self care and wellness for massage therapists with michael mcgillicuddy, lmt, nctmb, ckti american...

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American Massage Conference

Self Care and Wellness forMassage Therapistswith Michael McGillicuddy, LMT, NCTMB, CKTIAmerican Massage Conference Self Care & Wellness for the Massage TherapistMost people who come to the massage Therapy Profession do so because they have a sincere desire to help people.

However they do not necessarily know how to take care of themselves.

Objectives of Self Care & WellnessDefine Self Care , Wellness and Self EsteemDescribe Common Components of Self CareDescribe Common Postural Imbalances of the Human BodyDescribe Common Work Related Injuries in Massage TherapyExplain and Demonstrate Specific Exercises and Stretches

Self Care Definition Self care is personal health maintenance. It is any activity of an individual, family or community, with the intention of improving or restoring health, or treating or preventing disease.

Wellness DefinitionWellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.The term has been defined by the Wisconsin-based National Wellness Institute as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.

Self Esteem DefinitionSelf-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgement of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self.

Common Components of WellnessSelf Care and wellness is about BalanceSpiritually- practice prayer or meditationMentally- continually learnEmotionally- have great relationshipsPhysically- exercise regularly

Important Components of Wellness

Sleep- 8 hours a dayNutrition- eat fruits, vegetables, protein Water- drink water throughout the day Work- love being a massage therapistExercise- 30 minutes a day most daysPlay- enjoy activities just for fun

Important Components of WellnessSleep- 8 hours a dayNutrition- eat fruits, vegetables, protein Water- drink water throughout the day Work- love being a massage therapistExercise- 30 minutes a day most daysPlay- enjoy activities just for fun

Important Components of WellnessSleep- 8 hours a dayNutrition- eat fruits, vegetables, protein Water- drink water throughout the day Work- love being a massage therapistExercise- 30 minutes a day most daysPlay- enjoy activities just for fun

Important Components of WellnessSleep- 8 hours a dayNutrition- eat fruits, vegetables, protein Water- drink water throughout the day Work- love being a massage therapistExercise- 30 minutes a day most daysPlay- enjoy activities just for fun

Important Components of WellnessSleep- 8 hours a dayNutrition- eat fruits, vegetables, protein Water- drink water throughout the day Work- love being a massage therapistExercise- 30 minutes a day most daysPlay- enjoy activities just for fun

Important Components of WellnessSleep- 8 hours a dayNutrition- eat fruits, vegetables, protein Water- drink water throughout the day Work- love being a massage therapistExercise- 30 minutes a day most daysPlay- enjoy activities just for fun

Postural Imbalances of the BodyDo you think that Massage Therapists bodies suffer a great deal from the Physical Stress caused by: poor posture, repetitive daily activity and lack of consistent specific exercise ????

50% of Massage Therapists Suffered Work-related Injuries

Muscles Prone to be Tight gastroc-soleustibialis posteriorhip adductorshamstringsrectus femorisiliopsosasTFLpiriformisthoracolumbar extensors

quadratus lumborumpectoralis majorupper trapeziuslevator scapulamasseter/lat pterygoidSCMScalenesSuboccipitals

Muscles Prone to Weaknesstibialis anteriorvastus medialis/lateralisgluteus medius/minimusperonealsgluteus maximustransverse abdominus

serratus anteriorrhomboidsmiddle/lower trapeziusdeep neck flexorsupper limb extensors

Physical Keys to WellnessCardiovascularAerobic-type exercisesWalking, jogging, swimming, etc.Should be enjoyable & convenientOK to break up 2 or 3, 10-15 minute sessions

Physical Keys to WellnessStretchingMuscle flexibility for muscle balanceIncreased ROM for functional movementsMay help reduce injury and sorenessIncorporate into warm-up and cool-down

Physical Keys to WellnessStrengtheningBeneficial and safe for all agesMuscular strength for movement and muscle balance Help reduce injury from muscle weakness or fatigue

Physical Keys to WellnessStabilization ExercisesHelp strengthen the core muscles that protect the backLumbar & abdominal musclesTransfers force from legs to upper bodyHelp prevent low back injury

Online Resourceswww.FirstSteptoActiveHealth.comResources for individuals and professionals Information on increasing physical activity Create customized exercise programsSearchable research databaseArticles and frequently asked questions