seo link building - helpful tips for your link building needs

SEO Link Building: Helpful Tips for Your Link Building Needs presented by David Hudson

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Page 1: SEO Link Building - Helpful Tips for Your Link Building Needs

SEO Link Building: Helpful Tips for Your Link

Building Needs

presented by David Hudson

Page 2: SEO Link Building - Helpful Tips for Your Link Building Needs

Tip #1: Identify your audience

In SEO link building, knowing who your target audience is vital. You need to identify your audience in order for you to create contents or articles aimed at soliciting a response from the readers. This response could be to link your website to their sites because they find your contents beneficial to them, or for them to keep returning to your website because they want to read more of your articles. You need to make sure your website is worthy for them to link to or to return to again. 

Page 3: SEO Link Building - Helpful Tips for Your Link Building Needs

Tip #2: Know the quality of the linksNot all links are helpful. Different search engines will rank your website better if the websites you link to and those that link to you are trusted in their eyes. This means you need links from websites that are ranked high and are relevant to your niche. Bad links from bad websites will just drag you down in the ranking. You know what they say: it’s not about the quantity anymore, but the quality of the links.

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Tip #3: Link building through social networkingDon’t be left behind. Social networking is huge these days. SEO experts believe that participating in popular social networking sites like Google+, Facebook, and Twitter will help drive traffic to your site and build quality links from your target audience. While the jury is still out about how effective “Likes” are compared to actual web links, for instance, it doesn’t hurt your website’s ranking if you have a presence in these social networking sites. 

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Tip #4: Take advantage of SEO link building tools and servicesThere are a number of free SEO link building tools available on the Internet. Ideally, this should help you in your link-building task. However, as mentioned above about the quality of links, you need to make sure that, by using these free tools, it will not hurt your ranking. At the same time, if you choose to go with link building services, make sure that it’s effective. As much as possible, select a company that has a customer service department that you can call. Ask them information about how they’ll build links for you.

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