september 19, 2021 25th sunday in ordinary time

* Emergency Number 620-960-8552 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Confession Saturdays 2:30-3:30, 30 minutes before every weekday Mass or anytime at request. * Anointing of the Sick and Hospital Visits: Please call for yourself or anyone in your family for: an emergency, serious illness, if sick and confined to home, or if entering a hospital or local nursing-home. Please call us several days prior to the surgery or event if you know of it in advance. * Sacrament of Baptism: Parents are required to attend a pre-baptismal class before their child is baptized. * Sacrament of Matrimony: Registered Parishioners need to contact the Pastor at least nine months before the wedding to participate in marriage preparation. * Interested in the Catholic Faith: Inquiry classes begin in October and are held each Sunday morning. Bulletin Deadline: [email protected] Please email articles by 1pm on Friday, 9-days prior to the Sunday the issue comes out. Deadline before Holidays is 16 days. SAT. Vigil Mass 4:00pm SUNDAY Masses 8:00am & 10:30am MON. 7:00am TUE. & WED. 5:30pm THUR. 7:00am FRI. 12:05pm September 19, 2021 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Page 1: September 19, 2021 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

* Emergency Number 620-960-8552

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Confession Saturdays 2:30-3:30, 30 minutes before every weekday Mass

or anytime at request.

* Anointing of the Sick and Hospital Visits:

Please call for yourself or anyone in your family for: an emergency, serious illness,

if sick and confined to home, or if entering a hospital or local nursing-home.

Please call us several days prior to the surgery or event if you know of it in advance.

* Sacrament of Baptism: Parents are required to attend a pre-baptismal

class before their child is baptized.

* Sacrament of Matrimony: Registered Parishioners need to contact the

Pastor at least nine months before the wedding to participate in marriage


* Interested in the Catholic Faith: Inquiry classes begin in October

and are held each Sunday morning.

Bulletin Deadline: [email protected]

Please email articles by 1pm on Friday, 9-days prior to the Sunday the issue comes out. Deadline before Holidays is 16 days.

• SAT. Vigil Mass 4:00pm • SUNDAY Masses 8:00am & 10:30am • MON. 7:00am • TUE. & WED. 5:30pm • THUR. 7:00am • FRI. 12:05pm

September 19, 2021 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: September 19, 2021 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

You can now attend any Mass or event as it is happening live in the church!

Go to YouTube and search for:

A friendly reminder to please use your contribution envelopes when making your donations. This not only

helps our money counters with their stewardship of time in counting in a timely manner, it will also insure your donations will be added to your end of the year

statement for your tax records. *If you aren’t receiving year end statements or tithing envelopes please call

to verify that we have you listed as an active member.

or You can drop off your tithing envelope through our mail slot on the front door

of the rectory anytime day or night.

Sat. Sep. 18 4:00pm † Karen Seiler Sun. Sep. 19 8:00am † Laverne Maybrier Sun. Sep. 19 10:30am † Wilma Schumacker

Mon. Sep. 20 7:00am SI Theodore Cummings Tue. Sep. 21 5:30pm SI Kevin Marshall Wed. Sep. 22 5:30pm † Diane McKinney Thu. Sep. 23 7:00am † Elma Thompson Fri. Sep. 24 12:05pm † Ron Willard

“The Lord has ears to ALL who call on Him” Prayer Requests for the St. Teresa prayer line


Dillon’s Community Rewards We have a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the upkeep of our St. Teresa altar. 1- Register your card with St. Teresa as the Community Rewards, 2- use your Plus-Card when shopping at Dillon's, 3- St.T earns - it’s easy!

Our Last Quarter Dillon’s Reward was $568!!

Want to become a member of St. Teresa Parish? You can now attend any Mass or event as it is happening live in the church!

Go to YouTube and search for:

The St. Vincent de Paul organization is continuing “The Little Store” that was

was started at St. Teresa’s by Mary Ellen.

An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle We pray that we all will make courageous choices for a

simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, rejoicing in our young people who are resolutely committed to this.

~ Tri-Parish Public Rosary ~

PSR - Parish School of Religion Classes Begin Soon at St. Teresa

With summer almost over it is time to begin planning for Parish School of Religion (PSR). If your children are attending public school then we invite you to enroll them in PSR. Since our parishes are sharing priests, we want to extend the opportunity to attend the program that best fits your family’s schedule.

» St. Teresa PSR program meets on Sundays - 9:15am– 10:15am, classes begin September 19.

» Holy Cross PSR program meets on Wednesdays with 6:30pm Mass and class meets until 8:10pm, classes begin September 22.

• Contact: Steve or Kay Dechant (St.T) at 620-662-5234

• Contact: Kim Griffith (Holy Cross) at 620-899-9453


To those who have continued to be so generous in helping us meet the continued needs of running

our parishes and schools: THANK YOU!! If you are not yet signed up for online giving, you

can do so for St. Teresa on our parish website. * To donate online please go to:

How-To directions are explained on the website.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - RCIA Are you or someone you know interested in the

Catholic faith? RCIA classes begin soon. Please call the Rectory for more info 620.662.7812

St. Teresa’s is looking to re-form a Parish Welcoming Committee.

This committee would help new families get established and acclimated into our parish family.

If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact the parish office at 620-662-7812.

Page 3: September 19, 2021 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Vespers Evening Prayer

Sundays @6:00pm

Holy Rosary Prayer Group 1st Sundays @ 12 noon

St. Teresa Parish - All 4 Mysteries Let's Flood Heaven with Prayers!

Litany to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Every Tuesday before 5:30pm Mass

Dillon’s Community Rewards We have a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the

upkeep of our St. Teresa altar. 1-Register your card with St. Teresa as the Community Rewards, 2-use your Plus-Card when shopping at Dillon's, 3-St.T earns - it’s easy!

Our Last Quarter Dillon’s Reward was $568!!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

• First Reading – Wisdom 2:12, 17-20

As stewards, Christ strengthens us as we strive to follow God’s law, even when the evil

one tempts us to break His commandments.

• Psalm 54:3-8

As Christian stewards, we pray in confidence that God will give us strength in times of

confrontation with evil.

• Second Reading – James 3:16-4:3

As disciples of Christ, we seek true wisdom, justice, and peace to help us avoid conflict

with others and to do God’s will and not our own.

• Gospel – Mark 9:30-37

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the apostles, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the

servant of all.” In this statement, Jesus sums up how, as Christian stewards, we are to serve others.

• Stewardship Thought See Psalm 54

Today’s second reading warns that a heart consumed with avarice and envy leads to jealously,

strife, conflicts, and disputes. A giving heart, in contrast, can sing instead with the psalmist,

“Freely will I offer you sacrifice; I will praise your name, O Lord, for its goodness.”

Great websites to learn more about our faith.


(The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Contact Alana Vibbert - 620-727-0481 Please Text or leave a message

Litany to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Every Tuesday before 5:30pm Mass

No Taxpayer Abortion Congress is trying to force Americans to pay for abortion. The Hyde Amendment and similar laws have protected taxpayers from funding elective

abortion for 45 years. Now, powerful members of Congress want to take away these laws that both Democrats and Republicans have supported for

nearly half a century. Billions of taxpayer dollars could be used to pay for abortion. It is critically important for Catholics to send a strong message

before Congress moves forward to impose taxpayer-funded abortion.

We urge Catholics and all others to sign the petition on

FAITH and LIGHT, Sunday, Sept. 26th - 5 -7 pm

at White farm in rural Hutchinson

There will be a short spiritual exercise, outdoor fun, visiting and a picnic type meal.

Please bring side dishes to share and lawn chairs if you have them.

Call Pat at 620 665 7824 with questions and exact location.

(The Salt City Faith and Light group is a member of the International Faith and Light. This is a tri-parish group

for friends and families of folks with special needs)

Letter and Spirit: featuring Scott Hahn and Mike Aqualina

People often speak as if the Bible and the Catholic Mass are totally separate from one another, and anti

-Catholics make the claim that the Mass and the Bible are in competition to one another…not so, and

today Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina are going to set the record straight. They will show us how it is that the Bible is “for” the Liturgy and the Liturgy is

“for” the Bible. And that’s not all, they will also prove the Bible is about the Liturgy and the Liturgy

of the Mass is about the Bible. All are invited to join this DVD series presentation. via Zoom or in the St. Teresa Parish Hall

Sunday’s @ 9:00am (between 8:00am & 10:30am masses)

WHY DO WE DO THAT? - Catholic Life Explained:

How we prepare for an important event helps us with the intentionality of our actions and raises our awareness. We prepare our house for guests.

We wash our car before an important trip. We create a nursery for a newborn child.

All of these actions heighten our senses for what is about to come. The fast required by canon law before holy Communion has its roots in Jewish spiritual practices. We fast for cleansing and to

demonstrate our reliance on God. Catholics used to fast for much longer periods of time, but it was Pope Paul VI in 1964 who set the time at one hour

in an attempt to encourage people to receive the holy Eucharist more frequently. That one-hour observance allows us to pause and reflect on

what we will participate in in the very near future. We deny our bodies so that we can focus more

clearly on the Body of Christ that we will consume.

MOTHER ANGELINE MINISTRY OF CARE On September 24th and 25th, the Office of

Marriage & Family Life will be offering training modules for those considering becoming pastoral ministers for the homebound and further training

opportunities for those who are already involved in the ministry. There are three different modules on Friday and Saturday. Visit our website for more

information on times, content, and pricing. or call (316) 744-0167

Page 4: September 19, 2021 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Do You Have One Hour Per Week to Give to Jesus?

Visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Pray, meditate, journal, read,

thank Him, talk with Him or just sit and be with Him. Experience the peace,

joy, comfort, calmness and deeper relationship with Jesus each week in a

Holy Hour of Adoration. We have open hours if you would like to commit to one. We also are in need of substitutes to help when someone cannot

fill their hour with our Lord.

Contact Alana Vibbert - 620-727-0481 Please Text or leave a message

What does it mean to be God’s servant? In essence, it means being willing to call the world back to its childlike innocence, showing all that a joy-filled

playfulness has a place in life. The servant of God serves to foster the Kingdom of God. God’s kingdom

is not a sterile, unhappy, strict, and rigid reality. It is quite the opposite. It is a kingdom devoid of jealousy and selfish ambition where peace,

gentleness, mercy, and good works abound. To be a servant of this kingdom means that selfish ambition must be set aside so that others can be first, and

justice pursued at all cost. The prayer of this kind of servant is not focused on self-advancement or need.

Rather, the servant’s prayer seeks to detach from self-concern in order to be used by God.

In this way, we who are servants can be inspired, guided, empowered, and led by God. We can then be used to lay the cornerstones of the kingdom: faith,

hope, and love. It is upon these that God’s firm dwelling is built. Accepting this call may place us

last in the world’s eyes but first in God’s.

EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP Recognize God In Your Ordinary Moments

The View from the Back of the Line

Have you known that person? The one who leaves every person they encounter feeling a little more blessed for having met them? They’re the friend you can count on when nothing is going well. They’re the one who’s always “doing” for others. They’re never gossiping or sniping or complaining. We wonder how they do it, how they have it in them. We’re a little envious, even if we don’t let ourselves acknowledge it. That, folks, is what the view is like from the front of the line, gazing at those suckers in the way back and wondering why they’re smiling so much. We’ve all been at the front of a line and felt no shame about it. We show up early, we put in the time and the legwork, and we “earn” whatever it is we came for — sports tickets, the latest Apple product, whatever. That’s how it works here on Earth, where the fastest win the race, the fittest survive and the first shall be first, always. It’s exactly why stewardship is such a tall order. Stewardship calls us to play by the rules of another kingdom — one where the richest have the least amount in their bank accounts and the happiest don’t seem to have anything to show for it, at least materially. If you have a person in your life who always seems happy “doing” for others, it’s because by a boatload of God’s grace, they play by the rules of the other place.

— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Wis 2:12, 17-20 / Jas 3:16-4:3 / Mk 9:30-37

Selfless Surrender “If anyone wishes to be first, he must be the last

of all and the servant of all.” What does this mean in terms of our discipleship? It means that our call to discipleship must not become a source of pridefulness. Jesus set the bar high in terms of selfless surrender - it doesn’t just mean that you give yourself over to the beautiful parts of God’s will. That path will likely include some undesirable moments as well…for Jesus, that meant persecution, rejection, and crucifixion. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples that He will be put to death, and the next thing He

knows, they are arguing over who is the greatest among them. Isn’t that just like humans?! Au-

thentic discipleship is not described by greatness, privilege, or self-glorification. Instead, it is char-acterized by humility, meekness, lowliness, and servanthood. John the Baptist tells us that if God

is to grow in us, we must diminish (Jn 3:30). This is echoed in Jesus’ message today. Allow

your discipleship to be great - to glorify God and build up His Kingdom, but do so quietly and by serving those who are most often overlooked.

~ St. Teresa Stewardship Committee ~

Sunday: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catechetical Sunday

Monday: Saints: Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang and Companions, Martyrs

Tuesday: St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist

Wednesday: Our Lady of Sorrows

Thursday: St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

Friday: -

Saturday: BVM

Next Sunday: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 5: September 19, 2021 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Reflect upon the

providence and wisdom of God in all created things

and praise Him in them all.”

~ St. Teresa of Avila ~

St. Teresa of Avila Parish Announcements

Please feel free to call Mon-Fri ~ 10am-2pm


FORMED - The Catholic Faith On Demand PLEASE take advantage of the Free FORMED subscription St. Teresa has provided for you.

There you will find movies, audio books, video series, children's movies and programs and so much

We are doing repairs on the interior dome of the church. Repairs are estimated to be done by

September 24th. Until they are done we will have Mass in the Parish Center Gym.

This weekend - After each Mass you will see SVdP volunteers holding blue buckets at the exits of both Holy Cross and St. Teresa’s churches. This “Blue Bucket Brigade,” or “Beggars” as we like to call

ourselves, will be accepting donations to keep the charity going. Please feel free to drop a donation in a bucket as you leave church, and as always, 100% of the contributions received will go to our community

neighbors. The volunteers of SVdP thank you for your continued support. Whenever we have asked, and even

when we didn’t, you have helped provide. So far in 2021, our volunteers have received 385 calls and used

over $20,000 to help community members in need. Your donations have assisted with food, utility bills,

rents, medications, bus tickets, gasoline, car and household repairs, and more. We are grateful!

Hosted by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul: the annual

Saturday, September 25th on the campus of Holy Cross Church

The walk will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 11:00. Join us for prayer, fellowship, and some great cookies

too! Even if you don’t walk, we’d love to have you join us and, of course, we will appreciate donations. So, lace up those walking shoes and meet us on the steps of Holy Cross! It’s guaranteed fun for all and supports our volunteers, who through the generosity

of our donors, work hard to provide assistance to those in need in our community.

ATTENTION Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Musicians, Ushers Please look at the bulletin board in the vestibule to see when you are scheduled to serve Please find a sub if you can’t serve thank you!

Amelia Grace Marsh daughter of Ian and Emily Marsh

baptized by Fr. Will Stuever, Sept. 12, 2021

YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH PILGRAMAGE Have you had the opportunity to visit our local

St. Joseph Churches during this past year? We are inviting you to join other parishioners on a one day pilgrimage to make those visits in the comfort of a

Village Charters Bus with your parish friends and/or new acquaintances. We will leave after the 7am Mass

from St. Teresa's Church, 211 E 5th, Thursday, October 14th.

Visits to: St. Joseph Andale, St. Joseph Ost, St. Joseph Conway Springs, St. Joseph Wichita,

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Wichita, with a visit included to Fr. Kapaun's grave and

St. Rose Mt. Vernon to check out their new church. We will return to St. Teresa's by 5:00 pm. We’ll also

stop for lunch somewhere along the route. More information on that destination forthcoming. Your only cost is to pay for your lunch that day. We will

need your reservation if you can make the pilgrimage. Reserve by Friday, October 1. Space is limited.

Please contact Renee Goering 620-899-5077 or the Parish Office 620-665-5163.

Free will donations will be accepted.