self analysis of personality draft mla

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  • 8/8/2019 Self Analysis of Personality Draft MLA


    [Customer Name]

    [Course Title]

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    July 18, 2010

    Self Analysis of Personality

    Self analysis of personality

  • 8/8/2019 Self Analysis of Personality Draft MLA



    At some point in time every person looks towards himself and assesses his or her

    personality. This is my chance, as I give a clear view of my personality. For me

    personality is what makes a person unique from others, and his behavior in dealing

    situations are defined by his trait (Lahey, 462). I will be discussing the many ways in

    which my personality has shaped over time. I hereby also insist that it is important for

    every person to asses his personality in order to better understand himself, and also so

    that he can co exist in the society with other unique personalities.

    Importance of assessing

    I feel its very important for me to asses my personality. As a person with clear

    knowledge of himself, I can make much wiser decisions about myself, decisions which I

    can feel confident of. As man is a social animal he comes across thousand of people

    through out his life, each with a unique characteristic. There characteristics also shape

    their views of what they think of other people (Lahey, 462), for example a person with a

    suspicious personality will be too cautious in meeting people and may not trust them

    easily, this may cause problem for you if you have a more trustful image in your head

    about people. So this is how conflicts are created and this is how it gets hard for people

    with fairly different traits to co-exist together. So I should be aware of my personality,

    my plus points and negative ones, my preference of personalities which I look in others,

    and with whom I feel I have a match. Assessment of your personality also helps you

    adjust at work, as you know what will bother you and may avoid it or may work towards

    rectifying it. You may have a disruptive personality, and it may be difficult for you to

    Self analysis of personality

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    adjust in that working environment, you will not work towards rectifying it unless you

    see this as a problem, and this is why self assessment helps.

    Personality traits

    Self assessment of my personality would have been difficult if the five- personality

    traits were not there. If I take a sheet of paper and start ticking the boxes in which I fall,

    namely Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism

    (Lahey, 464), I would come somewhere in between extraversion and agreeableness,

    though I would lean towards extraversion more. Extraversion best describes me, as I have

    an energetic approach. Energy is what defines me, I like doing things quickly, and I dont

    like to be stuck in a situation for long. As an extraversion you seek the company of

    others, and this is why it feels hard to say no to a friend. Although I would like to

    highlight that this has also caused problems for me. People seeing my personality tend to

    take advantage of it, as it feels hard to turn down their requests for help, furthermore I

    sometimes neglect my family too in this process. The other problem I face bearing an

    extraversion personality is my habit of rushing things, it actually costs me more time then

    what I expect I will save when doing some work in a rush.

    Time and time again Ive been advised by people to take things slowly, maybe

    this is one reason that I trust people too early, eventually paying a price for that. Apart

    from this I also do believe that having a personality which has instilled cooperativeness in

    me makes people around me comfortable, they see me as a team player. The reward for

    my trust in people is that they are open to me in return and see me as a person who will

    help, which I truly cherish.

    Self analysis of personality

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    Gender and social experience

    Gender is also what is widely seen as a major role player in your personality

    shaping. Males have a tendency of having a strong masculine personality, where as girls

    have a gentle, delicate personality. This is more enforced by your upbringing, when a boy

    idolizes his dad and a girl idolizes her mother (Prof. P.C. Saxena). An infants personality

    is shaped first by his or her mother, as her affection towards the infant builds a sense of

    security (Prof. P.C. Saxena). I deeply respect my mother for this, although as a boy I was

    more inclined towards my father, I agree that a mother is the very first one which

    influenced my personality. My father then helped me build other aspects of my

    personality, he emphasized on being determined, work with diligence and being fair. This

    helped me look at life with open eyes as I had my first lesson to be successful.

    Personality is also influenced by heredity; I believe my anger has been passed on by my

    grand father and father. This is a negative bloke on my personality, my sudden rush of

    anger. Social class also pays an important role on your

    Personality, I belonging to a middle class family has been encouraged to create a sense of

    self-direction. Ive been encouraged by my family to make my own decisions and this

    motivates me as I know that I am responsible for my own well being, and due to this I see

    failure as my own fault. I can not blame it on others; this has advantages and

    disadvantages both. The advantage is that each failure makes me more determined to be

    successful the next time, whereas the disadvantage is that I become overcautious and fear

    failure. Sometimes it also burdens me that I not only have to make decisions right for

    myself but also for others involved, this adds extra pressure. Then I would discuss the

    influence of peer groups on my personality. The very first interaction with my peer group

    Self analysis of personality

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    taught me to take turns while playing, wait for my turn and adjust with others around me.

    Then in a mature age I learned that to be successful at your job or institution I have to

    work as a team, and learn to co exist with others. This created a sense of belonging in me

    with my social group.

    Long term self improvement

    Discussing my personality is not the only major factor but also my long term goal

    to improve even further and eradicate what I or others see as negative in me. First of all is

    my anger, which also relates to my abrupt behavior. Controlling this will make me even

    more comfortable in my social circle. Also my tendency of getting disturbed very

    quickly, this hinders my concentration and affects my mood. If I can rectify this and other

    problems which my personality faces than I will see it as a job well done, but as George

    Orwell has said The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection.

    Self analysis of personality

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    Lehay, Benjamin. Psychology: an introduction, Eight Edition, San Francisco: McGraw-

    Hill, 2004.Print.

    Prof. P.C. Saxena. Factors Influencing Development of Personality.10 October 2008.

    Web.18 July 2010.

    Retrieved from:


    Self analysis of personality