selection and formulation of research problem 1

Selection and Formulation of Research Problem One of the most difficult phases of a research project is the choice of a suitable problem (true/false) A researcher can be compared to an ant, which brings its single grain of sand to the anthill (true/false) Great discoveries usually happen by accident or sheer luck (true/false) Researchers are specialists rather than generalists (true/false)

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Page 1: Selection and formulation of research problem 1

Selection and Formulation of Research

ProblemOne of the most difficult phases of a research project is the choice of a suitable problem (true/false)

A researcher can be compared to an ant, which brings its single grain of sand to the anthill (true/false)

Great discoveries usually happen by accident or sheer luck (true/false)

Researchers are specialists rather than generalists (true/false)

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Rifle vs. Shotgun Analogy

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Behavioral Researchers…

Analyze limited aspects of broad problems

Q: Why can’t we afford to do more than this?

Learn more and more about less and less until we know everything about nothing?

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What are some of the obstacles which may discourage a person from undertaking


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Why choosing a topic is a real challenge?

Beginners possess real problem awareness

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Where do you see problems that can ignite your mind to think

about research? Classroom School Community Own teaching experiences Classroom lectures Class discussions Seminars/workshops/paper presentations Internet Out-of-class exchanges of ideas with fellow students and professors Reading assignments

Textbooks Special assignments Research reports Term papers

Consultation with… Course instructor Advisor Major Professor Faculty member

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Number ONE Requirement…

You need to have an inquisitive and imaginative mind

You need a Questioning attitude Wonder why?

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Answer the following preliminary questions…

Is the problem/topic significant enough? Is it feasible (practical/possible for me to do

it)? Is it free of unknown hazards/dangers? Is it clear (unambiguous)?

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Actively involve yourself (and other experts) in NARROWING &

REFINEMENT of the problem Narrowing the focus Population Situation (time, condition, subject availability,

researcher’s readiness, resources available, etc.)

Measurements Issue(s) dealt with? Setting the scope of the problem (“this is my

line…I won’t go beyond it…”)

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There are times when it is appropriate to replicate (repeat) a study to verify its

conclusions or to extend the validity of its findings to a different situation or population

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Characteristics of good topics?

1. Interesting – keeps the researcher interested in it throughout the research process

2. Researchable – can be investigated through the collection and analysis of data

3. Significant – contributes to the improvement and understanding of educational theory and practice

4. Manageable – fits the level of researcher’s level of research skills, needed resources, and time restrictions

5. Ethical – does not embarrass or harm participants

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The following research topics are either faulty, too broad, or completely inappropriate. Revise each

so that it reflects the characteristics of a good research topic

1. Causes of aggression and violence2. Remembering and forgetting3. Improving Memory 4. The effects of stressful environments on

health and social interaction5. The effect of early childhood experiences on

later development6. Best ways to treat depression7. Reducing prejudice and inter-group conflict

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Examples of good research problems (in the form of questions)

Does client-centered therapy produce more satisfaction in clients than traditional therapy? (experimental design)

Does behavior modification reduce aggression in autistic children? (single-subject experimental design)

Are the descriptions of people in social studies discussions biased? (grounded theory design)

What goes on in an elementary school classroom during an average week? (ethnographic design)

Do teachers behave differently toward students of different genders? (causal-comparative design)

How do parents feel about the school counseling program? (survey design)

How can a principal improve faculty morale? (interview design)

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Any problem with these research problems?

Is God good? What is the best way to teach grammar? What would life be like today if World War II

had not occurred?

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Defining Terms(e.g. : ‘humanistic classroom’)

Constitutive definition = dictionary approach

Clarify by example = using a model (replica/type) and describe the characteristics of the model

Operational definition = researcher specifies the exact nature of meaning for using a particular term(s)

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“motivated to learn math” (which ones are operational?)

1. As shown by enthusiasm in the class2. As judged by the student’s math teacher using a rating scale she

developed3. As measured by the ‘math interest’ questionnaire4. As shown by attention to math tasks in class5. As reflected by achievement in mathematics6. As indicated by records showing enrollment in mathematics

electives7. As shown by effort expended in class8. As demonstrated by number of optional assignments completed 9. As demonstrated by reading math books outside class10. As observed by teacher aides using the ‘mathematics interest’

observation record

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1,4,5,7, and 9

Did not specify the activities or operations necessary for identifying the behavior

(motivation to learn mathematics)

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Operationalize the following:

Attitude toward self (self-concept)


Ability to think critically

Disruptive behavior

Work-related stress

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Your research problem What is your area of interest?

Where could you look for help in deciding upon a specific research problem?

What criteria will you apply when deciding upon a specific research problem?

How could you narrow down your research problem?

How might your value-judgments (preconceived ideas) affect your research endeavors?