selling the war.govt2008

Selling the War World War I Propaganda Posters

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Page 1: Selling The War.Govt2008

Selling the War

World War I Propaganda Posters

Page 2: Selling The War.Govt2008

Selling the War:


Selling the War:


Page 3: Selling The War.Govt2008

What’s the PurposeThey are trying to get men to do their job in the war, because woman are doing their jobs back at home by making the supplies for themwoman are doing their part in the war by working in the factories and making the supplies so that the men will have something to fight with do their partThe purpose is to get men to realize that the woman are doing their part so that

they will do the same--so that men are aware that women are working for them so they should too

How does the document communicate its message?

Pink: Innocence, good health and life, freshness, feminism, energize

Red: Blood, strong emotions, passion, danger, strength, aggression

Purple: Wisdom, gratitude, healing

Black : Evil influences, mourning (the soldiers), Germans?

Orange: Learning, on the poster is says learn to make munitions, energize A lot of woman, and one man that is waiving as a symbol of thanks for making the weapons for the war Whenever the brain sees these colors it energizes, and makes the woman want to do more, more willing to learn

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Who’s the audience for this poster?

Men & Younger WomenWhat does the message suggest about the audience’s beliefs and values?

That they don’t realize that woman can help, and are showing them through the poster that women are helping us with the war, they are doing their part to help our troops

How accurate are these beliefs about the audience?I think that they are pretty accurate because at this time woman were just starting to become powerful with passing the 19th amendment, so people were just starting to notice them and with them actually helping making supplies for war, people’s views were starting to change for the better

What are the writer/artist’s motives for creating this message? We are at war and want woman to work to help us make weapons to send to the troops that are fighting in the war so that women also are helping our countries with all of the duties of fighting in the world, and to show people that women are also helping, that its not just the men

What emotions does the document use to communicate its message? How is the audience likely to feel?

The emotions the document use to communicate its message is showing pride; nationalism women are working to help the soldiers showing devotion to their nation. The audience will notice that women work hard and are helping the soldiers for war. While the men are doing their part so are the women.

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What ethical or moral values does the document use to communicate its message? What relevant values are missing?

Since women can’t fight in the war they can help the country by making goods to support the soldiers.The woman waving to the soldier almost shows that women and soldiers are a team/work together.

What will happen if the audience accepts this message? What about the world?People’s point of view of woman will change and see that they are more competent and that they can help us in the industry and not just be house wives, one countries start to realize this then women will start to become more powerful in the voting world and start to pass laws that they want to pass

What’s your overall impression of this message? this is an energetic poster that advertises to mostly women, but men too. The right colors make women want to look at the poster, which then tells them to learn how to make munitions--> then for the men it says, "These women are doing their bit“

Categorize the poster: argument, persuasion, propaganda? Explain your choice!persuasion - because this poster is trying to persuade women to learn and educate themselves on how to make munitions, it is also persuading men to do their "bit" because the women are doing theirs

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Selling the War:

the Recruit

Selling the War:

the Recruit

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PurposeWhat’s the message that this document communicates? What is the purpose?The message that is communicated to those who look at this poster is that if you joining the army, you are strong and is dignified and noble.

Why is it important for this message to be delivered to this audience at this time?At this time, volunteers were needed to join the army since there were not enough troops to fight for America. They want the audience to be willing to fight, instead of coerced so the government would not look bad.

How does the document communicate its message? Language, color, space, symbolsBold and bright colors (red white and blue) bring attractions to the American people since it is American Colors. Uncle Sam is seen as a god with his strong arms along with the lighting bolt at his side—like Zeus. The flying eagle symbolizes the country of America. The eagle has a fierce face and is flying down ready to attack its prey. Just like America is ready to attack in the War. Sun and the stars represents “anytime”—meaning they can fight at any point day or night.

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AudienceWho is the audience for this document? The audience is men, especially young men. Even the males that are too young for war, they can look up to these troops as a role model so once they become of age they will want to join.

What does the message suggest about the audience’s beliefs and values?The country relies on them to fight for their country, they are the core of the country. Men are there to be the hero of their country, there are there to save the day.


What are the writer/artist’s motives for creating this message? The artist wants to get out to Americans that they can be strong and join the army to defend their country

Evidence, Support, OutcomesWhat emotions does the document use to communicate its message? How is the audience likely to feel? The picture’s emotions are very serious and heart felt. The artist feels that everyone can be a strong hero if they help their country

What ethical or moral values does the document use to communicate its message? That America is strong and we are ready to fight even if we start out small, we will be the biggest in the end.

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Overall Impression and ConclusionWhat’s your overall impression of this message? Summarize your findings. Categorize the poster: argument, persuasion, propaganda? Explain your choice!Over all we feel that the photo is in between persuasion and propaganda it definitely supports in what the message is trying to send out but it doesn’t have other perspectives. It simply shows that America needs men to come and fend for their country. Most importantly that American soldiers will be ready at anytime no matter what the circumstance.

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Selling the War:

the Govt.

Selling the War:

the Govt.

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Message: don’t waste food, dark colors make situation serious, facial expression, crying children, poor surroundings

Audience: women at home

Importance: makes people feel involved, like they are doing their part

Suggests: audience (U.S. women at home) are wasteful

Missing facts: specific numbers of starving people, how much food is being wasted

Persuasion: uses emotion, one side of the issue

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Selling the War:

the Enemy

Selling the War:

the Enemy

Page 13: Selling The War.Govt2008

Defeat the Germans and

avenge the lives that were lost

Citizens wanted to buy bonds to

support the war efforts. Bonds

doesn’t take a long time. And its simple

and easy to do.

Its purpose was to get the citizens involved and make them angry and give money.

Audience: the American citizens

Would buy bonds to pay for the war.

Instead of borrowing money

from foreign countries, they would buy the

bonds from the American people.

Germans are the bad guys. “menace of the sea.” They have to be


Biased to America. Its strictly a belief. Its what the Americans see.

The background is dark and the red is bright so it attracts the audience. Contrasting colors.

The writer wanted American support.
