september 6, 2020 twenty third sunday in ordinary time · september 6, 2020 twenty-third sunday in...

S 6 2 2 - hi d Su d i di i EALI OR IVI A D RECO CILI A firs l , od s Gos l look lik ro ss o x l d o di r . o r bro r si s i s o , o d ll is l b o d i lo . lis s o o , o o o r bro r. do s o lis , k o or o i ss s lo i o , so r b s blis d o si o o o or r i ss s. r s s o lis o , ll r . W is r i l i d rs di od s Gos l is ro ss s ks o o x l d b o r o il d r s or rso o o i . is ll bo li , or i i d r o ili . ro oi o o i r sol io d skills o di io , s Gos l s li l sk i r sol i o i s. d r l l, o i r sol io s i ol or skill rii i s o-so i l skills. ss o od s Gos l is r o ili io is l i l s iri l ii . W o r s o-so i l skills r x r is d ro o r s iri l r, b o ll b. W iri rs lis i skills, lis i b o s d r d or i l si . W iri rs di io skills, skills b o or rs l. W iri rs oi io skills, skills b o or dir i o si r. is r s o iri i i skills si ls skills r b i s d or r os o r o ili io . li ro ss, is l o ri i is , s i ll rso bi ri i iz d? or so o s, ri i is b d s i . , i o ro i s o o r li s, s o ld s k o ol o rs d sk o l , ri i iz d or s. r l ro ss ro ssio l oo b ll s s o r r or x oo b ll . od or i b is r r io ro ss. r i ir r io s d look or r s o i ro . q r rb k o s r o o r d r i s r l ri iq o is i o o d ds is ks d i r io s b orr d. ri i is is i or or ro ri iq is oi d o o r d o r d lo . i i l ri o ss, do sl - ri iq d kold or d or God s li or i ss. As io o o r i r o r , b o r s iri o God s lo d li d lls d i or r s. W r i rs o o r r, d sir or i ss d r o ili io d li i ll ol. r s k is k i or il li , i or ork d i s ool is o b dis i l o ss o is ll d o b i ss o o d r o ili io . W li o o o r s iri l r, ill r oi o God lli s o r , li , or i ss, d r o ili io . l ss d . r i a z@d . : ri s r d a y : s s orsblo .blo s o . o

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Page 1: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel

September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


At first glance, today’s Gospel may look like a process to exclude the offending party. “If

your brother sins against you, go and tell his fault between you and him alone. If he

listens to you, you have won your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two witnesses

along with you, so that every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three

witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell the Church.”

What is crucial in understanding today’s Gospel is the process seeks not to exclude but to reconcile

and restore the person to the community. It is all about healing, forgiving and reconciling.

From the vantage point of conflict resolution and the skills of mediation, Matthew’s Gospel may seem a

little sketchy in resolving conflicts. On a deeper level, conflict resolutions involve more than skill

training in psycho-social skills. The message of today’s Gospel is that reconciliation is ultimately a

spiritual activity. When our psycho-social skills are exercised from our spiritual center, they become all

they can be. When the Spirit enters listening skills, the listening becomes deeper and more inclusive.

When the Spirit enters mediation skills, the skills become more respectful. When the Spirit enters

negotiation skills, the skills become more direct without causing anger. This presence of the Spirit

within the skills signals that the skills are being used for the purpose of reconciliation.

In the healing process, what is the place of criticism, especially when I am the person being criticized?

For some of us, any criticism can be devastating. But, if we want to grow in any aspect of our lives, we

should seek out people whom we respect and ask them to evaluate, criticize and mentor us.

I marvel at the process that professional football teams use to prepare for the next football game.

Monday morning begins the preparation process. They review their previous game and look for areas

of improvement. Even a quarterback of the stature of Tom Brady receives careful critique of his game

with the coach who demands that the mistakes he made in the previous game be corrected.

Criticism is important for growth when the critique is motivated out of care and concern and love. In

the penitential rite of the Mass, we do a self-critique and acknowledge our need for God’s healing


As we pay attention to our inner journey, we become aware that the spirit of God’s love and healing

dwells deep in our hearts. When we hear with the ears of our heart, we desire forgiveness and

reconciliation and healing with all people. The grace we seek this week in our family life, in our work

and in school is to be a disciple of Jesus who is called to be a witness of hope and reconciliation. When

we live out of our spiritual center, we will hear the voice of God calling us to repentance, healing,

forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Have a Blessed Day.

Fr Jim

[email protected]

Follow me on: Twitter @frjimschwart

And at my blog:

Page 2: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel


Gospel Reflection

Next weekend, Fr.

James Schwartz is

preaching at Holy

Spirit and Deacon

Ray Garbach is

preaching at St.


Scripture Readings for September 13, 2020

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I: Sirach 27:30-28:7

Reading II: Romans 14:7-9

Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35


The mercy we have each received from our

forgiving Lord is meant to be shared with others.

In our weakness, it can be hard to forgive.

Is there a grudge you are holding onto?

Who do you need to forgive, as Jesus would?

Daily readings are always available at

For the Gospel Question of the Week, email

[email protected]

with the subject line: Add me to the question of

the week email list!


During these difficult and uncertain times, your

continued support of the vital ministries at Holy

Spirit and St. Joseph’s is most appreciated. Your

generosity will help us to continue serving you

and the community. All gifts are recorded in your

name as always.

Holy Spirit Contributions can be mailed to:

1355 Hatch Rd Webster, NY 14580, or sent online


St. Joseph’s Contributions can be mailed to:

43 Gebhardt Rd Penfield, NY 14526, or to set up

for recurring payments online go to:,

or text GIVE and the amount to St. Joseph’s




Holy Spirit Church:

Weekday: Monday - Friday 9:00am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm

Sunday: 8:30am & 11:00am

Reconciliation: Saturday 2:45pm - 4:00pm at the

Gazebo weather permitting or by appointment.

St. Joseph’s Church:

Weekday: Monday - Saturday 9am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm

Sunday: 8am, 10am and 5pm

Reconciliation: By appointment

Advance registration is requested at both sites to

ensure that we are practicing social distancing

and that the church capacity is not exceeded. You

are asked to wear your own mask and bring a

personal hand sanitizer. When receiving Holy

Communion, you will receive in your hand and

consume the host when you are at least 6 feet

away from the priest. Congregational singing is

discouraged in Church for the time being.

Online registration for Holy Spirit is available at:�up�for�mass

Or call the office at 585-671-5520 to schedule.

Online registration for St. Joseph is available at:

Or call the office at 585-586-8089 to schedule.

The dispensation from the obligation to attend

Sunday Mass remains in effect.

In addition, we will continue to live stream St.

Joseph’s Masses. Ways to access the live stream:


�On Facebook, “LIKE” St. Joseph’s Penfield and

watch Mass in real time on Facebook Live.

�Live streaming also available on YouTube -

subscribe to Saint Joseph Church Penfield:


Recorded Mass videos are available all day on

the website and YouTube.



Page 3: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel



Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we

glorify you, we give you thanks for your great

glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty

Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on

us; you take away the sins of the world, receive

your prayer; you are seated at the right hand of

the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are

the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone

are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy

Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

First Reading - Sirach 27:30-28:7

Wrath and anger are hateful things, yet the sinner

hugs them tight. The vengeful will suffer the

LORD’s vengeance, for he remembers their sins in

detail. Forgive your neighbor’s injustice; then when

you pray, your own sins will be forgiven. Could

anyone nourish anger against another and expect

healing from the LORD? Could anyone refuse

mercy to another like himself, can he seek pardon

for his own sins? If one who is but flesh cherishes

wrath, who will forgive his sins? Remember your

last days, set enmity aside; remember death and

decay, and cease from sin! Think of the

commandments, hate not your neighbor;

remember the Most High’s covenant, and overlook


Second Reading - : Romans 14:7-9

Brothers and sisters:

None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for

oneself. For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if

we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we

live or die, we are the Lord’s. For this is why Christ

died and came to life, that he might be Lord of

both the dead and the living.

Gospel - Matthew 18:21-35

Peter approached Jesus and asked him, “Lord, if

my brother sins against me, how often must I


As many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I say

to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.

That is why the kingdom of heaven may be likened

to a king who decided to settle accounts with his

servants. When he began the accounting, a debtor

was brought before him who owed him a huge

amount. Since he had no way of paying it back, his

master ordered him to be sold, along with his wife,

his children, and all his property, in payment of the

debt. At that, the servant fell down, did him

homage, and said, ‘Be patient with me, and I will

pay you back in full.’ Moved with compassion the

master of that servant let him go and forgave him

the loan. When that servant had left, he found one

of his fellow servants who owed him a much

smaller amount. He seized him and started to

choke him, demanding, ‘Pay back what you owe.’

Falling to his knees, his fellow servant begged him,

‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’ But

he refused. Instead, he had the fellow servant put

in prison until he paid back the debt. Now when

his fellow servants saw what had happened, they

were deeply disturbed, and went to their master

and reported the whole affair. His master

summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked

servant! I forgave you your entire debt because

you begged me to. Should you not have had pity

on your fellow servant, as I had pity on you?’ Then

in anger his master handed him over to the

torturers until he should pay back the whole debt.

So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each

of you forgives your brother from your heart.”

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of

heaven and earth, of all things visible and


I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only

Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all


God from God, Light from Light, true God from

true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with

the Father; through him all things were made. For

us men and for our salvation he came down from


all bow:

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin

Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of


who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son

is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic


I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come.


Readings for the Weekend of September 13, 2020

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Low Gluten Hosts are available at both

Parishes upon request


St. Joseph’s In Remembrance column is now

online with bios of parishioners who recently

celebrated funerals at St. Joseph’s:

The Sanctuary Candle at Holy Spirit

will burn this week in Honor of:

the Parishioners of Holy Sprit

By Fr. James Schwartz

The Sanctuary Candle at St. Joseph

will burn this week in Honor of:

the Parishioners of St Joseph’s


By Fr. James Schwartz

Monday September 7 - Weekday

9:00 AM † William J. Enfonde by the Urckfitz


S.I. for Donna Hunt by Donna Hunt (SJ)

† Michale Macaluso by Mary Adamo (HS)

† Sam Macaluso by Family (HS)

Tuesday September 8 - Feast of the Nativity of

the Blessed Virgin Mary

9:00 AM † Mary Kay Motsenbocker by The Family


† Matt Foley by John & Mary Skvorak


† Ed Matuck by Family (HS)

Wednesday September 9 - St. Peter Claver

9:00 AM † Joseph Giuffre by The Scanlon & Wight

Families (SJ)

† Dorothy DeSario by Barbara Bruce (SJ)

† Jason Bentley by Desino Family (HS)

† Miguel & Yolanda Barrantes by Haydee

Hauber (HS)

Thursday September 10 - Weekday

9:00 AM † Donald Luke, Jr by Pat Dwyer & Family


† Muriel DeMartino by Bill & Jewel Kelley


Friday September 11 - Weekday

9:00 AM †Barbara Pulsifer by Ed Cala (SJ)

† Joseph Preston by Bill & Jewel Kelley


Saturday September 12 - The Most Holy Name of


9:00 AM Matt Kolupski by David & Sandy

Kolupski (SJ)

Josephine Oliver Anniversary Rem by

Joyce & Joe DeRosa (SJ)

4:30 PM † Jacquelyn Ater, 6th Anniversary Rem.

by Barbara Babiarz (SJ)

Deceased members of the DellaPietra

By Family by Barbara & Ralph Meleo (SJ)

† Rosolina DiGioia by Family (HS)

Sunday September 13- 24


Sunday in Ordinary


8:00 AM @ SJ † Frank & Genevieve Palermo by

The Family

Angelo Giosio by The Family

10:00 am@ SJ Megan Garbach by The Family

Leo J. Porcaro by Thomas &

Alberta Luce

Sr. Diane Branch,SSJ by The

Mooney's & Smiths

† Rosa Ferrara, Salvatore & Filipina

Viavattene by the Viavattene Family

5:00 pm@ SJ † Matt Foley by Mr. & Mrs. William


S. I. for Recovery of Dominic Lamb

by Great Aunt, Maria Palermo

8:30 AM @ HS † Chuck Scardino by Knights of

Columbus #16411

† Shirley DePaolis by Laurie Grey

11:00 AM @ HS† Annunziata Argento by Vince &

Maria Teresi

Rest in Peace:

(HS) Eugene Basch

(SJ) George DeMott -

Joanne Tando’s brother

Confessions at Holy Spirit are in the gazebo every

Saturday at 2:45pm weather permitting or by


Confessions at St. Joseph are by appointment.

Fr. Jim: 585-586-8089X 112 or

[email protected]

Pastoral Care

Prayers and Mass Intentions

Page 5: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel




We welcome your referrals to

Penfield Hope.

Responding to critical unmet needs of Penfield

area residents through meaningful encounters,

dialogue, and practical services. Serving

residents of 14526 & 14625 zip codes.

Penfield Hope assists people with food, diapers,

children’s clothing, internet access, household

items and financial assistance based on criteria

(rent, RGE, repairs, etc.). Please have referred

people contact us directly at 586-5139. Webster

residents are directed to our parent Hope,

Webster Hope House.

Backpacks and school supplies available! �

[email protected]

41 Gebhardt Rd (Pastoral Offices)

Hours: Mon 3pm, Tues 6pm, Thurs 10am



September 5—6

Peanut Butter & Jelly, Applesauce, Snacks and



Small, liquid laundry detergent;

baby wipes; dish detergent; shampoo

Christian denominations throughout the world

have come together to declare September 1—

October 4 the Season of Creation.

The Vatican has been a key member of this

movement and has prepared countless materials

for parishes to use in worship and education.

Seasons of Creation has materials for Laudato Si

Masses, Holy Hours, Evening Prayer, Adoration,

and more.

Available at

Additional assistance available through

Catholic Family Center.

Contact [email protected]

Social Outreach



All are welcome to join the Social Outreach team

as priorities, plans, and current issues are

discussed for the coming year. Team members

will offer updates on our current ministry

partners and how they are doing during the

pandemic. This is a great time to get involved

and learn more about the needs of our sisters

and brothers locally and globally.

If you would like more information or the link to

attend online, contact:

Deacon Duncan Harris

[email protected]

Page 6: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel


Youth Ministry


Hello St Joseph's and Holy Spirit Parishioners!

We just wanted to thank everyone who

contributed to our most recent shoe drive. Your

generous donations resulted in the collection of

over 150 pair of shoes!!!!!!

About half of these were of the type and quality

needed in Africa and the rest went to Saint's

Place in Pittsford. Some of the sneakers and

ladies' shoes were barely worn or actually brand

new!! We can only imagine how excited the kids

in Africa and the women in our community will

be to receive these.

Liza and I hope to have another collection after

Christmas, so thank you for continuing to save

your gently-used shoes for our project. We are so

proud to be members of the St Joseph's- Holy

Spirit Catholic faith


Mary & Liza Cotter


Faith Formation &

Sacramental Preparation

Now Open

Faith Formation registration for children and

youth in Grades K to 12 as well as

registration for Sacramental preparation for

First Reconciliation, First Eucharist &

Confirmation is now available on line on the

parish websites.

Please go to either or to


Questions about Faith

Formation for children in

Kindergarten to Grade 5:

contact Jeanne at (585)

586-8089 ext.116

[email protected].

Questions about

Sacramental Preparation—

First Reconciliation & First

Eucharist for children in

Grade 2 or higher:

contact Nancy Veronesi at

(585)586-8089 ext.124

[email protected].

Questions about Faith

Formation for teens in

Grades 6-12 and

Confirmation for teens in Grade

8 or higher:

contact Lisa at (585) 586-8089

ext. 114 or

[email protected]

Pastoral Care

Cancer Ministry

ZOOM meeting


Sept. 8 1:00pm

Topic for discussion:

The Emotional

Roller Coaster of

Living with


To join meeting please request invitation by


Paula & Bob Fragaszy [email protected]

Children & Youth Faith Formation

Page 7: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel


Adult Faith Formation




Spend a special day in prayer. Allow yourself

time to recover emotional balance, interior unity,

inner balance and peace of soul. Our staff will

provide materials to reflect on or you are

welcome to bring your own materials. Space and

time will be given in order to read, reflect,

respond and pray in solitude with God. These

days are open to men and women.

Wednesdays: Sept 16 & 23,Oct 14, 21 & 28,

Nov 4

Saturdays: Sept 19 & 26, Oct 3, 24 & 31, Nov 7

• Days will begin at 9:00am and conclude at


• A “bagged” lunch will be provided.

• The suggested donation is $25.00 per person.

• There will be a limit of 15 individuals per day.

Any questions, please call us at 585-394-5700 or

email us at [email protected]

For dates, how to register and retreat format

please visit our website at

Women Growing In Christ (WGIC)

Begins again on SEPT. 16.

We meet throughout the school year, observing

school breaks. We always welcome new


When: Wednesday mornings, 9.15-11.00 am

Online format: Read material or listen to audio

podcasts at home in your own time. Join WGIC

discussion and prayer on Zoom on Wednesday


2020-21 Program:

�Open Wide Our Hearts (USCCB Pastoral Letter

Against Racism)

�Abiding Together podcasts

"Feminine Genius",

Lenten podcast,

"In the School of the Holy Spirit" (on

Jacques Philippe's book),

Individual Let Love podcasts (by Sisters of


�New Testament section of Bible Time Line

Study (6 sessions)

Any questions: please contact Martina Stoeckl at

[email protected] or call 585-377-5759.


Facilitated by Jim Lovelock

Begins September 9

You are invited to a four-week

study of Luke’s Gospel (chapters

9 and following) beginning on

Wednesday September 9



We shall meet via ZOOM online.

Sessions will begin at 7 PM and

end by 8:30 PM.

To register (no fee), please e-mail Jim Lovelock

[email protected].

All are welcome.


Are you searching for meaning in your life?

Would you like to reconnect with your

Catholic faith?

Do you wish you prayed more?

Do you long to belong to a community?

If you answered “yes” to any of these

questions, we invite you to join us for

Discovering Christ, the first of three seven-

week courses in the ChristLife program.

Each week you will watch an online teaching

video on your own. We will send you a link to

join your small group Monday nights online

to discuss the topic. Each online gathering

also includes music and prayer; and there is

a Saturday retreat day, also held online.

What you need to know:

Discovering Christ: Monday evenings

October 5—November 16, 7-8:15pm online

Saturday retreat, November 7th

Register by September 28

Register or request more information at:

Contact: Jeanne Mooney 585-586-8089 x.116

[email protected]

Page 8: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel


St. Joseph School in Penfield is seeking teacher

aides for the 2020-2021 school year. Following

the New York State Next Generation Learning

Standards, St. Joseph School is a safe, respectful,

nurturing environment which shapes both the

mind and heart of each student, academically,

emotionally, socially and spiritually in school as

well as during distance learning. Candidates

should be comfortable with Catholic Religious

Education instruction and sharing faith with

young people in his/her class.

St. Joseph School is seeking staff for our After

School program (K thru 6) and Stay, Discover,

and Grow program (PreK 3 and 4). The ideal

candidate will be creative, organized, positive and

a team player. Experience working with children

in grades Pre-K thru Grade 6 is required. Position

is Monday through Friday, 11:00 – 3:00 and 2:00

pm - 6:00 pm. Responsibilities include assisting

the Team Leader in all aspects of programming,

including recreational and educational activities

with the students.

Candidate should be prepared to supervise

children outside in all weather for 1-2 hours

daily. Candidate should expect to walk, stand and

sit at different times throughout the shift.

All positions above require that you be at least

18 years old and prepared to participate in our

Creating a Safe Environment training and

undergo a full background


Please contact:

Amy Johnson, Principal

St. Joseph School, Penfield


St. Joseph School

Technology Assistance Needed

Holy Spirit Knights of

Columbus Chicken BBQ

Saturday, September 12

Begins at 4PM until sold


The Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus and

Women’s Auxiliary will be hosting our 5



BBQ at Holy Spirit Church on Saturday,

September 12


, starting at 4:00PM until sold

out. Pick-up will be in the back parking lot off

Plank Road by the Parish Hall

The dinner consists of a ½ chicken, salt potatoes,

baked beans, corn on the cob, bread and dessert.

NO PRESALES. This will be a drive-up event, with

payment made at time of pick-up. Meals are $10

each. Family max available for children under

18. Proceeds to benefit the Knights of Columbus

Coats for Kids Program.

Questions: John Veloski,

GK, 353-0116.

St Joseph’s Knights

of Columbus

Win a Weekend

Getaway to Mirbeau

Resort and Spa

Two nights stay, Spa Treatments, Breakfast and

Dinner included - a $1500 value

You pick the Dates

$50 per chance/Only 200 tickets sold

Contact Phil Monahan at 314-6318 or Ross

Giardino at 750-4740 for tickets. Proceeds to

benefit the Knights of Columbus Charities

Parish Events

Are you comfortable with

Zoom, the online video


We're looking for assistance

on Monday nights from October 5 to

November 16, and for Saturday, November

7th. Some additional instruction may be

needed in advance for our group facilitators.

Please contact Jeanne Mooney at

[email protected]

Thank you!

Page 9: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel


General Parish Information

Holy Spirit: 1355 Hatch Road,

Webster, NY 14580

Office Hours: Although the physical office is

closed, please call or email us and we will get

back with you as soon as possible.

Phone: 585-671-5520; Fax: 585-671-7262

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: ChurchofHolySpiritWebster

Contact Us, Follow Us!

St. Joseph’s: 43 Gebhardt Rd,

Penfield, NY 14526

Office Hours: Although the physical office is

closed, please call or email us and we will get

back with you as soon as possible.

Phone: 585-586-8089; Fax: 585-586-0674

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: SJCPenfield, hopepenfield

Instagram: @sjcpenfield, @penfieldhope,


Twitter: @SJCpenfield, @HopePenfield,




Fr. James Schwartz, Pastor

[email protected] 585-586-8089 ext. 112

Fr. Bob Kreckel, In Residence

[email protected] 585-899-0098

Deacon Ray Garbach, Pastoral Associate, Holy


[email protected] 585-671-5520

Deacon Duncan Harris, Pastoral Associate,

St. Joseph’s, Penfield Hope Co-Director

[email protected]

585-586-8089 ext. 113

Deacon Roger DeBell, [email protected]

Susan Gividen, Assistant Music Director, St.


[email protected] 585-586-8089


Cathy Kamp, Pastoral Associate, St. Joseph’s,

Penfield Hope Co-Director

[email protected]

585-586-8089 ext. 115

Gabriel Pellegrino, Music Director, Holy Spirit

[email protected] 585-671-5520

Nancy Veronesi, Director of Worship, St. Joseph’s

[email protected]

585-586-8089 ext. 124


Jeanne Mooney, Faith for Life Director

[email protected]

585-586-8089 ext. 116

Lisa Bianculli, Youth Minister

[email protected]

585-586-8089 ext. 114


Confidential Lines

Stephen Ministry 585-586-8089 ext. 130

Penfield HOPE 585- 586-5139

[email protected]

41 Gebhardt Rd. in Pastoral Offices


Ned Sayegh, Pastoral Council Chair - St. Joseph’s

[email protected]

James Hopper, Finance Chair - St. Joseph’s

Brian Weaver, Finance Chair - Holy Spirit


Ross Giardino - St. Joseph’s

[email protected]

John Veloski - Holy Spirit

[email protected]


Patrick Vogt, Finance Director/Maintenance

[email protected] 585-586-8089 ext. 119

Kathy Best, St. Joseph’s Church Secretary/


[email protected]

585-586-8089 ext. 120

Kathy Langston, St. Joseph’s Church, Bookkeeper

[email protected]

585-586-8089 ext. 110

Marc Magagnoli, Network Systems Administrator:

[email protected] 585-671-5520

Shari Magagnoli, Holy Spirit Secretary/Bulletin

[email protected] 585-671-5520

Kathy Zink, School Business Administrator

[email protected] 585-586-8089 ext. 111


Open Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 3:00 pm


Fax 585-586-4619

Amy Johnson, Principal 585-586-6968 ext. 302

[email protected]

Cecelia Nolan & Lisa Lynd, School Secretaries

Page 10: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel


We Hold in Prayer this week all those who are ill....

We have updated this list. Please call either St Joseph’s Church (586-8089) or Holy Spirit

(671-5520) to have a name placed on this list.

We Hold in

Prayer this

week all those

who are

serving in the military including:

Peter Lajoie, Ian McLellan, Kyle

Bachman, Holton Pratt

We have updated this list. Please call

either St Joseph’s Church (586-8089) or

Holy Spirit (671-5520) to have a name

placed on this list.


A Prayer Ministry Phone Line is available at St. Joseph’s.

For many years a group of parishioners have been praying

daily individually and weekly as a group for special

intentions. They would like to include you by name with

your need in their daily and weekly prayer. Call our Prayer

and Stephen Ministry Confidential Phone Line 585-586-

0674 X130. Leave your name as the person wanting

prayers (it can be only your first name) and the specific

reason for the prayer request. You may wish to leave a

name and number if you wish someone to call back to pray

with you individually.

Adam Greenly

Amelia Maley

Amos Holt

Baby Olivia

Barb Leibenguth

Barbara Meleo

Bill Kelley

Carla Myers

Dan Calendo

Dan Wiles

Dave Kolupski

Domenic Lamb

Julia D’Anza

Margaret Macaluso

Nancy Pelletier

Richard & Wanda Lodico

Tucker Wilson

Victor & Jean Mastrandea

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Joseph, Penfield, NY 06-0030

Remember, Celebrate & HealJennings,

Nulton & MattleFuneral Home, Inc.


381-3900Harloff Funeral Home803 S. WASHINGTON ST. | E. ROCHESTER

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Glass Block & Egress/Exits10% Senior Discount | (585) 248-2594


Page 11: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Joseph, Penfield, NY 06-0030

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Page 12: September 6, 2020 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · September 6, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING, FORGIVING, AND RECONCILING At first glance, today’s Gospel

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Joseph, Penfield, NY 06-0030

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