service profile emergency, enforcement, and …...emergency, enforcement, and community safety 1.3...

Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

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Page 1: Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and …...Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety 1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Page 2: Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and …...Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety 1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

City of Vernon Core Services Review Service Profiles Program: Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety January 15, 2013

Page 3: Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and …...Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety 1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Policing Services .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 3. Fire/Rescue Services ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 4. Bylaw and Parking Enforcement ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 5. Safe Communities .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this Document Background

In 2012, the City of Vernon (City) contracted KPMG LLP (KPMG) through a competitive bid process to review the City’s operations and service delivery to identify cost-saving opportunities and areas for potential improvements. The City sees periodic Core Service Reviews as a necessary and positive means to check, confirm and review the range of services to be delivered by the City and recommendations to prioritize those services. The City considers Core Service Reviews as one method to ensure what is delivered is of the highest value to the community, to shed lower value services, to apply best modern practices to cost effective delivery, and to direct valuable, limited resources to the delivery of community valued programs and services. The Core Service Review project commenced on October 10, 2012 and is being conducted in four phases with a draft final report to be delivered by March 31, 2013.

Service Profile Summaries

During Phase 2 of the project, service profiles were created to present key information on the services that the City of Vernon currently provides. These service profiles were consolidated into five Service Profile Summary documents, of which this document is one, and posted on the City website.

The information in the Service Profile Summary documents was compiled by the City based on a template provided by KPMG. The intent of the Service Profile Summary documents is to present key information on the services that the City of Vernon currently provides to inform discussions with City Council, City management and the community on the City’s operations and service delivery to identify cost-saving opportunities and areas for potential improvements during the Core Services Review project.

Any performance related information is based on City of Vernon provided information or statements. No opinion is expressed with respect to the validity of the underlying performance data. The Service Profile Summary documents do not constitute an audit of the City’s services and underlying sub-services. Accordingly, KPMG does not express an opinion on such matters.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

1.2 Providing Input to the Core Services Review Project Public Consultation

During Phase 3 of the Core Services Review project, the City is seeking input from the community on current services through a public workshop on January 29, 2013. Input could include suggestions of opportunities for cost reduction, areas where current service levels could be reduced or are already too low, or any other suggestions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of City services. It is intended that City staff and members of the community including those representing any specific stakeholder groups will read the information contained in the Service Profile Summary documents before attending the workshop. Written comments and suggestions will also be welcome, either presented at the meeting, or submitted to the project email address.

Project Email address

A dedicated project email address has been set up to enable any stakeholder to provide information directly to KPMG on a confidential basis. The email address is [email protected]


Page 6: Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and …...Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety 1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

Service Description – briefly describes the overall purpose or objective of the City service.

Service Hierarchy – lists the sub-services or activities within the Service, and describes the service provided.

Service Delivery – provides information on service delivery for the sub-services or activities within the Service including service level, client impact and number of full time equivalent (FTE) staff involved.

Finance – provides key financial metrics showing the level of expenditures on the sub-services and the extent to which the sub-services are funded through user fees, grants and/or property tax levy.

Recent Reviews – describes any recent studies or reviews of these services/sub-services, the results and what has been done with the results.

Municipal Comparisons – provides conclusions from previous reports or other data the City has on the delivery of the services/sub-services, the unit cost for services/sub-services, the fees charged for services/sub-service in comparison with other municipalities.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

1.4 Glossary

Term Definition

Service Type Public – exist to provide value added service to an external client / customer Internal – exists to support delivery of other services, provides no value added service to public Mandatory – mandated or required by legislation from the federal or provincial government Essential – critical to the operation of the City. Without the service, the City would stop functioning Traditional – municipal service, provided by virtually all municipalities for many years Other Discretionary – service provided by the City to respond to particular community needs, based on a positive business case, or other specialized purposes

Service Standard A = Above standard S = At standard S + : Some service levels of the sub-services/activities are higher S – : Some service levels of the sub-services/activities are lower B = Below standard

Service level “At Standard” is consistent with: • the level required by legislation, or … • industry standards and practices, or… • business case analysis justification, … • service levels in other municipalities, … • reasonable expectations

Finances (Operating Budget)

COSTS: Salaries – includes employee total compensation (fully loaded including salaries, wages and benefits) Other Direct – all other expenditure related to the sub-service Allocations – costs transferred from other services / sub-services REVENUES: Income – rates, fees, fares and any other user fees, and any grants / subsidies / funds from provincial or federal governments (comment

should indicate if user fees or grants) Recoveries – opposite of allocations; charges to other services, capital projects or perhaps other municipalities Tax Levy – residual costs covered by the property tax levy (negative amount implies sub-service generates revenue that reduces the tax

levy). Amount should be the total sub-service costs minus total sub-service revenues


Page 8: Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and …...Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety 1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

2. Policing Services 2.1 Service Description Policing Services are provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police under contract to the City of Vernon. The Vernon North Okanagan Detachment of the RCMP provides policing services in 6 distinct policing jurisdictions encompassing Armstrong (including the Township of Spallumcheen), Enderby (including the Spallumcheen First Nations Lands), Falkland, Lumby, Vernon Rural (including Okanagan First Nations Lands) and the City of Vernon (including the Municipal contract for the District of Coldstream).

The City provides municipal employees to provide support services to the RCMP police officers.

The employees of the RCMP are committed to their communities through:

• Unbiased and respectful treatment of all people • Accountability • Mutual problem solving • Cultural sensitivity • Enhancement of public safety • Partnerships and consultation • Open & honest communication • Effective and efficient use of resources • Quality and timely service

Vernon/North Okanagan RCMP are committed to providing World-Class Policing Services guided by our core values of honesty, integrity, professionalism, compassion, accountability & respect. Our dedication to these core values and steadfast pursuit of our Core Policing Activities of service, prevention, protection, enforcement and intelligence is enhancing public safety and helping to build “A Safe and Secure Canada”.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

2.2 Service Hierarchy The Officer in Charge (OIC), reports directly to the Chief Administrative Officer and is responsible for the delivery/provision of Policing for the City of Vernon under the contract to the RCMP

Sub-service Type Description Police Officers Public -

Mandatory Vernon North Okanagan RCMP Detachment provides integrated policing services for an area that consists of Vernon, Armstrong, Enderby, Falkland, Lumby, Coldstream and the North Okanagan Regional District. The City of Vernon is responsible for the costs that relate to policing Vernon.

Civilian Staff Public Essential

Civilian staff support administrative functions within the detachment. (Records Clerks, Media, Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS) Readers, Switchboard, Transcriptionists, Asset Finance Clerks, Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) Operators, Front Counter, Court Liaisons, Forensic, IT systems, Admin Assistant to OIC). This support is provided by Municipal Support Staff (not RCMP employees).

Detention Center Internal Essential

Ensures the safety and security of all incarcerated individuals brought into the Vernon Detachment cells. This includes persons arrested and detained by the Vernon RCMP, the court system, as well as handling municipal, provincial and federal inmates. The Detention Facility staff (municipal employees) also look after routine facility maintenance, assist in the booking, fingerprinting and photographs of charged individuals and civilians and process all subjects required for court and escort. • Projected number of prisoners for 2012: 2000 - 2200 (prisoners) • Daily average: 5-6 inmates • Criminal prints processed: 950 • Civilian prints processed: 600


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

2.3 Service Delivery The following table provides information on service delivery for the policing services.

Sub Service Activities Description Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Management Integrated Detachment Management

Superintendent Officer in Charge Inspector Operations Officer (Insp. is Prov)

Vernon North Okanagan Detachment is integrated consisting of 106 RM, 60 are COV. (note that 10 COV positions are vacant or paid by the province)

General Duty Policing City of Vernon and Coldstream

Front line response to call and complaint investigation.

Four Watch System 24 hr

4 Seargents, 4 Corporals (Cpls), 40 Constables (Csts), (2 Cpls are Coldstream, 5 Csts are Coldstream, 4 Csts are Provincial)

General Duty Policing Rural (Municipalities and Districts outside COV)

Front line response to call and complaint investigation.

One unit 9 hr shift system 22hr+oc

2 Seargents, 4 Corporals 20 Constables (1 Cpl and 2 Csts are Spalumcheen, 2 Csts are FNP, all others provincial )

General Investigative Services

Serious Crime Serious crime & Sexual Crime investigations

1 Staff Seargent, 1 Seargent, 4 Corporals 14 constables (1 Cpl and 1 Cst are provincial)

Community Response Unit

Property Crime Drugs Prostitution

Downtown Enforcement Unit

Uniform Downtown Patrol

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Investigation Partner liaison

Operation and Administrative Support Services (Uniform)


1 Staff Seargent Vernon North Okanagan Detachment is integrated consisting of 50 support staff, 34.5 are COV Municipal Employees.

Administrative Support

Strategic Planning Quality Control Communications

1 Corporal,


Page 11: Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and …...Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety 1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Sub Service Activities Description Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Admin Support Police Service

Dogs 1 Corporal, 2 Constables

(1 Cst is Prov)

Forensic Identification Services

1 Seargent, 2 Corporals (1 Cpt is Prov)

School Liaison School Liaison Youth Programs

2 Constables (1 position vacant)

Professional Standards

Internal & Public Complaint Investigations

1 Seargent

Non- COV Civilian support staff

Integrated administrative services

9.5 Public Servants, 3 RDEs

Civilian Staff (Municipal Staff who support above sub-services)

The titles of the various position provide a fairly clear description of their role.

Administrative Support - positions approved at the discretion of council to enhance or supplement additional programs, etc. Staff are located within the Corporate Services Department of COV.

S+ Supports efficient policing

1 Admin Asst - RCMP 1 Prime Coordinator - RCMP 1 Media CPTED & Crime Stopper Coordinator 1 Crime Analyst 1 Reader/Analyst/PIRS Coordinator 1 RCMP Administrative Officer 1 Manager, RCMP Records 1 Transcriptionist 1 RCMP Switchboard Operator .50 Asset/RCMP Clerk 2 CPIC Operators 1 Front Counter Team Leader 1 Exhibit Custodian 3 Court Liaisons - RCMP 1 Records Reviewer - RCMP 1 Records Reviewer l 1 Forensic Identification Assistant 1 Operations Support Clerk 1.5 Systems Analyst

City provides clerical duties as listed in the positions. Many positions were once delivered by Federal Government as public servants and several new positions in the last 4 years. Assist RCMP Federal Staff with record keeping and court liaison processing. Manage and maintain evidence locker, storage and property, Research and analysis for Criminal trends and future strategic plans. Process, maintain and manage all RCMP records, read, score, validate records for the RCMP federal staff and Canada's litigation system.

Policing Detention Centre - Municipal Staff (Division within Corporate

Staff are located within the Corporate Services Department of

Year Round 1 Manager, Detention Facility 4 FT Municipal Guards 5 PT Municipal Guards

Detention facilities within the RCMP detachment.


Page 12: Service Profile Emergency, Enforcement, and …...Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety 1.3 How to Read this Document The information in this document is presented in six sections:

City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Sub Service Activities Description Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Services) COV.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

2.4 Finances The following table describes the key financial metrics of the sub-services and activities within the Corporate Services Department.

Sub-service Costs ($000s) Revenues ($000s) Comments

RCMP Detachment

Salaries CUPE A 954 Recoveries -

Property Rental 150

Non-Union 705 Recoveries - Fine Revenue 394

RCMP Contract 7,497 Income Search fees 65

Other Direct 57 Taxes 8,604

Total 9,213 Total 9,213

RCMP Detention Center

Salaries Non-Union 437 Recoveries 200

Other Detail 33 Taxes 270

Total 470 Total 470

Total Service

Salaries CUPE A 954 Recoveries 744

Non-Union 1,142 Income Search fees 65

RCMP Contract 7,497 Taxes 8,874

Other Direct 90

Total 9,683 Total 9,683

2.5 Recent Reviews None conducted.

2.6 Municipal Comparisons None available.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

3. Fire/Rescue Services 3.1 Service Description Vernon Fire/Rescue - Rescue is responsible for community safety in many ways. Responding to and mitigating emergency situations to protect life and property, minimize damage, injury or loss, and do so in a fiscally responsible manner and as quickly, effectively and as well prepared as possible is the primary goal of fire and rescue services.

Vernon Fire/Rescue – Rescue provides emergency services to the entire municipality as well as maintaining service agreements for Hazardous Materials Incidents, Fire Investigations, Fire Inspections, Regional Road Rescue, North Okanagan Emergency Management and some Dispatching functions outside the municipal limits. More specifically, the composite (Career and Paid-per-Call) model of service delivery within the municipal limits includes:

• Fire or Threat of Fire suppression and emergency response • First Medical Responder Program and BCAS Assist (lifts) • Motor Vehicle Incident Response including Rescue /Extrication and Fuel Leaks or Spills • Hazardous Materials Response and Confined Space Rescue • Annual Fire Inspections • Fire Investigations • Fire and Life Safety Public Education including Tours and Classes, Fire Prevention Week, Smoke Alarm Program, Juvenile Fire Setter

Program • Assisting General Public – Needle Pick Up, Child Car Seat Safety Checks, Lock Boxes • Fire Dispatch including Alarm Monitoring and After Hours Public Works and Utility dispatch • Operation of the Regional Fire Training Centre (Jan. 1, 2013) • Emergency Program Management and E.S.S.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

3.2 Service Hierarchy The following sub-services are contained within the Fire/Rescue Department.

Service Sub-service Type Description

Fire Department Administration

This section is responsible for overall management and direction of the municipal fire service.

Fire Department Management

• Internal • Essential

The Chief Officers are responsible for guiding service delivery for all components of the municipal fire service. Responding to and mitigating emergency situations to protect life and property, minimize damage, injury or loss, and do so in a fiscally responsible manner and as quickly, effectively and as well prepared as possible is the primary goal of fire and rescue services. Chief Officers rotate on call requirements to provide off duty Incident Command if needed.

Fire Prevention • Public • Mandatory • and Traditional

Fire Inspections and Investigations to meet legislative and industry standard compliance, Public Education and Fire and Life Safety Awareness programs follow provincial protocols.

Firefighting Operations

In Vernon the composite model of deploying firefighting forces made up of career and paid-per-call firefighters, operating out of Station 1 Downtown and Station 2 Okanagan Landing, provides emergency response in 3 Deployment Zones. Training Plans are established annually to meet accredited and recognized guidelines and standards.

Emergency Response

• Public • Essential • Traditional

Vernon Fire – Rescue responds to all types of emergency incidents that are identified in 41 different incident types, but that can be categorized as suppression of fire or threat of fire, motor vehicle incidents, hazardous materials response, confined space rescue, first medical response, and assistance to the general public.

Fire Dispatch Centre • Public • Essential

The Fire Dispatch Centre manages calls indentified in 54 different incident types and dispatches apparatus, manpower and other resources as required 24/7/365.

Training • Internal • Essential

Training requirements at Vernon Fire – Rescue follow industry standard guidelines and training occurs on and off duty, in the form of certification maintenance, task and drill, theory and hands on, in individual and group settings.

Fire Training Center

• Internal • Other Discretionary

Effective January 1, 2013 Vernon Fire – Rescue will be managing the new model of operation for the Regional Fire Training Centre (FTC). The FTC is an Intermunicipal Partnership that provides standardized, accredited training to firefighters in the North Okanagan and to outside customers. The shared funding and resources ensures economy of scale for fire training costs for all the partners and provides opportunity to off set costs by accommodating outside users for fees.

Emergency Program Management

North Okanagan Emergency Management is an Intermunicipal Partnership with shared funding and shared resources and wherein overall management of the Emergency Program and the Emergency Social Services (E.S.S.) function for the


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub-service Type Description

and E.S.S. region is provided by the City of Vernon. The function operates in accordance with Emergency Management B.C. and is a requirement for every municipality or regional district in B.C. The program operates 24/7/365.

Program Management • Mandatory • Public

The Emergency Program Coordinator is responsible for overall management of the program and emergency response coordination on behalf of all the regional partners.

Emergency Social Services (E.S.S.)

• Internal • Other Discretionary

The Deputy Emergency Program Coordinator is responsible for provision of Emergency Social Services and management, coordination and response of the 130 E.S.S. volunteers in the North Okanagan.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

3.3 Service Delivery The following table provides information on service delivery for the sub-services within the Fire/Rescue Department.

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

Fire Department/ Administration • Administration


Standards generally derived from Provincial and Municipal Legislation • NFPA • City Policy • Fire

Insurance Underwriters

Specifics are provided below

S+ S-

City 38,990

Year Round 1 Fire Chief - Fire Rescue Services 1 Deputy Fire Chief - Operations & Training 1 Administrative Assistant - Fire Rescue Services

City of Vernon does not currently have a response time Policy guideline

• Fire Prevention Provincial and Municipal

S City 38,990

1 Deputy Fire Chief - Fire Prevention & Public Education

Fire Prevention program is under the Management of the Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention

Fire Inspections

Annual Inspections and Re-inspections of ± 2096 properties accordance with the BC Fire Code. The City of Vernon has 2165 active business licenses.

Provincial (Fire Services Act) and Municipal Legislation The BC Fire Code determines the inspection requirements for the various types of occupancies and building uses

S+ City 38,990

Included Above + 1 Fire Inspector, Captain 10th year as well as on duty firefighters

Fire Inspections completed annually and often require several re-inspections for compliance. No Charge for re-inspections unless authorized by Council, and has not historically been deemed palatable by the public and business sector. Generally all are completed every year. Number of properties varies slightly over the course of year due to changes in property


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

status (i.e. vacancy etc) Goal is compliance.

Fire Investigations

• Vehicle Fires 16

• Structure Fires 38

• Grass Fires 16 • Plane Crash 1 • Outdoor Fires


Provincial B.C.Fire Services Act requires all fires to be investigated. Office of the Fire Commissioner qualifies, designates and authorizes fire service personnel as Local Assistants to the Fire Commissioner

S City 38,990

Included Above as well as on duty firefighters

Public Education

• Tours • Classes • Fire

Extinguisher Training 60

• Fire Drill Monitoring

• Senior Fire Safety

• Fire Prevention Week

• Burn Awareness Week

• Smoke Alarm Program (mobile home parks)

• Monthly Newspaper

Provincial “Getting to Know Fire” curriculum or otherwise endorsed by BC Fire Prevention Offices Assoc or BC Chiefs Assoc or Office of the Fire Commissioner

S- City 38,990

Included Above as well as on duty firefighters Note: paid-per-call firefighters and off duty career firefighters participate (unpaid time) for some events when available i.e. Smoke Alarm Program

No Charge The Fire Prevention goals are set out annually and the plan is based on private sponsorship of some initiatives, budget allocations, and resources. Some components of Public Education are by request only and public education is generally provided within other duties and only when it can be accommodated. Fire Prevention Week includes visits to every elementary school inside the City


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

Column • Drivers Ed.

Safety Presentations

Smoke Alarm Program to date has reached 200 households

Juvenile Fire Setter Program

• Youth Fire Setting Consequence sessions

Provincial “Getting to Know Fire” and the Juvenile Fire Setter Curriculum

S City 38,990

Sessions are provided by the Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention or Fire Inspector

No Charge Participants in the program have been referred by other agencies, Restorative Justice or School District Referral. On occasion parents will request. Qualification to provide is certified by the Justice Institute of BC.

Internal City Services

• Development Services Reviews

• Bylaw Inquiries 258

• Bylaw Complaints 79

City Development Services procedures and processes. Investigation of bylaw inquiries or complaints re: Good Neighbour Bylaw (nuisance smoke) and Fire Prevention Bylaw

S City 38,990

Included Above Reviews of Preliminary Layout Approvals, Variance Permits, Building Plans, etc in compliance with the BC Fire Code.

Fire Prevention External

• Service Agreements for

• Fire Inspection and Investigation

• Lumby and Coldstream

• 126

Service Agreements and Provincial and Municipal Legislation

A Coldstream and Lumby

completed by Fire Inspector or Deputy Chief Prevention

Service Agreement Revenue generated annually for base cost of capacity to respond + mileage and per hour charge


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

Inspectable Properties in Lumby

• Investigations • Lumby and

Coldstream Structure Fires 5

• Fuel Modification with Ministry of Forests for Becker Park

Permit Issue • Outdoor Burn Permits 40

• Fire Works 2

Federal (Fire Works, Provincial and Municipal Legislation

S City 38,990

Completed by Fire Inspector or Deputy Chief Prevention

Majority of Open Burning Permits are issued to Agricultural land owners on properties of 5 acres or more. No charge for permits unless authorized by Council, and has not historically been deemed palatable in the Bylaws.

• Firefighting Operations

Fire Station #1 Downtown Deployment model includes 4 shifts of 7, including a Communication Operator, working 2 days on, 2 nights on and 4 off to provide 24/7/365 response. When required, career firefighters are called back to provide manpower. Fire Inspector and Training Officer may be called out to structure fires. Shifts are under the command of a Captain and minimum shift manning is 5, including the Communication Operator but excluding Paid-per-Call “live-out”. Paid-per-Call firefighters supplement on duty resources for significant fire suppression events. Paid-per-Call firefighters who participate in the “live-out” program will respond to all calls when on duty in the station. Fire Station #2 Okanagan Landing Deployment model includes Paid-per-Call firefighters. Paid-per-Call firefighters supplement on duty resources from Fire Station #1 for significant fire suppression events.

City of Vernon does not currently have a response time Policy guideline

• Emergency Response

• Mitigation of emergency incidents

Provincial and Municipal Legislation • NFPA

S+ S-

City 38,990

Year Round 4 Captains (Shift Captains) 20 Firefighters: 1 probation


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

• City Policy • Operational

Guidelines • Fire

Insurance Underwriters

2 2nd year 3 10th year 14 4th year

Fire or Threat of Fire Response and Suppression

• Mitigation of emergency fire incidents using composite model (career and paid-per-call Firefighters).

Provincial and Municipal Legislation • NFPA • City Policy • Operational

Guidelines • Fire

Insurance Underwriters

S+ S-

City 38,990

Included Above Effective Feb. 1, 2013, updated Operational Guidelines for emergency response in Zone 2 (formerly included contracted fire suppression services) will be implemented as per Council resolutions 2012

Fire Suppression (Contracted)

• Service Agreement for OKIB IR#6 Locatee

Service Agreement


Residents of OKIB IR #6

Included Above Vernon Fire – Rescue provides fire suppression services from existing stations using existing resources, including manpower

IR #6 is geographically surrounded by the City of Vernon

Road Rescue and MVI response

• Extrication • Fuel Leaks • Patient Care • Traffic Control • Fire


• NFPA • Operational



City 38,990

Included Above High level of Inter-Agency Cooperation with BC Ambulance Service and RCMP

Regional Road Rescue Outside City

• Extrication

• Provincial Emergency Program


+ North Okanagan visitors and residents

Included Above Cost recoverable under Regional Road Rescue Program in accordance with the Provincial Emergency Program

Confined Space Rescue

• Confined Space Rescue

NFPA and Operational Guidelines

S City 38,990

Included Above Anticipate that Confined Space Rescue will be offered outside the City in 2013 similar to HazMat


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

HazMat • Hazardous Materials Response

• Inside the City

NFPA and Operational Guidelines

S City 38,990

Included Above

Hazmat (contracted)

• 12 Service Agreements for Ammonia/Chlorine

• Sulphur Dioxide Responses

NFPA and Operational Guidelines + Requirements of the Service Agreements

AS City 38,990 RDNO 83,052

Included Above Council authorized renewals of these 5 year Agreements in Nov. 2012

Assist General Public and Code 2 or Non Emergency Assistance Community Relations

• Needle Pick Up • Car Seat

Safety Checks 102 YTD

• Residential Access (locked out)

• Pet Rescue • Lift Assist • Lock Box

change out • Community

Event Fire Safety

• Fire Works • Public

Relations • Mass CPR


Past Practice Public Expectation

AS 38,990 + any customers from any area for car seat checks and Mass CPR Fire Works and Community Events Inside the City limits

Included Above off duty career and paid—per-call Firefighters participate (unpaid time) for some community events i.e. Fire Works, Mass CPR

No Charge for these services

• Fire Dispatch Centre

• Emergency Fire Dispatch 24/7/365

Meets call taking and apparatus deployment criteria

S City 38,990

4 Communication Operators *Firefighters cover Dispatch when Communication Operators are on vacation, sick leave, scheduled breaks

Fire Dispatch Centre upgraded in 2010-2011 as per Council authorization and in anticipation of positioning City to provide external services


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

Fire Dispatch Internal Public Works and Utility Emergencies

• After Hours Public Works and Utility

• Emergencies

City Procedures

AS City 38,990

Included Above YTD 2012 calls 215 public works 554 utility No “internal” charge

Fire Dispatch External

• SCADA Alarm Monitoring

• Monitor utility alarm system

Regional Water Utility Agreements

AS All users of the regional water utility

Included Above Revenue for monitoring sites is $50 per month per site (35 sites)

NOEM Dispatch

• Emergency Fire Dispatch 24/7/365

Service Agreements

AS City 38,990 RDNO 83,052 + Armstrong Spallumcheen Enderby Coldstream Lumby

Included Above Annual revenue

OKIB • Dispatch for IR #1 for Fire Emergencies

Service Agreement NEW for 2013

S OKIB IR #1 (Westside)

Included Above OKIB currently uses an private answering service

Call Transfer to Fraser Valley or Other

• Emergency Fire Dispatch 24/7/365

Courtesy and Public Safety

AS RDNO 83,052 + Armstrong Spallumcheen Enderby Coldstream Lumby

Included Above Due to boundary issues call transfers required to Fraser Valley Dispatch (for bordering communities) YTD 86 No Charge

• Training Fire Training • On and off duty training for certification and re-certifications, skill maintenance,

Standards: • NFPA • IFSAC • Pro Board • College of

the Rockies

S City 38,990

1 Training Officer, Captain 10th year Some Firefighters are also qualified instructors.

The Deputy Chief of Operations approves an annual training plan for career and paid-per-call firefighters. The approved training plan is implemented and


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

Fire Officer program, Train the Trainer functions, and other required training.

• Training is completed in individual and group settings for both career and paid-per-call firefighters.

• JIBC Vernon Fire utilizes “Target Solutions” online training platform to deliver standardized lesson plans and track training completions

coordinated by the Training Officer.

Fire Training Center New 2013 • Intermunicipal


• Shared regional function to provide standardized training to all North Okanagan firefighters (career and paid-per-call)

Standards: • NFPA • IFSAC • Pro Board • College of

the Rockies • JIBC

S City 38,990 RDNO 83,052 + Armstrong Spallumcheen Enderby Coldstream Lumby = 9 Fire Departments

No FTE’s are assigned to this function. It will be managed by the Deputy Chief of Operations and the Administrative Assistant

Fire Training Centre technicians will be “part-time” employees of the City of Vernon on an as needed basis. Administrative functions will be absorbed within current capacity.

External Customers Training Facility

Instruction or Facility only use

• Several outside clients will continue utilize the facility, including Terasen Gas, and non-partner Fire Depts

Outside Customer Service Agreement

AS North and Central Okanagan Valley wide

No FTE’s are assigned to this function. It will be managed by the Deputy Chief of Operations and the Administrative Assistant

The Fire Training Centre realizes revenue from outside users in the form of facility rental and user fees

Emergency Program Management and Emergency Social Services

• Management of Provincial Emergency Program Requirements

Emergency Program Act Provincial Emergency

S City 38,990 RDNO 83,052 +

Year Round 1 EP/ESS Coordinator 1 Deputy EP/ESS Coordinator .50 Secretary l - Safety

Activations of Emergency Operations Centre utilize existing capacity (municipal staff or all partners)


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Service Sub Service Activity Description Service Level Service

Standard Client Impact FTEs Comments

(North Okanagan Emergency Management) (ESS)

and services 24/7/365

• Emergency Operations Centre activations as needed

• Training and Preparation

Program Intermunicipal Bylaw

Armstrong Spallumcheen Enderby Coldstream Lumby

& Emergency

• E.S.S. • Management of

• E.S.S. for region

• All levels of call outs and site support for victims of emergency situations

Provincial Emergency Program & Intermunicipal Bylaw

S City 38,990 RDNO 83,052 + Armstrong Spallumcheen Enderby Coldstream Lumby

Included Above Service is 24/7/365 There is approximately 130 active ESS volunteers in the North Okanagan program.

• E.S.S. E.S.S. Training

• Coordinate Training for all Volunteers in NOEM

Provincial Emergency Program Training Curriculum + Justice Institute of B.C.

S City 38,990 RDNO 83,052 + Armstrong Spallumcheen Enderby Coldstream Lumby

Included Above utilizing outside instructors as needed


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3.4 Finances The following table describes the key financial metrics of the sub-services and activities within the Fire/Rescue Department.

Sub-service Costs ($000s) Revenues ($000s) Comments

Fire Department - Administration

Salaries Non-Union 480 Income 46 Revenues From:

Dispatching Services for North Okanagan Emergency Management, Fire Suppression IR # 6 (OKIB Locatee), Fire Investigation and Fire Inspection Agreements (Coldstream and Lumby), SCADA (utility) alarm monitoring

Other Direct 363 Taxes 797

Total 843 Total 843

Fire Fighting – Operations

Salaries IAFF 3,221 Income 17

Revenue from firefighting Contractsfor Hazardous Materials (Chlorine Ammonia, and Sulphur Dioxide) Service Agreements with neighbouring jurisdictions

Non-Union 93 Fire tax 19

Other Direct 561 Taxes 3,869

Allocations 30 Total 3,905 Total 3,905

Fire Training Center

Salaries Non-Union 46 Recoveries 49 Intermunicipal Partnership, self sustaining through shared

revenue and expenses, economy of scale, revenue from outside customers and user fees. Managed through existing capacity for VFRS and employment of fire training centre technicians (casual).

Other Direct 120 Income 89

Taxes 28

Total 166 Total 166

Emergency Management Salaries

CUPE A 28 Income 272 Intermunicipal Partnership, self sustaining through shared revenue and expenses, economy of scale and successful grant applications. Revenues are based on a contractual agreement and Emergency Management dispatching fees

Non-Union 170 Other Direct 74 Total 272 Total 272

Total Service

Non-Union 789 Income 424

Union 3,249 Recoveries 49 Other Direct 1,118 Taxes 4,713 Allocations 30 Total 5,186 Total 5,186


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3.5 Recent Reviews

1. City or Vernon Fire – Rescue Services, Strategic Plan 2008-2017, Results Management Services (Rick Taylor), Jan. 2008 2. Vernon Fire/Rescue Department Communications Centre Review, Dave Mitchell and Associates Ltd., Dec. 2008 3. Vernon Fire – Rescue Service Review 2009-2013 Business Plan 4. City initiated Services Reviews of Regional Functions for Fire Training Centre, Regional Road Rescue Program, Fire Dispatch

3.6 Municipal Comparisons None provided.


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4. Bylaw and Parking Enforcement 4.1 Service Description Bylaw and Parking Enforcement Service is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Council resolutions, bylaws and policies within the City of Vernon. It is also responsible for operation of City paid parking program.

4.2 Service Hierarchy The following Parking and Enforcement services are provided:

Sub-service Type Description

Bylaw & Parking Enforcement

Public Essential and Mandatory and Traditional

This Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of approximately 39 Regulatory Bylaws, Council resolutions and policies within the City of Vernon. Education encouraging voluntary compliance is a priority. Enforcement of the business licensing bylaw, sign bylaw, zoning bylaw, etc. are conducted for other Divisions. This department patrols and maintains approximately 950 parking meters, five City owned parking lots and several private/public partnership parking lots, the Parkade, Residential permit zones and signed restricted parking areas. In addition the department provides security and enforcement services to the downtown core, regional parks and lake access sites and provides a community safety initiative through enforcement of the Parks and Public Places bylaw, provisions within the Motor Vehicle Act including restricted parking, abandoned vehicles, and enforcement of City's Safe Premises bylaw.


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4.3 Service Delivery The following table provides information on service delivery for the Bylaw Enforcement and Parking sub-services.

Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Bylaw Enforcement

Administer and Enforce • Animal Regulation and Animal

Pound Bylaw • Bee Keeping Bylaw • Clean Indoor Air and Smoking

Bylaw • Commercial Vehicle Licensing

Bylaw • Firearms and Weapons Bylaw • False Alarm Bylaw • Fetal Alcohol Bylaw • Fire Works Bylaw • Good Neighbour Bylaw • Panhandling • Noise • Property Maintenance • Campfires and Smoke • Fight or Confrontation causing

Noise • Boat Noise • Snow/Rubbish on Sidewalks • Boulevard and Lane

Maintenance • Graffiti Bylaw • Horse Drawn Carriage Bylaw • Landscape Maintenance Bylaw • Landscape Standards Bylaw • Lodging and Rooming House

bylaw • Parking Facility Bylaw

S High 1 Manager, Bylaw 1 Bylaw Enforcement Clerk .20 Secretary IS 1.8 Assistant Bylaw Officers 6.6 Bylaw Officers Total 10.6 FTEs

Bylaw Enforcement is conducted from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm 7 days a week in order to provide both night time enforcement for traffic, noise and public behaviour complaints, as well as providing a public safety component patrolling in the downtown core, and other Parks and Public Places. Assistance to RCMP is provided for Traffic Control, BOLO and other duties such as perimeter control around crime scenes allowing RCMP Officers to attend other high priority calls. IS Secretary provides lunch and break coverage for Bylaw Enf. Clerk. Asst. enforcement in the downtown core area. Contract to provide Regional Park Security and Bylaw Enforcement during summer months allows for seasonal increases in staffing and ability to conduct enforcement in Regional Parks within City limits, such as Polson Park, Paddlewheel and Kin Beaches. BEO’s provide the majority of the parking control, meter maintenance and minor sidewalk regulation (sign and snow)


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Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

• Parks and Public Places bylaw • Refuse Collection bylaw • Sanitation Bylaw • Second Hand Dealers bylaw • Sign Bylaw • Traffic Bylaw • Tree Protection Bylaw • Waterworks Regulation Bylaw Provide Full or Partial Enforcement for other Divisions • Business Licence Bylaw • Building and Plumbing Bylaw • Fire Prevention Bylaw • Rental Standard of Maintenance

Bylaw • Sanitary Sewer Use Bylaw • Safe Premises Bylaw • Grow Ops • Meth Labs • Mould

• Soil Removal and Deposition Bylaw

• Zoning Bylaw • Illegal Suites • Fence/Hedge Height • Illegal Property Use • Storage Containers

RCMP Assistance • Traffic Control at Accident

Scenes • Perimeter Control at Crime

Scenes • Officer Assistance or Emergency


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Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Assistance as requested • Dual Patrolling of Public Spaces • Dual Bike Patrol • Assist in determining individual

and/or vehicle locations • Attend Watch and Division Head

Meetings • Bear Evidence for Criminal or

Bylaw Court proceedings • Dispatched by RCMP through

agreement with RCMP for Radio Use

Security • Provide Security related services

informing RCMP as required of criminal activity or where public drunkenness requires their attendance

• Foot and Vehicle patrolling Downtown Core and Parks

• Crowd Control and Assistance for Events

Other • Assist Social Agencies through

provision of information to new clientele or visitors

• Participate as part of the Homeless response (COOL) team

• Participate as part of the North Okanagan Poverty Outreach Team

• Work with Outside Agencies (ALC Enforcement, CN Police, RCMP, Natural Resource Operations Officers,


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Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Conservation Officers, SPCA Special Constables)

Parking Equipment • Conduct maintenance and repair

of parking meters, permit dispensers.

• Install, Remove meter housings, mechanisms

• Remove graffiti vandalism • Patrol


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4.4 Finances The following table describes the key financial metrics of the Corporate Services sub-services and activities:


Costs ($000s) Revenues ($000s) Comments

Bylaw & Parking


CUPE A 797 Income 52

CUPE B 4 Non-Union 98

Other Direct 156 Income - Fines 211


Other Allocations 2 Income -

Parking 764

Amortization of TCA 22 Taxes 52

Total 1,079 Total 1,079

4.5 Recent Reviews None conducted.

4.6 Municipal Comparisons None available.


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

5. Safe Communities 5.1 Service Description Safe Communities Services are managed by the Corporate Services Division.

5.2 Service Hierarchy The following Safe Communities services are provided.

Sub-service Type Description Safe Communities - Community Policing Office

Public Traditional/Other Discretionary

The Community Policing Office (CPO) continues to be the flagship operation of the Safe Communities Unit, housing information for over 50 programs and multiple crime prevention/reduction programs, projects and community initiatives. Staffed by 30 volunteers, the purpose of the CPO is to allow community members a place to access core unit programs such as the Citizens on Patrol, Speed Watch, Block Watch as well as gain access to information pertaining to drug awareness, bully awareness, cyber bullying prevention, personal, home and business safety, to name a few. Further, citizens can be directed to community agencies that meet their immediate needs. The CPO also partners with the RCMP to process volunteer Criminal Record checks and serve witness subpoenas. The CPO is also home to the rest of the Safe Communities Unit paid staff.

Safe Communities - Business & Seniors

Public Other Discretionary

Responsible for the development, promotion and implementation of Seniors Crime Prevention Programs and Business Crime Prevention Programs within the City of Vernon with the intention of educating and assisting the client base in effectively reducing the fear and incidents of criminal activity. Originally staffed in 2004, this position is a fast paced environment that results in countless invitations to host or present information sessions and/or otherwise liaise with the seniors and business community.

Safe Communities - Crime Prevention

Public Other Discretionary

Crime Prevention is responsible for programs that create, through education, a safer environment for the citizens of Vernon. Specifically: • Vernon Citizens on Patrol • Vernon Speed Watch Operations • Lock Out Auto Crime • Vernon Block Watches • Crime Free Multi-Housing

Safe Communities - Regional Program

Public Other Discretionary

Responsible for the development, promotion and implementation of crime prevention and community safety programs within the Regional District North Okanagan with the purpose of educating the client base in effectively reducing the fear and incidents of crime. • Serves as liaison with the Vernon North Okanagan RCMP. • Establishes and maintains effective liaison with all members of the general community. • Schedules and delivers crime prevention presentations with local school districts and alternative school


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Sub-service Type Description programs.

• Conducts training, seminars, workshops, and individual educational sessions on crime prevention and community safety programs as required.

• Prepares monthly/quarterly reports as directed. • Responds to public inquiries on current and emerging crime prevention related topics. • Serves as a Block Watch coordinator, trainer and facilitator for the Regional District. • Conducts security audits on residential and commercial properties as required.

Safe Communities - Rural Program

Public Traditional/Other Discretionary

The Rural Programs Coordinator provides community policing services to the District of Coldstream, City of Armstrong, the Township of Spallumcheen, the City of Enderby, and the Village of Lumby. • Reduce occurrence of crime through proven crime prevention methods and the development of new

programs suited to actual needs. • Reduce the fear of crime by establishing good communications between residents, businesses and

community groups. • Increase public awareness of crime issues through effective use of media and other available means. • Assist the community in accessibility to the Vernon/North Okanagan RCMP and to act as a liaison. • Increase community involvement in the development and delivery of crime prevention programs and

services. • Provide program delivery and services to the communities as a whole including businesses, schools,

residence, community groups and events. • Increase citizen involvement in crime prevention activities through the use of trained and dedicated

volunteers. • Expand services of the Restorative Justice Society –North Okanagan throughout the Vernon/North

Okanagan RCMP area of service. • Provide quarterly reports to 5 service communities, mayors and councils. • The Rural Program Coordinator sits on the Board of Directors for the Restorative Justice Society-North

Okanagan, Chair the Enderby and District Youth Action Team and is a member of the Enderby RCMP Detachment Community Consultive Group.


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5.3 Service Delivery The following table provides information on service delivery for the sub-services within Safe Communities.

Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Safe Communities - Community Policing Office

The Community Policing Office and related volunteers conduct these activities: • Citizens on Patrol • Speed Watch • Block Watch • Drug house Awareness &

Reporting • Crimestoppers • Fraud, Cons and Scams • Restorative Justice Program • Lake Watch • River Watch • Business Property Reference

Program • W.I.T.S • Operation Identification/Ski Watch • C.E.P.T.E.D • Operation Cat’s Paw (Pawnshop

tracking) • Cyber bulling, sexing and internet

safety • Personal & home safety • Crime prevention • Pedestrian and bike safety • Scooter safety • Provides Volunteer Criminal

Record Checks (CRC) • Serves processed CRC’s • Serve Witness Subpoenas The Coordinator develops and

S+ High Year Round 1 Community Policing Office Coordinator Plus 4 Community Crime Prevention Coordinators listed below

Volunteer staffed storefront operation, managed by the Community Policing Coordinator, houses information on a variety of crime prevention programs, projects and initiatives. Refers clients to available resources, services and programs within the community, provides information on current crime prevention programs and initiatives. Office statistics to date (November 2012) Active volunteers - 27 Donated hours – 4215.5 Clients Served Counter - 3941 Phone calls** 1755 Reports generated for the RCMP 189 Subpoenas - 431 Pawn slips Entered 13850 CRC's sent to RCMP 392 CRC's received from RCMP 1782 CPO Coordinator Coordinates the Storefront Community Policing Office. -Hires, trains and manages volunteer staff (currently 30) -Hire, develop training and manage 4 person Vernon Safety Patrol (paid staff) -Development, promotion and implementation of crime prevention, drug awareness, cyber, bike , personal, residential and community safety programs within


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Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

presents Workshops include (but are not limited to) • Sexing & Cyber bullying • Adult/Youth Internet Safety • Bike Safety/Rodeos • Bullying; Child, Youth and

workplace • Dealing with hostile client/persons • Home/Office Security • Crime Prevention Through Social

Development • Crystal Meth/Drug Awareness • Stay Alert Stay Safe - Child Safety • Workplace Safety • Personal Safety (all ages) • Keeping our Children Safe -

Toddler Safety • Tagging & Unwanted Graffiti Participation in community and City initiatives: • Partners in Action • The Centerville ( Gateway)

Neighbourhood Council • The Camp Okanagan Outreach

Liaison Team (COOL Team) • Children in Care Committee • Harm Reduction Action Team • Harwood Neighboured Council • North Okanagan Children, Youth

and Families Services Committee • Extreme Weather Response

Network • North Okanagan Poverty Outreach

Team • Crystal Meth Task Force (at hoc) • Sexual Exploitation of Youth

City of Vernon- -The Community Policing Coordinator participates in a variety of community based initiatives under the auspices of Crime Prention through Social Development -Liaison with the Vernon North Okanagan RCMP. -Establishes and maintains effective liaison with all members of the general community. -Schedules and delivers crime prevention presentations with local schools, daycares and social service agencies. -Conducts training, seminars, workshops, and individual educational sessions on crime prevention and community safety programs as required. -Responds to public inquiries on current and emerging crime prevention related topics. -Conducts security audits on residential and commercial properties as required. - Development of new programs suited to actual needs. -Establish good communications between residents, businesses and community groups. -Assist the community in accessibility to the Vernon/North Okanagan RCMP and to act as a liaison. -Increase community involvement in the development and delivery of crime prevention programs and services. -Provide program delivery and services to the communities as a whole including businesses,


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Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

Advisory Committee (at hoc) • City Centre Plan Quality of Life

working group • Municipal School Transportation

Plan (MSTP) • Evaluation and Updating

Homelessness Strategy ~ Evaluation Tool Action Team

• North Okanagan Poverty Out/Inreach Team (NOPOT)

• Vernon Emergency Operation Centre

• The Restorative Justice Community Advisory Committee

• Supporting Sex Trade Workers Action Team

• Community Network

schools, residence, community groups and events. -Increase citizen involvement in crime prevention activities through the use of trained and dedicated volunteers.

Safe Communities - Business & Seniors

• Crime prevention/reduction for businesses and seniors

• Scooter Safety • Seniors Frauds, Cons and Scams • Business Frauds, Cons and

Scams • Bomb Threat Procedures • Counterfeit Detection - Business • Robbery Prevention - Business • Theft/Fraud Prevention - Business • Crime Prevention Through

Environmental Design - Business • Crime Prevention Through

Environmental Design Individual Senior Residences and Multi Unit Senior Residences

• Defusing People - Business • Drugs in the Workplace - Business • Identity Theft • BCAA Mature Driver Program

S+ High 1 Crime Prevention Coordinator (included above)

An expanded scooter safety course held in late spring which included partnerships with the Schubert Centre, Southward Mobility, Nurse Next Door and the local Detachment of the RCMP that resulted in a higher than average attendance by those that are about to use, or are family members of mobility aid users. This year the mobility aids included the common four wheeled scooter, mobility chairs and e-bikes which received a lot of media attention. Communities large and small across Canada have corresponded with the Safe Communities Unit and now offer a similar course modelled after the one provided. We hosted numerous presentations in partnership with the BCAA Mature Drivers Program, partnered with BCAA, the Vernon Secondary PAC on a Parents of Young Drivers


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

• Operation Boost - Business Interactive Anti-Theft Program

• Block Captain Program - Business - Information Circular

• Personal Home Security - Seniors • Personal Safety in Car on the

Street - Seniors • Safe Communities Unit - Overview

and Organization • Presentation to Business • Stolen Auto Locate and Identify • Talking to the Old Folk -

Presenting to Seniors • Driveable - Seniors Driver

Evaluations • BCAA - Parents of Young Drivers • Vandalism • Money Laundering - Business *


presentation. A workshop took place in the spring on the latest frauds, cons and scams that affect this demographic. Partnered with Southeast District RCMP Commercial/Crime Section, the Bank of Canada, CPO, DVA and the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce, a meeting with guest speakers was held at the Village Green Centre for their information and guidance on counterfeit detection. A group of CPO and Safe Communities Unit volunteers received a 'train the trainers' presentation, new information on counterfeit detection can now be offered to our business community as requested. *2013 - Money Laundering - Business in partnership with Southeast District Commercial Crime RCMP specialists and the local Downtown Vernon Assoc. and the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce, marihuana grow-operations in concert with organized crime is high-lighted. The associations of legitimate business and those wishing to move 'dirty' money through those businesses.

Safe Communities - Crime Prevention group conducts these activities: • Vernon Citizens on Patrol • Lock Out Auto Crime • Vernon Block Watches • Crime Free - Multi-Housing

S S+ High 1 Crime Prevention Coordinator (included above)

The first Crime Free apartment complex has been established with the potential of seven more in the coming year – Vernon is the first City in the BC Interior to offer this program. With the completion of reviews on the older Block Watches this program will service approximately 2500 residents of


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

• Apartment/Strata Complex Crime Prevention Reviews

Vernon. With the completion of November’s training class the Citizens on Patrol volunteers remain at 50+ .This Program includes the Speed Watch Operations from April through the end of October and the Lock out Auto Crime Program. All three Programs are designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime in the City of Vernon. The Coordinator is also a sitting Director of the BC Crime Prevention Association which enables Vernon to be on the leading edge of any new Crime Prevention initiatives from around the Province.

Safe Communities - Regional Program conducts these activities: • Speed Watch • Block Watch • Drug Awareness • Citizens on Patrol • Personal Safety Talks • Crime Prevention • Cycling Safety • Homeless Strategies • Others

S+ High CONTRACTED SERVICE 1 Crime Prevention Coordinator (included above)

Contracted to the Regional District of the North Okanagan to provide programs to the Electoral Areas which promote safe communities and crime prevention. Reports monthly to the Regional Board on the delivery of services. Conduct Crime Prevention activities in all 5 Electoral areas. Liaise with RCMP

Safe Communities - Rural Program conducts these activities: • Crime Prevention support for

Businesses, Seniors, Children, Youth and Residents.

• CPTED Crime through environmental design security audits. Business and Residential

S+ High CONTRACTED SERVICE 1 Rural Programs Coordinator (included above)

Contracted to the communities of Armstrong, Enderby, Spallumcheen, Lumby and Coldstream for the provisions of programs, through public meetings, schools and groups. reports quarterly to each communities Council on the delivery of the services. Liaise with RCMP


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City of Vernon – Core Services Review – Service Profiles Emergency, Enforcement, and Community Safety

Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

• Anti- Bullying strategies (W.I.T.S) • Auto Crime Prevention Lock Out

Auto Crime • Frauds, Cons and Scams

Prevention • River and Lake Watch • Small Vessel Checks • D.A.R.E • Speed Watch • Block Watch • Drug Awareness • Citizens on Patrol • Personal Safety Talks • Crime Prevention • Cycling Safety • Homeless Strategies • Others

Reduce occurrence of crime through proven crime prevention methods and the development of new programs suited to actual needs. Reduce the fear of crime by establishing good communications between the RCMP, residents, businesses and community groups. Increase public awareness of crime issues through effective use of media and other available means. To increase community accessibility to police services. To increase community involvement in the development and delivery of crime prevention. To increase program delivery and services to the elderly. To increase citizen involvement in crime prevention activities through the use of trained and dedicated volunteers. Stands as President of the Restorative Justice Society-North Okanagan. Sits as Chair of the Enderby and District Youth Action Team and the Enderby and District RCMP Community Consultive Group. Provides support and programs on Anti- Bullying strategies including the WITS program with focuses on Cyberbullying and being the Bystander. Implemented new programs “Thank You for NOT speeding” session. Drivers that are driving safely and on or below the speed limit at stopped and thanked for not speeding. A ticket colored by kindergarten students is issued to the driver. Implemented “The Birthday Party”. The program focuses on grade nine students who are lead through a scenario where there is a party, a friend


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Sub-Service Activity Service Level

Service Standard

Client Impact FTEs Comments

drinks and drives and gets in an accident. Students then debate who is responsible for what takes place. Ownership on all individuals is realized and the final outcome is that they can all play a role in prevention. Provided the Mature Drivers program for the first time to the communities of Lumby, Enderby and Armstrong in partnership with BCAA. The Living Well, Driving Well workshop helps participants to learn about the changes that can occur as we age, review their own driving skills and habits, discover how to use their vehicle's safety features, and brush up on their driving knowledge. Participants conduct a self assessment of their driving skills and determine any areas that may need some review.


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5.4 Finances The following table describes the key financial metrics of the Corporate Services sub-services and activities:

Sub-service Costs ($000s) Revenues ($000s) Comments

Safe Communities - Community Policing Office

Salaries Non-Union 112

Other Direct 57 Taxes 169

Total 169 Total 169

Safe Communities - Business & Seniors

Salaries Non-Union 76

Other 12 Taxes 88

Total 88 Total 88

Safe Communities - Crime Prevention

Salaries CUPE B 0

Non-Union 78

Other Direct 18 Taxes 96

Total 96 Total 96

Safe Communities - Regional Program

Salaries Non-Union 72 Income 98

Other Direct 26

Total 98 Total 98

Safe Communities - Rural Program

Salaries Non-Union 73 Income 92

Other Direct 19

Total 92 Total 92

Non-Union 411 Taxes


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Sub-service Costs ($000s) Revenues ($000s) Comments

Other Direct 132

Total 543 Total 543

5.5 Recent Reviews None conducted.

5.6 Municipal Comparisons None available.