sending signals - cara gubbins · copyright © 2012 by cara gubbins, a spiritual tail 3 a note from...


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Page 1: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive
Page 2: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 2



By Cara Gubbins , PhD

Animal Intuitive and Pet Medium

Illustrations by Claire Chew Gillensen

Page 3: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 3


This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

relationship with your pet. These are the same skills I teach in my in-person and online

classes. They work for me. They work for my students. And they will work for you,

too. Just trust yourself and trust the process.

The steps in this book are designed to be used in order, starting with the first

one. Follow that step and make it a daily habit for the next week or so. After

mastering that one, move on to the next one and add it into your routine. Gradually

(or maybe suddenly and dramatically), you will see shifts occurring in your relationship

with your pet and her behavior. You will probably start to feel like you are more on

the same wavelength or that your pet is somehow miraculously doing what you want

him to do. The changes can be subtle or dramatic – so be ready for either!

Approach each step with an open mind, like a curious scientist observing the

world - simply notice what you notice. And hang in there – these are new habits, so

they require some focus at first before they become automatic.

I really hope this book is useful to you and that with it you transform your

current relationship with your pet into your dream relationship with your pet.

Good luck and enjoy!

Page 4: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 4


INTUITION ..................................................................................................................... 5

THREE KEYS TO INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION .......................................... 7

THE FIVE STEPS – OVERVIEW .......................................................................... 10

THE FIVE STEPS – IN DEPTH .......................................................................... 11

STEP 1: CALM ................................................................................................................... 11

STEP 2: KEEP IT SIMPLE ............................................................................................ 13

STEP 3: ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE .................................................................. 15

STEP 4: VISUALIZE ......................................................................................................... 17

STEP 5: EMOTIONS ......................................................................................................... 19

TRUST YOURSELF AND YOUR INTUITION ................................................ 21

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ............................................................................................ 23

Page 5: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 5


All people are born with natural intuitive ability. Intuition is not just in

some of us; it’s in all of us. But when most people try to use their intuition,

they fail. They fail not because it’s so hard or because their intuition doesn’t

work. They fail because they make it hard by trying to do too much at once or

expecting instantaneous results without building a foundation first.

Here at A Spiritual Tail, our clients

enjoy amazing, intuitive relationships

with their pets. And that’s because

we understand how intuition works

and how to develop it naturally. If

you’re reading this book, it’s probably because you want your relationship to

be the best it can be and you want to take it to a higher level (or maybe you’re

frustrated because your pet doesn’t always do what you want her to do).

The good news is that your intuition and your natural ability to create a

more intuitive relationship with your pet can be improved no matter what level

they are at now. You just need to learn a few simple ways to open your natural

intuitive channels when you interact with your pet. And then, voila! Your

relationship will start to change before your eyes.

Page 6: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 6


There are thousands of people already using their intuitive abilities to

connect more consciously with their pets. Many are professional Animal

Intuitives, Pet Psychics and Animal Communicators. But even more of them are

pet lovers just like you who simply want to understand their pets better. These

professionals and pet owners aren’t any different than you – you were born

with the same intuitive abilities as everyone else. What separates people who

use their intuition from those that don’t are a few different habits. If you

change your habits, you can do what they do, too, and build more intuitive,

satisfying relationships with your pets.

Page 7: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 7



Communication is about an interaction between two people (or two

animals or a person and animal). Information is exchanged. We communicate

all the time with our pets. I like to think of communication like an iceberg –

what we see is less than 90% of what is there. Most of our communication

happens below our conscious awareness. It’s the part of the iceberg that’s

under the water. Our intuitive communication is a huge part of our unconscious

communication. Even though it is below the surface, intuitive communication is

extremely important, especially with pets. It can be very powerful when we

bring our unconscious intuitive communication to the surface to be used

intentionally and consciously.

The way I see it, there are three clear keys to developing true intuitive

communication with our pets.

1) Sending Clear Signals. Sending clear signals boils down to

understanding how you are already communicating, understanding

the most effective ways to send clear signals, and sending the right

signals at the right time. This is the easiest place to start because it

is the part of the communication puzzle that we have the most

control over and are most familiar with. We’ll explore this in this

Page 8: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 8

book and I go into more detail about this in my “Energy Tools for Pet

Lovers” and “Intuitive Communication with Pets” audio classes.

2) Receiving Your Pet’s Information. Intuitive communication can

come through any of our senses. Intuition can come through our

sense of sight, sound, emotions, thoughts, physical sensations,

memories, images, sounds, hunches, and direct knowing. Just like a

radio has to be tuned to the right station to receive the broadcast,

we need to be tuned into the right frame of mind to notice the

information that we are receiving. There are many tools to use to

become a better receiver and to simply learn which channel you

receive best on. Participants in my “Intuitive Communication with

Pets” audio class, explore all of the different ways we can receive

information and how to strengthen each of those channels.

3) Understanding the Energetic Basis of Intuition. Ancient mystics and

modern physicists agree that everything in our world is made up of

energy. Energy moves within our bodies and between us and our

companions when we interact with others. There are many ways to

work with energy and become aware of the information contained

within the energy. I go into this more in my “Energy Tools for Pet

Lovers” audio class.

Page 9: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 9

This book focuses on the first key to intuitive communication with your

pet, Sending Clear Signals. This is the first step to creating a more intuitive

relationship with your pet. You may find that as you practice the simple tools

for the first key, the other two keys become clearer as well and you begin to

understand and feel energy and receive intuitive communication from your pet.

This may be the key to changing your whole world!

Page 10: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 10


1. Calm. Remain Calm, Clear, and Neutral when you talk to your pet.

2. Keep It Simple. Focus on only one thing at a time.

3. Accentuate the Positive. Focus only on what you want to happen.

4. Visualize. Create a picture in your mind of what you want.

5. Emotions. Add the good feeling that goes with what you want.

Focus on ONE step each day for 7 days.

Page 11: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 11



We’ve all had a time when we reacted out of frustration or anger with

our pet or with a person in our lives. Upset energy leads to confusion and

garbled communication. When we’re upset, the blood flow through our brains

bypasses the thinking part of our brain and goes to the emotional, survival part

of our brain. This makes it harder to think clearly and to communicate clearly.

Calm energy leads to clear, open communication. Intuition is subtle and it is

hard to direct and recognize in highly charged situations. So, if you want to

connect intuitively with your pet, it’s important to remain, calm, clear, and

neutral when you talk to your pet.

I advocate the “Rule of 5” to help people (including myself!) return to

calm when they are feeling upset. It works by taking 5 breathes, in for a count

of 5, and then out for a count of 5. This breathing exercise actually shifts our

brains and bodies out of the flight or fight stress response. Blood returns to

Page 12: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 12

the thinking part of our brain and we can stay calm and consciously decide

what we want to communicate rather than react out of strong emotions.

This week, whenever you notice yourself getting upset or reactive, look

at your hand. The five fingers on your hand are your reminder to take 5

breathes: inhale to a count of 5 and exhale to a count of 5 and repeat it 5

times. Before you communicate anything to your pet, follow the Rule of 5 and

then send your message. This step helps you slow down and center yourself

when you are communicating with your pet. This habit will help you as your

communication adds more and more subtle layers of intuition.

Page 13: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 13


The next habit to develop is to focus on only one thing at a time when

you communicate. Mixed messages are confusing. When we’re not aware of all

the messages we are sending, we’re not effective at communicating.

Communication works on so many different levels -body language, intuitive

pictures, and the words we use – that it can be hard to know everything that

we are communicating. This step will help you start to recognize all the

confusing messages you are sending unconsciously and help you concentrate on

the one message you really want to be sending.

If your dog is running around the house and you say “Stop running and sit

down!” your dog can get confused and not do anything. The two messages may

go together in your mind, but they must be communicated one at a time to be

effective. You may say “Stop!” first and when your dog stops, then you can say

“sit!” With only one word, one action, one command, what you are

communicating is clear to you and your pet.

Your next habit is to break down every communication you make into

one piece at a time. Find the simplest, clearest way to communicate what you

Page 14: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 14

want and communicate only that. Once that has been received, then you can

communicate the next piece. By breaking down your communication, you make

your desires clearer to you and to your pet.

Page 15: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 15


Negative messages are confusing because our brains (and our pets’

brains) don’t register the word “don’t.” When we say “don’t sit there!” all our

pet hears is “sit!” So when our dog sits right where we don’t want him to, he is

actually only following our directions!

Now that you’re used to slowing down and narrowing down what you

want to communicate to one thing, the next step is to make sure that one thing

is what you want. Focus on the positive.

For some practice with this, change the following negative commands into the


Stop barking!

Don’t scratch the couch!

Don’t jump up on me!

Don’t pee on the bed!

Page 16: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 16

I hope you came up with positive alternatives along the lines of “be

quiet,” “keep your paws on the ground,” “stay on the floor,” and “pee in the

litter box.” It’s so easy to focus on what we don’t want, but in order to be

effective, intuitive communicators we have to make sure that we are

communicating what we want.

This week, practice saying everything in the positive. It can be

challenging in the moment to train ourselves to automatically focus on the

positive when the negative is bugging us so much. So, take a moment and think

about some situations that you regularly encounter with your pet. What is the

old, negative way you used to communicate about it? What is your new,

positive phrasing going to be when it happens again? Plan ahead so that you are

ready in the moment. And then try it out and be amazed when you see how

effective it is!

Page 17: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 17


Congratulations! You are already a more effective communicator and

you’ve laid a fantastic foundation for adding an intuitive component to your

communication with your pet. The next step is your first try with a purely

intuitive communication technique. It wouldn’t be as effective, though, if you

hadn’t created the habits that you already have.

The next step is to create a picture in your mind of what you want.

Animals are visual communicators and they are already picking up any intuitive

pictures you are (consciously or unconsciously) sending them when you

communicate. Believe it or not, we send mental pictures all the time

unintentionally when we talk with our pets and with other people. Now, you

are going to start doing this on purpose.

This habit is pretty simple, really. All you need to do is visualize a

picture of what your words are saying, creating a picture in your mind of what

you want. Before you talk to your pet, stop and create an image in your mind

of what you want. Then send that image when you talk to your pet.

Page 18: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 18

Here is an example of how I have used

this technique. I was talking with a dog

owner at a fundraiser for our local Humane

Society. She was frustrated because her dog

wouldn’t sit as we were talking and she

started complaining that her dog didn’t ever

do what she wanted her to do. As the woman

was talking, her standard poodle was completely focused on her face. The dog

clearly wanted direction from her human, but the only message the woman was

sending was that her dog wouldn’t do what she wanted.

Silently, I sent a picture to the dog of the three of us in which the two

humans were standing and the dog was sitting down. Immediately, the poodle

sat down, all the while continuing to gaze adoringly at her human companion. I

told the woman what I had just done and she couldn’t believe it. Then I taught

her how to do it and after only two tries, her dog did exactly what she wanted,

she sat down.

Don’t get discouraged if sending a picture doesn’t work the first time.

Keep trying, it will work!

Page 19: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 19


In this step, you are going to add the good feeling that goes with the

picture of what you want. Animals pick up the energy of our emotions and this

can help us create a connection with them and motivate them to do what we

want them to do.

After you are calm, focused on what

you want, clear on the positive

message, and have a picture of what

you want, then you add the feeling of

how good it will feel when that

happens. Start by feeling the feeling in yourself first. Then send your picture

with the feeling attached as you feel that feeling in yourself. Give your pet

some time to consider your request. More often than not, when they feel how

good it will feel to do whatever you are requesting, they will choose to do it.

During one of my favorite encounters with dogs, I used this technique.

Three dogs were barking loudly as I was having a conversation nearby. I sent

Page 20: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 20

them a picture: their mouths were closed and they were standing at the fence

as I petted them. I added in all the warm, fuzzy feelings I could muster for how

good it would feel to pet them and how good they would feel as I petted them

when they were quiet. One dog instantly stopped barking. The second dog

barked two more times and then walked to the fence. The third resisted it

(barking feels so good!), but gradually stopped barking and enthusiastically met

me at the fence. I spent a good ten minutes petting and enjoying those three

dogs! Then I was able to finish my conversation with my friends and everyone

was happy.

Page 21: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 21



The same way you would learn math, or learn to talk, or learn anything,

you are learning to improve your relationship with your pet using your


It’s important that you learn to trust yourself and your intuition.

Intuition is a built-in, standard issue survival mechanism in every human being.

Intuition is also an ability that can be built

over time with practice. Understanding your intuition

is a skill that can be learned and strengthened over

time. Gradually, as you train yourself, you will be

aware of more and more subtle nudges from your

intuition and you will learn to recognize and trust

these nudges – because when you do, you will get

feedback. And positive feedback makes us want to do

more of whatever got us that feedback.

The more you can cultivate feeling calm and centered, the easier the

process of developing your intuitive abilities will be.

Page 22: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 22

These 5 SIMPLE STEPS should give you a great start on the process of

developing your intuition. But remember, don’t try to do them all at once.

Begin with one new habit to focus on for 7 days. Then do it, adding new habits

only after you’ve mastered the first one.

And here’s another tip. As you adopt each new habit, you have my

permission to leave everything else the same. Sure, if you’re feeling

particularly ambitious one day and you want to try something else, too, that’s


Remember, though, that you can’t do it all at once. And the good news

is you don’t have to! So just let go of that expectation right now. Instead, just

start at the beginning and follow the steps and before you know it, your

relationship with your pet will change before your eyes.

Each journey begins with a single step. So take that first step now. And

then keep taking steps until you get to where you want to be.

You are already on your way.

Page 23: Sending Signals - Cara Gubbins · Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail 3 A NOTE FROM CARA This book presents five simple steps to help you develop a more intuitive

Copyright © 2012 by Cara Gubbins, A Spiritual Tail WWW.ASPIRITUALTAIL.COM 23


Cara Gubbins is an award-winning scientist who

developed her intuitive ability to talk to animals as an


Today, Cara is an animal intuitive, pet medium,

author, speaker, biologist, wife and mom.

After years of training as a scientist (including a PhD

in Biology and an MA in Spiritual Psychology) and more

years teaching college biology, Cara left academia to

create her ideal world – a world in which every person can walk with the

animals and talk with the animals, just like Dr. Doolittle . . . and just like her.

For the last several years, she has been sharing her unique perspective on

animals, energy, and intuition with people across the United States and

Canada, bringing inspiring and practical insights and tools to pet lovers to help

them improve their lives and the lives of their beloved animal companions.

Her latest book “TOTEM: My Quest to Understand the Science and the Souls

of Animals” highlights her journey from childhood dreamer to traditional

scientist to animal intuitive and spiritual biologist. TOTEM includes the

inspiring details of her intuitive conversations with a variety of wild and

domestic animals.

For more free resources from Cara, please visit: