selling your own private label perfume brand

Selling your own private label perfume brand Selling your own private label perfume brand involves a lot of complexities, yet it is highly rewarding and profitable venture too. Complex it is because you require considering so many items like bottles, labels, shipping, packaging, size and price! Rewarding this venture is because you will be glad to see customers are buying your product from a reputed store. It will really gladden you as you will think then your efforts have been fairly rewarded. Profitable it is because when your enterprise will be well-known cutting across all sections of the society and create a brand, you will see inflow of earnings and growth in constant order. Probably the vital consideration you will need to undertake is how you are planning to sell your perfume. No doubt, it depends largely on the situation you are in. If you have your own store, it will be an advantage. Your store will be known among people as specialty retailer or a departmental store. You may consider mail order supply-locally, nationally, or even globally. The last option should be considered when your private label perfume brand is a global brand and can afford to global shipping costs.

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Page 1: Selling your own private label perfume brand

Selling your own private label perfume brand

Selling your own private label perfume brand involves a lot of complexities, yet it is highly rewarding and profitable venture too. Complex it is because you require considering so many items like bottles, labels, shipping, packaging, size and price! Rewarding this venture is because you will be glad to see customers are buying your product from a reputed store. It will really gladden you as you will think then your efforts have been fairly rewarded. Profitable it is because when your enterprise will be well-known cutting across all sections of the society and create a brand, you will see inflow of earnings and growth in constant order.

Probably the vital consideration you will need to undertake is how you are planning to sell your perfume. No doubt, it depends largely on the situation you are in. If you have your own store, it will be an advantage. Your store will be known among people as specialty retailer or a departmental store. You may consider mail order supply-locally, nationally, or even globally. The last option should be considered when your private label perfume brand is a global brand and can afford to global shipping costs.

Run advertisement on the web. It is the most widely accessible media world where you can get an opportunity to optimize your private label perfume brand faster. Consider seriously running advertisement on specialized magazines. You ought to get on as many ad props as possible to reach out to the maximum number of customers. And, this advertisement has to go on repeatedly and this will help your private label perfume brand become well-known faster.

Page 2: Selling your own private label perfume brand

When you are getting your supplies from any quality perfume manufacturers, make sure to find out who else is buying from them. In case you want a quality perfume product to carry your private label perfume brand name, then try to find out who supplies your chosen vendor.

Then comes the size, quality and pricing. Take an example. Think you can sell a 2 bottle of a fragrance at a retail price of US$75.00. Consider dividing the perfume by two to facilitate the retailer to sell the perfume at lesser cost like US$ 35.00.

In a business like this one, the price quantity equation is the key to the whole exercise. If the size is too small, and the price goes up continuously and alarmingly, buyers will not be drawn to your private label perfume brand. Fix the price which makes sense for the end users. Plus, you get orders from retailers in bulk!

Many perfume manufacturers, especially the French ones, spend a lot on packaging and marketing. Due to these, price of their products goes high. However, when it is a major brand, the product price will be justified. They will import more advanced technologies for packaging their product in eco friendly way, and the cost will be added to the product. End users will have to bear them. For a major brand it is okay, but for a startup it’s not. So, consider all these things intelligently.