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Seven StepsT O O P T I M A L H E A L T H

By Birgitte Christensen

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Seven Stepsto Optimal Health

I’m going to tell you something that no other nutritionist will tell you! If you look at the human body on a cellular level, and really learn what all these small power houses need to survive, it is NOT a diet. What you need is a balance of many different aspects, which I am so excited to share in this FREE e-book, ”Seven Steps to Optimal Health”.

There are too many different “diets” out there and they are all bad for you! Yes, you read that right - dieting isn’t healthy!All our body ever want is to be in BALANCE; if it’s not, we get in a state of disease.

Eating well and exercising makes up only about 30% of a healthy lifestyle! To truly have a body in balance, you also need Sleep, Fresh Air, Water, Gratitude and Silence, in addition to Food and Exercise.

Sometimes your body is so deprived that you need supplements to help it get back in balance, or Homeostasis. Homeostasis is a fancy technical term that seems scary, so we’ll just call it Balance. By using the Ultra Brand supplements, you actually provide your body with powerful nutrients, which makes it even easier to get back in balance.

Just remember, these Seven Steps are just guidelines on how you can get closer to Optimal Health! I’m not a doctor and I don’t claim to cure or treat anything; I simply provide basic information for everyone to use to attain Optimal Health. If you have specific diseases, conditions or other health issues, please consult your physician or health care provider.

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Eat ORGANIC and WHOLE foodWhen you eat organic whole food (that is, fresh unprocessed food) you avoid the toxins found in most processed foods. These toxins, including food additives, artificial colors, flavor and hidden sugars, build up in your body over time as they are very difficult for you to excrete.So which diet do I choose?

Don’t choose any!!

Most people are confused about what they’re supposed to eat, likely because there are so many different diets out there. Each diet claims to work better than the others, but when you try them, no big changes happen… why is that?We are all unique! While a diet might work for your friend, it may not work for you. It’s not because you did something wrong, it’s simply because we are not supposed to “diet” in the sense of temporary nutritional changes to quickly lose weight. Instead we are supposed to eat Whole FoodNutrition. Luckily, that’s not too complicated!

The philosophy of my Back to Basics Lifestyle is very simple:EAT WHOLE FOOD, ORGANIC, LOCALLY GROWN AND IN SEASON!

Whole food doesn’t have labels, so you can’t go wrong on the ingredients… you know exactly what you’re getting!If you do need to buy processed food, buy the one with the least ingredients, and always make sure it’s organic and good quality, (without any food additives, artificial color, flavor or sweetener)

But, remember one thing: just because it's organic doesn’t make it healthy!

Be wary of organic foods that contain things like, sugar, colors, flavors; make sure it’s from a natural source.When planning your meals, be sure to get plenty of healthy fat like coconut oil, olive oil, organic butter from grass fed animals, nuts, seeds and last but not least, fish oil.The Omega’s found in fish oil, are essential to components of good health like flexible joints, good memory and a lot of energyAlso ensure that you’re getting plenty of fibers, mainly from vegetables and a little from seeds and gluten free grains.

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“As a holistic practitioner, I see diet related illnesses daily. In fact, over 60% of all deaths are due to diet related disease”.

Birgitte Christensen

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Water is the most basic and most important substance on the planet, and it makes up 60-70% of our bodies.

It is in the air we breathe, and the plants we eat. As the matter of fact, it’s so vital, that we can only go a few days without it.

The average person doesn’t drink enough water, if any water at all. Instead, they substitute other beverages for water, thinking it’s the same thing.You can however only sustain life for a while by drinking soda, coffee, tea, juice etc. Unlike water, these drinks don’t provide the same energizing and cleansing effects that your organs, bones, joints, and digestive system needs to live a healthy, vibrant life.

A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces each dayFor example, if you weigh 200 pounds, your daily water intake should be 100 ounces. (0.65 gallon)If you exercise, or it’s hot outside, you’ll need to drink more to make up for the amount you sweat too.

Let me share some of the benefits of drinking water:

Weight Loss Sometimes when we think we are hungry, we are actually just thirsty. So the next time you reach for that snack, that you know you don’t need, drink some water instead!

Skin HealthWhen your body has enough water, your system will flushes out toxins properly, instead of through your skin. This will diminish blemishes and give your skin a healthy glow.

Digestive Health80% of our immune system is in our digestive system, so we really want this to be as healthy as possible! When your body is dehydrated, it can lead to poor digestive health such as acid reflux, diarrhea, poor nutrient absorption, and constipation.

Kidney HealthThe kidneys are your body’s toxin and waste eliminators. Without water, your kidneys will struggle; and instead of getting rid of toxins, they will hang on to everything in an effort to protect your body against dehydration. Help your kidneys to do their job by giving them a steady flow of water.

Improved Exercise Performance When your body is dehydrated, you will experience less energy, stiffer joints, and tighter muscles. When your body is properly hydrated, all of these areas will improve, leading to a more productive workout.

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Getting a good night’s sleep is an important factor in a good health, though many people don’t pay attention to it.Think about all the factors which can interfere with a good night's sleep; pressure at work, family responsibilities and unexpected challenges, such as layoffs, relationship issues, financial instability, and illnesses. It's no wonder that quality sleep is sometimes elusive!

Here are a few tips to what you can do to improve your sleep:

Stick To A Sleep Schedule Go to bed and get up at the same time every day - even on weekends, holidays and days off. Consistency reinforces your body's sleep/wake cycle and helps promote better sleep at night.

Pay Attention To What You Eat And Drink Don't go to bed either hungry or stuffed, as your discomfort might keep you up.

While alcohol might make you feel sleepy at first, it can disrupt sleep later in the night because it interferes with your REM sleep. Disruptions in REM sleep may cause daytime drowsiness and poor concentration.

Create A Bedtime RitualDo the same things each night to tell your body it's time to wind down. This might include taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book, or listening to soothing music — preferably with the lights dimmed.

Get Comfortable Create a room that's ideal for sleeping; often this means cool, dark and quiet.

Use darkening shades, a fan, or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs.Also avoid watching TV or using other electronic devices as part of your bedtime routinel. In fact, all the small light bulbs from electronic devices should be covered - even your smoke detector, to avoid distractions.

Limit Daytime NapsIf you choose to nap during the day, limit yourself to about 10 - 30 minutes, and make it during the mid-afternoon. In this case, keep your window coverings closed so that sunlight (which adjusts your internal clock) doesn't interrupt your daytime sleep.

Include Physical Activity In Your Daily Routine Regular physical activity can promote better sleep by helping you fall asleep faster and allows you to enjoy deeper sleep.

Manage Stress When you have too much to do and too much to think about, your sleep is likely to suffer. To help restore peace, consider healthy ways to manage stress. Start with the basics, such as meditation, yoga, walks, getting organized, setting priorities and delegating tasks.

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Have a least 15 min of silence a day - take a break whenever it fits in your schedule DO IT and be consistent.

Whether you like to meditate, listen to soft music or pray, is up to you. You just need to find the best type of silence for you.

You need to be “offline” for a least 15 minutes. Do a meditation - which you will learn to incorporate in your daily routine in this program - along with the deep breathing exercises every day.

Why?We need silence to bring us back to the present moment…

Silence helps us reflect on what’s happened, recharge our batteries, and relax by freeing our minds from the constant stream of noise and stimuli that surrounds us at all times.

We need silence to be creative and to realize our dreams. And we need silence to know who we are.

By experiencing silence through meditation, you boost your self-esteem, motivation, and joy. It gives you mental strength and gets you in contact with your inner-self.

It will also help you let go of blocked energy and increases your consciousness.

Because it lowers blood cortisol and adrenaline levels, the physiological benefits of silence include, lower blood pressure, a boosted immune system and brain chemistry, as well as stress reduction.

I would suggest you leave your mobile device, computer alone during all meals.

Be present with the people around you when eating and have conversation without the tv running in the back.

In our house we also try not to have electronic devices before breakfast and after 9pm. It can be a challenge, but it is really good for your whole system.

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It’s very important to work exercise into your routines, 3-5 times a week. But relax, it doesn’t have to be a 2+ hours each time!

Depending on your goals and body type, it’s a good idea to incorporate these three different types of exercise into your program:

Cardio Training - can be running, biking, swimming, dancing… as long as it’s high-impact workout

Strength Training - can be with gym equipment, cross-fi t, or your own body weight. 

Balance Or Low Impact - can be Yoga, Chai Chi or a stretching program.

Breathing Exercise -10 deep breaths 3 times daily.

You can switch between the different types of exercise during the week.

I know you may think “I haven’t got time for that” - but let’s be honest - how many hours do you watch TV every day? 

If you give up just 30-60 minutes of TV every day, you’d have plenty of time exercise.

Why Exercise?Exercise plays an important role in your overall mobility, and for your organ health, in part by improving your body’s circulation of oxygen.

Bringing fresh oxygen to your blood cells is like watering the flowers - they love it!If you keep moving, or do some strength training, balance exercises and breathing exercises, you will intensify your well-being.

Benefits Of Exercise

Cardio improves your heart health and blood flow throughout your body.

Strength training provides stronger bones and increase muscles.

Balance training improves your reaction-time and coordination.

Breathing exercise relieves stress and provides oxygen to your cells

If you are having a hard time getting your exercise in, I highly recommend you join a fitness center and/or attend fitness classes. It’s also a great idea to get a personal trainer in the beginning to keep you motivated and accountable.

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WARNING!Exercise has been known to cause


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Get fresh air every day regardless of the temperature! Remember, it’s not the weather, it’s what you wear that matters!

Go for a walk, jog, run, ride your bicycle or what ever comes to mind. As long as you move!

If you are spending most of your time inside your air conditioned home or work space, you are forcing your body to use stale air. That means it’s much more difficult for your body to stay fresh and healthy.

Fresh air every day helps you, not only to clear your head, but supplies oxygen to your cells and fills you with new energy.

Some of the health benefits of fresh air are:

Good DigestionFresh air helps you to digest your food more effectively. Go for a good walk outside after you eat.

Makes You HappierThe more oxygen you inhale, the more serotonin you produce. Serotonin is a hormone which can lighten your mood and promote happiness and well-being.

The fresh air will leave you more refreshed and relaxed.

Strengthens Your Immune SystemYour body’s white blood cells fight harmful bacteria and germs. To do that they need oxygen.

Cleans Your LungsFresh air helps the airways in your lungs dilate more fully. It also improves the cleansing of your lungs; when breathing out you release airborne toxins from your body, and leaves you with more energy.

Keeps Your Mind Sharper Fresh air helps you think better. Your brain uses about 20% of your body’s total oxygen!

More oxygen in your system means more oxygen in your brain, which improves your concentration and clarity!

If the sun is shining while you’re outside, you may even get some much needed Vitamin-D!

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“Some old fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine

are hard to beat”.Laura Ingalls Wilder

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Gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools we have access to every day. It doesn’t cost anything, doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous!

Some of the benefits of gratitude are:

Improves RelationshipsGratitude opens the door to healthier relationships. By showing appreciation, saying thank you, holding the door for a stranger, or sending a thank you card to someone, you will attract new relationships which may lead to new opportunities.

Improves Physical HealthGrateful people tend to experience fewer aches and pains, and they are more likely to take good care of their health.

Improves Psychological HealthGratitude helps reduce toxic emotions such as envy, resentment, frustration and regret by increasing happiness and reducing depression.

A positive and grateful attitude also gives your more empathy towards others, thusincreasing your self-esteem and helping you appreciate other people’s accomplishments.

Being grateful can also help you reduce stress and overcome trauma because you focus more heavily on the “good” than the bad.

Better SleepKeeping a gratitude journal, can help improve your sleep.

Write down at least 5 things you are grateful for every night before bedtime. If you have a smart phone, you can download an app called “Gratitude”. This will make it easier for you to record what you’re grateful for each day.If you choose to use your phone for journaling, do it in the morning instead.

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Have an “attitude of gratitude" to create a positive balance in your mind and your life.