sept. 18, 1925 the engineer ·...

SEPT. 18, 1925 of the nineteenth cen tury. Captur ed French sh ip s we re indeed u se d as model s for British war s hip construction. The reason for the superiority of Fren ch ves se ls was that their design was ba sed on scientific prin ciples, whereas British naval architectw·e of that time was a rule of thumb affair. James Graham, who al'! Fir t Lord of the Admiralty abolis hed the early of na val architecture, s tated in the year 1861 that his reason for clos ing the sc ho ols wa.s that ·• there was too much science and too little pra c tical kn owledge c re e ping into the Navy. " The new high elastic limit stee l gave tensile figw·es of from 15 tons to 17 tons por square inch, compat ·ed with a st ress figure of 10 tons to 12 tons for mild steel. Th e modulus of el ast icity for the two stee ls was the s ame. ECT I ON A. \tVmELESS WAVE PROBLEMS. ' Dr. R. L .• mith-Rose cont ribu ted to action A an account of a study of wireless wave fronts by directional methods. H e s aid that all the existing types o f wireleRS directio n finders operati ng by r ecep- t.ion of th e des ired signn ls, made u se of the fact that for a simp le wi rele ss wave propagated along the earth's SlU'fnce the magnetic force was horizontal , a nd pe rp endi cular to the ve rtica l plane of pr o paga - tion of the wave. ::>uch direction -fi nd ers u se d in principle a c lo se d loop in a vertical plane capable of bei ng rotated about a verti cal axi s. A large amount of systemati c investigation carried out with such dir ectio n find ers dnring the la st four years had brought to l ight man y definite fact s concerning the behaviour or those instruments in the proc ess of ordina ry wire- less communi cat ion. Th eso fact s co uld be grouped und er (1) er ror s due to local conditions, (2) diurnal variation , (3) land and sea effects an d application to navigation, and (4) flat minima and rotating mag- neti c Method s had been devised for a com- plete determination of th e dir ect ion s of both mag - neti c and elect r ic forces, and u sed to s tudy the pro- pagatiOn of waves under day li ght and night con- ditions. Dealing with diurnal the auth or . aid tha t on mode rate wave lengt h s, between 450 m. and 2000 m. , the variations experien ced during the hour s of full daylight had an extreme value of about 7 deg., representing a departlll'o of the horizontal magnetic field from it s normal direction of le s than 4 deg. As s uns et wa s app r oached tho se variations in creased in frequen cy and magnitude until from about one hour before s unse t to about one hour after sunrise, the apparent direction of arrival of the waves varied rapidly on e ith er s ide of the true direction ove1: an arc whi ch wa often 10 deg. or 20 deg., and m1ght occasiona ll y exceed 90 deg . On the longer wave , of l ength 2000 m. to 13,000 m., the difference between the efi ec: ts ob served by day and ni ght appeared to be le ss marked, particularly du 1 ·i ng the winter months. Within th e limits of the inve s tigation so far co ndu cted , no difference between the use of damp ed and undamped waves or due to varying shapes and dimens ion s of aer ials employed at tran s mitting s tation s had been obse rved , and no consistent evidence had been obtained that the direct ion in which the tran s- mis s ion wa s made exe rci ed any influence. When the transmitting s tation and the direction finder were so . ituated that the path of transmi s ion was entirely over land , the difference in variati ons by day and night b eca me apparent at distances of about 30 miles. '\ "hen, however, the path of tran s- mi ss ion was e ntirely over s ea, the minimum di s tan ce for serious variation was increa s ed to about three times the ab o\'e ,-alue. That wa s very fortunat e, as t he ranges at which wireless dire c tion finding was required in marine navigation were se ldom greater than 50 and nev er more than 100 mi les; a nd a s uitable choice of the land s tation en ::oured that that l'ange was en tirely over se a. Under s uch cond itions, the great maj o rity, about 95 per cent., of the obse rved bearing s fell within a 2 deg. limit which was found to be adequate for mo st navJgat1onal pw·poses. \Vhen the line of tran mi sion was almost parall el to a coast, there wa. a liabilit y to errors due to a coastal refraction e ff ect, and it would probably be cust omary in the future to mark . all charts " arcs of good b earings " for the var1ous l and stat10ns us ed for direction finding. The above fa cts had been established almost entu·ely for damped wave trans- mission on a wave length of 450 m., and there was as yet no definite evidence that they wou ld need modi- fication by the employment of undamped wave s or of any other wave lengths within r easonable Dealing with methods for the comp!ete tion of th e direction of the magnetic and elect nc force which were d e:;c ribed in so me detail, the author s tated that when these method s ·were u ed to de- lineate th o directions of the electr ic and magnoti c forces in wirele ss wave at times and under co nditi ons which were known to give freedom fr om interference by night effects and local e rrors , it was found that the magn e tic for ce wa horizontal and at right angle s to the direction of propagation. The electric force, however, 'vas found to be nearly , but not quite, vertical, being actually tilted forward by a sma ll amount il1 the vertical plane of propagation of the wave. It was also fotmd that in that plane the electric force was of s lightly e llipti ca lly polari sed form. That was in exact confu·mat ion of the theoretical predic- tion of Zenneck as to the modification produced when the wave was propagated over an imperfectly con- THE ENGINEER du c ting ea th inste ad of over a perf ect conducto r. Tn acco rdanc e with that theory, th e experiments s howed that the fo rward tilt of the electric force increa ed with a redu ct ion of th e wave length em- ployed.· The values actually mea ur ed in Ureat B ritain r anged h·orn about 0. 5 deg. on 6900 m. to nearly 3 deg. on 350 m. wave le ngth. li'rom those angles the effective co ndu ct i vity of the eart h at th e wireless frequ encies employed could be obtained. One of the most promi s ing theori es of wireless wave propagation over the earth's s urface, which had been put forward for the explanation of long- range transmission and the variations experi enced in b ot h signal s tre ngth and appare nt dire c ti on of arrival of the waves, impli ed the r ecept ion of ono or more 'vaves from the upper atmosphere, in addition to the wave propagated directly along the earth's surface. If the do,vn-coming wave was pat ·tia lly or co mpletely polari se d with its magnatic force in a vertical plane, an exp lanation of the variations of apparent bearings on wu ·eless direction finders was obtained without the necess ity of th e direction of pt ·op agation of th e waves depat ·ting fr om the gt·eat-circle plane between trans mitter and receivor. It mig ht be thoug ht at first that the det ec tion of the existence of such a down -co ming wave would be a co mparativel y easy matter by d ete rminin g th e dire c tions of the electric and magnetic forces which res ult ed at the rece iv er. I t must be reme mbered, how- ever, that with tho above va lue of co ndu c tivity th e earth's s urface would act as a mod e rately good re- flecto , and the in cidence of a do wn- coming wave would give rise to a re fl ec ted wave which mi g ht have an amplitud e nearl y equal at it R maximum to that of tho in c ident wavo. The combined effe ct of the two waves was, briefl y, to give a res ultant elect ric force which had no horizontal compo nent , and a res ultant magn e ti c field whi ch had no verti ca l com- ponent. 'uch a wave therefo re became difficult to di stinguish from a horizontally pr opagat ed wave by directional mea ureme nt s, since the depa r tures of th e dire ct ions of th e two forces from their· no rmal values wa only a re idua l effect. lnde ed, it co uld be s hown theOI·e ti ca ll y that on the long and mode rate wave le ngth s uch de partw·es w ou ld be only fra c- tion s of a degree, but that on th e s horter wav e lengths the angl es involved might become mea s - able under certain favourable co ndition s of phase amplitud e and angl e of incid ence. Thi s had be en partl y confirmed by experimental observations mad e during the la st e ighteen month s. Empl oying the waves from various transmitting st ation s us ing wave le ngth s betwe en 2.6 kiloms. and 12.4 kiloms., th e maximum departu re of the di rec tions of the ele ct ric and magn e tic forc es from their normal va lues bad be en about 1 deg., which was considered to be sca r ce ly great er th an the po ssi ble error of the apparatu s employed. Many of these experime nt s were carri ed out at night and f or di st ances of tran s mis s ion known to give rise to the well-known night effects, these being ins tan ced by variations in · appare nt bearings ranging up to 23 deg. On the s horter wave le ng ths the pra ctic al difficulties incr eased considerab ly, but so me recent measurement s made on 385m. had shown that under s uitab le night condition s the res ultant electl'ic force might depart as much as 12 deg. from the normal " day " value, while the resultant magnetic for ce might be inclined at 5 deg. to the horizontal. These r esults appeared to be very promi sing and to indicate that progress was being made in the right dir ect ion . It s hould , of course, be under s tood that s uch measw·ement s alone would not e nabl e the nature of the arriving waves to be completely defined. Experiment s wer e, how- ever, now being carded out at the Radi o R ese ar ch Board 's s tation at Slough, in which the se obs erva- tions wet·e made s imultaneou s ly with the meas ure- me nt of variou s other paramete1 'S of the forces of the arriving waves, the res ult s of which would pt ·o ba.bly thr ow I ight on the pr oblem of the propagation of wireless wave::. ove r the earth 's sw·fa.ce, which had recent ly become perhaps the mo st important scientific subject in wu•e less research. SECTION G. FLYING BOAT DESIGN. 287 now aboli shed, and a. well- desig ned hull would run st eadily at such an angle that th e wings simul tane - ously gave th eir maximum lift. Th e most important point in the development of th e hull had been th e all -r ound improvement of water performance, together with in creased s trength and ability to ride out heav y se as without any in c rease in t.he weight economy figure. V a.ri ous m et hods of su pp orting and st iffen- ing the shell of th e boat were in use, but they were a ll based on some form of transverse frame or hoop, with J ong itudinal s at about 6in. H ulls built in thi s manner gave lon g and efficient servi ce, but possessed the disadvantage that they ab so rbed moi st ure. a. wooden hull weighing 2000 lb., th e soaka ge m thre e months wou ld amount to 15 per cent. of the hull we ight , ox · 2 per cent. of th e total of the aircra ft. That fact had be en one of the great mduc e- me nt s to substitute me tal for wood in hull con- st ruct ion. Dura.lumin outc la se d s tainl ess s teel in s tr e ngth for weight, but in o th er res pe cts sta inless stee l had very definite advantag es. He wou ld com- mend the evo lution of a. light malleabl e non- corro s ive alloy to tho se m et allurgi sts who had not yet int:er- estecl th emse lves in that probl em. The t t·ouble whlCh would ar ise in the case of steel \Vas that th e s he ets for the s kin of the boat would have to be thinner than was pra ctica lly possible in ord er to realise the full comparative efficiency figure. The large st suc- cessful flying b oats yet built weighed about 30,000 lb., and it would pr obably be ne cess ary to reach the we ight of 100,000 lb. before stee l cou ld s upplant duralumin for hull construction. Some de s igner a considered that by the use of duralumin instead of wood, th e hull weight could be reduced by as much as 20 per cent., but it was difficult to obtain r eliable com- parative figures. In the case of the s uperstructure of the Aying boa t, improvement had been eff ecte d in aero-foil charac- t erist ics, and in the reduction of para sitic drag. A large variety of aero-foil sect ions was now available. and the parti c ular section used in any aircraft be c hose n with st rict reference to the c haractel'lSttcs of the machine and the requireme nt s in perform!l.nce. Th e draa of aero-foil sections had be en progre ssi vely and tho maximum lift by the utilisation of a.ujustable s lotted leading and t railin g edges could be almo st doubled. It had been sugges ted that the principle of the Flettner rotor s hould be utilised, but cons iderable diffic ultie s w ere involved. Anoth er prob lem to which increasing att e nti on was being paid wa th e reduction. of the mo veme nt of th e cent re of pr essure. In th e reduct ion of parasitic drag th e utili s ation of thicker wing sec tion s had been of the utmost imp ortan ce. It was l eft to Dr. of Gottingen Un iversity, to s how that aero-fotls co uld be d esigned having twice the relative thickness of t he normal thin sectio n of about 10 p er cen t. camber without lo ss, and indeed in certain cases wit h v ery cons id et·able gain of aerodynamic efficien cy. Th e co nstruc tional development of the flying boat wa..q more advan ced than that of the hull. Metal con- s truc tion had rece ived a. gr eat d ea l of consideration. Dev el opment had proceeded along two distinct lin es. In one meth od the wing s tresses were concent r ated in two or more s pars, while in the other, the skin of the wing was desi!ln ed to transmit the l oad. For a. s tructure, the separate s par method wac; to be preferred ... vith built-up s pars. The modern flying boat was replete with equipment , and b oats of ove r 30,000 lb. could be fitted wit h s mall marine motor s for use in case of complete engine fa.i lw·e. Progre s would have been slow if by the end of the next de cade a boat of 100,000 lb . gro s weight had not been built. A commer c ial m!l. c hine of that cla would be a. s teel monoplane of about 6000 squar e f eet wing area. and 220ft. s pan. The power unit. -; would be housed in engine-rooms built into the thick wing some 30f t. out from th e hull , and the output from each ro om a.t full r evolutions wou ld be s ome 3000 brake hor se-power. The speed would exceed 100 knot s, and the boat could undertake flights up to 1500 miles without alighting , ca.nying 100 pas sen- gers. By sl ightly r educing the number of passenger o, therefore, suc h a boat could 6.y fr om Europe to Ameri ca., with on ly one s top at the Az ores, and accomplish the whole flight within thirty- s ix hours. Rec ent prog t·ess in flying boat de s ign was the sub ject of a. contribution by Mr . 0. E. Simmond s. The author said that he would conside r separately the development in hydro-dynamic and construc- tional design. The s eaplane ha.d initiated a new br anch of hydrodynami cs. In the de sign of the flying boat hu ll very care ful consideration had to be given to s tatic trim. It most des irable wh en at r est to keep the centre of buoyancy well fox·ward, so that the flying boat could be treat ed both when at anchor and when moving at l ow speed, as if s he wer e a. s urface cr aft. Hump resis tance was originally a point of prime importan ce, and pre sented considerab le diffi- culty, which had to so me extent been r emoved. A dec reas ed resis tance had been obtained, due to an improvement in hull lines and a lower power loadin g, which was the result of a d emand f or highet· per- forman ce in flight. Th e increase of power was re- flected in the improved water performance of air - craft. Surface tens ion must, of course, be redu ced to a. minimum, and the design must be such that the hull would run steadily on a gradually dimini shing planing s urface until the speed en abled the wings comp letely to s ul:ltain the aircraft. Porpois ing was Rectifiers. No. rx .• No sc ientific inv e nt ion hao:; arou.secl mora ganera. \ interest than th e the rm ion ic valve. As originally devi se d by Profe ssor Fleming, it hacl two electrodes and was used exc lu s ively for r ect if ying fe eble CtuTents. Subsequent ly Dr. de For est, of Amer ica., added a third electrode known e.s the grid, thereby making the valve capable of amplif ying. Here , howe,·er, we are only concerned with t.ho valve 's pro- perties, which were pra ctically di scovere d yearo ago. In 1883 Edi son observed , 'vhil st experime n ting with electric lamps, that if a pos itively c harged elec- trode in the form of a. metal plate, were introduced into a. lamp bulb-see Fig. 83--current would flow from the heated filament to it, although no current flowed when the electrode was connected, through • No. VIII. appeared Soptember 11 th.

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Page 1: SEPT. 18, 1925 THE ENGINEER · 2013-01-30 · weight of 100,000 lb. before steel could supplant duralumin for hull construction

SEPT. 18, 1925

of the nineteenth century. Captured French ships were indeed used as models for British warship construction. The reason for the superiority of French vessels was that their design was based on scientific principles, whereas British naval architectw·e of that time was a rule of thumb affair. ~ir James Graham, who al'! Fir t Lord of the Admiralty abolished the early ~;chools of naval architecture, stated in the year 1861 that his reason for closing the schools wa.s that ·• there was too much science and too little practical knowledge creeping into the Navy." The new high elastic limit steel gave tensile figw·es of from 15 tons

• to 17 tons por square inch, compat·ed with a stress figure of 10 tons to 12 tons for mild steel. The modulus of elasticity for the two steels was the same.



' Dr. R. L .• mith-Rose contributed to action A an account of a study of wireless wave fronts by directional methods. H e said that all the existing types of wireleRS direction finders operating by recep­t.ion of the desired signn ls, made use of the fact that for a simple wireless wave propagated along the earth's SlU'fnce the magnetic force was horizontal, and p erpendicular to the vert ical plane of propaga­tion of the wave. ::>uch direction-finders used in principle a closed loop in a vertical plane capable of being rotated about a vertical axis. A large amount of systematic investigation carried out with such direction finders dnring the last four years had brought to light many definite facts concerning the behaviour or those instruments in the process of ordinary wire­less communication. Theso facts could be grouped under (1) errors due to local conditions, (2) diurnal variation , (3) land and sea effects and application to navigation, and (4) flat minima and rotating mag­netic force~. Methods had been devised for a com ­plete determination of the directions of both mag­netic and electric forces, and used to study the pro­pagatiOn of waves under daylight and night con­ditions.

Dealing with diurnal variation~. the author . aid that on m oderate wave lengths, between 450 m. and 2000 m. , the variations experienced during the hours of full daylight had an extreme value of about 7 deg., representing a departlll'o of the horizontal magnetic field from its normal direction of le s than 4 deg. As sunset was approached those variations increased in frequency and magnitude until from about one hour before sunset to about one hour after sunrise, the apparent direction of arrival of the waves varied rapidly on either side of the true direction ove1: an arc which wa often 10 deg. or 20 deg., and m1ght occasionally exceed 90 deg. On the longer wave , of length 2000 m. to 13,000 m., the difference between the efiec:ts observed by day and night appeared to be less marked, particularly du1·ing the winter months. Within the limits of the inves tigation so far conducted, no difference between the use of damped and undamped waves or due to varying shapes and dimensions of aerials employed at transmitting stations had been observed, and no consistent evidence had been obtained that the direction in which the trans­mission was made exerci ed any influence.

When the transmitting station and the direction finder were so . ituated that t he path of transmis ion was entirely over land , the difference in variations by day and night became apparent at distances of about 30 miles. '\"hen, however, the path of trans­mission was entirely over sea, the minimum distance for serious variation was increased to about three times the abo\'e ,-alue. That was very fortunate, as t he ranges at which wireless direction finding was required in marine navigation were seldom greater than 50 and never more than 100 mi les; and a s uitable choice of the land station en::oured that that l'ange was en tirely over sea. Under such conditions, the great majority, about 95 per cent., of the observed bearings fell within a 2 deg. limit ~f er~·or, which was found to be adequate for most navJgat1onal pw·poses. \Vhen the line of tran mi sion was almost parallel to a coast, there wa. a liability to errors due to a coastal refraction effect, and it would probably be customary in the future to mark. all charts '~ith " arcs of good bearings " for the var1ous land stat10ns used for direction finding. The above facts had been established almost entu·ely for damped wave trans­mission on a wave length of 450 m., and there was as yet no definite evidence that they would need modi­fication by the employment of undamped waves or of any other wave lengths within reasonable li~its.

Dealing with methods for the comp!ete determm~­tion of the direction of the magnetic and electn c force which were de:;cribed in some detail, the author stated that when these methods ·were u ed to de­lineate tho directions of the electric and magnotic forces in wireless wave at times and under conditions which were known to give freedom from interference by night effects and local errors, it was found that the magnetic force wa horizontal and at right angles to the direction of propagation. The electric force, however, 'vas found to be nearly, but not quite, vertical, being actually tilted forward by a small amount il1 the vertical plane of propagation of the wave. It was also fotmd that in that plane the electric force was of slightly elliptically polarised form. That was in exact confu·mation of the theoretical predic­tion of Zenneck as to the modification produced when the wave was propagated over an imperfectly con-


ducting eat·th instead of over a perfect conductor. Tn accordance with that theory, the experiments showed that the forward tilt of the electric force increa ed with a reduction of the wave length em­ployed.· The values actually mea ured in Ureat Britain ranged h·orn about 0. 5 deg. on 6900 m. to nearly 3 deg. on 350 m. wave length. l i'rom those angles the effective conductivity of the earth at the wireless frequencies employed could be obtained.

One of the most promising theories of wireless wave propagation over the earth's surface, which had been put forward for the explanation of long­range transmission and the variations experienced in both signal s trength and apparent direction of arrival of the waves, implied the reception of ono or more 'vaves from the upper atmosphere, in addition to the wave propagated directly along the earth's s urface. If the do,vn-coming wave was pat·tially or completely polarised with its magnatic force in a vertical plane, an explanation of the variations of apparent bearings on wu·eless direction finders was obtained without the necessity of the direction of pt·opagation of the waves depat·ting from the gt·eat-circle plane between transmitter and recei vor.

It might be thought at first that the detection of the existence of such a down-coming wave would be a comparatively easy matter by determining the directions of the electric and magnetic forces which resulted at the receiver. I t must b e remembered, how­ever, that with tho above value of conductivity the earth's surface wou ld act as a moderately good re­flector·, and the incidence of a down-coming wave would give rise to a reflected wave which might have an amplitude nearly equal at itR maximum to that of tho incident wavo. The combined effect of the two waves was, briefly, to give a resultant electric force which had no horizontal component, and a resultant magnetic field which had no vertical com­ponent. 'uch a wave therefore became difficult to distinguish from a horizontally propagated wave by directional mea urements, s ince the departures of the directions of the two forces from their· normal values wa only a re idual effect. lndeed, it could be shown theOI·etically that on the long and moderate wave lengths uch departw·es would be only frac­tions of a degree, but that on the shorter wave lengths the angles involved might become measw·­able under certain favourable conditions of phase amplitude and angle of incidence. This had been partly confirmed by experimental observations made during the last eighteen months. Employing the waves from various transmitting stations using wave lengths between 2 . 6 kiloms. and 12 . 4 kiloms. , the maximum departure of the directions of the electric and magnetic forces from their normal values bad been about 1 deg. , which was considered to be scarcely greater than the possible error of the apparatus employed. Many of these experiments were carried out at night and for distances of transmission known to give rise to the well-known night effects, these being instanced by variations in · apparent bearings ranging up to 23 deg.

On the shorter wave lengths the practical difficulties increased considerably, but some recent measurements made on 385m. had shown that under suitable night conditions the resultant electl'ic force might depart as much as 12 deg. from the normal " day " value, while the resultant magnetic force might be inclined at 5 deg. to the horizontal. These results appeared t o be very promising and to indicate that progress was being made in the right direction . It should, of course, be understood that such measw·ements alone would not enable the nature of the arriving waves to be completely defined. Experiments were, how­ever, now being carded out at the Radio R esearch Board's station at Slough, in which these observa­tions wet·e made simultaneously with the measure­m ent of various other paramete1'S of the forces of the arriving waves, the results of which would pt·oba.bly throw I ight on the p roblem of the propagation of wireless wave::. over the earth's sw·fa.ce, which had recently become perhaps the most important scientific subject in wu•eless research.




now abolished, and a. well-designed hull would run steadily at such an angle that the wings simul tane ­ously gave their maximum lift. The most important point in the development of the hull had been the all-round improvement of water performance, together with increased strength and ability to ride out heavy seas without any increase in t.he weight economy figure. V a.rious methods of supporting and stiffen­ing the shell of the boat were in use, but they were a ll based on some form of transverse frame or hoop, with Jongitudinals at about 6in. H ulls built in this manner gave long and efficient service, but possessed the disadvantage that they absorbed moisture. ~n a. wooden hull weighing 2000 lb. , the soakage m three months would amount to 15 per cent. of the hull weight, ox· 2 per cent. of the total weigh~ of the aircraft. That fact had been one of the great mduce­ments to substitute metal for wood in hull con­struction. Dura.lumin outcla sed s tainless steel in strength for weight, but in other respects stainless steel had very definite advantages. H e would com­mend the evolution of a. light malleable non-corrosive alloy to those metallurgists who had not yet int:er­estecl themselves in that problem. The t t·ouble whlCh would arise in the case of steel \Vas that the sheet s for the skin of the boat would have to be thinner than was practically possible in order to realise the full comparative efficiency figure. The largest suc­cessful flying boats yet built weighed about 30,000 lb., and it would p robably be necessary to reach the weight of 100,000 lb. before steel could supplant duralumin for hull construction. Some designera considered that by the use of duralumin instead of wood, the hull weight could be reduced by as much as 20 per cent., but it was difficult to obtain reliable com­parative figures.

In the case of the superstructure of the Aying boat, improvement had been effected in aero-foil charac­teristics, and in the reduction of parasitic drag. A large variety of aero-foil sections was now available. and the particular section used in any aircraft ~ot~ld be chosen with strict reference to the charact el'lSttcs of the machine and the requirements in perform!l.nce. The draa of aero-foil sections had been progressively reduced~ and tho maximum lift by the utilisation of a.ujustable slotted leading and t railing edges could be almost doubled. It had been suggested that the principle of the Flettner rotor should be utilised, but considerable difficulties were involved. Another problem to which increasing attention was being paid wa the reduction. of the m ovement of the centre of pressure. In the reduction of parasitic drag the utilisation of thicker wing sections had b een of the utmost importance. It was left to Dr. Pra.nd~l, of Gottingen University, to show that aero-fotls could be designed having twice the relative thickness of t he normal thin section of about 10 per cent. camber without loss, and indeed in certain cases with very considet·able gain of aerodynamic efficiency. The constructional development of the flying boat wa..q more advanced than that of the hull. Metal con­struction had received a. great deal of consideration. Development had proceeded along two distinct lines. In one m ethod the wing stresses were concentrated in two or more spars, while in the other, the skin of the wing was desi!lned to transmit the load. For a. structure, the separate spar method wac; to be preferred ... vith built-up spars. The modern flying boat was replete with equipment, and boats of over 30,000 lb. could be fitted with small marine motors for use in case of complete engine fa.i lw·e. Progre s would have been slow if by the end of the next decade a boat of 100,000 lb. gro s weight had not been built. A commercial m!l.chine of that clas· would be a. steel monoplane of about 6000 square feet wing area. and 220ft. span. The power unit.-; would be housed in engine-rooms built into the thick wing some 30ft. out from the hull, and the output from each room a.t full revolutions would be some 3000 brake horse-power. The speed would exceed 100 knots, and the boat could undertake flights up to 1500 miles without alighting, ca.nying 100 passen­gers. By slightly reducing the number of passengero, therefore, such a boat could 6.y from Europe to America., with only one stop at the Azores, and accomplish the whole flight within thirty-six hours.

Recent progt·ess in flying boat design was the subject of a. contribution by Mr. 0 . E. Simmonds.

The author said that he would consider separately the development in hydro-dynamic and construc­tional design. The seaplane ha.d initiated a new branch of hydrodynamics. In the design of the flying boat hull very careful consideration had to be given to static trim. It ~vas most desirable when at rest to keep the centre of buoyancy well fox·ward, so that the flying boat could be treated both when at anchor and when moving at low speed, as if she were a. surface craft. Hump resistance was originally a point of prime importance, and presented considerable diffi­culty, which had to some extent been removed. A decreased resistance had been obtained, due to an improvement in hull l ines and a lower power loading, which was the result of a demand for highet· per­formance in flight. The increase of power was re­flected in the improved water performance of air­craft. Surface tension must, of course, be reduced to a. minimum, and the design must be such that the hull would run steadily on a gradually diminishing planing surface until the speed enabled the wings completely to sul:ltain the aircraft. P orpoising was

Rectifiers. No. rx.•

No scientific invent ion hao:; arou.secl mora ganera. \ interest than the thermionic valve. As originally devised by Professor Fleming, it hacl two electrodes and was used exclusively for rectifying feeble CtuTents. Subsequently Dr. de Forest, of America., added a third electrode known e.s the grid, thereby making the valve capable of amplify ing. Here, howe,·er, we are only concerned with t.ho valve's rectifyin~ pro­perties, which were practically discovered yearo ago. In 1883 Edison observed, 'vhilst experimenting with electric lamps, that if a positively charged elec­trode in the form of a. metal plate, were introduced into a. lamp bulb-see Fig. 83--current would flow from the heated filament to it, although no current flowed when the electrode was connected, through

• No. VIII. appeared Soptember 11 th.

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tho galvanometer, to the negative end of the filament - a.s shown on tho loft of Fig. 83. T o this phenomenon Eclison appears to ha.vo attached littlo importance. Among those who took a.n ea.dy interest in the so­called "Edison effect," however, and who tried to explain the reason for it, was Professor Fleming, \\ ho carried out some intere ting investigations, tho results of which ho communicated to the Royal t:>ociety of London in 18 9. and tho results of a further in­vcstigA.t ion to tho PhysiC'a.l RociE't.y of London in 18!>6.

Filam ent --

Metal plate

+ - +


.Eh.tcr and Uoitol in Uennany \\ et·o u.l:-.o cady m\'O'>ll·

~a.tor:> in this field , but it il; not our intention to probe very deE>ply into history. One of tho most signi(ica.nt fa.C't:-> that should bo montionod i:-; that I ho diRcovN'Y of tho electron in 1 807 by ProfN;sor . J. ,J. Thom~on, and l1is oxperiment,o.l JH'oof in 1890, that eiE'c·trons were gi,•en off by inca.ndel'IO<'nt <·arbon filaments removell much cliOic·ulty from tho path of tho e \\ ho had been trying to tmderstancl th<> <·au~o~c of the Edison <'ffec·t. Bv 190:~ Profel'sor· 0. \\'.


Richa.rcL-;on had evolved a. fon nula <'<Hmccting tho number of electrom1 emitted with the tempera.tW'e of tho filament, and in 1904 Professor Fleming invented tho two-electrode valve. This was uncloubtcdly the lirst attempt to w;e tho thermionic omission from a.n incandescen t filo.mont of metal or carbon, for tho pw-poso of rectifying high-frequency altema.ting currents, and so to clotcct tho feeble electric osci lla­tions in a. wireless telegraph receivin~ cir·cuit by ::omo form of galvanometer or· by a. tel<>phone.

Uning specially c-onstructed lnmpH with u. 111etl\l


~ ~ .. ' « « 15 :I u

~ 10 ~ 0 z •



._ 100 2C , -r"t c .. o,-u,... .

~~ 1-t 1-'


300 4100 ANOOil VOL Tl


up to a. certain amount of rough handling the valve could be relied upon to opora.te under circumstu.nces tmclet· which u. cr·ysta.l detectot· would constantly bo thrown out of adjustment. 'rho original method o£ using tho Fleming two-electrode valve as a. detector on a. coupled circuit is shown in Fig. 84.

\Vhen positively charged t.he anode of a two­electrode valve causes the electt·ons emitted by tho heated fi lament to move a.ct'OHH the space between tho la.ttor and tho anode. ln other words, a. current flows between tho two, but the oiE'ctron flow cannot occW' in tho opposite direction. The two-olectrodo valve, thorofor·e, acts a a. r·ectifior·. \Vhon a. grid is introduced bot\\ ecn tho a.nodo and filament, tho flow of electrons from tho latter to tho fot·met· can bo con­trolled. If tho potential of the gr id becomes po~itive with respect to tho filament the e lectron CULTOn t i~; increased bocaUt;O the grid poton tial a. ·sisb; that of

1 the anode, whilst a. negative grid potential reduces the flow of electrons fr·om tho filament to the anodE',

-3 -2 -1 I 2 3 GRID VOLTS


for the grid potential is thou in opposition to that of tho anode. Tho grid potential , therefore, controls the anode cmTent-sm.a.ll va.l'ia.tiom; in the gt·id vol ta.go producing relatively largo va.ria.tionl; in tho anode cwTent, or, in other· word,., oscillations reaching tho grid will produce similar oscillations of much gt·catcr amplitude in tho anode cir·cuit.

Beca.ttSO of it t-~ superior p<>r·fol'fnanco tho thr·oo­electrode va.lvo is now employ<'d on an extensive t-~co.lo for rectifying received t-~ignals, and there two methods of making it do so. , 'upposo that by means of a. potontiomoler the gt·icl poten tial has been adj w;ted liO that the wor·kin~ part of the valve is at the point X in Fig. 85, and that tho half -cycles of the in com in~ oscillations a.r·o alternatively one volt positive and ono volt negative. At-~ the cha.ra.ct r·is tic curve above tho point X is t>traight, a. posiLivo potential of one volt on the gt·icl wi II clearly produce a. lar·ge increase in the plate curTcnt. Bolow the point X, howo,·or·, tho cha.ra.ctcriHtic curvo has a. sharp bend, with tho result that a. negative grid potential of one volt will only rcsul t in a. ver-y small clccrN\SO in the plate curront.

"' 0 0 z •

; . ;



~ -r;,->0



.. 2 z "' a: a: ;)


"' 0 0 l (

SEPT. 18, 1925

T ho flmction of t he ~:~mall condenser G-Fig. 86-is to insulate the gl'id HO far u.s tho passage of c:lirect­cmrent iH concerned, a.lthou~h it does not h inder the passage of the h igh- frequency cmrents. W hen signals arrive a.t the receiver .tl.le grid is b~tbjected_ to alternate negative and po~•ttve potent1als, whtch occur with gt·ea.t rapidity. D ul'ing tho extremely ~:~hort interval when the grid it~ positive, the gr·id CW'rent is lat·ger t.han it is normally-more oloctr·on~:~ t o tho gl'id than is the case when no ~; arc being received, but during tho next s hot·t interval, when the grid is negative, no further olectl'on~:~ arrive nor can any escape thi'Ough tho condenser. As tho geid leak G L has a. resistance of several m egohms and the time interval is extremely Hhort, relatively fe \\'1' electrons escape by this path. Tho net result is that tho grid is given a. slight negative potentia l. ~:mcceedi!lg oscillation adds a fw·thet· negative charge to tho grtd , and the nega.tiv.e potential thus acquired by tho grid causes a. decrease in t ho anode current. \Vhon the signal impulHo:> cease lho gt·id gradually recover:; its normal potential ; tho negative char~o <lmining a.wa.y through tho grid leak in tho relatively long (tuiesc~nt period boforo tho a rrival of tho next si~na.l. Durmg the Rucco~;sion of high-frequency wavo t r·ainH, there­fore, thoro wi II be a. corresponding ~:~uc<·ession of diminutions in the a.noclo current, and tlreRo pulsa-

G L --- . ----c ----

1---------"41 I 1....1..-------1


tions mako thornsolves c•vidon t in the telopltonos. This method has certain adva.nta.~es over tho provio~ly described method ; its main disadvantage being that a. ~:~tl·ong atmospheric may r ha.rge Ute gr·id to such a high potc>ntial that it takes an a.pprcc·ia.hlo tim9 for the chat·ge to leak away, and dm·in~ thi t> t imo the detector w ill be insensitive to signal~:~ with an ampli­tude lower than that of tho atmospheric.

One of tho most convoniont methodH of ohta.ining a dit·ect-curront supply at high voltage:-~ for wi.t·e­less tra.mnnitting puq>ot-~es i-; to tl·an!'lfOI'Ill a.n a lterna.t ing-curTOn t supply to a. ~-;ui table vol ta.go, and then to rectify it by means of two-electrode valves; tho resulting pul sa.trons being t>lllt)OLhod into practically Htea<ly clirect-cur'l't'nt hy U'>ing choke.i and condenHOt'H; but it ito~ important to obHOl'\'0 that for a. given t> rnoothing offoc.t the vo.luo.~ of tho in<Lucta.t1cos and·ities vary invot·sely e.g the frec1uency o[ tho a.lterna.ting-cut·r·ent supply, so that it ito~ a.clvi:-.a.ble to LlSe a s high a. fr·oquency as ito~ c·on.'>istent \\ ith e fficient generation o.ncl transformation. The rectifying va.lvos made hy the Mulla.rcl Racl io Va.h·o ()ompany ra.ri~e from valves dosignod to <loa.l with tho lowest powor·s and voltages possible up to valves capa.hlo of pa.-;sing three amperes electron curronL at r·overso pt't'S'iut·os up to 50.000 volts. As already noted , when t\ heated filament iH ~:~unouncled hy a. c·yl incll'ica.l conductor in a vacuum, o. cutTE>nt \\ill flow ft·onl. tho filament to the t>UlTOUIHiing <·ylinder if tho latter bo lli'\inta.ined


cylinder SWTOuoding tho filament and connected to The tops uf tho \\aves will, llwrefore, be re~pon,.ih lc a. wire pa.<,~ing through the glasH, as employed for for· a lar~o incrc>aso in tho cw·r·ont, whilst tho lower ~:;tudying tho Edi~;on effect, .Fleming ca.rTied out o~- parts or tt·oughs produce only small diminutions periments with a view to dil:lcovel'ing whether thiH an.clrectification thorofot·e occtu'H. But in these clay~ arTangernont C'onld <·on vert high-frequency e.ltol'· thts method of rectification is not widoly used. A much na.ting current into dir·cct CtU'rent. It was immccli- more common method being tho gri(L leak ancl con­a.toly fotmd that tho devire woulcl pcrfo1·m this furw- clonser orC'umula.tive~ridrertific·at ion mcthocl. Mullin lion quito \\ ell. a nd the Fleming two-elc>ctrodf' and T LU'nc>t' hnvo dealt vet·y thot·ous,:hl) with tho three­valve \\as C'Oih·<'<.JUCntly ovolv€'d for wirelPss rccei' electrode va.lvo a.c; a. rectifier, t but it" ill snffir<' to give mg purpos<>q. AA .o.. detector of signals .it prov<'<l hero the mma.l Aimple oxplnnation cltLe in tho flr:-lt to be about n!i sensrttvo as a ct·ystlll , but 1t had thP place, we bolievo, to Mr. Eclwin Annstrong. very marked advanta.go of being much more stable. . , -.As long 8."' tho f'l t b , h t t d 1 t Soo tho Jot1rnnl uf tho rn,.tilulion of Jo:loolriC'I\1 l ·:ngini'N'~

" 1 o.mon wo..<~ ro u~;., enoug o s an Vol. LX .• pogo 7UU. ·


at a. positrve potential "'ith l'e:.poct, to Lho filarnont .. Tho ma.gn1tudo of thi~:~ cur·r·ont depondH upon tho potential of the anode, itK clim.ensions, and upon tho temperatUI'O, nattu·e and e.roa of tho fila.mont. H the filament eondi tions o.nd anode dimensions bo kept constant, the c·mr·on t will inerea-10 rapidly with tho anode potf'lntia.l until saturation OCClt.r:'l;

that is to t>B), "hen tho rna. "Xi mum of s upply of elertrons from the fila.mont, is rcachNl. A further incrcaso in anode potential will not <·a.u.-ID any further increase in o.nodo cut·t·ont, nnloss t ho filament Lompora.turo bo rt\isod, when a. I'!Ccond l'!aturo.­tion point will be reo.ched at a. highet· value of o.node

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SEPT. 18,_.1925 T H E E:NGINEER 289

I I · 3 ' . c:unent conesponding to the increase in filament tem- cwTent. of 4. 6 a11\)H.kes a.ntla pressure of 10 .5 volts. The maximn111 <lrop wlum passmg · a.mperc.-; ::; perahn·c. \ \' h~ll u:-:i ng rC'ct i fying valv<'s, thCiroforc, Tho maximum dissi pai ion of t.ho U / 500 vn.h·c - ~Lppt·oximatoly 1300 vol t.s. it is important. lo pn.y n lt C'ntion lo l.ho o.tlju:-:tmont. sltown in li'ig. !)3 i s !lOO wnt.ts, n111l it. 11\"-Y housCld One of t.h~> ~Vc::\ lor~l. ~~ lcctri c Co:np.l-u,v':-: w.~IN­of t_h o Jilam.CJ~t lemporat\tro !II (lrd.or t.o obtain


on circ·uits. wot:kiug ~'P to J!l,UU(J vo lt..;, Llao. Cilt~meHL coo lo<l t.l ~C I'IIllO I H~ ro<·Llly au~ '~'~ l_v~-~·. as Ill ~do /~t, tl~~ max1mum oifictency fl.nd long l1fo. H t he fill'.l.ment cmTcnt, hctug u ampc11·es f\tHl th o p1·cssuro 16. 5 volt:;. (·ompan.v s New wo1 k . .,, ts shoWt\ 111 ~ f?· 9 . temperature be undul y low tho apparent impedance The conespontli ng Cll\i ,..:-: ion is . 55 amporo wi t,h a Tho outor lll<) tallic wal l sot VC'i as tho n.nod C', which 15

' t

• /


• •

• •

of the rectifie,· will be high, and as the d istributi on pressure drop of approximatel y 600 volts. The water-cooled. This drawn-copper seamless anode is of potential in the direct-current supply circuit U / 600 valve is the la rgest glass rectifier made by the sealed on to a glass bulb, which provides insulation depends on t he impedance of the several sections, the Mullard Radio Valve Company, highe1· power valves for t.he filament structure. I n accordance with the potential drop across the r ectifier will also be high capable of dissipating up to 4 kilowatts: and passing invention of Mr. H ousekeeper, of the Western Elec ­with coiTesponding large power dissipat ion and hea.t- 3 amperes anode current, having bulbs composed of trio Company, the open end of the anode is tapered ing of the anode. If the filament be run a t a high fnsed silica. The do,vn to a few thousandths of an inch at the edge, temperature with unnecessarily high electron emis- filaments of these with t he result that when the seal between the glass sion, when supplying a light or high impedance load, s ilica valves are and copper is made, the thin copper can take up all then the ar.ode will remain cool, but the reduction renewable, and the variations due to expfl.nsion and contraction of the in the life of the filament will be consicler·able. Gener- valves may be used glass. Seals of this type, the makers claim, can be ally the Mullard R adio Valve Company advocates on circuits of from heated from the temp0rature of liquid air to the melt-employing a rectifier of such dimensions that undet· 20,000 to 50,000 ing-point of the glass without ri k of cracking. The normal working conditions the anode appears dull red , volts. Tho U / 600 structure on which the filament is mounted has great when the filament current is switched off. The most glass valve is suitable rigidity, and is assembled on a re-entrant stem sea led convenient arrangement for Stlpplying the filament for rectifying the into the bulb, the fil ament leads being thi ck copper current is a transformer with a. highly in~ulated high-ten$ion supply rods, which pass through copper g lass seals. The secondary winding, a choke or auto-transformer pro- to all t yFeS of glass seal in this case consist s of a thin copper disc attached viding the regule.tion of the primary voltage. The transmitting valves, to tho rod, the disc being sealed so as to close the end following table gives the maximum voltages suitable and may in some of the glass tube. AU the p!lr1is of the filament for 1\'Iulltu·d rectifying valves:- ('S.Ses be used in con- supports, which are likely to attain high temperatures,

";"~[ · R 'I s J·unction with ilica are made of highl.v r efractory material, whilst the J BXIOlUIU ·" • • '1

, ·oltage of Maximum transmittino valves, parts that are not liable t o be subjected to high tem-tro.nsformer of two or three


rectifiers 1 peratures are composed of nickel. The valve is double-wave D C supply b f reetifiention. · · · heing u.c:ed in parallel clamped down into t he water jacket y m eans o a.

Uf30 . . . . . . 1,750 . . 1, 100 to pas!" a grf'ater cur- split ring, which bears on the flange at the top of the Uf50 . . :l,Ooo . . . . 1,500 rent t hat . 7 ampere, anode. With this arrangem<mt the anode is held ~~~gg :: :: . . . . 1 ~;gg~ · · · · ~;gg~ if necessary. rigidly in the water jacket. A water-tight joint is thus u /500 and u 1600 15,000 . . . . 10,000 Designed to pass provided, and a. good electrical connection between the Uf l K .W. . . 20,000 . . 14.000 a. maximum emission jacket a.ntl anode is ensm·ed. Water is fed into the U /2 · 5 K. \\' · and t,; 14 K \\'. :!i ,500 .. :w,ooo c·nrrent of . 9 a.mpet·e, bottom of the jacket, and i t exhausts through the

Anode current, n.node volt char·acteristic cm·ves I the Mullarcl U 11 K j top, the tangential arrangement of the inlet and outlet for these valves are giv~n in Figs . 87, 88, 89. The s ilica rectifying valvo pipes giving a circular motion to the water, which U / 30 valve-see Fig. 90- which will pass a. maximum has an anode capable t.hereforo cools the anotlo in an efficient manner. The current of 80 milliamperes with a potential drop of I of clissipating 1 ldlo - watm· jacket, which is mounted on an insulating 200 volts, requires an input to the filament of 2. 3 waH, it:> fi la ment re- st.antl, is connoctotl to the water supply, and to a amperes at 5.5 volts, and is suitable for pressures quit·ing 18 amperes dra in , by moans of long rubber hose pipes , the column from the transformer 1.1p to 1750 volt::;, the anode at 1 1 vol ts for the full of water providing sul'ficient insulation to enable the dissipation bein~ strictly limited to 30 watts. The <'mission cun ent of anode t o be maintained at a pressure o f 10,000 volts, U / 50 valve shown in Fig. 91- is des igned to pas:; . 9 ampcte. Tho wit.hout introducing appreciable 1oakage.t The high . 15 ampere at approximately 400 volts, the maximum I U / 2. 5 kilowat.t :>ilica voltage direct-current supply connection is made on voltage of the associated circuits being 3000 volts, valve is ca};able of the water jack f3t.. Vlith 1 gallon of cold water per a nd the filament consumption 2. 8 amperes at 9 volts. <lis~ipa.ting 2. 5 kilo- minute it is possible t o di:-;sipato safely 10 kilowatts , The anode will safely dissipate 50 watts. This valve watt!': at the anode, although the u.·mal dissipation is about 5 kilowatts, and other high-power Mullard valves made in glass anti will pass a maxi- including the energy suppliecl to the filament. The are constructed- under patent No. 158,720/ 1921- mum emtsston c Lu·- illustration, Fig. !J4, shows t-he vah·e without its so that the filament can be removed without dis - rent of 1. 2 ampere. wa ter jacket, and it will, o f cotu·:;e, be understood that turbing the anode or the internal structlU'e of the As . !town in tho the filament is insi<lo tho anotle. The overall le ngth valve, with the resul t that the life of the valve is not a bovo table, it is of the valve is 2lin. , the bulb diameter 3~in. , and the terminated when t he filament burns out. The fill'.l.- :>uita blc for rectify- ano<le diameter 2in. The chan:\ctoristics of the Vt\lve ment can be renewed by the makers at a cost con- ing alternating cur- are a.s follows :-siderably below that of the original cost of the valve, e t t n l>re ·s e ( f r n a ... s. ur > Filument. curron t. so that considerable economy i~:; effected. The maxi- 27 500 Its F. •' r •• . . . . . . • • 41 t\m poros

' vo · 0 · Fi h\mont pros:sure . . . . . . . . . . 22 volts mum current which can be passed by the U / 150 valve the full emi&:;ion cut·-is . 25 ampere, with a drop of 500 volts, and the anode 2 , Anode pressure · ·

ront of 1. am.pere 1 ~ormal anode curren t 10,000 volts · 8 to 1 ampero 20,000 volts

will safely dissipate 150 watts. F or the full emission of the tllament ClU'rent . 25 ampere the filament requires 3. 5 amperes at is 17 amperes at 16 10.5 volts. This valve is suitable for use a.t alterna.t- FIG. 94- WATER- COOLED volts. T he largest ing current pressUl·es up to 7000 volts, and is capable RECTIFIER Mullard silica. valve of supplying direct CUl'rent to transmitting valves of - the U /4 K.W.-

. . Maximum anode pressure • • • •

The chief application of these valves is to supply n direct current pressure of 10,000 volts for the opel'a,­tion of the W estern Electric Company's 10-kilowat.t oscillating water-cooled valves, which, except for the fact that they are, of course, pt·ovided with a grid, resemble the company's rectifying valves.

250 wat~~ maxim:wn a~ode dissip~ti_on. The U / 250 1 will dissipate 4 kilowatts at the anode, and will pass valve- :F ~g. 92-Js destgned to diss1pate 250 w~tts a maximum emission C\trrent of 3 amperes, the fila­at a maXJmum reverse voltage from the altem~tmg- mont taking 40 amperes at 18 volts, and it rnoy be Cul';e~t supply of ! 4,000_ volts. The ma.xunum used for supplying any direct-current load of noL more erruss10o of · 35 ampe:e, w~th ~ volta~e drop of 600 than 3 amperes at a maximum transformer pressUl·e t eo the J oo.tmal o£ the Ins t.itution of Electrical Enginc.-er:~, volts ac·ross the rc>ctJfier 1s g1ven w1th a filament of27,500R.M.S.voltsbetweenthea.nodeanclfilament. Voi.LXL,page 8l6.