sermon on the mount together matthew 8; jeremiah...

As kids leave, ask them what verse motions they learned today for Jeremiah 29:13! Connect Time (15 minutes): Five minutes after the service begins, split kids into groups and begin their activity. Large Group (30 minutes): Begin 20 minutes after the service starts. Model what it looks like to be engaged in large group. Small Group (15 minutes): Keep kids in small groups until parents arrive. If you all have extra time at the end, you can review the video and songs together. Connect before you correct! When it becomes necessary to discipline kids because of their behavior, connect with them on a personal level before you correct them. Building relationships with kids is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior. Today we’re hearing about one of Jesus’ most well-known sermons: the Sermon on the Mount! But instead of just focusing on what he said, we’ll focus on what he DID afterward. We’ll see how Jesus met people up close and personal, and gave them the kind of comfort that only God can provide. October 15-16, 2016 Matthew 8; Jeremiah 29:13 When you meet God, you find comfort. Sermon on the mount

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Page 1: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

As kids leave, ask them what verse motions they learned today for Jeremiah 29:13!

Connect Time (15 minutes): Five minutes after the service begins, split kids into groups and begin their activity. Large Group (30 minutes): Begin 20 minutes after the service starts. Model what it looks like to be engaged in large group. Small Group (15 minutes): Keep kids in small groups until parents arrive. If you all have extra time at the end, you can review the video and songs together.

Connect before you correct! When it becomes necessary to discipline kids because of their behavior, connect with them on a personal level before you correct them. Building relationships with kids is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior.

Today we’re hearing about one of Jesus’ most well-known sermons: the Sermon on the Mount! But instead of just focusing on what he said, we’ll focus on what he DID afterward. We’ll see how Jesus met people up close and personal, and gave them the kind of comfort that only God can provide.

October 15-16, 2016

Matthew 8; Jeremiah 29:13 When you meet God, you find comfort.

Sermon on the mount

Page 2: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

GOAL: Connect Time is all about engaging kids in an activity that allows them to connect with each other right away while simultaneously piquing their curiosity for Large Group and preparing their minds for what they’re going to hear.

BRIDGES AND RIVERS● Keep kids in one large group for this activity.● Half the kids in the room will be “bridges,” and half the kids will be “rivers.”● Whenever the leader calls out “Bridge!”:

○ All the “bridges” in the room have to make their bodies into arches. (Demonstrate by arching forward and placing your hands on the floor, with space for someone to crawl underneath.)

○ Anyone who is a river then has to crawl under a bridge.● Whenever the leader calls out “River!”:

○ All the “rivers” in the room have to lay down flat on the ground with their hands at their sides (Demonstrate for kids.)

○ Anyone who is a bridge then has to take a giant step over a river.● With a tap on the head, designate each kid as either a “bridge” or a “river” and

briefly remind them what each are supposed to do.● Play music from the KC itunes playlist and let kids walk around the room. Every

10-20 seconds, pause the music and yell either “bridge” or “river,” and let kids respond!

TALK ABOUT IT● What was more fun–when the leader called “bridge,” or “river”? ● What’s your favorite outdoor place to go?

Before you go to Large Group, you can ask kids how their week went. You can also remind kids of the expectations for Large Group behavior: (1) be kind, (2) listen when somebody speaks, and (3) follow the leader’s instructions.

Page 3: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

Goal: Kids will (1) recognize that Jesus healed and comforted real people in real places, (2) understand that Jesus wants to meet us in a real way, and (3) identify how we can find comfort from Jesus.

Why? It’s important to understand that Jesus healed people and performed miracles not just to fix physical problems, but to help comfort and heal people emotionally as well! He wants us to have the kind of peace that only the Holy Spirit can provide.

Tip: Look at the verse motions ahead of time!

REVIEW THE STORY1. (Show image of poor, sad and lonely people.) What kind of people will be

rewarded in heaven? (People who aren’t always cool; those who are poor, sad or lonely. People who treat others fairly, and show love.)

2. Why is that surprising to you?3. (Show image of Jesus healing and calming the storm.) How did Jesus comfort

others in today’s story? (He healed them and took away their sicknesses; he calmed the storm.)

4. How do you think people felt when Jesus healed them or calmed a scary storm? (Happy/joyful, safe, not afraid or worried, peaceful, comforted.)

5. What brings you comfort when you’re scared?6. How can Jesus comfort us? How can we comfort others?

MAKE IT PERSONAL● Memorize the verse with motions! Break it up into the following sections, and have

kids repeat after you:○ Jeremiah 29:13 (Hold hands facing up, like you’re reading a book.)○ You (Point forward) will seek me (Make binoculars with your hands and look

around the room.)○ And find me (Lift hands up and shake them around.)○ When you (Point forward.) seek me (Make binoculars with your hands and

look around the room.)○ With all (Spread arms open wide.) your heart (Put both hands on your


(Continued on next page.)

Page 4: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

● After you’ve done it with kids a few times, say the verse and let them do the motions themselves!

● Give each kid a verse bookmark and remind them that when we need comfort or help, we can talk to Jesus, and ask him for what we need.

Extra time? Play “Would you rather?” Have kids gather in an open area, and answer the following questions by moving to one side of the room (Make sure to point to the side of the room that goes with each choice.)

“Would you rather….”● Eat crickets or worms?● Swim in jelly or peanut butter?● Climb the tallest mountain in the world, or scuba dive to the deepest part of the

ocean?● Be a cat or a dog?● Be able to be invisible, or be able to fly?

Page 5: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

Today’s script calls for some preparation. Get 4 large pieces of tear-off paper and tape them up in different locations around the room. During the lesson, you’ll be drawing a simple image on each paper that goes along with a specific part of today’s story (Don’t worry, you won’t need crazy artistic skills! Just make sure you’ve got a marker handy.)

There are several short videos today that help add to the sensory experience of the lesson. Instead of just watching them, and then talking after, use some of them as teaching “backdrops,” and talk while the video plays!

*Click to play intro music.● Welcome: Hi everybody! Welcome to Kids’ Club. We’re so

glad to have you here! ● Say: If you were a bridge, raise your hand! (Let kids

respond.) If you were a river, raise your hand! (Let kids respond.) Good job everyone.

● Ask: How did you know when you were supposed to act like a bridge or a river? (Let kids respond.) Yep, when the leader said “Bridge” or “River,” you had to act it out! Basically, you did whatever the leader said.

● Ask: What if the leader yelled those words, but you all just stood there and didn’t do anything? Would that be very fun? (Let kids respond.) No way! It would be pretty boring.

● Say: Today we’re going to talk about how Jesus spoke to lots of people, but he didn’t want them to just stand there. He wanted them to go out and do what he said, just like you did what your leader said! Remember, Jesus is God’s Son, and God sent him to the world to rescue us from all the wrong things that happen.

● Ask: Do you guys think Jesus talked to people, and then stayed at home all day and never did anything? (Let kids respond.) No! Jesus went out and did real things, in real places! Something he did really well was comfort people. What does it mean to give comfort? (Let kids respond.)


Main Goal: Review Connect Time and introduce the lesson.


Page 6: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior


Main Goal: Use a video clip to illustrate why we need comfort sometimes.



Main Goal: Show kids where Jesus preached, and help them visualize Galilee.



Main Goal: Show kids how Jesus healed a leper through touch!

● Say: Yeah, it’s basically when you feel at peace and you’re not stressed, worried, or afraid. There’s lots of times when we need comfort, like when you’re sick, and you need to feel better. Or when you’re sad, and you want to feel happy again.

● Say: Let’s watch a video clip from the movie Inside Out, and see someone who really needs comforting.

● Video: Inside Out / Sadness Comforts Bing Bong● Ask: So why did the pink guy, Bing Bong, need comfort?

(Let kids respond.) Yeah, he was really sad because he lost all that stuff that reminded him of Riley. What did the blue girl, Sadness, do to help him? (Let kids respond.) Yep, she listened to him, and let him talk about how he felt.

● Say: Today we’re going to see how Jesus does the same thing. He gives us comfort and helps us feel safe.

● Say: Our story today picks up after Jesus came to the world, when he was living in a place called Galilee. Can you say, “Galilee”? (Let kids respond.)

● (Click to show image of Galilee map.) See that little red arrow? It’s pointing to the Sea of Galilee, which is like a really big lake! And next to it is a small mountain where Jesus preached to a large crowd of people.

● Video: Mount of Beatitudes - This is the actual hill that Jesus stood on when he preached! It’s still there, right next to the Sea of Galilee.

● Say: We’re going to watch a video now about what Jesus preached about on the mount. Pay attention to what he tells people to do, but even more importantly, pay attention to what he actually DOES after he preaches!

● Video: God’s Story / Sermon on the Mount● Say: So what did Jesus do after he gave the Sermon on

the Mount? (Let kids respond.) Yep, he went down the mountain and showed love to all kinds of people, no matter who they were. Let’s look some more at how he gave comfort to people throughout the story!

● Say: The first place he went was down the mountain. Let’s all pat our feet on the ground and pretend to walk down the mountain with Jesus! (While kids respond, move to the 1st paper hanging up and instruct kids to face it. Draw an image of a hill with a sky and sun, etc.)

Page 7: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior


Main Goal: Show kids how Jesus healed a leper through touch!



Main Goal: Show how Jesus healed the servant of a soldier, and showed that he can be real, even from far away!


● Say: Now while Jesus was walking down the mountain, a man who was really sick came up to him, and asked Jesus to heal him. Nobody else wanted to touch this man, because if they did, they would get sick too! Do you think this guy needed comfort? (Let kids respond.) He sure did.

● Ask: What did Jesus do when the man came up to him? (Let kids respond.) Yep, he touched the man, and healed him! That means all the guy’s sickness was completely gone!

● Say: Everybody close your eyes. (Let kids respond.) Now take your hand, and touch one of your arms. (Let kids respond.) Imagine that Jesus is touching you instead. Imagine that Jesus is healing you of sickness, or pain, or sadness, just by touching you. (Give kids a few moments.) Okay, open your eyes.

● Ask: How would you feel if you were that man, and Jesus touched you when no one else would? (Let kids respond.) Yeah, me too! Do you think the sick man felt comforted after Jesus healed him? (Let kids respond.) Absolutely!

● Say: Now let’s move onto the next place Jesus went, the city of Capernaum! Can you say, “Capernaum”? (Let kids respond.) Good job. Let’s all pat our feet and travel to Capernaum. (Let kids respond while you move to the 2nd paper hanging up, and instruct kids to face it. Draw a picture of some buildings/houses, etc.)

● Say: Capernaum was a really old city, and there were a lot of people there who didn’t believe in God. But do you think Jesus still wanted to show those people love? (Let kids respond.) Yes, he did! He loved everyone.

● Video: Capernaum city - This is what Capernaum looks like today; it’s still standing! Of course now it looks pretty old and crumbly. But back then, it was much bigger and busier.

● Ask: Do you remember who came up to Jesus when he got to the city? (Let kids respond.) Yep, a soldier walked up and asked Jesus to heal his servant. And Jesus did! But the amazing part is that Jesus didn’t have to touch the servant to make him better. Jesus healed him from far away, because the soldier believed in him with his whole heart.

● Ask: Do you think the soldier got comfort from Jesus? (Let kids respond.) Yes! Jesus showed him that his power is real, and he can comfort us no matter what.

Page 8: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

● Say: Let’s move on to Peter’s house, which is where Jesus went next. Pat your feet on the ground and let’s travel there! (While kids respond, move to the 3rd paper hanging up, and have kids turn to face it. Draw a house.)

● Ask: What did Jesus do here? (Let kids respond.) Yep, he touched Peter’s mother-in-law, and she was healed of sickness! Then he healed a bunch of other people too. He showed a whole town of people that he was the real deal, and he meant every word that he spoke up on the mount.

● Say: We’ve got one more location to visit today...the Sea of Galilee! One last time, let’s pat our feet on the ground and travel to the Sea of Galilee. (While kids respond, move to the last paper hanging up, and have kids turn to face it. Draw a boat on water.)

● Say: Now after a full day of preaching, traveling and healing people, Jesus was probably pretty tired. He and his disciples got onto a boat, maybe to relax and take a break. (Make your way back to the presentation area and play the following video while you talk.)

● Video: Sea of Galilee● Say: This video is the REAL Sea of Galilee! It’s where

Jesus and his disciples actually took their boat, and it’s where a terrible storm suddenly appeared. (Keep talking while playing the following video for as long as you want.)

● Video: Stormy Sea● Ask: What was Jesus doing while it was thundering and

lightning and huge waves were rocking the boat? (Let kids respond.) Yep, taking a nap! Can you believe it?

● Say: Were the disciples calm and sleepy like Jesus, or were they scared? (Let kids respond.) Yep, they were really scared! So they woke Jesus up and said, “Save us! We’re going to drown!”

● Ask: Was Jesus worried about the storm? (Let kids respond.) Not one bit. Do you remember what he said to the disciples when they woke him? (Let kids respond.) Yeah, he asked why they were afraid! He said they didn’t need to worry at all, and they should trust him. And then...

● Video: Sea of Galilee● Say: (Talk while video plays in the background.) He

calmed the sea just by telling it to stop. Does anyone else in the world have that kind of power? (Let kids respond.)


Main Goal: See how Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law, as well as a whole group of people!


Main Goal: Visualize what it was like when Jesus calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee.


Page 9: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

● Say: Nope, only Jesus has that power. Do you think the disciples really needed to be scared, since Jesus was with them? No! They had no reason to worry. But sometimes, even if we know Jesus is with us, we still get scared. That’s why we need to ask him for help sometimes.

● Say: Jesus showed everyone he can bring comfort no matter what. Even if you’re in the middle of a huge, terrifying storm.

● Say: Jesus didn’t just spend his life preaching...he spent his life DOING. He showed people he was real by bringing them comfort and making them feel safe and happy! He took away people’s worries, fear and pain, and he wants to do the same for us. Let’s look at the verse we’re learning this month. It’s Jeremiah 29:13:

● Slide: Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

● Say: When we seek Jesus, that means we ask him to help us and comfort us when we’re scared or worried. Let’s ask him for help right now! Close your eyes and think of one thing that makes you worried, afraid, or sad. (Let kids think for a few moments.) Now, in your head, ask Jesus to give you comfort, and help you feel safe. (Let kids respond, then lead into prayer.

● Pray: God, we need you to help us through hard things. We need you to comfort us. We trust and love you. Amen!

● Say: Now let’s worship Jesus and celebrate how he loves us SO much, that he wants to comfort us through anything.

● Music Video: All That You Need● Music Video: Brave-uh-ree

Dismiss kids to small groups.


Main Goal: Visualize what it was like when Jesus calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee.


Main Goal: Let kids actively respond to the Holy Spirit.



Main Goal: Close the lesson with prayer and worship.

Page 10: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior

What did Jesus preach about?How can God give us comfort?

1. Song slide: for when kids enter the room (All that You Need instrumental; mp3 only; can be downloaded on website)2. Video: Inside Out / Sadness Comforts Bing Bong ( 3. Image: Galilee Map4. Video: Mount of Beatitudes (1:35-1:50;; no sound) 5. Video: God’s Story / Sermon on the Mount ( 6. Video: Capernaum City (2:10-2:2:50;; no sound) 7. Video: Sea of Galilee (; cover with this sound: 8. Loop: Stormy Sea Loop (KC/SM videos media songs>loop; Cover with this sound:; make repeating)9. Video: Sea of Galilee (; cover with this sound: 10. Slide: Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.11. Music Video: All That You Need ( 12. Music Video: Brave-uh-ree (

Per group: Bible, markers, Set of two image pages (reused/cardstock)-Poor/sad/lonely people image (p12), Jesus healing/calming the storm image (p13)

Per kid: Coloring page, 1 verse bookmark (color, double sided, cardstock; Pages 14-15)

No supplies needed

Per Group: Bible

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Page 12: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior
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Page 15: Sermon on the mount together Matthew 8; Jeremiah … is the most important, and effective part of managing their behavior