self-imitation in apuleius' tales of tlepolemus_haemus and thrasyleon

SELF-IMITATION IN APULEIUS' TALES OF TLEPOLEMUS/HAEMUS AND THRASYLEON BY STAVROS A. FRANGOULIDIS At Metamorphoses*) 154.6 the look-out, who relates to the thie ves the Hypatans' false accusation of Lucius also brings forward and introduces to them a new member to their gang. This recruit is the young Tlepolemus who disguises himself as the renown criminal Haemus. He comes to the robbers' cave in order to seek their leadership and thus liberate his captive fiancee, Charite, kidnapped on her wedding-night. While critics have pointed out a number of illuminating connec- tions between the robber's three tales in Book 4 (84.13-91.8)') and the tale of Tlepolemus/Haemus2), they usually restrict their com- *) The text of the Metamorphoses is quoted from the Teubner edition of R. Helm, Apulei Platonici Madaurensis opera quae supersunt.Metamorphoseon libri XI (Leipzig 1968). 1) On the robber's three tales in general see B.L. Hijmans Jr. et al., Apuleius Madaurensis Metamorphoses Book IV 1-27. Text. Introduction and Commentary (Gron- ingen 1977), ad. loc. G. Cooper, Sexual and Ethical Reversal in Apuleius: TheMetamor- phoses as Anti-Epic, Studies in L atin Literature and Roman History 2 (Brussels 1980), 441-42. On the affinities of the tale of Lamachus with Satire see G.F. Gianotti, Memorialetteraria e giuridicanell'episodio di Chryseros e Lamachus (Apul. met. 4.9-11), QFC 3 (1981), 61-83. T. Alimonti, Letteratura e folclore: I Latrones di Apuleio e i briganti di Propp, CCC 7 (1986), 59-76. P.G. Walsh, The Roman Nove l. The Satyricon of Petroniusand the Metamorphoses of Apuleius(Cambridge 1970), 158. See also P.A. Mackay, Klephtika. The Tradition of the Tales of Banditry in Apuleius, G&R 10 (1963), 147-52. 2) Thus the Groningen commentators, B.L. Hijmans Jr. et al., Apuleius Madaurensis Metamorphoses Books VI 25-32 and VII. Text. Introduction and Commentary (Groningen 1981), 111. G. Westerbrink, Some Parodies in Apuleius'Metamorphoses, in: B.L. Hijmans Jr. and R.Th. van der Paard (eds.), Aspects of Apuleius' Golden Ass (hereafter AAGA) (Groningen 1978), 69, observes the following connections between Haemus and the robber's three tales of Lamachus, Alcimus, and Thrasyleon: "Haemus himself totovertice cunctos antepollebat (157,24)-the spokesman of the men who had raided Milo's house robore ceteros antistabat (80,17). Haemus regards

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