sermon outline genesis 3 nacb

Sermon Outline NACBC YOUTH GROUP “THE INSUFFICENT & SUFFICENT SACRIFICE!!!” GENESIS 4 (JOHN19:28-30, MATTHEW 6:34, ROMANS 12:2, & COLOSSIANS 1:28) Introduction Backgrounder and Stuff: Sources: The Holy Bible KJV Version; The World And The World: An Introduction to the Old Testament by Eugene H. Merrill, Mark F. Rooker, and Michael A. Grisanti; Easton's Bible Dictionary; Blue Letter Bible (, Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Mary Elizabeth Baxter Commentary of Eve in Genesis 2:18, Hank Hanegraaff, The Complete Bible Answer Book—Collector’s Edition (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008), Tanis Harms &, and Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Bible Commentary. Author: Moses. Date: 1,000 years ago. Theme: To lay the foundation for the theocracy (rule) of God over His creation. Key Verse: Genesis 1:1 Key Controversy: In The Beginning . . . God and The Christian Worldview! (Bold added for emphasis and * parts are very important!!!) Per Dr. Fred Smith, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate Studies: A Global Worldview is how an individual sees the world through their own eyes. 1

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Sermon Outline



GENESIS 4 (JOHN19:28-30, MATTHEW 6:34, ROMANS 12:2,



Backgrounder and Stuff:

Sources: The Holy Bible KJV Version; The World And The World: An Introduction to the Old Testament by Eugene H. Merrill, Mark F. Rooker, and Michael A. Grisanti; Easton's Bible Dictionary; Blue Letter Bible (, Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Mary Elizabeth Baxter Commentary of Eve in Genesis 2:18, Hank Hanegraaff, The Complete Bible Answer Book—Collector’s Edition (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008), Tanis Harms &, and Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Bible Commentary.Author: Moses.Date: 1,000 years ago. Theme: To lay the foundation for the theocracy (rule) of God over His creation. Key Verse: Genesis 1:1

Key Controversy: In The Beginning . . . God and The Christian Worldview! (Bold added for emphasis and * parts are very important!!!) Per Dr. Fred Smith, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate Studies: A Global Worldview is how an individual sees the world through their own eyes.

Apologetics – Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") Early Christian writers (c. 120–220) who defended their faith against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called apologists.

Remember everyone has a worldview!!!1. Live your life in the realm of who Jesus Christ Is. 2. Let your actions and moral attitudes be shaped by the Bible.3. Dedicate your life to show people how the God sees it!!!

The Three Broad Worldviews (Created by Paul Turner)

1. Oceanic Worldview- all is one. It is all the same. 2. Atomic Worldview- an atom is an atom until itself. It is in a separate world unto

its own.


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3. Interconnected Worldview- believes that every part of the web is connected to individual parts, but everyone is affected. This is the Biblical/Christian worldview.

4. Remember that people in churches think atomically not interconnected.

Four Basic Worldview Questions:

1. Who are we?

2. Where are we?

3. What is the problem?

4. What is the answer?



The Category: CAIN OR CHRIST

For $200: Who is guilty of a crime?Answer:

For $400: Who is angry with God?Answer:

For $600: Who took the punishment that was given?Answer:

For $800: Which one was raised from the dead?Answer:

For $1000: Which one are you?!?!Answer:

I. The “Insufficient” Sacrifice to God. – Genesis 4:1-5 (Key verses: Genesis 4:3-5)

1. 1. Eve said, I have gotten a man from the Lord--that is, "by the help of the Lord"--

an expression of pious gratitude--and she called him Cain, that is, "a possession," as if

valued above everything else; while the arrival of another son reminding Eve of the

misery she had entailed on her offspring, led to the name Abel, that is, either weakness,

vanity (Psa 39:5 ), or grief, lamentation. Cain and Abel were probably twins; and it is

thought that, at this early period, children were born in pairs ( Gen 5:4 ) [CALVIN].


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      2. Abel was a keeper of sheep--literally, "a feeder of a flock," which, in Oriental

countries, always includes goats as well as sheep. Abel, though the younger, is mentioned

first, probably on account of the pre-eminence of his religious character.

      3. in process of time--Hebrew, "at the end of days," probably on the Sabbath.

      brought. . . an offering unto the Lord--Both manifested, by the very act of

offering, their faith in the being of God and in His claims to their reverence and

worship; and had the kind of offering been left to themselves, what more natural

than that the one should bring "of the fruits of the ground," and that the other

should bring "of the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof" [ Gen 4:4 ].

 4. the Lord had respect unto Abel, not unto Cain, &c.--The words, "had respect to,"

signify in Hebrew,--"to look at any thing with a keen earnest glance," which has been

translated, "kindle into a fire," so that the divine approval of Abel's offering was shown in

its being consumed by fire (see Gen 15:17 Jdg 13:20 ).

II. The “Attitude of Ingratitude”. – Genesis 4:6-8 (Key verses: Genesis 4:6-8)

7. If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?--A better rendering is, "Shalt thou not

have the excellency"? which is the true sense of the words referring to the high privileges

and authority belonging to the first-born in patriarchal times.

      sin lieth at the door--sin, that is, a sin offering--a common meaning of the word

in Scripture (as in Hsa 4:8 2Cr 5:21 Hbr 9:28 ). The purport of the divine rebuke to

Cain was this, "Why art thou angry, as if unjustly treated? If thou doest well (that

is, wert innocent and sinless) a thank offering would have been accepted as a token

of thy dependence as a creature. But as thou doest not well (that is, art a sinner), a

sin offering is necessary, by bringing which thou wouldest have met with acceptance

and retained the honors of thy birthright." This language implies that previous

instructions had been given as to the mode of worship; Abel offered through faith

( Hbr 11:4).

      unto thee shall be his desire--The high distinction conferred by priority of birth is

described ( Gen 27:29 ); and it was Cain's conviction, that this honor had been

withdrawn from him, by the rejection of his sacrifice, and conferred on his younger

brother--hence the secret flame of jealousy, which kindled into a settled hatred and

fell revenge.


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      8. And Cain talked with Abel his brother--Under the guise of brotherly

familiarity, he concealed his premeditated purpose till a convenient time and place

occurred for the murder ( 1Jo 3:12 Jud 1:11 ).

III. The “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”– Genesis 4:9–15 (Key Verses: 9, 11-12, 13*(Cain’s Response is Key!!!), 14)

 9. I know not--a falsehood. One sin leads to another.

      10. the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me--Cain, to lull suspicion, had

probably been engaging in the solemnities of religion when he was challenged directly

from the Shekinah itself.

      11, 12. now art thou cursed from the earth--a curse superadded to the general

one denounced on the ground for Adam's sin.

      12. a fugitive--condemned to perpetual exile; a degraded outcast; the miserable

victim of an accusing conscience.

      13, 14. And Cain said. . . My punishment is greater than I can bear--What an

overwhelming sense of misery; but no sign of penitence, nor cry for pardon.

      14. every one that findeth me shall slay me--This shows that the population of the

world was now considerably increased.

      15. whosoever slayeth Cain--By a special act of divine forbearance, the life of Cain

was to be spared in the then small state of the human race.

      set a mark--not any visible mark or brand on his forehead, but some sign or tokenof

assurance that his life would be preserved. This sign is thought by the best writers to

have been a wild ferocity of aspect that rendered him an object of universal horror

and avoidance.

IV. Cain’s “Ungodly” Line – Genesis 4:16–24 (Key Verses: 17*(Yes, that one!!!), 19, 23-24)

 16. presence of the Lord--the appointed place of worship at Eden. Leaving it, he not

only severed himself from his relatives but forsook the ordinances of religion,

probably casting off all fear of God from his eyes so that the last end of this man is

worse than the first ( Mat 12:45).

      land of Nod--of flight or exile--thought by many to have been Arabia-Petraea--

which was cursed to sterility on his account.


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      17-22. builded a city--It has been in cities that the human race has ever made the

greatest social progress; and several of Cain's descendants distinguished themselves

by their inventive genius in the arts.

Added Notation: One of the most common objections to the Genesis account of Creation concerns the reference to Cain’s wife in Genesis 4:17. Unless God supernaturally created a wife for Cain as he had for Adam, he would have had to engage in incest with one of his sisters.First, we should note that Adam lived almost a thousand years (Genesis 5:5) and fulfilled God’s charge to “be fruitful and increase in number” (Genesis 1:28). Thus while Scripture does not tell us where Cain got his wife, the logical implication is that he married either a sister or a niece.Furthermore, because genetic imperfections accumulated gradually over time, there was no prohibition against incest in the earliest stages of human civilization. The Levitical law against incestuous relationships was given by God hundreds of years after Cain at the time of Moses. Thus familial relationships were preserved and birth defects were prevented (Leviticus 18:6, 9).Finally, the speculation that God may have created a wife for Cain as he had for Adam is completely ad hoc. The consistent teaching of Scripture is that “from one man God made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him; though he is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:26–27).For further study, see Gleason Archer, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982).

  19. Lamech took unto him two wives--This is the first transgression of the law of

marriage on record, and the practice of polygamy, like all other breaches of God's

institutions, has been a fruitful source of corruption and misery.

      23, 24. Lamech said unto his wives--This speech is in a poetical form, probably

the fragment of an old poem, transmitted to the time of Moses. It seems to indicate

that Lamech had slain a man in self-defense, and its drift is to assure his wives, by

the preservation of Cain, that an unintentional homicide, as he was, could be in no



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V. Seth’s “Godly” Line – Genesis 4:25 (Key Verses: 25*(Listen to Eve’s Word’s and remember her actions in Chapter 3!!!), 26* (Pay attention to the last part).  26. men began to call upon the name of the Lord--rather, by the name of the Lord. God's people, a name probably applied to them in contempt by the world.

VI. The Perfect Sacrifice – John 19:28-30. A. In The Beginning!!! John 1:1-2

B. The Pure Lamb!!! John 1:29, 32-33C. The Gospel!!! John 3:16-21

D. The Triumphant Entry!!! John 12:12-22E. The Servant of All!!! John 13

F. The Holy Spirit (The Comforter) to Come!!! John 15:28-16:15G. The Betrayal!!! John 18:1-11

I. What Is Truth?!!! John 18:33-38J. It Is Finished!!! John 19:28-30

K. It Is Me!!! John 20:19-23

 19-23. the same day at evening, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus--plainly not by the ordinary way of entrance.      and saith unto them Peace be unto you--not the mere wish that even His own exalted peace might be theirs ( Jhn 14:27 ), but conveying it into their hearts, even as He "opened their understandings to understand the scriptures" ( Luk 24:45 ).

Key Controversy:

A Woman’s Viewpoint on Eve taken from Mary Elizabeth Baxter Commentary of Eve in Genesis 2:18:

. . . Adam and Eve were still in Eden, and before the Lord cast them out, He gave them the promise, spoken, neither to the fallen man nor yet to the fallen woman, but to the serpent-that her Seed should bruise the serpent's head, and a way of salvation

should be made.

There is just one other instance of self‐life recorded of Eve. Sent out from the garden

into the world which had become full of thorns and briars, Eve became a mother, and

named her first son Cain, saying, "I HAVE GOTTEN a man from the Lord." (Gen

4:1.) The selfish wife becomes a selfish mother. "I have gotten" expresses her

thoughts regarding her boy. If the first idea in the possession of a child is the selfish

one, what we have got, and what the child is to be to us-how can we be fit to train

him for heaven? It is only as we count our children to be the Lord's possession that

we can bring them up in His nurture and admonition.


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Eve became a mother a second time, and had the bitterness of seeing her child's blood

shed by the very son whom her selfish heart had named Cain; and, perhaps, it was

only when she learnt the lesson of sacrifice from Abel's altar that God could trust

her with her son Seth, who was "appointed" or "put" by the hand of God in the

place of his slain brother. (Gen 4:25.) Seth was, so to speak, a resurrection child, and

through him the family of the faithful descended.


I. Be Real With God!!!

II. God is serious about the sacrifices we make to Him.

III. Make sure your offering is right and with a pure heart.

IV. Admit to Him when you are annoyed, upset, or tired in running the race God has you on. He understands and always is ready to help strengthen you or give you a time of rest!!!

V. In times of trouble take a deep breath and pray for wisdom, guidance, and stamina to finish the task you have been assigned to.

VI. Altar Call/Close. God wants a personal relationship with you!!! He wants to hear from you and be open about how you feel and the struggles you go through. God helps those that cannot help themselves. Jesus died for ALL OF US on the cross since we could not pay the sin debt. That MEANS ALL OF US need His help!!! Accept His help today and stop struggling with burdens you were not designed to bear.


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.           all rights belong to Tanis Harms –

.            refer to

CAIN AND ABEL’S STORY – written by Tanis Harms(edited a little by me)TOPIC:        choices, attitudes toward GodSCRIPTURE:    Genesis 4:1-17, 1 John 1:9Style:        comedy/conversation:  the story of.             Cain and Abel is told with a comparison.             of their attitudes toward GodCast:         NARRATOR, ADAM, EVE, CAIN, ABEL, PERSONSet & Props:  2 baby dolls(people), sign


(NARRATOR steps out from stage left.)

NARR:.  In the beginning, there was Adam and Eve,.      who had been created by God and had the luxury.      of living and working in the Garden of Eden..      Not only was it a perfect place to live and work,.      but they only had ONE rule to obey – which.      they broke – and thus, were banned from.      the Garden of Eden forever...

(ADAM and EVE sadly step out from stage rightas NARRATOR continues.)

NARR:  Exiled.  Ousted.  Kicked to the curb. Down by the river!-

ADAM:   Okay, we get it.

(NARRATOR turns to ADAM and EVE questionably.)

NARR.:  But all you had to do was NOT eat from


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.      the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

EVE:    NOT as easy as it sounds.

NARR.:  Which brought sin into the world.

ADAM:   (pointing at EVE)  And she started it.

EVE: Oh!  Don’t you start, you were right there.      with me!  (Turns to everyone)  And by the way, everyone,.      it was NOT an apple!  Everyone ALWAYS assumes.      it was an apple!

NARR.:  Got it, it WAS a fruit, but not an apple.  ANYWAY,.      where was I?  Oh yes, they were banished from that.      perfect Garden of Eden.  Evicted.  Driven out. Put into layway! Given the . . . .                                                       2ADAM:   Got it.

EVE:    And we did feel very bad about eating that fruit..      Really.

ADAM:   Yes we did.

EVE:    And we did tell God we were very, very sorry.

ADAM:   And God forgave us.

EVE:    (to ADAM)  So WHY did God make us leave.      the Garden?

NARR.:  God cast them out, showed them the door … -.      (ADAM and EVE glance at NARRATOR with disgust).      – for a very good reason:  God loved them.


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.      God wanted to protect them - from themselves,

.      and keep them away from the tree of LIFE,

.      which would have kept them, and all the rest

.      of us, in that sinful state forever,

.      with no hope, with no-

ADAM:   Can we move on?!!!

NARR.:  Yes!  Adam and Eve moved on and brought children.      into this world.

(EVE is handed a guy from backstage.)

EVE:    I have been given a man-baby with the help.      of the LORD.

(EVE hands the baby to ADAM who looks down on it.)

ADAM:   Let’s call this baby - Cain.

NARR.:  Which means “spear.”  Probably.

ADAM:   It’s a cool name.  Cain!  Man of the spear.

NARR.:  And they named the next son -

(EVE is handed another baby doll from backstage.)

EVE:    Let’s name this one, Abel.

NARR.:  Which means “vanity.”

ADAM:   (to EVE)  What kind of name is that?             3

EVE:    It’s a reminder for us to be humble?


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.      I don’t know.  Maybe I just like the name. It has SWAG!

NARR.:  (to ADAM)  Don’t argue with the woman. Wait a minute that’s how you got in this mess anyway! EVE: Hey!.      Just – go and raise them the best you can.

EVE:    That shouldn’t be too hard.  Just look at them..      They’re perfect little angels.

NARR.:  Ah, remember, you all brought sin into the world.

(ADAM and EVE glare back at NARRATOR as they exitstage right.)

NARR.:  So Adam and Eve raised their children as best.      as they could, teaching them about God..      Ultimately, it is everyone’s choice.      whether they will choose to follow God or not.

(ABEL steps out from stage right and just stands there.)

NARR.:  Abel, whose name means “vanity”, WAS actually.      rather quite humble.  He was a keeper of flocks,.      a shepherd, a livestock expert, Duck Dynasty is calling his name!, –.      (ABEL glances at NARRATOR to move on).      And that’s all I can come up with for that..      Anyway, when it was time to bring an offering.      to the Lord, Abel took the very best of his flock.

ABEL:   Because everything that we have – we get from God,.      and so God deserves the very best from us.

(ABEL exits, and then CAIN steps out from stage right.)


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NARR.:  Now the older brother Cain, whose name means.      “spear”, actually became a tiller of the ground,.      a farmer, a crop planter, a sower in the fields.      and orchards –

CAIN:   We get it.

NARR.  When it was time to bring an offering to the Lord,.      CAIN did NOT bring God the very best of his crops..      In fact, it sounds like he may have only given God.      the crappy stuff that had fallen, and been left.      rotting on the ground.  Not even good enough to be.      considered “leftovers.”

CAIN:   Well, yeah, I mean, why not?  Seriously!         4.      It’s not like God is actually going to eat it.      anyway.

NARR.:  Needless to say, God accepted Abel’s offering,.      but did NOT find Cain’s offering acceptable.      at all.

CAIN:   And WHY not?  Just WHAT was wrong with mine?!.      Huh?!  Maybe I’m just rotten to the “core”..      Pun intended.

NARR.:  God obviously saw that Cain was angry, and that.      his conscience was bothering him.  God also.      pointed out to him that if Cain did not work.      on his attitude, he would fall into sin.

CAIN:   (waving that off)  Ah!  What does God know?

NARR.:  Well... everything!  And you know, you should.      talk to your parents about your issues.


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.      They can definitely relate and could

.      help you out there.  They sinned -

.      they worked it out with God -

CAIN:   (bitterly)  They’re probably too busy with.      the rest of their kids.

NARR.:  Then talk to your brother, Abel.  He’s good-.      people.  He’s got a good grasp on things.

CAIN:  Really! Really! (mocking)  Oh, my perfect brother, Abel..      (angrily shaking fists)  I HATE my brother, Abel!

NARR.:  Your attitude is really starting to get out of.      hand.  Don’t you think you should work that out?

CAIN:   I’ll work it out.  I’ll work it out MY way! Wait that could be a song for me later!

(CAIN stomps off stage right.)

NARR.:  Ahhh, so Cain went to find Abel out in the field’s..      Things did not work out very well.  Cain wound up.      killing his brother Abel.  God spoke to Cain –.      again, asking him, “Where is your brother Abel?”

CAIN:   (enters, head hanging down, he then looks up).      What?  I’m not my brother’s keeper.  Am I?.      Why should I know?-Why do You ask?-.      (suddenly alarmed)  What do YOU know?.                                                       5NARR.:  Of course, God knew what Cain had done!.      But God wanted Cain to ADMIT what he had done.

CAIN:   I refuse to admit anything I’ve done on


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.      the grounds that it could incriminate me. What is “is” anyway? And where is “where”? Everything is relative! Right!

NARR.:  God told Cain that He knew anyway - that the voice.      of his brother’s blood was crying to Him from.      the ground.  And because of this, Cain would pay..      Let’s call it poetic justice.

CAIN:   I HATE poetry! I HATE Justin Timberlake too!

NARR.:  Cry me a river Cain! You do realize your hatred for everything.      is getting you into a lot of trouble?.      Like, because you spilled your brother’s blood.      onto the ground, the ground has become cursed.      for you.  If you try to plant anything,.      it’s not going to grow.  And God said you’d become.      a vagrant, a wanderer on the earth, a nomad,.      a drifter, a bum-

CAIN: I HATE your run on ramblings!  NARR.: And, I hate your bad imitation of Grouchy Smurf!!! But let’s get back to the point. And, (falling to his knees to plead).      Lord, please, no, this cannot be, Lord..      This punishment is just too much!  It’s too much..      I cannot take it!  Not only can’t I do the work.      that I love, or see Your face anymore,.      but as I live on the streets and in wilderness.      like a drifter, whoever finds me will kill me..      My life will be in constant danger.

NARR.:  So God sent out a warning, that if anyone would.      kill Cain, THAT person would suffer seven times.      greater.  And so God gave Cain a sign –


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(CAIN is handed a sign with “A SIGN” written on it.)

NARR.:  Ahhh, except, not that kind of a sign.

(The sign is taken away from CAIN.)

NARR.:  It was a sign from God to help put Cain’s mind.      at ease, that God would keep His promise.      to protect Cain.  Of course God always keeps.      His promises, even though God knew Cain.      wasn’t so good in trusting God.  God just wanted.      to help Cain out – because God is GOOD like that.

(PERSON steps out and stands beside CAIN.).                                                       6PERSON: God IS good.  No matter how bad we have been,.      God will forgive us when we ask, so we can have.      a close and personal relationship with God.

CAIN:   (muttering)  I’ll keep that in mind.

(CAIN exits, followed by PERSON.)

NARR.:  Then Cain left, and settled east of Eden,.      in the land of Nod, which ironically means.      “exile”.  As Cain’s parents were exiled from.      the Garden of Eden, Cain was exiled from the land.      where he had grown up.  Whether Cain personally ever chose.      to have a close relationship with God after that –.      we don’t exactly know, but we DO know,.      that we have our own choice to make and we will see what his line did afterward.