seventh sunday after trinity july 30, 2017 · 2017. 7. 30. · welcome to st. luke’s at...

At 8th and N Streets NW Washington DC 1315 8th Street NW Washington DC 20001 202-999-9934 The Very Rev. Fr. Timothy Perkins Interim Administrator Fr. John Vidal Incoming Pastor [October 2017] Welcome to St. Lukes at Immaculate Conception. We are delighted to have you with us. We are a parish of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, which was established on January 1, 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI in response to repeated requests by Anglicans seeking to become Catholic. Ordinariate parishes are fully Catholic while retaining elements of their Anglican heritage and traditions, including liturgical traditions. If you are visiting, please introduce yourself to the priest and join us for refreshments after the Mass in the school auditorium. Mass: Sunday, 8:30 am Seventh Sunday after Trinity July 30, 2017 That we all may be one The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter Keep in touch with St. Lukes! Friend us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at @StLukesDC Or join our mailing list for the Friends of St. Lukes by emailing Today is Thanksgiving Sunday On the last Sunday of every month we observe Thanksgiving Sunday, when we make a return to the Lord for all He has given us. Has the Lord blessed you in this past month? A second collection at the end of communion this morning is your opportunity to make an offering in gratitude. Corporal Work of Mercy for July: Food Pantry Restocking Immaculate Conception operates an emergency food pantry for people in need who live within a twenty-block radius of the church. Our corporal act of mercy for July is helping to restock the pantry. Canned foods and other non-perishables such as rice or spaghetti are appropriate and welcome. Contributions will be collected at the coffee hour or in the vestibule during the month of July, and we will give them to the pantry at the end of the month. We hope all members of the parish will participate. Fr. Vidal To Visit us Next Sunday Fr. John Vidal, our incoming pastor, will be in town next week to prepare for his move to Washington in October. He will celebrate our 8:30 am mass with us. Come and meet him next Sunday. Plan to linger at coffee hour and help him to get to know his new parish family.

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Page 1: Seventh Sunday after Trinity July 30, 2017 · 2017. 7. 30. · Welcome to St. Luke’s at Immaculate Conception. We are delighted to have you with us. We are a parish of the Personal

At 8th and N Streets NW Washington DC

1315 8th Street NW

Washington DC 20001


The Very Rev. Fr. Timothy Perkins

Interim Administrator Fr. John Vidal

Incoming Pastor [October 2017]

Welcome to St. Luke’s at Immaculate Conception.

We are delighted to have you with us. We are a parish of the

Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter,

which was established on January 1, 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI in response to

repeated requests by Anglicans seeking to become Catholic.

Ordinariate parishes are fully Catholic while retaining elements of

their Anglican heritage and traditions, including liturgical traditions.

If you are visiting,

please introduce yourself to the priest and

join us for refreshments after the Mass

in the school auditorium.

Mass: Sunday, 8:30 am

Seventh Sunday after Trinity July 30, 2017

That we all may be one

The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter Keep in touch with St. Luke’s!

Friend us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at @StLukesDC Or join our mailing list for the Friends of St. Luke’s by emailing

Today is Thanksgiving Sunday On the last Sunday of every month we observe Thanksgiving Sunday, when we make a return to the Lord for all He has given us. Has the Lord blessed you in this past month? A second collection at the end of communion this morning is your opportunity to make an offering in gratitude. Corporal Work of Mercy for July: Food Pantry Restocking Immaculate Conception operates an emergency food pantry for people in need who live within a twenty-block radius of the church. Our corporal act of mercy for July is helping to restock the pantry. Canned foods and other non-perishables such as rice or spaghetti are appropriate and welcome. Contributions will be collected at the coffee hour or in the vestibule during the month of July, and we will give them to the pantry at the end of the month. We hope all members of the parish will participate. Fr. Vidal To Visit us Next Sunday Fr. John Vidal, our incoming pastor, will be in town next week to prepare for his move to Washington in October. He will celebrate our 8:30 am mass with us. Come and meet him next Sunday. Plan to linger at coffee hour and help him to get to know his new parish family.

Page 2: Seventh Sunday after Trinity July 30, 2017 · 2017. 7. 30. · Welcome to St. Luke’s at Immaculate Conception. We are delighted to have you with us. We are a parish of the Personal

This Week Monday, July 31st Ignatius of Loyola, Priest Tuesday, August 1st Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Wednesday, August 2nd Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop Peter Julian Eymard, Priest Friday, August 4th John Vianney, Priest Saturday, August 5th Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major Sunday, August 6th TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD

Know Your Faith Ignatius of Loyola [c. October 23, 1491 – July 31, 1556] was a Spanish Basque priest and theologian, who founded the religious order called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and became its first Superior General. The Jesuit order served the Pope as missionaries, and they were bound by a vow of special obedience to the sovereign pontiff in regard to the missions. They therefore emerged as an important political force during the time of the Counter-Reformation.

Ignatius is remembered as a talented spiritual director. He recorded his method in a celebrated treatise called the Spiritual Exercises, a simple set of meditations, prayers, and other mental exercises, first published in 1548.

Ignatius was beatified in 1609, and then canonized, receiving the title of Saint on March 12, 1622. His feast day is celebrated on July 31. He is the patron saint of the Basque provinces of Guipuzkoa and Biscay as well as the Society of

Hymnal #273 Processional Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

cantor Introit Omnes gentes plaudite [Psalm 47: 1, 2] O clap your hands together, all ye people: O sing unto God with the voice of joy and triumph. Ps. For the Lord is high, and to be feared: he is the great King upon all the earth. Glory be..., O clap your hands...

Missal p. 1 Introductory Rites Collect for Purity & Summary of the Law

choir Kyrie Short Communion Service [Batten]

Blue insert Gloria Anglican Folk Mass [Shaw]

Missal p.2 Collect Lord of all power and might, who art the author and giver of all good things: graft in our hearts the love of thy Name; increase in us true religion, nourish us with all goodness, and of thy great mercy keep us in the same; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

sit First Reading 1 Kings 3: 5, 7-12 In those days: At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, "Ask what I shall give you." And Solomon said, “O LORD my God, you have made your servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. And your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen, a great people, that cannot be numbered or counted for multitude. Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil; for who is able to govern this great people of yours?" It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this. And God said to him, "Because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself long life or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, behold, I now do according to your word. Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you.”

all Appointed Psalm Psalm 119: 57, 72, 76-77, 127-139 THOU art my portion, O Lord; * I have promised to keep thy law. The law of thy mouth is dearer unto me * than thousands of gold and silver. O let thy merciful kindness be my comfort, * according to thy word unto thy servant. O let thy loving mercies come unto me, that I may live; * for thy law is my delight. For I love thy commandments * above gold and precious stones. Therefore hold I straight all thy commandments; * and all false ways I utterly abhor. Thy testimonies are wonderful; * therefore doth my soul keep them. When thy word goeth forth, * it giveth light and understanding unto the simple.

Second Reading Romans 8: 28-30 Brethren: We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born

Jesus, and was declared patron saint of all spiritual retreats by Pope Pius XI in 1922. Ignatius is also a foremost patron saint of soldiers.

Page 3: Seventh Sunday after Trinity July 30, 2017 · 2017. 7. 30. · Welcome to St. Luke’s at Immaculate Conception. We are delighted to have you with us. We are a parish of the Personal

Holy Land Pilgrimage Join Fr. John Vidal on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: January 17-27, 2018. The 10-day trip will include visits to ·Jerusalem ·Bethlehem ·Nazareth ·Galilee ·Via Crucis ·Last Supper ·Gethsemane ·Dormition ·Nativity Church ·Capernaum ·Dead Sea ·Tel Aviv. Daily Mass at Holy Sites, with 4- Star Hotels, all inclusive with the exception of lunch. Wine at dinner. Cost from anywhere in the US is $3,300 per person, double occupancy. For more information contact Fr. John at [email protected] or (443) 522-9430. Or check under the Events tab on the parish website.

DC Metro Catholic News

Feast of Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula Vigil: August 1st, 7 pm Mass: August 2nd, 7 am On the grounds of the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America [1400 Quincy Street NE], there is a replica of the chapel of St. Mary of the Angels in Assisi, known as the Portiuncula (“little portion”). St. Francis obtained from the pope the privilege of a plenary indulgence for visiting the original chapel between the afternoon of August 1st and sunset August 2nd. This indulgence has been extended to all Franciscan churches on August 1 and 2. The Franciscan Monastery offers Evening Prayer for the vigil at 7 pm, Tuesday, August 1, in their Portiuncula Chapel; on the feast day, Wednesday, August 2nd, there will be a Mass in the Portiuncula Chapel at 7 am. The faithful who meet the usual conditions of Communion, Confession, and praying for the Pope’s intentions can receive the plenary indulgence, known as the Pardon of Assisi (or Portiuncula Indulgence), that day.

among many brethren. And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.

cantor Alleluia Omnes gentes plaudite [Psalm 47: 1] Alleluia, alleluia. O clap your hands together, all ye people: O sing unto God with the voice of melody. Alleluia.

stand Gospel Matthew 13: 44-52 At that time: Jesus said to the crowds, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind; when it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into vessels but threw away the bad. So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth. Have you understood all this?” They said to him, “Yes.” And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”

sit Homily

Blue insert The Nicene Creed Anglican Folk Mass [Shaw]

Missal p.25 The Prayers of the Faithful

Missal p.5 The Penitential Rite

cantor sit

Offertory Chant Sicut in holocausto [Daniel 3: 40] Like as in the burnt-offerings of rams and bullocks; and like as in ten thousands of fat lambs: so let our sacrifice be in thy sight this day, that it may please thee; for they shall not be confounded that put their trust in thee, O Lord.

choir Offertory Anthem Out of the Deep [Wood]

Hymnal #445 Offertory Hymn Christ Leads Me Through No Darker Rooms

Missal p.7 The Offertory

Missal p.12 The Eucharistic Prayer [Roman Canon]

choir Sanctus Short Communion Service [Batten]

Missal p.19 The Lord’s Prayer

choir Agnus Dei Short Communion Service [Batten]

Missal p.20 The Prayer of Humble Access

cantor Communion Inclina aurem tuam [Psalm 31: 2] Bow down thine ear to me: make haste to deliver me.

choir Communion Motet Jesu rex admirabilis [Palestrina]

Missal p.22 Post Communion Prayer and Concluding Rite

Missal p.35 The Last Gospel

Hymnal #258 Recessional Christ Is The World’s True Light

Building Fund Mite Boxes Help us BUILD OUR FUTURE by participating in the Mite Box Collection, our project to collect spare change for the Building Fund. Don’t have a mite box? You can get one from the ushers after mass and start collecting. Bring your offering up at the end of communion on the second Sunday of each month. And you can always just bring up whatever spare change you have in your pocket on the day. No contribution is too small to matter.

Page 4: Seventh Sunday after Trinity July 30, 2017 · 2017. 7. 30. · Welcome to St. Luke’s at Immaculate Conception. We are delighted to have you with us. We are a parish of the Personal

OnLine Giving St. Luke’s now provides Online Giving, a safe and convenient way to support St. Luke’s. Getting started is easy—just visit our website and follow the simple instructions.

Questions or concerns? Contact Susan White at [email protected] for information or assistance.

Ushers Ada Okafor, La-Verne Williams

Lector Susan White

Coffee Hour Host The Transition Team

Administrative Manager Susan White [email protected]

Evangelization Charlotte Hays [email protected]

Liturgy Programs Randy King [email protected]

Stewardship David Lewis [email protected]

Christian Formation James Guinivan [email protected]

Mission & Outreach Patrick Rothwell [email protected]

Music Programs Patrick Delaney [email protected]

Altar Guild Karen King [email protected]

Lectors & Ushers Ada Okafor [email protected]

Altar Servers David Lewis [email protected]

Bulletin Deadline All bulletin announcements and inserts must be submitted no later than the Monday before the publication date. Submissions should be made by email to [email protected].

Prayers for the Sick Those who have asked for our prayers: Lelia Moran, Russell White, JoAnn Lewis, Doris Johnson, J.D. Ruff; and all who are sick and all caregivers who minister to the sick. Please call or email the office to add a name to the prayer list. Before calling, please be sure you have spoken to the person [or a member of his family] about adding the name—we do not want to inadvertently disregard someone’s desire for privacy. Names of those who are sick or injured will be kept on the list for 3 weeks unless you specifically request a shorter period of time or call to ask that the name be removed. Names added this week will appear in boldface type.

Donation Wishlist In preparation for the ordination of a permanent deacon for the parish, St. Luke's needs green and purple dalmatics ($748 each), to match our chasubles, as well as tunicles ($738 each) and maniples ($75 each). We would also like to purchase both a white and a purple cope ($800 each). Contact the parish office if you would be interested in making a gift of vestments, or other memorials.

Just because you are on Vacation... ...doesn’t mean your parish is. ParishSoft ConnectNow, our parish registration software, provides us the opportunity to implement online giving for parishioners and friends of St. Luke’s. Follow the instructions in the box above to sign up for online giving. Help the parish and help yourself by using this simple and secure method to support St. Luke’s. Do you get the Newsletter…? ...and our weekly email reminders? If not, contact [email protected], to get on the parish email list.

Serving Next Sunday, August 6th

Parish Ministries A volunteer is still needed to act as a coordinator for our Hospitality ministries. If you would be willing to assist in taking on this ministry, or consider becoming an usher or a coffee hour host, please contact Susan White at the email address below.