-2027)

Continuation of initiatives like I4MS

Page 20: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Funding programme focused on building the strategic digital capacities of the EU and on facilitating the large

scale deployment of digital technologies, to be used by Europe's citizens and businesses

Why?What?Compete globally

• Other regions of the world invest huge amount of public capital in

advanced technologies. For example, the US and China spend € 10-20

billion annually on AI alone

Achieve scale through collective co-investments

• Given the size of investments needed, scale required and risks involved

Europe needs to pool the resources together

Regain control over Europe’s value chains and ensure Europe’s

technological sovereignty

Better address Europe’s economic and societal challenges

• E.g. climate, health, mobility and public services

Ensure broad take-up of digital technologies across all regions of EU

• In deploying latest technologies to offer best services to citizens and


Support SMEs to acquire/access latest technologies and skills

• More than 400,000 EU vacancies in these fields

Digital Europe Programme

Page 21: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Network of EDIHs

Capacity building of EDIHs:

• Grant for facilities and people to work in the hub, 50% co-funded EU/MS or regions (ERDF may be used)

• Access to European capacities for digital transformation in HPC, AI, Cyber

• Access to knowledge and facilities of other EDIHs

• Supported by “Digital Transformation Accelerator”, a central node that animates the network

• Networking events• Training the hubs• Best practice sharing• Interactive map of digital capacities• Collaboration with EOSC hub, and

other DIHs not funded by DEP.• ….

Page 22: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

DEP Other Technologies Application areas Sector



, or C




Supply chain integration


Advanced Materials, …

Industry 4.0

Circular economy


Remote sensing, Photonics,

Life-Science Technologies, …

Precision farming Agri-food

Robotics, Simulation, … Exo-skeletons,

Automated building


Digital solutions for

governments, Blockchain, …

Services for citizens,

once only principle

Public administration

Based on existing strengths and addressing future needs of the local industry or public sector organisations


At least one per country with expertise on AI.

Belgium can have 4-11 hubs.


Page 23: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Grant• Direct and indirect eligible costs:

Direct costs: e.g. purchase of hardware or software, depreciation ofhardware or software, personnel costs of the EDIH for delivering digitaltransformation services, travel costs for hubs and local stakeholders to workwith other hubsIndirect costs = 7% of direct costs

• DEP will cover 50% of direct and indirect eligible costs• Other 50% can be in-kind or cash contribution by MS, regions or private actors

For state-aid purposes: Price list for services to-be-provided, and estimatednumber of customers

Grants and co-financing


Page 24: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

• Number of businesses and public sector entities which have used the EuropeanDigital Innovation Hubs’ services.

• Number of Collaborations with other EDIHs and stakeholders outside the regionat EU level and Number of Infrastructures jointly shared / joint investments.

• Digital maturity evolution of the entities that have been supported by theEuropean Digital Innovation Hubs.

Performance monitoring - KPIs


Page 25: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Exporting / Importing EDIH excellence :

• Based on complementary competence and infrastructure

• Help SMEs with expertise and facilities not locally available

• Help SMEs tap into other markets, develop EU value chains

EDIH capacity building:

• Exchange of experience, good practice, mirroring successful set-ups

• A more mature DIH helps a less mature DIH (cohesion)

• Learning from specialists in HPC, Cybersecurity, AI, Advanced training, areas of public interest through the DEP train-the-trainer approach

• Making use of the new solutions developed by the HPC, Cybersecurity Competence Centres and AI world class reference sites

European added value

Page 26: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

2 Step Selection Process

for EDIH network in DEP

Member States European Commission Candidate Entities

Launches the expression of interest

Propose candidate entities through an

open and competitive process

Takes a Commission Decision on initial


Are invited to an on-line networking

event and have other networking


Issues a restricted call for proposals

Submit proposals

Evaluates proposals with external


Ranks proposals balancing

geographical, technological and

sectoral coverage, with advice of MS

Endorse the ranked proposals

(MS committee)

Page 27: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Next steps

• Finalisation of budget discussion next Multi-annual Financial Framework

• Communication campaign with MS to mobilise community

• Designation of hubs by MS, possibly by October 2020

• Fully digital European Digital Innovation Hub networking event: 9-10 November 2020

• Restricted call: Q4 2020

Page 28: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

More information

Digital Innovation Hubs

Digital Innovation Hubs in Digital Europe Programme , containing also information about contact persons in the Member States and info days.

Practical handbook for investing in DIHs

Implementation details of European DIHs in Digital Europe Programme

Page 29: Selectie European Digital Innovation Hubs · Digital Europe: Support to the facilities and personnel of the European Digital Innovation Hubs, to build capacity in Europe to diffuse

Info en begeleiding

➢Documenten: -Handleiding Vlaamse preselectie


➢Presentaties infomoment + bijkomende info →ewi-website.

➢Communicatie via Werkgroep 5


• Stuur na het lezen van de handleiding en het document van de commissie uw vragen in naar: [email protected]

• Mail vraag voor overleg naar: [email protected]

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