self-regulated learning and rational thoughts

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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The Relationship between Self-regulated Learning and Rational Thoughts among the Students in the First Secondary Grade – Education Directorate of Amman I


  • gninraeL detaluger-fleS neewteb pihsnoitaleR ehT

    eht ni stnedutS eht gnoma sthguohT lanoitaR dna

    fo etarotceriD noitacudE edarG yradnoceS tsriF I nammA


    2113/ 7/ 11

  • .

  • .







  • 1 :







  • 11 :


    11 :





    51 :



    34 " "

    15 15

    11 :






  • 70 :

    82 :





    301 111

  • 31 1 11 )hcirtniP( "" 1 13 4 83 () 1









    9) noitalerroC nosraeP (




    11 )AVONA yaw-2 (




    41 )AVONA yaw-2(


  • 81 "" 1

    14 )elyR( ) ""MSP ( 1

  • 111 1

    511 1

    111 4

    011 1

  • . ) (


    ) 0041 (

    ) 531) (051( )111(

    ) 111 ( ) 891 (


  • "

    "" "



    "" ""

    . " "

    ) 50.0= (

    ) 50.0=(

    ) 50.0=(



  • - 1 -


    )TCI ygolonhceT noitacinummoC dna noitamrofnI (

    )seigogadeP nredoM (


    .)0220 (

  • - 2 -

    )0991 ,talaK(



    " "




    " "


    " "

    ). 2220 (

    ) 22-12 (

  • - 3 -



    & ,renbeuH ,namliG( " " .

    ) 9002 ,gnolruF

    )gnieb-llew evitcejbus(

    " "

    & ,renbeuH ,namliG ni 9002 ,seyeK(

    ,namliG ni 9002 ,nekcarB( "" )).9002 ,gnolruF

    )) 9002 ,gnolruF & ,renbeuH

    ) 2 :

  • - 4 -

    ) 0



    ,renbeuH ,namliG ni 9002 ,inraaS & ,yelkcuB( ."

    ) 701:P ,9002 ,gnolruF

    & ,renbeuH ,namliG ni 9002 ,serajaP( "" .

    ) 9002 ,701:P ,gnolruF



  • - 5 -




    )0991 ,namremmiZ( "" .

    ( )


  • - 6 -

    . )9002 ,retlaS & ,rogerGcaM ,namrekA ,htrowkcuD(

    )sillE treblA( " "

    ))TPER( yparehT roivaheB evitomE lanoitaR(

    ). 1102 ,rensoR (

    lanoitaR( " "

    )suanK( "" ). EER noitacudE evitomE

    . ""




  • - 7 -



    ) 02.2 = ( .3

    ) 02.2 = ( .4

    ) 02.2 = ( .0

  • - 8 -






  • - 9 -






    ( )

    ). 0991 ,namremmiZ(



  • - 01 -

    & nedyrD :9002 ,namloC (

    ).3002 ,sillE




    . )004(


    . 3220 0220



  • - 11 -





    ) eltotsirA"" () otalP"" (

    ). 2220 (


  • - 21 -

    "" ) msilarutcurtS (

    citylanA (1272) tdnuW(

    ) noitcepsortnI


    ). 0220 (

    "" 1772) yeweD() "" msilanoitcnuF (

    2172) semaJ(


    ) msiroivaheB (


    ) "" rorrE dna lairT ( 7172) ekidnrohT(

    ) gninoitidnoC lacissalC ( 2012) volvaP(

    ) gninoitidnoC tnarepO ( 3012) rennikS"" (

    ). 2002 ,nielK (

    ) msivitingoC (

  • - 31 -

    -laoG ( 1012) namloT. "" (

    ) roivaheB detneiro


    ) noitubirttA ( 0212) namgileS"" (

    1712) arudnaB . "" (

    ) gniledoM dna noitavresbO (

    ). 2002 ,nielK (

    ) msivitingocateM (

    ) llevalF "" (

    2112). "" 3220(

    ) sfeileB ycaciffe-fleS gnidnatsrednU (

    ) (

    ). 3002 ,knuhcS & namremmiZ (

  • - 41 -


    ) 2220) ( lleuhS"" (

    ) noitavitoM) (ssenidaeR) (ytirutaM (

    ) 2) : ecneirepxE (

    ) 0 .

    ) 3.


    ).2002 ,nielK (

    " ). 9002 ,namloC (

    ). 072 : 2220( "

  • - 51 -




    ). 1220


    ) noitaluger-fleS (

    ) stsivitingoC(

    ). 8002 ,knuhcS (


    ) sfeileB ycaciffe-fleS " (


    ) 3 ) 0

  • - 61 -


    ). 5991 ,sillE (

    ) hcirtniP( ""




    "" .

    ): 2 (

    ).1220 4991 ,namremmiZ ;0002 ;9991 ,hcirtniP(

    ): 1 (

    )evaN( )lufllikS(

    - . -


    - .

  • - 71 -

    - .

    - .

    - .





    - . -


    - .

    - .

    - . -


    : - .



    - .

    - .

    . - -

    . . -

    - .


    - .

    - .

    - .

    - .

    - . . -

    . - -


  • - 81 -


    "" ) gninraeL detaluger-fleS (

    ) namremmiZ(

    ) thguohteroF ( )2:

    / )0

    ) lortnoC lanoitiloV /ecnamrofreP(

    ) noitcelfer-fleS ( )3

    ni 8991 ,namremmiZ(

    ). 8991 ,namremmiZ & knuhcS

    ""): 1(

  • - 91 -

    )2002 ,namremmiZ(. ""




    ) "" arudnaB "" (

    ) knuhcS) "" (namremmiZ(

    -fleS fo ledoM cidairT "" (

    ) "" gninraeL detaluger

    ) strerakeoB "" (

    ) gninraeL detaluger-fleS fo ledoM dereyal-eerhT(

    ) enniW" ( "

    . )1220(

    ) hcirtniP "" (

  • - 02 -


    ). 0 (

    ) hcirtniP(): "" 2 (


    / /noitavitoM







    / /

    & snoitcaeR


  • - 12 -

    ) 9991 ,hcirtniP "" (

    evitingoC (

    ) seigetartS

    -fleS & evitingocateM (

    ) seigetartS yrotaluger

    tnemeganaM ecruoseR (

    ) seigetartS




    ) gninraeL lanoitomE (

    ) gninraeL laroivaheB) (gninraeL evitingoC(

  • - 22 -


    ). 4791 ,kceB(

    ) yriuqni eulaV) (4791 ,kceB "" (

    " "


    ) elihwhtroW sgniht gnikaM (

    ) ssenippaH ( ) slaog efil etamitlU(

    ). lavivruS) (modsiW) (tnemllifluF(

    ) kceB"" (


    ) 2991 ,dnalsmaR "" (


  • - 32 -

    " " " .

    " " "





    ) 221 :P 2991 ,dnalsmaR "" (




    ) " nosugreF nyliraM" (


  • - 42 -

    ,sniktaW" ( "

    )0002 ,yellahW & ,rengaW ,egdoL ,llenraC


    ) 2 :

    ) 0

    ). 0002 ,la te sniktaW ni 1891 ,nilbmaH (


    )0002 ,la te sniktaW(

    ) " " 2 :

    " ") 0

    " ") 3


  • - 52 -


    ) erutcurtS evitingoC(

    ) / / sedutittA (

    ) 8891 ,tgilP & resiE( " "


    2112"" ""

    ) tceffA () 2 :

    ) noitingoC ( )0

    ) roivaheB () 3

    ) yroehT noitpecrep-fleS ( 2112) meB "" (


    ). 8891 ,tgilP & resiE(

    ) trevO) (trevoC (

    ) noitnettA) (noitasneS (

    ) noitpecreP(

  • - 62 -

    ) noitnettA evitceleS (


    ). 2220 (

    ) 2220 "" (

    ) ) ( nosbiG "" (


    ) gnissecorP noitamrofnI (

    ( )

    ) 2:

    ) 0

    ) 3


  • - 72 -

    ) scinomenM(

    ). 0220 (


    " "



    ( ) tlatseG (


    ) tlatseG dooG " " (

    )niweL( ""

    ) dleiF (


    " "

  • - 82 -

    ). 2220 3220 (

    ) hceepS rennI " " ( 0212) volokoS "" (



    ). roivaheB evitingoC " " (

    ). 7791 ,muabnehcieM(


    ) " 7791 ,muabnehcieM "" (

    ) gniniarT lanoitcurtsni-fleS ( "

  • - 92 -



    ) hceepS yrotaluger-fleS( " "


    ) 7791 ,muabnehcieM"" (

    ) egnahC roivaheB ni yroehT evitingoC (

    ) 2 :

    ) noitavresbo-fleS(

    ) serutcurtS evitingoC (

    ) 0

    ) sroivaheB & sthguohT elbitapmocnI(

    ) 3

    ) egnahC gninrecnoC snoitingoC (


  • - 03 -

    ) )TBC( yparehT laroivaheb-evitingoC( " "

    ) 0 ) 2 :

    ) 3

    ). 0102 ,nosboD ni ,siozoD & nosboD (


    3112 ) kceB(

    ) snoitrotsiD evitingoC (

    ) )TC( yparehT evitingoC " " (

    " " .

    ) srorrE evitingoC(

    : " "

    " "

    ). 0102 ,nosboD ni ,kceB & ,gnaT ,bbeW ,siebuReD (

  • - 13 -

    ) 2891 ,elyR "" (

    )sesnefeD (

    )sganS ( )sparT ( )sammeliD(


    ) noitarbiliuqE) (tegaiP "" (

    ) noitalimissA ( )atamehcS (

    )noitadommoccA (

    ) 2891 ,elyR( . ""

    ) )MSP( ledoM ecneuqeS larudecorP (

    ) etaruccA) (lluF(

    ). 0 (

    ) atamehcS "" (

    ) stpircS "" (

  • - 23 -

    cigetartS . "" (

    ) stpircS

    citcaT. (

    ) stpircS

    ) MSP. "" (

    ). 2891 ,elyR (

    )elyR "" ( )MSP ( ): 2(

  • - 33 -

    ) ylleK "" (

    ) )TCP( yroehT tcurtsnoC lanosreP (

    - -




    ). 0112

    ,draeB & yelworC ,rreK " ( "

    ) 6002 ,greblluC & eladnitraM ,nessennahoJ ni 6002

    "" ""

    ) )TAC( yparehT citylanA evitingoC " " (

  • - 43 -



    ) snoitomE (

    ) 0002 ,kihctulP "" (



    " )0002 ,kihctulP( ""

    ) snoitomE fo yroehT yranoituloveohcysP" (

    ) larutcurtS ( :

  • - 53 -

    ) laitneuqeS ( :


    ) evitavireD ( : "



    . "

    ) ygolometsipE ( ) sillE nairB("

    ) metsyS feileB lanoitaR" " (

    " "


    ). 9791 ,sillE ! (

  • - 63 -

    :" "

    22) 2220 3212 " " (

    " " 222

    ) )TBER( yparehT laroivaheB evitomE lanoitaR(



    "" " " .

    .) 0102 ,nosboD"" (

    " ) 0891 ,sillE"" (

    " " "




  • - 73 -

    ) 4002 ,sillE"" (


    )nedyrD( ""

    . ""

    ) 2 :

    ) 0

    ) 3

    ) 4

    ) 0

    ) 1


    ) )TBER


    ) sillE "" (

    ) nedyrD "" (

  • - 83 -


    " "" "

    " "


    )EDCBA (

    . " "

    ): 3002 ,sillE & nedyrD ;5991 ,nedyrD(

    ) tnevE gnitavitcA :A ( .1

    ) 5991 ,nedyrD. "" (

    ) ytilibisnopserrI lanoitomE fo elpicnirP " ( "

    !" : "

    : "


    ." ""

  • - 93 -

    ). ytilibisnopseR lanoitomE fo elpicnirP lareneG(

    fo elpicnirP cificepS (

    ) ytilibisnopseR lanoitomE

    : " .


    ): sfeileB :B ( .2

    ). A (


    )5991 ,nedyrD( ""

    ) A) (B (

    ): noitpircseD) (2 :

    ) noitaterpretnI) (0

    ) ecnerefnI) (3

  • - 04 -

    ) noitaulavE) (4


    ) 2: ) lanoitarrI) (lanoitaR(

    ) 3 ) 0

    ) . 4

    ) 0) 2:

    ) 3

    . ) 4


    ) stsuM sv ecnereferP( :

    " ..."

  • - 14 -



    ) gnizilufuA sv gnizilufwA-itnA ( :



    : .

    woL sv )TFH( ecnareloT noitartsurF hgiH(

    ). )TFL( ecnareloT noitartsurF


    ) gninwoD rehto/fleS sv ecnatpeccA rehto/fleS ( /

  • - 24 -

    )tnegreviD (


    )meetse-fleS " " (

    . /

    ) secneuqesnoC :C ( .3

    ) A) (B (

    ) 3002 ,sillE & nedyrD" " (

    / .

    )5991 ,nedyrD( ""

    ) ecnabrutsiD ogE (

    ) ecnabrutsiD trofmocsiD(

    . )gnitar-fleS" " (

    )ecnerelotnI noitartsurF" ( "

  • - 34 -

    ) "gnizilufuA"" (

    . )gnidnameD" (

    ) 4002 ,naneeN & nedyrD" " (


    ) 3002 ,sillE & nedyrD " ( "


    : :

    ) snoitomE evitageN yhtlaehnU & yhtlaeH (

    ( )



  • - 44 -

    evitcudorpnU & evitcudorP ( :

    ) gniknihT


    ( )

    ( ) .


    evitcurtsnocnU & evitcurtsnoC( :

    / )roivaheB




  • - 54 -

    22) sillE "" (



    ) C (

    ) A) (B (


    ) noitatupsiD :D ( .4

    ,sillE & ,nosnhoJ ,noslieN " ( . "

    : ) 1002

    ) snoitnevretnI(


  • - 64 -

    ) gniknihT rethgiartS (

    ). noitatnorfnoc-fleS (





  • - 74 -

    ) D (


    ): noitatupsiD lacigoL ( )2


    ): noitatupsiD laciripmE( / )0

    ). noitatupsiD yraitnedivE cifitneicS (

    ): noitatupsiD citamgarP( / )3


    ). noitatupsiD lanoitcnuF(

    ): noitatupsiD citsirueH ( )4

  • - 84 -

    ) ecnanossiD evitingoC fo snaeM yb noitatupsiD(


    lanoitaR gniticnI yb noitatupsiD ( )0

    ): sevitanretlA



    ): noitatupsiD citcadiD / ( )2



    ): noitatupsiD citarcoS ( )0


    ):noitatupsiD lacirohpateM ( )3


  • - 94 -

    : )erusolcsiD-fleS tsiparehT yb noitatupsiD ( )4


    : )noitatupsiD suoromuH( )0


    ) gnitupsiD fo tceffE :E ( .5

    ) D ( /

    ). 3002 ,sillE & nedyrD (

    . )5991 ,nedyrD(

  • - 05 -

    " " " "



    )" EDCBA " " (



  • - 15 -




    ,yrreP & ,ztiT ,zteoG ,murkeP" ( "

    ) 2002



    " "

    ) )QEA( eriannoitseuQ snoitomE cimedacA(


  • - 25 -


    )ytilibixelF evitingoC (

    ) moderoB ( :

    )regnA) (epoH) (tnemyojnE (

    ). yteixnA(

    ) 4220 (


    )34( )122( )102(

    : .

    " "




  • - 35 -



    )240( )240(




    ) 1220(

    )120( .


    )20( )20( )20(


    -A (

    . ()QRS

  • - 45 -

    ) . 02.2





    ) 2.

    . ) 3 ) 0


    ) 2220 (


    )223( () )723( )120(

    . :



  • - 55 -



    )5991 ,sirroM(



    )022 ( )122( ""

    . )1.12(


    " "


    ) 5002 ,ievacaM "" (

    ) )SBA( BI" ( "

  • - 65 -

    )gnitar-fleS( ) gnidnameD(

    . )ecnarelotnI noitartsurF( )gnizilufuA(

    ) 12 ( ) 01-02 ( )20(

    02" () " 22 (

    ". ) "


    ) 4220(


    . .

    . )02(


    ) 02.2 (



  • - 75 -


    ) 2220(

    )21( .


    . )2102(


    ) 02.2 (


    ) 1220 (



    . )032 ( )100(

    "" " " .

  • - 85 -



    ) 1220 (

    . ) 224(

    " "



    ) 2220 (



    . )302( )202( )7220-2220(

    "" "".

  • - 95 -

    ) 2 :

    ) 0

    ) 3



    ) 2002 ,la te ,murkeP (

    ) 4220. (

    . (

    ) 0220


    ) 1220). (1220 (


    ) 2220(


  • - 06 -

    ) 5991 ,sirroM (


    ) 1220 (


    ) 2002 ,la te ,murkeP). (1220(


    ). 5002 ,ievacaM 2220 2220 4220(


  • - 16 -


    )1112( )2234( )3220-0220(

    . )1230( )7020( )2220(

    % 22

    . ) 3 (.

    ): 3 (

    1230 7020 2220 1112 2234 400 712 010 202 004

    24 04 37 37 40 20 04 04

    13 20 10 10 20 10 14 14 23 1 24 24

    7 20 70 70 24 13 17 17 22 20 73 73

  • - 26 -


    ) 1991 ,la te hcirtniP( ""

    ) 1220) (1112(


    ( ""

    )0,0( )

    . % 71,07

    )72( )14( )17,2(

    )72( )22(



    . ))2( (


    %) 27 (. ))0( (

  • - 36 -


    ). 3 (


    )14( ) s'hcabnorC(

    ) 222 (

    )07.2 (

    ) 47.2 (

    ) 07.2 () 17.2(


    . )21.2(

    .)02.2 = (


    " "

    1 0( " "

    . )04 34 70 20 1

  • - 46 -

    " " " "

    : .

    : )72( )4 : ( .1 )14 73 23 13 43 03 23 23 20 00 20 72 12 02 22 7 2 2( ) 73 20 02 7(: )4( : . ) 14 13 03 23 00(: )0( : . )23 72 22 2(: )4( : . )23 43 20 12 2(: )0( : .

    )22( : .2

    ) 44 04 10 00 40 30 32 22 0 0(:

    : 72 ) 4 : ( .3 ) 04 34 24 24 13 03 33 70 10 20 12 22 42 02 1 1 4 3(

    )04 34 13 33 20 02 4( : )2( : . )24 70 22 1(: )4(: . )12 42 3(: )3(: . )24 03 10 1(: )4(: .


    . )14(

    )230-472( :

    .)2114( )23201( )372732(

  • - 56 -


    ) 2691 ,.A sillE( " " (/)

    ) 2220 ( ) 0712 (


    ) 22.2 = ) (41.2 10.2 (



    )4( )42(

    ) 47 (





    %) 21 (. ))0( (

    . )3 (()

  • - 66 -


    ) 10( ) s'hcabnorC(

    ) 222 (

    . )01.2 (

    . )07.2(

    . )02.2 = (


    )0712( ) 2691 ,.A sillE( ""

    ) 2220(




    ) 022 ( ""

    .) 10 (

  • - 76 -

    "" .

    "" ""





    )10( )022(

    )21-47( )022-71( : .

    . )11-10( )37-22(


    20 12 22 12 42 32 22 7 1 0 3 :

  • - 86 -

    30 20 14 14 44 34 04 24 13 23 03 03 10 20 40 00

    42 40

    : )4 (

    () ): 4 (

    ( ) 34 10 02 2 . . 2 44 23 12 0 . . 0 . 3

    . 04 23 22 3

    . 4 .

    14 03 72 4

    24 33 12 0 . . 0 74 43 20 1 . . 1 14 03 20 2 . . 2 20 13 00 7 . . 7 20 23 30 1 . . 1

    00 73 40 22 . . 22 30 13 00 22 . . 22 . 02

    . 40 24 10 02

    00 24 20 32 . . 32 . 42

    . 10 04 70 42

  • - 96 -


    .2 .0 .3


    ) 4( .0 .1


    ( ) ) 2 ) ( )0


    ) 2 ) 0


    . .2 . )noitalerroC nosraeP( .0 ) AVONA yaw-owT ( .3

  • - 07 -



    : ) 1 0(

    ): 5(



    23.9 %40.12 22.21 02.122/ 98.86


    49.4 % 72.42 22.20 73.222/ 40.73


    20.8 %21.22 22.21 22.312/ 18.36

    80.91 % 47.32 22.230 38.961

  • - 17 -

    ) 0(

    )17.71-42.23 (

    " "


    )%40.12( " "

    )%72.42( " "

    )%21.22( " "

    ) 37.112 (

    .)%47.32 ( )72.12(

    ) 1 (

    %) ( ) 1.22 (

    %) ( 2.0%) ( ) (0.30(

    %) ( ).0.2) (

    ): 6(

    004 2 40 110 71

    %222 %0.2 %2.0 %1.22 %0.30

  • - 27 -


    . ) 7 2(

    :)2 ( ) 32.2-01.0(

    " "

    ) 11.2) (32.2 (


    " " "

    " ) 21.2 02.2) (11.1 (


    " ) 27.2) (20.1(

    ) 01.0 " (

    ) 21.2 (

    .)%04.72( )27.4) (37.27 (

  • - 37 -

    ): 7 (


    . 38.0 % 22.22 22.7 61.6


    18.0 % 20.12 22.7 21.6 .


    09.0 % 31.02 22.7 50.6 .


    39.0 % 02.12 22.7 83.6 .

    78.0 % 73.27 22.7 15.6 . 0


    . 09.0 % 77.22 22.7 57.5

    49.0 % 73.02 22.7 30.6 . 2


    % 77.27 22.7 30.7 . 99.0


    50.1 % 31.37 22.7 96.6 .


    . 80.1 % 00.27 22.7 24.6


    . 09.0 %00.22 22.7 26.5


    . 90.1 % 00.27 22.7 24.6

    19.0 % 31.37 22.7 96.6 . 32


    . 29.0 % 02.02 22.7 28.5

    18.4 % 04.72 22.022 38.78

  • - 47 -

    ): 8(

    004 2 99 613 5

    %222 %25. %5.32 %9.47 % 2.1

    ) 7 (

    %) 0.30 (""%) 1.42 (

    " "%) 0.2 (""

    . " " %) 0.2 (


    ) 50.0 = (

    ) noitalerroC nosraeP (

    .) 1(

  • - 57 -

    ) noitalerroC nosraeP ( ): 9(


    10.0 100.0 50.0 100.0

    01.0* 70.0 70.0 11.0* .


    80.0 90.0 11.0* 20.0


    21.0* 11.0* 31.0* 90.0

    70.0 01.0* 50.0 30.0 . 30.0 30.0 100.0 40.0 .

    01.0* 11.0* 10.0 01.0* .

    41.0* 21.0* 80.0 41.0* .


    21.0* 01.0* 21.0* 11.0*


    70.0 80.0 60.0 40.0

    20.0- 100.0 10.0- 30.0- .

    . 40.0- 10.0- 20.0 60.0-

    11.0* 80.0 01.0* 01.0* .

    . 10.0- 40.0 100.0 60.0-

    71.0* 91.0* 51.0* 21.0* )50.0 = ( *

  • - 67 -

    :) 1 (

    )50.0 = ( .2

    " "


    " " " "

    " "

    . " " "


    )50.0 = ( .0

    " "


    " "

    " "

    " "

    . "


  • - 77 -

    )50.0 = ( .3

    " "


    " " "

    " " "

    " "

    . "


    )50.0 = ( .4



    " " "


    " "

    . " " "

  • - 87 -


    )50.0 = (:

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    )50.0 = ( :

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    ) AVONA yaw-2( ): 31(

    F 00.0* 32.04 67.538 1 67.538

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    224 00.0245623 204 13.2121

    )50.0 = ( *

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    ) : 32 (

    )50.0 = ( .2

    ) 02) (30.24) (F (

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    )50.0 = ( .0

    ) 02) (41.22) (F (

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    ). 02.27(

  • - 28 -




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    )AVONA yaw-2(





    ) 0220) (1220() 1220 (


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    )50.0 = ( :

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  • - 103 -

  • - 103 -

    : )1 (

    . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . . 6 . 7 / . 8 / . 9 / . 11

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    ) . 5) 4 ) 3

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    . .1 . .2 . .3 . .4 . .5 . .6 . .7 . .8



    . .11 . .11 . .21 . .31 . .41 . .51 . .61 . .71





    . .12 . .12

    .22 :


    . .32 . .42

  • - 103 -

    .52 .

    . .62 . .72 . .82 . .92 .13 . .13 . .23 . .33 . .43 . .53





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    . .1 . .2 . .3 . .4 . .5 . .6 . .7 . .8 . .9

    . .11 . .11 . .21 . .31 . .41 . .51 . .61 . .71 . .81 . .91 . .12 . .12 . .22 . .32 .42


    . .52 . .62 . .72 . .82 . .92

  • - 033 -

    . .13 . .13 . .23 . .33 . .43 . .53 . .63 . .73 . .83 . .93 . .14 . .14 . .24 . .34 . .44 . .54 . .64 . .74 . .84 . .94 . .15 . .15 . .25 .35


    . .45 . .55 . .65

  • - 333 -

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  • - 133 -

    .1 . .2 . .3 . .4 . .5 . .6 . .7 . .8 . .9

    . .11 . .11 . .21 . .31 . .41 . .51 .61 . .71



    . .91 . .12 . .12

    .22 :


    . .32 . .42

  • - 133 -

    . .52 . .62 . .72 . .82 . .92 . .13 . .13 . .23 . .33 . .43 . .53





    . .83 . .93



    . .14 . .24 . .34 . .44 . .54



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    . .1 . .2 . .3 . .4 . .5 . .6 . .7 . .8 . .9

    . .11 . .11 . .21 . .31 . .41 . .51 . .61 . .71 . .81 . .91 . .12 . .12 . .22 . .32 .42


    . .52 . .62 . .72 . .82 . .92

  • - 133 -

    . .13 . .13 . .23 . .33 . .43 . .53 . .63 . .73 . .83 . .93 . .14 . .14 . .24 . .34 . .44 . .54 . .64 . .74 . .84 . .94 . .15 . .15 . .25 .35


    . .45 . .55 . .65

  • - 133 -

    : )4 (


  • - 133 -


  • correlational descriptive method was adopted through which

    Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, and McKeachies Measure of Self-

    regulated Learning Strategies and Elliss Test of Rational and

    Irrational Thoughts were adopted. And for answering the

    studys questions, the data of the study was statistically

    analyzed. The results of the study indicated that: first, most of

    the students are good at using self-regulated learning strategies

    including cognitive, metagognitive and resources management

    strategies. Second, most of the students are considered

    rational; as ten factors got rational degree, three factors

    irrational degree, and only one factor very rational degree.

    Finally, there was, in total, a positive correlational relationship

    between self-regulated learning and rational thoughts at the

    level ( = 0.05), as well as there were differences among the

    students at self-regulated learning level attributed to sex for

    females while there were no differences attributed to specialty,

    and there are differences among the students as well at rational

    thoughts level attributed to both sex and specialty for females

    and whose specialty is scientific. Consequently, the study

    recommended conducting experimental studies about the two

    variables (self-regulated learning and rational thoughts) aiming

    to identify the impact of each variable on the other.

  • - 021 -


    The Relationship between Self-regulated Learning and

    Rational Thoughts among the Students in the First

    Secondary Grade Education Directorate of Amman I


    Mohammed Kamal Subhi Al-Haj Baddar


    Dr. Asma Abdelhafeth Khalaf Al-Jaafreh

    (Assistant Professor)

    The study aimed to identify the relationship between self-

    regulated learning and rational thoughts, and the differences

    among the students in the First Secondary Grade Amman I, at

    the level of these variables attributed to Sex and Specialty. The

    stratum random-selected sample of the study consisted of (422)

    students out of 4377-student population; (157) Male, (265)

    Female, (198) in Scientific Specialty and (224) in Literary

    Specialty. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the MOAMMEDKAMALSUBHIAL-HAJBADDAR