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Download SERVICII FINANCIAR-CONTABILE RESURSE · Fondul European de Investiții (FEI), Banca Europeană Investiții (BEI), ... consultanță

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




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    AVISSOCu zece ani de experien n domeniul financiar-contabil, compania AVISSO a dezvoltat un portofoliu de servicii pornind de la principiul integrrii soluiilor de business.

    AVISSO ofer servicii complete de consultan pentru dezvoltarea companiilor:

    Consultan n afaceri; Servicii financiar-contabile; Resurse umane.

    Succesul AVISSO se datoreaz modului n care experii companiei interacioneaz cu mediul de afaceri.

    AVISSO asigur gestionarea profesionist a riscurilor la care se expune o afacere nc din stadiul de idee i pn la extinderea i consolidarea portofoliului de produse sau servicii.

    Fiecare parteneriat reprezint o nou provocare, iar fiecare provocare un pas nainte pentru echipa de experi AVISSO. Cu o vast experien n dezvoltarea afacerilor, AVISSO ofer soluii personalizate antreprenorilor i organizaiilor mari i mijlocii.

    ncrederea, responsabilitatea i integritatea sunt valorile prin intermediul crora AVISSO investete n parteneriate durabile care aduc plusvaloare comunitii de afaceri.

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    With ten years of experience on the market of financial - accounting services, AVISSO has developed its service portfolio by fully integrating business solutions.

    AVISSO offers full services of consultancy for the development of companies:

    Business Consulting; Accounting Services; Human Resources.

    The success of AVISSO is due to the way in which our experts interact with the business environment.

    AVISSO ensures professional management of the risks to which a business might be exposed from idea stage to the consolidation of products and services portfolio.

    Each partnership was a new challenge, and every challenge was a step forward for the AVISSO team of experts. The vast experience in business development, recommends AVISSO to offer customized solutions to entrepreneurs and middle / large companies.

    Trust, responsibility and integrity are the main attributes through which AVISSO invests in durable partnerships that bring added value to the business community.

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    AVISSO ofer servicii specializate de consultan n managementul afacerilor i managementul proiectelor din companiile private i instituiile publice care doresc implementarea unui sistem de management performant:

    Strategia i dezvoltarea firmelor i organizaiilor: Organizarea strategic a companiei; Consultan n managementul proceselor organizatorice; Consultan n managementul strategic al companiei.

    Marketing i servicii de pia: Cercetarea de marketing; Marketing strategic; Marketing operaional; Consultan n lansarea de produse noi pe pia.

    Comunicare i Relaii Publice: Apariii publice; Relaii Publice i Mass Media; Planificare, Analiz i Monitorizare Media; Comunicarea i promovarea companiei; Comunicarea i promovarea evenimentelor; Copywriting i administrare de coninut; Elaborarea i implementarea campaniilor de comunicare.

    Managementul proiectelor cu finanare nerambursabil: Elaborarea dosarului de finanare; Implementarea proiectelor; Consultan n exploatarea eficient a investiiilor realizate i

    ndeplinirea indicatorilor asumai.

    Management financiar: Studiul fezabilitii proiectelor de investiii, inclusiv analiza

    cost-beneficiu i analiza de senzitivitate; Planificare i previziune financiar incluznd bugete i estimarea

    vnzrilor; Planuri de afaceri pentru scopuri interne i externe; Previziunea cash-flow-ului; Consiliere n luarea deciziilor de investire a capitalului.






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    AVISSO offers customized services of consultancy in business management and project management to private companies as well as to public institutions that want to implement a high-performance management system:

    Strategy and development of companies and organizations: Strategic organization of the company; Consultancy in the management of organizational processes; Consultancy in company strategic management.

    Marketing and market research: Marketing research; Strategic marketing; Operational marketing; Consultancy in launching new products / services.

    Communication and Public Relations: Public Appearances; Public Relations and Mass Media; Media Research, Analysis and Monitoring; Corporate communication; Event communication; Copywriting and content management; Developing and implementing communication campaigns.

    Management of projects financed from non-refundable funds: Documentation of financing request; Project implementation; Consultancy in the efficient exploitation of investments and fulfillment of undertaken


    Financial management: Feasibility studies for investment projects, including the cost-benefit analysis and

    sensitivity analysis; Financial planning and forecast, including budgets and estimation of sales; Business plans for internal and external purposes; Cash-flow forecast; Counseling in making decisions regarding capital investment.






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    Dezvoltarea proiectelor de investitii cu nantare nerambursabilamprumuturi pentru ntreprinderile Mici si Mijlocii

    Consultan pentru accesarea de credite, garanii i msuri de capital de risc pentru IMM-urile inovative i organizaiile de cercetare care rspund cererilor de piaa - prin POC (Programul Operaional Competitivitate);

    Consultan pentru accesarea de garanii din resurse HORIZON 2020, Fondul European de Investiii (FEI), Banca European Investiii (BEI), Fondul European de Devoltare Regional (FEDR) n colaborare cu BEI/FEI precum i consiliere pentru obinerea de mprumuturi care se adreseaz creterii productivitii, inovrii i capacitii IMM-urilor de a se dezvolta pe pieele regionale, naionale i internaionale;

    Consultan pentru revigorarea investiiilor n proiecte strategice prin Fondul European pentru Investiii Strategice (FEIS); FEIS ofer garanii publice pentru proiecte de investiii private cu nivel de risc ridicat n domenii strategice, precum infrastructura de transport i telecomunicaii, ecientizarea energetic, cercetare, educaie i inovare, i, totodat, ofer mprumuturi pentru ntreprinderi mici i mijlocii (IMM) i companii cu mai puin de 3.000 de angajai.

    AVISSO ofer servicii extinse de consultan n afaceri. Suntem aproape de nevoile clienilor notri care doresc soluii sustenabile pentru dezvoltarea i consolidarea companiei pe care o dein. Experiena i expertiza ne recomand pentru dezvoltarea proiectelor de investiii cu nanare nerambursabil.

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    Development of non-refundable investment projects Loans for Small Medium Enterprises

    AVISSO provides extended services in business consulting. We understand the need of our clients who seek for sustainable solutions that develop and strengthen their company. Our experience and expertize recommend us for the development of non-refundable investment projects through the European Investment Fund.

    Consultancy for accessing loans, guarantees and risk capital in favour of innovative SMEs and research organizations that correspond to market needs through Competitiveness Operational Programme.

    Consultancy for accessing guarantees from HORIZON 2020, European Investment Funds (EIF), European Investment Bank (EIB), European Fund for Regional Development in collaboration with EIB/EIF as well as counselling in accessing loans that enhance the SME's productivity, innovation and capacity to develop on regional, national and international markets.

    Consultancy for reviving investments in strategic projects through the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI); EFSI offers public guarantees for private investment projects with high risk level in strategic areas, such as telecommunications and transport infrastructure, efficient energy, research, education and innovation, and, also, offers loans for small and medium enterprises and companies with less than 3,000 employees.

  • AVISSO faciliteaz accesul la instituiile nanciare de creditare, fondurile de mprumut, schemele de garanie, instituiile de garanie sau alte instituii nanciare europene care furnizeaza mprumuturi cu nanare european, prin urmtoarele linii pentru segmente de beneciari diferii:

    InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility: ntreprinderi Mici i Mijlocii care au ca domeniu de activitate cercetarea i inovarea;

    Cultural and Creative Sectors Guarantee Facility (CCS GF): industrii creative, arhitectur, arhive, librrii i muzee, artizanat, audiovizual (lm, televiziune, jocuri video i multimedia) motenire cultural tangibil sau intangibil, design, festivaluri, muzic, literatur, arte, industria publicistic, radio sau arte vizuale;

    AGRI Guarantee Facility: fermieri, grupuri agricole, cooperative, ntreprinderi micro i mici din mediul rural, silvicultur;

    COSME - Loan Guarantee Facility (LGF): Dezvoltarea ntreprinderilor europene prin cercetare i inovare.






  • AVISSO facilitates access to nancial institutions for loaning funds, credits, guarantee schemes, guarantee institutions or other nancial institutions that offer loans within European Funds, through the following nancial lines that address different targets of beneciaries:

    InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility: SMEs that have research and innovation as main area of activity;

    Cultural and Creative Sectors Guarantee Facility (CCS GF): creative industries, architecture, archives, libraries and museums, hand-crafts, audio-visual (lm, television, video games and multimedia), tangible or intangible cultural inheritance, design, festivals, publicity, radio or visual arts;

    AGRI Guarantee Facility: farmers and agricultural groups, cooperatives, micro and small sized enterprises from the rural area, forestry;

    COSME - Loan Guarantee Facility (LGF): Development of European enterprises through research and innovation.






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    Prin soluiile integrate de business, AVISSO ofer servicii financiar-contabile specializate:

    Auditarea situaiilor financiare; Consultan financiar; Consultan fiscal; Servicii de salarizare externalizate; Servicii contabile externalizate; Managementul activelor; Consultan contabil pentru mbuntirea informaiei financiare

    n management; Conversia situaiilor financiare la IFRS.

    Echipa este format din specialiti n asistarea funciei contabile i financiare, fiecare avnd expertiz n gestionarea proiectelor de amploare pentru companii mari dar i pentru microntreprinderi sau firme nou nfiinate.

    Toate serviciile i soluiile sunt furnizate cu promptitudine i eficien, standardul i profesionalismul fiind garantate de implementarea sistemului de management al calitii ISO:9001 i apartenena la organizaii profesionale precum Corpul Experilor Contabili i Contabililor Autorizai din Romnia i Camera Auditorilor Financiari din Romnia.

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    Through integrated business solutions, AVISSO offers financial-accounting services:

    Financial Audit; Financial Consultancy; Tax Consultancy; Remuneration Services Outsourcing; Accounting Services Outsourcing; Asset Management; Accounting Consultancy for improving financial information for

    management; Conversion of financial situation according to IFRS.

    The team consists of specialists in the assistance of the accounting and financial function, each of them with the expertise in managing vast projects for large companies and for micro-enterprises or newly incorporated firms.

    All services and solutions are provided promptly and efficiently, and the standard and professionalism are guaranteed by the implementation of the quality management system ISO:9001 and the membership within the Body of Chartered and Licensed Accountants of Romania and the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania.

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    AVISSO ofer servicii externalizate de administrare a personalului i consultan n managementul i dezvoltarea resurselor umane din companii.

    AVISSO asigur creterea calitii resursei umane din cadrul firmelor i mbuntete performana angajailor prin servicii specializate:

    Administrarea personalului;

    Recrutarea i selecia personalului;

    Evaluarea personalului;

    Sisteme de remunerare i compensare a personalului;

    Managementul personalului;

    Consultan pentru dezvoltarea resurselor umane;

    Consultan n managementul performanelor angajailor;

    Training organizaional i Team building;

    Formare i perfecionare a resurselor umane: Pregtire i perfecionare manageri; Formare profesional cu acreditare din partea Autoritii

    Naionale pentru Calificri pentru furnizarea de cursuri de formare profesional (formator, inspector de resurse umane, manager de proiect, contabil).

    AVISSO ofer servicii specializate n domeniul resurselor umane acreditate de Ministerul Muncii i Proteciei Sociale i de Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc.

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    AVISSO offers outsourcing services of personnel administration and consultancy in the management and development of human resources of private companies.

    AVISSO provides increased quality of human resources in companies and improves the employees performance through the following customized services:

    Personnel Administration;

    Personnel Recruitment and Selection;

    Personnel Evaluation;

    Personnel Remuneration and Compensation Systems;

    Personnel Management;

    Consultancy for Human Resources Development;

    Consultancy in the management of employees performance;

    Organizational training and Team building;

    Training and Continuing Education of Human Resources: Training and Continuing Education for Managers; Professional Training accredited by the National Authority for

    Qualifications for the provision of professional training courses (training practitioner, human resources inspector, project manager, accountant).

    AVISSO is accredited by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the National Agency for Employment for the provision of specialized services in view of stimulating employment.

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    ETIC I INTEGRITATE PROFESIONAL respectm codul etic al consultantului i promovm etica n afaceri n toate misiunile noastre de consultan i n toate relaiile de afaceri n care suntem implicai.

    RESPONSABILITATE suntem responsabili pentru aciunile noastre i pentru soluiile oferite i ne asumm rspunderea, indiferent de situaie.

    PARTENERIATE DE LUNG DURAT promovm parteneriatele de lung durat, bazate pe ncredere reciproc i profesionalism, att cu clienii, ct i cu angajaii notri.

    VALOARE ADUGAT ne implicm doar n proiectele n care avem convingerea c putem aduce plusvaloare prin competenele i expertiza acumulat.

    IMPLICARE SOCIAL punem suflet n proiecte sociale, contribuind n mod activ la dezvoltarea comunitii i la schimbarea n bine a vieii semenilor aflai n dificultate.

    CONCEPTUL care st la baza filosofiei noastre de afaceri este acela de a crea relaii de parteneriat de lung durat att cu clienii, ct i cu angajaii notri pe principii etice i de respect reciproc.

    VIZIUNEA noastr este s contribuim substanial la dezvoltarea unui mediu de afaceri sntos, bazat pe principii etice. Ne propunem s promovm responsabilitatea social a companiilor pentru un impact pozitiv pe termen lung asupra evoluiei societii romneti.

    MISIUNEA noastr este aceea de a ne sprijini clienii s i consolideze i s i dezvolte afacerile prin oferirea de servicii de outsourcing i consultan specializat n managementul afacerii.

    Succesul nostru este succesul ntregii echipe, de aceea asigurm angajailor notri condiii excelente pentru dezvoltarea personal i profesional.


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    ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY we observe the consultants code of ethics and we further ethics in business in all our consultancy missions and in all our business.

    RESPONSABILITY we are responsible for our actions and for the solutions we offer.

    LONG-TERM PARTNERSHIPS we invest long-term partnerships based on mutual trust and professionalism, both with clients and our employees.

    ADDED VALUE we fully dedicate to projects in which we are convinced that we can bring extra-value trough our competences and expertise.

    SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT we fully commit to our social projects, and we actively contribute to the development of our community by changing the life of vulnerable people for the better.

    The basic CONCEPT of our philosophy is to establish long-term partnerships with both our clients and our employees according to ethical and mutual respect principles.

    Our VISION is to contribute substantially to the development of a healthy business environment based on ethical principles. We intend to promote social responsability within companies for a long-term positive impact on the evolution of the Romanian society.

    Our MISSION is to support our clients to consolidate and develop their business by offering outsourcing services and specialized business management consultancy.

    Our success is the success of our entire team, which is why we provide excellent conditions to our employees for their personal and professional development.


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    ECHIPASuntem o echip motivat s folosim cunotinele i pasiunea n scopul dezvoltrii afacerilor clienilor i atingerii performanei n business.

    Etica i integritatea, responsabilitatea i generarea de valoare adugat sunt principiile ce guverneaz relaiile cu clienii i partenerii notri.

    mpreun cu clienii am transformat relaiile de afaceri n parteneriate de ncredere, pe termen lung.

    Expert contabil membru CECCAR; Auditor financiar membru CAFR; Expert evaluator - membru ANEVAR; Expert judiciar membru GEJR; Consilier juridic membru al UCCJR; Inspector resurse umane; Formator; Expert achiziii publice; MBA Master of Business Administration; Manager de proiect;

    General Manager; Business Coach; Marketing strategic; Business Analyst; Trainer; PR Specialist; Media Consultant; Public Speaking; Corporate Communications.


    Cunoaterea profund a mediului de afaceri local; Cunoaterea i permanenta informare cu privire la legislaia specific mediului economic; Partener de ncredere n dezvoltarea afacerii; Excelent raport cost/calitate pentru serviciile oferite; Abordare etic i profesional; Flexibilitate i deschidere pentru identificarea de soluii potrivite oricrui tip de afacere, de

    la start-up-uri, pn la companii mari.


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    Thorough knowledge of the local business environment; Knowledge and updated information on laws that govern the economic environment; Trustworthy partner in business development; Excellent quality/cost ratio for the provided services; Ethical and professional approach; Flexibility and openness in identifying the appropriate solutions for every type of business,

    from start-ups to large companies.


    We are a team motivated to use our knowledge and passion with the purpose of developing our clients businesses and reaching high performance in business.

    We nurture our relations with our clients and partners through principles of ethics, integrity and responsability, and the promise to generate added value to their business.

    Together with our clients, we have turned our business relations in long-term trustworthy partnerships.

    CERTIFICATIONS Chartered accountant member of the Body

    of Chartered and Licensed Accountants of Romania;

    Financial auditor member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania;

    Expert valuator - member of the National Association of Certified Valuators of Romania

    Expert witness member of the Body of Expert Witnesses of Romania;

    Legal adviser member of the Union of the Boards of Legal Advisers of Romania;

    Human resources inspector; Training practitioner;

    Public procurement expert; MBA Master of Business Administration; Project management; General Manager; Business Coach; Strategic marketing; Business Analyst; Trainer; PR Specialist; Media Consultant; Public Speaking; Corporate Communications.

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    Asociaia O ans Pentru Fiecare are drept scop acordarea de sprijin psiho-social persoanelor aflate n dificultate, celor aflate n criz sau cu risc crescut de victimizare.

    Asociaia MCA Education are drept scop dezvoltarea i formarea copiilor i tinerilor, att pe plan personal, ct i profesional, prin organizarea de activiti educative menite s asigure participarea activ a acestora n societate.

    Responsabilitatea fa de comunitatea n care ne desfurm activitatea ne-a determinat s ne implicm activ n derularea sau sponsorizarea de proiecte sociale. Am ales s susinem partea cea mai vulnerabil a societii: persoanele aflate n dificultate, precum i tinerii ca grup vulnerabil pe piaa muncii.

    Avem convingerea c proiectele derulate prin Asociaia O ans pentru fiecare i MCA Education constituie un pas nainte n dezvoltarea sustenabil a societii romneti i reprezint forma adecvat de manifestare a responsabilitii noastre fa de semeni.


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    A Chance for Everyone Association offers psycho-social support to people in difficulty, in crisis or with a high victimization risk.

    MCA Education Association works for children and young peoples personal and professional training and development, through educational activities meant to ensure their active participation in society.

    Our responsability to the community within which we have developped our company has determined us to actively engage in projects of social responsibility. We chose to support the most vulnerable part of society: people in difficulty and young people, as a vulnerable group on the labor market.

    We are convinced that the projects developed through MCA Education Association and A Chance for Everyone Association are a step forward in the sustainable development of the Romanian society and it is our way of manifesting our responsibility to our fellow neighbors.

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    Proiecte de responsabilitate social

    5 familii cu situaie precar au primit pachete cu produse alimentare de baz prin campania derulat n colaborare cu Centrul Sf. Mahrama, mpreun pentru o via mai bun, n lunile februarie, martie i aprilie 2014;

    Dotarea centrului pentru copii cu dizabiliti Sf. Andrei cu mochet i saltea pentru locul de joac;

    25 de familii cu 100 de copii provenind din satul Uria (jud. Iai) au primit donaii de mbrcminte, nclminte, jucrii i cadouri de Crciun (sponsori : Clubul Tinerilor Experi Contabili din Romnia - filiala Iai, SC Conest SA, Grupul de firme Iaisting);

    Sprijinirea campaniei de fundraising pentru copiii nscui prematur (Organizaia Salvai Copiii);

    Trainingul 23 de reguli pentru succes susinut de Florin Smeu i Florin Murariu pentru elevii de la Liceul Teoretic Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iai i Colegiul Economic Administrativ Iai n cadrul Sptmnii coala Altfel;

    Sesiuni de orientare n carier susinute de conf. univ. dr. Costel Istrate, preedintele filialei Corpul Experilor Contabili i Contabililor Autorizai din Romnia Iai, ec. Mirabela Miron, vicepreedintele filialei i ec. Mihaiela Cruitu, Director Executiv.

    Asociatia O sansa pentru fiecare

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    Social Responsibility Projects

    5 vulnerable families have received packages with basic food items through the fundraising campaign initiated in collaboration with the Pastoral Center St. Mahrama Together for a better life, in the months of February, March and April 2014;

    Equipping the center for physically challenged children St. Andrew with carpet and mattresses for the playing center;

    25 families with 100 children living in Uria village have received donations consisting in clothing, shoes and toys for adults and children and Christmas presents (sponsors: The Club of Young Experts Accounts Iai, Conest, Iaisting);

    Supporting the fundraising campaign for prematurely born children (Save the Children);

    23 rules for success training held by Florin Smeu and Florin Murariu for youths from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Highschool and Economical College in Iai during the Different School Week;

    Career orientation sessions held by conf. univ. dr. Istrate Costel, president of Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania, Mirabela Miron, Vice-president and Mihaiela Cruitu, Executive Director.

    A Chance for Everyone Association

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    Proiecte de economie social

    Proiecte de responsabilitate social

    Afaceri durabile ntr-o societate solidar Au fost nfiinate dou structuri de economie social: AgroTurism

    Center i Bistro-Chef;

    Ambele ntreprinderi sociale furnizeaz cursuri de formare pentru sprijinirea persoanelor vulnerabile n a dobndi abiliti i competene teoretice i practice pentru a-i gsi un loc de munc.

    Asociaia O ans pentru fiecare a asigurat: Cursuri de formare n profesiile de buctar, osptar, camerist i

    administrator de pensiune pentru 100 de beneficiari, dintre care peste 90% din numrul cursanilor au fost persoane defavorizate.

    50 de elevi au fost sprijinii s participe la evenimentul de fundraising Crosul pentru coli;

    50 de copii din centrele de plasament au srbtorit Ziua Internaional a Prieteniei (30 iulie) alturi de reprezentani ai mediului de afaceri, jurnaliti i reprezentani din comunitatea ieean.

    Asociatia O sansa pentru fiecare

    Asociatia MCA Education

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    Social Economy Projects

    Sustainable businesses in a solidary society Two structures of social economy have been established: AgroTurism Center and


    Both social enterprises are training centers that support vulnerable people to develop theoretical and practical abilities that help them find a new job.

    A Chance for Everyone Association provided: training certificates for cooks, waiters, room attendant, lodge manager for 100

    beneficiaries out of which 90% are vulnerable people.

    A Chance for Everyone Association

    Social Responsibility Projects

    50 pupils have been supported to participate in the fundraising event Running for Schools;

    50 children in foster care have celebrated International Friendship Day next to representatives of the business environment, journalists and community members from Iai.

    MCA Education Association


    Iai, B-dul Nicolae Iorga, nr. 19+40 332 434 519+40 332 818 762

    [email protected]