seventh-day adventism renounced - d. m. canright.pdf

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  • 8/11/2019 Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced - D. M. Canright.pdf


    Seventh-day Adventism RENOUNCEDby D. M. Canright

    Chapter I - Doctrines and Methods of Seventh-day Adventists

    Chapter II - An Experience of Twenty-Eight Years in Adventism

    Chapter III - Adventism: A Yoe of !ondage

    Chapter I" - #rigin$ %istory and &ai'(res of Adventism

    " - My #)*ections to the Seventh-day Adventist System

    Chapter "I - The Two-%orned !east and the Messages

    Chapter "II - The Sanct(ary

    Chapter "III - Mrs+ ,hite and her eve'ations

    Chapter I. - The /at(re of the Sa))ath Commandment

    Chapter . - ,hy Christians 0eep S(nday

    Chapter .I - Did the 1ope Change the Sa))ath2

    Chapter .II - Sa))atarian 1ositions on the %istory of S(nday ef(ted

    Chapter .III - The Sa))ath in the #'d Testament

    Chapter .I" - The Sa))ath in the /ew Testament

    Chapter ." - The 3ewish Sa))ath A)o'ished+ Co'ossians 4

    Chapter ."I - A %istory of /(mero(s Efforts to evive the 3ewish Sa))ath

    ."II - The 5aw

    Chapter ."III - The Deca'og(e Examined

    .I. - The Two Covenants

    .. - ,hat 5aw Are Christians 6nder2

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    ..I - &orty-Seven 1rominent Texts (sed )y Sa))atarians Examined

    Chapter ..II - The /at(re of Man

    Preface to Fourteenth Edition

    7To criticise$ expose and condemn others is not a p'easant tas8 )(t when re'igio(steachers enthrone error$ and mis'ead honest peop'e$ si'ence wo('d )e (nind andcens(ra)'e+7

    !eing profo(nd'y convinced that Seventh-Day Adventism is a system of error$ I fee' itmy d(ty to p()'ish what I now of it+ I do it in the fear of 9od+ 0nowing the sorrow it has)ro(ght to my heart and to tho(sands$ I m(st warn others against it+ I do not (estionthe honesty of the Adventists$ )(t their sincerity does not sanctify their errors+ I have

    had to spea p'ain'y$ )(t$ I tr(st ind'y+ I have had to treat each s()*ect )rief'y$ and 'eavemany (nto(ched$ )(t I have taen (p the main pi''ars of that faith; if these fa''$ the who'em(st go down+

    It is now near'y twenty-five years since this )oo was first p()'ished+ This is thefo(rteenth edition+ It has )een trans'ated into severa' 'ang(ages$ so'd )y n(mero(sp()'ishing ho(ses$ gone to the ends of the earth wherever Adventism has gone$ andhas )een the greatest o)stac'e that wor has ever had to meet+ Yet Adventists havevent(red no answer to it+ Say what they may$ it is evident that they wo('d g'ad'y answerit if they co('d do so safe'y+

    "Replies to Elder Canright$7 (oted in this wor$ is not an answer to this )oo$ )(t to afew artic'es I wrote for a paper 'ong )efore the )oo was p()'ished+ The pamph'et itse'fproves this+ The tit'e page is dated 7

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  • 8/11/2019 Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced - D. M. Canright.pdf


    D+ M+ CA/I9%T+

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    mem)er of the a)ove named ch(rch+ I here)y certify to the a)ove+ 7E"+ #!ET9AY$ 71astor of the !erean Ch(rch+7

    79rand apids$ Mich+$ Apri' >$

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    79rand apids$ Mich+$ Apri'

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    My 'ong and thoro(gh ac(aintance with Adventism and a'' their arg(ments preparedme to answer them as no other co('d+ %(ndreds of ministers from a'' parts have writtenme their thans for the aid my )oo has )een to them in meeting Adventism+ Did not9od in his providence prepare me for this wor2 I h(m)'y )e'ieve he did$ and thisreconci'es me to the 'ong$ and )itter experiences I had in that )ondage+ !(t if 9od and

    the tr(th is honored$ I am content+The on'y (estion is$ do I now their doctrines we'' eno(gh to state them c'ear'y$ andhave I the a)i'ity to answer them p'ain'y2 5et my wor )e the answer+

    Since I withdrew Adventists have p()'ished five or six different tracts to head off myinf'(ence+ If I amo(nt to so 'itt'e$ why a'' this effort2 ,hat they do ref(tes what they say+9od has preserved me to o(t'ive near'y a'' the Adventist ministers with whom I )egan'a)oring+ At seventy-five am f('' of faith in 9od and the hope of eterna' 'ife thro(gh o(r'ord 3es(s Christ+

    I 'ove those )rethren sti'' and now that most of them are honest Christian peop'e$ )(t inerror on many of their views+ I wo('d )e g'ad to he'p them if I co('d+

    D+ M+ CA/I9%T$ 1astor Emerit(s of the !erean !aptist Ch(rch+ 9rand apids$Michigan+


    By Rev. Theo. Nelson. LL.D., late President of ala!aoo College.

    I met for the first time the a(thor of 7Adventis! Reno#n$ed7 in the a(t(mn of

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    )e'ieve that h(man progress is impossi)'e$ and that manind are a'ready doomed8 thatdestr(ction is impending$ 7even at the door+7 In fact$ their re'igio(s faith restrains$ if itdoes not destroy$ their sentiment of patriotism$ and ca(ses them to regard withs(spicion$ if not with fee'ings of hosti'ity$ the free government (nder which they 'ive+/othing can )e more a)s(rd than their interpretations of c(rrent events$ and$ especia''y$

    their )e'ief that o(r genera' and state governments are a)o(t to )e converted intoengines of re'igio(s persec(tion and despotism+ It cannot )e otherwise than that manysincere Seventh-Day Adventists$ who have )een s(ch )y what they )e'ieved theimperative necessity of Script(re teaching$ wi'' )e gratef(' to Mr+ Canright for aidingthem to p(t off a yoe which fetters their (sef('ness and ga''s their minds+

    Seventh-Day Adventists )e'ieve and teach that )efore the second coming of Christ the6nited States wi'' form a (nion of ch(rch and state$ and$ 'ie &rance and Spain in theseventeenth cent(ry$ wi'' )ecome a persec(ting power+ They ho'd that the propheticScript(res c'ear'y forete'' this extraordinary change in the form and spirit of o(rgovernment+ To(ching the correctness of the interpretations of Script(re (pon which

    their expectations are )ased$ they admit no possi)i'ity of mistae+ They ass(me to nowthat they have the right ey to prophecy - that they have the 71resent tr(th+7 They)e'ieve and teach that the Seventh-Day Adventists are to )e especia''y tried in thisordea' that is )eing prepared )y the civi' government8 that they are to )e the chiefvictims of the fiery persec(tions that wi'' )e waged against the 7Saints of the Most %igh78that they are to s(ffer$ at the hands of the sec('ar power$ imprisonments$ tort(res$ 7thespoi'ing of their goods$7 and perhaps death itse'f+ Indeed$ they stae their who'e systemof doctrine (pon this meaning of the ,ord of 9od$ and they regard these momento(sevents$ which they c'aim the !i)'e forecasts$ as m(ch a rea'ity as tho(gh those eventshad a'ready transpired Those events are a rea'ity to them and have the same va'(e inarg(ment$ and the same a(thority in action$ as history itse'f+ In their p()'ications andsermons they often adopt the sty'e of the confessor who is a'ready )ro(ght to thescaffo'd$ or )o(nd to the stae8 they spea o(t in a tone of defiant$ heroic s()mission$as tho(gh the fagots were )eing ind'ed and the crown of martyrdom were in f('' view+To one who is fami'iar with the history of re'igio(s persec(tions$ and has st(died theprogress and deve'opment of re'igio(s freedom$ especia''y in Ang'o-Saxon nations8 toone who is fair'y ac(ainted with the spirit of the age and co(ntry in which we 'ive$ thisostentatio(s martyr-spirit of o(r Adventist friends seems (ite a)s(rd+ ,ere it not fortheir we'' nown (prightness and pro)ity of character$ we sho('d )e disposed tocha''enge their )e'ief$ s(ch is their eagerness to find its proof and confirmation in eventswhich have no s(ch meaning+ 6nder o(r form of government wo('d it )e possi)'e toachieve a more intimate and perfect (nion of 7ch(rch and state7 than is em)odied in thegovernment of monarchica' Eng'ish2 S(ch a change wo('d )e a greater mirac'e than for9od to grow a giant oa in an instant+ The trend of o(r civi'iJation$ the most powerf('c(rrents of p()'ic opinion$ are a'' in the opposite direction+ Yet$ even in Eng'and$

    Adventists are free to p()'ish their pec('iar doctrines$ to esta)'ish ch(rches$ and top(rs(e their vocations 'ie other men+ e'igio(s freedom is the spirit of the age$ and$most of a''$ the spirit of the age in America+ %ence$ we say$ there need )e no fears forthe grave fore)odings of o(r Advent friends+

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    T%E#+ /E5S#/+

    Chapter I

    Doctrines and Methods of Seventh-day Adventists

    Seventh-day Adventism originated a)o(t seventy-five years ago in the wor of Mr+Mi''er$ who set the time for the end of the wor'd in 8 mem)ership$ >$==8(norganiJed$

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    things are ept covered+7 Testimonies$ "o'+ II$ page BB>+ A'' inte''igent peop'e now thats(ch statements are a misrepresentation of the evange'ica' ch(rches today+ E'der ,hitesays: 7!a)y'on$ the nomina' ch(rch$ is fa''en8 9ods peop'e have come o(t of her+ She isnow the synagog(e of Satan." Present Tr#th+ Apri'$

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    confidence of the peop'e+ 9rad(a''y they introd(ce their pec('iar dogmas$ then comeo(t more )o'd'y$ ti'' at 'ength they deno(nce a'' other ch(rches as !a)y'on$ and theirpastors as hire'ings and deceivers+ They say these pastors cannot defend theirdoctrines8 dare not try+ They offer rewards to any who wi'' prove so and so8 )oast howthey have scared this one$ defeated that one$ and si'enced another+ If in sermons the

    'east reference is made to them$ they ca'' it persec(tion$ give o(t a review$ and doeverything to provoe controversy+ ,hen the resident pastors are compe''ed to defendthemse'ves$ the Adventists c'aim to )e great'y a)(sed+

    If a doctor$ 'awyer$ teacher$ or )(siness man sho('d enter a town and deno(nce a''others of his profession as (acs$ foo's$ or deceivers$ how wo('d he )e treated2 A''wo('d com)ine against him as a common enemy+

    This is the way the pastors and ch(rches meet the attacs of the Adventists$ )eca(secompe''ed to+ 5ie Ishmae' of o'd$ the hand of the Adventist is against every man$ andhence every mans hand is against them+ 9en

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    there and in other co(ntries+7 Testimony /o+ ??$ pages

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    The men whom 9od has chosen to 'ead o(t in the great re'igio(s movements of the

    past have$ with few exceptions$ )een men of high ed(cation$ refinement$ and greatta'ents+ Moses$ the fo(nder of 3(daism$ 7was 'earned in a'' the wisdom of the Egyptians$and was mighty in words and in deeds+7 Acts :44+ /ehemiah$ who restored 3er(sa'emafter the captivity$ was c(p-)earer to the ing+ /eh 4+ So Danie'$ the great prophet$ had7now'edge and si'' in a'' 'earning and wisdom+7 Dan

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    many are i''iterate as Mrs+ ,hite herse'f+ E'der 3+/+ Andrews$ E'der Smith$ and one ortwo more$ )y di'igent st(dy and reading o(t of schoo'$ )ecame we'' informed men intheir 'ine+ After E'der ,hite came E'ders !(t'er and %ase'' as 'eaders$ neither of themed(cated men$ nor of ha'f the nat(ra' ta'ent of E'der ,hite+ The present 'eaders aresma'' men a'so+ S(ch men are poor'y prepared to 'ead o(t in a great reformation in this

    ed(cated age+ /ot a man among them has now$ or ever had$ a partic'e of inf'(ence inthe wor'd$ or any office or responsi)'e position in state or nation+ %ow different from thegreat reformers of the past$ who often had extensive inf'(ence for good$ not on'y withthe masses$ )(t with the great men and ings of earth+ %ence$ from whatsoever side weview Adventism$ it has none of the mars of a gen(ine reformation sent of 9od to )'essthe wor'd+

    E'der A+A+ 1he'ps$ for years editor of a &irst-day Adventist paper says: 7I watched andwaited$ and wored$ with patience$ meaness and 'oya'ty$ in hearty co-operation$ andwith an earnest desire to see s(ch (nity$ enterprise$ )readth and mora' power$ as o(ghtto characteriJe a script(ra' and heaven-inspired movement+ %ow s'ow'y and re'(ctant'y I

    yie'ded to the conviction - forced )y sad facts and i''(strations that I have not evendared to detai' - that I was on'y throwing away my 'ife in stemming s(ch waves ofdiscord$ indo'ence$ 'ooseness$ narrowness$ dogmatism and spirit(a' death as I co('d notovercome+7

    eader$ if yo( are sti'' o(tside of this spirit(a' !a)y'on$ tae warning from those whohave )een thro(gh the mi''$ and stay o(t+


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    they were$ hit whom they may+ 1()'ic men )ecome p()'ic property$ and as s(ch theircond(ct and wor sho('d )e 'aid open and disc(ssed+ This is my reason for criticiJingthe co(rse of E'der ,hite and wife$ and others+ They invite criticism )y c'aiming to )ereformers$ )etter than other peop'e+

    I was )orn in 0inderhoo$ !ranch co(nty$ Mich+$ Sept+ 44$

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    the conse(ences+ My sympathies were with them8 )(t others feared$ and fina''y a''wi'ted and confessed that 7we have )een )'inded )y Satan+7 This was signed )y the'eading ministers$ and h(m)'y adopted )y the who'e ch(rch+ See "Testi!onies$7 "o'+

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    meet them$ or have them come where I was$ for I new there wo('d )e tro()'e withsome one or some thing$ and it never fai'ed of so )eing+ I saw ch(rch after ch(rch sp'it(p )y them$ the )est )rethren disco(raged and maddened and driven off$ whi'e I wascompe''ed to apo'ogiJe for them contin(a''y+ &or years a)o(t this time$ the main)(siness at a'' o(r )ig meetings was to 'isten to the comp'aints of E'der ,hite against

    his )rethren+ /ot a 'eading man escaped - Andrews$ ,aggoner$ Smith$ 5o(gh)oro(gh$Amadon$ Corne''$ A'drich$ ,a'er$ and a host of others had to tae their t(rn at )eing)roen on the whee'+ &or ho(rs at a time$ and times witho(t n(m)er$ I have sat inmeetings and heard E'der ,hite and wife deno(nce these men$ ti'' I fe't there was 'itt'emanhood 'eft in them+ It vio'ated a'' my ideas of right and *(stice$ and stirred myindignation+ Yet$ whatever vote was ased )y E'der ,hite$ we a'' voted it (nanimo(s'y$ Iwith the rest+ Then I wo('d go o(t a'one and hate myse'f for my cowardice$ and despisemy )rethren for their weaness+

    E'der and Mrs+ ,hite ran and r('ed everything with an iron hand+ /ot a nomination tooffice$ not a reso'(tion$ not an item of )(siness was ever acted (pon in )(siness

    meetings (nti' a'' had )een first s()mitted to E'der ,hite for his approva'+ Ti'' years'ater$ we never saw an opposition vote on any (estion$ for no one dared to do it+%ence$ a'' officia' voting was on'y a farce+ The wi'' of E'der ,hite sett'ed everything+ Ifany one dared to oppose anything$ however h(m)'y$ E'der ,hite or wife (ic'ys(e'ched him+ 5ong years of s(ch training ta(ght peop'e to 'et their 'eaders thin forthem8 hence$ they are (nder as comp'ete s()*ection as are the Catho'ics+

    These$ with other things$ threw me into do()t and disco(ragement$ and tempted me to(it the wor+ I saw many an a)'e minister and scores of va'(a)'e men 'eave (s)eca(se they wo('d not stand s(ch treatment+ I envied the faith and confidence of)rethren who went on ignorant of a'' this$ s(pposing that !att'e Cree was a 'itt'eheaven$ when$ in fact$ it was as near p(rgatory as anything I co('d imagine+ Many poorso('s have gone there f('' of faith and hope$ )(t have soon gone away infide's+ In

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    as )efore+ So we confessed to E'der ,hite a'' we co('d possi)'y$ and he genero(s'yforgave (s; !(t from that on my faith in the inspiration of Mrs+ ,hite was wea+ E'der,hite was very friend'y to me again after that+

    /ow the Adventists say that I have 'eft them five times$ and this is one of the five+ It is

    (tter'y (ntr(e+ I simp'y stopped preaching for a few wees$ )(t did not withdraw from thech(rch nor reno(nce the faith+ If this is 'eaving them$ then most of their 'eading menhave 'eft them$ too$ for they a'' have had their periods of tria' when they 'eft their worawhi'e+ A)o(t

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    the denomination$ got into tria' with his )rethren$ and$ practica''y$ o(t of the wor+ Ti''midd'e 'ife he was a sma'' farmer+ /at(ra''y he was a h(m)'e$ good man$ with a strongsense of fairness+ E'der ,hite )ecame *ea'o(s of him+ 5ater$ Mrs+ ,hite a'so t(rnedagainst him and re(ired a servi'e s()mission which he wo('d not mae+ Said when heco('d not )e an Adventist$ and )e a man$ then he wo('d )e a man$ as others had

    decided+ Disappointed and so(red$ (nder pretext of i''-hea'th$ he went off to &'orida on a'itt'e farm - another examp'e of the )'ighting effect of Adventism+ %e is now doing what Idid two or three times$ on'y from a different ca(se+ %as he$ then$ 'eft them2


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    ch(rch+ I was president of the #hio conference+ #(r ann(a' state meeting was at C'yde$#hio+ E'der and Mrs+ ,hite were there+ My mind was made (p to 'eave them as soon asthe meeting was over+ Against my protest they re-e'ected me president+ Mrs+ ,hite(rged it+ Said I was *(st the man for the p'ace8 yet her specia' c'aim is to )e a)'e torevea' the hidden wrongs in the ch(rch+ %ere was an important matter+ ,hy did she not

    have a reve'ation a)o(t it2 /o$ I was a'' right so far as she new+ The next wee Iresigned$ went east$ and wrote E'der ,hite that I wo('d go with them no 'onger+ Thenshe sent me a 'ong written reve'ation$ deno(ncing me as a chi'd of he''$ and one of thewicedest of men$ tho(gh on'y two wees )efore she tho(ght me fit to )e president of aconference;

    &or three months I ta(ght e'oc(tion+ I new not what to do+ I ta'ed with ministers ofother ch(rches$ )(t they did not seem to now how to he'p me+ I co('d sett'e on nothing+I he'd on to my Christianity and 'ove for Christ and the !i)'e$ and preached and woredas I had opport(nity+ I was g'ad I had decided to 'eave the Adventists$ and fe't m(ch)etter+ &ina''y I met my present wife$ who was an Adventist+ Then I had a 'ong ta' with

    E'der !(t'er$ E'der ,hite$ Mrs+ ,hite and others$ and was pers(aded that things werenot as I had imagined+ They said I was in the dar$ 'ed )y Satan$ and wo('d go to r(in+A'' the inf'(ence of o'd friends$ associations$ ha)its and 'ong c('tivated ideas came (pand were too strong for my )etter *(dgment+ I yie'ded$ and reso'ved again to 'ive and diewith them+ In my *(dgment and conscience I was ashamed of the s(rrender I had made$yet I tried to fee' right and go on+

    DEAT "F E'DE! %ITE

    Ear'y in

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    pers(aded himse'f that he was ca''ed of 9od to )e a 'eader+ %e had some exce''ent(a'ities$ and do()t'ess meant to )e a Christian$ )(t his strong desire to r('e and r(neverything$ together with an irrita)'e temper$ ept him a'ways in tro()'e with some one+/o one co('d wor with him 'ong in peace+ E'der !(t'er to'd me that his death wasprovidentia' to save the )ody from a r(pt(re+ Mrs+ ,hite was so offended at !(t'er$ that

    she wo('d have no comm(nication with him for a 'ong whi'e+ A'' these things he'ped meto see that I was )eing 'ed )y se'fish$ am)itio(s men$ who were poor samp'es ofre'igio(s reformers+

    That year I 'a)ored in Canada$ "ermont$ Maine$ /ew Eng'and$ and Michigan$ and wase'ected mem)er of the State Exec(tive Committee of Michigan that fa''+ I woredanother year in Michigan+ !(t I was (nhappy8 I co('d not get over my do()ts8 I had noheart in the wor+ Severa' 'eading ministers in the State fe't a)o(t the same+ I thendecided to (iet'y drop o(t of the ministry and go to farming+ This I did for two years$ )(tretained my mem)ership with the ch(rch and wored right a'ong with them+ !(t I was inp(rgatory a'' the time$ trying to )e'ieve what I co('d not+ Yet I was not sett'ed on any

    other ch(rch$ and feared I might go wrong and so stood sti''+ In the fa'' of

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    ho'd a de)ate on the Sa))ath (estion+ They se'ected 1rofessor D++ D(ngan$president of Drae 6niversity+ #(r peop'e se'ected me+ ,e expected a nota)'e time$and I made every possi)'e effort to )e ready+ That preparation did m(ch to convince meof the (nso(ndness of some of o(r positions on the covenants$ the two 'aws$ etc+ In o(r9enera' Conference that fa''$ a sharp division occ(rred )etween o(r 'eading men over

    the 'aw in 9a'atians+ #ne party he'd it was the ceremonia' 'aw$ the other the mora' 'aw -a s(are contradiction+ After a 'ong and warm disc(ssion the conference c'osed$ eachparty more confident than )efore+ There was a'so m(ch disagreement over other pointsof doctrine$ and a good dea' of warm party fee'ing+ This$ with other things$ )ro(ght (pmy o'd fee'ings of do()t$ and decided me that it was time for me now to examine andthin for myse'f$ and not )e 'ed nor intimidated )y men who co('d not agree amongthemse'ves+

    I (sed every min(te I co('d get for severa' wees$ caref(''y and prayerf(''y examining a''the evidence on the Sa))ath$ the 'aw$ the sanct(ary$ the visions$ etc+$ ti'' I had not ado()t 'eft that the Seventh-day Advent faith was a de'(sion+ Then I 'aid the matter

    )efore the 'eading men at !att'e Cree$ resigned a'' the positions I he'd$ and ased to)e dismissed from the ch(rch+ This was granted &e)r(ary

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    was with them in high standing so 'ong$ and now have 'eft them$ on'y proves that I am ahypocrite;

    Any candid man can see the inconsistency of their positions+ I (nited with the Adventistswhen I was a mere )oy$ (ned(cated$ with no now'edge of the !i)'e$ of history$ or of

    other ch(rches+ I went into it thro(gh ignorance+ &or years my Jea' for that faith$ and my(n)o(nded confidence in its 'eaders$ )'inded me to their errors+ !(t$ as I grew o'der$read my !i)'e more$ read history$ met with other ch(rches$ heard sermons and read)oos against Adventism$ )ecame )etter ac(ainted with o(r 'eaders$ with the insideworings of the ch(rch$ 'earned more a)o(t its (nfavora)'e origin$ the many mistaeswe had made$ saw the fr(it of it in o'd ch(rches$ on fami'ies and society$ got ho'd of theear'y writings of Mrs+ ,hite and others8 grad(a''y I )egan to see that Adventism was not

    *(st what I had first s(pposed it to )e+ ,hen I em)raced it in $ Seventh-dayAdventism was on'y fo(rteen years o'd$ the )e'ievers were few$ and it wascomparative'y (ntried+ !(t when Adventism was twenty-five years o'der$ ten times as'arge$ and had f(''y deve'oped its spirit and shown its fr(its$ when I had had the

    ed(cation$ o)servation and experience of a (arter of a cent(ry$ I thin my *(dgment inthe matter o(ght to )e worth more than when I em)raced it as a green )oy+

    Again$ it was on'y d(ring the 'ast few years that I gained possession of ear'y Adventistdoc(ments$ which show how they now deny and contradict what they once ta(ght+These are now either s(ppressed or ept o(t of sight$ so that not one in a tho(sand ofthem nows or wi'' )e'ieve that they ever existed+ My do()ts of the system did not cometo me a'' at once and c'ear'y+ It was we'' nown that for the 'ast doJen years I was withthem$ I was great'y tro()'ed over these things+ 9rad(a''y$ year )y year$ the evidenceacc(m('ated$ ti'' at 'ast it over)a'anced the doctrine$ and then re'(ctant'y and sorrowf(''yI had to a)andon and reno(nce it+ 9od pity the so(' that has to go thro(gh what I did to)e honest to his convictions of right+

    P"SITI"#S %IC I E'D %E# I 'EFT TEM

    /otwithstanding it was we'' nown to a'' that I fre(ent'y had serio(s do()ts a)o(t theirfaith$ yet$ as soon as I too ho'd with them again$ each time they immediate'y p(t meforward and set me at the most important wor+ E'der !(t'er says: 7%e do()t'ess wo('dhave )een Ke'ected to important officeL had he not proved himse'f (nre'ia)'e in so manyinstances+ %is a)i'ity wo('d have *(stified it+7 eview and %era'd Extra$ /ov+ 44$

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    Michigan8 was mem)er of the Exec(tive Committee of the Internationa' Sa))ath Schoo'Association8 mem)er of the Exec(tive Committee of the Michigan State Sa))ath Schoo'Association8 and at the 'ast session of the genera' conference was chairman of theInternationa' Sa))ath Schoo' Association$ and was on nine different committees$severa' of them the most important in the conference$ as the one on distri)(tion of

    'a)orers over a'' the wor'd$ the theo'ogica' committee$ the one on camp meetings$ on aspecia' co(rse of st(dy in o(r co''ege$ on the improvement of the ministry$ etc+ Thisshows what they tho(ght of my a)i'ity+ I had *(st gotten o(t a new pamph'et$ 7Critica'/otes$7 of which they printed an edition of

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    to 'eave them and give a reason for it+

    D(ring the twenty years now since I 'eft them$ they have had spies constant'y on mytrac$ who have watched and reported the 'east thing I have said or done$ to tort(re itinto evi'$ if possi)'e+ This they circ('ate to the ends of the earth$ and it comes )ac to me

    in newspapers and 'etters+ They have iss(ed fo(r different p()'ications against me$ andMrs+ ,hite$ in her 'ast 7reve'ation$7 has devoted three artic'es to myse'f; Yet I dontamo(nt to anything8 never did; 7So(r grapes$7 yo( see+ It has )een wide'y reported thatI was smitten with a terri)'e disease$ had )roen (p my ch(rch$ )een expe''ed from thedenomination$ and more yet$ concerning a'' which the 5ord *(dge )etween (s+ Thepastors of a'' the ch(rches here$ and p()'ic men of the p'ace have had to mae writtenstatements to meet these attacs in distant states+ Sometimes this has seemed hard to)ear$ )(t nowing that I was right$ I have had grace and patience to eep steadi'y at mywor$ and 'eave the rest with 9od and my friends+

    I am in constant receipt of 'etters from a'' parts of the co(ntry$ saying that the Adventists

    affirm that I have ased to )e taen )ac among them; They wi'' report it ti'' I die$ and'ong after+ This )oo sha'' )e my answer+ They are so certain that the c(rse of 9od wi''fo''ow a'' who 'eave them$ or that they wi'' )ecome infide's$ or ret(rn to them$ that theycannot )e reconci'ed to have it otherwise+

    A Samp'e 5etter:

    79'enwood Springs$ Co'o+$ March 4>$ + D+M+ Canright$ #tsego$ Mich+: My Dear&riend and !rother - If the 'ightnings shivering crash had torn my sca'p 'oose from myhead$ I wo('d not have )een more s(rprised than I was today )y having p'aced in myhands yo(r pamph'et entit'ed 7The 3ewish Sa))ath+7 I have read after yo( for years$so'd yo(r va'(a)'e wors$ and preached the 7Third Ange's Message+7 /ow$ I wish to as

    yo($ how do o(r peop'e treat yo(2 To my now'edge yo( were a great favorite$ and(oted oftener than any standing near the head+ Do they go )ac on yo( as hard asthey did on Snoo2 I s(ppose that yo(r great research and 'ife-'ong st(dy of the s()*ectin hand goes for nothing with them$ and that yo( are c'assed among the fa''en ange's+&+A+!+7

    "rdained a ,aptist Minister

    Apri' $

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    sermon$ )y ev+ 0enda'' !roos$ D+D+$ 1resident of 0a'amaJoo Co''ege8 prayer ofordination$ )y ev+ M+,+ %aynes$ of 0a'amaJoo$ with 'aying on of hands )y ev+ %+!+Taft$ of ,hite 1igeon$ ev+ E+A+ 9ay$ of A''egan$ and ev+ %+A+ ose$ of 0a'amaJoo8hand of fe''owship$ )y ev+ T+&+ !a)coc$ of 1rairievi''e8 charge to the pastor$ )y ev+5+!+ &ish$ of 1aw 1aw8 charge to the ch(rch$ )y ev+ I+ !(tterfie'd$ of 9rand apids+

    7ev+ D+M+ Canright has th(s )een f(''y recogniJed )y a 'arge and representativeco(nci' as a reg('ar !aptist minister$ and pastor of the !aptist ch(rch in #tsego+7

    I have never regretted 'eaving the Adventists$ nor for one moment had the s'ightestdesire to ret(rn+

    Chapter III

    Adventis23 A (oe of ,ondage

    5arge'y$ peop'e are drawn into the Seventh-day doctrine thro(gh fear$ fear of )eingdamned if they ref(se+ #nce in$ they try to fee' happy$ )(t very few rea''y are+ ,ith a'arge c'ass$ the more inte''igent ones$ there are so many do()ts and fears$ s(ch asensi)'e want of something which they do not find$ that they are (nhappy+ Many of theirministers have gone thro(gh the same tria's that I have$ and scores have 'eft them$ as I

    did$ whi'e others have fixed it (p and remained with them+ E'der ,hite himse'f haddo()ts+ Mrs+ ,hite says of him: 7%e sho('d mae it a r('e not to ta' (n)e'ief ordisco(ragement+7 7My h(s)and has cherished this darness so 'ong )y 'iving over the(nhappy past$ that he has )(t 'itt'e power to contro' his mind when dwe''ing (pon thesethings+7 Testi!onies$ "o'+ III$ pages >$ >+ Mrs+ ,hite herse'f$ as we might expect$ istro()'ed with infide'ity+ She says: 7In the night I have awaened my h(s)and$ saying$ Iam afraid that I sha'' )ecome an infide'+7 Testi!onies$ "o'+ I$ page F>+ /ear'y a'' theirprominent ministers had their time of tria'$ the same as I did$ when they ceasedpreaching and went at other wor$ as we have seen+

    I wi'' (ote a few words from 'etters received: 7I have had many )'(e times in myexperience )eca(se of these do()ts++++ #nce I decided that I m(st fo''ow the convictions

    of my own *(dgment in these things8 )(t when the time came the press(re was sostrong that I tried to convince myse'f that I was wrong++++ The facts are$ I am *(stmisera)'e++++ It seems 'ie a terri)'e thing to tae a co(rse that wi'' ca(se a'' thecherished friends of this wor'd to 'oo (pon yo( as one fa''en from grace8 and here I am$)o(nd with these chains+7 Another writes: 7It seems to me that the views he'd )ySeventh-day Adventists are so )(rdensome that they wi'' cr(sh me+ They are a yoe of)ondage which I cannot stand (p (nder+ Sti'' I do want to )e right+7 Another minister$D+%+ 5amson$ writes: 7%ow am I straightened$ whi'e the fetters are )eing forged for most

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    (nwi''ing 'im)s;+++ ,hat distress we are in as a peop'e; how misera)'e; and is there nore'ief27 And sti'' another ta'ented minister$ ,+C+ 9age$ writes me: 7#(r ministers$ andpeop'e as we''$ are growing to )e a denomination of hypocrites$ )y a s'avish fear ofexpressing an honest )e'ief++++ I am sic and disheartened++++ The )asis of confidence isgone$ and I sha'' on'y await the o(tcome of the matter+7 Sti'' another$ 6riah Smith$

    writes: 7There is a fear$ on the part of the powers that )e$ of free tho(ght and freedisc(ssion+ So far as this is the case$ it is a shame and disgrace to (s+7 And yet these)rethren patch (p the matter some way$ and go right on as tho(gh nothing were wrong+I now how to pity them$ for I myse'f have passed thro(gh precise'y the sameexperience+ And another writes: 7I wish I had never heard the Advent doctrine preached+1revio(s to that$ I now that I did en*oy the )'essing of 9od+ I was not tro()'ed a)o(tdoctrine++++ I thin I then had some inf'(ence for good over others$ )(t I fear my changeof faith had a )ad inf'(ence over my chi'dren+7 Strange to say$ these are the very menwho now deno(nce me the worst )eca(se I had the co(rage of my convictions$ whi'ethey havent+

    These are fair samp'es of how scores among them fee'$ from men in 'eading positions$to the h(m)'est in the ch(rch+ 5arge'y they eep it to themse'ves$ )(t occasiona''y it wi''o(t+ Many of them a'most get o(t$ and then fa'' )ac$ to 'inger a'ong in )ondage a'' therest of their 'ives+ 7!(t if these persons are in s(ch )ondage$ why not )rea 'oose$ and)e free2 ,ho wo('d harm them2 !e it remem)ered that there is a )ondage worse than

    African s'avery - the )ondage of re'igio(s tyranny and s(perstition+ I was he'd there foryears$ and now its power+

    Mi'ton &+ 9owe''$ Chicago$ gives so tr(e a pict(re of Advent experience$ that I (ote himin a 'etter to me+ I was often at his fathers ho(se$ in 1ort'and$ Me+8 when he was a )oy+%e says: 7My reco''ections of those days are f('' of the terrors of 'aw$ prophetic charts$Mrs+ ,hites visions$ the Sa))ath$ Sa))ath$ Sa))ath$ hea'th reform$ )'oomer dresses$and a great Jea' for )eing ind(strio(s on S(nday$ and 'itt'e or nothing of Christ+ A'' theD#I/9 was inde'i)'y impressed on my mind as a )oy$ )(t the !E5IE"I/9 on Christ forsa'vation$ and ESTI/9 in his finished wor$ I have no remem)rance of whatever+ %owmany there are that *oin the Seventh-day Adventists (tter'y (nsaved$ nowing nothing ofthe grace of 9od$ hearing a'ways )are'y the 'aw+ I *oined them at the age of fo(rteen$(nder conviction$ g(i'ty )efore 9od$ )(t (nsaved$ tho(gh I was )aptiJed and receivedinto the ch(rch as a SA!!AT% 0EE1E+ I received no peace$ no rest$ ti'' I entered intorest )y )e'ieving a)o(t three and a ha'f years ago8 saved from the )order'and ofinfide'ity+7 This is *(st the impression which a'' the chi'dren of that peop'e are receiving -co'd 'ega'ism+ ,hi'e this yo(ng man was fina''y saved from infide'ity$ h(ndreds of themare not$ as I we'' now+


    It is nothing new for men to 'eave a party$ good or )ad8 )(t so 'arge a n(m)er ofprominent persons have 'eft the Adventists as to excite s(rprise+ It is c'ear that therem(st )e something wrong in the system itse'f+ &irst$ according to the )est of my

    *(dgment$ from one-third to one-ha'f of a'' who )egin the o)servance of the Sa))ath$

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    sooner or 'ater a)andon it+

    At different times 'arge n(m)ers have 'eft them$ most'y on acco(nt of Mrs+ ,hitesvisions+ ,e wi'' name a few of the ministers who have departed from them: 3+!+ Cooand T+M+ 1re)'e$ the pioneers who started the movement$ )oth reno(nced it8 #++5+

    CroJier$ Ann Ar)or$ Mich+$ has reno(nced the Sa))ath8 E'der !+&+ Snoo$ the 'eadingman in Iowa$ is now a 6niversa'ist8 E'der ,+%+ !rinerhoof$ of Iowa$ has reno(nced thefaith8 E'der Moses %(''$ the a)'est speaer they ever had$ is now a Spirit(a'ist$ andE'der Shortridge$ a minister of m(ch ta'ent$ has a'so gone the same way8 E'ders %a''and Stephenson$ at the time very prominent in the wor$ went to the Age-to-Come party8C+!+ eyno'ds$ of /ew Yor$ has )ecome a noted )'asphemer8 E'der %+C+ !'anchard$

    Avi''a$ Mo+$ reno(nced the doctrine8 ditto T+3+ !(t'er$ of the same state8 E'der 5+5+%oward$ Maine$ %+&+ %aynes$ /ew %ampshire$ 'eft them8 /athan &(''er$ ,e''svi''e$ /+Y+$)ecame a 'i)ertine8 M+!+ CJechowsi went to E(rope and died in disgrace8 %+&+ Case$E'der Cranmer and 1hi'ip Strong$ a'' of Michigan$ 'eft them+

    E'der 3+!+ &ris)ie$ their pioneer and most efficient preacher for years in Michigan$ fina''y'eft them+ Dr+ 5ee$ of Minnesota$ who ina(g(rated the wor among the Swedes$ nowopposes them+ E'der A+!+ #yen$ missionary to E(rope$ and editor of their Danish paper$has reno(nced the faith+ 5iving right at the head of the wor for many years$ he had the)est of opport(nity to now a'' a)o(t its worings+ E'der D+!+ #viatt$ for many yearspresident of the 1ennsy'vania Conference$ reno(nced the faith$ and is now a !aptistminister+

    So E'der os(ist and E'der ,hite'aw$ )oth of Minnesota$ have recent'y 'eft them andgone to the !aptists+ #ther ministers of the ,est have a'so gone over to the !aptists+C+A+ (sse''$ #tsego$ Mich+$ an exce''ent man$ once preached that doctrine with me$ )(tis now a Methodist+ %+E+ Carver$ %+C+ !'anchard$ 3+,+ Cassady$ A+C+ 5ong$ 3aco)!rinerhoof$ 3+C+ Day$ %+,+ !a''$ 9oodeno(gh$ !(nch$ and others$ once mem)ers ofthat ch(rch$ have written against it+ E'der %iram Edson and E'der S+,+ hodes$ notedpioneers in the wor$ died confirmed crans$ and a tria' to the ch(rch+ The sad examp'eof their 'eading ministers who have )een g(i'ty of ad('tery$ proves that their ch(rch hasnothing to )oast of over other ch(rches in the p(rity of its ministers and mem)ers+

    TEI! C"''E/E P!"FESS"!S

    They have )een very (nfort(nate in their co''ege professors+ 1rofessor S+S+!rowns)(rger$ the first 1rincipa' of their Co''ege at !att'e Cree$ Mich+$ which position

    he occ(pied for years$ and then fi''ed the same position in their co''ege in Ca'ifornia$ isnow who''y disconnected from the wor+ E'der ,+%+ 5itt'e*ohn$ who next stood at thehead of the co''ege$ was expe''ed from the ch(rch and fe'' into do()ts+ /ext came1rofessor A+ Mc5earn as head of the co''ege+ %e has reno(nced the faith$ and nowopposes them strong'y+ 1rofessor "esey$ a 'earned teacher in that co''ege$ has forsaenthe faith+ 1rofessor C+C+ amsy$ )orn in that faith$ was professor of mathematics in the!att'e Cree co''ege for three years8 then fi''ed the same p'ace for three years in theirco''ege in Ca'ifornia8 then was ca''ed to tae charge of their academy in the East$ which

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    he did for three years more+ %e was editor of their ed(cationa' *o(rna'$ prominent inSa))ath Schoo' wor$ and many other ways+ %e has reno(nced that faith$ )(t remainsan earnest Christian+ #thers of their teachers of 'esser note have a'so 'eft them+ ,hat isthe ca(se of s(ch res('ts2 There m(st )e something wrong+


    They have )een e(a''y (nfort(nate with their physicians in their sanitari(m at !att'eCree+ Dr+ %+S+ 5ey$ an exce''ent man$ was the first physician-in- chief+ %e 'eft theinstit(tion in a tria'$ and was o(t of wor for years+ Dr+ ,m+ (sse''$ a ta'ented doctor$came next+ ,hat he there saw of Adventism made him an infide'$ and he wasdismissed+ /ext$ I )e'ieve$ came Dr+ M+9+ 0e''ogg+ The treatment he received drove himinto scepticism for years+ Then came Dr+ Sprag(e and Dr+ &arfie'd$ )oth of whomreno(nced the faith$ and$ I )e'ieve$ are sceptica' now+ Mrs+ 5amson and Miss &e''ows$

    )oth matrons of the sanitari(m$ 'ost faith in the doctrine+ Dr+ Smith$ )ro(ght (p in thefaith$ reno(nced it+ %ere again we see that ed(cation (nfits men for Adventism+ I am notac(ainted with another ch(rch which has 'ost so 'arge a proportion of its mostprominent men+ Every year$ near'y$ so far$ more or 'ess have gone away from them$ ti''they have 'ost more ta'ent than now remains with them+


    A strong arg(ment with Adventists is$ that most of those who 'eave them )ecomeinfide's$ as a'' now+ !(t$ after 'ong watching$ I )ecame satisfied that it is Adventismwhich has made them infide's+ 5oo at omanism+ ,herever it has had sway a whi'e$ itfi''ed the 'and with infide's+ 9o among the Mormons at Sa't 5ae+ 5arge n(m)ers of theirchi'dren are )ecoming infide's+ The nat(ra' re)o(nd from fanaticism and s(perstition isinto infide'ity and scepticism+ ight here in #tsego we have severa' infide's$ the grown-(p chi'dren of Adventists+ I now them and meet them a'' over the co(ntry$ and theirn(m)ers are increasing+ I fee' s(re that the ripe fr(it of Adventism in the years to comewi'' )e a generation of do()ters+

    TEI! C)!C ,AC&S'IDI#/

    Seventh-day Adventists c'aim to )e raised (p of 9od$ to reform the ch(rch of to-day+They c'aim to )e p(rer$ more spirit(a'$ and on a higher p'ane than other Christians+ A''other ch(rches are !a)y'on and apostates$ whi'e they are the chosen saints+ !(t now$after their ch(rch has had on'y fifty years tria'$ and hence is sti'' sma'' and yo(ng$ and soo(ght to )e )etter than o'der and 'arger ch(rches$ I can (ote confessions from theirown writers$ proving that they are as word'y$ )ac-s'idden and corr(pt as they mae o(tother ch(rches to )e+ I wi'' give a few+ E'der 9+I+ !(t'er$ in theAdvent Review$ May

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    Testi!onies$ "o'+ I$ says: 7The Spirit of the 5ord has )een dying away from the ch(rch$7page

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    that 3es(s wo('d come )efore 3ohn sho('d die+ 3ohn 4

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    +reat Controversy$ "o'+ I"+$ page B4>+ E'der ,hite says: 7,e ho'd that the greatmovement (pon the Second Advent (estion$ which commenced with the writings andp()'ic 'ect(res of ,i''iam Mi''er$ has )een$ in its 'eading feat(res$ in f('fi''ment ofprophecy+ Consistent'y with this view$ we a'so ho'd that in the providence of 9od$ Mr+Mi''er was raised (p to do a specific wor+7 Life of iller$ page + So it wi'' )e seen that

    Seventh-day Adventists sti'' )e'ieve in and defend the Mi''erite movements of

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    !(t their set times came and passed witho(t the 'east regard to their fig(res and facts$proofs and demonstrations$ prayers and predictions+ emorse'ess o'd Time$ the tr(etester of every theory$ marched right on and demo'ished them a''+ This demonstrated thefo''y and error of the Adventists+ Mi''ers prediction was a wretched a)ortion+ %e

    preached and propagated a fa'sehood+ %e preached that the wor'd wo('d end in

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    time had passed$ these were destit(te and their fami'ies s(ffered+ Many had to )earrested and p(t (nder g(ardianship$ to protect their fami'ies+ Then the wi'destfanaticism )roe o(t here and there$ which )ro(ght disgrace (pon the very name ofre'igion+ Many said the 5ord had come$ pro)ation was ended$ it was sin to wor$ a''property m(st )e he'd in common$ a'' the ch(rches were apostate$ !a)y'on$ etc+ Some

    Adventists had spirit(a' wives$ some went to the Shaers$ many went )ac into thech(rches$ some into despair$ and h(ndreds into do()t and infide'ity - *(st what mighthave )een expected+ The g'orio(s doctrine of the Second Advent was covered withshame$ Satan re*oiced$ whi'e the ca(se of Christ was great'y in*(red+ &or proof of thesefacts$ I refer to the testimony of tho(sands now 'iving$ and to the p()'ished wors of the

    Adventists themse'ves+ Th(s E'der 6+ Smith is compe''ed to say: 7The Advent !odywere a (nit Kin

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    s'eep of the dead$ annihi'ation of the wiced$ non-res(rrection of the wiced$ f(t(repro)ation$ restoration$ comm(nity of goods$ denia' of the divinity of Christ$ no devi'$ no)aptism$ no organiJation$ etc+$ etc+ 9racio(s; And these are the peop'e sent with a7message7 to warn the ch(rch; They had )etter go )ac and 'earn and agree on whattheir 7message7 is$ )efore they r(n to de'iver it+

    The other Adventists have set the time for the end of the wor'd in

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    of his wor+ %e )egan setting time+ %e did it the second time+ %e ta(ght them how to doit+ %e fathered the idea+ %e inc('cated it in a'' his fo''owers+ They then simp'y too (pand carried on what he had )eg(n+ Seventh-day Adventists c'aim to )e the origina'

    Adventists$ and endorse Mi''ers wor+ In doing this they endorse time- setting$ andsho('d *(st'y )ear a'' the odi(m of that fanatica' )(siness+

    !(t dont Seventh-day Adventists rise to exp'ain why they were disappointed in

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    Th(s the father and fo(nder of Adventism condemned and opposed the position whichSeventh-day Adventists too with regard to his own wor+ %e had sense eno(gh to see$and honesty eno(gh to confess$ that it was a mistae+ !(t they wi'' not have it so+ Theynow )etter than he himse'f+ They wi'' have it that it was a wonderf(' f('fi''ment of ev+

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    adopted a rigid vegetarian diet - not meat$ no )(tter$ on'y two mea's per day$ etc+$ )(t itwas a fai'(re+ It i''ed many and r(ined more$ ti'' they had to modify it and 'ive 'ie otherpeop'e+

    These are on'y samp'es o(t of n(mero(s mistaes the Adventists have made8 and this

    they have done with an inspired prophetess right at their head for forty-fo(r years;These simp'e$ (ndenia)'e facts a'one sho('d )e eno(gh to open the eyes of a'' to seethat the 5ord has not 'ed them in their wor+

    Chapter *

    My "b6ections to the

    Seventh-day Adventist Syste2

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    virt(e to h(nt (p everything a)o(t one another that 'ooed wrong$ and mae it appearf(''y as )ad as it rea''y was+7 1age + Their ministers are mere 'ect(rers$ going from p'ace to p'ace$ staying on'y a fewwees at a time$ and repeating the same o'd sermons over and over+ As a conse(encethey )ecame narrow and sma'' and dry+ Their preaching is a'most who''y doctrina' andarg(mentative+ This maes them hard and com)ative$ instead of tender and charita)'e+


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    7mission7 in 5ondon$ E'der %ase'' says: 7Thirteen have taen their stand on theSa))ath++++ These have come principa''y from the Ch(rch of Eng'and+7 Review$ Apri'

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    %ow different it was with the fo''owers of the tr(e reformers$ 5(ther$ ,es'ey$ Ca'vin$ etc+They stood with the peop'e$ wored for them$ and made society genera''y )etter+

    The moment a person )ecomes a thoro(gh'y converted Seventh-day Adventist$ he isspoi'ed for any f(rther (sef('ness in society+ This is their record everywhere$ as a'' wi''

    testify who now them+ To convert men to their doctrine is the a''-a)sor)ing passion oftheir 'ives$ 'eaving them neither interest$ time nor means for anything e'se+


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    'eader$7 the Devi'+ Testimony /o+ ?

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    ass(mption concerning that )east+ If they are mistaen here$ their who'e systemco''apses+ They c'aim that this )east is the 6nited States$ and that soon we sha'' havehere ch(rch and state (nited$ the image of the )east$ the papacy+ The mar of the )eastis S(nday-eeping+ A 'aw wi'' enforce this (pon Seventh-day Adventists+ They wonto)ey+ Then they wi'' )e o(t'awed$ persec(ted$ and condemned to death; #f a'' the wi'd

    Advent spec('ations in the prophecies$ this deserves to stand among the wi'dest+

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    Against this (nanimo(s agreement of a'' 1rotestant ch(rches and a(thorities$ yo( havethe (ns(pported spec('ations of the Adventists$ who have made so many mistaes)efore+ The proofs that this 'am)-'ie )east is the 1apacy are many$ c'ear$ and easi'yseen8 whi'e the effort to app'y it to the 6nited States is 'a)ored$ and the arg(mentsstrained$ 'ong$ and far-fetched+ Th(s$ in 6+ Smiths 7Tho#ghts on Revelation$7 he

    devotes on'y E5E"E/ pages to the dragon of Chapter

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    )east$7 ev+

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    A/S,E: This very point overthrows the arg(ment for the 6nited States8 for thatwo(nd was given at the very rise of the 'eopard )east$ more than

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    ass(mption is )(i't the Advent theory of the image+

    ?+ ,hat is the 1apacy2 See ,e)ster a)ove+ It is that ecc'esiastica' system of worship ofwhich the 1ope is head+ Its disting(ishing mars are these: + 6se of images+

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    northern )ar)arians$ and the fina' extinction was a)o(t to )e entire'y exting(ished+ !(tright here Christianity con(ered those )ar)arians$ and )ro(ght them (nder the risinginf'(ence of the 1apacy+ /ew 'ife was inf(sed into the o'd carcass$ the empire wasrevived$ the wo(nd was hea'ed+ See !arnes$ C'ar$ Scott$ etc+

    TE MA!& "F TE ,EAST3 %AT IS IT+

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    against it+ Then I can do it$ too$ and not have the mar of the )east$ if they did not+

    + If it is worshiping the )east to rest from physica' 'a)or on S(nday after one nows thatS(nday is the 1opes Sa))ath$ then many Seventh-day Adventists are worshipers of the)east+ ,hy2 !eca(se they often rest on S(nday+ !oo agents$ co'porters$ teachers$

    dr(mmers$ persons visiting re'atives$ ministers in new p'aces$ etc+$ a'' fre(ent'y rest onS(nday$ and even go to ch(rch a'' day; Are they worshippers of the )east2 ,hy not2 Doyo( say they on'y do it for convenience or from po'icy2 3(st so they can rest on S(ndayfor the same reason when the 'aw sha'' re(ire it$ and not worship the )east any morethan Adventists do now+

    + Deny it as they may$ the Seventh-day Adventist teachings do mae a'' S(nday-eepers$ )oth now and in past ages$ worshipers of the )east$ having the mar of the)east+ %ere is proof in their own words:

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    &rom this conc'(sion there is no escape+ And so a'' S(nday-eepers have had the marof the )east$ and have it now+

    !(t they say that they do not teach that anyone as yet has had the mar of the )east+This shows the a)s(rdity of their arg(ment+ S(nday-eeping is the mar of the )east$

    yet S(nday-eepers have not got the mar of the )east; &or instance: I have a h(ndredco(nterfeit )i''s8 I pay them o(t to fifty men in #tsego$ and they tae and eep them$ yetnot a man of them has a co(nterfeit )i''; Isnt that c'ear - as m(d2 !(t they dont nowthat they are co(nterfeit )i''s$ and so are not g(i'ty for having them+ !(t have they notgot co(nterfeit )i''s for a'' that2 Certain'y+ So$ if S(nday-eeping is the mar of the)east$ then every man that eeps S(nday has the mar of the )east$ whether he nowsit or not+ 9od may not ho'd them g(i'ty for it$ )(t they have it *(st the same+ /ow$ assoon as these fifty men are informed that their )i''s are co(nterfeit$ are they not g(i'ty ifthey (se them after that2 Yes+ So$ as soon as a man is informed that S(nday is themar of the )east$ if he eeps it after that has he not the mar of the )east as tr('y asever he can have it2 And if he sti'' eeps S(nday vo'(ntari'y is he not *(st as g(i'ty

    )efore 9od as tho(gh the 'aw compe''ed him to eep it2 Yes$ and more so8 )eca(senow he has no exc(se$ whi'e then he co('d p'ead that he was compe''ed to do it+ So$then$ it needs no S(nday 'aw to give men the mar of the )east+ A'' S(nday-eepershave it a'ready$ and as soon as they are informed that S(nday is the mar of the )east$then they are g(i'ty as worshipers of the )east+ !(t Seventh-day Adventists havea'ready informed tho(sands (pon this point+ Then if they have not the mar of the )east$why not2 S(re'y I have )een en'ightened on it$ and yet I eep S(nday$ the 1opesSa))ath$ the mar of the )east+ %ave I the mar of the )east2 5et them answer if theydare+ emem)er that 5(ther$ Mi'ton$ !axter$ !(nyan and Mi''er were a'' informed on theSa))ath (estion$ and sti'' wrote against it and ept S(nday+ eader$ this Advent marof the )east is an a)s(rdity and on'y a scare-crow+ Dont )e frightened+

    Even if the 1ope did change the Sa))ath to S(nday$ that wo('d not mae S(nday %ISmar+ The mar of any person was that which he (sed to mar things as )e'onging tohim+ In !i)'e times a master wo('d p(t his mar on the right hand or forehead of hiss'aves+ %eathen gods had their worshipers mared so+ This c(stom is referred to and(sed here as an i''(stration+ So the worshipers of the )east wo('d )e re(ired to dosomething which wo('d mar or disting(ish them as his fo''owers+ !(t eeping S(ndaydoes not disting(ish a Catho'ic from mem)ers of other ch(rches$ for a'' ch(rches eepS(nday - the 9ree$ Armenian$ 5(theran$ Episcopa'$ Methodist$ etc+ The 1ope hasnever (sed S(nday to disting(ish his fo''owers from others$ nor as proof of his a(thorityas head of the ch(rch+ %e does point to the eys of St+ 1eter and his reg('ar aposto'ics(ccession from him as proof of his a(thority+ Says Dow'ing: 7The 1opes assert theirdivine right of s(premacy in conse(ence of their c'aiming to )e the s(ccessors of the

    Apost'e 1eter+7 %istory of Ro!anis!$ page BB+ #n this$ not on S(nday-eeping$ they)ase their c'aim of power+ Some o)sc(re catechism is (oted$ c'aiming a(thority for thech(rch to 7command feasts and ho'y days$7 )eca(se that ch(rch has made S(ndayho'y+ This fa''s infinite'y short of maing S(nday the proof of a'' their a(thority$ the one7mar7 of that ch(rch+ B+ It is a)s(rd to say that resting on S(nday is s(ch a fearf('crime as Adventists affirm+ %ear E'der Smith: 7S(nday-eeping m(st )e the mar of the

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    is a)s(rd+ This message m(st have a far deeper and )roader meaning than this+ Sothey never preached this message+ 3(st a few of the ch(rches in the eastern statesheard and re*ected Mi''erism8 for a'' this the tens of mi''ions of ch(rch mem)ersthro(gho(t the who'e wor'd$ who never even so m(ch as heard of Mi''er$ were re*ectedof 9od; ,hat an (nreasona)'e position+ Again$ !a)y'on m(st at 'east inc'(de ome+ Did

    the Catho'ic ch(rch fa'' in

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    of the eformation which revo'(tioniJed the wor'd; It i''(strates how they interpreteverything to fit themse'ves+ /o8 the second message of ev+

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    p'a(si)'e when he has no opposition+ Even then few can see thro(gh it+

    4+ The word 7sea'$7 as a no(n and a ver)$ is (sed sixty-five times in the !i)'e$ )(t notonce is it said to )e the Sa))ath+

    ?+ They arg(e that SI9/ and SEA5 are synonymo(s terms$ meaning the same thing8and as the Sa))ath is ca''ed a sign Ex+ ?

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    arg(ments to mae o(t that the o'd 3ewish Sa))ath is the sea'$ when the !i)'e neversays a word a)o(t it+

    Adventists arg(e that the Sa))ath is the sea' to the Deca'og(e+ They say there isnothing e'se in the Ten Commandments to te'' who gave that 'aw+ The assertion is

    (tter'y fa'se+ The very first words of the Deca'og(e te'' who gave it: 7I am the 5ord thy9od$ which )ro(ght thee o(t of the 'and of Egypt$ o(t of the ho(se of )ondage+ Tho(sha't have no other gods )efore me+7 Ex+ 4:4$?+ This te''s as p'ain'y as possi)'e whogave that 'aw$ and c(ts (p )y the roots the Adventist arg(ment on the sea'+ /ow 'oo attheir 75aw of 9od7 chart+ These words as 9od p(t them are 'eft off+ If 'eft on they wo('dc'ear'y contradict the Advent arg(ment+

    Chapter *II

    The Sanctuary

    Seventh-day Adventists mae everything t(rn (pon their view of the sanct(ary+ It is vita'with them+ If they are wrong on this$ their who'e theory )reas down+ The reader sho('d$therefore$ st(dy this s()*ect caref(''y+ They dwe'' (pon it constant'y$ and affirm that theyare the on'y ones in a'' Christendom who have the 'ight on the s()*ect+ I wi'' devote on'ya few pages to it$ *(st eno(gh to show the fa''acy of their system+

    They )ased their time of

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    4+ If this s()*ect is as p'ain and as important as they say it is$ it is strange that no)odyever fo(nd it o(t )efore+

    ?+ After )eing perfect'y fami'iar with their view of it$ and nowing a'' their arg(ments$ I

    fee' s(re they are mistaen a)o(t it+

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    that !ro+ C+ sho('d write o(t the view which he gave (s in the Day StarextraG$ &e) $

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    s'ightest idea of that change+ eader$ thin of this+

    >+ !(t now they have a)andoned this view of the sanct(ary and ho'd that a'' whohonest'y see 9od may )e saved witho(t any of this 7'ight7 on the sanct(ary+ Th(s theyhave a'ready he'd fo(r different positions (pon the sanct(ary (estion:

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    5ord$7 as 5ev+ B:

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    they were exact images of things in heaven$ th(s ignoring 1a('s statement+

    B+ 1a(' says that Christ is a minister of a greater and more perfect ta)ernac'e$ %e)+>::

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    gospe' there is nothing at a'' *(st 'ie these types+

    1a(' says direct'y that the p'ace into which 3es(s went was 7heaven itse'f$ now toappear in the presence of 9od for (s$7 %e)+ >:4B+ The simp'e tr(th of the who'e is thatthe ages of types$ o)*ect 'essons$ exact forms$ set ceremonies$ consecrated p'aces and

    ho'y vesse's - a'' this ended at the cross$ Co'+ 4:

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    needs no 'itera' temp'e+ According to the Adventists$ the Most %o'y p'ace of theheaven'y sanct(ary was entire'y empty and (nocc(pied from the ascension of 3es(s ti''

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    B+ To discharge with fide'ity the f(nctions of my emp'oyment$ and the d(ties of my office$and to render myse'f in a'' things (sef(' to society+

    /ot a stain rests (pon his mora' character+

    At the age of fifty-five he )egan to have visions of heaven$ he''$ ange's$ and the spirit(a'wor'd+ %e says: 7I have )een ca''ed to a ho'y office )y the 5ord himse'f$ who mostmercif(''y appeared to me$ his servant$ in the year

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    + In 4 she anno(nced herse'f as a prophetess$ and 7p()'ished n(mero(s KoversixtyL pamph'ets setting forth her reve'ations+7 (ohnson)s En$y$lopedia$ artic'e7So(thcott+7 She had trances the same as Mrs+ ,hite does$ and anno(nced the speedyadvent of Christ+ See En$y$lopedia A!eri$ana$ artic'e 7So(thcott+7 She carried on a'(crative trade in the sa'e of her )oos as Mrs+ ,hite does+ Strange as it may appear$

    many 'earned ministers )e'ieved in her$ and tho(sands *oined her fo''owers$ ti'' in a fewyears they n(m)ered (pwards of one h(ndred tho(sand; She made many predictions$which her fo''owers c'aimed were f('fi''ed+ 7The faith of her fo''owers$ among whom weresevera' c'ergymen of the esta)'ished ch(rch$ rose to enth(siasm+7 En$y$lopedia

    A!eri$ana$ artic'e 7So(thcott+7

    She 7regarded herse'f as the )ride of the 5am)$ and dec'ared herse'f$ when sixty-fo(ryears of age$ pregnant with the tr(e Messiah$ the second Shi'o$ whom she wo('d )ear#ct+ $

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    The proof of their inspiration o(tstrips Mrs+ ,hite+ They wor many mirac'es$ as theystrong'y assert$ have the gift of tong(es$ and can show many predictions striing'yf('fi''ed+ I have met them fre(ent'y$ seen Smiths son$ and now them we''+ They a'sohave a new !i)'e$ a new reve'ation$ have started a new sect$ and wi'' have nothing to do

    with others$ )(t prose'yte from a''+

    The Mormons )egan in

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    writings$ viJ+$ an appendix to the !i)'e+ She occ(pies the same re'ation to her peop'ethat Mrs+ So(thcott did to hers$ Ann 5ee to the Shaers$ and 3oe Smith to the Mormons+

    Among themse'ves they (ote her as we do 1a('+ A text from her writings is an end ofa'' controversy in doctrine and discip'ine+ It is common to hear them say that when they

    give (p her visions they wi'' give (p the !i)'e too$ and they often do+

    %er visions$ or 7testimonies$7 as they are ca''ed$ are so insepara)'y connected with thewho'e Seventh-day Adventist doctrine that a person cannot consistent'y accept the onewitho(t accepting the other+ !esides$ they are so constant'y (rged (pon their peop'e inevery possi)'e way$ that a person cannot 'ong fee' comforta)'e among them (n'ess he$too accepts them+ Any one who re*ects or opposes them is )randed as a re)e' fightingagainst 9od+ Th(s Mrs+ ,hite herse'f says: 7If yo( 'essen the confidence of 9odspeop'e in the testimonies he has sent them$ yo( are re)e''ing against 9od as certain'yas were 0ora$ Dathan and A)iram+7 Testimony /o+ ?

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    every word she writes is a ray of 'ight from the throne of 9od+ e*ect that$ and yo( arere*ected of 9od+

    Th(s it wi'' )e seen that Mrs+ ,hite c'aims the very highest inspiration$ the voice of 9odspeaing direct'y thro(gh her+ %er fo''owers contend that she m(st either )e a tr(e

    prophetess or e'se a hypocrite8 )(t she is neither+ &ew are aware of what a powerf('inf'(ence an excited re'igio(s imagination wi'' have over a person+ Enth(siasts andfanatics are genera''y honest peop'e+ Mrs+ ,hite is simp'y a re'igio(s enth(siast se'f-deceived+ This I sha'' prove )y st())orn facts+

    I 'ong st(died Mrs+ ,hite to determine for myse'f her rea' character ti'' her case is c'earto my own mind+ /at(ra''y re'igio(s$ yo(ng in years$ (ned(cated$ sic'y$ she was carriedaway in the Mi''erite excitement of ?: 7I am *(st as dependent (pon the Spirit ofthe 5ord in re'ating or writing a vision as in having a vision+7 %ere she c'aims that thevery words in which her visions are recorded are of divine inspiration+ !(t I now thatthe words in her written 7testimonies7 are not inspired8 for -

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    ?+ As she is ignorant of grammar$ of 'ate years she has emp'oyed an accomp'ishedwriter to tae her man(script and correct it$ improve its wording$ po'ish it (p$ and p(t it inpop('ar sty'e$ so her )oos wi'' se'' )etter+ Tho(sands of words$ not her own$ are th(s

    p(t in )y these other persons$ some of whom are not even Christian+ Are their wordsinspired$ too2

    B+ She often copies her s()*ect matter witho(t credit or sign of (otation$ from othera(thors+ Indeed her 'ast )oo$ +reat Controversy$ which they 'a(d so high'y as hergreatest wor$ is 'arge'y a compi'ation from Andrews %istory of the *aath$ %istory ofthe -aldenses)y ,y'ie$ Life of iller)y ,hite$ Tho#ghts on Revelation)y Smith$ andother )oos+

    This she pretends was a'' revea'ed to her direct'y from heaven+ It is notsomething she has heard or read or st(died o(t$ )(t it is what 9od has

    revea'ed to her )y the %o'y 9host+ St())orn facts show that her c'aim is(tter'y fa'se and her )oo a deception the same as the Boo2 of or!on$which Smith sto'e from Spa('ding+

    The 1astors 6nion of %ea'ds)(rg$ Ca'+$ investigated the matter andp()'ished many examp'es o(t of h(ndreds where she had copied hermatter direct'y from other a(thors witho(t anything to show it was copied+They went thro(gh severa' wors and scores of pages finding the samething a'' thro(gh her )oo+ This proves her g(i'ty of stea'ing her ideas andmatter from other a(thors and p(tting them off on her fo''owers as areve'ation from 9od;

    F+ 1assages S(ppressed+ Severa' important passages in the first edition of her visionshave )een s(ppressed in a'' 'ater ones as they contradict what Adventists now )e'ieve+&or thirty years they have chafed (nder this charge of s(ppression+ They have denied it$made 'ight of it8 and fina''y the press(re was so hard that in

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    7I saw that the mysterio(s signs and wonders$ and fa'se reformations wo('d increaseand spread+ The reformations that were shown me were not reformations from error totr(th K)(t from )ad to worse$ for those who professed a change of heart had on'ywrapped a)o(t them a re'igio(s gar)$ which covered (p the ini(ity of a wiced heart+

    Some appeared to have )een rea''y converted$ so as to deceive 9ods peop'e$ )(t iftheir hearts co('d )e seen they wo('d appear as )'ac as everL+ My accompanyingange' )ade me to 'oo for the travai' of so(' for sinners as (sed to )e+ I 'ooed$ )(tco('d not see it$ for the time for their sa'vation is past+7 Present Tr#th$ page 44$p()'ished A(g(st$ +

    As /ow 1()'ished

    7I saw that the mysterio(s signs and wonders$ and fa'se reformations wo('d increaseand spread+ The reformations that were shown me were not reformations from error totr(th+ My accompanying ange' )ade me to 'oo for the travai' of so(' for sinners as (sed

    to )e+ I 'ooed$ )(t co('d not see it$ for the time for their sa'vation is past+7 1age ?$edition of

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    year$ that there was no more sa'vation for sinners+ #f co(rse she has to deny this now$)(t the proof is overwhe'ming'y against her+

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    mediatoria' throne8 the who'e wor'd was doomed and 'ost and there never co('d )eanother sinner saved+7 5+S+ !(rdic$ 7Tr#e *aath$7 page 4+ #++5+ Crosier ept theSa))ath with them in

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    t(rns$ evasions$ dodges$ (i))'es$ if not something worse$ resorted to on this passageto save Mrs+ ,hites visions+ !(t there it stands$ to moc at a'' their efforts+ %ere isanother passage teaching the same doctrine: 7it was *(st as impossi)'e for them to geton the path again and go to the city$ as a'' the wiced wor'd which 9od had re*ected+7 A,ord to the 5itt'e &'oc$ page + Thatwas thirty-eight years ago+ It taes a 'ong time for them to get fighting mad;

    B+ Another mistae+ 7Some are 'ooing too far off for the coming of the 5ord+7 1age B>+That was thirty-eight years ago$ and no Adventist then 'ooed for time to 'ast ten years+

    F+ Another )'(nder+ 7The time for 3es(s to )e in the most ho'y p'ace was near'yfinished+7 1age B>+ 3es(s went there in

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    + She )roe the Sa))ath for e'even years+ Tho(gh she had vision after vision a)o(t theSa))ath$ yet for e'even years they a'' )egan it at six 1+M+ instead of at s(nset as the 'awre(ires+ 5ev+ 4?:?4+ ,hen they fo(nd their mistae$ she saw it$ too$ in vision+ She says:7I ac(ired why it has )een th(s that at this 'ate date we m(st change+7 Testi!ony/o+

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    #ne of the worst )'(nders Mrs+ ,hite ever made$ one which p'ain'y showed herfanaticism and that 9od had nothing to do with her wor$ was the move she made ondress+ &irst she wrote: 79od wo('d not have his peop'e adopt the so-ca''ed reformdress$7 Testi!onies$ "o'+ I$ page B4

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    the %ea'th Instit(te sho('d not have )een given (nti' I was a)'e to write o(t a'' I hadseen in regard to it++++ I yie'ded my *(dgment to that of others and wrote what appearedin /o+

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    %ysteria+ So with Mrs+ ,hite+ She has grad(a''y improved in hea'th and her visionshave as grad(a''y ceased+ At first she had visions a'most dai'y$ )(t they have grown 'essfre(ent as she grew o'der and hea'thier$ ti'' after a)o(t forty-five years of age$ sincewhich time she has not averaged one in five years$ and even these are short and 'ight$ti'' now she has ceased entire'y to have them+ /ow read this: 7%ysteria genera''y attacs

    women from the age of p()erty to the dec'ine of the pec('iar f(nctions of her sex+7(ohnson)s Cy$lopedia$ artic'e$ %ysteria+ Mrs+ ,hites case again$ exact'y+

    >+ The ca(se+ %ysteria$ cata'epsy$ epi'epsy and ecstasy are a'' nervo(s diseases$ whichsometimes co-exist or a'ternate or )'end together so it is diffic('t to disting(ish them+The ca(ses noted are: 7?+ 7In ten of my cases the disease was d(e to ref'ex ca(ses$ which consisted in sixcases of in*(ries to the head+7 3#nda!ental Nervo#s Disease$ 1(tJe'$ page + This isMrs+ ,hite again$ exact'y+ At the age of nine she received a terri)'e )'ow on the face$

    which )roe her nose and near'y i''ed her+ She was (nconscio(s for three wees+ Seeher 'ife in Testi!onies$ "o'+ I$ pages >-

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    was that she had her first vision$ rea''y a fit+ 1age F=+ 7I was )(t seventeen years of age$sma'' and frai'+7 1age 4+ 7My strength was taen away$7 and ange's ta' with her+ 1ageB+ 7My friends tho(ght I co('d not 'ive++++ Immediate'y taen off in vision+7 1age +/otice that her visions happen when she is very sic; This te''s the story8 they are theres('t of her physica' weaness+ If it was the power of the %o'y 9host$ why didnt 9od

    send it when she was we''2 ,hy not2

    7I often fainted 'ie one dead+7 The next day she was we'' and 7rode thirty-eight mi'es+71age =+ This is characteristic of hysterica' fema'es$ as a'' now who have seen them+They are *(st dying one ho(r and a'' we'' the next+ Mrs+ ,hite has gone thro(gh that atho(sand times+ She is *(st dying$ is prayed for$ is hea'ed )y 9od$ and a'' we'' in a fewmin(tes+ In a few days she goes right over it again+ !(t if 9od hea's her$ why doesntshe stay hea'ed2 This (sed to )other me+ ,hen 3es(s hea'ed a man$ did he have to go)ac and )e hea'ed over again every few days2 She goes on: 7I fainted (nder the)(rden+ Some feared I was dying++++ I was soon 'ost to earth'y things7 - had a vision+1age =+ Again: 7I fainted+ 1rayer was offered for me and I was )'essed and taen off in

    vision+7 1age ==+ There yo( have it$ the same o'd story+ It is simp'y her hysterica'imagination$ nothing more+ /ext page+ 7I fainted+++taen off in vision+7 So she goes on a''thro(gh her )oo+ Says the En$y$lopedia A!eri$ana$ artic'e$ %ysteria: 7&ainting fits$pa'pitation of the heart appear very fre(ent'y and are sometimes so severe thatpersons aff'icted with them seem to )e dying+7 Mrs+ ,hite exact'y+

    #n page after page the same story is repeated )y herse'f+ In the acco(nt of her 'astvision$ 3an+ ?$

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    princip'es which do not impeach the mora' character$ and I am g'ad to accept theexp'anation++ Does not )reathe+ 7Stoppage of respiration (s(a''y comp'ete+7 79enera''y appears toho'd his )reath+7 Roert)s Theory and Pra$ti$e of edi$ine$ page ?>?-?>B+ E'der ,hite$

    descri)ing her condition in vision says: 7She does not )reathe+7 Life 4n$idents$ page44+ They a'ways refer to this fact with great confidence as proof of the s(pernat(ra' inher visions8 )(t it wi'' )e seen that it is common in these diseases+

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    Says Dr+ o)erts: 7The exciting ca(se of the first hysterica' fit is genera''y somepowerf(' s(dden emotiona' dist(r)ance+7 7Sometimes the attac is preceded )ydisappointment$ fear$ vio'ent$ exciting or even re'igio(s emotions+7 Lirary of /niversalnowledge$ artic'e$ PCata'epsy+Q 3(st her case in

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    >+ She teaches fa'se doctrines+

    9+ She has a harsh$ (ncharita)'e spirit$ and )egets this in a'' her fo''owers+

    @+ She )(i'ds (p an iso'ated sect$ and th(s destroys a'' their inf'(ence for good+

    :+ %er teachings mae her peop'e narrow$ )igoted$ and g'oomy+ Th(s she )'asts thepeace of tho(sands of so('s+

    + It 'eads her advocates to deceive+ !eing afraid that it wi'' h(rt them in new p'aces$ if itis nown in what 'ight they rea''y ho'd her visions$ they eep them )ac as 'ong as theycan and then they deny that it is a matter of importance with them+ This is fa'se anddeceptive$ for they ho'd faith in her visions to )e as important as eeping the Sa))ath$and they ho'd her visions to )e as sacred as the !i)'e+

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    to the Spirit(a'ists$ some to the &ree Thiners$ some to the Shaers$ some to theMormons$ and some to the wor'd+ They have near'y driven Mrs+ ,hite herse'f intoinfide'ity+ %ere are her own words: 7In the night I have awaened my h(s)and$ saying$ Iam afraid that I sha'' )ecome an infide'+7 Testi!onies$ "o'+ I$ page F>+ %ow (n'ie theapost'es that so(nds+

    Mrs. %hite ,eco2es !ich.There is no examp'e in the !i)'e where a prophet too advantage of his inspiration toenrich himse'f+ They genera''y wored hard$ had 'itt'e$ and died poor+ !(t Mrs+ ,hite)egan poverty poor+ She says: 7,e entered (pon o(r wor penni'ess+7 Testi!onies$ "o'+I$ page F+ !(t as soon as they )ecame 'eaders$ they managed to s(pp'y themse'veswe''+ Since I new them$ thirty years ago$ they have had an a)(ndance$ and have (sedmeans for themse'ves 'avish'y+ They wo('d a'ways have the )est and p'enty of it+Everywhere they went they re(ired to )e waited (pon in the most s'avish manner+ Mrs+,hite dresses very rich'y$ often is f(rnished women to wait on her$ and a'' their time and

    expenses are paid )y the conference+

    ,hen E'der ,hite died he 'eft a 'arge fort(ne+ %e was a sharp )(siness man$ and tooadvantage of his position to )enefit himse'f and his fami'y$ and she aided him in it )y herreve'ations+ %ow different from Mr+ Moody; Mrs+ ,hite is eighty years o'd$ is worththo(sands$ has a 'arge income$ has not a sing'e so(' dependent (pon her$ says thattime is a)o(t to end$ (rges a'' to c(t down their possessions$ yet taes 'arge roya'ty ona'' her n(mero(s )oos and seems as eager for money as others+ %ow is this2

    The 'ast year I was with them she received H

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    thro(gh every channe'+ She is constant'y (rging it )y a'' her inspired a(thority+ %ear her:7The vo'(mes of Spirit of 1rophecy and a'so the Testi!onies sho('d )e introd(ced intoevery Sa))ath eeping fami'y++++ 5et them )e worn o(t in )eing read )y a'' theneigh)ors++++ 1revai' (pon them to )(y copies++++ 5ight so precio(s$ coming from thethrone of 9od$ is hid (nder a )(she'+ 9od wi'' mae his peop'e responsi)'e for this

    neg'ect+7 Testi!onies$ "o'+ I"$ pages ?>$ ?>

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    earnest a)o(t her de'(sions+ So few peop'e in the wor'd are rea''y so that they area'ways 'ia)'e to )e ens'aved )y others who have convictions of any ind$ howevergrotes(e+ #n her death-)ed 3oanna said: If I have )een mis'ed$ it has )een )y somespirit$ good or evi'+ 1oor 3oanna never s(spected that the spirit which p'ayed s(chvagaries was her own+7

    3(st so of Mrs+ ,hite+ It is marve'o(s that with a'' the proof of her fai'(res inte''igent menare sti'' 'ed )y her+ !(t the case of 3oanna$ of Ann 5ee$ and others$ he'ps (s to so'vethis one+ A'' have earnest'y )e'ieved in their own inspiration$ and this a'one hasconvinced others+

    The Adventists5 Addition to the ,ibe

    7The !i)'e and the !i)'e #n'y$ as a ('e of &aith and 1ractice$7 is the 1rotestantwatchword for which saints have fo(ght and martyrs died+

    The Catho'ic ch(rch has the !i)'e and - and - something e'se - an infa''i)'e 1ope tointerpret it+

    The Sweden)org ch(rch has the !i)'e and - and - something e'se - Sweden)orgsreve'ation to interpret it+

    The Shaers have the !i)'e and - and - something e'se - Mother Ann 5ees reve'ation tointerpret it+

    The Mormons have the !i)'e and - and - something e'se - 3oe Smiths reve'ations tointerpret it+

    Christian Scientists have the !i)'e and - and - something e'se - Mrs+ Eddys Scienceand %ea'th to te'' what it means+

    Seventh-day Adventists have the !i)'e and - and - something e'se - Mrs+ ,hitesreve'ations to interpret it+

    Each of the a)ove ch(rches has done exact'y the same thing$ name'y$ has p(t righta'ong with the good o'd !i)'e another interpreter to te'' what that o'd !i)'e rea''y means+,hatever these new interpreters say it means$ a'' their mem)ers m(st accept as tr(ewitho(t f(rther (estion+ Dare a Catho'ic disp(te the 1opes interpretation$ or a Mormon

    disp(te Smiths$ or an Adventist disp(te Mrs+ ,hites interpretation2 /o indeed+

    Chapter I$

    The #ature of the Sabbath Co22and2ent

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    That the Sa))ath of the Deca'og(e was part'y mora' and part'y ceremonia'$ or positive$in its nat(re has )een the doctrine of the ch(rch as ta(ght )y its )est theo'ogians in a''ages+ Tae a few examp'es o(t of scores that co('d )e given+ ,atsons Theo'ogica'Instit(tes$ the great Methodist standard$ says: 7!(t as the command is part'y positiveand part'y mora'$ it may have circ(mstances which are capa)'e of )eing a'tered inperfect o)edience with the mora' princip'es on which it rests+7 "o'+ II$ page F

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    There wo('d not )e a partic'e of difference whichever day was se'ected+ S(ppose thata'' the ch(rches wo('d change in one wee and eep Sat(rday instead of S(nday$ whatpractica' difference wo('d it mae2 /one at a''+ 1hysica' rest$ menta' rest$ socia' andre'igio(s privi'eges$ a (iet day$ - a'' that can )e sec(red )y one day can )y another$ sofar as the day is concerned+ !(t to sec(re the greatest good from the day$ a'' sho('d

    rest the same day+ ,here this is not done conf(sion and evi' fo''ows+ Ex+ 4:=-

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    permanent$ (nchangea)'e affair+ 5et Sa))atarians meditate here awhi'e+ More sti'': Aday once appointed$ and made a ho'y Sa))ath day )y 9od himse'f$ may cease to )es(ch and )ecome even hatef(' to 9od+ Th(s: Isa+

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    Sa))ath+ !(t 'et (s consider what a ceremony is+ ,e)ster says: 7Ceremony+ #(twardrite8 externa' form in re'igion+7 That is exact'y what the o)servance of the Sa))ath wasin 3ewish worship+ Do not Adventists c'ass the eeping of a'' the other ho'y days asceremonia'2 Yes8 )(t they were a'' 7ho'y convocations+7 5ev+ 4?:4$ 'ie the seventh day+ead E'der Smiths own arg(ments on this point+ he says: 7,ere these other days

    which were E.ACT5Y 5I0E T%AT$ - days of rest and convocation$ - were these daysa'so Sa))aths$ or were they not27 ,hat ,as /ai'ed to the Cross$ page

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    part of time$ )(t no the same seventh part+ /ot nowing this$ see what a )'(nder Mrs+,hite made+ She says: 7I saw that the Sa))ath wo('d never )e done away$ )(t theredeemed saints$ A/D A55 T%E A/9E5IC %#ST$ wi'' o)serve it in honor of the greatCreator to a'' eternity+7 *pirit#al +ifts$ "o'+ I$ page

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    from the time any one day )egins in the extreme east ti'' it ends at the f(rthest p'ace inthe west+ ,i'' the reader stop and thin caref(''y$ sharp'y$ on this point$ for it is animportant one2 It taes twenty-fo(r ho(rs for the &IST E/D of a day to go c'eararo(nd the earth+ Then$ as the 5AST E/D of the day is twenty-fo(r ho(rs )ehind the&IST E/D$ it m(st a'so have twenty-fo(r ho(rs more to go c'ear aro(nd the earth$ and

    that maes forty-eight ho(rs in a'' that each day is on the earth somewhere+

    I am (ite certain that the average Sa))atarian fee's he eeps the seventh day that heis now eeping ho'y time with the 5ord himse'f$ and with the ange's$ and with a'' his)rethren+ I (sed to fee' that way I now$ and the a)ove (otations from Mrs+ ,hite andE'der Smith show p'ain'y that even they thin so$ too+ !(t it wi'' )e seen that this cannot)e so (n'ess the 5ord eeps the time of two who'e days each wee+ And in that case$those on this side of the earth wo('d )e woring whi'e the 5ord was eeping theSa))ath with those on the other side of the earth+ Then those on the opposite of theearth wo('d )e woring whi'e the 5ord ept Sa))ath with those on this side+ And sonone of them wo('d eep the Sa))ath with the 5ord after a''; In fact$ taing it a'' aro(nd

    the earth$ there is not a sing'e ho(r in the who'e wee$ when there is not someSa))atarian at wor on some part of the earth;

    !(t$ f(rther$ does the 5ord eep o(r seventh day with (s$ or does he eep the seventhday with the peop'e on other p'anets2 #(r days and wees are not at a'' in harmonywith theirs$ nor can one of them )e 'ie another+ /ow$ if the 5ord rests on'y on o(rSat(rday$ then he co('d not rest on the seventh day of "en(s or Mars or 3(piter$ etc+$ asthe seventh day of each p'anet differs in 'ength and comes at a different time$ from thatof o(r earth or any p'anet+ %ow$ then$ co('d 9od rest on a'' these days2 If he did hem(st eep Sa))ath a'' the time$ and then no)ody$ ange's or men$ co('d eep theSa))ath with the 5ord if they wored at a'';

    ,hat$ then$ )ecomes of Mrs+ ,hites statement that 7A55 T%E A/9E5IC %#ST7 eepo(r Sa))ath2 or E'der Smiths hypothesis that a'' the (niverse wi'' o)serve 7T%E SAME1EI#D T#9ET%E27 !oth are (tter'y a)s(rd+ The same definite seventh day cannot)e ept )y a'' the (niverse8 even on this earth a'one it cannot )e ept )y a'' at the sametime8 )(t a'' can eep a seventh part of the time+ This princip'e (pon which the fo(rthcommandment was )ased$ may )e of (niversa' app'ication in earth and in heaven$ intime or eternity+ !(t *(st which day that sha'' )e$ is a matter of minor conse(ence to )edetermined )y the circ(mstances in the case$ which may and m(st differ at differenttimes and different p'aces+ To the 3ewish peop'e it certain'y was the seventh day$ orSat(rday$ and no other day wo('d have met the commandment+ A'' the rigoro(s'imitations and exactions of the Sa))ath day$ as (nder the 3ewish 'aw$ co('d )e carriedo(t )y a sma'' peop'e in a 'imited territory where the ch(rch )ore r('e+ A partic('ar day$the seventh$ De(t+ F:

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    Christian rest day was necessari'y and wise'y 'eft (pon a far different )asis+

    %here Sha %e ,egin the Day+

    If a mans sa'vation depends (pon eeping the same day to a min(te that 9od ept at

    creation$ then it is infinite'y important that we now exact'y to a rod where his day )eganso as to )egin o(rs there too+ !(t the 5ord has not said a word a)o(t it nor given the'east c'(e as to where to )egin the day+ /or do Sa))atarians 0/#, anything a)o(t it$)(t have to g(ess at the who'e thing+ The day is now genera''y reconed to )egin at acertain 'ine

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    hair-sp'itting$ te'' me what is+ It i''(strates the chi'dishness of the who'e Sa))atarian)(siness+ /ow 'et the Adventists *(st shift their day 'ine a 'itt'e f(rther east to inc'(de

    America and they can eep o(r day with (s+

    If the day )egan in the traditiona' p'ace where Eden is said to have )een 'ocated$ then

    the day 'ine wo('d )e away west of the present 'ocation some $ mi'es$ west even ofA(stra'ia8 and then the Seventh-day peop'e in A(stra'ia are not eeping the Sa))ath ata''+ In that case the S(nday-eepers of /ew Nea'and and A(stra'ia are now act(a''yeeping the origina' seventh day$ and Sa))atarians there are eeping the sixth day; Dothey now$ and can they prove$ that this is not so2 /o8 they simp'y have to tae thereconing *(st as it happened to )e$ right or wrong$ witho(t nowing which it is+ And yet$at great expense$ they have sent missionaries there to convert the peop'e over to eepanother day$ when act(a''y they do not now )(t what those peop'e are rea''y eepingthe seventh day$ and they themse'ves are wrong; /one$ not even themse'ves$ pretendto now where 9od )egan to recon that day8 yet they draw the 'ine to a hair$ and saythat a'' wi'' )e damned who do not toe that 'ine and co(nt from that spot; Does the

    sa'vation of a mans so(' depend (pon s(ch mathematica' niceties and s(ch(ncertainties as these2 If it does$ we may we'' despair of heaven+

    The very fact that 9od has never revea'ed *(st where the tr(e day 'ine is$ or where theseventh day )egan$ shows that it is of no conse(ence for (s to now+ A'asa$ thenorthwest point of America$ was sett'ed )y (ssians ages ago$ )efore the present day'ine existed+ #f co(rse they )ro(ght their reconing with them and hence their S(ndaywas on Sat(rday+ In

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    and in the other case he ept forty-two ho(rs;

    These st())orn facts demonstrate the (tter a)s(rdity of the Sa))atarian view+ Theyc'aim that these things do not )other them any8 )(t I now that they do$ and )ad'y$ too+They have written m(ch on it$ devised a'' sorts of diagrams$ i''(strations and arg(ments

    to meet the diffic('ty8 )(t none are satisfactory$ even to themse'ves+ %ence newmethods are constant'y )eing devised to dodge the diffic('ty+ The 'atest discovery is thatadopted )y the Seventh-day Adventist ministers of the /ew Yor conference+ It is thatthe earth is a)so'(te'y &5AT and STATI#/AY$ with s(n$ moon and stars m(ch sma''erthan the earth and revo'ving aro(nd it; 7The s(n$ he do move$7 the o'd darey said$ andthey say$ Amen+

    The Sabbath at the #orth Poe

    /ow test the definite Seventh-day theory in the froJen regions of the north+ The daym(st )e ept from s(nset to s(nset+ 5ev+ 4?:?4+ !(t in the winter there are months when

    the s(n is not seen there at a''$ so they have no s(nset+ And again$ in s(mmer there aremonths when the s(n is a)ove the horiJon a'' the time$ when there is no s(nset+ %erethe theory )reas down entire'y$ and the day m(st )e reconed )y artificia' means+ Theycan eep one-seventh of the time$ and that is a)so'(te'y a'' that can )e done+ Seventh-day Adventists have arg(ed that there was no rea' diffic('ty here8 it was a'' imaginary+They try to )'(ff it off with a 'a(gh8 )(t that does not answer the facts+ I now that theythemse'ves have got into serio(s tro()'e right here+ So great was their diffic('ty$ even innorthern Sweden and /orway$ that in

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    If$ in trave'ing aro(nd the wor'd$ men sho('d mistae their 'ongit(de$ as in case ofA'asa and 1itcairns Is'and$ and ca'' Sat(rday S(nday$ it is not materia'+ They had)etter a'' (nite on that than to (arre' over it+

    If$ in the 'ong period of darness at the north po'e$ men sho('d 'ose the time$ and then

    se'ect some other period than that which exact'y corresponds to o(r S(nday$ ho(r forho(r$ the difference wo('d not )e materia'+ #r$ if in 'ocating the day 'ine from which torecon the )eginning of the day$ that 'ine had happened to )e 'ocated F$ mi'esf(rther east or

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    D(ring the 'ong period )efore the f'ood8 d(ring the patriarcha' age when they had norecords8 d(ring their s'avery in Egypt when even traditiona' now'edge was 'arge'y 'os